Newspaper Page Text
N I l ! si THE OGDEN STANDARD, OGDEN, UTAH, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 191sT 5 ! Woman's Page Foolish Affectations a Sign of Weakmindedness Use of Cane, Alpenstock or Monocle a Silly Fa-shion Cause of Insomnia I Face Massag-c Exercise of Joints Cream For Face Washing White Parasols and Cleaning White Shoes Care of Feet. I I I FOOLISH AFFECTATIONS The fashion editor flashed the fact that women are using thr ":ilprn Ftock" on tliHr daily promenades. The ordinary cane ia often ns-d by women on occasionfl as a prop to some weakness, and one l - reels a sense of sympathy for the unfor tunate one wlio Is po afflicted But the woman who carries a cane or al penstock at any other time than on her mountain climb i.- suggesting misfortune that she r!orp not . Common sense Is the most Rloriou i gift a woman can po i tor It .18 i the mainsprlnc of all the workings ol her mind No wonvin with n grain of7 pro.v matter could promenade upon j g thoroughfare gowned in the mod- If era fashion oi today carrying a tail 6tlck of the alpenstock order unl--.-1 it were done to set a fashion for brainless sheep to follow Tor the I gratification of her own sense or hu I mor I The afff ion of the monocle and n alpenstock is like ail fashionable af I fectations suggestions of decrepitude I an insinuation of some shortcoming or lack of perfect health Strance that sued fashions should ' be adopted or cun considered b) I people who are serklnu health I. for one, wonJd rather not be hampered by an ungainly stick when walking I 1 DUt would step out free from imperil - tflLi WWW 3fl H t TREE ; I ikM TEA 1 IMPORTED BY ? I SAN FRANCISCO (ments, only carrying what was useful land thankful that my rrame was suf ficient to hear me up Remember Affectations are lies that score against you. WASHING WHITE PARASOLS "Have you ever tried to wash white COtton parasols'? Just try It with plenty of warm soapy rain water, a hand brush, and enough sort water for a couple of rinsings. Of course a bright, sunny day must be chosen o that they will bleach Give them a good scrubbing with several rins ings, and after being hung on the hue thev will dry' splendidly Always leave thehi open while drying. A mixture of svhitlng and water Is ait ezdellenl cleaner for white canvas ihoete Five tents' worth of whiting a III make several bottles. SCRUB EVERGREEN TREES On the land around here, which is not under cultivation, there are little dvergreen trepB springing up. These are of no use to the farmers, and they would gladly have them off their j land These trees are much used (for ornamental purposes Get a quan tity of these small trees now and t plant them In candy , mackerel, or any kind of available pails (which you can purchase at the grocery stores for very little)! paint them greem and put handles on each side. They will make fine decorative trees. A FOOT EXPERT An elderly woman thrown upon her own reSQUroes has built up a business in her own home In a large eastern town, which is sureh "different. ' but produces satisfactory financial re turns She always had been very particular In the care of her feet and necided she could turn this knowledge to profit She massages, pedicures, removes corns, and treats all kinds of foot troubles. She also can give practical advice as to the kind of stockings and shoes that are best idapted to the individual needs of her patrons It Is a good field for a woman and the remuneration is good. WEAK ANKLES Sometimes a rundown heel is re sponsible for a propensity to turn on the part of the ankle If the ankles are fundamentally weak, however, medical attention should be called in. Sometimes in young children braces to the knees are necessary to strengthen bent ankles, but as a rule massage given instead of braces. Anything is bettor than to go through later life with weak ankles, which could have been cured in childhood bj a lew precautions Laced shos J are, of course, the best for too slen der or too weak ankles, and these : hould always be used for skating EXERCISE FOR JOINTS Walking up and down stairs sev oral times a day is a fine exercise for the lolnts At first It may be rather laborious but persevere until you can mount the steps with a spring, in Btead of a slow, labored tread, and be able to run down stairs. Instead ii always using the elevator, make It a rule to walk up and down stairs very time you go out or come In Those who are working in downtown i 1 1 ices seldom need this practice. CREAM FOR FACE. Water, is like poison to irritated skin You should seldom use water on your face You can cleanse It with a face cream Once a day ap ply it with a piece of absorbent cot ton and wipe it off with a fresh piece I of cotton. SPONGE CAKE Weigh ten eggs, allow their weight I In sugar and half their weight in I WE RENT, SELL, RE- f fHlf IPWLl WIND ALL KINDS OF Hfcll W ) MOTORS. V Jlgfy Electric Service Co. Up 24th. Phone 88. fGDEN SHOE REPAIRmTACTO Mn'e 8wed Sole 65o " ""s Ladles' Sewed Solos BOo i jL Rubber Hcla (any Kind) 38c 3tf"W W KH klnda of shoes dons- whlls flour. Beat the yolks light, whip