OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, December 12, 1914, 4 P.M. City Edition, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058396/1914-12-12/ed-1/seq-7/

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I I Jl 's Cocoa
I Wk Possesses All Three
1 1 Kffl is..at,solutely Pure if is of igh
I fflj JHU quality, and its flavor is delicious.
'wHffl Guard against imitation.:-the genuine has
e s oir. and is MADE ONLY BY
I I SSER fiAKER & CO. Limited
Woman's Page
I New FashionsLooped Up Skirts The V-shaped Neck
Line bhll in Evidence Fur Trimming at the Ankles
Checked Sport Coats Still Worn Things You
Should Know How to Make Mayonnaise
Successfully Baby Table Better Than
Sunday, December 13, 1914.
(CftM right, 1914. by the McCluro
Newspaper Syndicate. )
Astrology finds this an unusually
lucky day, since Mars, Venice, Saturn
mid Jupiter are .all in beneflc aspect
and Neptune alone is adverse.
Thr portent that shipwrecks are to
multiply Is bo strong that they who
are v.iee will delay travrl on the seas.
The Pacific ocean is included in this
The day Is a fortunate one for all
who desire to win public or private
approbation. Ministers should be
most successful under this sign Much
work during the winter is indicated
for the clergy, who will more and
mqre ally themselves with lmmani
t."-i3n enterprises
'trouble and anxiety for prelates in
the Roman Catholic church is iadi-
(atod by the stars.
The sway i6 most auspicious for
scholars and thinkers It is a favor
able time to make pHns repnrding ed
ucational movements, philanthropic,
charitable and benevolent enterprise?.
Physicians should profit by the
stimulating and inspiring conditions
that are believed to prevail uncer this
It i? a fortunate day for lore af
f. ra end romance Meeting, between
men and women are subject to an
omen which gives promine of happi
ness. There is a lucky sign for all social
functions. Assemblies at which im
portant problems are discussed or dis
ttllfnlshed persons are honored are
fubjec: to a fortunate influence
Ihe seers prophesy that Christinas
this ear will he a day hallowed by
incident? of world-wide moment An
eriat that will make- the brotherhood
of man a reality is foreshadowed.
Women are told to prepa- for ex
acting duties, slnre the stars presage
a new order of things in which they
are compelled to acrept grave respon
sibilities PereoDs whose birthdate it is hae
the augury of a busy year, which
brings disappointing returns. Thosa
who nrr employed should be cnutlous
Children born on this day have
rather a lucky star to guido them
They arp subjects of Sapltarrius, and
thoir principal ruling planet is Jupi
ter, vbich gives hope, btmevoitrite
and sociability. Many athletes are
hern nnder this sign.
Monday, December 14, 194.
(Copyright. 1914. by the MeClure
Newspaper Syndicate.)
Astrology finds this a most uncer
tain day, for many planets wield con
flicting influences Uranus, Mars,
Saturn, and Jupiter are all stroncly
adverse, while Mercury and the Sun
are in bonefic aspect.
Uranus is in a place of power for
evil, and It is held that, while the
rule irevails, extreme and unexpected
characteristics are developed. The
aspect operates to incrrae thr acth
ltv of the mind, making; it rebellious,
Irritable and exacting.
!t is an exceedingly unfortunate
government for dlplomncy or legisla
tion, since the judgment is apt to b?
I jp
PRICE Honey heretofore, most always of a
-y ffl questionable quality, has beep so high in price
as to be used only 8 luxury for table use
jSiq VERNAL HONEY, eruaranteed "positively
Dure in sanitary jars and tins, is so low in
. 1 ., . ' a8 to 1j:mc eliminated Honey from the
, j luxury class, and has become u necessity in
pfflm r, ., v'kitcht n fr rooking purpnsrs as well as a Hfl
deUcWUS BOTead at the table for breakfast,
liinch and dinner.
1 pound jars, 20c
212-pound tins, 35c.
6-pound tins, 65c.
10-pound tints, $1 25. j I
SWEETER than sugar and BETTER for
Honey Talk No. 2 Monday.
L v
Impaired and the nstnd Is likely to
bp easily blasad. Sudden changes of
opinion are probable.
