Newspaper Page Text
Hj f 1HE OGbN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH, MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1917. M I '1 ffitattfoi jl ESTABLISHED 1370. I? An Independent Newspaper, pub- I. fished every evening except Sunday I without a muzzle or a olub. I' MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED Si PRE38 I The Associated Pres Is exclmlvoly en- j titled to the use for rcpubllcaton of all J , lnewc oredlted to It or not otherwlso I , credited In thla paper and alto tho local I now published heroin. II f RETIRING BISHOP OF III SECOND WARD m i 1 t After 48 years' service as bishop of I tho Second ward, Robert McQuarrie I: rotlres to bo succeeded by George I'' -Browning. I J Bishop McQuarrie is one of tho pio I neers who laid the foundations ot Og I den. He was laboring with his people I lin the days when Ogden was a Yil dage made up of farms. During all the years since, he has administered to tho ' spiritual welfare and has shared in the ;f joys and sorrows of those who Joined with him in prayer. No man in this community is held in higher respect, r. because his stewardship has been ond of sacrifice and his wholo life has $ been filled with deeds of sympathy &" end kindness. 1 1 IK HOW TO TELL A I MACHINE I Because a body of taxpayers urged I Frank Francis to become a candidate I for mayor, the organ of the opposition li t eays Mr. Francis has a "machine." i j Mr. Francis has requested no ono f to proposo him for office, has asked j no one to support him, ho did not f know he was to be indorsed by the If taxpayers and up t6 date he has not If ( -spent a nickel, directly or indirectly, I I or promised any person privilege, po- I- ; sition or emoluments. I J j So the alleged "machine" must be ffl Iff ihe strangest mechanism that ever r I was labelled with the brand ot politics I '! that has been odiously known as a M 'machine." Jl I ' A "maohine" in politics must be fed 11 j and sustained on dollars and offers I j of fat office; it runs best in the dark, 1 j and its attendants must wear gum- boots to throw off the muck under- B foot and oilcloth coats to catch the l I I splashes of grease from over-oiled J i j cogs. III FALSE STATEMENTS l.j PROHIBITED 1(1 jl j II The morning" paper says the Staud Ijj 1 ard has overlooked the following s ce ll i if on corruP practices act: f ' Sec. 27. Publication of False ml il l m Statement Relative to Candidates M$ n j l Prohibited. No person, firm or HI l corporation shall knowingly make 1 or publish, or cause to ho made j i I or published, any false statement j: I in relation to any candidate, which 11 ! 1 statement is intended or tends If 1 1 u to affect any voting at any pri ll " mary or election. I j! U This is one of the moBt important l j' I sections of the new law. The Standard h jl 1 had not lost sight of this part ot the l J' ; law, and does not intend to do so dur 1 r Ing any part of the campaign. Newspapers should be held strictly j j! to the truth, and it is the aim of the ' i Standard to make no accusations or J j charges which are not supported by I ; the truth. ; And it is true, as the morning paper v J' , states, that individuals likewise are j 1 1 restricted by the corrupt practices act : .to tho truth. jj A man 'n politics should be as care- iful in making statoment3 affecting the j f rgood name of candidates as he would J j -be in private In dealing with the repu j 1 1 tation ot a friend. J 1 1 ' no 1 LIBERTY DAY IS J OCTOBER 24 H j j Our President has appealed to the H i aiatlon to obsorve October 24 as Lib- H I erly day. We note that the bond sub- Hj scrlptions are falling far short of ex- B j i jpectatlons. It would be a national ca H ' lamlty to fail in this movement to fl ' place the dollars of this country back H I I of the soldiers. H j On October 24 the American peo- 7 