Newspaper Page Text
iiiiiiiiBB1111Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Vj 10 THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAiVHNBR MONPAV EVKWNG. JULY 3 J I 'I TRADING SLUMPS j ON N. YJARKET rotal Sales of 235,000 Shares Smallest for Full Session This Year NT3W YORK, July 3. Trading In fhe stock markot todaj' was extreme ly apathetic. Many popular Issues were not Quoted ot all Total sales ap v proxlmated 23CC00 sharcst were- the tmallast for a full sesion this year. N I'ulln is iraa al low ebb In the final hour. Equipments and coppers hard enod but United States Rtoel was un- der pressure. The r-iosins' was ir- regular. fl"'---. Early deollnffl were lighl .nd lr- n pular nflrctlns the small attendance of memben'. Ralls continued to ig- nore strike developments, change;) ijraln being limited to fractional de clines with New York Central as the one consplclons exception at a ono point advance Mexican Petroleum made an Initial Rain of 2i points, the Kreater part of which wa.s cancelled in the next transaction Specialties of the types represented by Coco Cola which roio almosl 2 points and Du Pont at a gain of 4 points featured the mis cellaneous lasues. The more acute sit uation lr. central European precipitat ed further weakness In foreign ex change with the German marks at the new minimum of .023. The market lapsed into absoluto stagnation soon aftr the opening Sales during the first hour foil below 70,000 shares, the low record of the year Commission houses were de serted and public interest was aJto gether lacking. Some leaders of the industrial group were not all quoted during the morning The only popular Iwue to show any activity and strength j whs Rtudebaker, which rose lVa points. EDarly gains in Coca Cola, Iron Prod ucts and Du Pont were extended the latter advancing about 12 points On turio and "Western was tho only heavy railway issue, declining 2 hi points. An opening rate of five per cent for call nioney waa soon reduced to i per Speculation became progressively duller and fluctuations In the usual lc-adora confined to trllal factions. The Initial transaction In U. S. Steel of I '-'0 did not occur until 11 41 and for the next two hours the range held be-1 , H uveen 99 and 09',i. Certain stocks were !n scant supply when a demand i I' rcfrajdlng an advance of 2M, points in Consolidated Gas. 1 4 In ayser nnd one point in Phillips Pe- troleum. Producers' and Rof ;ne:V. Ma r.r,' f. rre 1 and United Retail t Stores. POREll.X KXCHV-V( E. XEV FORK, July '. T-V'-elgn eX ch.mco irregular Great Hrltaln, de mand i.e'1 cables 1.424; Blxty day I bills on banks 4. -10 France, demand. 8-36, cables 8.36. ita'.y. demand, 4.86; cables 4.68. Belgium, demand, 7-93Vi: cables! 7 34 German, demand 22'i; cables .23. Holland, demand 38 46- cables 38.50. Norway, demand. 