This is not a lucky aspect for trar
clinp;, especially for transportation in
electrically propelled vehicles. There
is a sinister sign for airships and the
death of American experimenters is
Under this configuration domestic
disagreements are said to b com
mon. The seers believe that, owing
to the disturbed conditions ia Europe,
men and women everywhere reflect
mental unrest and depression.
Greece and the Balkans arc subject
to an evil rule of the stars.
Poston has a sinister prognostica
tion for murh illness. Inclement
weather and industrial unrest are In
(il :ated.
San Francisco has a better outlook
than in previous months. The stars
P'cm'.eo recognition of a great art
impulse in the west and fame Is fore
told for sculptors and palntera.
Texas nd Arizona are likely to
experience, unusual troubles in the
next few months Peculiar weather
conditions will affect business acti I
tics and danger of complications with
Mexican border operations is pres
Persons whoso birthdate It is may
have many anxietias In the coming
year. They are warned to avoid spec
ulation. Children born on this day may have
numerous vicissitudes. They are like
y to hp bright, hopeful, generous and
Looped Up Skirts
In spite of tha dominant idea of
fare in the winter skirt and the
flare of them is their most character
Istic feature whether they bf fash
icned of one layer or of two, tuni.'
v ise there are some evening frocks
with skirts that are looped up about
the hips, almost like bustles, one on
each side. Usually these puffs are
Irregular the ono on the right side
is higher or lower than that on the
left When the frock is made of tulle
or lace roses, artificial, of coursr. are
used to accentuate the loop, where
they are garlanded under tha puff
The V Shaped Neck.
The Y-shaped neck line is still in
evidence It is. when everything else
is left out of consideration, probably
the most becoming neck line thare is
some of the great designers to tho
contrary. To be sure, aa they cou
tend, it does cut tbo figure but what
line doesn't, unless It be the line of
neck affected by Mother Eve herself
And the Y-shaped line Is graceful and
soft, and still persists, even in some
of the lat frocks that wera sent from
Fur at th Ankle9.
Fur is a trimming to ha reckoned
with in the house frocks of the win
ter. Many there are that have fur
hems those of cloth, of tulle and of
velvet and these are very effective.
Sometimes the long, flaring tunic Is
so cut that nothing of the founda
tion skirt but the wide fur hem ihows.
Checked Sports Coats.
Checked sports are still worn, with
the coming of cold weather. They
are made in every fabric which ran
bn induced to show checks, even In I
velvets, and they are quite ar effec
live Alien frost chills the air as they
were when summer suds warmed IL
If you want starched things to be
1 lojisy, use cles.n, soapy water when
inakiiic the 6tarcb This imparts ft
gloss to the linen and prevents the
Iron from sticking.
Tne white of an ees beaten to a
stiff froth, mixed with lemon juice
and slightly sweteutxl. is a simple
-r.d effective remedy for hoarseness.
The mixture should b slowly dis
solved In the mouth before swallow
ing It Is annoying to find that your
linen has betn scorched during the
process of ironing The mark can.
however, bo removed by rubbing thi
i of an onion on the disrclored
parts. Soak the linen in cold water
afterward, and all traces of tho
scorch will have vanished
Aftei peeling anything that stalnb
the hands, rub well with a piece of
cut lemon or a little vinegar Then
wash it with warm water without
scap and the stains will disappear.
Cnrdling ia the chief thins to avoid
in making mayonuaiae To raiuedy,
f.c!d a hit of ice, removing It before
it can melt, and boat in the stiffly
beaten white of errc? Other precau
tionb to pravaat curdling consist in
adding the salt last and tha lamoa or
vinegar before tho oil.
H ro Is a rule which seldom fails
iiav your mixing bowl rold Mix to
gether teaspoon of sslt. t Iv me
Ol muitard, and one-quarter teaspoon
of cayenne and paprika Bes'. the
yoikc of two eggs. Add to season
ings and stir and beat nntll it is
thick Add slowly, four tablwspoon
fuls of ollvo oil and lemon juice. Then
add oil and lemon juice and vinegar,
until a cup of oil and tableapoouful
each of the acids has heen used. If
desired, the white of one egg. beatao.