the sugar Into them, stir In half the grat jet) peel and all the Juice or a lemon, then the flour, and last the stiff 1 beaten whites must be folded in. Bako In a steady oven. CHEESE STRAWS Add two ounces grated cheese to one cup flour with which you have I sifted a level teaspoon baking pow der and a pinch of salt. Moisten with! the yolk of one egg and enough milk to make a paste that can tie rolled out. Roll info a thin sheet and cut Into fine straws Bake to a delicate brown and sift grated cheese over them while they are warm. CAUSE OF INSOMNIA Rome memory culturlsts advise their students on retiring to careful ly review the details or the days ' vents This may be beneficial to the memory, but to the system it is per nicious, ror. after the habit Is once formed, the act becomes Involuntary, and Insomnia Is the almost Inevitable result Happy, indeed, Is he who can banish over care as soon as his. head touches the pillow compose his mind and fall Into a refreshing sleep De termined effort may make this possi ble. The first step toward treatment Is to take a mental Inventory of our condition. If you are 1n the habit of j taking your dally cares and worries' to bed with you and brooding over them, quit It as quickly as possible , Attempt repose of mind as well as body. If you are not getting enough physical exercise, institute some method by which you can reach ni mild degree of bodily exhaustjon Don't let the thought that you cannot at all times get to sleep when you -a cause you any anxletv, for often the fear of insomnia has a worse ef fect on the system than the lack ol sleep FACE MASSAGE I think rubbing oil into the face will help fatten it Of course It Is to the cheeks that you devote vour atten tion If, however, you have any tend ency to a growth of hair on the race I would advise you not to use any grease on your face Massage alone may help Rub on the oil plentifully and then pinch the cheeks with the thumb and forefinger. You can do both sides at once. Then with the palms of the hands rub and smooth the cheeks until the oil is absorbed Never use a downward stroke, for In massaging the face the muscles and mass of flesh should be lifted up. as the tendencv is for the tissues to sag. oo UTAH GIRL WEDS KNIGHT JORDAN Provo, Sept. 1 One of the most elaborate social events that has taken place in Provo was the marriage o? Miss Addle lone Knight to Knight Starr Jordan of Calirornia this ee ning at 7 o'clock at the home of the bride's father, JesBe Knight The ceremony was performed by Bishop Albert Manwartng The decorations were beautiful and were arranged b Prof. E. H Fast mond. The reception room was deco rated with golden glow and smilax. tied with tasseled silken cords A mountain scene was arranged In the dining room, the foliage being autumn leae8 and green grass Large bou quets of American beauty roses in golden baskets decorated the parlor Beneath an alcove of white roses, in which was woven the letter K the bride and groom with their attend ants received the congratulations of more than 400 guests The bride wore a gown of crepe de chine wltn pink chiffon covered with an over dress of embroidery The bridesmaids were Miss Augusta Illich ot Oakland, Cal , Miss Faullne Herrlnger of Salt Lake, and Miss N'lna Taylor or Proo. Harold Jordan, brother or the bridt groom. acted as best man. Mr and Mrs. Jordan will leave to morrow for a honeymoon trip to Hon olulu, where they will visit a short time before going to Carmel-by the Sea, the California summer home of David Starr Jordan, father of the bridegroom Their home will be at Terra Bella, Cal Mr and Mrs Jordan became en gaged while they were undergradu ates at the Stanford university and their engagement was announced sev eral months ago Dr David Starr Jordan former president of Stanford university, and Jesse Knight of Pro vo have been friends and associates many years -oo MOVING PICTURES OF THIS REGION The Oracle-Isis-Globo theatrical company, under the management of H. A Sims, has taken steps to ex ploit Ogden a scenery by means or motion pictures The machine has arrived and Is being operated by R. L. Noggle Motion pictures of the Wizard of the Wasatch carnival were taken to teat the machine and the pictures will he shown at an early date. It 16 the plan of the company to se cure 6cenerv around Ogden that Is new to a greater portion of the citi HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG Nobody can Tell when you Darken Gray, Faded Hair with Sage Tea. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful efrect. By asking at anv drug s'ore for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, readv to use for about 50 cents. This simple mixture can he depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Is splendid for dand ruff, dry. itchy scalp and falling hair A well-known downtown druggist says ererybodj Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, because It darkens so naturalb and eenh that nobody can 'ell It has been applied It's so easv to use. too. You simply dampen a i.nnge or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time. My morning the gray hair disappears, after another application or two, it is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abundant. PROVO PUTS BAN ON SCANTY DRESS Provo. Sept 1 The combined par ents class or thiB city have drarted a set of resolutions which they will present to the city commissioners, urging that a law be placed upon the statutes prohibiting the wearer of scantv clothing to appear on th streets of Provo and calling for a gen eral reform of dress The resolutions pass.