Newspaper Page Text
THE OGDEN STANDARD OGDEN, UTAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1 9 1 S. 1E- Bt""!' .J.- Tr " LULL "BU,:lT1 lff '' n-num'-fcuuu n- n u m u i --ntTTT't aE fl'Tt-. n. Bg w.T-riTcr-n-.i.. 1 nvi -t-i ittti i Ml ,,,, rTl M m n--BsaggBaBBB 1 II' THE FRONT OF YOUR HOUS&WITH A SIGN! i Wee"!' .so I I 1 vKra A $TJ&MARD . L?&$tF'iED. MO I" 1 Month 51-50 I I I WILL DO THE BUSINESS l'l 1 I- stasia KeSp j ents make $5 to $10 used by every woman. r demand. Write for our itlon. Wonderful oppor Products, 15 Park1 Row, 3111 for general housework. 709 22nd. 3102 capable ladieB to travel, nd sell dealerB; $75.00 to mth. Railroad, faro paid, g Company, Dept. 874,1 2959 for general housework, y Day Nursery. Phone 3099 good cook; good wages. ; N 3071 D girl for general 2 27th. Phono 890. 3103 woman for housekeep h St. 3064 DR for small adult Tarn- , man. Call after 5. 1226 3061 ; D girl for general r pply 916 23rd. . 3041 . D stenographer, perma- : Glen Bros. -Roberts ; 2913 ' Wanted" INTBD XrgoodTUjiil -around" tailor. UO 24thst. 301 . iOTEL night clerk. Steady employ- Vent to right man. Address G care -jandard. 3116 3 fVO boys living north of bridge for ; Standard routes, wheel or horse. Ap- . jply at Standard. 3030 v Ranted at once boy with j iorse for standard route. . must live near five points. jood pay. circulation dept., 1 che standard. 2993 - ? PANTED First-class stenograpner, ? pod salary to right party. Call at 1 manager's office, D. C. H. Dept., U. P. System, Ogden, Utah. 2899 1 I "forrent I Unfurnished -J !?ROOM modern house on KIngsford irenue. Phone 2154 -N-J. 3122 Unfurnished 5-room brick house irith cellar. Modern, 2768 Jefferson live. 3120 ujROOM modern house. One-half block RffWash. on 23rd. Cheap. Phono 1176. I 3093 f-ROOM with furnace close in, E. W. Bwinady. 2427 Hudson ave. 3100 KODERN, unfurnished rooms with lights and hot water. 2459 Jefferson gj 3095 JNFURNISHED 3-room frame partly nodern on bench. Good repair. 4-room jrlck partly modern on bench, large lot 8-room modern close in. E. F. Bratz, 417 Eccles bldg. Phene 1960. I jm EROOM modern house, 315 Patter son. Phone 3299 -W. 3089 l-ROOM modern house, 2047 Adams ive. Phone 1621 -W. 3077 SGOOD 7-room house in the railroad iistricL ?25. J. J. Brummitt. Phone 59. f 3057 ijGOOD 6 -room modern house, well -ocalod on Washington avenue, $20. J. l&Brummitt, under Utah National wnk. 3057 AN elegant 7-room house with steam teat, well located on the bench. $25. ijJ- BruramltL Phone 59. 3057 X$FINE 8-room brick home, partly tarnished with hot water, situated in m, best location in the city on the tanch. $40. J. J. Brummitt, undor Utah National bank. 3057 JJOD. 6-rm. house. $16. Ph. 2130-J. B 2S97 gVE room house, 912. W. B. Wedell. 2856 fcTHREE room modern apartment, cel W. lawn, close in. $1800. F. A. Mc fjjgfrs, 2434 Hudson. 2849 WANTED j KPSITION by experienced bookkeeper. pparess B. M, care Standard. 3078 rV?SING' Confinement cases special-J27Twenty-second st. 3054 Jj CHIMNEY SWEEP. URNACES and chimneys cleaned. Peters, phono 19G2. 2050 JfALLPAPER rural sued and hung! mer. Phone 3206. 235 ABLE lady knowledge of book ? sinography, switchboard, ml k and cashier. Box 25. Stan- HjjM Roadster. A-l mechanical condi Rfff:varty Iottvlng town. First cash pJuya. Phone 1255. 3115 figgf? b-eini1luli J i FURNISHED rooms. 2429 Jefferson avenue. 310g THREE furnished rooms; modern housekeeping. 2201 Lincoln. 