4 ' THE OGDEN STANDARD, OGDEN, UTAH, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 1913 William Glosmann. Publisher. ,j AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER ( Established 1S70 ) litis paper will always fight for pre-giesii sad refrrm, it will not know I 'kp'y tolerate Injustice or corruption I arid will Always ilgbt demagogue 01 ai. parties; 1: Will oppop? priv.iagen OlfttMN and public plunderers; LI will never lack sympathy alt b too poor, If, Will sJways remain devoted to ttu public wrlfaie and will never be si" I isfled w.th merely printing news will ;vri6 be drascoally vr.r.epend em iLG will Lev c r fru.d '0 acuiun wrong, wheiLer ccuici-.teu o w rich or in? .-ecr. SELFISHNESS PROMISES TO I INJURE THE STATE Hj There is no end to the scheming H of our Salt Lake friends in connection W i v.-It li the establishing of a trans-con H tincntal automobile route At the H inoment when congratulations were H being extended to Ogden on having M been placed on the Lincoln Highway H the very men who were offering Vic 1 good cheer were planning on a clove: H 1 move to have the trail go south o; H j Great Salt Lake, a scheme w hich, it H successful, would prevent Ogden from H being the supply point for all tour Hl ists going east from the coast I Here is an extract from the Sliver Hl State of Winnemucca, Nevada, which Hl discloses pari of the plans of the Salt Hf I Lakers; HV' & Lambert, representative of H 9 Hie Salt Lake w holesale papei house H J of rhe Lambert Paper company, was 1 in winnemucca yesterday When I asked what was new In Salt Lake in J regard to thn route for the Lincoln I highway, .Mr. Lambert replied I I "'Salt Lake favors what is known .? I as the 'Southern Route,' which will I bring the road around the southern I end of the lake For this reason an idea has become current that we ar- . I against the Northern Route,' which I would run through the Humboldt val ley. This is not true We are only M M opposed to having the route run WL. around the north end of the lake. Af !! ter passing around the, south end or the lake, the logical route would be to Grantville, Kanaka ranch. Orr s ranch. County Well, Salt Springs. Fish ; Springs. Willow Creek. Deep Lreek, I which Is the Nevada line. I " 'From the state line there is , l hoice of three routes, all of which j are better than the average road I From Deep Creek one road runs over I Shellbourne rxiss into Kfentrx vallov or by turning to the right the pass I by way of Currle, Elko county; rhe H third route goes from Deep Creen ro H may be avoided and tourists can come I Cherry Creek. Egan canyon. Ruby val I ley. and north to Deeth jaj "'Bach of these three routes pos- se6Res many advantages over those farther 6outh. At all of the points - 3tj r.amed, gasoline and auto supplies igi1 rnay be obtained at reasonable prices, I IFt, and after reaching the Nevada lin" telephone communication may be had .flSf with the outside world.'" f, The people of Brigham City and all 'Jw ol Box E1(1r county should take note ira of tnls campaign to cut them off the ?H transcontinental highway They ar &JH equally concerned with Ogden in re sisting this movement in Salt Lake 10 w'Pe all northern Utah off the au '49 'tomoblle trail. l:$f Thfe Salt Lakers commit the unpar- .'-M donable offense of laboring to force W&gg tourists weBt from Salt Lake over the m08t deBolate ')art of this state, &SM rather than have them go north K-iSBi through peach and apple orchards and beautiful fields of alfalfa and grain. and lhc' are perpetrating this wrong ftSu'M Uom tte extremely motive of desir- lng t0 be the flrBl '0 catch the auto VJm mobile parties coming from, or going ''fw l0' tbe coa8t- -.i Ml Salt Lakers should realize that the 0Ul W8 b v,hlch t0 bul,d UP that I lift PENNANT" RrfSjSi 'tianaer of health" is always won by the ES peron who possesses a I 1 JSgS kcen aPPente, enjoys :$tjm, perfect digestion, and ffiEM whose liver and bowele M aro regular Get into this S39 "winner" class at once SK&X by the aid of ' I HOSTETTER'S HI Stomach Bitters j I It Is for Poor Appetite, HH Sick Headache, Heart- HH burn, Indigestion, Con- BH stlpation and Malaria. : n 60 YEARS THE LEADER ( 1. Is to help build hp Hi- entire jtate. The) rc but helping to tear low n w