16 60. I Sweden, demand, 25 94. Denmark, demand 21 40 Switzerland, demand 18 96. Spain, demand, 15.60. Greece, demand, 2 9S. Poland, demand .02. Czecho-Slovakla. demand 1 9 0. Argentine, demand 36 i7. Brazil, demand 13.87. .Montreal 9S 5-16. CHICAGO ITTl'RES. CHICAGO, July 8 Open High Low Close Wheat July 1.17 1.18 l 18ft 1.16 1 Sept. 117i 1.18V 1.16 1.16 Dec 1.20'4 1.204 1.19 1 19? i.'orn July 63 sas 88 .63 Sept. r,6j -67 .66 .66; Dec .66H -67 .66 .66 Oats I uly 36 t .36 .86 .36 ! Sept .38 .38 28 .88 lec. .42 .42 .41 .41 ktW Pork I Blank, ji Tard luly 11 50 11 50 3 1 27 1 1.30 BP Bept 11.65 11.75 11.55 11 60 ' nib July 11.85 11.85 11 70 11 70 Bept 11.66 11 55 11 45 11.47 I MOSTBX MARKETT. NCT YORK. July 3 Call money H firm; high 4; low 44, ruling rate 44, closing bid 4, offered at 5; last loan 4 call loans against acceptance 4 T ime loans steady; sixty days 4; '.0 days 4; six months 4V4. H Prime mercantile paper 4j?4. IOgden Grain and Produce Market 4 The following prices were being paid by commission houses today for larm products: Hay. $14 per ton. Wheat $1 00 per bushel. I Kpgs. 14,00 4.60 per case. I Butterfat, 82c per pound- NEW YORK STOCKS. J Allied chemical & Dye tfiM I Alll-rha!mer 4a'.B 'American Hcct Sugar 45'-', American Can 4GSH . American Car & Foundry , . 162 Am.-rl-an Hide A- Leather pM . . 871! American International Corp 12B I American Locomotive 112 American Rfheltfng ft Ttefg 191 American Kucr 78B American Bumatra Tobacco fcSH American T & T 120X4 American Woolen 8 J 'ill ' Anaconda Copper 5'.' Atchison 99i All Gulf 4- JV Indie STViB Baldwin Locomotive ll.i Baltimore A Ohio 4vr, Bethlehsm" stoi p. tos Canadian Parifir . isp Central Liattier . 37 B Chandler Motors 6v ' a Chesapeake Ohio fifiP,, Chicago Mil 4- Bl Taul Oilcaffo R I -. Ic 43 Clilno Copper 29M Colorado Puel & Iron 28B Corn Products inj Crucible Steel M Erie . iSU Famous ria-vrs-Lasky S General Asphalt .... r,i General Flr-trlc Ifi.'.a. K General Iotors 14? Goodrich Co. 391) Great Northern pfd 77v Gr.-a; Norihc-rn Ore . 39 'lllnni Ontral 105 inspiration Coprer 89j Inter national llarestct 99ijP . 73TM In'ernaf'onal Paper 461' vui Ible oil Kll -Sprlncfloiii Tire 47 f 394 ii la Yl tie Xanhvllle 131 ! yi '- - . m ) 1 28 MMvale Steel 33U Mlddlo Slate Oil 13.V Mlwr.url Pacific ' 21 N"v.- York Central 94T, N Y N" n Hartford 29 Norfolk & Western . . . ...107M Northern Paelflc . . 75 Oklahoma Irod & Ref .... 3 Pacific Oil , 654 Pan Arnerlcan Potreleum 78 Vfnnr ylvanla . f8V4 P"ople's Gaa 81X4 P'ire Oil 30 Riy Consolidated Corrper it", Reading . 74 Rvp Iron & Steel ....... 70M Royal Putrh ny r.s? Sears Roebuck 7$U Sinclair Con Oil uu Southern Pacific 89 Southern Railway , Standard Oil of N J pfd 1S0"T Studebaker Corporation I2SV4 Tennessee Copper . .... , io2 Texas Co 47 V Toxu.i 4 riicific ' zig Tobiirw. Product 7-1 Transcontinental Ofl ' 9L Union Pacific tag fnltf.l Rci.ii; RfoTes uu D S Ind Alcohol .... v, i; United States Rubber ... V'iB United States Steel "$SS Utah Coppor iv, WettlnRhoise Kiectrlc . S8X4 Willys Overland jU American Zinc. and Src.. ' 17 Butte and Rnpricr --tv. Cola Petroleum . ' rp- ?-Tontana Powr rri?' Shattuck Arlrona . .......... 