3121 NICELY furnished sleeping rooms at 2629 Grant. Phone 3127. 3098 TWO comfortable housekeeping rooms. Coal and gas and light. 2758 Lincoln. 308O SUITE of rooms for light housekeep ing in new modern bungalow. 2721 Grim I 3090 TWO light-housekeeping rooms cheap. Phono 1014-J. 3091 5-ROOM furnished houso, with piano. Northeast corner 16th and Wash. 3085 PLEASANT steam heated room, bath and phone. 459 22nd st. 3079 NICELY furnished front room. Heat, hot water and phone 573-24. 3070 MODERN 4 -room apartment, with gas. 725 22nd. Phono 102. 3029 A FRONT room suitable for two. 313 Twenty-eighth street, 3055 TWO furnished rooms for housekeep ing. $12 per month. Phone 1012 -J. 3056 MOD. sleeping rooms, steam heated, $2 to $2.50 wk. 2474 Washington. 2975 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for rent. 566 Twenty-fourth. 2941 LIGHT hskpg. rooms, with or without private bath, 2210 WaBh. 2919 TWO sleeping rooms closo in. Rent reasonable. Phone 3248. 2851 FOX apartments, 2 rooms, bath, lights; water in kitchen. 447 21st St. 2777 THREE nicely furnished rooms, 2539 Grant. Tel. 3213. 2764 FURNISHED rooms. 333 Twenty fourth. . 2738 PEARL, Twenty-seventh and Grant Phone 2920. 2705 SEE the new Plaza Apts. Prices from $23.50 to $37.50 per month, including light, heat and gas. Phono 2208. 1659 HOUSES and flato. 2634 Grant. D-18-tf f FOR SALE 1 Miscellaneouo J NEW Underwood typewriter. Very low price. Forced sale. Enq. O. G. Stan dard. 3114 POULTRY. We can furnish you with White Leghorn chicks from guaranteed heavy laying stock at very reasonable prices. Big money raising chickens and eggs. White Leghorns make broilers in ten weeks; pullets lay at five months. We guarantee safe delivery of. all chicks to destination. Shipped safely anywhere west of the Rockies. No money In advance; pay on delivery. Special prices on five hundred and thousand lots. Finest hatchery in the world. Established over twenty years. Further information write MUST HATCH INCUBATOR CO. 412 Seventh St. Petaluma, Cal. ONE Armstrong Walking Beam Drill ing machine No. 20. 1000 ft. cap well equipment and one 20-40 horse power Minneapolis gas tractor for cash for information D. B. Mosby, 660 21st st, Ogden. 3094 SECOND-HAND goods bought and sold at reasonable prices. 1800 Wash. Phone 686-J. 3082 BARRED ROCKS, Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns, laying pullets. Phone 29J1. 3063 DETAIL milk route, with or without cows. Box 7590 Standard. 3069 WE have a few more slightly used piano bargains to offer at $5 per month, no Interest. Pantone, 29th and Hudson. 3031 NEW library set, 3324 Woodland. 3009 GOOD Italian harp, cheap, .cash or time. 2874 Hudson Ave. 3034 ONE $700 player piano and thirty rolls at a bargain. Phone 2681-W. 2981 POTATOES, $1.35; onions, $2.00. Ph. 1574. 2916 GOOD blacksmith business, tools and supplies. Address S. Nielson, Kays ville, Utah. 2871 SIX largo sacks of kindling wood, $1. J. H. Wheelwright. Phono 828. 748 JIM'S GROCETERIA la run like tbo postofficc. Small buyers got the aame price as largo ones. Customers save the cost of dellveriurf, Dookkoeping and clerks. Everything in groceries is cheaper. '183 24th, Street. 6-1-ti IMPORTED canaries. 2220 Lincoln Ave. 8H jf WANTED j I Salesmen WANTED Country salesman Tor sev eral good counties in this state to handle our complete lino of fruit trees, shrubbery, roses, etc., booking advance spring orders now; necessary supplies furnished; good monoy for right men. Address Idaho Nursery Company, Weiser, Idaho. 