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1 FEARLESS, INDEPENDENTPRQGRE SSIVE NEWSPAPER. Forty-th.rd Year-No. 109-Price Cents. OGDEN CITY, (JT AHTFR I A YlfVE N I NG, MAY 2, 1913 (AMENDMENT WILL PROVIDE LEASES California Slate Senate Adopts the Clause By Non-Partisan Vote and Sends It to State Printer on Emergency Rush Order May Take Final Vote Today n BRYAN WILL NOT LEAVE SACRAMENTO Secretary Says He Has Not Exhausted His Resources, But Still Hopes to Influence the Legislature Violent Protests From the Large Land Interests of the State Bring About the i Amendment , Washington, May 2. Secretary Bryan lelerHphor 1oday ho hnl ijl reconsidered his purpose to start at once for Vav.!imrttn and would a; I remain in Sacramento until the alien land legislation is concluded. Officials here say the secretary feHs he has not exhausted his de pources and still hopes to influence the legislation in accordance with the administration's views. ! Sacramento. Cat. May 2 An amendment to the Webb re-draft of the anti-alien land bill, permitting ln 3 eligible aliens to lease agricultural property for a period of not exceeding three years, was adopted by the sen ll ate at noon by a non-partisan vote, and the bill was sent to the printer fl -with emergenev rush orders Under ordinary circumstances the SI amended bill could not be ready for M final action before next week, but the majority leaders had arranged In ad- I i!nri' for quick action, and it was ar il ranged thai the new copy would be back from the printing office in tirn-' for a final vote today The majority leaders had guarded against delay to the extent of 6eerel B ly sending a copy of their amendments to the printer before the matter came Wg before the senate The decision to amend the bill and at the same time to prevent further B postponements was reached at a con ! ference held between Governor John i bod. Attorney General Webb and Sen A ntor Boynton, floor leader of the up per house. Interests Protested Against Bill. The original bill prohibited both ' ownership and lease holds, but upou Jf the receipt of violent protests from jf large land Interests that would be II seriously affected if leases were elim ' inated. It was though1 best to make f this specific exemption in the bill be- ( fore bringlnR it up for final passage The amendments make the measure ) identical with the bill introduced in the assembly last night. Senator Boynton hastily prepared the amendment, which he introduced when the bill was called up as a spe cial order at 11 16 o'clock The debate on Boyntun's amend ment and on the changes which were proposed also by Senators Wright anil 1 Camlnettl. in addition to consideration of Senator Curtln's resolutions propos ing that the legislature defer to the wishes of President Wilson was OS 9 pected to last throughout the da. although from the standpoint of the majority leaders it was the program merely to adopt Boynton's amend ment, reject all others and the Curtlu H resolution as well, and send the bill 2 hack to the printer with a rush order, J so that it mlpht be returned as qu'n.k- ly as possible Considerable disappointment was I expressed b a number of Progres sives over the change because of tin J r,ff of time Involved, but al the re quest of the leaders, they offered no B opposition to the move Telegram of Protest A long telegram of protest against B the passage of an anti-alien land law signed by George Shlmn the "potato" king of California, and president of the lapanese Association of America, (was read in the senate this morning Shlma Is the wealthiest Japanese in the state mid Is said to haw large I;. ml interests in the delta region if i p. ;,n lio'iiiin ner Mis in- BSage ' was as follows: 'Japan has ceased to send laborers to America The Japanese who are here have tried to keep both the word and the spirit of all laws and treaties Tne hnve settled in this land of lib erty and equality with trust nud con- fldencc In the American people. Wo appeal to you and to your as Ij o.oi-iatlon to consiihT well the result of any unfavorable legislation upon them and American industry as well. We hope Justice and humanity, which we conceive to be the fundamental principles of the American nation, will not be forgotten at this time.' Mort than h dosen telegrams troni !j labor organizations throughout the state wen received, all urging the en actment of a law to prevent owner ship by "aliens who arc inollgib!- to J i ' ' 1 . e n f V. i I ' t oo I SURRENDER OF LAND TO U. S. Denver. May 2. Coal land Involving B .'