-( cstcrda) are as follows: He not the first by whom the new is tried, Nor yet the lasl to cast the old aside 'Since the leaders of our church have cautioned us against excess in dress, and in lew of the pre ailing fashions, which do not sufficiently over the body, and therefore are 1m modest and not sanctioned by th thinking public at large, regardless of creed, we, the members of the par ents classes in Provo City Sunday schools unite our efrorts to bring about a reform in this direction "Therefore, be it resolved, That these fads and fashions are not a cre ation of our own, nor a creation of necessity to fill a want for suitable lothes. but are forced upon us by manufacturers who are seeking mar kets for their products by creatine new and extreme opposite fads and fashions regardless of propriety or modesty, in order that the may make financial gain Resolved, That these extreme fans and fashions are causing economic and unnecessary waste to those who participate in them making it a dou ble hardship to the poorer classes, and haUng a tendency to create a spirit of false pride among those who indulge In them and putting those who can't afrord the expense and those who for other reasons do not follow the fashions In an embarrassing po sition. "Resolved, That this extravagance in dress takes attention away from school work and other useful studies of life, and has a tendency to make boye and girls wasteful Instead of economical, Immodest, frholous and pleasure-seeking Instead of modest, studious and thoughtful of others, and deelops an inclination to disregard the more serious things of life "Resolved, That we discountenance improper and extravagant dress in the home, upon the street, in thn school room, at the sports. In the ball room and at public and private gath rings "We hereby petition the parents, the heads or all church organizations, the Brlgham Young university, the Proctor academy, the public schools and all other schools and organlza ttons that they co-operate wnn us in trung to create a sentiment ror the correction of the dress evil. We sug gest that the B. Y. lT , the Proctor academy, the public schools and other schools choose a uniform or other plain dress and encourage its adop tion among the students; that an ex pensive raiment, powder and paint be discountenanced, and that the several heads or the above named organiza tions, as well as others we may havn overlooked In naming, take up tho queBtion with the departments under them in ,1 manner that this move may be kept alive ror mutual cooperation and strength in righting this eil In novation and promoting a sentiment that will encourage modesty and economy." oo Col George Bailey allows as how he could spend a right smart passel of time in Tennessee without being called a liar, ' unless It became neees sarv for us to tell an interrogator that our suit-case contained nothing but 1 clothes. Nashville Democrat. , WE SELL FOR CASH 1 1 INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. I Phone 23 FREE DELIVERY 2420 Wash. Ave. I I ON YOUR WAY TO THE PANAMA CANAL All aboard! Get ready for a trip to the great Panama canal. It isn't a boat trip, nor is It a trip by train. What then? Why, nothing less than a step into ; the front door of Panama, on through the isthmus by easy stages, and out into the Pacific ocean without even wetting the sole of a shoe. How's it all done' The Standard gives you the oppor tunity through a beautiful big Illus trated book called "Panama and the Canal In Picture and Prose." Thl? ,hook tells you of the strange natives of the Canal zone, their characteris tics and customs also their costumes, which are designed to show more of their anatomy than is shown even In j polite circles of modern society; It portrays the beauties of the jungle, the floating islands, the flowers and trees or this wonderful tropical coun try All of these features are des- crioeu ni uiMuuiui num iiu.iuii-a! in termingled with rare illustrations, many of which are made from water color studies and reproduced in splen did full pages In their natural color ings. This olume then becomos a source of education to every one who pos sesses it. Everybody should know of the wonders or the great canal and its surrounding territory. The entire story is told in this magniricent book The Standard has arranged to pre sent these volumes to readers as ex plained in the Panama certitlcate which Is printed daily In these col umns Six or these certiMcates are required, together with a small ex 1 pense amount to cover the mere Items or the cost of distribution No