I! I Although a large amount of Information i jas been circulated on tho planting and Jrcsslng of tho potato crop, so far very I little has been raid on the storage ques- u tlon. which Is quite as Important a piece f -work as any so far carried out, A certain amount of wastage In unavoid able from one causo or another, but the grower must rcallso that unless care and forethought arc exercised she may find that tho whole store has been lost I When largo quantities havo to be dealt nrlth things must bo done on a larger I ic&lc. but this article In for the housewife I j vho puts away her own Individual winter ' itoro. ' The best place to store potatoes In small i , quantities Is a dry. frost proof shed. The! I floor should bo covered with straw or! ' packing and the potatoes must not bo J stacked more than two and a half feet deep. A layer of straw or sacking should be J laid on the top to keep out the light. The! i shed should bo ventilated on all sultablo' j occasions and during a hard frost addl- I tlonal straw should bo added on the top. I "When no shed Is available, tho potatoes t may be stored In thick bags and kept In ' ' tho pantry, but It Is advisable to sprinkle i flowers of sulphur among the tubers. I During the lato autumn the potatoes 1 should bo picked over every two or three I creeks and any dlscused ones removed ji i During hard weather extra covering i should be put over the sacks at night and removed during tho day, or kept on con I Unuously' If the frost Is unusually severe. A collar can bo uscn for storage If I1 special attention Is paid to the vontlla- U tlon. particularly during the first months I 'i 3f storage, the door and window being ', topt open when the weather Is dry , j ( OLD COLLAR RETURNS. ' The old fashioned berthe has come back Ijttj , it Is many years since It was Inst in style i; ll' tnd the vogue then was so pronounced that it remained In fashion for several j r ( icasons. i It Is Lnnvln who has revived the be- 1 , coming ruffle of lace to bo worn across ! ' tho front and back of tho dress and over j ' the shoulders. Originally, tho lace berthe was worn principally as an accessory of , j ihe oveplng dress, but now we may employ r !t to outline tho square or round neck of j tho afternoon frock, i By courtesy the bertho may bo square j cut as well as round, although It really , losc3 Its early characteristic when shaped ( Into anything but round or oval contour. l .formed by the gathering of the flounce t or by circular shaping a pieco of tho ji , material of which the dress is made , j . Nowadays the berthe may bo edged with J V fur. If that seems too weighty a finish, j 1 the fur may be transposed to form a I i, .heading. ' i t . , If ' A PLAY COSTUME. I In any group of children the envied . wearer of a "play suit" Is . leader and 1 J director of the moment's business. And what moro ecstatic . happiness for tho H small boy than to march out among his r companions In a splc-span new cowboy !. outfit or Indian suit or Jack Tar togs. i , The child becomes for the time what he , Imagines he Is, and half a dozen plr- suits j t i will make him half a dozen different lndl- f. rldualo In as many mornings and lncldon- 1 tally keep him busy and happv and out of j! mischief In his own back yard 'l Some of the delightful costumes thai are I h all readv for the little lad are: Military ; suits, sailor costumes, cowboy outfits, In- I dlan chief outfits, policeman and fireman uniforms, and baseball suits. The small I" Sirl may have a' cowgirl suit, a nurse's i ; uniform, a military v Iform or a squaw outfit J Women Performing Hard Tasks of 'Men .in Big Chemical Plants j FOR as long as the oldest employe of the General Chemical Company can re member woman's plnco has been in .lie office To-day she is working side by side with the men at tho Hudson Hivor works of the company at Edgcwatcr, Js". o., uoi uucimsc mero is a scarcity oi inoor at this plant, hut because the General Chemical Company is for proparcdncss. Patriotic women have been invited to enter the works and fill whatever posi tions for whfeh they are adapted. ' Forty eight of them have thus far donned the bloomers. The company hopes to recruit at least two hundred more. Officials of the company have made it plain to their men employes that tho new comers are not to supplant them. The women are to begin in the yard, which is to be a sort