Newspaper Page Text
-'1 THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1918. 9 MB i I just call I DON'T DECORATE . " I 111 I THE FRONT OF YOUR HOUS&WITH A SIGN! 1 wk .. ."..$ .so I ' j 1 m1m A STANDARD CLASSIFIED AD : 1 Month $1-50 I !! i I Female Help ' 2 WAITRESSES, experienced. Brands 1 prii Boise, Ida., $40 per mo. Pay y ' q ra'il fare. Write at once. 2926 , X EXPERIENCED rough dry marker and sorter. Apply at onco. Troy Laundry. 2946 RANTED waitress at Orpheum Candy i, co. at once. - 2925 J GooD girl for general housework. small family. Inquire 2512 Tyler. J 2924 5 I 3 GIRLS -wanted by Scowcrort knitting department . 2931 f EXPERIENCED stenographer, perma Dnt position. Glen Bros. -Roberts El piano Co. ' 2913 ! FIRST-CLASS stenographer, good sal ! arr to right party. Call at manager's office, D. C. & H. Dept., U. P. System, J Ogden, Utah. 2900 'j WANTED An experienced stenog- rapbor. Boyle Furniture Co. 2887 A GIRL wanted; experienced preferred. Wk I Grecnwell's Confectionery. 2901 3V ji STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper; H i experience not necessary; good wages. I Apply 36, care Standard. 2903 li h BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; Jq r! rood wages. National Outfitting Co., 'M i 2345 Washington. 2902 f LADY stenographer -with some knowl I edge of office work. Address Jay, H care Standard. 2885 in t. QIRLS to make pants and overalls, n il ii Electric power sewing machines, mi 1 1 ! WQgea guaranteed while learning. Big hi money made aEer learning. Clean, j light work room, steady work all win tt , Ur. Apply Manufacturing Dept., Scow- 2 1220 Str. I f WANTED : lC,K ! . Male Help j '. ) WANTED 25 boys work after school. 1 "i! Boys now earn $2 per week; 15c de 'f ke t posit required. 2478 Washington Ave., )l V; Som 202. 2945 jnato j quits 'J WANTED First-class stenographer, ouqj f good salary to right party. Call at vhu ?- nanager's office, D. C. H. Dept., U. P. id by , I system, Ogden, Utah. 2899 ptinr , art ; BOY with bicycle. Clark's. 2838 Sb? I TRUCKERS and freight handlers '4 wanted. Permanent employment. Ap ?Jh Ply tinlon. Pacific freight station. CCEp' I 1381. S FORREOT '3rf 5-ROOM modern, South Wash., $25. u 4-ROOM strictly modern on bench, .1 ' ! furnished or unfurnished. Ogden Home 'L J Builder's Co., 213 Eccles Bldg. Phone I 9"; 2934 3-ROOM house, $8 a month; water in ' - kitchen and lighU 3610 Ogden Ave. ? Phono 2991. 2947 V ii MOD. 6-rm. house, ?16. Ph. 2130 -J. 2897 pal '; MODERN 7 -room house, 469 23rd St. I Inquire next door east. 2915 will five room modern house, 322 Thirty . ; third street. Phone 1824-R. 2909 1 -i THREE rooms, water and lights, $7.00. vill ; 616 Sullivan. 2906 oom- j - 4-ROOM brick, partly modern, on sued t! bench; large lot for garden. 8 -room ,UEc. jj modern, close In. E, F. Bratz, 417 Vork Ecclea Bldg. Phone 1960. 2904 hiil A G00I) modern six-room house, well aVj 'j located on Washington avenue, $20. . S J. J. Brummitt, under Utah National . bank. 2888 ci ; five room house, 12. W. B. Wedell. 2856 " THREE room modern apartment, cel V lar, lawn, close in. $1800. F. A. Mc .CJ : ' Gulre, 2434 Hudson. 2849 A MODERN seven -room bungalow in aitrf ; elegant location on the bench, $25. J. J. Brummitt. Phone 59. 2888 "-. FOUR-ROOM brick houso in the rail " road district, $10. J. J. Brummitt, un - & ; der Utah National bank. 2759 .,1; FOUR-ROOM frame house, close in, v(g; I12.J. J. Brummitt. Phone 59. 