Newspaper Page Text
jig" 1 , THE OGDEN SlAiNOARD-EXAivUNtR MONDAY EVENING. July J Ksfl TOPS KERS IN HRTHERN LOOP fcir Hundred Hitters mgain Make Appearance W in Average Column HporR HUNDRED hitters have again mndo their appearance In the H Northern Utah league, according to averages compiled today! which ln H :ude the contest played Sunday ie H twcen Logan and sden. Four rcfru lar are clouting .400 or better. George Hp French, third baseman of ' he Ogden ri ii, B out In front with a mark of 43-4, .supplanting Snapp of Brlfham, H second vlth a mark of 403. French bnoete-d his average during tho paet week from .385 whllo Snapp raided bis mark to .403 from 337, Ernie Fallentihe of ogcen and sin' B tery of Hrlgham are next In line with H marl; 400 each. Kennedy of L,o- an Is next with .357. Other leaders ire. 13 Johnson, Smlthfleld, .366; Pe tersen. gden, .346 and Young, Brig ham. .333 Hit ngl s of Brigham Is first in run H getting. Ho has collected 16 . The J other leaders in Mils department are: 1 i lark, Brigham, it.; Kllpaulek, ugden, H Falck. Logan, and Slattery. Brigham. H 12 each. Dorlous. Smlthfield and Pe tersen, Ogdcn. 11 each L.EAD8 EN HITS I Snapp continues to top the stickers in the inosi hits. He Is credited with itS. Fallentlne of ugden, and Slattery of Brigham, are next in line with II each. B Johnson of Smlthfield Is fourth with SI, Kennedy of yig:in .md French of Ogden are next with 20 h, Young, Brigham, Clark, Brlg l, ;n.l Petersen of Opdcn, are next H IS each. H I-'a lU-n'ine continues y blaze the H trail in the two base department, hav- m iii i . rhniijjji ni Li..m .in,i but tery of Brigham, are next In line with 7 each. Other leaders are: French and Clark. Ogden. Goodwin, STmlth H field, Kennedy. Logan, and Menges, H Bnclgrove of gden, and Kilpatrlck H f ( guen are tied for first honors In H triples with four each. Petersen of 1 's'lJcn and Kennedy of Logan are tied H for third with three each. Hansen of Smlthfield continues to H lead in circuit clouts. He has three H tallied ni Pallentine of t gden is sec- H ond with two. other leaders are: H Dbrlous, Goodwin and Plclvor, Smiih- 1 neld, Young and Borstadt, Brigham, and Phillips, Logan, one each. FAIiL.ENTI.VE FIRST Fallentlno leads In total bases with 36. Slattery of Brigham. Is second, H with 31. B. Johnson. Smlthfield and H Snapp. BrlKham, are tied for third, with 27 earh. French of Ogden and m f Young of Brigham are next with 26 each Petersen and Snclgrove of Og den and Kennedy of Lojcan are next Jn line with 2.'. each, followed by Phil Hps. Logan. 24. Petersen of the Gunners is out in lront in sacrifice hits with six. Kil- ul Patrick, Ogden, Barry. Brigham and Dorloua Smlthfield. are tied for sec ond with three each Menges of tho Poaches easily tops the stolen base artists. He has eeht BM :f hl3 credit Jari of I,ocnn Is sec- bbbbH 0?i-wilh fivc- Ptt?rMen and Snelgrove Bill- J'gden are credited with f,,ar e.,eh Other leaders In this department are: Fwnch and KUpatrlck; Fallentlne, Ogden. I-alck and Nelson Logan and Goodwin, Smlthfield, three each' H vii Gun,nor8 a?n top the loop In hitting with a mark of .808 Brigham -ond. Smlthfield third ana iT gan fourth If MICHIGAN CITY H IN SPOT LIGHT Fans Gather and Watch Leonard Defend Light weight Title I MICHIGAN CITY. Tnd.. July 3 H (Bj the Associated Press) -ThlKthriv- h Ing little city with a lightweight i ham- plonship bout on Its hands began o fill up today with the first influx of fight fans for the ten-round content j H , '.ween Benny Leonard, the title hold-' er and Rocky Kansas, the Buffalo I challenger, in Floyd Fitzalnunpns' open, I air arena tomorrow afternoon Indications are that 26,600 rlnc fans iill pay approximately $75,0ou