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l THE OGDEN STANDARD OGDEN, UTAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1918 7 J ' I IN..QQPgN,.s SOCIETYCIRCLES j I I IOfrdn i.idtes h.uc proveii their prtrlotirm in many ways during the months that the United States has' been engaged in war, probably the most prominent feature being the knifing, many hundred pairs of socks, sweaters, wristlets, etc., having been sen; out by Ogdenjjadies. Ono of '.he mosrtfeligont and clever Knitter.- of the city is Mrs. Thomas Bradlry of 1144 Twenty-first street. I BIRTHDAY PARTY. Mrs. F. R. Balr and Mrs. C. W. Adam itertainpd on Thursday evening at p home of the latter. 2717 Quincy ;enur in honor of Miss Ruth Bair's xteenth birthday. The home was etnlv decorated for the occasion, e color scheme being pink and white, fie evening was spent in music, read. g ond games. Prizes were awarded i the Misses Norma Blake and iy Taylor and to Misses Edward aylor ond so Messrs. Edward, William id Clyde Weston. Miss Ruth received many beautiful resents and the following declared ?r a charming hostess: Mis; Viola Stevenson, Edith Poof -an. Thelma Foulger, Belva Foulger, arlo Hill, Lucilc Parrington, Norma lal;o, Ruth Adams, Elizabeth Haw ln?.. Poiothy Taylor, Juanita Craw rd. Lcnora Croft, Thelma Faulkner, uth Osborne, Rosella Hicks. Lola :i'.r oncl Ruth Bair. Messrs Glen lake. Trevor Buddell. Guy Rackham, ex Wintlo, Louis Mollerup. Ed. Will tins. Gerald Eggieston, Jack Leavitt, 'orman Hansen, Howard Faulknor, lalre Jensen, Clyde Weston, Leonard aylor. i Mrs. Bair and Mrs. Adams were ag isted during the evening by Mrs. L. isborne, L. Hicks and Miss Florence Irowuing. m JUNIOR RECITAL. m Miss Minnie Brown will hold a re IjSjcHal In her studio of dramatic ex llwpression Sunday afternoon, at, which lHa numbebr of the members of the IMjJunior class will read. The following IHmupils are advanced sulllciently. for Injthis public appearance: Miss Mabel IBJPi.cker. Miss Gladys Norton, Miss Jean IJBhVarner, Miss Miriam Richie and Miss BjBernico Harding. IB After Ihe recital, a social hour will IBlbe enjoyed, during which Miss Veda IfflJoanson of the senior class of the IWjstudio, will read Oscar Wilde's dcllgh llHfnl fairy story, "Tho Garden of the II was aso announced at the studio IMthat Miss Brown's senior class will have chargo of the story -hour at the lBpardia Society Day for tho next few IWjSunday afternoons. Among thoso vol IIBpnteeruig for this work are Miss Veda IMJohnson, Miss Flora Bowen, Mfss IWjJeness Smith, Mrs. Myra Shreeve IMproeror. Miss Bessio Peterson, Miss llHFrences Marsh, and Miss Josephine IS MRS. VERA FREY BEASON mm home. Itff Irs' Vpra Fl'py Beason has return to Ogden and resumed her position S.aH Instructor of music after a dclight l;ful four weeks spent in San Diego. lla,3Irs' BeaS01i is tlie wifc of Sergeant IwjDon Bea9on who is stationed at Camp " Parny in lhc sanitar' departments BOO TO COAST. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Jackson have re turned to the Pacific coast after spend tog a few days in Ogden at the Virginia. IB LEAVE OGDEN TOMORROW. Mr3. Oliver Morton Runyon and Miss jLophelia Runyon will leave tomorrow por the Pacific Coast to spend a two paotitha' visit with friends. IE SURPRISE PARTY. W Friends of Mr. Carl Rasmusson eur prised him at his home Saturday eve-) Kng. Cards were played after which p luncheon was served to the follow Jjg: Mr. and Mrs. Halberg, Mr. and fftyrs. Wadman, Mrs. Egelson, Mr. My V, ers, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Miss Hall, Miss Quirk, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Tribe, Mrs. aft-agen, Mrs. Browning, and Mr. and 3 Mrs. Rasmusson. aif 2flj SURPRISE PARTY. J Mrs. John Holden was the recipient Wm. 01 a Pleasant surprise partyMast Sat firday evening when" a ' number F of She completed, during the month of