2759 'THREE-ROOM houso on Lincoln .'t ' avenue, between 22nd and 23rd streets, rs-c ;i UO. j. j. Brummitt, under Utah Na qnd ; l'onal Bank. 2759 age-' RGE, nearly fire and frost proof and br'ck building, 176x80, for- storage $IV f'Jrpoee. Auto storage especially. In Liiied" t lre Davis County Nursery, Roy, ractfj. Phone 14-J-l. 2606 ' acl f PlVE-ROOM modern, with sleeping -. Wrch. 2746 Madison. $26. Phone 967. 2 ,j 2304 WANTED i if i Sihiations 1 ZX- I iOblTION as housekeeper by middle teS3, 1 widow. Address Box 31, care .-' i Standard. 2944 I ill f JAPANESE boy, prefers small family. I" ' gPP'y at 272 25th, Japanese office. t rono 2133 -N. W. 2730 t?rmr CHIMNEY SWEEP. ? u aNACES and chlmnoys cleaned. : j PeterSj pnonQ 1952 2050 JJ-PAPER furnished and hung. "'Her. Phono 3205. 235 fnnnnr TOR RENT i - - v-, innr Furnished J n"?.PI roomswlth'gaa'and light, 24474 Wash. 2914 NICELY furnished front room, 2651 Adams. 2943 $JPuD??N ?-room aPt- garage. 414 -Utn St. v 2949 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for rent. 566 Twenty, fourth. 2941 S!BY urnislled sleeping rooms, 2629 Grant. 2937 LIGHT hskpg. rooms, with or without private bath, 2210 WaBh. 2919 TWO rooms, housekeeping apt, on ground floor. 631 26th SL 2920 TWO sleeping rooms close in. Rent reasonable. Phone 3248; 2851 FURNISHED rooms at 832 Twenty flfth 2854 MODERN, steam -heated room, gentle man only. 219 23rd. P. 333. ' 2782 FOX apartments, 2 rooms, bath, lights, water in kitchen. 447 21st SU 2777 TWO nicely furnished steam -heated housekeeping rooms, 459 22nd St. Ph. 926 -W. 2886 MODERN Kfpnm in; gentleman only. P. 1763. ' 2769 THREE nicely furnished rooms, 2539 Grant. Tel. 3213. 2764 FURNISHED rooms. 333 Twenty fourth. 2738 PEARL, Twenty-seventh and Grant Phono 2920. 2706 SEE the new PIgza Apts. PrlceB from $23.50 to $37.50 per month, including light, heat and gas, Phone 2208. 1559 HOUSES and flat. 2634 Grant. 9-lS-tf WANTED " Wrunu-L-u -uuu-j Jfe JSfS m auwm Ji TWO men want furnished room, with I plenty heat and hot water. Box W, care Standard. 2922 i My cIaneoua A FEW good young milk cows. Phone 37-J-3. 2939 SHEPPERD puppies, fine stock, cheap. 121 No. Washington. 2895 jjATJiib 1 model Underwood typewrit er, brand new. Dr. Kanzler. 2929 RETAIL milk route with or without cows. Box F, care Standard. 2936 POTATOES, $1.36; onions, $2.00. Ph. 1574. 2916 BROOD sows for sale, 240 West 20th. 2917 FURNITURE of seven room house. Call mornings. 2452 Madison avenue. , 2892 GOOD blacksmith business, tools and supplies. Address S. Nielson, Kays vllle, Utah. 2871 SECOND-HAND goods bought and sold at reasonable prices. 1800 Wash. Ph. 686-J. 2603 SIX large sacks of kindling wood, $1. J. H. Wheelwrlsht. Phono 828. 748 JIM'S GROCETERIA Is run like the postofflce. Small buyers get the same price as large ones. Customers save the cost of delivering, Dookkoeping and clerks. Everything In grocorles is cheaper. 183 24th Street 6-1-ti IMPORTED canarleB. 2220 Lincoln Ave. 814 I TORRENT DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. 2749 Grant. 1917 BUSINESS I OPPORTUNITIES J EXPERT accountant wants small set of books to keep in evenings. Address Accountant, care Standard. 2861 MUST sell at once, candy store In en trance of -Utah theater. Ownor leaving town. Call afternoons or evenings. 2881 f DSSMAKING J HjMbTlTCHlNG and plcoU 10c and 16c a yard. Fancy buttons. Madame Caplau'B Gown Shop, 3rd floor Wrights. 1504 LADIES'talloring,2536 Madison. 1932M S-10-lyr. 6-ROOM modern bungalow on beau tifully located lot, 57x144 to alley; lo cated In southern California, close to the principal resorts. House has prac tically all built-in features, including fireplaces. Will oxchungo for Ogden property. Call and see me or phono and I will sco you. Must act quickly. J. A. McCulloch, undor First Nat'l. bank. 2466 SATURDAY, December 22, in Wright's store, a mink muff. Liberal reward. No questions. 