Newspaper Page Text
1 THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1913. S '1 (Standard E!f'T"SILLL""BXX"lf Result Getters Classified Ads V13 Standard 'H Ir "wanted j Female Help j rmr! wanted for house work. Call in47 E 12tli St. Phono 2551-W. ToOlL to work at soda fountain. 132 25SL M rnMPETENT woman for housework. Address 169 W. 2nd. Phone 2165-J. II omL wanted for general housework. I gfgmi, Apt. No. 1. 3953 ' WANTED Fifty women to sell Bar , rfov Corsets in Utah and Idaho For Information write M. Jacobson, Mngr., . . ffiw?odruff Apt, Salt Lake City. 3944 i ' WANTED Three traveling repre ! RantaUves of good personality, be ' ; S 25 and 40. Salary $100. Rail i road fare, etc. Mrs. Hansford, Parlor B, Eeed hotel, Ogden. 3945 ' STENOGRAPHER with some fcnowl I edge ofinsurance and bookkeeping. I Address "Ray," caro Standard. 3943 ) WOilAN "or man to demonstrate 1 o'Cedar mops and oils at "Wrights; $12 ; vric. Must be experienced. Apply Mr. , Fowler. 3934 I EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, one aule t to do stenographic work preferred; J willing to start at moderate salary. I Splendid chance for advancement. I References required. Phone 935. 3896 YOUNG lady wanted to tend soda I fountain. G. S. caro Standard. 3S92 if WANT , rnjfefeiS ' il ED-Bol-" " 16" years of agoTlo 1 work In overall factory. Scowcroft's. 1 3976 ip WANTED ' "WANTED Work by practical mater -tt nity nurse. Phone 3127 or Box 80. k ' 3961 1 ENERGETIC boy would like work in I city. John Anderson, 31st and Lincoln. 1L 3 3965 1 GARDENS ploughed. Phono 611. I j 3924 IljAPANSES first-class cook; long ex it perienco; have best references. Phone 3133-W. 3908 1 11 ELDERLY man as janitor or some Ilother work. Phono 1018-W. 3886 1 13 SITUATION wanted male nurse, Inl companion, secretary. Export in senile iMdementia, melancholia and paresis, lH Not lazy. Capable, affable, Intelligent. Ifllwill take case in or out of city. Box 111 N. Standard. 3590 liBcARPET and rug weaving. Ph. 2382 -J. lit' 3553 illf CHIMNEY SWEEP. IIIfURNACES and chimneys cleaned. lIlLeo Peters, phone 1952. 2050 Jt WANTED III ;J?3 uu wmr- ! i'IIi 5-ROOM. house on bench; must be 111- modern, with heat; best of references. J Address X, care Standard. 3936 FOR SALE j Mil Vacuum Cleaners i Ii THOR electric, 5 -year guarantee, ij 111 Only $30 freight. Paid. Walker Electric I III Co., 159 S. State, Salt Lako City. 3850 Ji t- Board and Roons. j I B HOME-COOKED meals, 548 25th St. iUM i 3978 Ijl 'koOM and board at 548 25th. 3756 '1 jj FOR SALE Jll Sewing Machines j "ffltfANY make sewing machines sold or .Hrepalred. Easy terms. Freight paid. s'JBWalker Electric Co., 159 S. Stato, Salt jjJBLake City. 3848 'GROCERY stoTwith flvo modern iWpoonis above. Box 33, care Standard, JIK 392C 1 Mpl A.; house, stable and fruit; close air Call 512 12th, 6 p. m. 3935 Ilk FOR SALE I Til! Washing Machines jl ' I jlUARANTEED electric washing ma V iSnes ?i6. Easy terms. Freight paid, l) Walker Electric Co., 159 S. State, Salt ( UkoClty. 3849 j I FOR RENT B Miscellaneous J I jB&NE acre of ground with water. Close Cheap. Phono 2050. 2446 Grant ave. 3k WT2RY denlrable office; contrally lo ll ft6d- Inquire J. A. Hoglo &. Co, iUr . WBodKoa. Phone 322. ft-ll-tf and plcou. 10o and H a yard. Fancy buttons. Madame I .jju's Gown Shop, 3rd floor Wrights, Kl'LES'taUoricg'2E3u Mtidiao1 Read the Classified Ads. 5 Furuished 8 A ' ' "A l "OELi Y ' Curn7sh ed 2-room apart ment. 2229 Lincoln. 