of clearing bouse for the ap-, plicanls. The yard also may be described; as tho elementary grade of the school of j preparedness. The other day, when the writer visited the place, it resembled ai kindergarten. The young women and I girls entered upon the most menial duties' with as much enthusiasm as a child clasps! n new doll on Christmas morning. They brought joy to jnded foremen, who have tried in rain to inspire men workers with a feeling that the work they were doing was worth while. Tho result of this enthusiasm has been apparent in less than a week. A woman who was carrying stock from one place to another when she began a week ago is now operating a radio drill. It is true that she had had machine shop experi ence, but she had to io through the clear ing honse first. Other cirls were helpers to armature winders and machinists; still others were painting, packing, shipping and the like. Often the workers are too willing. W. T. Shortall, master mechanic and respon sible for so much of the work in tho yard IJ The Outer Appearances Si , I; i f The house was very ugly and bare and seemed to those who passed It the outward ' . expression of a beggarly spirit cither of i j j tho tenant or the landlord, so uninviting i j was it with Its straight boxlike lines. Its i l crying need of paint and Its cheerless wln- ! dows and tightly closed doors that offered i ' no friendly welcome to any who might ' ) ,r come within Us radius. I And then one morning, overnight as It 3 were, the house seemed to have turned In , , Its sleep, to have shaken Itself'Jn pome j way out of Its rigid lines and to have put on an entirely now faco to greet the , j ' parsorby. . : . f .. EXPRESSION OF SELF. I I $ I I 1 It was not any larger. It was not any ' 1 cleaner, on tho outside. It was not anv i " newer as to paint or any less stralcht and j box like- Tet. somehow It seemed to smile i i '' at one, as If wishing-to mako friends with i ' Ihe world. 'The shades were up. for one thing, and ! ! a different kind of shade too. It seemed ' they were. They did not look dull and drab, but were irreen a soft and restful j shade, that rave a certain dignity to the ) wide, old fashioned windows. ' Ther It seemed almont as If thre wer pleasant secrets back of these windows, be hind the nt curtains of tho drawing room, the saah cnrtMns of dotted swIfs. nil care fully bofrllled. and the moro pretentious curtains of velvet that added a tone of clc eance to the HVarv, From one of the win dows a big box of chrysanthemums chal- lenged the admiration of those who gazed upon their brave beauty, and from another I ferns rent out a suggestion that summer's wealth had not yet beon absorbed by winter. The door wm ptlll clod. but It was shlnlnc clean, and through Its plain glass i one conl5 soft tho dainty handiwork of the curtain A furry dog, tiny but large with friend liness, barked at tho lauchlng baby that 1 suddenly appeared In tho rojuvenatcd houee, "and the notes of a piano could 1 often be hiard. sometimes accompanied by . , a singing I voice. In ragtime or lullaby, fresh and clear. I. It was difficult to ltallzo that the house ' was not different That It was no newer, tlx- way than It had been day before yester day, bofore the first tenant moved out and tho new tonant moved In. But when ono stopped to consider, one realized that this was so. that it was not at all the house Itself that was different bu those who made their home within and whoso personality It expressed It Is so difficult for us to realize that the outward things about us are not sep arate' from themselves they arc our solves The house wo live In. the clothe JTf TCf ruh0 VCry f00d w cook- cxpr.s not only the outward but the Innor self A very charming woman who haa lived for nearly three score ypars and ten has become famous with her family ani friends bocnusc of the happy faculty she has of maklncr a home wherever she may bo For many years she haa not had any money to speak of. but wherever she is and whatever her circumstance she cre ates about her a charming environment. Onuo sho wa3 forced to Hvo In a very unattractive neighborhood In a vcrv uirlv hH S b;eak J that her friend' nltled her. for they knew she so loved beauty But when sho had made her home there for six monthsi it was no longer unattrac tive. "Vnth the aid of a cardener once or twice a week she planted her garden tending It for