to occ the fight. The advance sale Indicates a capa eiiv crowd for the concrete bowl which has been bull! within a stone's throw of Lake Michigan for the bout Both Jeonard ihd the thr'ee times! H chalh nger for th ! virtually ended th ,r training Sunday 1 Neither will do an more work v.ithi l he gloves until the) climb through; the ropes tomorrow. Leonard fm Ished his boxinfr Sunday without in-! r to his hands and i read) to sot H a furious pace for the Bui i i hal- lenger. I hile Leonasd l confl1n: ,r win ning, lie nevertheless. ha, deep rp. spect for the hard hitting Kansas Rocky always has given Leonard the most desperato sort of battl . He is B " shorl and - i and n rip in HHV with a short left to the body lhat it 'K dangerous. He has an attack that always has worried hit opponents, and, J with the exception of Leonard, recent- ly has floored almost every man who H facod him in the ring Kansas probably m!1 face a weight 'Badantar:e of about three pounds i tomorrow. The Champion plans to no jit " rit.K r,t ,, while Kansas probably iil not s.aie Bj mt;,'', tl'an 133 or 134 pounds, which H Is his best weight. II Fourth of July H ,!k. DANCE I jj I Enjoy a cool delightful eve-1 I C rung dancing on the finest floor j in the state. No car fare to I Pay- Admirsion only 30c per H j I person. OLLC REEVE'S " " 5 DANCE ORCHESTRA ' I ' L.-!H'TF' CITY CRUCIAL TILT HERE TUESDAY IN RAG CHASE i Brigham and Ogden Tangle in Deciding Game at Local Park OGDEX'S BASEBALL TEAM of the Northern Utah league still ha a fighting chance to Rain the pennant In the loop race for flrnt half of the sea son, which closes July 4. The Gun ners will entertain the Brigham Peach" es her,- Ttieaday, beginning promptly at 2.30 o'clock. a defeat at the hands of Brigham Tuesday will pui the Gunners qui of the r;ice, while :i Metnry will put them In S tie position with the Pen, h I should gden lose to the Teaches, the Brlghaniltcs will Arab the flag for the first half of the bracket of games Due to these facts, one of the larir- Cflt Crowds Of the se.-ison In exile, to be in attendance to give tho teams the once OV01 MliKS OX SLAB Sylvester .New") Nlles. the chap that chucked urh a brilliant game Sunday apninnt Logan, will work on the slab for Ogden Nlles Is now in form and If given good support, stands a good chance of setting the Peaches back Lloyd Keller the sensational 'kid" pitcher of the league is slated to op pose Nlles. Keller has been the chief reason of Brlgham'M BUi C6SB during the sea son and is out to add another victory over Ogden to his string. Lefty Half, skipper of the Teaches will be herd in reserve. The Brlghomlten have one of the best aggregations In the league. CHANGE KFFECmVK The change in the hatting order of the Ogden club which wa. placed In effect Sunday, worked out to perfec tion. All of the men appeared more at home and the results were forth coming, which is one reason for the change. Ogden plnyers will enter the battle Tuesday confident of victory. The (Stunners have played soma nifty games during the season ,nd tho contest July 1. promises to be no exception. Hundreds of fans are expected to journey to the gam from Brigham to root for their club. Play In the second half of th pefted ille will commence next Saturday. Kemember Tuesdays game will begin at .30 p m. sharp l ARRANGE GOLF FEATURE FOR LOCAL STARS .Members of the Ogden O.o'.f and Country club will stage a mixed twosome flag tournament July 4, according to an announcement made today by Louis Crook, golf professional. This event will be the big attraction at the club In dependence day. The tiag tournament has caused considerable interest at tho club and a large gallery" is expocted to be on hand to root for their favo rites. Merchandise prizes will be awarded the winnors Tho Ogden golf team will Jour ney to Salt Ike next Sunday to meet the stars of the Salt Lake country cmt, in tne second team match of the season. In the r---ont: match played hero the Ogden itca were Victors by a score of 49 to 40. Sunday. July H, the local team will meet the Nlbley Park team of Salt Lake In a team match on the local links. 