hen the;, endeavor to hao 1110 orisip to through that part of L'tah vliich is a desert and a dreary waste, nstead of leading them into thr de Ightful stretches of cultivated lands o be found from Ogden north of the ake to the Nevada line 00 STANDPAT NEWSPAPERS ARE A DRAG There is one Influence within the Republican party that may prevent a reuniting of the "Progressive ' and I "Standpat" elements and that Is the asinine press that represents rhe Standpatters and has been responsible 'or I heir present emoarrassment The creat major! t of the newspapers voic ing Standpat sentiment is made u-j of claQuers who applaud anything and everything done in the name of the regulars. At present we find these papers re I erring to the I'rogrcssivo congress men as Belflsli because some of them maintain they should continue with their organization In order to retain ommiitee appointments which came to thorn by reason of their being Pro greasiveS. The standpat pres de clares that this is a most reprehensi ble attitude, that the Progressives should yield to the higher call of their party. There aro no politicians In the Uni ted States more selfish or more de voted to the spoils of office than the Standpariers and their plea for unity in the name of principle is i sun: 1 fuge. COMPARES WITH THE PANAMA CANAL The waters of the Atlantic and Pa cific are beginning to flow into the Panama canal and 60on the Gatun dam will be part of a great inland Irko and Culebra cut will be under water Then much of the evidence of the mighty work of exeaatlng which has been carried on will be obliterated and the canal will be a less Impresshe lesson of what Amer ican engineers and machinery can accomplish But with the passing of the great army of workers on the canal and the withdrawing of the powerful ma- Chiuery, there still is to be seen quite j as big an undertaking by Americans. ' not at Panama, but in Utah, and It is none other than the task which the Utah Copper company has set nself In the tearing down of a moun tain of low grade porphyry copper ore In Bingham canon, 1r miles southwest of Ogden An engineer who visited the cop per company's plant has made this comparison While not as large in respect to the volume of dirt handled daily as at Panama, the ultimate quantity exca vated at the Utah Copper will be more than double, or probably two acd one-half times as great as the total amount of earth moved at Cule bra The maximum amount of material excavated at Culebra has been in the neighborhood of 2. 500, Out) cubic yards pc; mouth, while the average rate of excavation has been approximate 1,200,000 cubic yards per month, bas ed on last year'6 operations At Llah, the maximum quantity of ma terial handled has been 30,000 cubic yard6 in a day, or at the rate of 900,000 cubic yards per month Dur ing one month there was handled 861,000 cubic yards, while for 1912 there was moved nn average of 530, OO'.i cubic yards per month. It will be seen from this that at the Utah Copper property about one-third as much material Is handled as at the big Culebra cut The total excavation at Culebra, as carried on by the United States gov ernment, has amounted to 100 000, 000 cubic yards, while In the case of the Utah the total quantity of ore and overburden which will be remov ed In mining the 316,500.000 tons of copper ore which has already been prcen to exist, will necessitate the handing of 200,000.000 cubic yards, ani possibly, 250,000,000 cubic yard6 or from two to two and one-half times as great as at Panama. While Culebra cut has a far greater length than that of the excavation at Utah, being nine miles long, Its avtrage height Is not more than 120 ftet. At Utah Copper, the- sight Is a very impressive one. for the moun tain side on which the steam shov els operate, rises to a height of 1500 fee' above the canyon. 