OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, August 28, 1913, 4 o'clock p.m. City Edition, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058396/1913-08-28/ed-1/seq-8/

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I turn n "f T"'Al teV .P?!: IS
(nr Milo to th fltr f Toledo euntr ol
fife ererMSld. n1 thit 11 Ann will psj
Mfh i1 Tfrr rM of i'trrh thii rnont t
cured by tb u of Hill"! Catsrrh urr
Hwmo I" bfr m snd nWrlbd lo mr
pnWOt, this 9tb lUy of PtEbr. A. D.. 1S$6,
641. A. W. OLEABOH
Nolsry Public.
Hill Cstsrrh Oir l faWfn lntrn11.T nd
srf dlrretlr npoo th bl-.l n4 tnuio'i" mr-fii-r,
of to- Ttm. Hvl for C'ltlBODlals,
fre' F J ( nrvr.T (ft., Toledo. 0.
PoW by til Prolf
Tike HM' fimlly Tills for contlpstlon.
But tbev never differ so much
that they cannot he suited at
our fountain. We serve In
large glasses and the drinks
are so nood that you "ill wph
after draining; the "last drop."
1 that the lass held a barrel
We serve all
as well as the new one thai
are worth while -All "Rood to
the last drop.
5 2341 Wash. Ave. 180 25th St j
A new supply of trans
parent Glycerine Soap,
nicely perfumed in
three odors, Swiss
Rose, Violet or Arhut-
10c the cake,
3 cakes for a quarter,
A dozen cakes for
the dollar.
Washington at 25th.
(Phone your order, we
deliver free.)
j TELEPHONE US We'll send
j and get your shoes, repair them
and return them very quickly.
Made in Ogden by
Ogden People
John Scowcroft &
j Sons' Co.
L I A savings account
with this bank Is as
good as ready cash be
cauee, under ordinary
circumstances, it may
be drawn against any
time. The advantage over
keeping the money at
borne is that it is not j!
I liable to loss, by fire or 1
' theft and is constantly
! earning 4 per cent in
terest, compounded
quarterly. 11.00 opens
an account
omtrla W tbe diamond bra no. x
Wk3!tflEi Te TH idled vfth li .e K tton. V
Salt Lake, Aug. 28. George Brown
employed by the O S. L., was hold
up near his home. Fourth South and
Fourth West, shortly after 10 o'clock
last night by iwn youthful highway
mon and robbed of a purse contain
ing $11" and an O. S. L. Fay cheek
calling for fi4 BrOWO sae both hi
assailants carried hip revolvers. As
he was approaching his home ihev
leaped upon him and ordered him to
throw up his hands
Patrolmen In plain clothes were
scattered in the district where the
holdup took place, lut until a late
hour last nlcht no trace had been
found of them. Because of (he man
ner In which they held up Brown,
It la thought they are the highway
men responsible for numerous holdups
durinc the pa9t several days
Steve Kostros, 546 W Fourth South,
complalnci that burglars entered lm
room esterday morninj: and stole
to sultr- of clothes, a blark leather
grip and $2S
W S. Sullivan. Ill Second East,
was robbed of a pearl and diamond
sunburst estimated to be worth 100,
Ti i m r. i A t I, .. . K .Uh frr Vl i c
ii ia aniu IU 1ITT U'-il iMJir-i uwiu u it.
Robert Ian. 12 S. Fifth West, com
plained of ha ing been robbed of two
suits of clothes, a gold watch and $2.
The following complained of hav
ing been robbed of bicycle A. P
Ooodman, 1080 Kensington. J. C
Ij nch, Salt lake Ice company.
Sneak th:ees entered the dressing
room of Mra. Lillian B. Rambeau at
the new OrpheuiD theater lat nlsht
and slole a hand satchel containlnK
$19T.. The robbery was discovered
when Mrs Rambeau bad finished In
the sketch in which she supports Wil
lard Mack and Marjorle Rambeau, her
Detectives (Teorge Chase and Mo
roni Gillespie were detailed, and dis
covered the satchel, emptied of it?
monev, in the rear of the theater
When Mrs H H. Brough, 372 W
late last night after an evening at
Saltalr she discovered bor home had
been searched from cellar t garret.