such opportunity was ever before offered to get a volume of this character for only the amount of the expense in volved in the transactions oo ACQUIT YOUTH OF MURDER CHARGE Washington, Sept. 2. Stewart Mndge, the American youth who was tried In Imataca, Venezuela upon a technical charge or murder was ac quitted, according to a dispatch re ceived at the State Department to day. Mudge was engaged In an ath letic game with a Venezuelan youth when the latter received fatal In juries. The American legation at Caracas appointed an agent to see Soft WWtHan Are promoted and main tained by the. daily use of Cuticura Soap assisted by an occasional application of Cuticura Ointment. For red, rough, chapped and bleeding hands, and itch ing, burning palms the Cu ticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment work wonders. Cudoor Soap u4 Ointment K13 Uiroucbout th world Uborml ropl of fb milled tzr, with 32-p t-vk Addr 'OaUrur, Dept. fiO. Bolton. ar-.lta wbo bar tod tmpoo w lUi CuUcurft 0o will and It bat tor ill- c: J tctp. that Mudgo had a fair and Impartial trial and his acquittal was expected by ofriclals here. u u LEGAL PROBATL AITD GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Conault County Clerk or the Respo tlve 8lgner for Further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Hana C. Westergard, De ceased. Creditors will present claims, with vouchers, to the undersigned, at tho law orfices or David Jensen, at Num bers 603-604 First National Bank building, in Ogden City, Weber Coun ty, State of Utah, on or before the 16th dav of December, A. D 1913. HANS C. WESTERGARD, Administrator or the Estate of Hana C Westergard, deceased. DAVID JENSEN, Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate or Mary E, Westergard, De ceased Creditors will present claims, with vouchers, to the undersigned, at the law offices of David Jenson, at Num bers o03 604 First National Bank building, In Ogden City, Weber Coun ty, State or Utah, on or before the 16th day or December, A. D 1913. HANS C WE3TERGARD, Administrator of the Estate or Mary E Westergard, Deceased. DAVID JENSON, Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Notice Is hereby given by the board if commissioners of Ogden City. Utah, or the intention or said board to make the rollowlng described improvements, to-wlt: To- create both sides o? Chester street from Washington avenue east to Jefferson avenue; also both sides of Capitol avenue from Harrison to Vaxt Buren avenues as a sidewalk district, and to construct therein a concrete sidewalk five feet wide and four inches in thickness, with the neces sary Intersections together with the necessary grading therefor, and to de fray the whole of the cost thereor, es timated at $2,100.00, by a local assess ment upon the lots or pieces of ground lying and being within the following district, being the district to be ben efited or affected by said improve ments, viz.. All the land lying between tho outer boundary lines of sala street and avenue, and a line drawn 60 reet outward from and parallel to the 6aid outer boundary lines. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such intention must be presented In writing to the city re corder on or betore the 4th day or September. 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m , that being the time set by said board of commissioners when they will hear and consider such objections as may be made thereto, at the mayor's of fice, at the City Hall, Ogden City, Utah. By order of the board of commis sioners of Ogden City, Utah. Dated thiB 12th day of August, 1913 H J CRAVEN. City Engineer FlrBt publication August 12, 1913 Last publication September 3, 1913 ALIAS SUMMONS. In the district court of Weber coun ty, state of Utah. ' Mildred Butler, plaintiff, vs. John H Butler, defendant The state of Utah to the said defend ant : You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this alias summons upon you. if served within the county in which this ac tion is brought, otherwise, within thir ty days arter service, and defend the aboe entitled action, and In case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to The demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is brought to ob tain a decree dissolving the bond6 of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintlfr, and tor general re lief. DWID JENSON, ' Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O. Address. No 503 First National Bank Bldg, Ogden. Utah ALIAS SUMMONS. In the district court of Weber coun ty, state of Utah Lottie Metcair. plaintiff, vs. Leslie G. Metcalf. derendant. The state or Utah to the 6ald de rendant . You are hereby summoned to ap pear within twenty days after service of this alias summons upon you. ir served within the county in which this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and In case of vour failure so to do, judgment will be renderod against you according to H the demand of the complaint, which H has been filed with the clerk of said I court. This action is brought to ob- jfl tain a decree dissolving tho bonds of fl