Newspaper Page Text
tiW PrC" WU,e1, C Zk W E ATH E R Utah : , Tonght and H j,' gT Saturday Increasing Cloudiness With aH rV '( Rain or Snow Extreme North Portion I H FEARLESS, INDEPENDENT, PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER I ? B Forty-fourth Year-No. 324. PRICE: FIVE CENTS. OGDEN CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1. 1915. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Pn,toff, o,. -u.H I British Battleship Is Sunk I I FRENCH REPULSE GERMAN INFANTRY " I AND THEIR AVIATORS ASSAIL METZ M JfltassWillery Fighting Is Reported at Various Points, the W m Maiming Successes in Some At Steinbach, W k Being Gained Foot by Foot Kaiser's JMake Violent Attacks Along Entire i M Front in the Argonne and Make j Some Gains. j k nsive War to Save Her Territory From j Hits, a Thousand Miles Apart, Im ftus Strain on the Empire Allies Bth Task of Recovering Territory Germans Offensive on a Bale Postponed Until More HBH'lMaftrt. Ready- B Athens, via London. Jan I . 9 30 m.-Accordir to Constantinople advices which have reached there, the J I tnan and German embassies in the capital aie trab flrnnt their archives to Asia-Minor, tearing that action mminent by fhe British and French fleets against the Darda-. I nX and the capital. Foreigners, it is stated, are also prePar I ing to quit the capital for the interior. I paris. Ian. 1 .-Dunkirk on the northern coast of France I wa. again bombarded by four German aeroplanes Thursday. I according to reports which reached Pans during the night. I Paris. Tan. 1. 2'..i$ P- m.-The m Frencli official statement givei out this afternoon phows that this artil ' : .-change on fije b&TOS mmt "in France h'ave not diminished in severity or fre ouencv. Various places are mentioned B where artillery fighting has taken nlaee At some no results are given, while at others the French Harm 8UC cesses, as for Instance at Steinbach, In lstiee M ' The statement daln th I six German infantry attacks at a point between the 1 en s- :,ml the V...s,dle llH and Bays that French aviators have 'jjH aBsailed from the air the railroad sta-sinnm. The text of the communication fol lows". -From the sea to Rheiros there was yesterday hardly anything more than artillery engagements. The enemy bombarded without result the village or St Georges and the hoan ol tn bridge position organized bv the Bel- W Hani at a point Bouth ol gJxmude salallV Sblrited cannonading resulted ai- ; antageoiisly for us betweenBassee Carenc between Albert ind Rove- in the region of Verneetll in the neighborhood of-Phu,e s.hionk, which is near Crapnne. K We men M tioned point we also demolished cer tain Gi cman earthwor "In the region of Perthes and o H Beausoiour we have held the gams K bv us on December P.O.. Pur n, m til the da) of Decerolw i 31 'he actn l -ny of the opposing artillery '.orees wai M Interrupted. Violent German Attacks. "In the Arconne the enemy attac ken violentlv almost the entire front in iho ' foresl of UGrurie VI certain ,,,.r adancod for a distance Ol P79- hui (,nnU'r attacks were ''lelivered. region of Verdun there have Jblent artillery engagements. I tyeon the Metis and the L to the northwest of Fllrey. I ermana delivered during the I lot December BO-31 and the tttorn f bl the 3lst no less than six vlo " counter attacks for the purpos. Iwtavw th.- trenches eapturei ry ; on December 30. Each nl these at- I I H;s wab brilliantly repulsed. French Aviators Bombard Mctz. Wr 'Our aviators have bombarded at -Might the railroad stations at Met j ! and at Amuville. ! "We continue to make progress Toot S bv foot in Steinbach. Here the av I I tillery of the enemy showed great ac I I tlvity during the morninc of Decemj I I ber 31, but ip the afternoon ol thj I day our batteries won a distinctive ad I vantage." I Berlin Jan. A, by wireless: to Lorn I doD. "-4 p. m. The following inter- I mat ion was giyen out today at army I headquarters. I "In the weiteni theatre of war IB . i ' . Una notnro? oi impui i I near NieuportJ The idea -f reial-'iiu'. I ihe hamlet of St. Georges, which has , I B been completely demolished by tUl I enelny in artillery fire, was abandon- .