.,4JU ai res i.nd valued at approximate ly 11,000,000, was surrendered to the United Btates government todaj by the Colorado Fuel and Iron company in consideration of the dismissal of a E suit Involving 5.8(10 acres owned by E the company. The laud is located in southern Col li orado. H oo The chap with the loudest voice doesnl always win the argument. MEXICANS VICTORIOUS Government Gunboat Opens Fire Upon Em palme and Rebels Be gin a Hasty Retreat to Hermosillo Situation In Chihuahua State Eagle Pass. Tex.. May Officials of the Carranza regime announced from the Constitutional head. man r at Piedras Neeras today that General Trucy Aubcrt. the Huerta leader in northwest Mexico, had Joined forces with Governor Carranza. Federals Shell Emplame. Xogales, May 1'. Insurgent state forces evacuated Empalme today, af ter which the Mexican gunboat Guer rero began shelling the California gulf town preliminary to a land movement from Guaymas. where the federal gar rlson was strongly reinforced yester day At Empalme are many American railway men. including Superintend ent J H. Temple of the Southern Pa cific of Mexico. As soon as it became evident that the Constitutionalists had decided to leave Empalme, suburb across tho bay from Guaymas, the Guerrerro op ened a hot fire over the town. As the last of the insurgent horsemen dls appeared oer a hill more than a mile away, shells from the gunboat burst over their heads. The ( onstltut lonalists are retreat ing toward Hermosillo Intermittent firing by the Consti tutionalists at Empalme had marked their Investment of Guaymas In the last fortnight Their delay In attack Ing the California gulf port was due to the failure of reinforcements to ar rive from the north, the desertion of Indians, because of lack of pa) and failure of Constitutionalist leaders to agree on the mode of attat k At Empalme Is located a normallv large American colony, largely of rail was employes. H. Lawton general freight and passenger agent of ihe road, who was sick In bed. whs re moved in an automobile while others remained under cover or escaped to the hills Will Not Accept Diaz Washington, May 2 The Carranza lorces claim all the territory about Torreon by occupation Oonfldental agents of the constitu tional movement here today received telegrams from Governor Carranza declaring he would never accept IV Hz Diaz as a compromise candidate for president, but would continue bit UghL Refugees From Mexico. Galveston. Texas, May 2 Thirteen women and children, relatives f em ployes of the Pearson company In Mexico, arrived here last night aboard the company's yacht Beryl, which has been placed at the disposal of em ployes of the company for the re moval of their families to this conn-! try because of unsettled conditions 1 n i the southern republic According to Ihe captain of the Beryl refugees are flocking to Tam plco from the interior Reported to Have Joined Rebels. I Eagle Pass. May 2 Reports from j Mexico City thai the Huerta general Trucy Aubcrt and Rabago. have join ed the revolutionary movement in north Mexico, gave weight today to a statement Issued from constitutional headquarters that active campaigning by the federal troops had ceased. Another report staled that General Lopez, campaigning with Aubert, was negotiating to join Carranza Rabago Is fighting a different branch of tho Const ItuUonalisLs. MILLIONAIRE WAS VICTIM Police Believe That Giant Bandits Prime Object of Holding Up Train Was to Secure Bank Role of James Short Kansas City Mo. May 2 At 2 o'clock this afternoon, Short's pock etbook, empt was found on the Mis souri nver bank three miles east of the business center of Kansas City Nearby bloody footprints led to a thicket cordon of police was thrown about the thicket and began closing in it was believed the robber, danger ously wounded, was hidden in the underbrush Kansas City, Mo. May 2 To rob the loplin millionaire, Jesse M Short, was the real object of the giant ban dit who held up a Kansas Clt) South ern passenger rrain in the Knnsas City suburbs early today and the "holdinu up" of several other passen gers was merely incidental, according to the theory of the police who Insti gated a thorough search for the rob ber today After a lively duel with Mr Short In the narrow Pullman, the robber fell off the train wounded, car rying $1,000 of Short's money, and the wealthy mine owner was left l Ing in his berth with three bullets in his body. Physicians attending Short at a lo cai hospital say he will