the most part herself. A home carpenter built flower boxes, "and she herself made hanging baskets for hir ucly front porch. Soon psoplc began to notice the beautv of the rooms through the wide curtained windows, for this woman did not shut hor?elf away from the gaze of the friendly world. When she had been In tho neigh borhood for ono year no ono would have known It for tho same bare, ugly, unin viting place. CULTIVATE THE BEAUTIFUL. Tho spirit of beauty that prompted her to always havo flowers on her dining table breathed In everything sho did and transformed any ugliness about her. Let us remember that beauty after all Is one of tho least costly thlncs in the world. We may all havo It, If wo care for it enough to tako the time ahd r llr t" - . t -Unrrvttr vo nro ! ill' " WitlSlSJ f 2E5ltlMlUF( OENDO cC ANGELINA 'MM that he needs the long legs with which nature has endowed him, said that hi principal task was to hold them back from the tasks that are suitable only tr men of considerable strength. Fie laughed as he made the comparison between Mon day morning and Saturday noon, when all hands were glad to quit for the half holiday nnd Sunday rest. On Monday the superintendent presented him to mon th. twenty girls and young women, nil attired alike except for their shoes, and told him to find work for them. Mr. Shortall looked at the girls, taken aback for a moment,' although he knew that the problem was to he submitted to him for,solution. They returned his stare, hardly less abashed than he. "Hofr am I going to boss this crowd?" he mused. "It's tough to order n woman ro go to piling brick and shovelling ashps But I s'pose it's got to be done." While he was trying to get a grip on himself tho newcomers relieved the situa tion for him. As if by prearranged signal Ihey clamored in chorus : "Well, what do you want us to do?" In five minutes they were scattered over the yard. One girl was placed on a .smnll motor truck for instruction. Others went into the new stockroom with paint brushes and pails. There was a shortage of help on the ash heap and here others found employment. A girl who said that she knew how to handle a horse found a seat on n eart While men lifted carboys into a freight car two energetic young women set them back into, the oomor of the car. This was soon after half-past seven o'clock. At noon there were some unusually healthy nppetites to be satis fied. This, in a general way. is a description of what has happened in a week nt Edge water, X. J. Officinls of the company were satisfied that they knew what they were doing when they issued this notice: A Patriot Announcement. "To the employes of the General Chem ical Company. Hudson River works: "Our country has been forced into a war which, on account of recent dovclop ments, may last a number of years. The longer it last6 tho larger mnst grow onr , Capable Women, and Their Doings Women are helping to save crops In Rhode Island. Colorado has forty-nine women county school superintendents. France has a woman blacksmith. New York Is tho twelfth State to give women full suffrage England has an excess of over CCO.000 women agricultural workers. Moro than fifteen per cent of tho muni tion workers In Lyons, France, are women. Queen Helena of , Italy Is housing hun- fjiai8aS6jS rcds of children In gplJ? ffik tho royal palace. j 5&iiiS7Xo Mrs. O. W Naylor MSmM, Is acting as porter In WM'th tho Cleveland depot .of fWSa tho Nickel Plato Rail- ggg&ifc. r3tf& road. SEwis Farmers In Southern j, M& Indiana aro paying pT Js&E' women as high as 12 gjfjfe per day to help har- SaflgiW vest their crops. fnWmi? Sovcral of tho largor v?Jj4!r v' department stores In-:;,' ' ,',2.'"" t " ' New York city are 0U" "SOJTALV employing women to act as floorwalkers. Nearly thirty-seven per cent of tho fe male wage earners in this country are employed In stores, mills and factories. More than 10.000.GOO women now havo Presidential suffrago in the United States. Women school teachers in Japan receive from SS o $7,50 per month salary. Statistics show that femalo wage earn ers lose moro time on account of sickness than do males. Charwomen employed In the municipal buildings In Baltimore have had their nav Increased to per month. The Laclede Gas Company, of St Loul3, Is training women to read gas meters so that they can roplace mnlo Inspectors who may be called away to war. Although they