914 t V (Ogden Cash Gramjl (Quo'ailon: fu nlhcd G.obc Grain t ' , Mltllnc Co.) ulu. In ' 1c rh- ra... paid 10 Ogden Utah Wlntor Wheat No 1 dark hard Jl 02 a 18. No. 2 dark hard 99r'Sl 09 No. 3 dark hard 9Gcfipi 05 Utah White Wheat. No 2 soft whlto 84c,5'94c. No 3 soft whlto BlOQ 91 -No. 1 hard wh!t. 90cysi.po No. 2 hard white 87c97e Idaho Winter Wheat. No 1 dark hard $1.0oa 1 17. No 2 dark hard Jl. 031. 14. No. 3 dark hard 99ot5ti 11 No 1 hard winter S7ci?97c. No. 2 hard winter ii7c99c. Idaho hard Spring Wheat. No. 1 dark northern $1 13 B 11 No. 2 dark northern jl Hifti 20. No -3 dark nort!...rn J107j.jl.tT. No. 1 dark northern 92.'u!l 02. Idaho Winter Wheat. No. 2 soft white 87c$?7. No. 3 60fl whlto 4c?!j4c. No 1 hard white 93c$1.03. No. 2 hard white 90c!gkl 00. No. 3 hart! white 87cig'97c Idaho W.'.ite Feed Oat. 38 bulk 11.17(31 62. rWlth trans:; blUirie light oats 5 to 16c leas, ir eai-ki 1 ... .1 lditlon ) EaUfrn Corn. No J yellow 11.4091 42 No 2 mixed 51 ,, u i.o. lAbovr bulk. Sackid additional COTTON JUMPS $7.50 WITHIN 10 MINUTES N'ETW YORK. Julj 3 Cotton Jump ed about $7 Fo ;i bale today within ton minutes after the publication of tho flrt government torecast of the sea son Heavy buying came In from all quarters as it was realized that the estimated yield of 11.066.000 bales probably not meet requirements. STOCK DIVIDEND IS POSTED BY REO CO. NEW YORK, July 3 The Reo Motor company today announced the declar ation of 100 per cent stock dividend paynble August 10 to holders of record July 15. ISSUES CALL FOR STANDING OF BANKS WASHINGTON. July 3 The comp troller of the currency today Issued a call for the conditions of all national banks at the c'io?e of business on Fri day. June 80. Diversify Your Investment Suggestion for the investment of $4700.00 Par ' " L Value Name. Rate. Maturltr and Price Cost Income Yield I 81,000 Wright 7Vi's 1932 J 100. Jl.OOO $75.00 7 SO pet 1,000 Beaver Products 74 1942 ? 100 1,000 75 Ou 7 60 pel II 1,000 Copenhagen 4 s 1942 q 78 760 38. 80 . 76 pet I 1.000 Utah Power & Light 7 pet. pfd. Q 96 960 70:00 1 29 pet 1,000 MutuaJ Creamery 8'a 1926 if 98 980 xo no g $n pcj ij $6,000 J4.700 8338.80 T.33pct Complete Information concerning the above Hat of securltlea on Inquiry. J. A. HOGLE & CO. Salt Lake City Ecclea Bldg., Ogden FEDERAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION B ' ' SATISFIED INVESTORS ' ' I 2374 Washington Avenue 1 Minimum oiratmR expen3e. conservative management, under atalt supor- I iion, iirt KcaI Instate Mortgage security, (investigate). WHICH7 I "FULLY PAID" certificate pays 6 per cent Dividend GOUponi attached. i J12.60 monthly for 66 months paya J1000 00 I ..6 00 iw tor 100 montha paya f)0o0 00 H 1.00 monthly for 120 months pa;e 11000 0" Guaranteid , j fc.60 monthly for Vi months pas JIOOm 0" (Juorantecd 1 3 00 monthly for lS'i months pays $1000.00 Guaranteed H 1.(0 monflU lor 160 months pays $ 500. 