3916 NEATLY furnished rooms, 2247 Adams. 3983 TWO modern fur. rooms for house keeping. No children. 567 27th. 3975 LARGE front room, adjoining bath. 2223 Adams. ' 3990 MODERN apartment for rent after the 1st 429 Herrick. 3958 2-ROOM furnished house for rent, one block west' Becker's brewery; large garden lot Apply 327S Ogden Ave. 3967 FOUR modern housekeeping rooms, piano. 433 27th. Sunday and after 6:30 p. m. 3899 NICELY fur. rooms for gentlemon; hot water, shower bath. 2452 Madi son. 3933 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2220 Lincoln. 3917 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, on ground floor. 249 26th St Apply 243 26th St 3932 NICELY furnished up-to-dato 3 and 5 room apartments. Ideal location. No children, 2341 Adams. 3894 NICELY furnished front rooms with or without kitchenette. Suitable for one or two. Modern. 458 24th. Phone 661-M. 3S93 TWO modern housekeeping rooms. Bath and cellar, 3153 Wall Ave. 3909 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2353 Mon roe. 3873 2-ROOM modern apartment No chil dren. 335 26th st 3882 NICE front rooms, steam heat, hot .cold water. Over Ogden theater. 3816 FURNISHED hskpg. rms. 330 23rd.' 3736 SUITE of rooms. Will accommodate six people. Plenty of heat and hot wat er. Single rooms. 2526 Adams. 3675 NEWLY furnished Apt, 333 24th. 3510 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and bachelor apartments. 2337 Adams, rear. Phone 1686-R. 8694 NEATLY" furnished rms. 333 24th. 3364 PEARL, Twenty-seventh and Grant Phono 2920. 2765 SEE the new Plaza Apta. Piicen from $23.50 to $37.60 per month, including light, heat and gas. Phone 2208. 1659 HOUSES and flats. 2634 Grant. 9-18-U FORREOT i Unraniifiiisa ,-..,-JS 3 - ROOM apartment in Peory Apart ments. Apply D. H. Peery Estate, Og den theater. 3974 APT., 3 small rooms, partly modern, $10.00. 663 27th St 3984 4- ROOM house, large garden, E. 7. $15.00 per month. Wedell, 2468 Wash. 3970 THREE rooms at 659 East 12th St 3964 5- ROOM modern, 3105 Grant Phono '2649-R. 3966 TWO rooms, pantry, lights, water One or two people. 2133 Grant 3954 UNFURNISHED modern apartment Carver's, 539 22nd St 3942 3- ROOM house with 1 A. gardon land, 3250 Monroe. .Phone 1133. 3931 NICE 6-room frame, modern, flvo blocks south; 8-room modern, close In. E. F. Bratz, 417 Eccles Bldg. Phone I960. 3920 4- ROOM modern, $13. 848 22nd st Phone 246-R. 3877 THREE rooms, pantry, clothes closet and lights; 2032 Ballantyno Ave. 3805 MODERN 4-rm. Apt, summer kitchen. Ideal locaUon. Phono 102. 3827 AN ologant farm of eighteen acres, with five-room pressed brick house; five acres of good orchard, all Jn good condition, plenty of water, within 20 minutes ride of centor of city on a .paved road. This is an elegant oppor tunity to clean up $4000 profit In tho 1 next few months. If you want to rent ! a farm, hero is your opportunity. J. J. ' Brummitt Phono 59. 3754 i 5-ROOM mod. houso. 3066 Adams. 3727 FOR RENT 1 Acreage j EIGHT or more acres' grain land in city limits. Cash or shares. Phono 1421. 3962 TWO hundred acres of land, within two miles of the Rood hotel. Consid erable of this land baa plonty of water right; same will bo cut up in tracts to suit tenant. Hero la an opportunity to have your liberty gardon. Will oithor rent for cash or part of the crop. J. J. Brummitt under Utah National h"Tic. 3885 19 ACRES of excellent tomatoes and 5 acres of various fruits; also good house on main highway near Clear field. Phone 190. 