2665 Monroe. 2940 BUNCH of kcyes, owner Harry E. White. Reward. Phono 1503-J. 2880 ' FOR SALE GOOD 8-room dwelling, well located for renting rooms; two baths; all spe cial taxes paid; partly furnished. Own er is non-resident, will sacrifice for $2400, part cash. This Is a bargain. See R. G. Agee, 374 25th. Phone 69 or 683. 2930 NEW modern bungalow, 5 rooms, gas and fireplace. Call owner, phone 1934-J Cor. 30th and Porter. 2935 3 -ROOM house and two lots for $800; I no interest on deferred payments. E. W. Cannady. Phone 86. 2942 BY OWNER, five -room modern bung alow, small payment down, long time contract on balance Apply 2253 En dlon. 2908 AN elegant lot, well located on 21st street, on tiie bench, $25. J. J. Brum mitt, under Utah National bank. 2889 FOR SALE or rent by owner, 4-room house, ono acre of ground in fruit trees, between 5th and 6th on Lin coln Ave. Mrs. J. Wilson. 2898 FOR SALE. 21 acres best land in county for to matoes, peas, beets or fruit; 6 acres in bearing apples, 2 acres pasture, 14 acres for general use; good 4-room j brick houfle. lnrcn hn.rn. rmrtor1 i cellar, woll and ample water right Ideally located for marketing crops; closo to excellent school and on one of the main highways. Will sell on good terms, only .$4000.00. 33 acres "land, good 3 -room rock house, good barn, brick granary and other buildings; 20 acres best tomato, peas, fruit or hay land, balance pas ture or fruit land. Abundance of wa ter, close to pea viner and tomato scales; near good school and on main road. This is a positive snap and good terms; $2500.00. J. A. McCULLOUGH Undor First Natl. Bank. 2779 AN acre and a half of land, with a good cement building, suitable for manufacturing plant, well located in a trackage district, for only $3000. J. J. Brummitt. Phone 59. 2889 AN elegant bunch of 250 lots, well lo cated on the bench, for only $25 per lot One-fifth down and one-fifth each year at 6 per cent interest. J. J. Brummitt, under Utih National bank. 2889 11 ACRES, sandy loam soil, two shares primary water, 2 -room house, 3 miles from city hall. For a few days at $2200. Good terms. Skeen Realty Co. 2780 A GREAT bargain in a bungalow on the bench, located near two car lines, In the best residence district on the bench. This property will bo sold for about one-half of what it is worth. J. J. Brummitt. Phone 69. 2889 BY OWNER, an excellent five room modern brick house, opposite high school. Price very reasonable. Terms to suit Call 2550 Monroe. 2649 AN elegant lot, 70x135 Teet, located near the Union depot. Only $10 per front foot, any kind of terms. J. J. Brummitt, under Utah National bank. 2889 IDAHO RANCHES FARMS and ranches, some with cat tle. Terms. Federal Land Co. 493 FIVE room house with light and water on a lot 43.8 feet by 165 feet, west front, paved street close in on Wash ington avenue. Lot alone worth $1800. The best investment in Ogden. All for $1600. J. A. McCulloch, under First National Bank. 2274 A HALF-MILE frontage on oast 25th street, will be sold in any sized lots on any kind of terms to suit pur chaser. Very cheap. J. J. Brummitt Phone 59. 2889 FOR RENT or sale on easy terms; modern six room brick cottage with garage, a large lot, shade and fruit trees, located corner Fourth' and Hud son. Owner will vacate in about ton days. For terms call at above ad dress. 