IT JJ. THE OODEN STANDARD, OGDEN, UTAH, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 191S. y The IVER JOHNSON BICYCLE J The strongest, easi est running, finest constructed. Highest grade tires, saddles, bars and general equipment. V The Standard of all J i Bicycles. PROUDFIT SPORTING GOODS COMPANY. 35135324 St I I Palace Cafe Special Dinner . . 25c Lunch from 11 i. m. t 4 p. m. Dinner from 4 p. m, I m, j TOM HOY, Mfr. 24 23th St I Slade's I i Transfer j Phon S21. 408 25th Street ! We have th; largest van n f.hs ! city. Quick eervlce. Moving, ship ping and handling pianos. Prompt i freight deliveries. Furniture mov- ! Ing a specialty. Storage at reason- able rates, j, ' MITCHELL BROS. j ; ! for artistic ! MONUMENTAL WORK I Best work and lowest prices ' I guaranteed. Yard, Cor. Jeffer- f Q son and 21st St. Phone 2218-W. The Newport Cafe JIM, WONli-WE, Managers. 218 TWENTY - FIFTH STREET. Open Day and Night Everything Sanitary. Fraoh Meats j f GAS RANGES j PEERY-KNISELY HARDWARE CO. j 2437 Wash. Ave. Phone No. 213 I (HAVE YOUR I PIANO TUNED H rl Get one of our yearly contracts. jtj.J Work fully guaranteed. GLEN BROS PIANO COMPANY J &kn 2470 Hudson Ave. Phone 181 I I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF C3DEN, UTAH Hl V. S, DEPOSITARY ';,v Capital . 150,000.00 Undivided profits ;; '"d surplus 350,000.00 .';'j !.', Deposits 3,500,000.00 ':;! M- S. Browning, Pres.; l R. Ecclos, Vice Pres.; G. H. f&sM Tribe, Vice-Pres.; John Wat- ESst ' on' V'ce-Pres.: John Pingrce, SK?W Cashier; Jas. F. Burton, Asst U Ming Skin Kczcma, PSOrlBSlSi Pandrnfr", Plm 1 tp k1n troubles of any kind WASH TI I EM AWAY with D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema This mild waah will brlnr you In : utant relief from that awful Itch. ' Prow It with "Or Lottie. Wo Kuar ant'e the regular Jl 00 sir bottle to mnA -nir dlftrear! nd begin your cure c your irtonoy back. D.D-D. Soap trips. 100, ask US. Culley Drug Co. ! DO YOU NEED A BANK? Those who find that they require either new I or additional banking facilities are invited to avail themselves of the service of this bank. This bank is a strong, conservative and at the same time progressive financial institution. It receives small as well as large accounts and extends to all de positors prompt and Excursions East "The Union Pacific System" V- trtne? CKA;U 0 POKT3 -IlI "The Direct Way" Electric Scfeby i-.-- fSssss: " Bloc Stomal Protection TggS 113' Special round trip f?j:es from OGDEN to Chicago $56.50 St. Louis 52.00 Memphis 59.85 St. Paul 55.70 Omaha 40.00 Kansas City 40.00 Denver 22.50 Pueblo 22.50 Proportionate rates to other points DATES OF SALE: May 17, 24, 31. June 3, 7, 13, 14, 21, 28. July 2, 5, 10, 19, 23, 31. Aug. 1, 9, 10, 11, 16, 22, 28. Sept. 10, 11. FINAL LIMIT OCTOBER 31. Diverse Routes Liberal Stopovers. Six Dally Trains via For further Information, tickets and reservations, call at, phone or address CITY TICKET OFFICE 2514 Washington Ave. Phone 2500 Paul L. Beemer City Passenger and Ticket Agent Ogden's New Drug Store I is rapidly building a reputa tion, based on careful accuracy in compounding and for keep- . ing the purest Drugs and Medicines Another point in our favor is that we are most reasonable in our charges. i E F. MISCH, Prop. "We are in business for your Health. 1 ' On Washington at 25th St. 1 -55 SSfiB The reason la now opened up for 39, S Rubber Heels at the OGDEN SHOE EM s REPAIR FACTORY. Rubber heels. (SEV2lMES W :t" BM Ja" H5 ) All kinds of shot- repairing don Hfl while yon wait. All work guaranteed and neatly done a: 323 24th S Hi ICIRCUS TRAIN IS IN A BAD SMASH UP Stricken with epilepsy as he was backing road engiue No 1066 to the Sells-Kioto circus train on track No. S in the yards of the O. S L. between First North and Second North. Salt Lake, at 12 15 o'clock this morning Wilbur S Noyea, 43, engineer, per mitted the locomotive to crash full force into the train. Jammed between the locomotive and tender he wan so seriously injured that he died at H a m George L Bowers, a clrcuB watchman, was knocked from a stock car, receMng a fracture of tho right leg Just below the knee, while Frank Walker, a driver for tho circus, fall ing similarly, received bruises about