1 -00 SEVEN KILLED, 75 HURT IN WRECK ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. July 3 At least seven persons were killed and about 73 other.- injured, half of them seriously, early today when a Camdcn Atlantlc City express train left the rails at Wlnslow Junction, 37 miles from here. There were reports that nearly twenty person were killed, but offi cials of the Thlladelphia und Reading announced only seven. The train spilt a switch at the Cape May crossover and plunged porhaps 40 feet down a deep embankment. The engine and five conches were piled up at the bottom a complete wreck no WILL SHOW CHARMS OF PACIFIC COAST SAN KBANCIsm. July 3. Flrsr hand Information aboui north.'!' Cal ifornia's scenic charms Is to be given to advertising agents of twenty of the principal railiouds of the United States and Canada this month b. the San Francisco chamber of commerce ani other interesti The agents thirteen of whom will he accompanied oy their wives, are t taken on a tour of the upper section of the state, visiting Truckoe, Iake Ta hoe, Fosemite Valley, Mono l,ake, Hetch Hetchy. 8an Francisco, Oak land. Mount Tamaipals. Mulr Wyod6. Del Mon'.e and Santa, Cruz. Robert New; on Lynch vice presi dent and manager of the chamber, and rharles B. Fee. passenger tratfla manager of the Southern Taoiflc rail way company, are to direct the tour. Mr Lynch and Mr Fee will meet the agent: at Ogden and will arrive at Truckee July is for the tour. The excursion, it ls ald, will he the first of Its kind ever held in Califor nia. no GRAIN ELEVATORS GO UP IN SMOKE BALTIMORE. Md.. July 3 Light. I ning Sunday struck the roof of 6ns of the several great grain elovatoit rai the Baltimore and Ohio railroads terminals at Locust Point and In n few minutes tho immense structure war? in flames. The fire spread rapidly, soon en : veioping elevators b und C and pier c. all of which were wrecked The, j veto- ? contained over 500,000 bushels of grain, which with sixty carloads of export loi-acco on tho pier, was rte- iroyed The railroad company's loss Is estimated at between $3,200,000 und I ' 000,000, Several firemen were m IB Furniture of such high quality hasn't 11 IRI sold for years at prices so low! 1 ' 'i'3 Anyone can offer a cheap article for a cheap price at any time, but furniture .j of real quality like that which is included in this great July Sale is seldom f II ound at Pnces quite so low as those now in effect. If you want your home y furnished in a manner in which you w ill be proud to entertain even your most !!! wm particular friends, you can realize your desire in this sale for less money than we believe you will ever aain be able to do it for 38 Buy Now Even for Choose While the pi the Future! retions Choosing Is Still ; giL1 h YOU have been saving your FROM Good Rl money to furnish a new home n0t Wait Unt' Ur stoc '3 or to newly furnish your old V. depleted from the tremendous home, now is the time to make A &fl wa the order !cS0a'!8 i r i Zirmu the nrst day ur sreat vour purchases even if vou do A 'VP C I l c 1 r f HC j " . k j i 2 Ju,y SaIe- n account of our m4 hi : tde,,VCry fFr Sm. . ' vast warehouse reserve stock. A I Sl httle T" come. F or a sufficient deposit you can come on to our sales floors and find as evidence of good faith, we will lay away a complete