2923 Road tho Classified Ads. FOR SALE j Real Estate YOUR chance to buy a 5-room mod ern brick home opposite high school at very moderate price. Owner leav ing town. Call at 2550 Monroe before Feb. 20. 3118 APARTMENT and rooming houso. Sickness forces sale at sacrifice. 2210 Wash. 3104 BRAND now brick and pebble dash home, hard wood floors. $3500; cash $200, $35 mo. T. A. Peery real estate, 2359 Washington. TWENTY lots located a block east and a block south of tho Eccles addition. These lots will be sold at a great sac rifice for $2000. J. J. Brummitt, under Utah National bank. 3058 MASTER FLORISTS, Hendershot & Son. Phono 206. 2963 250 lots well located on tho bench for $25 per lot. $1000 cash, $1000 each year. Interest at 6 per centi J. J. Brum mitt, phone 59. 3058 BY OWNER, five-room modern bung alow, small payment down, long time contract on balance. Apply 2253 En dion. 290S FOR SALE. 21 acres best land in county for to matoes, peas, beets or fruit; 5 acres in bearing apples, 2 acres pasture, 14 acres for general use; good 4-room brick houso, largo barn, cemented cellar, well and ample water right. Ideally located for marketing crops; close to excellent school and on ono of the main highways. Will sell on good terms, only $4000.00. J. A. McCULLOUGH Under First Natl. Bank. 2779 THE furniture in a 6-room house. This is elegant furniture and cost about $1000 when now. Owing to sicknoss it will be sold for $425. It is in a brick house with steam heat which can be rented reasonably. J. J. Brum mitt, under Utah National bank. 305S 11 ACRES, sandy loam soil, two shares primary water. 2 -room hous?. 3 miles from city hall. For a few days at $2200. Good terms. Skoen Realty Co. 2780 IDAHO RANCHES FARMS and ranches, some with cat tle. Terms. Federal Land Co. 493 FP7E room house with light and water on a lot 43.8 feet by 165 feet, west front, paved street, closo in on Wash ington avenue. Lot alono worth $1800. Tho best investment in Ogden. All for $1600. J. A. McCulloch, under First I National Bank. 2274 1 A 16-room rooming houso well located. ' doing an elogant business, must be sold on account of death in the family. This is a rare bargain and a chance to make some money. J. J. Brummitt, phono 59. 3058 (FOR RENT or salo on easy terms; modern six room brick cottage with garage, a largo lo.t, shade and fruit trees, located corner Fourth and Hud son. Owner will vacate in about ten days. For torms call at abovo ad dress. 2384 WANTED Xp. jfey I WANT to buy several small tracts closo to Ogden, either with or with out improvements. R. G. Agoe, 374 25th. Phones 69 or 683. 2989 IF you have sacks of any kind or empty barrels call 686-W. 4 Wo will call for them. 2678 I fo j VERY deBirable office; centrally lo cated. Ingulro J. A. Houlo & Co., 2409 Hudson. Phone 822. S-ll-Ll MONEY TO LOJM W. N. Pierce Agency Real Estate. In surance, Loans, Notary. 15 Commer cial Bank Bldg. Phono 300. 6 MONEY to loan on roar estate secur ity. J. J. Brummitt 6-21-ti REAL ESTATE, Mortgaco and Loans. Kelly & Herrlclr, C-16-U R. P. HUNTER, Mortgage Loans, Roal Estate, Fire Insurance Established 1889. 411 2ith 8U Ocden, Utah. 9-11-lyr. j Wanted j : Agents AGENTS Make big profits soiling our extracts, perfumes, cold creams, face powders, spices, medlcinos etc. Beau tiful highgrado line. Exclusive terri tory. Samplo soap free. Lacassian Co., Dept. 95. SL Louis, Mo. 3112 TAILORING AGENTS Sell men's suits made-to-order. Beauties. Best tailoring. Prices lower. Soli every man shown. Large spring outfit free. Leeds Woolon Mills, Chicago. 