Newspaper Page Text
f 'iJ . THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15., 1917. , tl ,1 j H 1" SCOOP, THE CUB REPORTER Scoop's Love Song Brings Results By "Hop" E I X'LU NOW SING A UL1 I LOVE-WOWN I vtf LOV-WOWN ' ! T HTf FY 60LLX 1 P UOvie. S0N6 10 BLONbE DAftUNG TONE. p$ foU SAW- HIGH I J 1 1 ' I ' ' MS ALL. R l5 HT $ AVIATRIK AN' "TRUST "TO TH' X HOPE THIS LOOK DOWM UPON ' THAT5" HE.R -y GENTLE, BRe.EiE.TD AINT SUNG IN V AIM WOOR. LOVER 6UY . . WWudWUHCAULIJ ! v " ' ' 'l,- I . v.. MMf wXntcd I I Female Help : OLSON'S FL.UFF HUGS made fron t old rugs, carpets, clothes. Phone 2390 J. 168 WANTED Woman to Work by th( day. 2562 Adams. 168 GIRL or woman for hall work. Besl wags in the city. Call In person. Sec housekeeper, Healy hotel. 169 X WANTED A girl to care for children afternoons and evenings. Pohcn-136 I W. 1672 GERL wanted to help with housework. j 2741 Grant or 232 Twenty-fifth. 1639 ft GIRLS to mako pants and overalls. H Electric power sewing machines. ' Wages guaranteed whllo learning. Big money made after learning. Clean, light work room, steady work all win ter. Apply Manufacturing Dept. Scow 'croft's. 1226 Ii WANTED A good girl. Phone w19- !i7 klLADY to clean halls. Apply Argylo . 0 Apartment, No. 2. 5-23-tf W? ; I WANTED , H (! I Male Help 1 J :GOOD experienced male stenographer. f I Superintendent's office, Dining Car Department, 0. S. L. 1693 Hj ) WANTED Young man with good edu- cation; good chance for advancement ' j F. W. Woolworth Co. 1697 Hj ; WANTED at once, an experienced commercial bookkeeper. Give refer- Hj ; I ence. Answer care of Box 888, Ogden, . Utah.- . 1648 H '! I' " j if' PAINTERS wanted. City scale of wag vjj es. U. P. Commissary. 169-1 I f MEN wanted, Ogden Sugar factory. , Steady employment for winter months. I x Free transportation. Auto truck leaves if'1 viaduct 6:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. daily. 1 'W Apply Superintendent Amalgamated, j i Sugar Co. 16-1-f -'A FOREMAN at Reed hotel. 1568! ; h GOOD boy wanted for ofQco work; HB tift chance for advancement. Call Stand j ifgj ard offlco. 1489 Hj , EXCEPTIONALLY good salesman wanted. Splendid opportunity for the Hf J right man. Grocery salesman prefer- HB fi red. Apply Box 36, Standard. 1457 Hff I . 'HIGHEST prices paid for second hand M. suits and clothing, from $2 to $15. I Phono 1860-J. B. Shflltz, 162 Twenty- I fifth. 1450 TRUCKERS and freight handlers mt , f wanted. Permanent employment, Ap- Wk ; f I Union Pacific freight station. IS 138L . 1 jflf j, ALL KINDS of help furnished. Ogden FiiHr Employment agency, 247G Lincoln ave- JWi i , IF YOU are honest, a good husUor, Bl and have got 1,500 to Invest in a If K , 1 clean paying business proposition, and l can &evlQ your entire tlmo to It, com- I I w municate with Box S, Standard. No I I, experience required. 1014 wL H boys wanted at the Bowling and .Ullard Parlors, under Howell Bldg. 'FIVE room modern house, close in, no Hj i children. Phone 2239-J. 1670 I MUcellanou& Hl ',VERY deslrabio offlco; centrally lo H i cated. Inquire J. A. Houlo & Co., fl 1 2409 Hudson. Phono 322. 8-11-U HH if, (PLAIN sewing and dressmaking. 2749 K jj j; terant. 1391 Hrjj I iDDMSTITCHING and picot, 10c and Hir jI "-5o a yard Fancy buttons. Madame -Jrj ;' jCapiau's Gown Shop, 3rd floor Wrights. Bh 'MOVED Mrs. H. Layman, hemstitch- Bkal 'I lnB 0X1(1 Plcot-InS' Utah National bank W 'building, 2nd floor. 1514 HjSj Jp,!fDIES'taUorIngl2536 Madison. 1932M Mm MONEY TO LOAN '1 -I W N pirco Agency Real Estate, In Btt Jaurance, Loans, Notary. 15 Commer- H I clal Bank Bldg. Phono 300. 