December, twenty-five pairs of socks for the Red Cross. This Is a remark able record, especially in the case of Mrs. Bradley, as the knitting she does is only a side issue from her home duties. Mrs. Bradley is a member of the Presbyterian Red Cross chapter and has instructed many others in the art of knitting. She is the wife of Thomas Bradley in the Railway Mail service on tho D. & R. G. friends gathered at her home to enjoy an evening at cards. Several games were played and honors were Avon by Mrs. Green, Mrs. Rail, Mrs. Case and Mrs. M. W. Miller. Mrs. Miller fav ored the guests with several piano selections, A pleasant feature was the lunch eon served at the close of tho even ing's entertainment. FOR MRS. TINTINGER. Mrs. C. Peterson was nostess to a number of young folks at a pretty affair one evening this week. The! party was in honor of Mrs. Theo Tint inger, who leaves Ogden on Sunday for Park City, Mont. She has been visiting with friends and relatives for two months. ' AT HEALY BALLROOM TONIGHT.; This evening in the Healy hotel ballroom a dancing party will be given , by tho men of the forestry service. Quite a number of the local oftico em ployes and their friends will be present. i MEET ON THURSDAY. j The Red Cross auxiliary of Queen Esther chapter of the O. E. S. will I meet on Thursday, January 24, with i Mrs. W. O. Pell, 321 Twentieth street. KENSINGTOM. Miss Katheryn Volker is entertain ing at a Kensington this afternoon at her homo on Twenty-seventh street In honor of Mrs. David Eccles. GOES TO COAST. Mrs. John F. Barton has gone to San Diego to be near her son, Milton, who is at Camp Kearny. DINNER DANCE IS ENJOYED. Sixty guests were entertained at the Maids' and .Matrons' club last eve ning at a dutch-treat dinner dance. In the center of the ball room one long table had been arranged and while some danced, olherfl enjoyed tenanting refreshments. Brown-oyed Susans in pretty baskets adorned the table. Dancing was enjoyed until 11:30 o'clock. I DANCING PARTY PLANNED. The evening of February 1 in the Berthana a dancing party will be giv en by tho employes of the Ogden and Brighara City Amalgamated Sugar company factories. Mr. Herrington and Mr. Madson of the Brighani fac tory, are on tho arrangement commit tee and splendid plans have been made for an elaborate affair. About 600 per sons will be present and Miss Thatch er's orchestra will furnish the music j Calendar Heatherbell Club. Mrs Mary BIrnio was hostess to the ladies of the Heatherbell club at the last meeting when a most enjoy able time was spent in playing games and singing. Mrs. Birnie served a nicely prepared luncheon to tho fol lowing Jadies: Mrs. Locbhead, Sr., Mrs. Agnes Moye3, Mrs. Lizzie Moycs, Mrs. Jane L. Warner, Mrs. Lizzie Hoggan, Mrs. Mary McPhee, Mrs, Jean Burton, Mrs. Mary Heywood, Mrs. Jean Anderson", Mrs. Christina Collins, Miss Emily Stuart, Miss Jennie Stu art, Mrs. Jean Simpson, Mrs. Agnes Moyes and Bessie Cllve. Red Cross of L. A. to B. of R. T. Last Wednesday the Red Cross' unit of the Ladles' Auxiliary to the B. bf R JT. held- their regular' meeting at the home bf Mrs. A.''Scherer,"S23 Can yon Road. They completed some of their Red Cross work and a busy half day was spent. Drama Club. Mrs. George W. Barlow and Mrs. 'Herman B. Way will be hostesses to 'The Drama club at their next meet ing, Saturday, January 26- "Goethe and,the German Drama" will be the subject of an article to be given by by Miss Dorothea Browning, while Miss Hess will give a prepared article on "Dr. Faustus." Miss Farley will give a piano selection by a German composer. ! Martha Society. . The Martha Society held a business meeting last Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. William C. Wright, GOG t Twenty-third street. The ladies have dispensed with the social hour and now hold their busi ness meetings regularly. A special meeting will be