Contents of bureau drawers were
found strewn on floors and beri
clothing was snatched from beds.
Jewelry estimated to be worth $.''
was stolen.
I). R. Smith. R12 Twelfth East, com
I plained to the police late last night
I of having been robbed of a suit case
containing clothing and other articles
estimated to Ire worth $f.o The rob
bery took place at the D & R. G. depot.
Only $36.75 from Ogden for Cora
. plete four-day circle tour, Including
all rail, stage and hotel expenses
I This Is the last opportunity of the
I season to Isl t this NATURE'S WON
DERLAND and view the GEYSERS.
ER WONDERS. Accommodations at
beautiful Old Faithful Inn , and Lake
and Grand Canyon Hotels For fur
her particulars and illustrated itin
' erary, call on P. L. Beemer. City
Passenger and Ticket Agent. O. S. L.
R. R Co . 2514 Washington Ave.. Og-
den, Utah.
Trenton. N J.. Aug. 28 - Woman
suffrage In New Jersey yesterday re
ceived a setback of at least one year
through an opinion by Assistant At
torney General Gaskill thai the fail
ure properly to advertise the proposed
change In the Btate's constitution ren
ders impossible the ratification of
suffrage by this winter's legislature
The constitution requires that an
amendment be adopted by two suc
cessive legislatures before being vo
ted on by the people and it wa6 as-sur-med
that the amendment passed
by the recent legislature would be
adopted by the next legislature. The
constitution also provides that an
amendment adopted by one legisla
ture shall be published in the news
papers for a period of at least, three
months prior to the election of mem
bers to the succeeding legislature
This means that the advertising of
the woman suffrage amendment
fahonld have begun August 4 The
advertising was not so begun and Ae
I sistant Attorney General Gaskill holds
that it Is now too late to begin the
advertising Hence the amendment
will have to be adopted by the 1914
and 1915 legislatures before it can be
voted on by the people
Brlgham City, Aug 27. Brlgham
City will probably be chosen aa the
distributing point for a large eastern
lumber company that Is contemplat
ing establishing wholesale and retail
lumber yards In Utah and Idaho For
the purpose of looking over the ter
ritory with a view of selecting the
most favorable points, J W. Murphy,
an Iowa lumberman, who is connected
with a large lumber concern of Min
neapolis. spent a few dayB in Brig
ham City, departing later for Idaho
point, it Is the purpose of the com
pany. according to Mr Murphy, of es
tablishing wholesale offices in Salt
Lake City, while Brlgham City 1e the
favorable point for the retail head
quarters and general distributing
point for the yards to be located fa
other towns of Utah and Idaho.
Mr. Murphy, in company with Mrs.
Murphy, will pay another visit to thiB
city in the Immediate future, at which
time he will bo in position to state
definitely where the retail quarters
will be located. At the present time
Mr. Murphy has chosen Brlgham aa
can be sent to this store with every assurance that he will be
promptly served and that he will be given the freshest of ev-(
erything. Our success depends not on selling poor foodstuff UK
you once, but in pleasing you so you will come again. A TRIAL
338 25th St Phones 2215 2216
the most favorable point. Mr Murphy
will have charge of ihe retail yards
In this section If present plans do not
Denver. Aug. 27 The marriage of
Miss Evelyn Powers to De Witt Kno
of Sail Lake City, which took plad
at 8.-30 o'clock this evening In St.
John's cathedral, was one of the most
brilliant social events of the season.
The church was f r.tnsformed into .i
veritable bower of roses and canui
tlons, and the same arrangements
K r re carried out In the decorations of
the Powers' borne, where (he BWeet
fragrance and the luxuriant blossoms
contended in the supremacy of Au
gust over June for weddings Th
rcmony was performed l the Rfiv
Dean H. MnrMn Hart.
Leaning upon the arm of her father.
E P Powen ho gave her away,
Ihe bride appeared unusually pretty.
She wore nn exquisite go n of while
duchess la ie and ( hlffon with a long
court train of richly brocaded satin
falling from her shoulders
Bingham, Aug 27. Nick Foco, a
bartender In the Yam pa saloon hen
took four shots at Percy Cornford a
the latter ran from the saloon this
morning. Noie of the bullets did an
damage. Both men were arretted.
