I i I - THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH, FRIDAY, JANUARY II, 1916. I; ayB lab Take no chances." When you buy Aspirin gig demand the original unbroken package 1a5g ;ggl and see that it bears the Bayer Cross. Vgj g Then you will know you are getting the t5 ifS one true Aspirin ifti Sslli&U "The Bayer, Yoar Caarantea S h Cross J f Pari" mil1 ftft ''Si3 TABLETS in Pociftit Dose of 12-Bottlcf of 24 nd 100 3 V ll?f CAPSULES in Salod Packacc of 12 and 24 M$ - ItZs 5 . -t J JlfP&fr. . The trd-mrk " Atplrin " OlfC- U. S. Pt. Off.) W) T fcJl '." AvrL7'V,VSSLr U froarnt lb rooncacellearidcsUr JVSn Hik - -4 "c.vl 1KjlMt' 4 2 llcylJciil In then UbUtt vnd ijSfiU K5?J-3 f JiiVJCjPi'HbA ecul Uof th r:lb! Dijir Vttfe I ESTABLISHED 1870. An Independent Newspaper, pub Uthod every evening except Suna&y, vlthout a muzzlo or a club. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED fcRESS I The Associated Pros la exclusively en. titled to the uoo for rcpubllcaton of all tows credited to It or not otherwise I credited In this papor and also ,mo local j news published herein. I NOT LIKE LAST WINTER After two months of delightful win ter weather, Ogden can accept tho ,now fall and frost of the present storm with a feeling of resignation. Last winter made the average Og- . drnite an easily pleased individual in the matter of clouds or sunshine. The j storms started in October, 1916, and continued almost without interruption up to tho spring period of 1917, and during all that time the days of sun shine could be counted on tho fingers of one hand. ' j ' Whatever the weather may be from j I now on, the disagreeable features of j last winter cannot be equaled, i Today's forecast tells of rising tem peratures, so that by Sunday anoth er pleasing spell of mild weather is lo be expected. I POINTING OUT THE. MISTAKES What wonderful back-sight we all ' possess? Today there is no one so I humble or nearslgnteu mat ne uuw j not feel called on to criticise the mis ! takes of the . war and navy depart-j mrnts. When Secretary Baker of the war department was being examined yes terday by a senatorial commission, questions by the score, which were j criticisms, were directed at him. The senators who were doing the grilling should have been asked a few questions. Senator Chahberlain said: "Why did you faiL to order guns when war became Inevitable?" What a nice farce our diplomacy would have taken on If, while we were constantly talking peace and, preach ing neutrality the war department un mistakably was secretly getting ready to make an attack on the central power.-? The ono big thing in favor of the al ii c : . in their refutation of tho German accusation that tho allies brought on 1 tho war. Is the irrefutable evidence that England and Franco were unpre J prred for war, Great Britain having no reserve ammunition and no equip i ' l in ii i 1 - -. -1. AT Hl IT'S A KNOCKOUT. f I China Music HI Chinese Costumes H A cracking good specialty along Hl this line at the Elks' annual show, "The Whirl of Mirth," Orpheum theater, January 14, 15, 16. 50c, '. EVERYTHING for AUTOMOBILES 1 EVERYTHING for ELECTRICITY 1 Wholesale and Retail. Auto & Electric Supply Co. 1 Phones 2564-6 1 325-326.38. Waeh Ave. 1 , I ment for a largo army. Thoso coun tries could not have plotted a world cataclysm. So with tho United States, tho big outstanding fact in favor of our professions of an earnest desiro to keop out of tho war, was our failure to plan for war. Now it takes something more than the mandato of tho secretary of war lo start the machinery with which to equip an army. Congress first must act, and every one recalls how Blow the senators and congressmen wore in getting final action on the war meas ures which gave power to thodlffcrent departments of government to con tract huge debts, totaling billions of dollars, without which no army worth while could bo brought Into oxistenco. The declaration of war camo sud denly, following German acts of piracy which proved tho Berlin government had made promises which the kaiser and Ills advisers had no thought of I keeping. J No one man nor group of men had the perspicacity to know all that should be done or the genius to uner ringly do that which was required to convert