recover un less unforeseen complications ariBe. According to a telegram 6ent the po lice early today from Grand View. Mo by C. G. Gibson, conductor of tho train, which continued on Its way south, the total amount of loot obtain ed amounted to $l,lou in money and a $.12 diamond Of thia Gibson aald Short lost $1.oon; W J. Schafer. Neck City. Mo., $65. and F. A. Seaman, Eu reka Springs. Ark.. $35 and a diamond stud. When daylight came the search for the big robber went forward with dou ble vigor What in the darkness of the night was believed to be a trail of blood left after the man who fell off the train, vanished with the dawn and a dozen detectives found nothing to Riilde them The train was Just pulling out of the depot here when a tall man ran out of the darkness of the railroad yards and climbed up the steps of the observation car Me had a handker chief over the lower part of his fnce and carried two pistols. Oscar Allen.a negro iorter. who saw him board Ihe train, rushed out and ordered him away The robbpr cov ered him with his pistol and said: "I am going to put over a trick here You sit down there and be quiet, I will need you." Robber Was Very Nervous. After the train had proceeded about three miles the robber ordered Allen to gd ahead of him through the train j In the Bitting room of the observation oar were w. j Bchafer of Neck City. Mo . and F. A. Seaman of Eureka Springs Ark The robber's voice trembled as he demanded their valua bles, but they offered no resistance and gave him money and Jewelrv amounting to about $2w Preceded by the Frightened negro, the robber then entered the rhair car, where there whs about a dozen pat sengers. all men. "Hold up your hands " was the com mand With which the robber greeted them. He had recovered a steady nerve by this time and his voice no longer indicated fear The passengers readily complied with his demand and he passed along collecting their mon e and Jewelry, all of which he placed In a large pocket of his coat, made apparent I v for the purpose. The robbery of the chair car was accomplished within five minutes and Hie surprised passengers obeyed the final injunction of the robber to sit down and remain quiet. Short Fires Upon Robber. The Pullman car was next entered There every one was in bed with the curtains drawn. ftei robbing two p gengfirs, from whom he secured small amounts of money, the robber cntiie to the berth occupied by Short flive me vour money,' the robber demanded In n whisper as he shook the sleeping man When awakened sufficiently to realize the Import of the command, short handed over a thousand dollars in money and a large diamond stud. s the robber turned to leave Short seized an automatic plf toi and fired through the curtain The robber returned the fire and both men emptied their weapons, each shooting blindly ihrough the curtain, which was pert orated by almost a dozen bulle's I One bullet struck Short's forehead and another lodged In hla knee. Short fell back in hlB borth and tho robber fled towards the rear of the train Passengers n the other cars aroused by the shot, followed him and saw him drop from the train, which was just being brought to n stop He left blood stains In the aisles and on the back platform and the passengers said he appeared to he badlj hurt The conductor in charge of tin train was C 0 Gibson When he heard the shoollng he seized a plsiol and. accompanied by a porter. R B Sales, and B W Ball, a brakeman armed with express messenger guns, started for the Pullman car Before they could get the aisles clear of pas sense rs so they could use their weap ons the robber had leaped from the train The police were notified nf the rob berv and an ambulance summoned to take Short to s hospital. Physicians there said that while his wounds were serious, they did not consider them fatal Short Makes a Statement Short was able to make a statement regarding the robbery- after his arrlv al at the hospital. " had two pi.'ckotbooks concealed In my berth. " he said, "one containing a thousand dollars in currency When i the robber shook me and demanded my money 1 moved the pillow and shoved hack the covers, exposing the purse containing the larger amount I tried to hide the purse in the bed clothes again, but the robber was too quick for me. "'What was that?" he asked the porter "'A pocketbook.' was the answer "'Reach In and get it.' the robber commanded, and despite my efforts to prevent it the porter grabbed Ihe purse and handed It to the robber. "As he turned away I got my pis