held Monday, January 21st. with Mrs. E. O. Wattis, 2540 Ec cles avenue. T . - I Women of American Patriots. The Women of American Patriots will meet Sunday afternoon in the city hall when Superintendent Hinck ley will address them on conditions and life at Camp Kearny and Camp Lewis, American Lake, Reports of throe different sections of the association will be given and ev ery member is requested to be present. Since thp election of officers, Mrs. J. A. Howell has been placed in charge of tinfoil: Mrs. Arthur Powell having gone to Denver. All relatives or friends of soldiers or sailors are asked to be present to morrow. Missionary Society. Mrs. 1. N. Lannlng entertained the women of the Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Harry Beauverd, 2G11 Van Buren. Friday aft ernoon. A most entertaining program was arranged and after the rendition of it refreshments were served. Presbyterian Tea. Over one hundred women of the First Presbyterian church enjoyed the luncheon given in the church on Tues day of this week. It was a social gath ering of the workers and similar aft ernoons will be given by the society each month. Silver Review of V. B. A. O. T. M. Silver Review No. 1. W, B. A. u. T. M., held their annual installation of officers last evening in the W. O. W. hall, beginning at S o'clock. Mrs. L. Jennie Prout, past record keeper, was installing officer and the guard team, dressed in white uniform and led by the retiring captain, Mrs. Holland, of ficiated. The team was ably assisted by Lady of Ceremonies, Mrs. Mary IWilson and Chaplain Mrs. i.arrlet Russell and the following officers for the year were installed: Captain, Mrs. Kate Eggieston; musi cian, Miss Martha Chauseo; musical director, Mrs. Emma Chausee; color bearer No. 1, Mrs. Eathel Ranson; color bearer No. 2, Mrs. Annio Dun ham; commander, Mrs. Gertrude Weaver! lieutenant commander, Mrs. Frances Coppack; past commander, Mrs. Emma Hadlock; chaplain, Mrs. Fidelia Trorlicht; R. K., Miss L. Prout; F. A., Mrs. Mary Breen; L. at A., Mrs. Oterna McEwan; sergeant, Mrs. Sylvia Dunham; sentinel, Mrs. Sarah Bond. The past commander was presented with a lovely past commander's pin and dainty lavalliere by the ladies or the Maccabees in recognition of her splendid services. Following the installation and other business the ladies were joined by the Sir, Knights of the Maccabees and a social good time was enjoyed and re freshments served. Home Industry Club. Mrs. Fred E. Williams and Mrs. D. i D. Smith will entortain the Home In dustry club next Wednesday, January 23. at the home of the former, 2870 Wall avenue. 'Cards and needlework will be the diversions for the after noon. All members are asked to be presentat 2:30 o'clock. Baptist Kensington. Mrs. C. H. Smith of 2513 Madison avenue will entertain the Baptist Kensington next Tuesday afternoon. University Club. Next Tuesday evening a dancing party will be given at the University club In honor of the new officers. Club members are looking forward to an evening of real enjoyment. Child Culture Club. Next Thursday evening, January 24, the Child Culture club will hold its anniversary meeting at the home of Mrs. David Eccles on Jefferson ave nue and Twenty-sixth street and every member is requested to be present. This Is the largest event of the year given by the club ladies and is always a splendid affair. O. K. O. Club. Miss Natalie Diss was hostess to the O. K. O. club members last Wed nesday evening at her home, 625 Twenty -seventh street, and a delight ful time was spent in sewing and en joying musical selections. Miss Car mon Smith and Miss Cora Stoddard gave several duets, which were thor oughly enjoyed. A pleasant feature was the service of a dainty repasL The following were present: Miss Mar guerite Clark, Miss Checketts, Miss Winnifred Hutchison, Miss Katheryn Perucca, Miss Phenie Perucca, Miss Elsie