111. 3113 BUSINESS Tl oppoRiijiNrriJ EXPERT accountant wanto small sot of books to koop In evenings. Address Accountant, caro Standard. 2861 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Apart mcnt proposition consisting of lease and furniture for 28 rooms, netting over $100 per month.' Price $2760. Torms. Ad. A. W. of Standard. 3117 F5?iL.BUREAU Accident Insurance AcVa Occident & Liability Co., Auto and Liability Insuranco. H. A. Puvdy. 2377 Hudson Ave. Phono 483. Banking Ondon State Bank, Commercial & Sav ings Dopts. Roed Hotol Bldg. Phono C2. Auto Accessories GaniBo, Ropairs, Studobakor Agency. Mack-RotilnBon Co., 24-10 Grunt Avunuo. Phono S91. Banking Utah National Bank, southeast cornor 21th St. and Wash. Ave. Phono 61. Buttermilk Fresh daily from pasteurized cream. 10c gallon at tho plant. Mutual Creamery Co , Phono 318. Carpet Cleaning K. Van Kampcn for upholstering; car peta cloancd, altered and laid. Re-maklng ot niattressos. Phono 883. Chiropractor R. J Schultz, Chiropractor. Offlco First National Bank, sulto 418. Offlco phono 2870; Residence, 1058-R. Offlco hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. 3016 Chiropractors Irish & Irluh Chiropractic Offices. 601. 505. 506 ECCLES Bldp. Only lady Chiro practor In Ogden. Btn floor. Phono 275. 2734 Johnson, McKcll, Thompson, Sulto 40D-10-11-12-13-14 and 26. 4th floor Hudbon Bldg. X-Hay Laboratory. Phono 707. Chiropractor L. F. Plntlur. successor to F. J. Freonor Chiropractic Offices, 209-10-11-12-13-14-26, Col. Hudson Bldg. Phono 311. 3015 City Scavenger MoCarty & Co.. 2734 Grant Avenuo. Phono 201S-W. Counselor-at-Law Lawyer O'Connolly. over Commercial National Bank. Phono 11. Delicatessen BEST chili con carne at Greiner's, 128 25th. Phone 2883. Engraving Ogden Engraving Servlco Co.. makers of fine cuts In ono or raoro colors, 2408 Washington Avo. Phono -163. Furrier and Taxidermist Furs cleaned, remodeled in latest styles. I Orders taken for new furs at reasonable 1 prices. Work nruaranteod. T. Gajeswsky. at Bur -'a Store. Phone 118. Hides Hides, pelta. wool. furs. O. 1L Run yan. 2269 Wall Avo. Hotel " Tho Only Fireproof Hoiel In Ogden. Rates 75c and up. Tho Now Erlcham. Wall Ave., and 24th St. Phono 2430. Junk and Hides Wostorn Hido : Junk Co.,' 22S3 Wash ington Avo. Phono S6L Junk Ogden Junk House, 2059 Wash. Ave. Phono 210. Loose Leaf Sheets and Covers Bookbinding. Ruling & Mfg. Statlonor. J. Wilson, 2465 Wash. Ave. .Phono 350. Money to Loan Salaried pcoplo c&n got It without .0 curlty. others on furniture, pianos, otc 218 Hudson Bldg. Phono 871-J. New and Second Hand Goods A. Slnor. Now and Socond-Hand Fur niture Clothing, otc, bought and oold. Suit cases cheap. 241-243 25th Street. Phono 132L Photographers Tho Amundsen Studios. Wo ploaso tho hard to pleaso. 2469 Washington Avo nuc. Phono 2276-R. Physician and Surgeon Dr. A. Fornlund. Offlco hours 11 to 4 p. m. Now Poory Bldg. Hudson Ave. Res. Phono 646; Offlco Phono 1900-W, Piano Tuner Henry Blulr. export tuner and ropalr work. Player pianos specialty. Ph. 2619-R. 2994 Sanitary Work Sanitary Garbago Co.. all kinds of rub bish hauled, ash pita cloanod. Prlcos reasonable. Phono 620. Sewing Machines Whlto Sowing Machlno Co., 2255 Wash ington Avo. Ph6uo 288-4. Tents and Awnings Ogden Tent and Awning Co., manufac turers of hlgh-grado storo, offlco and resident awnings. Waterproof covors. bags. etc. Anything In canvass. 