0J iuara.ntecd PaTxents may be made in advance, nnd will mature any of atxvo certlfl catca much earlier. I A safe, conservative, home Institution. More Information and literature, i cheerfully furnished. Phone 1147. I OFFICER8 AND DIRECTORS ' I HERBERT K. SMITH JOSEPH E. STOR.EY 4 A O- I- READ N E IVf'RSON E A FOWLER T. P. TERRY ' . ' i LAVTX) J. WILflON DB D W. HBMDBBSOM OGDEN LIVESTOCK 4- 1 Cattle 44 BOfffl 67H Bheep 4 Cattle Receipt 44: choice heavy ieer, $ 75 (it 7 in, rood steers, $6.00 fa6.75. fair steers Sn.OO'g'e 00; choice Ufeedr-r ateera, $5 006 00; choice cows and heifers, $4 75 6.26, fair to pood cows and heifer, $4U1J 1.76; cutters $2,000 00; cannen $1 00 fl 8.00 choice feeder cows. $3.00$ 4.00 fat bullh $.? 00 0 S 50 ; bologna bulla $2.0053.00; veal calves $7.508.50. Hops Receipts 676, choice fat hogs. 175 to 250 pounds $10 36; bulk of sales $9 Sfitfit 10.35; feoder hoga. $9.00 10.00. Sheep Receipts 94: choice lambs. 49,60011.00; wethers $4.50 iff 6.60 ; fat 'nw.- 1 00, feeder l.itrbs $7 now 18.00. a I PL J FOREIGN LIVESTOCK , 4 " -4V CHICAGO, .Tuh 3 (U S. Bureau 1 of Markets) emu. Receipts 1.000 . market active; beef steers. butchers Ishe stock and bulls F. to 26c higher, j ' In-botwen gTades boef steers, bettor . (trades she stock :nd bologna bulls ad v inclng most; beef steers $10 10, bulk S 75; veal calves and stockers. ' steady canner cowa strong; butcher she took largely $6 16(0 7.66, cannors and cutters $8.00 3.76 . bolorna bulls mostly $4.C6 fp 4.86; voal calves J6.00Q 0.60. Hogs Receipts 44.000; better grade actici , mostly 10 to loc higher; others slow, about steady; top $10.85; bulk I pood butchora $ 10 40 g 10.80 plgo weak; mostly $9 ."Oijt 10.00; packing hows, mostly 9 00 9 26, heavyweight $10.40010.60; bedlum $10 65(10.90, (light $10.75'g: 10.85, hght light $10.25 10.70; packing sows, amooth $9.00 9.60; packing sows rough $8.769.10; JkllHng pigs $9.26010 30. I Sheep Receipts 1 5,000. sheep steady to eatv, top native Iambs $13 26; bulk good Datives $13 00; culls mostly $7.000 7.26; four cars Idaho $1 3 26 with 300 out; bulk fat ewes $.6.0006.76; good handy weight up iward to $7.00. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July 3. (U. S Bureau of Agriculture Economics ) Cattle Receipts 8500. beef steers 26 to 40c higher; top medium weight if 9.80, best heavies $9 36, yearlings 2Fc higher; mixed steers and heifers $9.60; cho stock .strong to 26c higher; year ling heifers $8 408.76. good and choice cows $6 00tf? C.50: medium grades mostly $4 75 5. 35, oalves steady, bulk choice vealra $8.60; Kmll lo's tr. 00 c: nners Meady, gen trallj $2. .'.Or 7 2 75; bulb unchanged; bulk $4. )O0 6 00. Hogs Receipt- 8,000, opened slow steady to stronp, closed active 5 to l". higher; lulk good to choice i7o to 240 pound weight $10 4i5. 10.66; topi $10 40; hulk of salee $10.20 to 10 35; throw out sows mostly $S 75; stock piks 10 to 25c lower; bulk desirable kind $10.25. Sheep Receipts 6.000; sheep abou'. steady; most fat ewes to killers $4 25 to 5.50; lambs strong to 16c higher; 1 r ' natives 112.86; most sorted lots $12.50 to 12.75; culls $6.00 to 6.50. OMAHA, N'eb , July 3. Hogs Re ceipts 7.0J0. mostly 10 to 13c higher, bulk $9.1510.20; top $10.35; heavy and rough packing graxies $8.20 9 15. Cattle Receipts 3.000. beef steers active; mostly 10 to 25c higher, top $9.75, yearlings $9 60, she stock and bulls 16 to 25c higher other classes strong. Sheep