Lu u etiff froth, may be UUc3, or baif
a cup of whipped cream.
lias it ever struck the young
mother whn sbo iw bathing baay and
things are all muddled up iu a heap
in the COnYe&Uonal baukL and the
borack lotlnn or whatever else she
may want Is on the other Bide of the
num. that by u6lng a little fore
thought she may improve on the bar.
Let aud have ery thing appertuialng
U) Laby at hand.
A basket is all very well, but it does
rot hold the various bottles, vaseMne,
ai.d so forth, and realizing this, a
clever mother has evolved quite n
simple way out of the difficult And
her way was simply by using a table
It won a table entirely devoted to
babv. the top of which was uaed for
the Lotties, glasses, and powder
boxes and so on. and underneath
there was a kind of slung receptacle
for the baby's clothes
Having a cheap little table stored
away, she- scrubbed It cUaa, rUod
little ledge akag the sides te pre
vent anything from rolling tff, and
snraad over It a large cloth. This
, loth was a pretty place of cratoon
, ut iu a largo round, the edgas of
which were hemmed up to form a
kind of draw atrlae It waa pionejl
.'own to the edge of tho table with
-rawing pins an excellent way to
kep it firm, yet at the same ume
to enable Its being taken off easily
for washing.
When the tablo was not In use the
draw string was pulled up over the
contents of the tablo to form a protec
tion from dust
A pincushion was attached tc ono
coiner of the table, stuck full of
safety pins, needles, and pins; scis
sors vrere fastened on with a tape,
as also was a reel of cotton.
Then underneath the tablo was
slung n flat wooden box, attached by
means of tapes and a few nails to the
legs of the table. It was covered
with cretonne both inside and out
and a loose cover was made to go
ever the top to match the table cover
In l his the baby's clothes were kept.
The mother had everything she
could want for baby at hand even
his sponge and soap were kept on
the table aud she never had any
bother in looking for things at incon
enient moments
Silver Temple No 1. Knights of the
Maccabees, held its annual election of
officers meeting last niftht Ln the
lodge rooms. The officers elected
Commander Leo J. Parry; lieuten
ant commander, Harry L. Peterson;
record keeper and finance keeper, Jo
iBfcpb D Harris, chaplain. Bryant J
Fiimiss sergeant, Daniel R. Davis;
master at-arms, Halcom V. Scott; first
master of the guards, George F.
Yaughan; second master of the
guards, James E. Rose; sentinel, Lou
is J. Griffin, picket, William B Ogle
tree, trustee. Louis J Griffin
Dr J C. Hanchett, district medical
examiner attended the meeting and
made a brief talk concerning the or
der Sir Knight Zimmerman of Sll
ver Tent No 2 Salt Lake City, was
a special guest Following the elec
tion, refreshments were served and
several hours were passed in social
Eureka. Dec 11. Tintic lodge No.
13. Knights of the Maceabees. nr their
last regular meeting, selected the fol
lowing officers: Past comma ider,
Charles Taylor; commander, Miner
Peterson; lieutenant commander, Al
len Ivey; physician, Dr. E. J. Howell;
record keeper. John Ley, finance I
keeper, Conrad Kopman; chaplain, W. I
D Myers; sergeant. Andrew Johnson,
master at arms. John Pearson: first
master of the guards. Edward Fox
second master of the guards, Edward i
n.-irki-cn; sentinel, Eric Peck, picket, I
Eric Levin, trustees, Robert .dam
aon. one year; Charles Taylor, two:
ears; Joseph McCahey, three jrean.
Boise, Ida., Dec. 11. Governor-elect'
Mosep Alexander announced today the i
appointment of C O. Broxon, mating i
ing editor of the Capital News, as hie !
secretary while he is governor of j
this state, the appointee to take of
fice -.xiien the new mvernor Is In
augurated January 4, 1916.
Ibis is the first appointment made(
b the go ej-nor elect. Mr Broxon
bas for eight years held the position
of managing editor of the Capital
News, and his appointment will not
sever his connection with that j -iper'rJ
editorial department He is one o'
the leaders In the Progressive party
of this state, and was its ,-anciidate
for atate treasurer at the last gen
eral e!ect!on; but was defeated.