Cornford being placed under 100 bond
on a charge of nssnult and battery,
while Foco. w bo is accused of assault
with a deadly weapon, was required
to furnish a bond of $750.
According to the story at the trou
ble as told by eye witnesses, Cornford
had twice entered the bar and
j "sponged" Foco for a drink A third
request for liquid refreshment was re
fused Comfort Is then alleged to
have thrown Foco to the floor with
violence and held him tnere until the
drink was promised him. But on re-
: leasing the bartender he suddenly lost
his thirst and left the saloon at a high
rate of speed, pursued by the dlspen-'
ser of liquor, who used his revolver
without hitting the fleeing man.
Proo. Aug 27 Charles Barber of
Centervllle. an unmarried man, died
here yesterday from apoplexy at the
age of fJ4 years. The body will be
shipped to Centervllle. where the de
ceased had relatives, for burial.
Erllne, the 2-year-old daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs Laurence Epperson, died
today from cholera morbus The fu
neral will be tomorrow at 2 o'clock
from the residence. 244 North First
West street.
Pocatello. Aug 27. Louis Schlfauo,
an Italian, was shot and serlouslv
wounded early this morning on
Fourth avenue by Sam Geordana, a
fellow countryman. The wounded
man is In a critical condition. His
assailant is under arrest and will
plead self-defense, claiming that
Schlfauo also used his gun. firing two
of the four shots In the battle
The quarrel between the men arose
oter attentions by Schlfauo to
Geordana'6 sister-in-law, according to
Geordana's erslon. He declares that
he had warned his countryman to
keep away from the woman. The
wounded man Is not able to make a
detailed statement at present.
Boise. Aug. 27 The total assessed
valuation of telephone companies In
this state was increased thousands of
dollars as the result of the action of
the state board of equalization In
equalizing the assessments made on
the property of these companies to
day The assessment on the holdings of
one company alone that of the Moun-
tain States Telephone & Telegraph ,
company, was Increased from J945,- j
419 4", made by the last board, to ap-'
proximately $1,116,000. Another not
able Increase was shown in the fee
phoie system of Pocatello. the value
of the mileage of which was increased '
to $300 This company is known as ;
the Idaho Independent.
The Pacific Telephone company
and Continental Telephone company, i
both large operators, were assessed
at $350 per mile. The Interstate!
Telephone company was assessed at
$200 per mile. Smaller companies
were assessed from $10 to $30 per j
Price, Aug 27 While Mrs. Patrick
Callahan was taking the body of her
husband, recently killed at Black
hawk, to Colorado Springs for inter
ment, someone entered her house and
appropriated jewelry and other arti
cles of value to the amount of about
$200. Suspicion rested on her hus
band s brother. Jim Callahan, who
had asked to be allowed to sleep In
the house during her absence, and
he was arrested and searched Some
of the valuable proyerty was found
on hlB person and he later showed
the officers whore part of It had
been pawned. A valuable ring, part
of the loot, later was found in the
hem of his trousers
Logan, Apg 27 The jury in Ihe
case of the state vs Randall -Brooks
Drug company rendered a verdict of
guilty this afternoon after being out
but a short time. This is the first
of the appeal cases where liquor was
seized under the search and seizure
provision of the state liquor law and
means that some $600 worth of liquor
taken will be ordered destroyed un
less an appeal Is taken to tho su
preme court.
Mount Pleasant, Aug. 27. The fol
lowing named teachers hao been en
gaged to teach lu the grade schools
of Mount Pleasant school district for
tho coming school year. James W
Anderson, principal; Daniel Rasmus
sen. Wilford Winkler. Christian Olson,
Mrs. Fannie Miles. Elma Noland. Ma
ry Winkler. Ida Merz, Ida Larsen,
Mattle Lovell, Valentine Larsen. Flos
sir- Staker. Geneve Johnson. Lucile
Frandsen, Tressie Erlckscn. music,
T M Boyden, band and orchestra.
Yrm Gunderson. Round Hills school.
The opening date Is September Ifi.