the head. When the engine struck the first car. loaded with camels, tho animals sat down in unison, hut scrambled up again uninjured A car of ponies in the rear of the camel car was chaotic with its scrambling live freight for several mlnutrs after the collision None of the animals was seriously hurt Horses Frightened. A stampede of the band of heavj draft horses used in loading was nar rowly averted because of the noiac of the collision, the snorting of the ponieB and the cries of the frightened camolfl In the cars. Only the prompt action of the teamster at the bits of the horses prevented them from bolt ing Tho two cara that suffered most were found fit for travel with slight repairing, and loading was resumed shortly after the injured men had been removed from the scene of the accident. H. J. Jensen, the fireman on the engine with Noyos. escaped without injury and was able to leave with the circus train for Logau H. H. Tammeu, owner of the Sella Floto shows, was in his private car In the yards at the time of the accident. The car was with the passenger train of the circus and not near the acci dent. Mr. Tammen Joined tho elrcua estcrday afternoon coming from San Francisco. He arrived in California from Hongkong, China, on Ma 19 Word of the accident was taken to Mrs Noyes, wife of the injured man. at the Oxford apartments early this morning. oo MRS. INLOW IS TO BE GIVEN FREEDOM The charge of murder in the first degree against Mrs. Caleb A. Inlow, jointly charged with her husband of killing Chauffeur Thomas E White last October, is to be dismissed upon motion of District Attorney E O Leatherwood, according to a rumor j last night This action, it was learn ed from a reliable source, will be taken immediately upon the comple tion of Inlow s trial, no matter what the verdict of the jury in that case may be. Ba icved I nnocent. It is said 'hat attorneys for the s?tate are convinced that Mrs Inlow s connection with the murder of White.! If she had any connection at all, was an innocent one Inlow, according to I the theory of the state, is supposed to have convinced his wife that her aid was necessary to get the consent of White not to appear for the state in the trial of the burglary charge which had been raadp against him It is believed bv attorneys Interested In the case that Mrs. Inlow'a share In the crime if she participated at all, or if Inlow be guilty, was only that of an innocent wife seeking to secure a meeting between her hus band and the man who it is thought was the principal witness against him in the ore specimen theft which he was charged Refuses to Testify The rumor that Mrs Inlow was to be dismissed arose yesterday follow Ing he refusal to testify for the de fense In the trial of her husband. Ac cording to officers of the sheriff's office Mrs. Inlow yesterday morning' told her 3ister that she did not wish to testify, but feared that she would have to She is said to have request - ed the sister to call upon Soren X ChriBtensen an s R Thurmanj her attorneys, and ask them to come to the county jail for a consultation Mr Chrlstensen went to the jail yoster day morning and following the con sultation it was announced that on the advice of her attorneys Mrs. In low would not take the stand. The announcement In the court room yesterday that Mrs Inlow would not take tho stand acted as a blow in ; tho faco to her husband, w ho has constantly maintained a cool and col lected air Yesterday, however, when his attorneys informed him of his : wife 6 decision he slumped in his j chair, and showed a decided indif ference to what was going on about him At the county jail, however, tho de cision of Mrs Inlow created but lit tle surprise. It is said that on many occasions Inlow has been buying delicacies for himself with funds which be obtained from some un known source and that only rarely has hn paid any attention to his wife. Mrs Inlow on the other hand, is said to have won the sympathy of the jailers, who have done everything possible to make her comfortable. CHARLES WRIGHT DIES IN GLENDALE Charles Wright of Glendale died yesterday afternoon, according to Thrr n am Otarrt to tM section of tt j soaotry than all otUr dlacatta put tug'thor, acd onU tbt lot fw jtr mi ppo4 to b lncurdUU. Yot grt mtuy yir doctor pruuanewl It loctl ,d!niM and pmcrlbf d Joetl rvmrdlu, nod bj cooltiDtl; falUn to euro with local trutrntnt, prooouncrd It iucvrablr. S.