At one time he wan boomed as tho
third party candidate for governor. It
was largely throuch Broxon's expos
tfal the embezilement of state
funds in the treasury department was
made that resulted in the confession
and incarceration of O. V. Allen, for
mer state treasurer
London, Dec. 11. 10 p. m Official
announeement Is made of the appolnt
ment of Sir Henry Howard as Brit
ish minister to the Vatican.
Sir Henry Howard, who Is Great
Britain's first permanent diplomat!)
agent at the Vatican, is well known
in the United States He married
an American woman Miss Cecilia
Itigge. daughter of th late George
W. Wggs f Y ashinrton. n isr,; Sho
died in 1907. Sir Henry was an at
tache of the British legation at Wash
ington when he met Miss Riggs.
Sir Henry ! Ti years; old He
haa represented his country iu vari
ous capacities in different parte of
the wcrld. In 1907 he was made a
knight commander of tho Bath.
Paris, Dec. 11. 3:10 p. m. The
Havss agency has given out the fol
lowlnc dispatch from its correspond
ent a( Fecamp:
"Ml e. Morolle, a tearher at Autry.
in the deportment of Ardennez, wrote
a lettt-r un November 2' irom Zwick
au, 8axony. In wbloh sh said that
she and 45" other Inhabitants of Au
try had been taken to Zwickau as
orlsoiers. Among them were seven-ty-flve
children The trip lasted for
fiftean days. The prisoners had
nothing but the clothes they wore and
the children in particular suffered
from the cold and h'tnger."
For Protection
Bgairst the serious sickness so
likely to follow an ailment of the
digestive organ?, hilousncsa
or inactive bowels, you can rely
on the best known corrective
fe Urrt Se!. i At StrJid-. b t WorU)
Stid Ltttjvlen. U iosej, 15.. 25c
JT yelrkt-nonD-2t.L.f(.Alw',ItriUi.l j
i The Germans in Berlin recently decided to continue the presentation I I
I of Shakespeare's plays, although the productions of all other dra-1 I
matists belonging to opposing natins kd been forbidden. "Shake-1 I
speare " it was explained, "belongs to the world. He is not English. j I
He is a world-citizen, a world-force. He is beyond the boundaries of S I
all countries." Ill
Shakespeare appeals to all people, all nationalities, aU classes. This I
is because he deals in life. His commodity is human nature, en- I
I hanced through all ages and races. And his sentences are so sim- I
I" pie, even though so masterful, so clear, so true, that every man, high I
or low, reads him with equal pleasure and understanding and profit I
up subscribers. Non-subscribers must pay $3.00.
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!PI PTF '9ons of Ediribur&h' Londo11 and New York, makes this offer j
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I il ftfJIQ this newspaper, and are not to be had in stores or in any other
f! UlllVu wav- Your order- forwarded to us, is sent on to the publishers'
Tffir r k RFAITC distributors in New York, who forward the set direct to you,
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AUTH0RS, HOME that s tbe total price and complete cost!
m7en xyr?n; , 4MelTy Each set is bound in red ribbed English Buckram cloth, gold
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I for Meaaure; Much Ado lettered and embellished; printed in large, clear, new type on
About Nothing; Love's La more than 3,000 pages of strong bible finish paper; illustrated
I bour Lost ; A Midsummer- in duotone with a striking frontispiece in each volume, the work Ej
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I Errors; Twelfth Night; The
I K'i'Sia iS famous authors order form i I
W the Fourth (First Part);
1 Henry the Fourth (Second Editor, The Standard, Ogden, Utah
Part); Henry the Fifth;
Henry the Sixth (First Dear Sir: Enclosed find $3.00 (if you are not a
Second Par; Atryhe --.) j you are , paid up sub-
i Sixth (Third Part) ; Richard scriber), for which have sent to me the set of books I
I lr I i ife name below. It is understood that this low pecial price
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Caesar; Antony and Cleo- ALL I will have to pay for the set, and that even the
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Pericles; Troilus and Cres-
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Adonis; The Rape of Lu-
crece; Sonnets, etc; Glos- Works. i
sary- Send w
---a ------------------------------I

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