I rple are called to assemble to pledge B I rto one another the fullest measure of Hl j financial support. Let us, as loyal H I Americans, respond to this appeal. i The President, In his proclamation, j The second Liberty loan gives j f the people of the United States j another opportunity to lend their LwM I funds to their government to sue- J tain their country at war. The HH I might of the United States is be Hjj J . ' lug mobilized and organised to Hj Jl strike a mortal blow at autocracy jj in defense ot outraged American Hj I rights- and ot the cause of liber-' 1 ty. Billions of dollars are rc quired to arm, feed and ototho the 1 bravo men who are- going forth to Hi j fight our conntryE battles and to Hi I assist the nations with whom we j are making common cause against HI j a common foe. To eubeorlbo to j the Liberty loan is to perform a H; service of patriotism. HI l Now, 'therefore, I, Woodrow-Wll- I son, president of the United HI 1 .fJtates of America, do appoint . pWedneaday the twonty-fourth of l j lp October, as Liberty day, and urge WmWi 1 l' advise the peoplo to aeaem- H jj ble in their respective communi- H tiea and pledge to one another and I to the government that repre- tJ ' r sents them the fullest measure of j financial support On tho after noon of that day I request that patriotic meetings bo held in every city, town and hamlet throughout the land, under the general direc tion of the secretary of the treas ury and the immediate direction of the Liberty loan committees which havo boon organized by the federal reserve banks. Tho peo ple responded nobly to tho call of the first Liberty loan with an oversubscription of more than 50 per cent. Let the response to the second loan be oven greater and let the amount be so large that It will serve as an assurance of un equalled support to hearten tho when who are to faco the fire of battle for us. Let the result be so impressive and emphatic that It will echo throughout the om pire of our enemy as an index ot what America intends to do to bring this war to a victorious con clusion. For tho purpose of participating in Liberty day celebration all em ployes of the federal government throughout the country whose sorviocs can bo spared, may be ex cused at 12 o'clock, Wednesday, the twonty-fourth of October. oo REGISTRATION ON TUESDAY Tomorrow is the last day on which to regi6tor prior to tho primaries on October 23. Those who did not vote at tho last general election in Ogdon or have failed to havo their, names placed on the books, must register tomorrow, If they desire to vote at. the coming pri maries. The law prohibits anyone employing ftn automobile or other conveyanco in carrying citizens to the registration places. During this campaign the peo ple, must learn to walk in the per formance of their duties as citizens. It is essential to good government that registration be attended to, as on tho registering, in large measure, will depend the size of the vote at the primaries and the election. Every good citizen should become a committee of one to urge friends and neighbors to register. oo GET AWAY FROM OLD METHODS If there is a light vote at the primar ies on October 23, a comparatively small force of officeholders will have a decided advantage because back of the entrenched is a concerted move ment, headed by a campaign commit tee, with evidence pf much quiet work. We regret the mayor has made the chief of police a part of his campaign committee, because police aotivity Is not generally conducive to the best in politics, and, as we read the corrupt practices act, the injecting of the chief into the pool ot politics is contrary to the law. Section 34 reads: Sec. 34. Publlo Appointees Not to Serve as Delegates or Commlt teejnen. No holder of a salaried position othor than an office fillod by tho voters shall bo a delegate