-Unro bta provao Catarrb to be a cvoatituUoQal dUaa, and tbarutora raqalre constitutional treatment, i Hall's Oatarrb Cur, manufartnred bj F. J. I t'htney A Co., TUV Ohio, la tb only Cnnitltu- ii. i- i ram Ml tbS market. It la taken Internally i In it v trim 10 dro to a teaapoonrnl. It ncta dL-ertly on the blrl and mueoaa orfaoti of I the ayataoi. Tcey oftVr one hundred doOara tor any ri jt falls to car. Send fox circulars end , tnttinnsjliBL Addreen T. 1. CnENET CO., TV Ohio. K M Lt ripjcc-i" i 75c. 1 i.k UsU's Kaiclly PlUs for coastlpiUon. word received in Ogden by his chll dren Ho celebrated his soventy fifth birthday anniversary last October. Tharles Wright waa born In Lon don. England, and came to Utah with ' lohnson's Army " He settled In Cache valley whn twenty-two years of age. irnmodinteh entrinE the pub- lie school service an a teacher. For j a number of years he was an In structor In schools of Weber county, but more receutly he has been in the southern part of th state A letter to his son, C W Wright, stated that he was in the beat nf health last week and the news of his death was a shock to relatives Ho is survived by three daughter-, and three sons Mrs. ITlulla Howe and Mrs Maggie Wood of Ogden. Mrs Alfreta Bally of McCammon. I Idaho; Gerard Wright of Marsh Val ley. George Wright and C. W , Wright of Corinne JESSE KNIGHT'S DAUGHTER TO WED San Francisco, Gal . May 22. Last 1 autumn Addle lona Knight, the young and beautiful daughter of Jesse I Knight of Provo, Utah, left her home and journeyed to Stanford university. Cupid has snared the studious feet ot the mountain maid, and today when Miss Knight turned aagin toward homo she was the tentative flancpo oi Knight Starr Jordan, son or Stan ford's chancellor. Dr David Starr Ionian At his homo tonight Dr. Jordan said "It Is true that Miss Knight and my son have been good friends, but it is rather premature to sa that they are engaged. Neither Mrs. Jor dan nor I know just what sort of un derstanding there is between Mlssl Knight and my son, so I would not! be justified In saying that they are engaged to wed. We would much prefer to have the news wait upon a formal announcement of an en- j gagenu nt. "This, however, I will pay for my- , self and for Mrs. Jordan MisS Knight is a most charming young, woman and one of the best students ever enrolled at Stanford " Miss Knight returned today to her home in Utah, after having completed her freshman year She bad clung to her studies during two Bemesters, despite the soft allurements w Ith which the god of love beset her path. But as to whether she will be brave enough to attempt her sophomore year, even the sage Dr. Jordan would not venture to Bay. Knight Starr Jordan is 24 years old I and was graduated from Stanford in , 1911. He Is now associated with the I South San Joaquin Land company in the sale of country lands. Ho at tained considerable notoriety when j arrested for speeding his automobile down the peninsula. OPPOSE CHANGING NAME OF CHURCH Reading. Penn.. May 22 -The an nual conention of the Episcopal dio cese of Bethlehem went on record yesterday as opposed to a change of name of the denomination from Pro testant Episcopal to American Catho I lie Bishop Talbot, who presided, en- dorsed a minimum salarv for minis I ters. The hoard of missions, ' ho said, "has decided that lt is not right to ask any man to serve under its appointment at a less stipend than $1.00ii (f he be unmarried or $1,000 1 and a hou9o If he be married These amounts are to be regarded as the minimum " MANICA KILLS ROOMMATES Blackfoot, Jda May 22 - Peter Bradov Itch, an Insane Austrian con fined in the southern Idaho insane asylum here, killed his flve room mates by beating them over the had with a table as they lay asleep jes terdav morning The dead: GEORGE RACE, Pocatello. GEORGE, PEDE. Boise. HYRUM PETERSON Idaho Falls ELI AS BAGLKY Moreland GEORGE SHEPHERD. Pocatello There was no evidence of a Strug I : gle between the maniac and his k Itims except on the body of Peterson