-d In view ol the high level ot the luter there. m lust of Bethune, to the south oi B fcanal, wi captured an EngWab H' H progress In th& Argonne. i . ti.ft Argonne. out atl tcks mde L'' Her progre?. Another 400 prls- j V' Ma ifiiiLnjt.hlnn rvns, four mbej H llttB!!)! lyes other .tints peated yesterday were repulsed. "In the eastern theatre. "The situation on the Bast Prus sian trotter and in Poland remain unchanged. A heavy mist is pre I venting all operations. 1 Proqress of the War. Vienna. Jan. 1. Via Amsterdam and London, 1:40 p. m An official an nouncement on the progress of the war wafe given OUt in the Austrian capital today. It refers to events o. yesterday and is as follows: -In Bukowina and the Carpathians the Russians developed great activ Lty Our troops are holding their po Bttioni on the Suczawa river in tin- upper Osermosz territory, aisn iuu west or the ridges of the Carpathians. : in "the valley of the Nagyag where yesterday, near Ockoermeaoe, an at tack or the enemy was repulsed WUO heavy losses to him in the upper La toroza district and north of the us zok pass. To the west of this pass all other passages over the Carpathiaim are occupied by our troops. 1 "In the district of Gorlive and to (the northeast Of Zakliezyu determined , Russian attacks were repulsed ever- . Vl"On the .Vida everything is ouiet. Further to the north the attacks ot f our allies are progressing. 5 "In the Balkan war even thing is Iquiet Today east of TrebinRa OUT -'artillery compelled the Montenegrins 9 to retreat." Germany Much Terr.tory- London. .Ian. 1. 1:27 P- m - i ne close of ihe fifth month ot the war finds Germany still in occupation of virtually the whole of Belgium. -an im portant tract of French territory in the western theatre of hostilities and a considerable slice of Russian Po land along the eastern battle front, a thousand miles away. UWvould appear, nevertheless, tnat crrnvinv fur the present at least, is to make further headway. ! p.rillsh commentators today call at tentiOl to the fact that the initiative f,,r t Jul moment se.-mr to be in the hands V the allied romraanders and the reefct German public utterances to the pVpcI lhat Germany is waging a war to save her territory from invion. Is kocepted here as an Indirecl Smlsslon that to battle on tv.. fronts a thousand miles apart has caused an unant.ripated strain on even the great resotjKes of the em- l'lV" Am, Allies Facing Dftculty. There are however, nV.lUusions ic Londonas td th flWiculfcconfroiit ing the allies. It is reo6gHzed thai ihe laek oi recovering the erritor; 9el7ed by Germany is little 8 fo midable than tb hndertHing ott Sany v. ben she found torsntt engh, L.. ......f...... .Mlnct a multipliciti in: en, mles Hence the ioF.iponenjr tb aUled offensive on u Bl-i jmj ii such time as the alu tfble put more meli into the M ,,nu nile, sach is conn- feoi Ing the Btrejsgth of its op,- lines. General Joffre. the tWomman-let-in-chief, is for the mt exert ing his greatest pro6n the ex tremities of the loiw extending Tom the channel t I On the east 'wfc French are ,,io r' In poon of a portion jfcTubSC'i.'' of ui:h strate iprteUWl.h llKfcccupfed 1 s- !,,'aaie : t mri'mn iMteJfl pi'l h'WWW. 11 GERMAN EXPRESS CARRYING SOLDIERS TO WAR CRASHES INTO FREIGHT; MANY KILLED ...iSfe, v were g to the French battle- v bB5BBB WfflfrnHri Jok & fields, wa wrecked near StengeL -J!5PPIBR-i 'll. .Jt (Germany, when it crashed into the v. "v- HijfPIffi end of a freight tram. The cars N,. n' totally wrecked. Many of the kJ rSM-ning soldiers were killetL tend, vrh tie. g,, Qf tjje British fleet prent the Germans from oc cupying. Laree VVC5 Train in Eng'and. Large iri now training in F!mr land will beVdj thrown nci oss the channelV s0,,n as ;l Ujoro rapid development V tho offensive move ment oi the ays is considered desir able. It is claimeApt Petrosrad that Field Marshal vS n indenburRS rush forward has hntj.posed with such success that it , 1)0Pn definitely checked, hut the nVtin off!cP reiorts that satlsULrv process is being made, except iLpalicla, where what practically amofL to a ,.ou ,,f the Austrian forces V rn,.ir stit. fenlng of Cermans is a(Ltt0(;j n,Mn. ions vary wli-ther thL ustr.