matrimony now existing between you I and the plaintirr and for general re- DAVID JENSON, M PlalnUfr's Attorney. P. O. Address No 603 First Natl 9 Bank Bldg., Ogden, Utah. I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ! Sealed proposals will be received at the orrice or the city engineer, in the City Hall, Ogden City, Utah, up to and Including Thursday, Septomber 4th, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m , at which ' time said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud, for rurnlshlng mate rials and doing the work of paving with either asphalt, Utah Rock As I phalt, Bltullthic or Dolarway pavement 1 with the necessary concrete rounda- ! tion, together with all necessary ex cavating and grading thereror, of 26th treat rrom the east side or Washing- ton avenue to the east side of Harri son avenue. To be hereafter known as paving district No. 108. All work to be done under plans and specirications pre pared by the city engineer and ap proved by the board of commission ers. Plans, specifications and full Infor mation can be had upon application to the city engineer after AuguBt 25th, 1913. j The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. By order of the board of commis sioners. H. J. CRAVEN. City Engineer. 1 First publication August 12, 1913. Last publication September 3, 1913 NOTICE OF INTENTION. I Notice is hereby given by the board 1 of commissioners of Ogden City, Utah, 1 of the intention of said board to make " J the following described Improvements, 1 To create Lincoln avenue from the j south side or 26th street to the north side of 30th street as a paving district, 1 and to pave therein with concrete 7 I inches thick, and to do all the necea- sary grading thereror, and to derray the " hole or the cost thereor esti mated at $16,015 50, by a local rront ago assessment upon the lots or parts f or lots rrontlng thereon to the full length of said district to be benefited and arrected thereby. 5 J All protests and objections to the carrying out or such Intention must be presented in writing to the city re corder on or before the 8th day of September, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., that being the time set by said board of commissioners when they will hear and consider such objections as may be made thereto, at the mayor's of fice, at the City Hall. Ogden City. Utah. JjS By order of the board of commis sioners of Ogden City, Utah. Dated this 14th day of August, 1913. I 'S'i H J CRAVEN, City Engineer. First publication August 14. 1913. Last publication September 5. 1913 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Notice Is hereby given by the Board of Commissioners of Ogden City, Utah, of the Intention of said Board to make the following described Im provements, to-wlt: J To create Hudson avenue, north from 29th street as far as Hudson J avenue Is now opened through block jl lo, s O. S , as a sewer district, aud I to' construct therein a pipe sewer to- jl gether with the necessary manholes, 9 and connect all with the manholes of I the present sewer system, and to de- M fray the whole of the cost thereof, es- pf1 tlmated at $700 by a local assessment on the lots or pieces of ground laying and being within the following dis trict, being tho district to be benerit ed or arrected by said Improvements, viz: All the land lying between the outer boundary lines or said avenue and a line drawn 132 reet outward rrom and parallel to the said outer boundary lines. Said district to be assessed ror the cost or putting In the sewer between 28th and 29th streets, also ror securing the right or way ror said sewer, rrom the north end of said Hud son avenue to 28th street. &n nmtoRts and obiectlons to the carrying out of such intention must be presented in writing to the City Recorder on or before the 18th day of September. 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., that being the time set by said Board of Commissioners when they will hear and consider such objections as may be made thereto, at the mayor's or rice at the City Hall, Ogden City, Bj order of the Board of Commis sioners of Ogden City. Utah Dated this 20th day of August, 1913. H. J CRAVEN, City Engineer. First day of publication August 26. Last day of publication September 17, : m n m : Final Reductions ol Nearly Everything in the Store I OFFERS DECIDEDLY THE GREATEST VALUES OF THE SEASON II We're puUinu: our greatest efforts into this occasion-and likewise our greatest values. A genuine reduction sale on the class of toods we sell is of great importance to H those who buy, for it means high class merchandise of the highest character at prices far below ordinary. At the extremely low prices, the good things won t lasi long. Don't delay. Be among the first to come. Shop early Shop in the morning. f Irn att nvrp thF qtopf amr SFF THF W T Tfc TT1 C 9 I REALLY YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO STAY AWAY j 1 GO ALL 0LR 1 HE STORE AM) SEE lHh FROM THIS MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITY (1 BARGAINS AT EVERY TURN. II W ! J-KUM this .mj.m zvn J ffi H