2384 WANTED ; To Buy ; IF you have sacks of any kind or empty barrels call 686 -W. We will call for them. 2678 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE OGDEN SAVING8 BANK. The annual meeting of the stock holders of tho Ogden Savings Bank will be held at tho banking room of said corporation, in the First National Bank building, in the city of Ogden, county of Webor and state of Utah, on Tuesday, the 8th day of January, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing nino directors and for tho purpose of considering a proposed amendment to the articles of incor poration, to increase the capital stock of said banking corporation to such an amount as shall be determined upon by tho stockholders and for the trans action of such other business as may be brought before said mooting. (Signed) CHARLES H. BARTON, CaBhier, Ogden Savings Bank. Date of first publication, Decem ber 24, 1917. Ono hundred and fifty locals of the International Hod Carriers, Building und Common Laborers' union have raised wages $3,4144,095 during the period between October, 1916, and Oc tober, 1917. WANTED ' Salesmen WANTED Country salesman for sev eral good counties in this state to handle our complete line of fruit treeB, shrubbery, rosos, etc., booking advance spring orders now; necessary supplies furnished; good money for right men. Address Idaho Nursery Company, Weiser, Idaho. 2923 MONEY TO LOAN WE can place $1600, $3000 and $4500 at 8 per cent, on first-class improved Ogden seal estate. See us at once. Bothwell & Swanor Company. 2870 W. N. Pierce Agency Real Estate, In surance, Loans, Notary. 16 Commer cial Bank Bldg. Phone 300 6 MONEY to loan on ref oBtate secur ity. J. J. Brummitt 6-21-tf REAL ESTATE, Mortsaee and Loans. Kelly & Herrlolr, 6-15-t! R, P. HUNTER, Mortgage Loans, Real Estate, Fire Insurance. Established 18891 411 24th St. Osden, Utah. 0-11-lyr. j FOR RENT 1 THE best barn In the business quar ter, 168 23rd. 483 VERY desirable office; centrally lo cated. Inquire J. A Hoglo & Co., 2409 Hudson. Phono 322. -11-tf foFsoF 21 ACRES, houso, close In. Call 1804. 2933-j CHIROPRACTOR R. J. SCHULTZ, chiropractor. Resi dence calls a specialty. Phone 1058-R. 2920 Hudson Ave. 2932 WHEAT WANTED Wheat wanted; highest cash price paid for wheat West Ogden Milling & Elevator Co., just over viaduct at fork of Wilson Lane and Hooper road. 2470 Ohio State Industrial Commission re ports that there were 185,223 acci dents in Ohio last year, against 166,000 tho year before. oo ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of Webor Coun ty, State of Utah. Bert N. Spencer, plaintiff, vs. Edna Spencer, defendant The State of Utah to the said Defend ant: You aro hereby summoned to ap pear within twenty days after sorvico of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which the action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend tho above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will bo rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court, together with a copy for you. This ac tion is brought to recover a judgment dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff. CHEZ & STINE, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P. O. Address, 403 First National Bank building, Ogden, Utah. First published Jan. 3, 1918. Last published Fob. 1, 1918. JNFORMATIONBUREAU Accident Insurance Aetna Accident & Liability Co., Auto and Liability Insurance IL A. Purdy, 2377 Hudson Ave. Phone 483. Banking Ogden State Bank, Commercial & Sav ings DeptB. Rood Hotel Bldg. Phone 63. Auto Accessories Garage. Repairs, Studebaker Asoncy. Mack-Robinson Co., 2440 Grant AYenuo. Phone 89L Banking Utah National Bank, southeast corner 24th St and Wash. Ave. Phone 61. Buttermilk Fresh dally from pasteurized cream. 