peaceful, unarmed America I into a great military camp. Not oven i the nucleus of a great organization was available, and therefore, mistakes of judgment and of inefficiency were unavoidable. Even today if Senator Chamberlain were to be requested to map out an ordnance campaign for the future, he would either blunder in underestimat ing the needs- of the American forces, or enter into tho wild domain of fancy which has no place when every dollar must be applied to the greatest, most j urgent need. Looking forward is much more dif- l ficult than looking backward. Even j Napoleon, if he could have foreseen certain difficulties, would not have ended his days on the island of St. He lena in 1821. CHICKENS TO HELP UNCLE SAM When the poultry show opens In Ogden next week, tho local poultry men will more thoroughly work put their plans, for helping the United States increase the "meat" supply of the country. Experts declare that by stimulating chicken raising, tho nation can obtain the quickest response to tho demand for a greater supply of meat, which has become. essential to the feeding of our army in France and the allied forces depending on America in great I part. ' There are millions of eggs produced ' in this country which, instead of be ' ing eaten, can be made to produce millions of pounds of poultry, and that transformation from eggs to chickens Is what the poultry men are being urged to bring about. Every home, where there is a yard large enough to place a coop, can bo instrumental in increasing the chicken supply of the United States. nn DANGER OF A PREMATURE PEACE In an editorial in tho New York Times of late date, a vigorous protest is made against any form ,of peace which may mean eventual disaster for the peaceful nations of the world. Just now the pacifists arc hysterical with joy over the German peace terms. The German peace terms are that .the status qou ante be restored in Europe. The status quo ante is tho thing that caused the present war and will cause more unless it bo utterly de stroyed. But tho status quo onto will never be restored exactly as it was; for under that status there wore some nations that did not enjoy the blcBB ings of permanent conscriptions. Eng land was ono and the United States, Brazil, Canada, Argentina and Aus tralia wero among tho others. Thoso j nations will not be caught napping .again. If tho geographical and politi cal status quo ante is restored, it will follow as tho night tho day that the 1 unmllltary status quo anto will not bo. If the unmllltary statUB quo ante is to be restored, the geographical and po litical ono must first be put beyond resurrection. ' The German .terms, disguised under , t,he title of "no annexations and no indemnities," mean that Germany will i return, undefeated and undlacouraged to the aerie from which for forty years she watched her chanc to pounce on the flocks and herds in the plain nclow. If she is permitted to re turn there, tho shepherds will bo on their guard. They will watch that aerio for the next descent; and they will watch it with guns in their hands. And modern guns coat money. In plain wordB, tho accoptanco of tho German terms means uncscapablo permanent militarism for the whole world, and when thoso who favor it masquorado under tho misnomer of "pacifists" It is as if tho Battalions of Doath wore to call themselves "Quakers." Tho BolBhevikl organ Isveatla sees in tho Gorman torms "hopo for a dem ocratic pcaco." A democratic pcaco which returns Palestine and what 1b loft of Armenia to tho democratic, kindly Turk. A democratic pcaco which nominally freos Bolglum and Poland and puts them undor tho eco nomic maatory of Germany, Poland under a thinly disguised political mas tory. too. A democratic pcaco which welds Germany, Austria, Turkey and Bulgaria Into one for purposes and power of aggression on their neigh bors, near and far. A democratic peace which returns tho decimated and on slaved negroes of Africa to thoir own ers and tyrants. A democratic peace which loaves Alsaco and Italia Irro- dentn still as loot in the highway man's bag, and now hopelessly 30. A democratic pcaco which ieaves all tho peaceful nations at the inorcy of the maraudor, unless they bid goodby for over to their