have won the right to voto In Now York State, women arc prohibited from serving on Juries, as they do In other States. Tho first time women in New York will have a chance to cast a ballot will probably be In Brooklyn In January, where a vacancy In Congress exists. Pennsylvania's women are In the lead In tho number of food pledge cards signed In tho United States. More than 750.M0 have already been signed by housewives In the Koystone State. More than six thousand women are em ployed In combing the battlefields In France, whore everything Is being salved, ven old boots being picked up and made o do duty again. Women of New London, Conn., havo appealed to the Police Commission to au thorize the appointment of a squad of women ro keep children off tho stroets after a reasonable hour. A million women to act ns home sruards and take the places of men who aro In the army Is the aim of the "Women's National Home Guard of America. Just organized In St. Louis. One of the first moves In the Interest of women In New York, where thov recently gained voting recognition. wll be .the establishment of club houses for them In each Assembly district The practice of medicine Is much In favor nmonrr the women In Japan, and alrradv there are more than thrco hundred f thrm who are practising medicine in 'hat countrv. where they earn as high ns $200 a morih The warres paid women workers In the French muniti on factories are graduated! according to tho character of the, work and to their capacity. Tho average varies between the minimum of eight cents an hour to tho maximum of twenty-eight cents an hour. Mrs, Anna C. Ladd, a sculptress, of Bos- FOR EVENING WRAPS. For those who do not care for the gorgeous mctalllcs and tho luminous vel vets there arc self-brocades In soft satin or In satin and velvet which arc decidedly worth while for tho wrap. In some Instances these come In dull gray, which combines beautifully Tvlth chinchilla or with hotter grade 0f squirrel. And right here it Is worth noting that Austrian opossum 13 back and Is being used alike for evening and day coat3. Kolinsky is another fuj to which the Paris and American designers havo been partial In Its association wjth rich wraps. Ermine, of course, is considered tho fur par excellence for evening wear. It Is wonderfully alluring whon associ ated with the beautiful vclvcta or with dark cades. It docs not acem to be as offcctlvc when. It Is used to trim the metallic garments, perhaps because the latter need a dark fur to bring out their sperlnl beauty ton, has offered her services free to th' government and will devote her time ir restoring disfigured faces of soldiers marred by gunfire. The Duchess of Aos ta. cousin of the King FT of Italy. Is Inspector i!c vJJvay of tho Italian Red ifeaS Cross nurses SsmSB French women em- SKS ployed in the various SSgBTW Industries of that 7m country havo proved ir!w5y S to bo more efficient ir-.' B than tho men. all hcl W. Mick, a it twelve-year-old girl of Jsg Omaha. Neb., evolved . ' J$&fg the schome for tho or- l?Q$4sr MiWl: ganlzatlon of tho Ju- frfe - -..acw nlor Red Cross. DUCHESS OF AOSfA Mayor-elect Hvlan. of New York city. Is Jn favor of appoint ing women as members of the Board of Fducatlon In that city. Miss Pat McCoy, of Omaha, Neb., lays claim to the title of world's champion drummer. Although she 13 only twenty one years of ago, she has In the lost fow months sold more than $100,000 worth of fiuccts. ells, valves, fuller balls nnd pack In? gasket to construction officers at thr various cantonments now being built throughout tho United States. CHIFFON SLIPOVERS. "Wonderfully pretty are the now chiffon blouse ollpoverj. which Immediately add a dressy touch to a simple waist and skirt costume. The chiffon slipover is a wisr of a thing in tho hand: donned over a blouse of white 'silk or net or ono of darker silk or net. If Its wearor prefers lt resolves Itself Into a gay bit of fcmlnlnir finery Indeed. The neck la cut out In a shallow square, edged with hemstitched plain chiffon, and there aro very wide armholes also finished with plain chiffon hems. The front ox tends Itself Into long, broad sash ends, which aro tied at tho back cf tho waist In a big" "bustle" bow. Ono of theso pretty slipovers, say in flowered white and rose chiffon, will dress up amazingly an ordinary white Georgette shirtwaist, worn with a separate skirt of dark