6 W MONEY to loan on rear estate eecur BH m J J Brammitt- 6-21-ti m REAL ESTATE, Mortgaco and Loans K7ff; Ii Kelly & Herrlck. 6-15-ti Hi: B. P. HUNTER, Mortgago Loans, Real MUl' ft Estato, Firo Inauranco. Established WSM j 1889' 24tb St" 0gden Utab j FOR RENT i FOR RENT Five room brick .on bench, close in, furnished. Inquire L phono 473 or address Mrs. F., care I Standard. 1703 TWO nicely furnished rooms, suitable " for two friends. 626 Twenty-seventh. 1 ' 1704 i L TWO sleeping rooms in modern house. 539 Twenty-third. 1705 TWO modern rooms for housekeeping. 1 3153 Wall. Call evenings. 1698 , SLEEPING rooms; steam heat. 330 i 23rd St. 1684 THREE room modern flat. No chil dren. 2614 Lincoln. 1686 , 2 FURNISHED rooms for house keep ingj $12 per month. Phone 1012-J. 1089 FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping with private bath. 2210 Vz Wash. 1690 4-ROOM modern sleeping porch. Phone 1678-R. 1017 21st SL 16S3 MODERN four room furnished house. Call at 969 Twenty-third, between 4 and 6. - 1674 COMPLETELY fur. bachelor Apts., near car line. Phone 1686-R. 2337 Adams. 1695 3 MODERN housekeeping rooms; pri vato bath. 2874 Adams. 1698 FOUR modern furnished rooms, 2638 Adams. Phone 404-W. 1680 GLASSED-IN sleeping porch and dress ing room, for gentlemen. 763 Twenty fourth. 1632 ONE nicely furnished room, strictly modern. 2945 Porter. 1651 MODERN furnace, heated rooms, gen tleman preferred. 441 Herrlck ave. 1595 4-ROOM modern, rear, 315 27th St. 1582 FURNISHED sleeping rooms, near car line. 2462 Monroe. 1588 ELEGANTLY furnished room for rent 566 24th. Gentleman preferred. 1545 SEE the now Plaza Apts. Prices, from $23.50 to 37.50 per month, Including light, heat and gas. Phone 2208. 1559 NICELY furnished room for lady, S10 per month. Enq. 2707 Grant. Phone 2920. 1515 TWO rooms, bath, light, gas, water in kitchen. Fox Apts., 447 21st St. 1482 FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Prices moderate. 2468 Washington. 1442 TWO nicely furnished rooms; S10 per month each; 2707 Grant. Phone 2920. 1331 FURNISHED ROOMS, 2.50 per week; 333 24th St. 1329 FURN. rooms; running water. 2526 Adams. C47 STRICTLY modern apartments. The Pearl, 27th and Grant Phone 2920. 440 HOUSES and flats. 2634 Grant. 9-18-tf WANTED j POSITION by middle aged man as of fice clerk or tlmo keeper. Box S. C, care Standard. 1692 LACE curtains laundered. Mrs. Grove Phone 2880-W. . 1650 WALLPAPER furnished and hung. Miller. Phone 3205. 235 AUTOS FOR SALE SAXON roadster. 2630 Adams. Phone 1472-W. 1537 I FOR SALE OR TRADE ONE of the neatest bungalows on Grant avenue. Will trade for larger homo that can bo mado into apart ments or for smaller home. Must bo in good location. Phone 2693-J. 2844 Grant avenue. igji FIVE room modern house, for lot or smaller house. 2341 Jackson. 1520 MUST sell or trade my Hayncs auto mobile Immediately. Only 450. Phone 30ft. . 1424 PLAYER piano, new, one-half price. Phone 630. 1279 LOS ANGELES lota for Ogden proper ty. P. O. Box 21. 1049 As a less expensive substitute for an electric hair drier an electrician in Europo has Invented a device for warming ordinary sombs. oo China was the original homo ot both the chrysanthemum and rose. FIVE room modern house, garage, chicken coop. Rent 20. At 1003 Twenty-second. Tel. 3293-W. 1702 THREE rooms. 266 Twenty-first. Phone 2089. 1700 SIX room modern house. Aaron Jack son, 2355 Madison avenue. Phone 2993. 1G94 8-ROOM modern close In, 25. 4-Room partly modern, $8. E. F. Bratz, 417 Ec clos Bldg., phone 1960. 