to a convention that nominates the officer or board under whom he directly or indirectly holds such position, nor shall he bo a member of a party committee for the state, district or municipality by which he is employed. The city recorder also is a member of the mayor's committee. Would it not be more in keeping with the spirit of the law, and look better from every point of view to withdraw those pub He servants from the strenuous du ties of buttonholing and reconnoiter ing, and hold them down to the duties of their official employment? If they are being paid to servo the people, they must have mifflnlnnf keep them closely engaged, as other wise their jobs would bo sinecures. We believe the people are watching all these moves and are sizing up tho situation with unerring judgment. We further .believe tho people are ready to demand the getting away from the old political method. They are putting two and two together, drawing a line and reaching a total, and then thoy are making deduotions which arc bound to count when the votes are recorded, if the voters gen erally go to the polls. ALLIES INCREASE THEIR JHIPPINO Have Acquired Royal Mail, Lamport and Holt and Con trolling Interest in Ar gentina Lines. LONDON, Oct. IB. The entente al lies have increased their shipping, ac cording to the Times, through the ac quisition of tho Royal Mall Steam Pac ket company and the Lamport and Holt line and the controlling interest in the Argentine Navigation company which has a oapital of $10,000,000 and owns more than 300 vessels. Three of the leading French lines and ono Italian shipping company participated in tho transaction. nri LORD NORTCL1FFE IN TORONTO. NEW YORK, Oct. 15, Lord Nort cllffe, head of the British war mis sion in this country, loft laBtMrfght for Toronto where he win open the autumn campaign in Canada for the British Red Gross, It was announced here -toddy. oo 1 Read the Classified Ads. j If Just Received A Large Shipment of Beautiful j ji n! JSTI , TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS j I ' Direct From Manchester, England I 1 I ITHx) I ' ds Economist of New York, the greatest authority on market conditions jj Jl i ISvmVJ in the world, says in its issue of Sept. 8th. - 11 I fcSkj&to 7 - "Each week sees the supply of linens is shortening and men well posted - ffllj Ji 'o; 'x -J ;vY in the trade predict that it is only a question of time before linens will en- :"; Iflnjj I mlL . J 3ll 1 P'. tirely disappear from the market. sH i m- S ; "Indeed, one big operator stated this week that before long even our, " ,fK J A' ? handkerchiefs will be cotton. IffL CDcft - a report is current in the market, although it could not be definitely JP j . confirmed, that the steamship Assyria, carrying a large consignment of I JB j Scotch Linens as part of her cargo, has been submarined." J J We consider ourselves most fortunate to be able to have these linens which so recently completed tKelr m I perilous journey from the makers in Manchester, England, to New Orleans, and on through Galveston to Ogde'u. jg , -v We advise, yes, URGE, ourfitends to take advantage of this wonderful - , f 4. . : R f opportunity. Though there are several thousand dollars7 worth of fine y Mitela ' ; y','" " -Kl ! linens here, the fact that it will practically be impossible to secure more be- ISfBH " i -181 cause of scarcity and danger in transit, you -who care for linens should pro-' ; KlHO ' ' . . yidenow; for a long time to-come. , itfBB 'flp! ' Thanksgiving and the-Christmas Kolfdays are Huf. a short time away. ife i You'll want linens for your own table and as gifts. The prices prevailing Jk ' W ' are most remarkable, in view of present circumstances. r-:ll J 1 Added space, and extra salespeople will make your shopping as con- ' ' - w$x J venient as possible, but we suggest that you shop early to avoid the great Kl : " M f-$ mid-day crowds of linen-seekers. SSl ' f I Table Linen Sets Table Damask By The Napkins By the Dozen ""f '? T 14. Scroll and satin stripe napkins, v m y V no 001 001 ni I ! 