-llun-garian tones wt'i acain't. tho hor. net's nest lo the ymthj n, t,ip dual monarehy. Vt ,refflu sr,rAj;l and Montenecro have foughV. nelRhbor m a stand -till lut jc r. ported that Austria is prei.arlflL. n,,w cxpetlition of a million meni)st Servia, Excitement Over U S. Note C4 The excitemenl produced by Lj. dent Wilson's oote concerning theL. tention ol American vessels bj Brm warships has cooled, with the r" nation of the text of the coinnuinit tion The attorn ev general. Sir J Simon discussed the points ol inter national law involved with Foreign Secretary Grey today and the reply -will be formulated without delay The subject raav be raised in the House of Jxrds when that body reassembles on Wednesdsj next. on- iWILHELM'S NEW : YEARJESSMiE Recites to His People Brill Victories of Gcrmarn Land and Se CONFIDENCES FIRM ' Admits Are Serious and Task vy, But Trusts to Ton's Matchless Bravery. rl ii. via London, Jan 1. 0:08 a. m. mperor William, in a New Year's ssage to the Army and Navy, asks m to face, the new year unfllnch iy and to look forward to new deeds and new victories for the be loved Fatherland The message (vhiCB was made pUhlfc at main head quarters here is as follows: "After five long months of heavy and hot fight inn we enter the new year. "Brilliant victories have been gain ed and great successes achieved by the Qerrnan army almost everywhere on the territory of the enemy, while Mjpeated attempts of our opponents , to swarm bn German territory have failed. Ships Covered With G:ry. J BhSbb like heroes when overwhelmed by su perior fOle, "Behind the army ..n.l ihe flepi tlie liirrFri rtutioNQ taadl if, unexrfnrpIeTl harmony prepared to sacrifice lt' heart's blood for the sfcered domestic hearth which we are defending against outrageous invasion Kaiser Firmly Confident "Much has come to pass in the old year, but the enemies ire Btlll firmly kept low Always fresh hordes are rolling up against our army and the army of our faithful allies, hut their numbers . do not Frighten us. Al though the times may be serious and the task before us a heavy one. we look forward into the future with the firmest confidenci "Next to God's wise guidance. I trust to th- matChleBB bravery ot" the army and navy and know myself to be as one with the entire (Jerman na tion. Therefore let us face the New Year unflinchingly, looking forward to new deods and new victories for our beloer Fatherland. (Signed). "Wilhelm." .GERMANY HOLDS MANY PRISONERS eSiReport Claims Capture ( V1 138 Officers and 577, V Men From Allied Forces. I P.erlln. don. 9 41-- 1 Ry wireless to Lon I priJoux 11)1 'rhe total number of ' i The'dippf ;,r held io (Jermany at 0Sf dlU J the year amounts to 8,1 :tS I ers and 577,87 men. This is shown in :i summarv issued from the headquarters today which points out that the list does not In clude civilians Interned in Germany, nor the prisoners lakeii during the pursuit In Russian Poland, or those in transport, Of the above total, the French con tribute ::,4r,) officers, including seven generals and 216,905 men; the Rus sians 3,575 officers, of whom 18 are generals and 306,290 men; the Bel gians 612 officers, including three gen erals and 36,852 men. and the British 492 officers and 1882s men. Headquarters takes occasion to say that the report that 1,140 German of ficers and 134.700 men are prisoners of war In Russia is misleading, since thin list includes interned civilians. Probably not more than 15 per cent of the total are military prisoners, it is declared. RULES ISSUED FOR ALASKA SETTLERS Washington, Jan. 1 Secretary Lano today issued regulations under which settler? may take for two year periods ten acre tracts of Alaska coal lands for local and domestic fuel needs. He announced that .on account of legal complications jifyuBed by existing claims aud the fct that