1 That doc6 not tell the whole story At Culebra the rock was hauled a tew miles and dumped. At the works of the Utah Copper all the ore : must be carried to the smelters at Garfield and every pound of the 20,- . iinti tons a day or more of material excavated goes through a grinding process and over concentrators, and finally the concentrates are reduced j to copper matte. This tremendous work is carried on by virtue of tin? fact that out of each 2000 pounds of porphyry' rock handled, there Is a re turn of about (8.26 In copper. Were j the railroads ten years ago offered j a contract of excavating and trnns I porting that mountain of ore from j Bingham canyon to Garfield nt $3 26 a ton, we doubt that any of them wculd have accepted tho risk. THE FORCES AT WORK TO MAKE OGDEN GROW We are growing and Ocden is 10 be the metropolis of the intermoun- ! tain country' ' That w;i6 the greet -inr extended to the Standard this morning by a business man of this city. 'What is to be responsible for thta O'. ertnpping Krowth "' we inquired end hero is the answer: Not thfl least important factor in Ogden s future is the South Fork res ervoir. The storing of the flood wn lert, of the Ogden watershed will give this city several thousand more pop ulation and an unlimited water sup ply. There is no city in this re- I fiion with the same available supply ot pure v.-ater The railroads are beginning to build up interior points Heretofore I thei have encouraged colonist travel to the coast, but with the competition of the Panama canal they see the necessity of getting a large popula tion at points not reached by ocean ti (importation Utah will profit by this and Ogden will share in the j state's growth The crops of northern Utah are increasing In tonnage and tho rev enue obtained iherefrom has increas ed within the past year 30 per cent. Ogden is In the center of th's pros perity and must participate in it Utah is no longer being advertised as' a curiosity shop with all the ourios In one city. The people of other slates aro being made to real ize that Utah is a state of magnifi cent agricultural resources. With in- ceased immigration to Utah, this Part of the state w 111 Ka ly settled and Ogden. as a distribut ing point, will reap a rich reward Land allies arc 100 low 111 Ogden, but that is an inducement for peo ple to buy city property and build homes here. Residence lot6 in Og cen can be had at less prlco than similar lots in Provo or Brigham City The establishing of a terminal sta tion in Ogden is further evidence that the government recognizes Ogden's claim to being the railroad center of this region. Eventually the heads of the railroads will make Ogden headquarters 'aud from then on the dtv'6 expansion will be most rapid. With more modern office rooms, more eastern houses will have rep resentation in the form of branch oltices here There Is a better spirit of co-operation in Ogden and. with unity of action, there is bound to be progress A city of 30,000 or more must grow of its own momentum Ogden now lias that population. Last, but not least, Ogden Is a city almost entirely free from mortgages held by outsiders Nearly every en terprise in this city and county has been financed by local people and the money derived therefrom as divi dends Is distributed locally. The re investing of these funds must ad vance the city. -nn MAY COMPROMISE HOME RULE QUESTION London, Sept. 23 The prospects o' the attempt to bring about a compro mise on the Irish home rule question have senslbh Improved according to the Pall Mall Gazette. a Cnloflst newspaper, which today savs It Is able to state that Important cbmnwinlca Hons have passed informally between the British cabinet ministers and the leaders of the opposition In the meantime. Sir Edward Car son, leader of the Irish Unionist par ty, has started on the second week of his' Ulster campaign b delivering' speeches which have led the liberal, newspapers to ask whether he should I not be prosecuted for sedition or bo deprived of his membership of the1 privy council AMERICAN GUESTS OF HONOR. Toklo. Sept. 23. Ambassador aud Mrs George W Guthrie, of Pittsburg wore the guests of honor at a iMnch eon given today by the emperor and empress. SHERIFF'S SALE In the District Court of Weber Coun ty, 8tate of Utah. Herman Van Rraak. Plaintiff vs William O. White and Elmer O White, heirs at law of Rose E White Deceased, and Jacob Kap, Jr. Defend ants. To be sold at sheriff's sale on the loth day of October, 1913. at the south front door of the Court House on Twenty -fourth Btreet In the City of Ogden. County of Weber, and Stai of Utah; A part of Lot Four in Block Ten South Ogden Survey, beginning at n Point south 79 