388C WANTED jl Miscellaneous j OLD RAGS for new rugs. Wo, make artistic and fashionable floor cover ings at 40c a yard. Call 1442-J. 3940 Read the Classified Ads, TOR SALE Real Eetats 160 ACRES good land at Malad, houso, etc., 4 horses, 3 cows, etc., wagon,, harnesses and complete set of mach inery; water for 20 ac, 125 ac. plowed, in A-l condition. Price $8000, $1000 down, bal. on easy terms; will take small place in Ogden in exchange. 70 ac, good land at Blackfoot, well located, 6-mlle from school, 3-room house and other improvements, plenty of water; $5000; $1500 down, balance on easy terms. 120 ac. excellent soil, abundant water 3upply, 1 niilo from R. R., school, storo, etc; improvements worth $4000. Price, $12,000; a bargain. 60 ac, 40 ac, at Clearfield, tho best of land, 20 ac good pasture, beet dump across street; school, church, etc., mile; 6-room brick house, 15 shares D. & W. water. See this place at once. $11,260. HERBERT E. SMITH CO. 215 Eccles Bldg. Res. Phone 2185-J. 3972 BY OWNER, nice little home, water in house; lights and sidewalks. 127 17th St. Phono 2691-W. 3980 1 ACRES good land, 4 -room brick house, large chicken house and barn, 1 miles from Union depot. $250 down, time on balance. Inquire at 2147 Sherburne Ave 3943 640-ACRE dry farm to rent or lease on shares; thoroughly equipped. For particulars, 2110 Monroe. 3957 A NICE lot on 4th street for sale cheap. Ph. 2582-J. 3947 PLEASANT modern bungalow, five rooms, Ideal location; fruit large gar den, poultry quarters. See Owner, 985 24th. Ph. 3106-R. 3938 3-ROOM house, part modern, for $1050. 2250 Jackson Ave. 3981 E. W. CANNADY Real Estato Insurance Nice 3-room cottage, well located and nearly now; situated on a large lot with an abundance of fruit and shade trees. An ideal place for chickens, etc. Price only $1150 on easy terms. 4 -room cottage with one acre of choice irrigated land In nice location. Plenty of fruit, small fruit, etc. Will sell for $2400 on easy terms. 2 acres of fine land with good water right has 6-room strictly modern bun galow, gas, furnace and full basement Good garage and other buildings on premises. The house alono Is worth $4000; will sell all for $4500. Terms $2000 cash. Balance to suit 6 acres fine irrigated land on Riv erdalo road. Improvements consist of good 5 -room house, barn, granary, store room, etc This is one of tho choicest places in Rlverdale district and can be bought for $5500. E. W. CANNADY 2427 Hudson avenue 3890 ETVE room house with light and. water on a lot 43.8 feet by 165 fet "wost front, paved street close In on Wash ington avenue. Lot alone worth $1800. Tho best Investment In Ogden. All for $1600. J. A. McCulloch, under First National Bank. 2274 40-ACRES good 7-room house, barn and out-buildings, team, harness and wagon and Implements, 2 cows, 25 chickens. Near car lino and school at Harrlsvllle. $6000 If taken beforo crops planted. If you are looking for farm land call on us. We specialize. Most any thing from chicken ranch up. J. F. Walker Farm Lands Co., 201 Eccles Bldg. Phone 862. 3901 AN elegant lot on 25th street 50x138 feet to alloy, with all special tax paid. Only $300. This is a great bargain. J. J. Brummitt Phone 59. 