Two bruises on his arm showed that I he had tried to ward off the blows I w hich Bradovltch was raining on his head So quietly did Bradoiteh ar compllsh the killing that guards sleep ing across the hall were not awah cned. The heads of all fhe men were completely crushed. Bradovitch was committed to the insane asylum two years ago from the state penitentiary, where he was serving a life sentence for murder. An Investigation or the killing was held this afternoon and the asylum officials were exonerated from all blame According to th testimony the Institution was overcrowded, making it necessary to keep several patients in one room Testimony al so was given tending to show that In the two jears which Bradovitch had hern confined in the asylum he never had shown any signs of violence ORDERS INVESTIGATION. Boise, Ida.. May 22 -Governor Haines said last evening that a com Pleto Investigation of the Blackfoot tragedy would be made Immediately. He Issued a call for the members of the Btate board of the Institution to meet at Boise today At the Ogden Theater Tonight, "The Girl in the Taxi." PYTHIANS ELECT THEIR OFFICERS Salt Lake, Mav 22. The annual ses sions of the Knights of Pythias of Utah and the Pythian Sisters of Utah concluded vesterday with the election and installation of officers for the ensuing year The lodges adjourned for the early part of the afternoon to attend the funeral of Anton Peder sen. convening again at the close of the services. , , E. O. Leatherwood cf Salt Lake was the unanimous choice wf the Knights j for supreme represe native H B Blu menlhal of Provo was elected alter 'nate representative to tho supremo' Muslin Underwear SaleTj 500$1.25 to $1.50 Princess Slips, Combination Suits, Gowns and Skirts at 98c I C 350 While Underskirts at Manufacturers' Cost I p Come and subscribe for the Designer, and take advantage of the IT grand offer while you have the opportunity. Just think of itl Only 1 j 2ViC a eopv or 30c a year. I I Watch tor the Announcement of Our Summer Millinery Opening j LAST (& THOMAS J ! lodge The officers elected .ire. Grand chancellor. L N Meld of Og den; Mark Reedall of Salt Lake. vie. grand chancellor; S N. Randolph of Salt Lake, grand prelate; H. C. Ward Iclgh of Ogden. grand keeper of roc ords and seal re-elected for the twen ty-socond successive year; C J Mc Nitt of Salt Lake, grand master of exchequer. A J Hughes of Provo grand muster ni nrms, H M Swan of Park City, grand inner guard; A A. Jacobsen of Scoflcld, grand outer guard; J. O. Torrence of Murray, grand trustee. The officers elected and installed by ; the Pythian Sisters follow Mrs M l v. Blumentbal of Prove, supreme rep' resentatiye; Mrs C. C. Bacon, ot En reka, grand chief; Dollie Blomenthal of Provo. senior vice; Mrs Minnie Goff of Salt Lake. Junior vice; Mrs I Bvers of Garfield, grand manager; Mrs Lucy Watson or Ogden. gmnd manager of records, Rosa Marks oi Tooele, grand manager of finance; i Mrs C Hodgson of Park City, guard ' The next meeting will be held in Og I den beginning May 19, 1914 SPRY ORDERS A QUARANTINE Sweeping quarantine against the Importation into Utah of nil horses, cattle and swine except such as have been subjected to strict Inspection and examination for contagious and Infectious diseases, was put into ef fect yesterday by an official procla mation Issued from the office of Gov ernor William Spry The proclama tion applies to all the states in the I union, the Dominion of Canada and all foreign countries It Is to be ef fective from the date of iseue. May 21. to December 31, 1014 In declaring the quarantine Gov ernor Sprv explained that lt has been reported to him from reliable author! ties that the livestock Industries of tho state are endangered by the 1m portatlon of infected animals The proclamation sets out the nature of the diseases to be guarded agisinst and enumerates the tests and inspec tions that must be made for hoiBes. mules asses, cattle nnd swine before they can be admitted within the st:ite Health certificates guaranteeing the animals to be free from disease must uronipanv every shipment Into the state Particular provision is made j in ttu- proclamation to guard against tuberculosis in cattle and cholera In Bwine