Logan, Aug. 27. A Japanepe whosr
name was not learned hut who re
lded at Mendon. seven miles from
here, committed suicide last night af
ter poisoning three of his children by
administering strychnine. He and his
oldest son. a lad of 9 or 10 years, are
dead and the other two ehlldren are
recovering from the effects of the
The Japanese and his wife came to
Mendon some months ago and the
wife h,s been employed in Ihe Im'I
fields there, the man remaining at
home on ar-onnt 0f being an invalid
The wife went to work yesterday as
usual, and the youngest child followed
her t.. ihe field When the wlfP came
home last night she found her hus
band unconscious and when she at
tempted to rouse the oldest hoy to
send him for help be, too. gae evi
dence of being ill. She obtained help
and It- Preston R. Merrill .f Welle
vllle was summoned When he reach
ed the place the Japanese and tho old
est son were dea and the other two
children in convulsions.
The physician paid attention to the
latier and then examined the dead.
While dolus o a vial containing a
Bmall amount of strychnine fell from
the dead man's pocket.
Toda there was an Inquest held,
but the only report made to Igan
thus far Is that the Jur rendered a
erdlrt to the effect that the father
had poisoned his family and then him
self. One of the children testified
that his father had mixed some stuff
In 6ome water and given It to him
and his brothers shortly before the
mother came home
Washington, Aug 28. The quan
tity of natural gas produced from
w ells Inu Texas In 1912 was 7 470,373 -000
cubic feet, valued at $1,405,077,
according to B Hill of the United
States Geological survey This Is an
Increase over the production of 1911
of 1.966.980.000 cubic feet In volume
and of 1390,132 in value. The greater
portion of this gas was supplied for
domestic purposes, the value of which
. . , .ited $06,412 or nearly double
the value of the gas consumed In
manufacturing and In generating
power which was $498,665 In 1912.
Some j;a- is used In Texas for brlcl'
manufacture. For the generation of
power it Is utilized In operating gas
engines and boilers at waterworks.'
Ice plants, cotton gins, and largels In
field work.
The total number of gas wells In I
Texas at the close of 1912 was 87, of I
which 24 were drilled In 1912. The
number of dry holes drilled was 23,1
and the number of gas wells aban
doned 6.
Logan, Aug. 27. Cache valley w as j
visited b another heavy thunder i
storm last night. There was an awe
inspiring dlspla. of electricity that
from reports coming In today did
much damage. At Richmond light
ning struck the barn of George M. i
Anderson and set it on fire The
bam, eighty tons of hay and some
Other propertv amounting to $200n tn i
value, burned. A lolt struck Blain
Bell of Richmond while he was stand
Ing outside of his home and gave him
a severe shock. His lips and nose I
were skinned and some teeth knocked
out, and some others loosened, but he
Is able to be about again this evening.
At Smithfleld lightning tore a barn
to pieces and at Paradise it struck
the corner of the home of John Thom
as, tearing away part of the struc
ture, but injuring no one Inside. A I
good deal of rain fell In some parts !
of the county, but not much In Lo
gan. oo
Park City. Aug. 27 A bl celebra
tlon has been arranged for Monday
next, Labor tfa. by the local mem
bers of the miners' union of the West
em Federation of Miners, and It goes
without saying that the celebration
will be a good one as the committees
working on the program are live men
right up to the minute, who will fur
nlsh plenty of amusement for young
and old alike.
The music of the day will be bup
plied by tho newly organized Park
City band. Beginning In the morning
with a street parade there will be
field sports of all kinds, including
women's races and races for girls of
all ages, and in the evening at 7.3u
a boxing contest will he held at the
Dewey theatre between Young Pete
Jackson and Jack Downey. a both
men are now in this city the main
topic of conversation Ib the bout and
the condition of the two men, hence
it appears a big attendance Is as
sured The day s festivities will be brought
to a close with a grand ball in Ras
bnnd 8 hall at 9 30 in the evening
The local public schools will open
Tuesday morning and Superintendent
C L. Martin anticipates the largest
enrollment of pupils for many years
Tbo school buildings have all beou
remodeled, thoroughly cleaned and fu
migated. and. as the teachers are all
here now or will be before the eud
of the week, It Is expected that there
will be no delav In getting the pu
pils at work In real earnest.