22x22. Cloth 72x72 inches. Sot 317.95 . Yard NapklUS tO Match ,;- B 3' 2223 Chryseftra' . tu V 42. Scroll circle and spots. Nap- ': Aie a doz. ,Ch kins 24x24. Cloth 72x90 inches. K S4. 72 in. Table Damask, American 132a. 20x20 in. Scroll. Are 5.63 a doz. j . 'gj mi1 w,nl.illc oM19'23 beauty pattern at $1.69 a yd. 145a. 20x20 in. Spot. Are $5.93 a doz. B T 11. Rose patterns. Napkins 22x22. Nankin tn mnt-nh 90inVoou, ' ; - sti Cloth 72x90 Set $16.45 napkins to match, 22S22 . im&, 20x20 in. Carnation. Are $4.83 a doz. , Sk F 100. Scroll patterns. Napkins 22x22 at $5.95 a doz. K81. 20x20 in. Assorted patterns. , I I Cloth 72x72 inches. Set $S 1.45 K S3. 72 iu. Table Damask, carnation Are $3.23 a doz. U k br; II 1562. Clirysanthemum patterns. Nap- pattern ' at $1.69 a yd. z v 991 991 'WiM i?. il -i 3 24. doth 72,72 inchesset?i4 25 Napkins to match, 2fe20. .at 5.95 a do, 5 a Are $7.33 a doz. A. t 11 'A 655a. Wreath and scroll pattern 15 OP. 72 in. Plain satin Damask 13821a- 20x20 in. Dot. Arc $5.93 a doz. If ' th fig ' napkins 24x24. Cloth 72x72 in ches. at $3.39 a. ydL -,,0 9n9fl mDllp T- If d Set $23.75 24 in. Plain satin damask, .at $1.49 a yd. 142a- 20x20 m. Fleur De Lis. II - S U T'13. Chrvsanthomum pattern. Nap- 1Q7- 70 w, ... .. , , Aie ?o. a aoz. y k kins 22x22. Cloth 72x72 inches. 130' '3 m-Wheat ith satin band. i385a. 20x20 in. Pansy. Are $5.93 a doz. g Il . , Set $14.25 n""' match 6'6 &t nr. 1278- 22Vs22 in. Chrysanthemum. II T B E89. Plain satin band. Napkins 22x22. apKins to matcn, l.J5 a doz- Are $4 73 a doz S t( B Cloth 72x72 inches. Set $19.25 1375 pat. 4. 72 in. Fleur De Lis with wreath in Q91 91. . Rnm v . 'I t 653a. Floral pattern. Napkins 24x24. border at $3.39 a vd. 10 a' 33 m. Bow Knot t I ' Cloth 72x90 inches- Set $23.25 ' Napkins to match, 26x26, at $12.95 a doz. - Are Sfjrf. o a doz- D Qfl 1245. Plain with scalloped edge. Nap- . . . . 35c. 20x20 in. Rose. Are $5.93 a doz. (9 f a kins 24x24. Cloth 72x72 inches. 1326- 2 m. Satin stnpes with Grevian 991 in wn T?nCO I . j a Set $19.75 border at $S.S9 a yd. im- 22s2- m. Wild Rose. I -B 3. Chrvsanthcmum pattern. Nap- Napkins to match, 22x22 in , " Are Sfr&.brf a doz. c j kins 22x22. Cloth 72x72 inches. . at $8.69 a doz. . D-342. 22x22 in. Scroll with cheek 9 -j 1 ni1 A , Sot $15.25 1326. 72 in. Plain satin center with rib- " Center' Are $7.33 a doz. B-' ooaS 8SwllS?lirIpoJ- ?p;o, - bon band border at $2.9S a vd. . . 5 J. 22x22 in. Carnation and Dot. H222. Cloth 2x72 inchesSct $15.25 Napkins to match, 22x22 in...T " Arc $7.63 a doz. 29. Fleur De Lis pattern- Napkins 20x nf q q o t oon 001 nm r, I 20. Cloth 72x72 inches. Set $9.45 "" at $8.69 a doz. . D 339. 22i2x22i2 in. Soroll . T 14. Wreath and sti-ipe pattern. Nap- 1326 pattern 5. 72 in. Pansy pattern... Are ?563 a doz. kins 22iAx22y2. Clotli 81x90 inches. at $2.98 a yd, D 202. ,22i2x22y2 in. Wreath and Rose. ' I! Set $15.95 Napkins to match, 22x22 in Arc $6.33 a doz- If 654a. Pansy pattern. Napkins 24x24. : , at $S.69 a doz. . D R 14 2ix21- in Rose II 22. doth 72x72 inches. Set $19.25 " "TP. 24x24 in. Lilly. & $&U a I , ?oeoon J Pattern- NaP- 1327 pattern 59. 72 iru Plain satin Da- 1006. 24x24 in. American Beauty f ' Jans 22x22. Cloth 72x90 inches. mask with Grecian band border. ... Are $5.93 a doz II ' H rp jo If XT i S?s5-25 at $2.73 a yd. 5. 20x20 in. Tulip. Are $3.23 a doz.' An ?hamroci- Pattern. Napkins 22x Napkins to match, 22yx22V in A T P 1. 24x24 in. Poppy. SI . 22-inches. Cloth 72x90 inches .at $7.23 a doz. - Are $8.23 a doz. E 54. Rose pattern Napkins 22 1326 pattern 1. 72 in. Satin Damaak with 76' Glow 812 2 i" J I 22i2 inches. Clotli 72x90 inches." large coin dot and poppy border. .. . 