peaceful state, and, like tho Amorlcan colonists on tho edge of the wilderness, go not forth to plow unarmed. "In this war," says Minister PIch on, "France will havo played a great role, for, as Roosevelt has said. Hho will havo saved humanity." Saved humanity for this? Saved numanity for tho laxgalberer? Thoso arc the German terms. Is that what Ave are fighting for? Or aro wo fighting, as Secretary Baker said, "to seo that tho world shall be freed from tho monaco of a triumphant barbarism?" That phraso sums up our terms; and they aro tho terms of all of us except thoso inveterate militarists, tho pacifists. ; HOME GUARD FOR OGDEN Utah, as well as other states, has been authorized to form a homo guard to bo made up of mon not eligible for regular army service. Ogden should be ono of tho first cit ies to apply for the authority to organ ize a company of the homo guard. At tho beginning of tho war, when many uncertainties in connection with German spy activities in this country, prompted patriotic Americans to vol unteer to help put down any conspir acy, Ogden had a home guard of good size, made up of men drawn from the best elements of tho community. Thoro were many young fellows, but a large sprinkling of men with gray hairs was noticeable. Tho older guards could not have gono into the trenches without "hardening," but if wo were selecting a body of recruits to do home duty, nothing better than tho men of mature years, who took part in the drilling at that time, would bo desired. We would liko to seo this old homo guard reorganized and brought undor government support. Thoro is a ne cessity for an armed force In this city, now that Battery B has loft us. No one can foretell what a day will bring forth, as there is an undercurrent of disloyalty in this country which may break out in tho form of sabotage or even open revolt. oo Baker Assures the Senate Supplies For War Adequate (Continued from pago L.) General Groble reported had been sub stantially supplied. "It would havo boon very fortunate if we could have gotten machine guns sooner." he added. "Is there any reason why 1200 should be held In storago?" asked Sen ator Hitchcock, referring to testimony by General Orozier to that effect "I didn't know that," said Mr. Baker. Large Production of Browning Guns. Reverting to delays in machino gun deliveries, Senator Hitchcock de plored tardy contracts for Lewis guns, and Mr. Baker rejoined that large production of Browning guns would begin In February. This aroused Senator Hitchcock. "That isn't so," ho retorted sharply, slapping his hands together at the socrotary. "We won't havo a large quantity before 1919 in actual use. We naven i ono now. Baker Makos Explanation. "Wo have nino," Mr. Baker sug gested, smiling. Seriously, ho added, that production was being speeded up and that his latest information was that quantity production of tho Brown ing guns would begin in February. Senator Hitchcock and Weeks both called the secretary's attention to tes timony of General Crozlcr and manu facturers who wero given contracts for tho Browning gun, that produc tion in quantity would not begin bo fore April. Secretary Baker's formal statement of yesterday regarding army pro paredness, Senator Woeks declared, would "unintentionally mislead the country." "Tho country," said tho senator, "should not bo lulled to sloop by a general statement of facta that don't exist." During tho rapid cross-questioning, the secretary was apparently serene, puffing a cigar .and answering all questions calmly. Secretary Baker said ho was "not surprised" at the machine gun short age reported at Camp Bowie in view of tho general machino gun situation. Senator Weeks Baid that witnesses declare machino gun units "are prac tically throwing their time away" by not having guns for practice. "I think you should give this your immodlato and earnest attention," Senator Weeks said. COMPLIMENTARY. Rhymer (with a sigh.) Yea: my poom haa been returned by Scrlbners Frlond Why don't you send it to tho Wayuppo Magazine? They print some awfully rotten stuff. Boaton TranBcrlpL THE AMBITIOUS BRIDE. Bill Hollo! Homo from your honey moon trip already? QUI Oh, yes. "Rather short, -wasn't it?" "Oh, yos, Jfy now wlfo seemed rathor nnxlou.s to