2268 Washington Avo. Phono 264. JjEgAL NOTICES ALIAS SUMMONS. In tho District Court of Wobor Coun ty, Stato of Utah. Bert N. Spencer, plaintiff, vs. Edna Spencer, defendant Tho Stato of Utah to tho said Defend ant: You aro hereby summoned to ap pear within twenty days after servico of this summons upon you, If served within the county In which tho action is brought, othorwiso, within thirty days after servlco, and defend tho abovo entitled action; and in case of your fnilure bo to do, Judgment will be rendorcd against you according to tho demand of tho oomplaint, which has been filed with tho clerk of said court, together with a copy for you. This ac tion is brought to recover a Judgment dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing betweon you and tho plaintiff. CHEZ & STINE, Plaintiffs Attornoys. P O. Address, 403 First Nutiona Bank building, Ogden, Utah. ( First published Jan. 3, 1918. Last publishod Feb. 1 1918 SOLDIER GOLFER EARNS WAR FUNDS Francis Ouimet in army uniform. 1 Solely from his prowess as a golf er, Private Francis Ouimet, who is stationed at .Camp Devena, Mass., has earned tho Hum of twelve thou sand dollars for war funds. When he is not plavinpj golf for tho Red Cross he is snowing the other boya in tho training camp how to play the game. THE GREAT EXCEPTION. Little Henry Say, father, when two nations aro at war, what is meant by the strict neutrality of -another na tion? 'Father It means, my son, that the other nation will not supply arms and ammunition to either of the contest ants except for cash. GOOD sugar beet laud, plenty of water. J. M. Forristall, Eccles Bldg. Phono 425. 2967 toOaleor PLAYER PIANO, adding mchn. P. 886. Bx. 2. 3026 6000 SHAKES Mldlako Copper stock, very reasonable. Phono 1209. 3038 f DrSMAKING I tas'TTT eHifl "6"" adTtSu 16c a yard. Fancy buttons. Madame Qaplau's Gown Shop, 3rd floor Wrights. 1604 j LADIES'tallorlnc,253G Madison. 1932M a-10-lyr, ! LOST i Jjjtyyjrinjf M-n,ir,-,n 1,0 r,'irrwyiVArt 0TtTlT'Jf ROAN Shorthorn Bull, 1 years old. Weight about 850 lbs. Reward. Notify Potor Winter, Huntsvillo, Ut, 30S6 BROWN horse, 8 years old; brandod T. H. C. on loft thy. J. G. Read & Bros. 3068 MRS. RUCKER ill, Spokane. Will Bar ney Rucker, carpenter, write or wlro' now. Letter at Ogden, Utah for you. 3105 jH FORREOT j DRESSMAKING and plain sowing. 2749 Grant 1917 f WANTED I To Rent WE can rent that vacant property. Ogden Rental Agency, 374 25th.' Phono 69. 2988 5-ROOM modern houso near Sacrod Heart acadomy. Standard, Box 11. 3101 MARRY If lonely; for results, try mo; bost and most successful "Homo Mak er;" hundrods rich wish marriago soon; strictly confidential; most re liable; years of oxporlonce; descrip tions free. "Tho Successful club," Mrs. Purdio, box 556, Oakland, Cal. 3110 LEGAL NOTICES SHERIFF'S SALE In the District Court of Weber Coun ty, State of Utah. L. D. Ensign, Plaintiff, vs. Daniel B. Rawson and Mary L. Rawson, his wife. To bo Bold at sheriff's sale on the 19th day of "January, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon of saifl day, at tho south front door of tho Weber county court houso, in Ogden City, Weber county, Utah, the following described property, to wlt: Situated in Weber county, State of U(ah, and described as follows: A part of tho northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 6, north of Range 1 West of tho Salt Lake meridian, U. S. survey: Beginning at the north east cornor and intersection of Wash ing avenuo and Second street, in Og den City, Weber county, State of Utah, and running thence north along the oast lino of Washington avenue 112 feet, thence east 165 feet, thence south 112 feet, to the north lino of Second street, thenco west along the north side of Second street, 165 feet to the place of beginning. Reserving and excepting a right-of-way open and froo 12 feet wide along the north lino of Bald described tract of land; said right of way being for private purposes, for the benefit of the owners of said above described proper ty, and their assigns. Dated at Ogden City, Weber Coun ty, Utah, this 27th day of December, 1917. H. C. PETERSON, Sheriff of Weber County, Utah. By Curtis Allison, Deputy Sheriff. GOLDEN SPIKE Try the Golden Spike flour, manu factured by the West Ogden Milling & Elev. Co., a home concern. We guar antee every sack. Phone 362 -J. Ad vertisement. FRATERNAL .SOCIETIES Queen City Rcbelcah Lodge. No. 4, I. O. O. F., meets second and fourth Saturday cYenlnea at udd Fellows' Hall. Visiting members Invited. Mario Beck, N. G., Lulu Cloudman, Rocordlnc Secretary, 2516 Van Buren avenuo. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Og den Homestead No .1503 meats on ovory Tuesday ovoning In W. O. W. hall, Fra ternity building, Washington avo uo. Meet, with ua. Fred Mitchell, foreman; J. A- Junk, corruapondeut, 3202 Washington uuvnuu. Ogden Lodgo No. 1314, Loyal Order of Moose meets ovory Wednesday night at S o'clock, I .O. O. F. hall. 2320 Washing ton avenue. W. J. Wright, Dictator; J. H. Knauss, Secretary, 301 Colonel Hud-sou- Bldg. 1 Tho Woman's Benoflt Association of the Maccabees. Silver Rovluw No. 1, meets tho 1st and 3rd Friday evenings at S o'clock, and tho 2nd and 4th Friday aft ernoons at 2:30 o'clock In tho Woodman hall. 2320 Wash. Avo. Visiting members Invited. Gertrude Woavor, L. C; L. Jen nie Prout, R. K., 2155 Van Buren Avo. Tho Royal Hlghlandors. Ogden Castlo 625, meets In tho Eagles hall on Hudson avenuo ovory second and fourth Tuesday ovonlngs at 8 o'clock. Visiting Highland ers cordially invited. W. W. Watts, 111 Pro., P. F. Planz, Secretary-treasurer, 2535 Lincoln avenue. American Masonic Federation CUnlver sal Scottish Kite) Ogden ixjugo No. Si meets ovory Monday S p. m. at 363 24th St. James Macboth, R.W.M., 2150 Wash. Ave. U. A. Muller, Secretary, 26ti2 Wash. Avo. Visitors always welcome. Royal Neighbors of America moots every second and fourth Monday nights of each month at S o'clock at tho now Odd Follows' hall, Fraternity building. Visiting neighbors Invited. Mary Craw ford. Oracle, 2676 Lafayotto. Nettlo Tur ner, Recorder. 2li43 Van Buren. Masonic Queun Esther Chapter No. 4, O. .W. S., regular meetings hela at Mason ic hull on Washington Avo., between 25th and 26th Sts., tho lirut and third Fridays of each month, bojourning members cor dially invited to attend, iiidna M. Hainill, W. M., Linda L. Irwin, Secre tary. Woodmen of tho World. Weber Camp No. 74, meets In tho W. O. W. hall. Fra ternity block. 23J0 Washington avenue, every Thursday ovcnlng at b o'clock. Visiting Wooumon cordially Invited to attend. C. L. Nelson, C. C, Win Mullor P. O. Box 4SS. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ogden Aorlo No. US, meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clook at Eagles' Home. 2431 Grant Avo. Visiting brother Eagles aro invited to attend tho meetings. Club rooms open at 11 a. 111. Adam Furbor, W. President: Earl G4)lgor, Socrotary; .Dr. Relnhold Kanzlur. Aerlo Physician. Utah Camp No. 9&30 Modern Woodmen of America, meets eveiy Wednesday night m tho Hurst hall. 243a Huuaon Ave. unt of town membors cordially invited to meet with ua. Fred JU. Wll Uama, consul; J. K. Htnchcllff, Clerk. Ogden Lodgo No. 50 Independent Ordor of Udd Fellows, meets In 1. O. U. F. hall every Tuesaay ovoning. Visiting broth ers cordially invited to bo present. L P. Potersou, N. U.; Henry Kjssoll, Socro tary. Tho Ordor of Railway Employes, Ogden Division No. 41, meets ovory first and third FrIdaj-3 of each montli at tho Eagles' hall, at 8:15 p. m. "visiting broth ers cordially invited. Adrian Schippor, Seerotory. Ogden Lodgo No. 2 Knights of Pythias moots every Monday evening at 8 o'clock In Castlo Hull of tho Pythian building, 2351 Grunt avenue. Visiting Knights wol coino. Fred Moissnor, C. C-; XV. L. Under-wood, K. of R. SN; Jamos MoCumant, 233C Washington Avo.. M. of F. Neighbors of Woodcraft .Ogacn Circle No. 6S1, moots tho 1st and Srd Wednos xlay ovcnlng of each month, at 8 o'clock In tho now Woodmen hall. Visiting neighbors invited. Sarah Ranson, G. N.. 145 WeBt Patterson Avo., Phono 1235-R. Mario Crites. Clerk. 2731 Monroo Ave. Phono 3261-J. REASSURING. "Drunk again, John!" "So am I, meenlstor; so am I." Cassell's Saturday Journal. Read the Classified Ads. IGAL NOTICES H GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES H PROBATE AND Consult County Clerk or the Respe tlvs Signers for Further -1 Information. J jH NOTICE. iil Estate of Benjamin Chadvick, De- j ceased. JH The petition of Sarah Chadvrlck 'H Downs and Lizzie Chadwick Carglll, 'JM for letters of administration to be- is sued to David L. Stlne, a suitable per son, in the above entitled matter, has been set for hearing before Hon. A. E. ,H Pratt, Judge, on Monday, the 21st day of January, 1918, at 2 o'clock, p. m., iH at the county court house, in the court jH room of said court, in Ogden City, ll Weber county, Utah. tl Witness, the clerk of said court, with iH the seal thereof affixed, this 10th day 11 of January. 191b. ! JH (Seal.) C M. RAMEY, Clerk. By Julia Flygare, Deputy Cleric i'l Chez & Stlne, Attorneys for Peti- Lil tioners. il NOTICE. 1 Estate of Athanaclos Souleles, also l ll commonly known as Tom J. Sulelos, i :.H Deceased. The petition of Gust Kocatis, pray- i 'jH Ing for the admission to probate of the ; 'H will of Athanaclos Souleles, also com- ; ilH monly known as Tom J. Sulelos, and ; for the appointment of A. V. MclntoBh 11 as executor thereof, in the above en- -11 titled matter, has been set for hear- 11 ing before Hon. A. W. Agee, Judge, on ! Monday, the 21st day of January, 1918, ; H at 10 o'clock a. m., at the county court '11 house, in the court room of said court, 11 in Ogden City, Weber county, Utah. H Witness, the clerk of said court, witn the seal thereof affixed, this ItOh day IH of January, 1918. hlH (Seal.) C. M. RAMEY, Clerk. By Julia Flygare, Deputy Clerk. jH John C. Davis, Attorney for Peti- jH In the district court of the second judicial district, of the state of Utah, : H within and for Weber county. !H In the matter of the estate of Kath- IH erlno S. Wood, deceased. 