1691 SIX room house, close to sugar fac tory, large lot, 10 month. Call phone 56, ask for Ellis. 1664 THREE room house, cheap; no chil dren. 2559 Jackson avenue. Phone 3299-W. 1642 SMALL storeroom in prominent loca tion. Apply Ogden Standard. 1613 THREE largo rooms on Washington avenue, 12. W B. Wcdell. 1441 TWO rooms, modern. Argylo Apts.; 4-room modern, Herrlck Ave. Inquire 2640 Wash. 5-23-tf FIVE modern rooms, steam heat, electrio light and gas. Painted and tinted to suit tenant See Manager Utah Thaatre Co. 8-29-tf LOST J LADIES' purse, containing roll of greenbacks, tied in handkerchief, also some change, pair of earrings and small purse. Lost between Twenty fourth street and Five Points. Phone Brigham City 90-J-3 at our expense. Reward. 1701 AIREDALE dog, Wednesday on can von road. Reward, at 2718 Madison or phone 204. 1670 WEDNESDAY p. m., between Fowler and Berthana, Gold pin, names and date on back. Reward. Phone 846. 1696 FORSALE" : Farms ; FOR SALE on easy terms, fully equip ped 150 acre farm in Bbx Elder; "horses, implements, etc., 4,500. W B. Wedell, Phone 22-22. 1440 SUMMONS. In the District Court of Weber coun tyy, State of Utah. Delbert Bain, plaintiff, vs. Mary E. Bain, Defendant. The State of Utah to the said Defend ant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after servico of this Summons upon you, if served within the County in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action; and In case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The above entitled action Is brought for the purpose of severing the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant C. M. MARRIOTT, Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O. Address 427 Eccles Bldg, Ogden City, Utah. First published Sept 15, 1917. Last published, Oct. 20, 1917. High school girls of Loyalton, Cal., have donned overalls and gone to work in the harvest fields. oo The first woman recruiting officer in the United States is the honor held by Miss Neva McKinna, of Tifton, Ga. GMTOQNET fEP. BABY, xlV en, what Utn) 5J, f 3Be&r i FOR SALE j Real Jate J CITY PROPERTY BARGAINS. FIVE room brick, water, lights, barn, large lot, north part of city. This is a real bargain. 1500. 300 down, 6 per cent on balance. New 6 room strictly modern brick, choice location on bench. 5000. Three room frame, water and lights. New. 850. Terms. Five room modern brick, close In on bench. 3250. Terms. Eight room, new, strictly modern, hardwood finish, garage, best location on bench. 8000. OGDEN HOME BUILDERS CO. 213 Eccles Bldg. Phone 917 FOR SALE BY SKEEN REALTY CO. TEN acres best land In county, close to town, with water right Lot us show you this for 3500. Phono '913. 552-J. t 1534 WITHIN two blocks of the Reed hotel, a good four "room modern home, lot 48x140 feet, all in good shape. For 2,400. 300 down, balance same as paying rent J. J. Brummitt, under Utah National bank. 1421 A LARGE lot near the union depot, 135 feet deep to alley. This is an elegant piece of property, only 120 per front foot. 25 down, 25 per month. J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59, 1421 A BRAND new brick bungalow homo, well located on tho bench. This homo Is the last minute in the way of mod ern construction. Modern heating plant, gas range and dream of a bath room, modern In every respect Large lot, very cheap. Terms to suit. J. J. Brummitt, Phono 59. 