mohair, serge or satin. array and nary, recruited from the man ( power of the lnud. j "It; is the duty of all loyal citizens, j both men nnd women alike, to help the country In its fight for liberty, inspired by , tho examples of the countries of our j allies, whore the men have gone to the I front and (he women are Inking up their work at home. "Our company has therefore decided, I in preparation for what the near future j may bring, to offer opportunities now for I patriotic women to come into our plant and work in positions for which they m.'iy" be fitted, the understanding being that no present employe will be dis charged to make way for theso women ; We shall simply rearrange certain work j so as to provide the necessary openings, and aro sure wo can count on the loyal fo-operntion of all our employes in help ing the women 'do their hit' "Please inform anv woman von knnn- who would be interested that applications in this work will he received beginning Wednesday. November 14, 3917." The officials had expected results from that notice, it is doubtful, however, if they were prepnred for the flood of appli cations which followed. Three or four times ns ninny girls and young women could havo been put to work thnn actu ally were employed, but the company held true to its policy of careful investi gation. Every dny finds new bloomered employes in the yards nnd shops. Appli cations have been received from women from all parts of the country. Some of the women who are doing their "hit" are shown in the photographs herewith. WAYS and MEANS i IN j WAR TIMES ! 1 Every one knows the far reaching ef- 4 A fects of cheerfulness, of what It mcan3 to P '3 bo associated In business or In tho homo ' !- with a happy, optimistic Individual, and" $ - wo all know, sadly and only too well, what J' 0 such an association Is If the person Is pM. gt slmlstlc and "grumpy." The fact Is well understood In ordinary, every day times; hut In these days, while . under the shadow of a war cloud, this 1 fact should be taken into consideration 1 aa unusually Important. j t KEEP CHEERFUL. 1 1 . . It Is Important whon life Is at such a 'i tension to look upon the bright side of 1 events, to try and see all things optlmlslic- I ally. It may be In some cases that this Is all one. can do to help win tho war All I, cannot go to the tronohes or to ha hos- ' pltals, and to some It must scorn that nn . ' mnttcr how willing and anxious they may bo to be of service there is little or nothing 1 for them to do. That Idea Is false. If nothing else is open ?! M to them always and every day tho great 'j M spirit of enthusiasm and interest can be $ kept alive and added to Interest In all ) that tho country Is doing. Interest In th t public events of the city, the parades, the r1 flag raisings, the camps, the food 'rcgula- fi Hons. ? Enthusiasm Is a great gift that spreads ?j In ever widening circles from Individuals t- until It la like a great wave that cannot f be stopped and that rushes far up the beach of the world to wash away the ugly debris which has collected there and to h make the world cleaner and purer for the generations to come. I. ' It Ib a forco that can accomplish the I seemingly Impossible. Not that tho win- fr nine of the war s an Impossibility, for It is one of the moat certain things to which j( Amorlca has ever turned her hand, and -! she will do It at whatever cost the task Ji may demand. But enthusiasm will help j the winning, will quicken the day when W the shadow of the war cloud will pass V from our lives. Jp There Is the cheerful acceptanco of what- over trials tho war may bring, the self- 4j forgetfulnoss in big or little sacrifices, the romembranco of the devastated homos, lr: the sufferings of the people of Europe in J; contrast to our comparatively easy lot. i Above all there Is the Inspiration of the t Ideal for which wo Are waging the war, u, and In the thought that this country, dls- g regarded by Germany because she thought we were too money loving and easy going fflnj to endure Inns, linie nnrnntnA ,nnrinxn If will accept them for the sako of that Ideal ilia for which our forefathers fought liberty. fl, CO-OPERATIVE INTEREST. 