1H Notice to Creditors. Creditors -will present claims with -'II vouchers to the undersigned at the IH office of W. H. Reeder, Jr., David Ec- 1 WM cles building, in Ogden city, Weber ! countv Utah, on or before the 21 day 1 IH of March, 191S. ! MARTIN P. BROWN, Administrator. j 9H Date of first publication, January 19, iiH Date of last publication Fob. 16, 1918. f W. H. REEDER, JR., I M Room G29 David Eccles Bldg. 5 ! Ogden, Utah. J ! Attorney for administrator. i NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCKHOLD- , If ERS' MEETING OF THE OREGON jt LUMBER COMPANY. Ul Tho annual meeting of the stock- jtt holders of the Oregon Lumber Com- 1 a pany will be hold at the office of said . corporation, No. 621 David Eccles B building, in Ogdon City, Weber coun- HI ty, state of Utah, on Monday, the 28th :Bj day of January, 1918, at 10 o'clock ' I a. m., for tho purpose of electing ill directors, and for the transaction of l such other business as may be II brought before said meeting. ;nl At said meeting there -will be sub- ' I mltted a proposition to amend the .Iff Articles of Incorporation of the Ore- M gon Lumber Company, in conformity !fl with a resolution which will be sub- ff mitted to the stockholders and will be I In the form following, towit: i RESOLUTION. ; "Whereas, the capital stock of the jnB Oregon Lumber Comany, as provided' ,! by Article 6 of tho Articles of Inccw- ; j poration of said company, as hereto- ijj fore amended on the 14th day of June, j 1904, is One Million ($1,000,000) Dol- i! lars, divided into Ten Thousand (10,- 'll 000) sharos, of the par value of One ,1 Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each, of ll which Nine Thousand Nino Hundred i f and Eighty-six (9986) shares have M been Issued and aro outstanding, upon 'jl which the full par value thereof has 51 been paid in; and, jjl "Whereas, for tho duo carrying out Ijff of tho objects of the company it is la deemed expedient that said capital w stock should bo Increased to the sum 1 of Five Million (?5.000,000) Dollars, ,i divided Into Fifty Thousand (50,000) ;!j sharos of tho par value of One Hun- 'i dred ($100.00) Dollars each, ; "Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, aa j 1 follows: jl "That tho capital stock of Oregon .3 Lumber Company bo Increased from ,3 One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars, its present capital stock, to Five Million j ($5,000,000) Dollars, divided Into Fifty 1 Thousand (50,000) shares of the par (ii valuo of Ono Hundred ($100.00) Dol- I lars each; and, f "Bo It Further Resolved, 'that Arti- 1 1' clo 5 of the Articles of Incorporation T as heretofore amended on the 14th day 1 of Juno, 1904, be, and the same is j I heroby ropealed, and tho following 1 artlolo to be known as 'Article 5 be, I and tho same Is heroby adopted in lieu 1' thereof, to-wlt: ; 1 ARTICLE 5. I " 'The authorized amount of tho I capital stock of this corporation shall 1 be FIvo Million ($5,000,000) Dollars, if divided into Fifty Thousand (50,000) 1; shares, of tho par valuo of One Hun- 9 dred (?100v00) Dollars each.' fl "And, Bo It Further Resolved, that I tho president or any vice president, l and tho secretary or tho assistant seo- A rotary of said company, be instructed j ij to filo a certificate of such increaao 1 and amendment as required by law." j! Dated at Ogden, Utah, this 7th day j 1 of January, 1918. j CHARLES T. BARLEY, Ji Secretary, Ii Date of first publication, January 7, 1 1918 ; I