Receipts 2.500; lambs most ly 25c higher, top $13.00, clippec1 lambs $1186. yearlings, sheep .ind feeders nominally steady ST JOSEPH, Mo.. July 2. Hogs Receipts 7600; very active to shippers and packers, steojly to strong with Saturday's average bulk 170 to 230 pounds butcher $10.60010.60; pack er sows Bteaaj Cattle Receipts 1500, beef steers, earlings and butcher stock mostly 16 to 26c higher, calves 50c lower, top beef steers $10 00, top light yearlings $9 26, bulk desirable beef cattle at or above $8 76. cows mostly $6.00 Sheep Receipts 8,000; market gen erally steady; fat native latnl-s $12.75; ewes" drive in $12.26012.50; fat ewes $5 00&5 50. POTATO MARKJET. CHICAGO, July 3. Potatoes dull, receipts 67 cars, total U. S. shipment." 895 eastern short Virginia barrels Irish cobbiers 4.66tfi 4 75; North Car olina Norfolk section stave. barreli Irish cobblers 14.00 ft 4 30, Kansas sacked early Ohio's No. 1. $2 .". 0 y 2.'66; cwt, Alabama sacked Spauldm.-; Rose No. 1, $1 75 01.90 cwt. 4 0 GRAIN I 4. CHICAGO, juiy 2 Wheat average, lower In price today durir.r- t u 1 . r-1 y trading, absence of any adverse fresh developments in regard to blackrUI having a bearish effect Besides, tho holiday conditions in som degr.-. to restrict ne buying Tho evidence also of scattered liquidation of the part of holders. Thti opening, which r.-jnged from h tower to 14 C advance with July $1.1 7 Vj to $1.17 and September $1.17 to $118 kuj followed by u moderato downturn all around I No lasting recov en- onsued. An an nouncement of a liberal decline In the I United Statea' visible, supply total, the market closed weak, to 1 cents low. wit Julv $1,164; to $1.16i and (September $1.18 to $1.17. Porslatent buying ior a leading ele vator Interest rallied the corn mar ket for the early weakness that was a.oclated wi'h heavy deliveries on July 'contracts. After opening unchanged to o lower Septemlr 60 to 66, I prices underwent a slight further oaJf ,iund then rose to above Saturday's f!nl?h for all deliveries Subsequently the corn market ea-sed a little. Influenced by the decline in 1 wheat prices Tho close was unsettled, JH net lower to a like advance, with B( p'ember 66 V- Oats were relatively easy opening n shade to c lowr. September and later rallying somewhat leas than com ! Higher quotations on hogs gave firmness to provisions CHICAGO, July 3 Wheat, No. 2. red, Jl K, Corn. No 2, mixed. 644; No 2, yellow 6 4 H 9 6 4 9i -Oats. No. 2, white nSH-JS- No. 3, whlto 3C(g'88,i. f Rye, No. 2. 89. Barlv, 6 2. Tlmofhv seed $4.50 0 5.00. Clover seed, $10.00018.00. Pork, nominal, lard. $11 30 Riba, $11.60 011.76. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., July 8. j Plour 20 cents hlgh r, famllv patents $8.16; bran $14. 60 16.00. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. July 3 Whn?t cash So. 1 northern SI rilTT I 54j J'jly $1.41; September J Follow Golden B 1 1 Rule jl i "Follow the Golden Rule. In his attitude to- iiIi ward fellow brokers as well as toward all mankind each should endeavor to the best of his ability to at all times follow the Golden uie- unto others as ye would that they iBl p. : should do to yol!,.,, Q 1 "ft I This is the primary paragraph in the Realtors' J li I q 0(e of Etnics' tne basis upon which Realtors transact their business. lllx in 91 In deling: with a Realtor, the buyer or the I;' seller of property is certain of fairness and j of justice, of "square dealing." BWj B Real Estate Board H lit? wfr1 Froerer & Fovvles Oodon Real Estate 41 p F ' ) ci! bbbbb5dw';W Guar.-,nt Mortgage Co Building C3. 0 1 R: ; : ytf&tW S. E. Hinc!ley ' N.Pierce 3 slf r Ke,ly 4 Herrick ' Ssundsrs-Flinders Co. p w"' ITvII ?B?L?stS McCuMoch. Dodson & W.J Blackburn p J j j BOARD Woodland Herbert E. Smith Co WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND ' 'Sfi'j "S- ss V ;; v " - ) :j ?i 2": Deesnvbsr $1.2:. i. Corn, No. 2. yellow, 56 jT1. Oat3 No. 3, while 14995, Barley 46(67. Kye. No. 2. 83 87. Tlax, No. 1, $2.68 2 66. OltAHA, Neb . Julv 3 "vTheat No. 2, hard $1.28. Com, No '1, while. 66H0KC; N 2 mixed. 06 V 9&6Vb. Cat, 0 ? white 31x75 3'-.. No. 4. whlto, 36 3 5Vi IJBERTY DOM) & NEW ToRK. July 3 Liberty bonds. IIO11.H first in not quoted; socond in not quoted; first 4V4S $100 30 second 4 I 1 1 00 ,04 ; third 'tR $1 H fourth 4U $10u 2.S, Victor- 4'ia a: $100.64. rxNTK)N MOVIJV. LOI-TDON. July 3. Bar silver 38'.;d per ounce; money 1 per csnf Discount rates, short bills 2Vs pr cent; three months' bills 2 3-16 u?r cent. FOREIGN SIIVER. NEW 70RK. JuU 8. Foreign bai' silver 71 c. Mi xienn dollars SI Bl'TTKR AN? !.(..- CHICACt). July 3. Butter nd esjgis, no Jon toda' ana tomorrow. NON-UNION SHOPMEN SUPPORT STPvIKERS BIRMINGHAM. Ala . July 3. Non union shopmen were roportcd by union leaders here today to have responded In goodly numbers" to an invitation j issued by the six crafts to join tho I Strike A number of non-uirton men are aald to have gone out with the ! strikers. Trains ars operating In this tcrri-j tory without interruption, according to Iran officials who reported m change"! In ItiH situation. u MATCH IS O. K. j MICHIGAN CITY, Ind.. July 3. Sheriff William E. Ans'lss of La Porte county, this afternoon an nounced that he has uotiiied Governor' I Warren T McCray that the scheduled: 'light between Denny Leonard and! Rocky Kansas, here tomorrow, Is a' boxing match and not a prize fight,1 and thereiore within the provisions of I the Indiana law. uu m BO LrAGESS. I Dyed laces are very popular. Now tbey are i"ing used on summer ma Utrlals like voile, organdie and nets 1 LEOaL notices KoUee Is : herobj Ki . n that a special t OUO Sa t ( ompany win bo held on Bat urcUy July 22. at 8 o'clock p n, at tho office 0f the company 817 k"'. , pose of determining wheWer the com -pan ahall continue Icr corooratr. n- R. A. PIERCE. Directors 720 Not ce la hereby given that Me Tinder ' -'" ' ' 1 t private sale n ,1 parcel the following described real - Ulte situate and being in Ogden City ,rtt,er county, siaie of ftah- y rr" w H- ln Block Fifty. lx (58). Plat "A". 0Kdc,i City Survov and commend. ur at u point 1 84.76 toi eaj)t of the southwest cornor of t . Three (3) In said Blok rifiv.i In .aid Plat "A", Ogden Cl.v Surve running U.enao East 79. 