Newspaper Page Text
I M 2 THE OGDEN STANDARD, OGDEN, UTAH: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1915. 3 I ISPORTS BASEBALL j PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. H Won. Lost. Pet i San Francisco 101 74 .577 Hi Los Angeles 95 SO .54.1 H, Vernon S5 SB .500 H1' Salt Lake 82 S3 .497 'J Portland 73 92 .442 Hjj Oakland 77 99 .438 H NATIONAL LEAGUE. ' H' Won. Lost. Pet 'i Philadelphia 81 59 .679 ' Boston 75 G5 640 H Brooklyn 75 G5 .536 h Cincinnati . . .. 67 74 .476 K Chicago 66 73 .476 H Pittsburg 69 76 .476 H!) St. Louis 69 78 .469 j New York 64 77 .453 H' """ " B Chicago, Sept. 21. Now York and H!i Chicago divided honors In a doublc- Hjl header hero today. New York won H i the first game 5 to 2, by bunching hits H' off Vaughn. Chicago took the sec- Hi ond jjanie 5 to 3, because of the wild- H'l jicss of Palmoro, a recruit pitcher. Hi -who worked for the Giants in the H first inning. H Manager Brcsnahan used a recruit ' pitcher named Wright for one inning H' in the first game. He reported today H from Virginia, Minn. Dyer, a recruit flj from St Paul, played third for the fll visitors. H First Game. HP Now York 031 100 0005 j Chicago 010 000 0034 Hi Second Game. i New York 210 000 0003 I Chicago 310 000 Olx o STALLINGS FINDS ANOTHER TWIRLER Cincinnati, O., Sept. 21. Barnes pitched a magnificent game after the first inning, allowing only foiir scat tered hits and no runs, and Boston easily won the last contest of the series from Cincinnati today, 4 to 2. Lear, who started for Cincinnati, was taken out in the second inning after permitting two hits and a base on ballB to the first throe men that faced him. Dale pitched fairly well, two of Boston's runs being due to er rors by Ilerzog. Boston 020 100 010 1 Cincinnati 200 000 0002 PHILS ADD PAIR TO LEAD IN RACE St Louis, Sept, 21. Philadelphia in creased its lead in the pennant race by taking a double-header from St. Louis hero today, scores 8 to 3 and 6 to 1. Doak was hit hard in the opening game, eight hits off him in four in nings giving tho visitors fivo runs. Ho was replaced by Boardman, a re cruit, who was fairly effective While Demaree hold tho locals to four scattered hits in tho second game, Luderus hit tho leaders to vic tory. With a doublo in tho third he drove In Bancroft, who had singled, and In the fifth with Paskort on first base he put a homer Into the right field bleachers, scoring two moro runs. Seven errors by the locals figured In the scorlug of Philadelphia's other run. In tho two games Bancroft reached first nine times In ten trys. First Game. Philadelphia 103 200 110 S St. Louis 010 000 2003 Second Game. Philadelphia 001 120 020 GJ St. Louis 000 000 1001 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won, Lost, Pet. Boston 93 45 .674 Detroit 92 51 .644 i Chicago S2 60 .678 Washington 77 61 .559 Now York GS 76 .4D3 St. Louis 59 81 .420 Cleveland 53 86 .378 Philadelphia 40 29 .281 DETROIT WINS 7 TO 5. Philadelphia, Sept. 21. Bad pitch ing in tho early Innings gave Detroit a 7 to 5 vlctorj' over Philadelphia to day. Loudermllk and Bush wore tak en out after tho first, inning; during which each team scored throo runs. Oldham then hold tho home team safo during the remainder of tho game. Cobb mado three hits and stolo two bases, while his two wild throws did no damage Detroit 310 300 0007 Philadelphia 300 000 0205 SENATORS CROWD COX FOR FOURTH Washington, Sept 21. While Wal ter Johnson held Chicago batters helpless today, Washington counted elovon hits and six runs off Faber and addod two moro hits and another scoro when Russell went to tho resoue in tho eighth inning. Chicago 000 100 0001 Washington 201 001 03x 7 DONOVANS DIVIDE WITH THE BROWNS New York, Sopt. 21. New York and St LouIb divided a double-header here today. Pier held St, Louis to two hits In the first game, 2 to 0. Tho Becond was won by St Louis, 5 to 3. Caldwell had a bad Inning, tho fifth, when tho visitors bunched fivo hits for four runs First Gams. St. Louis 000 000 0000 New York ,000 012 OOx 3 Second Game. St. Louis 