Stone, Miss Cora Smith, Miss Winona Smith, Miss Frances, Miss f MISS ETHEL EVELYN BRYAN I Miss Ethel Evelyn Bryan gave an afternoon of poetry and drama on Thursday last which delighted and filled her audience of cultured Ogden ladies with a new inspiration and viewpoint of the art and beauty por trayed in verse and drama by some of our modern writers. Miss Bryan of tho Bron Arkmoon studios of interpretation is a recent ac quisition to Ogden's educational cir cles and her direction of study, charm ing personality and inspirational I teaching has been a delightful sur prise to all Avith whom she has come in contact. She provides a mixed training for her class members with many specialties and her work is pro nounced a success, both as to artistic touch and style. New classes are to be started at her studio this week and an exceptional opportunity will be afforded all who desire to obtain educational and cul tural development along her special lines of training. Philosophy of expression, interpreta-: tion, technique and public speaking are clearly brought out by this charming woman from Los Angeles, whom the ladles she has met hero are hoping to retain as a permanent resldentiftf the city. The following program was - given at the recital on' Thursday: Contemporary Poetry. "Unsung" Thomas Bailey Aldrlch Night Court and othor verse: "The Old Vinegar Man" "Barbara" Ruth Comfort Mitchell , George Sterling, Charles, Keefer, Rob; - - Mnsoii Jeffe'rs."" Photo by Ford. The Little God "Violets" "Tags" Katherine Howard. The Path Flower: , . "Soralla" Olive Tilford Bargan.' ' "Love Song" ' - Harriet Monroe. Poems by Jack Wolf Collected (San Quentin Prison) ( "Western Hearts" "Blind" A Soul in Prison (xl07) : "April Weather" "Why" "My Song" Harper's Magazine October, 1916. (In an Eastern Prison.) . "Leaves" "The Answer" Sarah Teasdale. . .orth of Boston: "Mending Wall" Robert Frost, t Myself and I: "The Rebel" "Comrades" Fannie Stearns Davis. "Idealists" Alfred Kreymborg. "The Listeners" Mr. do la Mare. "The City or the Falling Leaves" Amy Lowell. The Butterfly," n poetic drama, This was not a learned, analytical criticism of poetry noran attempt-to review the latest poems but a short In troduction and appreciation 'Of a - few of our 100 modern poets. Ethel Vaughn and Mrs. Guy Vaughn. Miss Ethel Vaughn will entertain the club at its next meeting. on Wed nesday of next week. Home Culture Club. Mrs. J. F. Hobbs was hostess to the Home Culture club last Thursday af ternoon, January 17. Tho afternoon was spent in the study of Russia, which proved to be a very profitable and Interesting program. "New Dis pensation" was the subject of a pa per by Mrs. Lloyd while "Russian Music" was explained in a splendid manner by Mrs. Hartley. Mrs. French gave an Interesting paper on "Art and Literature," and Mrs. Beason read a prepared paper on "Noted People." The club members are devoting onr club day to the literary program ant alternate day at the Red Cross rooms W. R. C. Social Club. Mrs. Mary Owens, department pros ident of the W. R. C., was honor gues at a pleasant affair last Wednoada afternoon, Mrs. John Drew entertain Ing members of the corps and friend at her. home, 31-J Fourteenth street High -five was played and honors won won by Mrs. Plnnz, Mrs. Phil Plan: aniUUrs. Frey. Mrs. Drew was assisted in enlc taining and serving refreshments I Mrs. O. E. Williams. Mrs. Brumme Mrs. Huss, Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Mar. Griffin and Mrs. Agnes Brown Mrs. Drew's home was attractive with pot-1 ted plants. i Ladies' Literary Society. The Ladies' Literary Society will ob serve its anniversary at the next .meet ing, January 25, when Mrs. William C. Wright, 606 Twenty-third street, will entertain. A splendid program will bo given. J I Home Industry Club. Mrs. Fred Williams will be hostess) to tho Home Industry club at its next