degrees west. 437 feot from the northeast corner of the south one-half of said Lot Four and run nlug thence north 79 degrees, east 37 feet, thence south 134.47 feet, thenco south 79 degrees west. 37 feet, thene,- north 134.47 feot to the place of be ginning, all in Ogden City. Weber county, State of Utah. T. A. DEVINE. Sheriff of Weber Countv. State of Utah. By C ALLISON, Deputy Sheriff. WHERE A MIGHTY RAM IS BEING BUILT FOR OGDEN'S HAPPINESS ! '' ' Bert Syphers, Photo. The above photograph shows tne water of the South F01 k of the Ogden River flowing through an eight-foot tunnel in solid rock of the City and Ogden River Reservoir Company's Dam, South Fork Canyon. PATHETIC SCENES AT GAYNOR HOME Three Dogs Search Persistent ly For Traces of Their Dead Master. New York. Sept 23 Pathetic in connection with the death of Mayor Gaynor have been the actions 01 his tluee dogs on his country plaet at St, lames, L I Ever since receipt of the news of their master's doaih fiey have shown that they realized ;-'-;:. eth.ng untoward had happened to him. They make frequent trips over the road's and paths which the mayor was accustomed to take on his long walks with his dogs as com panions The most persistent in his search for traces of his master Is Ben an Irish setter that was Mr. Gaynor 'S fr.vorite. Frequently Bn has been seen during the last week with his nose to the ground, trottinc along In quesi of a long scent followed by the little Irish rind Scotch terriers On meeting old trlends of Mayor Gaynor, Ben strps and looks at them with an expression they declare, as if beg ging for some word from his master UO DIVIO WORLD UNITED Strange things are happening in these progressive da.'. s. and if we were living in the rimes when sn. perstltlon attributed all unusual pranks to fairies, surely these Imag inary spirits -would be creditor with some great achievements. Fifteen or twenty vears ago nobody would have believed that human hand could hae wrought lh0 changes thai have taken place In the narrow little strip ,f l.-ind which connected the ito western continents. Now that land Is divided In order hat the whole world may be more olosely united 'Panama and the Canal In Picture and Pro6e' tells the complete story of this wonderful transformation Willis I. Abbot, the author of this new Illustrated book, tai.es his reader In through the front door of Panama-, shows them the detailed construc tion of the canal, curorts them through the surrounding! country, and tells them of the oatlvcE U must have taken the magie wand of an enchant ress to make a ljvlnc garden out of the hopeless wilderness and bring to. gethcr the two great oceaiiH The young as wnll as tho older members of the family will enjoj thin book for It ls fiorj with pictures that enteTtaln. wh)c they also educate, and everybody H now interested in know. Inc all they can about th mighty waterway; The Standard Is ottering this vol ume to Its readers at the bare o pense of distribution, as explained In the Panama certificate printed in these columns dalh Clip this cer tlflcate todav FORGER CONFESSES GUILT Savannah, Ga., Sept 28. N. G. Darnlee. a young Englishman, ar rested here a few days ago charged with securing money by representing himself to be E B. M Williams of Selma, Alaska, has confessed, the po lice say. (hat he Is wanted In Fair field, fal , for forgery and that he was ready to return. 1 I EIGHT NATIONS IN BALOflN RACE Twenty-one Entries Made for Annual International Event at Paris. New York. Sept. 23 Eight nations wlJl have two or more representa . Uvea In the annual International bal J Iron race thai starts from Tulllerles, Paris, on October 12. according to a communication of the French offi cials received by the Aero Club of America and made public today. The total number of entries, the' letter Btetes, is 21, distributed as follows. Austria France, Switzerland. Ger many and United States, three each, England. Italy and Belgium, two each Of the American entrants. Ralph . D. Prestor and Ralph H Upson, Pilots of the Goodyear balloon that won the American elimination trial race on July 4-5, are already at the scene. Harry E. Honeywell of Kan sas City, second in the elimination, hi-s just completed a new balloon ml accompanied b) ,T. H Wade, b -assistant, will leave St Louis next week for France. The other Amer ican to quality. John Watts of the Kansas City Aero club, is also ex pected to leave for France next week The winner In the International race will, in addition to the cham pionship cup, receive 10,000 francs. he second man 5000 francs, and the third, fourth and fifth j.r,m, 15,1m and 100 francs respecthely 00 ELIHU ROOT FOR STATE CHAIRMAN New- York. Sept 23. The nomina tion ot candidates for chief judge and associate judge of the court of np- , peals was the formal task before the Republican state convention that as sembled here today, but the party leaders planned to make the gathering one of wider importance than Ibis duty signified. It became known todav that Repuh ileus opposed to the leadership of j William Barnes, jr. had held an OVfll nlsht meetinc to urge the selection ol Senator Elihu Root as permanent chairman and Job E. Hedges as chairman of the resolutions" commit tee The delegates 610 In number, met m Carnegie hall this morning to or ganize and hear the address of Dr laeob G. Schurrnan, president of Cor nell university as temporary r-hali man. then adjourned until 8 o'clock tonight. I ' ' T- TODAY INCONGRESS Washington, Sept 23 -The day in congress: v , Senate. nil 3CSB10ri' meets Thursdav Banking Committee continued to hear Samuel Untcrraycr's views on "lie administration , rr,, s tarirt conferees continued work. M Houae. .Not in session, meets Wednesday 00 FLEW 600 MILES Garrro7la;.Tunl,G' Sf p' 23 "Roland O. Hew 600 le rreilCb avlfttor' todn Cf mliC6 acroe the Mediterra thu , uSalnt RaP'ael. France, to If Tiii 1 5! most northern seaport SK . Ml8 time was seven hours "nd 5u minutes He started at 6:62 a m.. and reached here at 1 45 p. m. IMPORTANCE OF LIOjIORJAFHC I Threshed Out at International Congress on Alcoholism at Milan. Milan. Italy . Sept. 18. The econ omic Importance of the liquor traffic f h,ch is vital to wine crowing coun tries such us Italy. France and Spain or silrlt drinking countries nueh as Bcandinaira Germany and the United Kingdom, was discussed at the re sumption today of the session of the International Congress on Alcohol Ism. Deputy Ottavlx of Italy dealt with the problem from the wine growerr, point of view. Pr Uarlwlg, a Gcr rcan delegate arquerl from the stand point of tho beer producers and Dr ScppalS of Finland from that of the Bpirit distillers. All agreed that proper legislation could be passed for the suppression of alcoholism with out endnnerlng the condition of the ariouR peoples concerned. After th" discussion, the members j met and drew up the basis for the foundation of three great interna tional institutions, a bureau for com bfittlng alcoholism, a federation for the protection of native races and a federation of temperance physicians 00 MINERS OBEY SffllKE CALL Trinidad United Mine Work ers Demand Recognition of Their Union. Trinidad. Colo, Sept. 23. This morning Si 8 O'clock several thou sand miners in the southern coal fields of district 15, Colorado, United Mine Workers of America, entered upon a strike which hrs for its chief purpose the recognition of the union The labor leaders unhesitatingly de clared a great majority of the men now working the coal mines would obey the 6trlke call, Issued a week :.ko. while operators are as unani mous In their statement that not MiouRh workers will leave their em ployment to seriously cripple the mine operations. Ai tho beginning of the stnko the operators take a positive stand that there will be no compromise with tho miners on the demand of union rec ; ochitiom The other demands of the : miners for their own check weigh -men, privileges to live where they please trade where they please and employ such physicians as the Please are not receiving much dls CUBsion either from operators or for miners. Opposed to the operators position are the union leaders who ! declare th strike will be continued ! untii recognition ls secured. Reports from various mining camps in the district tend to show that the walkout will be general In spite of the sirlke otes taken at the various mines last night op erators declare that their mines will opeu today as usual and that work will progress. No violence of any sort has occur red, except in Colorado Springs, where a negro miner was said to hae been attacked by miners last right Conditions in mining camps give little evidence of any excite ment which may be attendant upon the strilte which state officials In Doner fear may assume proportions as large and as serious as any which ever occuned in Colorado. 