1421 A MODERN five room Home near the I Sacred Heart academy. This home is all in first class condition, Possession given immediately. This home is mod ern in every respect except heat. 3000, 300 down, balance 25 per month. Low rate of interest. J. J. Brummitt, under Utah National bank. 1421 ONE of the most elegant bunch of lots on tho bench, located a block south and a block east of the Eccles addi tion. These lots are level, and very sightly. The entire bunch of 20 lots for only 2,000. J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59. 1421 A VERY silghtly lot on 21st street, 25x 125 feet Only 30, 5 down, 5 per month. J. J. Brummitt, under Utah National bank. 1421 IDAHO RANCHES FARMS and ranches, Borne with cat tle. Terms. Federal Land Co. 493 HOT air, hot water and steam fur naces cleaned and repaired by expert All work guaranteed. J. B. Martin, Phone 165, Room 15, European hotel. 1538 WE STILL have threo of those bargain lots on Capitol avenue. 44x135 feet to alley. These arc near the elegant new homes which aro bolng built in that part of the city. Aro great bar gains at 600 each. 50 down, balance 10 per month. 7 per cent intorest. J. J. Brummitt, under Utah National bank. 1421 A great bargain on 25th street, 105 feet front, runs back 130 feet to an alloy. This Is one of tho most elegant corners on 25th Btreet Will sell vory cheap. J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59. 1421 EIGHT room modern house with big lot for 2600. 100 down and 35 a month without interest. A. W. Had lev, 15 Com. bank bldg. Phone' 300 or 1451-W. 1057 WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER IN EXCHANGE, for this fifty acre tract situated in tho famous fruit belt of northern Califor nia; good soil, under irrigation, ten acres partly cleared, very little work to put in shape for cultivation; balance timbered sufficiently to about pay the clearing. Electric power available Located within one mile of railroad and not more than throe miles to good sized town having hotels, post ofllce, general stores, fine graded schools and noted resort. Owner centering Inter ests in Utah on account of his busi ness. Price for sale or exchange 4, 800. Consider country property, but prefer city. Might assume. 1581 J. A. McCULLOCH AGENCY. A GREAT bargain In business proper ty on Washington avenue. This prop erty will draw 7 per cent Interest on Investment, and will double in value In tho next two years. Terms if de aired. J. J. Brummitt, Phono 69. 1421 FOR Salo Cheap Two loLs on Adams and Thirty-second; sidewalk and sow er paid. For cash, 425. Phono 2687 R. 1471 BARGAIN BARGAIN. New 5 ropm modern cottage with ce ment basement situate on fine lot 57x 140 feet in ideal location. This Is actually worth 3000; will sell for 2, 400 on easy terniB. 1682 E. W. CANNADY 2427 Hudson ventiC' I forsaIe 1 BY OWNER, a five room modern brick house near high school, large lot, good walks, lawns, garden space, shade and ornamental trees, no war prices, terms to suit. Inquire at 2550 Monroe. 1672 SEE US BEFORE BUYING. We haye some real bargains in city and farm property. Ogden Real Estate and Building Companv, 2438V4 Wash. Ave. Phone 378. 1692 r FORSALE "1 ; Miscellaneous 1 CHEAP, 16 quarts of Bartlett pears, 43 quarts tomatoes, 8 quarts club sauco, parties leaving town. Call 303 Twenty-fourth. 1697 FINE Johnathan apples. 530 Twelfth street Phone 2881-M. , 1695 HOUSEHOLD furniture, all kinds. Al so Imported cloth for suits, overcoats. Call between 12 and 4. Mrs. O. A. White, 364 25th St 16S5 1 4-YEAR-OLD mare, weight 1200; 1 good work horse, weight 1200; 8-year-old. Phone 1421. 1688 ROOMING house. Best location In the city. Phone 1935. 1600 TWO horsepower Economy gasoline engine, A-l condition. 