3881 A good modern five room houso within four blocks of the Union de pot nice lot, trees, everything In good shape; ronting for $20 per month. Only $1,800, $500 cash, balance on time to suit This house is reasonably worth about $2,800. Just the thing for a railroad man. J. J. Brummitt under tho Utah National bank. , 3884 8-ROOM modern house, two sleoplng porches. Ideal location. Phono 1046-J. 3876 FOR salo or trade for small acreage 322 D. F, 150 plowed, 85 in grain, fenc ed, buildings, horses and implements Incloses canyons fine for cattle. Writo to box 15 caro Standard. 3646 A nice lot well locatod on 21st street This lot Is 25x130 feot to an alley, nice and sightly. Only $25, $5 down, $5 por riionth at 6 per cent interest J. J. Brummitt Phono 59. 3884 An entire city block located about a block and a half from tho Farr school building. An elegant place for a chicken establishment This ontlro block will be sold for $1,000, $100 cash and $100 per year at 6 per cent Inter est J. J. Brummitt under Utah Na tional bank. 3884 A nice lot near the Union depot for only $12 per front foot; termB to suit J. J. Bnimmllt Phone 59. 3884 TWELVE 60 ft lots for sale by own er at 668 12th st, at a sacrifice. 3826 FOR SALE BY SKEEN REALTY CO. undor Utah National bank, 40 acre farm, closo to Tremonton. Good beet and potato ground. A No. 1 water right, small houso. Price $6000. Will take small place in Ogden as part pay ment This ground is plowod ready for crop. 3797 EVERYTHING for rent Ogden Rent al agency. 374 25th at Phono 69. 3G57 BY OWNER, G-room modern houso, 3 acres of land in city limits. Box 60, care Standard. 3643 7-ROOM brick houBo, R. R. locality; bargain at $2500; terms. Interest 6 per cent Ph. 1280-R. 3547 Read the Classified Ada. I PoiTsALE 1 j ft n-IIMSjMjfatt t ! ROBERT G. AGEE i 374J4 25th Street. 5-room house, fine lot, close to car barn, only $1500. Very easy terms. 7- room house, North Wash. Ave.; city wator, sidewalk. Bargain at $1900. Easy torms. ' Fine lot, in good location, wator right, fruit trees, sidewalk paid. Only $550. On easy terms. 80 acres pasture, close to Ogden. Only $2000. Will sell or trade two acres with good house, part modern. Close in. 8- room dwelling", in good location for renting rooms, two baths; part fur nished. Only $2400. On easy torms. If you wish to buy, sell or exchange property of any kind It will pay you to sec my list I ROBERT G. AGEE 3741A 25th St ' Phone 69. 3929 16-ROOM hotel and dining rooms and parlors, completely furnished, with large lot large sheds, livery barn. In quire Mr. Wm. Laurenson, Downey, Ida. 3979 FOR SALE OR WILL RENT The R. O. farm, fine 6-room houBO. Just what you.are looking for. B. F. Pierce, 911 Washington. Phono 2596-W. 3989 ONE of the bost buys oh the market today; 19 acres, 15 acres A No. 1 soli, 4 acres pasture, small orchard, 3-room houso, barn, etc; flowing well. This is a snap for $3200. Immediate pos session given. SKEEN REALTY CO. Under Utah Ntal. Bank. 3987 FOR SALE. 21 acres best land in county for to matoes, peas, beets or fruit; 6 acres In bearing applos, 2 acres pasture, 14 acres for general use; good 4-room brick house, large barn, cemented cellar, well and ample water right Ideally located for marketing crops; close to excellent school and on ono of tho main highways. Will sell on good terms, only $4000.00. J. A. McCULLOUGH Undor First NatL Bank. 2779 WAR garden? I can sell you 2 lots, 4 lots, 10 lots, $40 apiece, cash or on time. Monthly payments. Any old way. You ought to have a garden. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah Nat'l. bldg. 3911 f FORSALE HIGH school cadet suit for sale. Phone 938-R. 3988 ONE Ludlow spring wagon; double and Binglo harness. J. B. Dana, 2219. 3939 FOR first-class shrubbery, shades and fruit trees, call 1811-J. 3968 rpWf -ominrr tlinmti rhhrv1 Tflrflov hulls also a three-seating surrey. Utah School for Deaf and Blind. 3959 SINGER sewing machine, card table adjustable fitter. 506 Plaza Apts. 3956 A 1916 Harloy-Davidson, In good con dition, at a reasonable price. Box D, caro Standard. 3949 ROOMING house inbost part of city; furniture and furnishings all extra good. Sail and see. 202 23rd St 3927 AUCTION SALE Don't forget the auction sale at tho Red Front barn, Saturday, Mar. 23. Wo sell every thing. For information call O. E. Miller. Phone 61L 3925 TWO teams of horses and a one-ton truck. Red Front Livery. Phono 611. 3923 1917 MAXWELL touring car. Just overhauled and in oxcellont running order. Phono 2694-M. 3913 1000 POUND Victor Iron safe In good condition. Inquire 2540 Washington. 3858 FOR Bale Delivery wagon, Ogden Steam laundry. 3881 PIGS for sale. 262 West 20th. 3875 STOCK soda fountain and comploto up-to-dato fixturo ulightly used for a confectionery store. Good location up town to rent storo room. Compelled to sell A bargain. A. H. Malouf, 176 25th street, Ogden. Phono 435-J. 3822 A rectifier, good as new. Inquiro H. C. Blgolow. 36C6 FINE largo safe cheap. W. D. Brown, 808 Eccles bldg. , 359-1 FORD runabout body, 353 Pattorson. Phono 1982-J. 3596 POTATOES $1.26 per hundrod. Tel. 1574, 3593 IMPORTED canaries. 2220 Lincoln Ave. 814 SIX largo Backs of kindling wood, $L J. H. Whoelwrleht Phono 828. 748 i TEAPOT dome oil Is the stock to buy. OUlce 406 Twenty-llfth at 3404 SECOND-HAND goodB bought and sold at rouaonablo prices. 1800 Wash. Phono GS6-J. 3032 JIM'S GROCETERIA la run like the pOBtofflce. Small buyore got tho oome prlco as large ones. Customers save tho coat of deliverlurf, oookkooplng and clorkfl. Evorytning in groceries is cheaper. 183 24th atreet G-l-U wanteeT l To Buy VEST pocket enlarging outfit, printing frames, trays, etc. P. O. Box 282. 3963 HIGHEST prlco paid for sacks. Groufo Grain Htore, 334 24th St 3236 Read the Classified Adi., FOR SALE 1 I Poultry and Egga i 3ET baby chicks direct from tho man who hatches. White and Brown Log- J lorns, R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks. Write 1 !or circular. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. ' 1. Stubbs, Campbell Poultry ranch, Dampbell, CaL 3616 " HOOVER says: "A hen for every ( homo." Tho best is wise economy. Arcady Place Hennery booking orders J Cor day-old chicks; tremendous de- tnand. Shoot your orders in. A. S. Bmurthwaito, Wollsvllle, Utah. 3951 FOR No. 1 baby chicks, none better or : cheaper, phone Astill, 1157-R. 3937 EGGS for hatching $3 a setting. Thor- ' oughbreds. Columbian Wyandottes. In quire phone 3233 -R. 3904 DAY old chicks. Order early. Bost stock only, Grout's Feed store, 332 24th. 3879 TEN young hens and two cockrels. White Orphingtons. Phone 3261-R. 3853 GUARANTEED White Leghorn eggs, $1, $1.50 sotting. 2464 Harrison. Phono 1458. 3838 WHITE Wyandottes, cock and eggs, Barred Rock eggs $1.50 a sotting. 