00 ALBANIANS' FIERCE FIGHT WITH SERVIANS Vienna Sept, -3. In a fierce bat tle today between Servian troops and .Albanians on the new Albanian fron tier. 200 Albanians were killed and a large number wounded The encounter was brought about by an attempt of several thousand Albanians to penetrate rhe territory captured by the Servians from the Turks They were repulsed. Tho Servians lost one captain and a con siderable number of men RAISING QUARANTINE HELPS WEBER FARMS R. N Rnsmnssen, horticultural Sn- lor for Weber countv esterda reported noiiceable effects of the nnaranf ln- against some Utah prod ucts by the' state of Montana. Ho telephoned to J. Edward Taylor state horticultural Inspector, yesterday that tomatoes, which had been 25 cents a crate, with scarcch anv demand, had gone to 30 cents with an active de mand, and that two carloads had ben sent to the Montana market from Ogden. in addition to seeral tons that went by local express Squashes, which were selling In Weber count for from $D t0 $s a ton with slw demand. hae gone to $M B ton snd the demand is active ac cordjng to Mr Rasmi1K8en. who says that the raising of the quarantine is directly responsible for the changes LAND DRAWING INJONTANA Glasgow. Mont., Sept 23 Drawing for approximately 7000 Uaimy com prised In the 1,346,000 acres in the Fort Pnck Indian reservation In north eastern Montana, which has Just been thrown open to settlement by tho gov , rnment. were begun here at noon to day. At that hour Zitn Friedl. the eight year-old daughter of Mayor Friedl of' STADIUM CLOTHES 1 The kind that really fit and ! give you satisfaction. They are the kind you i want to wear. CLARK!) i ! this city, picked winner No 1 from the huce pile of 39,779 envelopes rep resenting the total number of persons registered for the land drawing Hazel Hurd, a 12-year-old playmate of the mayor's daughter, drew winner No. 2, tho two girls alternating In ths drawing throughout the afternoon. Today's land drawing marks. It is J said., the last big land lottery that ever will be conducted by the gov ernment in the United States, the Fort Peck tract being the last of tho large areas available for settlement. Registration for the drawing was only half of what was expected, say the officials in charge . CO- GOVERNOR WILL I HUNT FOR FORGER Denver, Colo.. Sept 23. Angered by the fact that his name had bees forged on a petition to refer certain sections of the public utilities bill passed by the last general assembly, Governor E. M. Amnions last night de clared he would find and convict that person of forgery "If I hae to spend my last dollar and mortgage my ranch " The fact that the govern or's name appears on one of the reN ' erendum petitions transpired when the petition was filed with the secre- " I tary of state yesterda State officials thought It most p culiar that tho governor should have signed a petition to refer a measure upon which he had urged legislation, and called his attention to It. Imme diately he began an Investigation b'!X late last night had made little protf ress. oo CAN OF GOLD NUGGETS FOUND nrecken ridge, Colo., Sept. 23 An old coffee can containing 1Si)ij In gold uuggets was found by workmen hero today engaged in movlhg an old build ing. The building was an old land mark, a log cabin erected here In tba earliest days of Summit county. Th$ moving of the building entailed much digging, and one of the workmen struck th can with his pick, kuock ing the top from It and permitting a rush of gold nuggets onto tho dust. Henry Evans is the owner of tho property on which the find was made. ' CUPID'S DISABILITY One never feels quite certain wheth er The lives that Cupid knits to gether Jl ' Will stand the wear and tear ol travel, jl Or whether they will soon unravel, ills so-called knots turn out mere hitches, And frequently he drops the stitches. j Perhaps it is the part of kindness. To place the blame upon hlj bllud- U ness. Vj George B Morewood, In Judge