meeting on Wednesday. January 23, i with Mrs. Fred Williams as hostess. Methodist Ladies' Aid. t Section 5 of the Methodist Ladies' Aid Society met on Wednesday last' to do Red Cross sewing and knitting and quite an amount of work was ac complished. Women's Welfare Association. Mrs. C. C. Bruner, 2559 Monroe ave nue, was hostess to the Women's Wel fare association of the forest service last Saturday evening at her home. A business meeting was held and plans made for extensive wprk. Vincent Chautauqua Circle. The Vincent Chautauqua circle will hold its next meeting on Friday, Feb ruary Sth, at 2 o'clock instead of 2:30 as has been the time heretofore. Mrs. Alice Shurtliff will have the program in charge. Goethe's "Faust," "The Arabian Nights" and "Don Quix ote" will be the chapters taken up. "Tho Greatest Books in the World." by Laura Spencer Porter third in the list of the classical year's study is the book being taken up at present. Sacred Heart Red Cross Unit. Members of the Sacred Heart Alum nae unit of the Red Cross met in the Red Cross rooms in the First Nation al bank building Friday evening and spent an earnest two hours or moro in sewing, etc. Ogden Chautauqua circle. One of the most highly instructive meetings of the Ogden Chautauqua Circle was held on Tuesday of this week with Mrs. A. S. Davis, 2S1S Hud son avenue. The program was one of unusual interest, chapters of Gugliel mo Ferrero's book of Roman history being taken up by the various Chau tauqua readers and students in a sat isfying manner. Mrs. J. J. Malone was leader and announced as the subject Ferrero's version and pronounced different con struction as to "Wine in Roman His tory." In his book on Roman his tory, Ferrero seeks to bring out the points overlooked by other writers and especially in this chapter does he bring before the reader a thought not discovered In other books. What a prominent part wine had in the form ing of history, in conquering nations and how various wines became popu lar are all brought out in an unusual and thoroughly interesting manner. Ferrero's book tells of the popularity of Italian wines and French cham pagne and the cause. He also speaks of how Hoiucr, poet of his day, was responsible in a great part for the almost universal drinking of wines in that he, in the majority of his writ ings, told of the night revelries with their accompanying sparkling wines and of the effects of wine. Homer's works were used in the schools,, thus having a great effect and leaving an impression upon the minds of the school children. The Roman people, the greatest drinkers of wines, were featured in most of Homer's poems. Homer Seip followed the dis cussion with a splendidly prepared ar ticle on "Social Development of the Roman Empire," after which Claud Armstrong spoke interestingly on Ferrero's idea of "Why Roman His tory Should Be in All Modern Educa tional Institutions." Mr. Armstrong's chapter brought out that Roman his tory would apply to any age of mon archial and democratic governments and demonstrated the point that no democratic form of government would even have been established had it not been for the success of the Romans and the fact that their history is read -the world over. At the closo of the meeting Mrs. Davis served refreshments and plans were made for the reception of the Chautauqua field secretary, Mrs. Med dle O. Hamilton, of Chautauqua, New York, who will be in Ogden" from Feb ruary 8 to 12 to glvo two or three pub lic lectures freo of admission charges Miss Hamilton was In Ogden as a lec turer and round -table talker for two sessions of the Chautauqua and la most favorably known. Monday. Feb ruary 11th. following the next regu lar meeting, the C. L. S. C. of Ogden will give a. social affair in compliment to Miss Hamilton. The Ogden Circle's general meeting will be held Tuesday, January 29th, when the Vincent