2 ? (1 ' Surely there should be enthusiasm, In- !; ... terest and a fine fervor In all that one ' im does these days. Each one who helps win '' . the war by auch encouragement will be doing his or her part and doing It nobly ) None should feel that they can't help, for '' 12 they can. not In actual, tangible things, RC perhnps, but not one person need lack tho ' C: stirring spirit of enthusiasm which will " help nerve those who are sacrificing In the midst of this war cloud itself and will J help bring the glad day when the world 4 will be free and at peaco. f Canning and Preserving Jft 1 Pickling Is an important branch of home preparedness, and It Is still not too latf to mako use of a few belated vegetables In that way. Following aro some recipes vouched for by the National Emergency Food Commission, each of which has been asked for by our roaders : Sauerkraut. Tho fermentation process of making sauerkraut is simple and Is preferred by many to the salting method. The outside leaves and tho core of tho cabbago should bo removed and tho rest shredded very finely. Either summer growth or fall cabbage may be used. Immediately pack Into n barrel, keg or tub. which is perfectly clean, or Into an earthenware crock hold ing four or five gallons. The smaller con tainers are recommended for household use. Whilo packing distribute salt as uni formly as possible, using ono pound of salt to forty pounds of cabagc. When tho container Is almost filled press the cabbage down as tightly as possibio and apply a board cdver which will go Inside tho holder. For this mvor s1a- n.wi r. nttch, such as tjasswood. Glazed plates make excellent covers. On top of this eover place stones or other weights (uslns? flint or granite and avoiding the use of limestone or sandstone"). These weights iervc to forco tho brine above the cover. Allow fermentation to proceed for ton lays or two weeks. If tho room Is warm. Tn a cellar or other cool place thrco to 'i'o weeks may be required. SWm off the 11m which forms when formentatlon starts THE RED HAT. I Every ono knows that it Is only a darlns woman who will put on a bright red hat. "mly those who are utterly careless and ntlro nogllgcnt of their appearanco rush into tho field of red millinery. In the new hats, howovcr. these dark shades of red predominate and they aro not to have the danger signal over them Nearly every woman in tho world can wear a velvet hat In the tones called beetroot and redwood. There Is a touch of that rich mahogany In one and that ;arth brown In the other that makes them suitable to tho texture of the skin and the color of the eve md repeat dally If necessary to keep this -fiv .'Mm from becoming scum. "When gas hub- ' Jl? bles ccaso ,to arlso the fermentation is s complete. ; jHfcir If there is scum. It should be removed. IB As a final step pour melted paraffin over M the brine until It forms a layer from ono- -M quarter to one-half Inch thick to prevent N the formation of scum. If the weather Is co"S.r 8toraBe Place Is not woll tTlS l-S 10t n,cccasnrv unle-rs tho kraut Is jl to be kept a long time. Tho kraut may bemused as soon as the bubbles ceW to Greon Tomato Pickle. 4 luiiHwoes maKe a very n satisfactory wlntor salad In combination Mili with lettuce and mayonnaise. 'Wt' Combinations of tomatoes, onions, pep- MS pcrs. cabbage and spices arc endless in Br number, and they provido cheap and dc- lightful variations to monotonous winter M' menus. iPvS lightful dishes. To make It take four W?i quarts of green tomatoes, four small 0 onions and four green peppers. Slice tho 70 tomatoes and onions thin. SnrltVf2 Mfts nhl Vr ? CUP 0f sa,t nnd 'cave over night. In crock or enameled vessel. Ph. The next morning drain off the brine Mkr Into a separate vessel put ono quart of if S vinegar, one level tablespoonful each of IJf" black pepper, mustard seed, colory seed. WCl cloves, allspice nnd cinnamon and three- quarters cup of call. f V" Br,.nt; t0 ,a bH and then add the pre- WtZ oared tomatoes, onions and peppers Let - Hi' boltfortwenty minutes. Fll.d 2 W, HINTS FOR PIE BAKERS. JK The next time you bake pics, especially Jftr1 Juicy pies, try adding a little cornstarch Wk to the crust Ono teaapoonfnl to a pie will 'Ml H Try mixing the sugar and flour and add- Ing It to the fruit before putting your nlo Su lumpLeofdf.our. Wl" "0t bUc ,nto J'r Do not stretch tho top crust tight. In n ?infihe Cd?.S t0Sct"cr(push tho e,RB i P CFX8t lovard tn ccnlre of tho Mti PJ.. ?h'S ft.,l0w-l p,cnty of roo'n tor the 1 , fruit to cook and prevents the cniHt from V fe,. bursting onen and the Juice ecapln" 'mk