there are 'iii ssa VrrirffitiatitrfifiiflltL i leasing regulations to cover the gen eral mining of coal iu Alaska and they will he issued as soon as prac- , Icabte. Inder today's action the opening of mines on an extensive scale, or the export oi coal produced is not permitted. NEW YEAR GIVEN NOISY GREETING Revelry Along Broadway, New York, Continues Until Daylight. EXPOSITION IS OPENED San Diego Panama-California Celebration to Continue One Year. .Vs York. Jan I -Daylight today failed to quell the noisy greeting Which New York gave the New Year. The revelry along Broadway contin ued far into the morning hours and the police, although they had little to do. dec hired the celebration the hinnnot f i)C 1 ! n rl rtVf.Y- I'llrtU'Tl ill t 1 1 f City. At G o'clock this morning many restaurants still were turning would be patrons away. Open House on Coast San Francisco, Jan. 1. A sort of open house lo the people of the Uni ted States in honor of the opening; of the Panama canal was the keynote oi New Tear's day festivities on the Pacitic coast At San Diego, the I'anama taiuor nia exposition started at midnight, to continue until mtdnfght a year hem e, while Hpecial exercises at San Francis Co anticipated the opening, on Febru ary 20 of the Panama-Pacific exposi tion. The two are dissimilar In pur pose, exhibits and architecture, each following unique plan of development. While nothern coast cities have no particular expositions at tliis time, the effect of the canal on development of the country Is expected to he at leasi as marked in Oregon and Washington as further south, and particular ef forts will be made to interest visitors to the expositions in the vast unde veloped resources of those states. The European war already has made Port land, Ore . a wheat market of import ance, aud deluged Seattle, Tacoma and the Pugol Sound territory with lumber orders. Rome's Unique Celebration. Rome, Jan. I, 12:20 a. m An unique way of celebrating the ntry of the New Year took placo here to da Usually the event has been1 celebrated by the explosion of fire works and the firing of guns but as this was prohibited this year the peo ple generally agreed to appear at the open windows, glass In hand and cry "Viva Italy." This was done and tie effect was most lmpreBBive. CABINET MEMBER8l.RESIQNING. Thursday. Fernando Fnchs, minis ter of the interior, and Colonel Abril. min'ster of vai were the latest rnenv bera to las down their portfolios. Colonel Abril had held office for only about two weeks. oo WAR BULLETINS lierlin. Jan. 1. t via wireless to Lon don , ::44 p. m. An unofficial report irom the Wolff agency reads a., fol lows: "We learn from the main head quarters that the war bootv taken by our troops fighting in the Argonne in the month of December, amounts al logethex to 2,960 prisoners, 81 machine puns. 14 mine throwers and one bronze mortal Berlin, Jan. 1. (Via The Hague and j London i. Jan. 1 1:50 p. m. Ti Lo kal Ahzeiger sas in its issue of to day n has learned that the Hde3t s.m of Dr. Von Bethmann-Hollweg, the Im perial chancellor, was killed in aeon in Poland Tiecemher 9. The state ment published at the time that the young man had been wounded and made prisoner is erroneous. Vancouver, B. C , Jan. 1. The Rus sian volunteer flee: steamer Tambov arrived from the Orient last nigbA After discharging cargo she will take a great quantity of heavy field puns and projectiles manufactured In Penn sylvania and shipped west over the Canadian Pacific railroad. One large cargo of American guns shipped from Vancouver hap already arriv. d tit Vladivostok and Is being hurried to Poland. Message to Bavarians. Munich, Jan. 1, Oia Berlin, Toe Hague and London l, Jan. 1. 