tol from under the pillow and began Shooting at him He returned th fire and disabled me "He failed, however, to get a dia mond ring valued at $2 i00 and seven $20 cold pieces which were m a D0 ' et of my trousers." oo MONTENEGRO SITUATION I Essaad Pasha Estah lishes a Government at Tirana, South of Scutari Montenegro Still in Control of the Albanian City -Powers Waiting Results Athens. Greece, May 2. A letter re ceived here from Corfu states that Essaad Pasha, who was the Turkish commander-in-chief during the pro longed siege of Scutari by the Monte negrius. has formed n government at Tirana where he has proclaimed tht; autonomy of Albania under the suze rainty of Turkey and hoisted t ho Turkish instead of the Albanian flag Bssaad Pasha has also written a let -ber to the metropolitan of Duraz.o stating that the Albanian government recognises the authority of the ortho dox church to which It will offer Its protection This letter further states that the Albanian government Is In no way hostile to Greece and that It r nlzes the northern frontier of BSpirua, in accordance with the demands of the Greek government Tirana, where Essaad Pasha has set up his rule, is in a district full of the reminiscences of anent Albanian princes. It Is about .r4 miles south ol Si and within 1 miles of Croatia where the former Albanian prince Scander beK resisted for many years in th early fifteenth centurj the flowing tide of the Moslem invasion of Eu rope. - - fin PARADE OF SUFFRAGIST New York. May 8. With parade, pageant and appeal from the public platform, the women of New York City who believe In woman suffrage Will hold a demonstration tonight and tomorrow fuvo' (,r 'heir cause Theodore Roosevelt has consented to ! one Of the speakers, and. with Mr Ann.- Howard Shaw president of the National American Woman Suffrage association will deliver an addTees t.muln ai the pageant depleting wo mam dream of freedom, to be given at the Metropolitan opera house Tomorrow afternoon what is ex pected to be 'he greatest woman suf frage parade ever held thlrtj thou sand strong will move up Fifth .ne nue . When It Is over, men and wo men orators In automobiles will ap peal to the people -In tho plaza at Fifth avenue and Fifty-ninth street a great meeting will be held In Car UOgla hall at which prominent men and women workers for the cause will deliver more addresses. Delegations of women from neigh boring states, many of national prominence, some coming by special train, with their own bands, began pouring Into the city today to take part In the demonstration, and it was estimated at national suffrage head quarter! that more than 5000 women from out of town would march In the parade. RECOGNITION OF REPUBLIC U. S. Charge cT Af faires at Pekin First of the Powers to Ex t e n d Formality to Country Washington, May 2. The new Chl OOBe republic was formally recognized today by the I'nited States Charles Williams at Pekin cable. I that he had delivered the formal recognition as he was authorized to do upon complete organization of the new government This government's action has cre ated a most Interesting international situution and bring to the point the intentions of the five other powers parties to the six-power loan nego tiation from which the I nlted States recently withdrew, announcing its purpose to recognize and urging oth ers to do the same FIGHT OVER FRUIT DUTY Washington. May 2 The fight ov er the propose, reduction of dutie-, on citrus fruits opened today's de bate on the tariff bill in the house. Despite the pressing of the bill as rap idly as possible by the Democratic leaders, the agriculture schedule, per haps the vehicle of the last vigorous opposition by the minority, had not been finished at last night's session The schedule relating to wines, spirits, beverages, cotton, wool, silks, paper and sundries were all in sight early today as likely to be acted upon before the close of tonight's session, except in the contingency of an un expected protracted struggle against free raw woo). The California delegation in the house opposes the proposed cutting of the rates on lemons, limes, oran ges and other citrus fruits, which it claims would be Injurious to their In dustry and open the gates to the foreign fruit Industry. The main oppositlou is to the pro rlsion that lemons In packages ex ceeding five cubic feet or in bulk shall be taxed one-halt of one cent a pound This Is a cut of ;"0 per cent In the present tariff and the representatives of the citrus growing districts have