gol homo and try her cook ing on mo. ' Yonkers Stateaman. BANKERS' PLAN ' ON SUGAR CROP Will Finance the Next Cuban Yield to Extent of $150, 000,000. NEED ADEQUATE SUPPLY Money to Be Assured to Handle Largest Crop in History. NEW YORK, Jan. 1L A plan undor which Now York banking interests would finance tho next Cuban sugar crop Involving expenditure of a sum as high as $150,000,000 Is under con sideration here, It was learned today. The ImporUinco of assuring the country an adequate supply of sugar, together with shipmonts required by tho Entento allies was placed bnforo a bankers' committee by tho Interna tional sugar committee acting for tho national food administration. If the plan matures as the commit -too desires money will be assured to finance tho -next crop In Cuba expect -od to bo tho largest in tho history of tho island republic. Another sugar shortago such as tho ono of recent woeks would perhaps bo averted. Local bankers, It was assorted to day, would not bo likely to take the suggested action without tho consent of tho federal reserve bank but it was assumed here that this would bo forthcoming inasmuch as it was the national food administration which suggested the plan. It was statod also that tho government would mak9 ovory effort to supply tho tonnngo necessary to transfer tho sugar to American ports. Bankers lnterosted in tho plan havo conferred hero with members of tho International sugar committee. Tho proposed syndicate would include the National City bank, the Chase Nation al bank and tho Guaranty Trust com pany. Charles M. Sabin, president of the Guaranty company. Is chairman of tho bankers' committee considering tho plan. No Indication was given to day as to how soon this committee would report to tho sugar authorities, rn TROTZfCY PLANS FOR NEW ARMY; i Will Not Re-habilitate Old Army, But Create New and I Smaller One. SUPPLY IS A PROBLEM All Officers Ordered to Re turn to Posts Held Before Revolution. LONDON. Jan. 11. Confirming pre vious reports that the Bolshovikl aro preparing to re-establish tho fighting power of the army against a possible final break in tho negotiations wuu tho central powers, the Petrograd cor respondent of the Daily News sayB that they are not attempting a re animation of tho old worn out army but to create a now and much small er one. Concerning this new army Foreign Minister Trotzky Is reported to havo said: "It will wage not war but revolu tion. Its front trenches will be bar ricades against oppressors." Tho central powers' peaco terms of Docember 25 were voiced by Count Czernin, tho Austro-Hungarian foreign minister. They expressed willingness to conclude a "general peace without forcible annexations and indemnities" and announced that it was not tho in tention of tho central powers to de prive of political independence tlioso nations which had lost it during the war, but stlpulatod that tno question of the political independence of na tionalities and possessing it could not be solved internationally but must be left to each government and its peo ples. This qualified recognition of tho right of self-determination was made use of in tho concrete terms for a treaty later proposed to Russia by tho central powers, in which it was claimed this right had already been exercised in Poland, Courland and Lithuania. Tho refusal of tho central powers to consent to the withdrawal of their troops from these regions led to the temporary interruption of tho negotiations and the counter-proposal by the Russians that further discus sions of peaco bo transferred to Stockholm, which question apparently was still ponding, when the full sitting of tho peaco conference was called to order yesterday. t fv.T-inrr thlr tnrmR thn pontrnl powers stated that they were desirous of bringing about general peaco nego tiations, the Russians apparently be ing expected to Influenco tho allied governments to Join In the parleys. A ten-day limit for tho entente to ex press itself was set but no response was forthcoming from tho entento powers. Since the expiration of this poriod on Jnnuary 4 it has been un officially stated that the central powors felt freo to withdraw their offer which was conditioned upon a general peaco being brought about Owing to the