278. "2x22 in Stripe scroll I H Set $26.25 ;;'V: at $2.98 a yd. H a oft fto a , V 43. Oak and Laurce pattern. Nap- Napkins to match, 22x22 in 25 24x24 in Oak-Lenf !tZ H kins 24x24 inches. PCloth 72xl0P8 at $8.73 a doz- 114 ineid napns, awortfd d j A WMTiilin v w ooiGt?2535 1326 pattern 26. 72 in extra heavy satin . Pa.tte Are $1.25 a doz. oav damask with snowdrop center and 12x12 Hemstitched satin damask nap- i Jlh inches. Cloth 72x72 inches. G.recian border afc $2.98 a yd. kmfi with Grecian border and snow- i I Set $49.95 Napkins -to match, ,2x24 in ' drop center- Are $7.93 a doz. j JLunch Clothes ' " at ?7-39 & o i t rv ' ,j sH UXVJiraU ft",, 73 D 51 mi 72 in. Satin stripes ,vUh tf ffig?? i I I 0c TV7 are $19 at $7.39 a doz. ,199 pattern 3. Chrysanthemum pattern. Slae ! 36x36 n- Satin Damaak hemstitched Innch cloth 70x70 , a( J MM B with assorted patterns are S1 89 D 665 pattera 1, 72 in. striDes with sat- mo rf c ' mMmt 30x30 in. Plain hemmed embroidered lunch cloth in border i S2 vrt 399 Pattern 7- Scroll pattern. Size 70x70. .at $3.98 assorted paUerns ap" 75c Doracr ........ .. .ut a yd- 199 pattern -1. Rosa pattern. Size 70x78 a, LI mm 3ln.PlalnUnedh0rastltchei7 to match 224 m.... 199 paUern 3. Grape pattern. Tze ?JxM ' a m H 40x40 in. Linen hemstitched lunch cloth with - .at $6.23 a doz. i35i pattern A Grecian scroll L t' $ 45 I BiH fancy cross stitched centers are $1 50 ttl, , A recian scroll. Size 72x72. .at $5.45 I EM 45x45 in. Linen hemstitohed lunch cloth with as- D 341 pattern 2. 70 in. Stripes with but- 1351 pattern 2. Chrysanthemum. Size 72x70 at $3,45 I mmW Patterns are $2.39. tercup at S2.69 a yd. B J Scro11 pattern- Size 72x90 at $79 I 1 mmW lunJh olSh IfnrfJ011 m Iace border Napkins to match, 22Vox22-V. in 263' Buttorcup pattern. Size 72x72 at $595 uss'-sr$6.53adoZ. "V PeT:rn- .-tSJI embroidered centers w " are S1 23 -d 11 u nn . ' . T 63' n damask. Size 108x108 at $8 98 mM 30x30 in. Embroidered lunch cloth "with wide lace ' D K . , Pattern -1- 70" 6"atin Damask 6612. Daisy and band. Size 72x108 1 at Jr'ob 9 icJ??1'--;-: arc 98 With com dot at $2.39 a. yd. 1562. Chrysanthemum pattern. Slaa'i'iflo JoS mM rss iinen iuanrce395 Napkma to raatoh a3to22s-, x iao-coia dot 9os1re$9'45 1 9 3 at $6.53 a doz. 72x90. at j723 IRISH LINEN HUCK TOWELS 1 ?iL a,5? ta' A5 patterns.. are $1.63 51. Size 15x24 in. Scalloped with satin strines KMT Size -"vin -a JL M mmM 22Uc Size 25x40 in. Assorted patterns. ..are $1.83 oat towels 73a ' assort?? nS 1 Hemmed huck towels f 7813. Size 20x38 in. Fancy scalloped with eye- S 11. Size 15x24 in. Hemstitched guest Vowels w m.I ,, 7 V, : are 39o let embroidered are $1,43 assorted patterns ar'0 98o lv sorted tf Hemmed buck towels as- M H DP 7-1. Size 25x41 in. Assorted pattorns with B 301. Size 18x32 in. Hemstitched guest towels q.La oI8"U; are 43c hemsttichod border aro $1.98 assorted patterns are'$13 border hUCk toweIs "with red 9 V22. Slzo 20x36 in. Hemstitched union towels B 82. Size 16x2-1 in. Fancy hemstitched cuost -irk a,Jfi'0'l'n'i" ', -...ar33o I 9 iH v ."Wgfted patterns are 69o towels , .7.5" 98e 16B' WSS 6 352? A Iafn hmed huck towels I I 2L22X8! HomsttIchcd un,on towclB' 321. Size 15x24 in. Hemstitched guest towel R 1 f,! f " I iliiH Jt-fi1"1 a:e 930 with coin-dot-and-sotin stripes.. are 73o B 30wl) lzl8!!S Plaln hemi"Gd huck towel I 1 mmW P 8-1 8-1. Slzo 15x24 In. Guest towels,, assort- " arc oo w'th rod striped border.... edPatternB with hemstitched edgo are 65c w i il n. , m '163 8,ze 18x84 In. Plain hamml'hlT'" , 8 iHIIIH 336. Steo 15x84 In. Scalloped guest towels... are 73c W W T MM f with rod border bGmmed towels I gM P 11 N B. Size 15x24 In. Plain homstitched Msg M S MP M Our entire line of frin'n "J are 11 9 bUBH Mr- JljUix 1 u 1 mm t e73e tirTm?bkt 1 EW- ' r73r"- jKMjH 9mmmmmmmmmmmmmmU