circlo will enter tain. A revlow of the book on "Ro man History" will be taken up. Episcopal Guild., Mrs. A. R. Mclntyro was hostess-1 MRS. B. CHR1ST0FFERS0N I I . J jH On Wednesday evening of this week in the Salt Lake temple, Miss Kate Marie Dana, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Dana. 200 West Seven -' tcenth street, and Bjarne Christoffer son, son of Mi', and Mrs. Herman Christofferson, were married and on Wednesday evening a reception was tendered them at tho home of the bride's parents, nearly 100 guests be ing presenL The Dana home was effectively decorated throughout in pink and white, carnations intermingled with ferns and smilax. Mr. and Mrs. Dana were ably as sisted in entertaining and receiving by Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Dana and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dana. During the evening a delightful time was spent and a tempting buffet last Wednesday, twenty-two spending a busy afternoon sewing and knitting. The ladies meet each Wednesday for this purpose. W. A. to R. M, A. Tiie Women's Auxiliary to the Rail way Mail association, will entertain their husbands at a social affair next Friday evening, January 25, at the home of Mrs. Frank Price. An invi tation is extended to the auxiliary and and their husband to be present. Queen Esther Chapter. Every Wednesday afternoon the Red Cross auxiliary of Queen Esther chap ter meets in the Masonic club rooms and last Wednesday a large number were present, five machines being en gaged all the time in the making of Red Cross garments. These ladies are making rapid advancement. Miriam Chapter Special Meeting. A special meeting of Miriam chapten No. 1-1, O. E. S., for the purpose of in vitation will be 123456 7S90$.. 7S90 itiation will be held at the Masonic temple, Tuesday, January 22, at 8 o'clock. All member of the order are cordially invited. Maids' and Matrons' Clubs. A Japanese tea will be given at the Maids and Matrons' club on Tues day, January 29, from 2 until G o'clock, Miriam Chapter Red Cross Auxiliary. The Red Cross auxiliary of Miriam chapter No. 1-t, O. E. S., will meet in the Masonic club rooms Monday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. A full attendance is desired by the officers in charge. Miriam Chapter Tea. Miriam chapter. No. 14, O. E. S will entertain at their monthly tea in the Masonic club rooms, Monday aft ernoon from 3 until 5:30 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the order of Eastern Star. Past Noble Grand Club. The Past Noble Grand club met last Thursday, January 17, with Mrs. Min nie Warrington, 152 Patterson ave nue, as hostess. The ladies devoted most of the afternoon to Red Cross work, a short social lime being spent and refreshments enjoyed. Mrs. Erown will entertain at the next meeting to be held the third Thursday in February. Social Club of L. A. to O. R. C. The Social club of the L. A. to O. R. C, will entertain their husbands at cards next Wednesday evening, Janu arv 23, at S o'clock at the home of Mrs. Will Reeves, 782 Twenty -first street. First Ward W. C. T. U. The First ward W. C. T. U. met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. G. A. Muller on Porter avenue. The presi dent, Mr3. Mary Drake, presided. There was a very good attendance. Devotionals were led by Mrs. J. W. Welch. The following program was given: "Heavy Food Wastage by Brew eries," Miss Leola Kennedy; "The Foe Behind the Lines," Mrs. G. A. Muller; "Form of State Ratification Resolu tion," Mrs. Tda Brwn; "Does Beer ' Cause Kalserlsm?" Mrs. George Mil lor; "Sage Brush Philosophy," Mrs. J. W. Welch. Lincoln Circle of-G., A. R. . Lincoln circle, No. 2, Ladies of the G. A. R..wULs.Qi:v.e. an. appetizing cafa 'oteria lunch in the basement of the luncheon was served in the dining r lH room. The dining table had for its ll centerpiece a lovely wedding cake, jijl while overhead, hung from the central chandelier, was a basket of ferns and carnations. fjl The bride was a picture In a gown Wl of while cloth of silver with silver em- broidered net overdress. jRH Among the guests present were 3mm many from out-of-town relatives and '11 friends from Salt Lake City and American Fork being present. Each WMW guest brought the bridal couple a beautiful gift and these were on dis- 11 play during the evening. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Christofferson are making their home in the Argyle tll apartments on Washington avenue, 'lH near Twenty-fifth street, and will be Wmm pleased to greet their friends here. jiH Methodist church, Thursday, January f H 2-1, from 12 to 2 o'clock. The public H is cordially invited. i fM Acacia Club. Mrs. Edward I Rich was hostess j to the Acacia club at one of 'its most i interesting and entertaining meetings f'fil of the club year, on Friday afternoon 1 of this week. In addition to club work and until 'M the second week in October, the ladies ' have agreed to spend one evening : each week in doing Red Cross work. H Mrs. Rich was chairman of the pro- ! gram and Miss Cleone Rich gave an in excellent paper on "The Violin," aft- ' M er which she played "Sonata No. 3,, ' H second movement by Greig, accom- H panied by Miss Alberta Wright at tho :jB piano, Mrs. Melba Read Jones sang, ;jH "Plappy Day" and Miss Rich again de- ; lighted the club ladies with the violin y: selection "MasseueL" "The Day Is ! H Ended" by Bartlett vas the title of ! a vocal solo beautifully sung by Mrs.. ! Jones. "Sonata in G Major, second H movement" was played by Miss Rica. LlH aire. Richards, Mrs. Chris Flygare, 1B Mrs. Melba Read Jones and Miss Al- ijH berta Wright were guests for the aft- fl ernoon. I H Congregational Ladles' Aid. Ill The Congregational Ladles' Aid j'lH society met with Mrs. Lyman Payne 'ill vesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Sjl and held a business meeting after fttH which a social hour was enjoyed dur- iH ing which time the ladies knitted. i'll These ladies meet regularly and arc rllH to devote every other meeting to spe- ; clal Red Cross sewing only. They WH have done splendidly with their knit- ill Sempre Musical Society. jjjH Miss Alberta Wright will be hostess im to the Sempre Musical club at Its next meeting, Saturday, February 2, when MM an Interesting and entertaining pro- II gram will be given. M Fidelus Club, IJ When the Fidelus club met on Fri- M day evening at the home of Miss tj Melba Brookshire, the members held Bfl their election of officers. Miss Doro- llj thy McGaw was selected as president. j JjW Miss Frances Marsh, secretary, and Ml Miss Brookshire, treasurer. The club UjL members also held a further business I meeting and decided to take up "His- I tory of Music" as their next course of ( ff studv. They have just finished an in- j! toresting study of contemporary j, Following the business session Miss 1 Helen Hunter proved her ability as a , If ; pianist as well as a cellist In a rilffl- j pi' cult piano selection. Miss Leonore m Hinckley sang in her usual fine voice i and Miss Frances Marsh delighted Hi the club members with a pleasing J piano solo. ll The club's next meeting will be held j February 1 with Miss Dorothy McGaw. J II St. Joseph's Sewing Society. Mrs. Frank Hirt will be hostess to III St. Joseph's Sewing society ladies nt HI their next meeting, Thursday, Janu- 111 ary 24. Committees have been ap- !1 pointed as follows: I II Charitv Mrs. B. McCabe, chairman, Ml Mrs. W." Quillinan, Mrs. J. Kenney, jl Mrs. J. Degnan and Mrs. J. DeBano. jffl Sick Mrs. P. F. Breen, chairman, jrl Mrs. S. Bauchman, Mrs. J. Bunker, Ml Mrs. R. Maginnls, Mrs. J. Dern and 11 Mrs. M. Fisher. Art Mrs. Frank Hirt, chairman, Mrs. D. Ma'guire, Mrs. T. D. Ryan, Mrs. H. Matthews and Mrs. A. j ( Continued on Page S ) 1