850 23rd. st Phone 2631-J. 3834 FOR baby chicks that are worth your time and labor raising and chicks that will mako good layers next winter, see Shafer at Ogden Feed Co. AIbo all kinds of chickens bought and sold. 3746 BABY CinCKS, S. C. W. Leghorn, Utah hatched, from Hoganized stock. Phone 1569-W. Mountain View Poul try Farm. 3733 EGGS for hatching. Black. Minorca, "The hon that lays a turkey egg." 639 7th St. Phono 2049-R. 3625 PFORALEAUTOS A 6-PASS. Buick 6, run less than 1500 ml. 506 Plaza Apts. 3958 CHALMERS 35C, run 1500 mils, sells for $1650, good as now; will sell at a loss of $500. 464 30th Street. 3950 CLASSY 4-pa8S. car, fully equipped, Al condition, extra tiro; run less than 5000 miles. A bargain for $575. Phone 1477-W. 3941 1916 four-cylinder Studehaker. Engino thoroughly overhauled. Over-size tires; repainted, looks and runs llko now. Bargain, $600. Mtn. St Motor Co., 23G6 Hudson Ave., Phono" 624. 3542 FORD roadster, thoroughly overhauled. 2579 Grant Phone 1746. 3910 USED CARS. WE now have the following usod cars ready for sale; 1 1914 Overland Touring .. ..$300 1 1915 Overland Touring 650 1 1916 Overland Touring 660 1 1916 Overland Roadster 450 1 1916 Overland Roadster 360 1 191C Overland Six-CyL 900 1 Grant Six Touring 650 The most of these cars are rebuilt and repainted and run and look llko new. Terms will be given to respon sible parties. BROWNING AUTO CO. 3887 MONEY TO LOAN 1 WE HAVE $1000, $1500, $2000 to Loan on Improved Real Estate. BOTHWELL & SWANER CO. Under First Ntal. Bank. Phone 469. 3986 RALPH P. HUNTER, Established 1889. Mortgage Loans, Real Estate, Insurance, Utah, Idaho lands, farms and city property. Persons desiring to loan money on good first mortgage security will do well to consult mo. Good applications always on hand, -i.1 24th St, Ogden, Utah. 3330 W. N. Pierce Agency Real Estate, In surance, Loans, Notary. 15 Commer cial Bank Bldg. Phono 300. 0 MONEY to loan on real estate secur ity. J. J. Brummitt S-21-U REAL ESTATE. Mortfiaco and Loan a. Kolly & Herriclr. -15-tt LOST LOST Ruby butterfly breast' pin In Utah theater or between theater and Twonty-third street on Washington avonuc Return to 2247 Monroe or phono 2660-J. Reward. 3S7S ! CAMEO broooh. Reward. 1929 Wash. 3622 CHILD'S white fur collar ploce, Sat urday night, between Monroo and Sawyer Bros, store on 22nd St Finder pleaso return to 958 22nd St Roward. 3962 Tho American Rights leaguo do-1 nounces all war-llmo strlkos aa trea son. I FOR SALE Farms rurtfJ'u"'-'"""''"'i"''"''' " ii"""l IDAHO RANCHES i'ARMS and ranches, some with cat le. Terms. Federal Land Co. 493 fraternalTsocieties Queen City Rebckah Lodge, No. 4, I. O. 3. Jj, moeta uccoad and lourth Saturday :vcnlnt;a at udd Followa' HaU. VlslUnc nombera Invited. Lucllo Stephens. N, Q., -ulu Uloudman. Recording Secretary, 2516 V&n Buren avonuo. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Og len Homestead No. 1506. meets every Wednesday evening In I. O. O. F. hall. Fraternity building. 