been on guard against letting it pass without strenuous protest. EXPLANATION BY MELLEN President of New Hav en Railroad Says $102,000 Was Given Him By Directors as Reimbursement For Campaign Contributions RoHton. May 2 President Mellon, explaining the apparent profit made h him of sin:. (inn bj ihe sale of the wu Haven stock In 1904 told tne Interstate Commerce commission to dn that the money had been given 1 back to him to reimburse him for campaign contributions. President Mellon of th Nen Haven I railroad, appearing before ihe Inter state Commerce commission In his own behalf today, gave an unexpected explanation of some of the figures In the New Haven's books According to the government expert accountant David C Brown. there appeared an apparent profit ol $102, 000 made bj Mr. Meilen personalis bj trading In the stock of the rail road company W'lo n a man gets all he think he needs he has a large surplus Pmm WEATHER FORECAST m M W FAIR TONIGHT, CONTINUED ' 'T .vV COLD, HEAVY FROST OR FREEZ ING TEMPERATURE, SATURDAY FAIR. Entered as Second-class Matter at the Postoffice, Ogden Utah Bg.v PIRl: DESTROYS THE I RIO GRANDE SHEDS I Flames at One Tune Extended Over a Block and Threatened Two Blocks of Hozncs on Twenty-first Street, Between Grant and E Wall Avenue Long Strings of Hose Had to be Laid From Wash- ifi1 ington Avenue Flarae3 Fanned by High Wind. P The ice aheds and freight storage, houses of the Denver & Klo Grande' railroad, more than one block in length west of the nio Orande freight depot, were totally destroyed by fire this afternoon, entailing a loss esti mated at between $25,000 and $.15 000. All the hose in the equipment of both fire departments was In use The small size of the water main on Twenty-first street made it necessary the running of lone lines of hose from the Washington avenue main, two blocks away. The stiff wind that blew, whipped the flame Into such magnitude that the bla7e had enined a mind start he fore the arrival of the fire depart ment and the frame buildings, which were as dry as tinder, blazed fierce ly At one time the wind blew burning embers to the roofs of the houses on Twenty-first street between Grant and Lincoln avenues, and many roofs caught firo but were extinguished by garden hose and the big streams of the firemen Practically every resi dent along that block removed house hold furnishings into the street. The alarm came In to the Central department at 2 30 o'clock from box 16 and the auto truck, chemical and truck answered hurriedly All the i hose available was connected w ith the stand pipes on Twenty-first street and it was then found that the I main was too small to aupplj all the ( lines of hose and afford any pressure. The auto truck and chemical made a ! hurried trip back to the central sta- tlon and brought all the hose avail able. This extra hose was attached to the hydrants on Washington ave nue. Streams ire re then turned on all parts of the blaze which extended more than one of Ogden s long city blocks. Several box cars, which were sld I tracked were burned and the coal I yard of the Williams company, near I Lincoln avenue, took fire but the flames were extinguished by chemical. Near the eastern end of the burning sheds was a store house containing several hundred sacks of Portland ce ment and when this caught fire some of the cement was damaged by the water Although the smoke was choking, the heat stifling and flying embs were thick, the boys of both depart ments fought the flames unflinching ly and ventured to points thought dan gerous by the hundreds of onlooker In order to force the water at impor tant points. At one time the word was given thai a tank car near the blazing building was filled with gasoline, hut this re port proved unfounded The tank car did contain gasoline, but had been em pi ied. The Kas house was only a short dis tance from the blate and a force of men was placed on guard to signal In case the fire approached too near the plant. Several thousand tons of ice were exposed when the roof and walls of the sheds fell and. as the sawdust burned away the he melted mpldh UthOUgn It Is not known definitely I what started the fire It thought to I have been sparks from an engine I lodging In the shingle roof The black, dense smoke from the fire could be seen from all parts of the city and at times the llames mounted Into the air a hundred Feet The streets leading to the scene were alive with people hurrying to ths place on foot, on bicycles and In au tomobiles The firemen received