Price, Aug 27 The sheriff's office
received wort from Sunnysldo this
afternoon that Theros Mannolis. a
Greek, had beaten and robbed a fel
low countryman while the two were
at work In the mine, taking $350 from
his victim and leavlngz him uncon
scious. later dispatch stated that
the man who was beaten up had died
without renaming consciousness A
good description of the assailant has
been telegraphed to all points and of
ficers have been sent to Green River
to Intercept hi ni If he breaks to
I ward the oast.
A man answerng to the descrip
tion of Mannolis rode Into Mounds
this evening with a Winchester on
J his saddle. He abandoned horse and
rifle and boarded a light enjrlne west
bound When the engine arrived here
he left It and disappeared In the
y;irds The sheriff's office was no
nfled and the vards surrounded by a
posse and It Is believed that Man
QOlle will he In custody within twon-
t -four hours.
Salt Lake. Aug. 28 Resolutions
vvere adopted at a meeting of the
state food and dairy department yes
terday afternoon advising the various
slaughter bouses and canning fac
tories of the state that the state san1
tary laws governing such places must
be adhered to In every detail. Every
I slaughter house and canning factory
Will be notified of the food and dairy
department s action.
The resolutions call attention to
the fact that persons wearing ragged
and dirty clcrthlng will not be permli
ted to work In the canning factories.
The use of tobacco In any form in
aiming factories also will be pro
hibited, as will the employment of
l-crsons suffering from an open
wounds on their bodies The attention
of the canning factory managements
also Is called to the fact that no
clothing must be left In the canning
factory kitchens, that no tainted fruit
or vegetables go into the factory, and
that no person suffering from tuber
culosis In any form be allowed to
work either In a canning factory or
slaughter house or any other place
where food is prepared.
The notices call attention to the
state law making it unlawful to ped
die tainted." decayed or spoiled
food." and canneries will be held re
sponsible If such products are sold lo
Murray. Aug. 27. Florence. Thom
as and Albert Osborne, niece and
nephew of Mrs. C F Dnrand. nar
rowly escaped death or serious In
Jury this morning when the room
ing house In which thev were sleep
ing was destroyed by fire.
The building, which was located at
120 South State street, was owned
b) Dr. H J Smith tThe lower floor
was used as a refreshment parlor.
the upper was in charge of Mrs
Dnrand. who rented out the rooms
When the fire was discovered
shortly before davlight by a passerby
Florence Osborne, aged 16, and her
younger brother were asleep in an
upstairs room, but were awakened by
the play of water on the roof from
the hose of the firemen All were
rescued without Injury
Mrs Durand was In Ogden at the
time of the fire, which Is alleged to
have been caused by defective wiring
The loss on the building and furni
ture Is estimated at $3000, fully cov
ered bv Insurance
PrOTO, Aug 27 Lola Vincent Mar
tin has commenced suit for divorce
In the Fourth district court again;
John Martin on the gTOund of failure
j to provide. She asks for 510 a month
alimonv. $50 attorney fees and that
her former name. Lola Vincent be rc
stored The parties were married In
this cltv May 6 1913.
Vern Rushton of Amercan Fork has
commenced suit for divorce against
Ada Rushton on the ground of deser
tion The parties were married at
Provo, October 13. 1910.
Washington. Aug 28. The value of
the stone produced in the United
States In 1912 reached the large total
of $7.21 r.72 In Increase of 91.176
006 over 1911, thus breaking all prev
ious records Although the percent
age of Increase for 1912 over 1911
was not large, according to E F.
Fiurchard. of the Lnlted States Geo
logical Survey, and although some of
the varieties of stone showed a de
crease the total Increase was con
siderably larger than the increase of
1911 over 1910, when the total value
was $76,620,664, the increase then be
ing but $587 9S3
Pennsylvania has always held first
rank among the stone-producing
States except in 1909, when Vermont
reporter) ihe largest production. tn
1912 the Ke Mtone State produced
11 68 per cent of the total of the
entire United States, with Vermont
second producing 8 41 per cent. Oth
er large stone-producing States,
named In order of "Utput. are New
York, Ohio, Indiana, California, Il
linois, Massachusetts. Missouri, and
Wisconsin the production of each of
which was valued at more than $2-000,000.