1 horsepower steam boiler. One rotary water pump, rod shafting, pulleys and belting for salo or trade at bargain. Address Box 81, care Standard. 1672 PEACHES and winter apples. Rear 576 Canyon road. 1693 BUY winter apples from farm; save money. Phone 62-R-5. 1681 APPLES FOR SALE FIFTY cents per bushel. All apples grading smaller than "fancy" will be sold at 50 cents per bushel. Call at packing house of BIgelow-Van Meter orchard on State road just south' of Riverdale. 1671 YELLOW cling peaches, Concord grapes. Phone 8-R-3 after 6 p. ra. 1653 MARSHALL & Wendell player piano, with 100 rolls, cheap. Phone 2441. W9 MUST sell cook stove. 15. 2465 Monroe. 1675 WINTER potatoes. Phone 1574., 1641 SIX hole steel range, water back, 20. 2561 Fowler. Phone 126. 1665 BEFORE closing piano deal, see us; we save you the interest besides mak ing better prices. Pantone, 29th and Hudson. 1455 COMING fresh cow, 85. W. B. We dell. 1443 SLIGHTLY damaged wheat at 3.50 per 100 pounds at tho mill or 3.65 delivered C. O. D. Associated Farmers' Milling Co. Telephone 2025-W. 1277 TWO 4x9 Standard Brunswick ball pocket billiard tables Al condition. Cheap for cash. See D. Herman Bowl ing and Billiard Parlors. 1142 JIM'S GROCETERIA is run like tho postoffice. Small buyers get the same price as large ones. Customers save the cost of delivering, Dookkoeping and clerks. Everything in grocerlos is cheaper. 183 24th Street 6-1-tf IMPORTED canaries. 2220 Lincoln Ave. 814 SIX large sacks of kindling wood, 1. J. H. Wheelwright Phono 828. 748 j PEQNAL j THE party that took tho articles from Mrs. Sparber's homo is known. If ar ticles are returned without further trouble, a liberal reward will be paid and no questions- asked. Mrs. Harry Sparber. 1688 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or the Reopeo tlvc Signers for Further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORSI In tho District Court of tho Second Judicial District of Utah, In and for tho County of Webor. In the matter of tho estate of Jean nette Robcrg, deceased. Creditors will presont claims with vouchors to tho undersigned at the office of R. H. Baumunk, 827 David Eccles building, in Ogden City, Utah, on or before the 10th day of December, 1917. CHARLES STRAWN, Executor. R. H. BAUMUNK, Room 827 David Eccles building, Ogden, Utah, Attorney for Executor. Date of first publication, October 8, 1917. Date of last publication, November 5, 1917. Women are employed as ammuni tion workers in tho United States Na val torpedo plant at Newport, R. I. Girls with flat feet are. being re jectcd as stenographers by the Unit ed States-Naval department. .INFOR'nON BUREAU ! Accident Insurance Aetna Accident & Liability Co, Auto and liability Insurance. H. A. Purdy, 2377 Hudson Ave. Ph'one 483, Attorneys C C. Rlcharde. Bulto 617 Davtf Eo clea Bldg. Phone C Auto Tires and Repairs Modem Tiro Service Shop, ,rcpalra and rcbuIldlTiBr. Goodyear 8ervlco Statton. John Hnrtog, Mgr., 4360 Hudson Ave. Phono 34& i Banking Ogden State Bank, Commercial & Sav ings Depts. Heod Hotel Bids- Phone 62. Auto Accessories GanLKo. Repairs, Studabafcer Ajjency. Alack-Koblnson Co., 240 Grant Avonuo. Phone 891. Banking Utah National Bank, southeast corner S4th tit, and Waah. Ave. Phono 61. Buttermilk Freoh daily from paste urtted cream. 10c Rullon at tho plant. Mutual Creamery Co., Phono 318, Carpet Cleaning K. Van Kampcn for upholnterine: car pets cleaned, ultorcd and laid. Ke-maldng oi mav treasea, fhono 833. j Chiropractor P. J. Frecnor, Chiropractic Offices. IO-10-ll-ia-.SJ-14-26. Cot. Hudson Bld Phono 911, Chiropractors R"H lo. 26' 4th floor Hudson Bids. X-Ray Laboratory. Phono 707. Ok A. Culllnon. Graduate of P. 3. C Fred oplnal Analysis. 