2b feet 10 th southeast corner of said Lot Two (2 thence north 198 feet, thence wort 7$ I "-V11: Saturday, July Sh- g'h 1922. and wr tt.-n hi.lQ niit v.- e ,'hi at the bankln? hoJffV SataS.? South Main ftrtStVl&Jg kZTrflR 52? condt'ons of m li -"to b: balance n confirmation Of salht 1 court. AUmlnistratefg foed and xuZt. , ' l t.i ;, furnished nurrni."'ri n . 0 adrolnUtrator. PUA:t ".fecial LEGAL NOTIOESM ncM-nvnt'. !- he ,al1 bv thl arifl all lJ-.-i -n the i.roperiy tn .ludlnsr the year 1921 to n pitjM : and tho purcna.r to pa. ttS .-:.- I taxes for the year 1 9 JJ' 'f ,: l.ld to he In wrltlnr I to or left with lh. n'1m,nlv Ctah SavinB Tru.-xt -omi)aj,B 3I1B South Main street, Salt ijJM Dated thin the rith .la- i i.B t rM s. 1 :: v trust cnSH F,-, D B JtJDD, Aaaliiant Cashier and Trust Admlni-Ui AtoT- ,j t le Kslatc of i.V I tVllJion, deceased -Jnm NOTICE TO CONTRACToSa Notice lo herrh-. cVon 'and Weber I'ountlo (.'hum ComDiTj ' po .-. to mo e approxlmatr.v 30 9 : vards of r-arth ft a. roinf on itg j?! South "VX'ebfr nnd seeded bids 3 vlted for said work and will b 3 I at the offlco of thf Comptnv re, ! Bulldinjr Offden. fah. until in 00 la. m. on the 10th d:y of July, iPJl Inotnir-tlonn to blddr-rs for gajil ' can be secured at tho office of t3 pony. The right is reserved to reject ad all b8- 4 9ic4. scria NOTICE OF IMT NTIOnT Not k '' is hereby given by rhn Baal rrmunlwtioneifl of i(fden City. fU th- Intention of mUd Hoard of CgS H!,.i-r- to mako th foUowlng Improvement ,to-wlt To cnsattB avenue between Twenty-aeooasB Twenty-fourth atreets. TwantyJ street bntwe-en Ada-ms and Jeffrj3 nues. ami Twenty-third street b3 Adams and Jrfferi.n avonuee as 73 illatrb t .ind pavo tho roLdwaVil In with any one of the following! of pavement, namely Reinforced land r-cment. enr-rere paTeraent, 1 asphalt pavement on either a Pd Cemi-nt rr bl"imlnO'it ropr-rete bJ bfuni r...t -avement on either land cwinent or bituminous concre3 also to bull'l ad culvert.s, lrruxal3 drainage syatoms. private drM ,-iirb and gutters and "Idewalks, I conntruot water and ewer servlol neclions from the muln to the cujj at. the i-xi'cnf.: of 'he Individual ii opposite the lots or parts of n houses not now supplied with saej nectlons. The above-named wora IncluJo the r." ssary grading thj tmd all other work necessary m plete the whole in a proper maasl cording to th plana. tpev-ficatloi profile- on fllo In the office of M entrltiei-r. dip! 10 defra-. the Tholal poet and .; ne of ihe abut ton tion thereof by u levy of a cpecij to he assessed upon the lot rjT pigj ground within the following fl Hstrlcl being the district to be if 01 bi nefl ed b su h Irnprovemefll In All tli lao'l lying between thJ ii. ..j.-i.i,i i.'.e . ': -aid -"'eeij and rirav. 