Provo. Aug 27. - Articles of incor
poration of the American Fork Motion
Picture company have been filed with
the county cJerk The purpose of tho
corporation Is to conduct places of
amusement, with American Fork as
tho principal place of business The
capital stock is $12,000. In shares of
the par value of $1 each. The fol
lowing are the directors and officers
F M Houston, president; L W lel
son. vice president; Lydla Houston,
secretary' I Nina Nielsen, treasurer,
and these, with Virgil M. Groo, con
stltute the board of directors.
Provo. Aug. 27. The rrult harvest
ing and shipping In the Provo dis
trict Is now well under way. The
crop is the largest ever produced, the
quality is good and the prices prom
ise to be good About the only pres
ent cause for complaint on the part
of the growers is scarcity of help
I The. William M Roy lance company
' and the Utah Fruitgrowers associa
tion are each shipping pears at the
Scarcely Any Hair on Head, T&r.
rible Itching. Also Bothered With ,
Pimples and Blackheads on Face,
Cuticura Soap and Ointment ri
Cured Both Troubles.
Greenwood. Ind. " First my hair b(ia I
to fall, then ray bcaIp lu-hM nd buratj
whfn I Iwime wirm. I had plmpln on rnj I
acalp, my hair waj fttUu
out frnduaUy until I h
nrircely any hair on uj jf
head. I cculdn t. Vwp tti S
dandruff off at all. ij j
hair tm dry and llfel
and 1 lot rtwt at night froa
the terrible itching tenia.
Hon. I would pull my hit
off and scratch my hstf
any place I happened to be.
" For aoveral yearn I was bothered wi'
pimples on my face. Some of thorn wen
hard red spot r some were full of matter, '
and many blackheads. I was alwaji pick
ing at them and caused them to be son.
They made my fac look so badly I vae ;
shamed to be seen.
' I tried washing my head with Onticar j
Poap. dried without rinsing, then put thaj.
Cuticura Ointment on and rubbed It Into
the scalp. I applied the Cutleurt Soap and S
Ointment tho same each week until cured.
Three month"' u-r of OuUcura 8oap anj
Ointment has made my face as smooth and
dean as can be " (atgnod) C. M. Hamilton,
Sept. 24, 1912.
Cuticura Soap t25c1 and Cuticura OlaW J
merit (60c) are sold by druggists and deal si
ererywherr. Liberal sample of esx-Ji mailed
Q-ce. with 32-p. Skin Book. Address postJ
card "Cuticura, Dept T. Boston."
S-Men who share and shampoo with Ce i
Ucun Soap will Qad it bort for akla sad scalj,
rate of about three cars a day SomsJ
Craw ford peaches have been ship
ped, the packing of Elbertas has com
menced arid largo shipments will bs
kept up till the end of the season.' I
oo . sl
Mount Pleaant, Aug 27. During t i
severe electrical storm that paesfxl
over this section, lightning struck ths
wash house of O. F. Wall, tearing a ;
hole In the roof and otherwise dsn- '
aging the building No one was hurt, !
although Mrs. Wall had left the build
ing and gone into the house' a few
steps awa but a moment before the
Indianapolis, Ind Aug. 27. Ttto
companies of the Indiana nations
guard are under marching orden In
South Bend and Elkhart, waiting the j
order of Governor Ralston to pro
ceed to the Mineral Springs rice
track In Porter county, where it li
said bookmaklng has been carried on
openly at the second summer trie ;
meeting which opened last Thursday.
Washington. Aug. 27 The Houne
today passed a resolution aut'f rixinij i
investigation of charges against Judge j
Emery' Speer of the federal courtl
of Georgia. The Investigation w!U
be condueted by a 6ub-commltte of ;
the judiciary' committee which orig- 1
inates impeachment proceedings.
Creditor's Salel
Now In F nil Swing I
j -
Every day we are getting in NEW FALL I
SUITS AND OVERCOATS and they are go- 1
JL ing at SALE PRICES, which are 1
A 35 to 50c I
WW on the Dollar If
1 ill if Now is a good time to put in your winter Br
ft! Ill supply of clothing, for this is your ONCE IN 1
ill bonafide reductions on new and honest mer- jjKt
lu chandise.
Come, Look! and We will K
Be Glad to Show You IfJ
Manhattan Clothes Shop If

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