10c gallon at tho plant. Mutual Creamery Co., Phono 318. Carpet Cleaning K. Van Kampen for upholstering: oar pots cleaned, altorcd and laid. Ro-maklng of mattressos. Phono SS3. Chiropractor F. J. Froonor, Chiropractic Offices, i 200-10-11-12-13-14-26. Col. Hudson Bldg. I Phono 31L JohnBon, McKell, Thompson, Suite 409-10-11-12-13-14 and 2C, 4th floor Hudcon Bldg. X-Ray Laboratory. Phono 707. City Scavengers McCarty & Co., 2734 Grant Avenue. Phono 2018-W. Counselor-at-Law Lawyer O'Connolly, over Commercial National Bank. .Phono It Chiropractors Irish &. Irish Chiropractic Offices, 604, C05, 50C ECCLDS Bldg. Only lady Chiro practor In Ogden, 5th floor. Phono 276. 2734 Delicatessen Chicken tamaloa, chill con carue, chilli, spaghetti at Grclner"a Delicatessen, 128 26th St. Phouo 28S3. 2109 Engraving Opden Engraving Scrvlco Co., makoro o, Une cuts In ono or more colors, 2403 Washington Ave. Phono 4C3. INFORMATION BUREAU Furrier and Taxidermist Furs cleaned, romodelod In latest atyles, Ordors taken for now furs at reasonable prices Work guaranteed. T. Gajeswsky, 1 at Burt'e Store. Phone 118. Hides Hides, pelts, wool, furs. X). 3VL Run yan, 2269 Wall Ave. Hotel . The Only Fireproof Hotel In Ogdon. Rates 76c and up. The New Brlgnam, Wall Ave., and 24th St Phono 2430. Junk and Hides Western Hldo &: Junk Co., 2223 Wash ington Ave. Phono 861. Junk Ogden Junk House, 2059 Wash. Ave. Phono 210. Loose Leaf Sheets and Covers Bookbinding, Ruling & Mfp. Stationer. J. Wilson, 2465 Wa3b- Ave. .Phono 850. Money to Loan Salaried people can get It without -o-curlty, others on furniture, pianos, etc. 218 Hudson Bldg. Phono 87J. New and Second Hand Goods A Slncr. Now and Second-Hand Fur niture Clothing, etc, bought and sold. Suit cases cheap. 241-243 25th Stroot Phono 1321. Photographers Tho Amundsen Studloa. We please tho hard to please. 2469 Washington Avo nue. Phono 2275-R. Physician and Surgeon Dr. A Fornlund. Office hours 11 to 4 p, m. New Peery Bldg. Hudson Ave. Res. Phono 646; Office Phono 1900-W. Sanitary Vork Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinds of rub bish hauled, ash pits cleaned. Prices reasonable. Phono 620. Vacuum Cleaners Electric Servico Co. Sturtovant and Santo Carpet Cleaners, 51 and-up por day. 425 24th Street. Phono 88. Sewing Machines Whlto Sowing Machine Co., 2255 Wash ington Ave. Phono 2884. Tents and Awnings Ogden Tent and Awning Co., manufac turers of hlgh-grado storo, offico and resident awnings. Waterproof covers, bags. etc. Anything In canvass. 2268 Washington Ave. Phono 264. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES Queen City Roboknh Lodgo, No. 4, I. O. O. F., moots second and fourth Saturday evenings at Odd Fellows' Hall. Visiting members Invited. Mario Beck, N. G., Lulu Cloudman, Recording Secretary, 2516 Von Burou avenue. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Og den Homestead No .1503 meets on every Tuesday ovenlng in W. O. W. hall, Fra ternity building, Washington avei te. Meet with us. Fred Mitchell, foreman; J. A. Junk, correspondent, 3202 Washington aevnue. Ogden Lodgo No. 1314, Loyal Order of Moose meots every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. I .0. O. F. hall. 2320 Washing ton avenue. W. J. Wright, Dictator; J. H. Knauss, Secrotary, 301 Colonel Hud son Bldg. Tho Woman's Benefit Association of the Maccabees, Silver Rovlow, No. 1; meets ovory Friday evening at 8 o'clock In tho Woodman hall, Fraternity block, 2320 Washington avenue. Visiting mem bers cordially invited to