non-acceptance by all the enemy powers of those terms, Dr. von Kuchlmann stated that documents had "become null and void." The Bolshevlkl doubt whether the German soldiers will advance but if they do and tako more territory they will bo no nearer an ond of the war. Tho correspondent says that the greatest difficulties of tho Bolshovikl in theso preparations aro transport and supply, of which the latter is less hopeful. Ensign Kryenko, tho Bolshe vlkl commander-in-chief, is reportod to be organizing a volunteer army and has ordered all officers to return to tho posts they held before tho Bol shovikl revolution. In reference to the civil war in dif ferent parts of Russia, the correspond ent says they are not wars of one part of Russia against another but attempts to spread class warfare in those parts where the proletariat has not yet ob- 1 Then lose no time but I jp jllp COME IN and see us 1 i Our's Is The Only Store Where fJL' k'j j You Can Compare All Makes t of Machines. igJ ! ' ' Victrola A XI wUh 20 Selec a jj "Ogden's Phonograph Headquarters." I i! Tel. 181. 1 2472 Hudson Ave. j j I . " tained the upper hand. Thus, the Bol shevik! arc- not warring against the Ukraine, but against tho bourgeois? Ukrainan rada; not with the Cossack country but with tho military govern ment of the Cossacks. Tho Daily News correspondent says that the anti-Bolshovikl newspapers dally record Bolshevlki defeats but de clares it is curious that after each. de feat tho Bolshevlki advanced instead of retiring. The map, he says, shows that each reported defeat takes the Bolshevlki further Into tho enemy country. Ho mentions some of these advances and adds that the Black sea fleet Is now controlled by the Bolshe vlki. The Petrograd correspondent of tho Times says that enormous sums have been taken from tho State bank by f6rged checks since the bank has been in tho possession of the Bolshevik!. Three million rubles were withdrawn through ono spurious check. nn MEAT IN ENGLAND. LONDON, Jan. 11. The meat situ ation, which has been so acuto during tho last week, was greatly improved today. Large consignments of beef and mutton reached Smithfiold last night and all retailers applying re ceived supplies this morning. EXTREME COLD IN STOCKHOLM Unprecedented Temperatures Reported in Sweden 70.6 Degrees Below at Asele. STOCKHOLM, Thursday, Jan. 10. Unprecedented temperatures for tho season wero reported at various placos in the north. Some of tho lowest fig ures at 70.G degrees bolow zero Fah renheit at Asele, 67 below at Soor fors and 63.4 below at Hogdaljoe. Y. M. C. A. TO EXTEND WORK IN ITALY i PARIS, Thursday. Jan. 10. In re sponse to an Invitation from the Jul ian army headquarters, tho American army and navy Young Men's Christian association will extend its recreation and comfort work to tho Italian army. This announcement was mado by the Y. M. C. A. headquarters at Paris to day. Within a short time a group of those workers will proceed to Italy and es tablish recreation huts there similar to those at the American camps. TWO GOOD SOLDIERS SPOILED. It la, of course, well known that Sir Doupflas Hnlf,' Is a soldier first, last and all tho time, regarding all other profca alons nu of Quito negligible Importance Ho was Inspecting a cavalry troop and vras particularly struck with the neat way In which repairs had been mado In somo of tho saddles. "Very good work," he remarked to tho troop sergeant major, "JVho did that?" "Two of my troopers, sir," was tho reply . "You'ro fortunato to haov two such export saddlers In your troop," said "As a matter of fact, air," was tho re ply, "they're not saddlers,' In civil life, bo Ine lawyers." r'Woll," ejaculated Sir Doufjlas, "how men who can do work Uko that could have wasted their livers over law I can't imagine!" Minneapolis Tribune. ' v :.