2370 Washington. Gty Scavengers pffiS'ffls-fo00"' 2734 Qraat ATOnu CoHinselor-at-Law Lawyer O'ConnoIly, over Commercial National Bank, Phono 11. Engraving Ocuen Engraving Service Co., makers ci ilno cuts in one or more colors, 2403 Washington Avo, Phone 465, Federal Land Co. Cattlo Ranches our apedalty, Fam lands, city property, 416 24th Street. Phono &4U, Hair Dressing Ladles' combings mado Into trwltchos. Prices reasonable Address 2839 Nyo. Phono 1836. 1377 Furrier and Taxidermist Furs cleaned, remodeled In latest stylos. Orders taken for new furs at reasonable prices. Work guaranteed. T. Gajcswsky, at Burt's Store. Phono 118. Hotel The Only Fireproof Hotel In Ogden. Rates 75c and up. The Now Brigham. Wall Ave., and 24th Su hone 2430, Job Printing "Let Me Estimate." B. F. Thomas, Printer, 2476 Wash. Ave. hone 147-j; Junk and Hides Western Hide & Jucjc Co., 2223 Wash ington Ave phono t&U Junk Ogden Junk House, 2059 Wajh. Ave, Phono 210. Loose Leaf Sheets and Covers Bookbinding. Ruling & Mfg. Stationer, 3. Wilson. 2165 Wash. Ave. Phone 350, Money to Loan Salaried pcoplo con get It wthout se curity, other.s on furniture, pianos. tc, 218 Hudson Bldg. Phono 871-J, New and Second-Hand Goods A. Siner. Now and Second-Hand Fur niture, Clothing, etc.. bought and sold. 8ult cases cheap, 241-243 26th Street. Phono 1321, Photographers The Amundson Studios. Wo pleasa the lard to Please. 2469 Washington Avo nuo. Phone 2274-R. Physician and Surgeon Dr. A. Fernlund. Offlco hours 11 to 4 p. m. New Peory Bldg. Hudson Ave. Res. Phonw C46; Offlco Phono 1300-W, Sanitary Work Sanitary Garbage Co., nil kinds of rub blah hauled, aoh pits cleaned. Price reasonable Phono 620. Sewing Machines Whito Sewing Machine Co., 2265 Wash- lugton Ave, Phone 2884.- Tents and Awnings Ogden Tent and Awning Co., manufac turers of hlgh-grads store, office and resident awnings. Watorproof covera. bag-j. ota. Anything in canvass. 22 Gf) Washington Ave. Phone 264. Umbrellas Repaired, covored. sold, bought, ex changed. Tools ground; small repairs, Alvord & Anything. Phono 333, Vacuum Cleaners Electric Service Co. Sturtcvant and Santo Carpet Cleaners. $1 and up per day. 52jUhiftreut. PhonoS. I SMART SUIT HAS B I yOUTHAIlM. ' 1 1 I'UPfQWOoJ SMALL, paying business; state price, and kind 'of business. Box 60, care Standard. 1681 jH A SMALL pony harness and buggy. Call 2285-R. 2680 Jackson. A jointed ice skato Is a novelty, , the Idea being that it bends with its wearer's foot. According to statistics a third oi the telephone operators become brides before they have worked five months. oo FRATERNAL SOCIETIES ! Queen City Rcbckah Lodge, No. 4, I. u. 'H O. F., meots second and Iqurth Saturday -H evenings at Odd bellows hall Visiting , members invited. Mario Beck, N. Ii., Lulu Cloudmon, Recoruing Secretary, 251S ' Von Buren. , .IH Brotherhood ot American Yeomen, Og- den Homestead No. 16U5 mcota on every n j 'H Tuesday evening in W. O. W. nail, Fra- tM ternity building, Washington, avenue. It Visiting Arcncrs are cordially Invited to iH met with us. Fred Mitchell, srurnun; J, f ,11 A. JunK. correspondent, 22U2 Washington avenue. j 'jJ Ogden Lo46 No. 13 It Loyal Order of i Moose meets every Friday night, 8 o'clock 1 iH Knights ot Pivthius hall, 23bl Grant ave- ; nue. A. T. HesimarK, Dictator; J. H. I 'H Knauss, Secroiury, 301 Colonel liudaou iH Building. Tho Woman's Benefit Association of j ' the M&ccaoees, Silver Review, No. 1, i I tM meets every i?rlduy evening at 8 o'clock , ' 11 In tho Woodman hall, Fraternity block. I IH 232U Washington avenue. Visiting mem- f IH bers cordially invited to attend. Lmina HaUlock, L. C; Jennie l'rout, R. K., 245a Van Buren avenue. Tho Royal Highlanders, Ogden Castlo tM 52b, meets In tho Iagles hall on Hudson IH avenue every second und tourtn Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Visiting Highland- JM era cordiutly Invited. G. van Hoist, 111 Pro., P. F. PUmz, 253a Lincoln, eucro-. . fM tary-treasurer. IH American Masonic Federation (Unlvor- I sal Scottish lute) Ogden Lodgo No. 81 Ii JM uieta every Monday b p. m. ut 363 24th "'tH St. James Macbeth, R.V.M., 2450 Wash. IH Ave. G. A. Muller, Secretary, 2&t2 Wiu-, . a Ave. Visitors aiways welcome. JM Royal Neighbors of America meets every seconu aad fourth Monday nights of eueu month at s o'ciick .at the now 1 11 Udd follows hull. Fraternity building. I IH Visiting neighbors invited. Mary Craw- lord, Oruule, 2tivu Laiayette, Nettie Tm ner, Recorder, 2i43 Van buren. Masonic Queon Kstner Chapter No. 4, O. hi. S., regular meetings held at Mason- lo ball on Washington Ave., between 26th IH and 26th Sis., tho Ilrst and third Fridays of cacn month. Sojourning members cor- ,jH dially invited to attend. Cora B. Heath, W. M., Linda L. Irwin, secretary. JM Woodmen of tho World, Weber Camp No. 74. meets In the W. O. W. hall. Fra- terulty block, 2320 Washington avenue, every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. ' Visiting Woodmen cordially invited to attend. C. i- Nelson, C C; W, M. Pig- IH gott. Clerk. P. O. Box 483. Fraternal Ordor of Eagles, Ogden ' Aorlc No. 118, meets every Wednesday evening ut 8 o'cioi ut L'agles' Home, 2431 Grunt Ave. Visiting brother .Eagles IH are invited to attend the meetings. Club ' rooms open at 11 a. m. C. K. Curllle, W. j IH President, C. A. Henslcy, Secretary; JJr, IH H. B. Forbes, Acrlo Physician. i IM Order of Owls, Ogden .Neat, No. 121. Order of Owls, meets every Friday oven- Lag in their own lioll (tho old L'ik Club 11 rooms) at S o'clock. Visiting Brother ,( 11 Owls are Invited to attend tho Nest ,1 meetings. R. B. Hendershot. Prcsldont; r' JM H. ID. Holland, Secretary. j Utah Camp No. 9990 Modern Woodmen 1 of America, meot3 every Wednesday fM night In the Hurst hall, 2439 Hudson . Avo. Out of town mombors cordially ) i Invited to meet with us. Fi-ed id. Wll- v . llamo, consul; J. It. Hinchcllff, Clork. , j Ogden Lodgo No. 6- Independent Order of Odd Follows, moots In L O. O. F. hall II every Tuoeday evening. Visiting broth- 11 era cordlully Invited tp bo present, H, P, I Peterson, N, G.; Henry lOssoll, Sycro-i tary. ' Tlie Order of Railway Employes, Ogden Division No. 41, mcots every first and third Friduys of each month at tbu Eagles' hall, at 8;15 p. m. Visiting broth ers cordially Invited. Adrian Schlppcr, Secretary. Ogden Lodgo No. 2, Knights of Pythias meets every Monday evening at S o'clock In Castle Hall of the Pythian building. t351 Grant avenue. Visiting Knights wel coma. Allen Gorr. C. C; W. L. , Under- " wood. K of R. S.; H. B. Palmer, 2262 Washington. M. of F, Women of Woodcraft, Ogden Circle No. 5B1 meets overy WcdnosdaytnJght at 7:30 o'clock, now Woodman halL Visiting t Neighbors invited. Duos will bo collected on the 5th of each month at Paine St HurBt Store Sarah T. Ranaom. O. M.. . 145 West Patterson Avo., Phono l-'JS-R. Mario Critos, Clork. 2731 Monroo Ave.. Phono lOSlJt. im , I K I Stop! Stop! Stop! National Waste. A Standard want. ad. wl turn your discarded junk into money and render a service to yoMeighbor and nation. . J