1 -e .11 mom and to said outer boundary on lioffl of Ailarn-i avenue between Twentfl and Twen: --fourth street-, both Tv. - U'1 Street between itrnl 1 n.l both Tv r.. '- ti Kdafl Jeffen n avenues, heinrr BlocflH "A" F.'lo ' i a A". Block fl "A". R!o ' 4!. P. a' "A ' ?j Bfl Plat "A": ah in ocd-n City surflj Street rsllwaj .ompany will be ortlor. at street maradarolze teropdj He the abuttorfcl of ea h ew'ea loetion In $32.00 J t i-t;el cost of eech wstSH nectlon la $25.00. J The estln1 J.ted ex)jt of ea:h pa driveway i $30 00. ' a-3 g'ven helofl not' In ' cost of constructlM .r,---." 1 . o water Tfl 1 1 . which 1 e essed against Uie pa 1 in addition to the regfl neasment. aid '.mprovfl etltnated at $41 000.00. j Ml proiea 1 or ohjeetlons to 'H ' e , a trying outM intention rnusi he or.- n:. 1 In m ..a -.. r ..f ab'ittlfl erty describing the am-- togeafl the number of abutting front fej he filed with the city recorder H f. re the 10th day of July. 1922flJ of Commission r atfl regu.'.T- m-. r!n thereafter, tdfll naflj said .mjl nient as shall have been made, J B Of the Poorj of Cc4Ba ers of Orden rity. I'tah. jfl ' 1 '.v - t . p.ecal Paled June 19, 192?. n Mine 20. 19211 aat publication July D. 19S2.J Published In Ogd..n Standarfl lner Pu-. in; I tlsti ' N'o 1 1? M NOTICE. Aero Cushion Inner Tire Compfl ne- Tv.-eM -nfitl ind I'niol tiue. Ogden, L'lah 11 !.n nf- I bed in a our.' of a ny of afl the several amounta 5et opnH names of the rojpo.-1 ' vn Mi-nJehoB follows. Name tI N'o Sh 1 J Rick Do Bcrnadn .. ?S in 9 ' . C Burgess . .... 54 61 1 ':iv Boxwell 7a 6 li N". K. Bevei . ' - -, 75 a C. L. Bluett 161 1 152 1 US m i 154 M 1 S'. 1 20 T. K Depp :c 1 2.-.C I R Skins ... 1 s J ' D Finn 1 t. i". Pragier 36 i Kred Klmt .oe i m aS 212 Jl 2i:i fl TdiVsfl Mrs. UA I-'alrbanks 227 25 Joaephlne Ferrnro. .263 ' i H. J. and J. L Gai ner si 10 C. M Hoover 4 A 5 J 'Am fll fll I 1022 fl N I. li.irio irt.S 44 M C. J. A LlndgtiiAi 76 35 flj vari h. LaMottei. US i fl Lighthouse 21s 19 rJj LlAgulst i- Warnei is 20 O B. Madt,en 12S 21 G B. Mottson . 24: j S. C. Parkinson 14$ Rd Robinson 34 10 1 Howard dnydci .... M 30 m Robert WoodhaVe 94 William Webster . 206 And in accordance ith (aw aofl haros 01 each parcel of slock as nirreniary will be sold at the off AH compani . rorner Twenty -ninth strefll (Jnlon avenue. Ogden, Utah. 4fl day. July $, ifioc, .1'. noon to Pa'HB linquent assessment thereon t0J with tho cost of jdvertislng and e4flj of sale. Secretary. Aero Cushion Inrr Tlre Pany Corner Twenty-ninth and fl Avenue. Ogden. TUah I PROBATE AND i GUARDIANSHIP NOTlOsW Consult County Clc rk or the Rfl Utc Signers for Further Infomiatlo. I NOTICE TO CREOITORS. M In the DiHtrtrt '"our 01 the S.-coeflB clol Dlatrlct of ih- Stale of t:flt and for tho 'outi : of U "ber. flj , In the matter of the estate of flB Kasftts, Deceased 1 Notice la hereby given by thaflf d. udmlnlstrtili ,t of the flflj Andrew Kaalue. deceased -eflj ora of hud mJI persons hovinflflj againsl s.-bl di.ress.,, t thelrflj with the necaasary vouihers witliVH months after th first pubii. alien flB 01 Dan Id J flfl ' ""-n. j the ad nlnh n tri fl. 613-614 David K.-.-le i.undlnff. flB City, Weber Count v. 1'tnh rflc COKA tCASPfl rVdminlstratrlj of tho Estate ol flj Kahlus. Deeeaaed. 1 . David .T Wllaon At0rDfv .'or flfl m '.at W I ber Count- ttnh. on tbte --"JW e I