000 041 0005 1,1 HI I Enthusiastic "Bull" Durham Smokers I I 1 N body of men has greater opportunities for -wide experience, Hi cmPa."son anc selection. They have the means to command and l H I "ie tra"leci taste to appreciate the best of everything in life. H I n carefctes key mae f or themselves, to their individual liking, I H 1 .m "Bull" Durham .tobacco, these men find the delicious freshness, I I I nc.omParakle mildness and unique fragrance, that afford supreme I enjoyment and satisfaction. At all times and occasions it is correct, 1 B 1 fashionable, epicurean to " Roll Your Own," I If GENUINE I I SMOKING TOBACCO I Made from the finest, mellow-ripe leaf grown in the famous "bright" I H 1 tobacco district of Virginia -North Carolina, that ,w PB I 1 1 V ,1 it -i i , Aik for FREE B H supplies the world with cigarette tobacco. Much fi?Z&"s?pZl & I H I or the delicate flavor and fragrance of this leaf j&MMrfr I H I escapes from the ready-made cigarette. These WSSS 1 H 1 raire c3uaties can onV be retained in the bulk of Mi m ffW" u 1 1 m 1 tobacco in the "Bull'' Durham sack, and enjoyed U '?? BlHffiliflM 1 1 in tho fresh-rolled "Bull" Durham cigarette. M :$$ lp 1 H I FRFT An Illustrated Booklet, shoving correct JJm BB HffiPPSSI 111 1 H 1 -n u i i a PQCkage oi cigarette papers, 2y $HgVWiJ'! tPnli iH I m I will both be mailed, free, to any address in United States I (!tejlfeffi IfflSWKSfl II 8 I H on postal request Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N.C M iMffB I 1 H I THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY ""Sl! BBBHMi j 1 B ! " I A FIRM HOLD H An account with the Og- H den Savings Bank gives H you. a. grip on prosperity. H D0 not delay because you H have only a small sum H bring or send the amount H you can spare to us to be Hj deposited, to your credit. Hl New York 000 200 1003 FEDERAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost, Pet. Pittsburg 80 60 .572 Chicago 78 G3 .553 St. Louis 77 Go .539 Newark 73 66 .525 Kansas City 72 GS .514 Buffalo 70 73 .489 Brooklyn 69 75 .479 Baltimoro 45 94 .322 BROOKLYN LOSES GAME. Kansas City, Sept 21. Good pitch ing mado interesting a game which tho locals won from Brooklyn 4 to 1 hero today. Cullop held the visitors to two hits, and the run which saved them from a shutout was mado on an error. Bunched hits off Falkenburg gave tho locals their four runs in the sec ond. Upham was sent out In the next inning and allowed the locals but one bit in six innings. Scoie: R. H. E. Brooklyn 1 2 2 Kansas City 4 6 1 Batteries Falkenbcrg. Upham and Land; Cullop and Easterly. CHIFEDS CLIMBING. Chicago, Sept. 21. In two hard fought slugging contests hero today Chicago won from Newark G to 4 and 9 to 6. Pitching in both games was weak and many errors by Newnrk in tho second game contributed to their defeat. Seaton was knocked out of the box in tho first inning of the Becond gamo and Moran, who roplaced him, was hit freely. Brennan, for tho locals, also was weak, but was supported by sensational fielding in tight pl.accs Scores: First game R.II. E. Newark 4 11 1 Chicago 6 10 0 Batteries Billiard, Seaton and Huhn; Bailey, Pren'dergast and Wil son. Second game H. H E. Newark 6 8 6 Chicago 9 13 3 Batteries Seaton. Moran and Brcn-nan; Hcndrix and Wilson. BEDIENT WINS. Pittsburg, Sept. 21. Buffalo lost to Pittsburg today 2 to 1. Allen was hit harder than Bedient, but tho fine fielding by Kelley In right field cut off runs for tho visitors. Scoro: R.H. E Buffalo 1 7 2 Pittsburg 2 1 1 Batteries Bedient and Blair; Al len and Berry. CUBAN MARSANS STARS. St. Louis, Sept 21. Two-base hits by Bridwoll, Marsans and Tobin, and a single by Hartley netted three runs for the St Louis team in the fifth in ning of today's gamo with Baltimore, which the locals won 5 to 2. Runs for the visitors wero made in tho fifth, when Gallagher scored on Crawford s one-base hit to right field, and in the eighth, when Duncan went home on Evans" single. Score: R. II. E. Baltimore 2 11 0 St Louis 5 10 2 Batteries Qulnn and Owens; Watson and Hartley. JUMP TO