Treatment and tests for each of these diseases are specified The action of the governor In declar Ing the quarantine is in Hue wlth Blmilar steps by governors of other western states recently It Is Inspired bj the common report that dlsense is j unusually prevalent among horses and cattle throughout the west at present CLAIRVOYANT FAKE EXPOSE I Chicago. Ma;- 22. indictments J against five clairvoyants. charged with obtaining, chiefly from women, sums ranging from small amounts up j to $1,000 for "revealing the future," were returned by the county grand I jury yesterday. "Professor" Mason, who. according to charges, was one of a gang of for tune tellers that harvested fortunes in Chicago under alleged collusion with certain police officials, was the onh new name mentioned In the in dictments All or the others had been previously indicted. James Ryan alias "Professor" Charles T Crane, who was arrested in Wyoming, is the only one who has been apprehended Upon returning the bills the Jurors considered charges that the police porsonalh. through "shake down' men, collected from tho "crime trust" of which the clalrvoyunts are alleged to have been a part BRIEF TO BE FILED BY WOOLGROWERS Washington. May 22 Representa tives of tho National Wool Growers association in Washington have pre pared a brief In support of a duty on wool which probably will he presented to the senate finance committee to morrow or next day. The authors or the brief state that its object is to correet erroneous impressions tha have been found to exist among morn hers of the senate with regard to the sheep industrv and the Influence a tariff on wool has on it. For a gsn eral and more complete statement of the wool question from the standpoint of the grower the Wool Growers as sociation invites the attention of the finance committee to the brief lt filed with the ways nnd means committee of the House last January oo SEYMOUR B. YOUNG IS VICTOR IN PASTURAGE Salt Lake. May 22. Quoting from j the constitution of the United Stater, which Bays "No state shall mako o.-J enforce an; law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citi zens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without duo pro cess of law," Judge P C. Loofbourow yesterday handed down a decision in the case of Salt Lake against Sey mour B Young, Jr.. sustaining the demurrer of the defense against two counts and dismissing the CSSC This decision is a precedent for the city and means that it cannot prevent 111 pasturing of horses or other anlmal3 along Btreams furnishing water to the City unless it q shown that this Is contaminating the s'roam so tho gen- llfH eral health of the public Is Jeopard- j ized. uo- p At London. England, grave digers v in Hammersmith cemetery struck & recently for an increase of from $6.75 to $7. GO a week, and got It. A 0 UB un SITTING or Standing, E makes very little Differ- 3 ence to your Feet, if you wear our Shoes. There is Comfort and Pleasure either Way as 1 well as Style. Good Shoes are good friends, b SI About the Soul Mate YOU know best but about STr the Sole Mates see US. ? N. O OGDEN COMPANY. 3) ml 236 25th St. 'one 'itni I I I I ioor o M Close-fitting collars 5 I We launder them perfectly jjej Those close-fitting collars And it's not only the it tl that kind that must be "close-fitters" we launder laundered perfectly In order t'' ' PCr" 1 Mr to fit right send them to us. v, , , we suggest that you also , We launder them as they glVe us , tpyout snjrt8 j should be laundered They'll be finished In the . , .... eamt exacting way that we liV, When you get a "close- do.up col(ar8U H J fitter" back from us. it seta j .? as if it had just come from Just "phone that you want I J J th manufacturer's mould. our wagon to call. Ky , ,. ., -I !! yTgjQlw mmUtQami aJEaWjBaaHaMWBlM hut jj J mSa W fl T3i amZTiu pfT 1 ji ik tow ' iiafr rnirtTiif "W jiT f t:i MTV ir:T:t-" ;SM j . - - " " - ' JlMi " Jn 1 Hon iQt It Is Our Pleasure to 1 Py se You fo fBHw 'f til letter fabrics to start j ya M with.and to make thera Ifj 5(4 ? laist ; hott,'r tailoring tn and distinction. ALL WORK GUARANTEED IN OUR CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIR DEPT THE NOBBY SUITORBUM 223 25th St. ;'