the aid of many willing volunteers who donned the helmets and reported to Chief Canfield for duty Many suits were spoiled when the water 'from the chemical dashed on them, but no one seemed to mind in the least At a late hour this afternoon the Maze was not completely e.f tngntsh ed. but the danger of the fire spread ing to other buildings had been over come The police were called to the scene and assisted the firemen Many of the women who resided in the houses on the street were panic stricken when they observed tho ex tent of the blaxe and removed goods from their homes while crying hys terically. More cool headed neighbors quieted the fears of many when tho danger hud passed. Willing helpers mounted th? roofs and sprayed the shingles with water from the garden hose, reducing the danger from flying embers. Tne fences of the homes Boparatlnn. the railroad yards from the private propert were destroyed and the fire in one case worked along the fenoe V League Baseball Every Day This Week BUTTE vs. OGDEN al GLENWOOD PARK joAME CALLED AT 3:30 OTL(KJ)U WEEK AND AT 3 O'CLOCK ON SUNI)AY until it had approached a large frame W dwelling SECOND FIRE W At 3:30 o'clock, the ice house of W the Reed hotel, Kit uated In the rear f: ol the n(,.n s,e:im laundrv. caught B i rr Bupposedlj from parte, and U there was a big blaze before era- p ployees of the laundry discovered the k u , VVhcn the fire 'lepartment was 1 caned there was no apparatus to an- swer and the onlj man lefr on dutv ;fc 7uS' ?l his wits cnd to n'd to the department, a motorevde rldei I was hailed and he set off at a rapid E- Pace to the fire at the Denver & Rio !( 'rande yards. The hosewagon an- ' red with two men and was fol- $ lowed In a few seconds by the chem- I lea auto truck with others The t. h aze was confined to the roof and. although there wan danger of spread- i ing to other buildings, the arrival of fc the department after the short delav I prevented further damage " oo igmm SMALL VOTE IS I CAST UP TO I 3 O'CLOCK I Considerable interest is being tak- en In the bond election todav and as I near as can be determined, the vote $ for and against bonding is about I It Is said by advocates of the bond- nig proposition that, if they gain a irictory, ti win likely come 'from the rote 1,1 Madison school district f" There were 623 rotes cast in tho five wards shortly before 3 o'clock j" this afternoon, as follows. I Madison 2U8 Mound Fort 109 Grant ... " 53 iH I'tngree m iewia ...ul) Both sides are doing their best to win the day and it is difficult to de termine which way the vote will go. rH Ouly a small percentage of the voters jH of the city had voted up to 3 o'clock. It is expected, however, that the vot lug will be more brisk this afternoon. - perintendenl Mills, .n a late hour H this afternoon, had received reports kk from all wards, which indicated that the bond election would carry. The only polling place the result of which kk was not known was the Grant school I Valence, Department of the Drome. kM France, tfa - An infuriated fighting kk bull in the bull ring here today shook kM its head so violently in trying to rid kM itself of the steel tipped darts with which the banderilleros had pierced us shoulders and neck that one n' the darts was torn out of the flesh and hurled among the spectators in the amphitheatre. It penetrated the heart of a young man. who was in stantly killed A moment later the matador killed the bull TODAY'S GAMES I Athletics Defeat Highlanders. New York May 2. I Philadelphia G S 1 New York 1 Batteries: Houok, Bnsh. PennocU. j Bender and Thomas: Ford. Fisher and Sweney. White Sox Beat Tigers j Detroit, May 2 Chicago jn 0 Detroit Batteries: Scott and Easterv; Wil- I lett and Stanage. Braves Beat Dodgert. Brooklyn, May 2. (National) 1 11 Boston 4 r. l Brookls n 1 4 0- Batteries Tyler and Whaling; A I I len and Miller j Pirates Defeat Cardinals. Pittsburg, Mav 2 (National) I H St. Lonis 4 9 1 f Pittsburg .5 9 " Batteries Grlner and YYinzo. Hen I drix and Kelly. Quakers Beat Gianta. j Philadelphia, Mav 2. (National New Y'ork 3 fi 1 Philadelphia 4 9 0 L Batteries Demaree. Crandall, Mar- I qnard and Mevers; Seaton, Chalmers aud Kllllfer. Senators 5, Red Sox 4 Boston, May 1. (American) R. 1 1 K. YVashlngton & 0 " Boston 4 5 H Batteries Groom and Henr. I Leonard and Cady. I Cubs Defeat Red. Chicago. May t. (National)-- I R . H HL I Cincinnati 1 !, Chicago 4 4 H Batteries Smith. Harter and (Markc: Cheney aud Archer. f (For Additional Sport News See Pages 2 and 6.) ? I