FEDS Report Is Circulated of $7,000 Offer to Jack Smith, Former Northwestern Player. Seattle, Wash., Sept 22. Jack Smith, who as an outfielder helped Seattle to win the championship In the Northwestern league, was still in this city today, notwithstanding the fact that the terms of his recent pur chase by tho SL Louis Nationals call ed for his departure to Join tho Car dinals at tho closo of the Northwest ern schedule last Sunday. A report was circulated last night that Smith had been offered ?7000 to Jump to the Federal league. D. E. Dugdale, president of tho Seattle club, said today that tho Federals had been after Smith's services, but added that he did not believe Smith would consider their offer. RED SOX LEAD BY FOUR GAMES Boston Mayor Acclaims Team as Pennant Winners Offi cials Preparing for World Series. Boston. Sept. 22. Tho Red Sox, leading the American leaguo by four games, wero acclaimed as pennant winners by Mayor Curley in a letter received by President J. J. Lannln of the Boston club today. "It is a great honor which you have brought to Boston," tho mayor wll! - i; gorgeous peacock, pT ' 'l ' the true home ofBQHHf Fashion in this city, WmKmHSK ' is today as resplen- nm70flW dent as the peacock, mmmi IfiBfB ready with the fruits mmmM ilHIff ! of fashion's labor to f SwM W'jlf ' enrapture men who I MwUl Hl I seek attire that is cor- jHf w I J rect, smart and "THE fwm$ m if If '1 1 present that rare combination fiifll&tl Hlw I the newest, the best and the "" , . .' I fMj, m !lfp J 11 , most stylish together with a .-. ' . hit, i Si Iffitl ; l ' pleasing moderation in prices ' . ,.,Jt ii (ilftf HHHl It that will surely interest you. ."."13 W HHMI tllll 11 BadtmiEeFFlowersiCd. p iL 1 111 wrote "No baseball team in. the country has ever played a fairer g game." t Red Sox officials are looking toward I preparations for the world's series. 9 Until the title is clinched more se- I curely, Mr. Lannin said, no announce- I ment of plans will bo made. Between 1 2000 and 3000 applications -for seats already have been received. I Mr. Lannln has under consideration fl an offer from President James E. E Gatfney of the Boston Nationals, In- vlting him to use the Braves' field L should the Red Sox go into the world's 0 series. I oo 1 FOUR RACES SCHEDULED. I Columbus, 0 Sept. 22. Four races E are on tho program for today's Grand Circuit session, tho 2:15 trot, purso I U200, tho Horso Review futrity 3- I year-old pace, purse $3000; tho Ho- I tel Hartman 2:03 pace, purso $5000, 1 and a special fast trot for a stake of II ?1200. 1 . Next Wednesday was tho date set today for a number of attempts to I beat records. Directum I is expected I to try for a record on that day, 1 no Frank Daniels has no equal 1 in good wholesome fun. See 1 him in "Crooky," tonight and J I tomorrow at The Ogden. m wrestling match 1 OGDEN'S GREAT SPORT EVENT I i HARBETSON vs. 'CLAPHAM World's Champion. English Champion. 1 J Finish Match, Best Two of Three Falls I at the 1 ORPHEUM, WEDNESDAY, SEPT 22. : , TWO GOOD PRELIMINARIES I ) Tickets now on sale at Orpheum. I ) PRICES 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Ringside, $2.00. I THE 2ND MRS. MAC. . Jfcre Is Only One Chief Sachem-No; Not Barney. . ? . By H. A. JhM l ELECTION OF OFFICERS ? NOT MR. MAC WILL NOT BE . MRS. MAC, IF YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, I " I r- . " I I'LL BE THERE I PROPOSE (THERE! HE WILL BE AT TO REGULATE MY EVEHlNC-,5 TO SUIT YOUR I WHY l HAVEN'T WELL SIR-TH15 IS (vc 0.0. . ' S 1-" il ME FOR CHIEF SACHEM? HOME HELPING FANCY, YOU RE UP AQAINST THE WRONG Ml 5SED A SESSION I ONE SESSION YOU M.ISS! M", BARNEY IS GETTING, OH MR. MAC, V SURE- I'LL RUN. f Jfc' IMRS.MACEMVERTAIU MAN t MY It. f 1 1 N 2.0 YEARS OUT IN THE KITCHEN ' VJ BE QUITE DOMESTICATED ) COULD I TROUBLE l V : r 81 A COMPANY TO-NlHf. LAMENTED WIFE A " v t AhJDJURTHERMORE- WITH YOU AND HELP (l HAVE THE GREATEST T YOU FOR A GLASS 1 y$fTL- CnOODBYE! ANGELICA NEVER flHLi-Us3 1 I I V OLGA WITH THE TROUBLE'HEEPING MY I OF LEMONADE? t ' ' r:j '" i . Bb