stock of all the newest designs j any furniture you select during this sale, giv- and finishes, but we urge you to act prompt- i I i mVU A V dlSCUrlt ,y lf yU Want Pk. Remember thai H "iakm? hvery to you at any time during the big discount is from prices that were 9 ::; the next two or three months. already low it i-i HwB 42 fJ Convenient credit terms can be arranged on jjp:: jj any purchase EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME f . S;;;.:.T;iinn;s:tr,;;:;;:i:::s:!iis:5::3:n!:iijiHRSH ejjlu CimuiIiiiii ti .iHan3.i..HainiB,iiMiimSiiSiiiuhHjinNMliiMHiMi m..,;;;;;;;;; j;;;;;g;;igljeeg3aa - fvy! . l ""IIWtlMIH. : MORE DRUNKARDS IN ' EUROPE THAN IN U. S. CHICAGO, July ' 3. American , ilrunltJii-.i; are wilder an-l mors dls- orderly than iho.s' or Kuropc but where there i nn intoxicated man on I trie street In an American city there' ; are hundreds rolling around In a Eu i ropean town, according to Robert I Herood, director of tho Intprnatlonai temperance bulreiCu, Lusanne, Switzer land. Mr. Horood visile, 1 the' South Clark police court today t,. 8ce t'ie ti-ui of liquor ca.aeD picked up In the loop dis- ! trier. "When a European wants to get drunk, he dors slowly and peace ably." lf aaid7. ''while an American I ! koch about u in a furious fashion " I PICK OUT SITE FOR VETERANS' HOSPITAL WASHINGTON, July 3 Selection 'of n site for ii $1,000,000 hoxpital for disabled veterans to In- erected at Suramerflelds. In the vicinity of Bea con, Dutchess county. New York, was announced today by Assistant Secre tary of the Treasury Clifford". Tho she. he sain, which composes 2L'8 acres Situated Ol tho Hudson r, or, was acquired .it 11 cost of $100. OuO nnd the hospital will he erected there nnd turned over to the veterans" bureau to be used In the rare of soldier pa tients from ; he metropolitan district r New Jfork. . - PLAIN CITY DANCE Prize Dance: Two Prizes JULY 4 Amusement HaJI Glen Mack Orchestra I ikNATE FORCED I TO IKE RECESS Republican Leaders Look for Definite Plan on Tariff Bill This Week WASHINGTON, July 3 The sen ale, unable to havo a quorum today, was forced to recess until Wednesday alter it disapproved a tariff rate of 5 cents a pound on unshelled almonds. A vote on the committee rate of 15 cents b pound on shelled almonds went over This week ls lo develop some defl nlte plan as to the fate of the tariff bill in the senate", according to a deel mhii todaj by Republican leaders in inioimal conferences. Tt was announced that the Republl C n motion to curb debate on the bill In circulation ubout ten days would be presented In the enato Wednesday and voted on Friday That the necessary two-(hlrd vote for cloture need not be secured was probable, according to the sponsors of the petition Several Heniocrais were Bald to favor cloture but the party as a whole wns expected to line up gen erally against It. Tho roll call on the cloture move. Republican leaders said, would at It isl dtmuDd a desire on the part of the majority to bring the bill to an early vote. It substantial progress was do' made on the bill, they wrre prepared to lay It aside, and make a vigorous fight for the proposed new cloture rule, recommended recently by two Republican conferences, t Inrokc clo ture by majority instead of a Iwo thtrdH vntf ' ' BBBTwTlTJrMgaBBBMB-SSSS- BBBBBBBBTlBBBBl B SI bH OUR BOARDING HOUSE IsTahI fsj crop 1 GET "TU'G call OP CAKiUED GOOLS AM' WJS H I UtoSE VEGE-TA3LES "Wy E SACK 1 MELL TuROW a DOLiBUEl &4 fe UE OWHS A Wrr- MERE MACK, J j rR CLYDE, VJiCKER HaTMO: PLAkJT TUiS CAM-' 19 TUATTM' VaJAV 1 0HT MlKA TW' OML.V I -tOPEUER TOO TMEV PLAKST A "lKlG "TV! ATb PE LiP TM I ( CUCLlrABEP SO 1 BY Tv4 'F1R5T OF I ' f. J j V IT'LL GROW ikTTo J 3JLV WOUL"D BE