1 SO p. m. Emperor William replying to a? New Years telegram Iroui the Kins and Queen of Bavaria, sent thuir ma jesties the following message: "J reciprocate your good Wished ami those of all Bavarians with all my heart. You speak after my own heart when you say wo all have but one thought, which Is that a peace, worthy of the sacrifices already made and still to be secured for the heioved Fatherland In the New Year. "How splendid in this conncct.ou is It that the German princes and the German peoples aro standing t6eber In unchangeable fidelity, with God's help, to achieve with our heroic In.ojs that victory for our just cause which we expect with unshaken confidence. In cordial friendship. "(Signed) : "WILHELM." oo TEST CASE FOR ARIZONA LIQUOR LAW j i ? Bishee, Ariz., Jan. 1. Fifteen Jll after midnight had jiroclajM M Ajfena a "dry" state, L. M P-tor heyfl rLm a charge of scdltM ,1 k'. beer, and his Plfl gfl reJea8ed ongfl GERMANS SINK I A BATTLESHIP I Another British Victim of fH Kaiser's Navy Is Reached in English Channel. fl LOSS OF LIFE HEAVY WS Heavily Armored Ship Carried jflj Many Midshipmen and 3jH Fleet Officers. Hlfl London, Jan. 1, 2:45 p. m. The M German war of attrition found another M British victim this morning and I robbed the British navy of the 16- year-old. but still useful, battleship vXran Formidable, of the same class as the sjft9 battleship Bulwark which was blown H up a few weeks ago off Sheerness. LaS Apparently the loss of life on board the Formidable has been very heavy, RilXtv as only 71 members of the crew are known to have been saved. The of- fr ficials. however, hold out hope that MF&li? others may have been picked up. The exact locality of this disaster has not- been revealed but the fact i j v' that it occurred in the British cha-.- .Sjsi2 nei recalls the circumstances that i'vfjfj British ships have leen engaged in M bombarding the German positions on the Belgian coast and that German submarines on several occasions in H the past have attempted to torpedo them. j; - - m previous disasters to British I I , shins the casualty list in this cage includes many midshipmen, no fewer than It; having been on. hoard th j flHp Formidable. Carried 750 Men. Aafl The British battleship I'orm.tdab. had a displacement of 15.000 tons. She !! was 430 feet long and carried a com- plement of 750 men. She was heav- j iy armored and carried '"nr,- .liiAJtii 'M 'fy'tf guns, twelve 6-inch guns am:' sixteen . 12-iounders. She was provided also with four submerged torpedo tubes. I The Formidable v.iis launched in 189S and was a sister ship to the Irresistible and Implacable. The Formidable had assigned her. according to the British navy list for December, various fleet offl- M ( ers and. consequently, she undoubt edh was acting as a flagship at the lime of her destruction. Her tap tain was Arthur X. Loxley and her mmandr Charles Ballard. Bap tain John C Deed was in command of the marines on board, while the fleet surgeon was Godfrey Taylor aud th fleet paymaster P J. Ling. The chap lain is given as the Rev. George B. Robinson. On hoard the Formidable i also 10 m.dshipmen. oo MANY GREETINGS FOR president! New Messages Pour White House From All Nations. KING'S GOOD WISHES "1 1 Generosity of Great American-, Nation Deeply Appreciated by Many Rulers. Washington. Jan. 1. New Yeat s J; 1 greetings to President Wilson 'romM'..y the rulers of other nations and from S many Americans poured into tne v $0 W'lute House today. .: King Albert of Belgium sent the fol- Mrja lowing "message from his goneral at- 'MttiS my headqtjjcters: 'I'lnS "On theMo .-suSlon '-e!lBiS I send yooiy mostsinceijsjBE: illations an, the wishes the welfare of the great Aif 'fJtd. linn, whose generosity to Mf--. . of o much help in this ft ; tress and sorrow." Mt V 'j.ifeISM KING GEORGE'S M ' viJXS King George of GreaW, . ? vH the following: 'y iy(lyH "It affords me sin- SM $ , . jtJC i '-SSTffen convey to you on the 1 . S'pSMon -jf the Xew Year inv WlWSSMk wishes for your pers f;v-Sp? jM and for the welfare anS''-sulffiH the United, States ofW"lSB which we are united by VxffSrnffl af friendship and intiiu The following niessageMMK( rrom King Gustaf of SM ' A . :y "I beg you to receive . : sst for a happy New X,: I King Haakon of NorH ! follows; B '!-.:'': '? "On the occasion ofjfl ' ; express my most ., i ?s for you and theB kuNT BERNSTj -.'. fcount Bernatoifl K to the Unite