attend. Emma Hadlock. L. C; Jennie Prout, R. K., 2455 Van Buron avenue. The Rojal Highlanders. Ogden Castle 525, meets in the Eagles hall on Hudson avenue ovory second and fourth Tuesday ovenlngs at S o'clock. Visiting Highland ers cordially Invited. O. " an Hoist, 111 Pro., P. F. Planz, 2535 Lincoln, sccro-tary-trcasurer. American Masonic Federation (Univer sal Scottish Rite) Ogden Lodge No. 81 meets overy Monday 8 p. m. at 363 24th St JameB Macboth, R.W.M, 2450 Wash. Ave. G. A. Mullor, Secretary, 2662 Wash. Ave. Visitors always welcome. Royal Nolghbors of Amorica meets every second and fourth Monday nights of each month at 8 o'clock at tho new Odd Fellows' hall, Fraternity building, Visiting nolghbors Invited. Mary Craw ford, Oracle, 2676 Lafayotto, Nottie Tur ner, Recordor, 2648 Van Buron. Masonic Quoan Esthor Chaptor No. i, O. E. S regular meetings hold at Mason ic hall on Washington Avo., between 25th and 26th Sta.. the first and third Fridays of each month. Sojourning members cor dially invited to attend. Edna M. Hamill, W. M.f Linda L. Irwin, Secre tary. Woodmon of the World, Weber Camp No. 74, meots In tho W. O. W. hall, Fra ternity block. 2320 Washington avenue, ovory Thursday ovenlng at 8 o'clock. Vlsltlag Woodmon cordially Invited to attend. C. L. Nelson. C. C, W. M. Plg gott. Cleric P. O. Box 488. Fraternal Order of Eagloo, Ogdon Aerie No. 118, mCots even' Wednesday ovenlng at 8 o'clock ut Eagles' Homo, 2431 Grant Ave. Visiting brothor Eagles aro Invited to attend tho meetings. Club rooms open at 11 a. ni. C. E, carlllo, W. Prosldcnt; W. M. Plggott. Secretary; Dr. II. B. Forbe3, erlo Physician. Utah Camp No. 9900 Modern Woodmon of America, nioets evory Wednosday night hi tho Hurst ball, 2430 Hudson Ave. Ont of town mombers cordially Invited' to moet with us. Fred E. Wll llamo, consul; J. R. Hlnchcllff, Clerk. Ogdon Lodge No. 65 Independent Order of Odd Follows, moots In I. O. O. F. hall overy Tuesday evening. Visiting broth ers cordially invited to bo present. H, P. Peterson, N. G.; Henry Klssell, Secro tary. Tho Ordor of Railway Employes, Ogdon Division No. 41, moots overy first and Uiird Fridays of each month at tho Eaglos' hail, at 8:16 p. m. Visiting broth ers cordially invited. Adrian Schlppor, Secretary. Ogdon Lodgo No. 2 Knights of Pythias moots every Monday evening at 3 o'clock In Castlo Hall of tho Pythian building, 2351 Grant avenue Visiting Knights wel come Allen Gorr. C. C: W. L. Under wood, K. of R. S.; H. E. Palmer. 2263 Washington Avo., M. of F. Neighbors of Woodcraft .Ogaon Circle No. 681, meets tho 1st and 3rd Wednes day ovenlng of each month, at S o'clock In tho now Woodmen hall. Visiting nolghbors Invited. Sarah RanBon. O. N 146 West Patterson Avo., Phono 1235-R. Mario Crltes. Clerk, 2731 Monroo Ave. 1 Phono 3261-J. NOTICE The regular annual meeting of the shareholders of the First National Bank of Ogden, Utah,, will be held at their banking rooms, at 2-18-i Washington avenuo, on Tuesday, January 8, J918, at 11 o'clock a. m for tho purpose of electing directors to serve for the en suing year and the transaction of such other business as may property come before tho said meeting. Dated Ogden, "Utah, December 19, 1917. JAME F. BURTON, Cashier. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice la hereby given that tho an nual nfeeting of tho stockholders of the Ogden Bench Canal & Water com pany will ho held at the city hall, on Monday, January 14, 1918, at 8 p. m., for the purpose of hearing the finan cial report of the secretary and treas urer for the year 1917, and for the election of seven directors to servo for the ensuing two years', and for the transaction of .such other business as may properly come before the meeting. A. D. CHAMBERS, Sec'y. Dated Ogden, Utah, Dec. 29, 1917. GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES PROBATE AND Conoult County fcCierk or the Reopflpi tlvo 8lgner3 for Further Information. NOTICE. Belinda Burch Clark, deceased. The petition of Daniel W. Clark, for the issuance to Emma B. Clark of let ters of administration -with will an nexed, In the above entitled matter, has been set for hearing before Hon. A. W. Agee, judge, on Monday, the 7th day of January, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the county court house, in tho court room of said court, in Ogden City, Weber county, "Utah. Witness, the clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 27th day of December, 1917. O. M. RAMEY, Clerk. By Julia Flygare, Deputy Clerk. Jos. B. Evans, Attorney for Petitioner. ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of Webor Coun ty, State of Utah. Bert N: Spencer, plaintiff, vs. Edna Spencer, defendant. The State of Utah to the said Defend ant: You are hereby summoned to ap pear -within twenty days after service ijf this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to tho demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court, together with a copy for you. This ac tion is brought to recover a judgment dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff. CHBZ & STINE, Plaintiffs Attorneys. P. O. address, 403 First National Bank building, Ogden, Utah. First published Nov. 28. 1917. Last published Jan. 2. 1918. Vancouvor (B. C.) Teamsters' union has secured a union-shop agrooment which provides for a nine and one half hour work day and wage Increases of 10 to 20 per cent. AS VEALLESS SHOP Hi FIRST IN AMERICA f,jl ' I H. E. PAYNE. H. B. Payne of Cleveland, o7 jH is the first butcher in America to- j , point tbo way to practical method , of beef conservation!. i . Payne doesn't merely advise his customers not to eat veal. Ho won't sell them any. Beef, pork, , . IH mutton? All right, ma'am. Veal?. ' Mo! x I "Save the calves and the' beef u shortage will adjust itself." I ij In these words he explained why , be refuses -to sell veal to his pa- I tronay i j THE WISDOM OF AGE. f Jack Jones was showing his father and mother the sights to be .seen on , one of our latest battleships. The old lady, after asking numerous questions, f; , fl suddenly spotted a squad of marines : , lined up ready for Inspection by the j. officer. She pounced suddenly on the ; . sturdy seaman and said: ' "Whateyer do they keep a regiment 1 of soldierB on board for?" , The old man turned round fiercely on his wife and said: I "Maria, don't show your ignorance I t so much. You ought to know very well what them marines are for; they , 'M are kept for the sailors to spin yarns f AND WHERE WAS FATHER? IH A young lady with a pet dog on an jJ electric car asked the conductor to f ft stop at a certain point. When he did (i if so, she went to the platform and there . I lM stood gesticulating with the dog on j j her arm. , I "Hurry up, miss, hurry up! You If lf want to get out here, don't you?" ' "Oh, dear, no, thank you! I only wished to show Fido where her mother , j lives." Christian Register. i if An army of some 3000 girls Is to be I enlisted by the Y. W. C. A. to act as l I soldiers' dining porters in Y. W. C. A. It camp pavilions. i OUTBURST OF EVEET TRUE , 'J pT HI M fMwaMaMWiwwBaiB l iiawiii i p j gjprT f" mtTTTWTTTTMtFttW II M 'UXII-L1 HnadAagKJ M"i '"' J nT " ' ' I L i , j