- ., m m m Wilson Message to Congress the First Courageous Step Toward Peace. PEOPLE APPLAUD Generous Intentions of Ameri can Government Praised Greatest Statesmen of Age. ROME, Thursday. Jan. 10. Presi dent Wilson's message is the first courageous step towards peace, says the Messagero. It says that President Wilson in his message evidently wish ed to meet the Russian people and to help them to complete their resurrec-, tlon. After tho statement of Promier Lloyd -George and the message of President Wilson," it adds, "tho world can seo whether the boast of pacifism of Berlin and Vienna really exists or is an Imperialistic dream of triumph. Meanwhile the whole civilized world, all honest people and evorybody who earnestly wishes a just and lasting peace will applaud President Wilson's program. "Italy has no Imperialistic ambitions but wishes to free Italians from for eign oppression, creating a state of safety for her own country on both sea and land." Enormous Sacrifices Made. Tho Tempo recalls that Italy, like tho United States, freely entered the world war for reasons of principle. She has sustained enormous sacrifices to redeem her provinces still under Aus tria and also lo secure the safety of her frontier on land and sea which alone can allow her to "live on a foot ing of equality under conditions of lib erty." . The nnnnln T?nmnnn m-nicn iu. erous intentions of President Wilson and tho American people and govern ment. It eulogizes tho declaration of tho president concerning the solidarity of the Allies and says that as soon as Italy and France make similar state ments they will bo the answers to tho government of Lenlne and Trotzky with which the Entente does not yet havo diplomatic relations. The Giornale d'ltalia applauds tho messago and calls President Wilson "ono of the greatest statesmen of our epoch." It expresses hopo that tho president's enlightened mind will see the necessity of solving definitely tho Italo-Austrlan problem in order to avoid future excuses for conflict, nn FARM WORKERS TO BE CLASSIFIED NEW ORLEANS, La., Jan. n. Spe cial classification in the draft for young men of cities and towns who will work on farms, similar to that giv on shipyard workers, is asked of the war department in resolutions adopt ed yesterday by tho association of state presidents of farmers' unions. Tho association is composed of the heads of farmers' unions in thirteen southern states. llYl?y-1 yj.ciiLii I All Men Subject to Military 'M Service to Remain at Post mf.. Until Called. WILL BE REPLACED Men Over Draft Age or Who SI? j Have Been Rejected to fl Fill Vacancies. fjljj ' PARIS, Thursday, Jan. 10. The fSha American army and navy Y. M. C. A. (S Irish in France Issued a statement today MfM that it is not accepting for its service w'-iaj any men who aro eligible for military ilH service. All men now in the Y. M. C. 'JKa A. service who are subject to the draft :Bai have been requested, with the ap- 1 proval of the American army author!- KTb( ties, to remain at their posts until !' .Hib their draft numbers are called. All i Bcdj eventually will be replaced by men Botr; over draft age, or those rejected for , Hhl j military service. ' 'H j It is said that 10 per cent of the Y. iMki M. C. A. personnel in France consists '.Hualc of men subject to tho draft and that 'M& nearly 50 per cent of those eligible fcuj who arrived during the first six ty months tho organization was estab- Baice lished here, already have enlisted. Kiba BOLO PASHA FACING m A COURT MARTIAL p PARIS, Jan. 11. Bolo Pasha, who is 'mh charged, with having conducted Ger- jwd man propaganda in Franco, will be iB0 tried by court martial beginning Feb- Bpa ruary 4. ib-i ft on Wfeir FRANCE TO SEND p TEAMS TO U. S. i CHICAGO, Jan. 11. Plans for send- Ing to France the leading teams of iflK the American and National leagues vMfU-C providing the war Is ended at the clos- qKVfcJ ing of the coming baseball season KlfcJij were discussed todav by a number of lWlc major league officials. 'M! President C. A. Comiskey of the W jJJJ Chicago Americans, Prosldent Charles !tiL Weeghman of the Chicago Nationals, wBr President J. C. Dunn of the Cleveland 'nerft Americans, all of whom have pennant aspirations, expressed approval of such a trip and B. B. Johnson, presi- ;Mw!ft dent of the American league, said ho 'JH&itJ would use every effort to further the Plan- MO1, oo "'MVv SENATOR BRADY fc SERIOUSLY EL f& WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. Senator "t Brady of Idaho, stricken with an acute My1 attack of heart trouble last night, was C Bllghtly Improved today and hopes fc f'HFUr? his recovery were entertained by his jBflej .? physician. jM r m