2320 Washington ivcnuc. W. L. Moore, Foreman: J. A. lunk, Correspondent, 3202 Washington ivenuo. Visitors always wclcomo Ogden Lodgo No. 13H Loyal Order ot Uooso meets every Friday night at i o'clock. Moos hall, 2416 Washington avenue. W. J. Wright Dictator; J. H. Einauas. secretary, 327 CoL Hudson Bldg. American Maeonlc Federation (Univer sal Scottish BJto) Ogden Lodgo No. SL mots every Monday a p. m., at 363 -tn SU James Macbeth, R. W. M., 2460 Wash. Ave. G. A. Mullox. Secretary, 25S2 Wash. Ave. Visitors always welcome. Tho Woman's Benefit Association of tho Maccabees, Silver Review, No. L mots the 1st and 3rd Friday ovcnlngs at 8 o'clock, and tho 2nd and 4th Friday aft ernoons at 2:30 o'clock in tho Woodman hall, 2320 Wash. Ave. Visiting members invited. Gcrtrudo Weaver, L. C; Jen nie Prout It K 2455 Van Buren Avo. Masonic Qucc Esther Chapter, No. 4, O. E. S., regular meetings held at Mason ic hall on Washington Ave., between 25th and 2Gth Sts.. tho first and third Fridays of each month. Sojourning members cor dially . Invited to attend- Edna M. Hainlll, W. M.; Linda I Irwin, Sccre-trLrv. Tho Royal Highlanders, Ogden Castlo C25, meets in the Eagles' hall on Grant avenuo every second and fourth Tuosduy evenings at ii o'clock. Visiting Highland ers cordially invited. W. W. Watts. I1L Pro., P. F. Planz, Secretary-treasurer, 2536 Lincoln avenue. Royal Neighbors of America" mcota every second and fourth Monday nights of each month at 8 o'clock at tho new Odd Felows hall. Fraternity building. Visiting neighbors invited. Mary Duify. Oracle, 2745 Williams; Nettio Turnor, Recorder, 2613 Van Buren. Woodmen of tho World, Weber Camp, No. 74, meets in tho W. O. W. hall. Fra ternity' block, 2320 Washington avenue, every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen cordially Invited to attend. Mathew Gait, C. C; "Wm. Mullcr, Clerk. P. O. Box 488. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ogdem Aorlo No. 118, meets vory "Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at Eagles' Home, 2431 Grant Ave. Visiting brother Eagles ore Invited to attend tho meetings. Club rooms open at 11 a. m. Adam Farbor, W. President: Earl Golgcr, Secretary: Dr. Rclnhola Kanzlor, Aorlo Physician. Utah Camp No. 9900, Modern Woodmen of America, mcota eovry Wednosday night In tho Hurst hall, 2439 Hudson Ave, Out of town members cordially invited to meet with us. W. H. John son, Consul; J. R. H inch cliff". Clerk. Ogden Lodge No. 5 Indeuendent Order of Odd Fellows, meots In L O. O. F. hail every Tuesday evening. Visiting broth era cordially invited to bo present H. P, Frank Pollard, N. Q.; Henry KlaselL Secretary. Tho Order of Railway Employes. Ogden Division No. 4L meets every nrst and third Fridays of each month at tiia Eagles' hall, at 8:16 p. m. Vlalting broth era cordially invited, Adrian b chipper, Bocrotary. Ogden Lodgo No. 2 Knights of Pythias meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock in Castlo Hall of tho Pythian building. 2351 Grant avenue. Visiting Knights wel come. Fred Moisanor, C. C; W. L. Under-wood, K. of R. S.; James McCamant, 233 6 Washington Ave, M. of F. Neighbors or Wooacroit .Ogcren Circle No. 631. moots every Wednosday evening of each month, at 8 o'clock in tho now Woodmen halL Visiting neighbors Invited. Sarah Ranson, G. N 146 West Patterson Ave Phono 1235-R. Mario Critcs, Clerk, 2731 Monroo Avo, Phono 3261-J. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS, patont drawing, commer cial drafting. Industrial Engineering company, -135 Atlas Blk., Salt Lake. Phono Waa. 6260. 3650 LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Conault County Clerk or tho Rcpo tlve Slcjners for Further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho District Court of tho Second Judicial District, In and for the County of Wober, State of Utah. In tho mr.ttor of tho estate of Carl Andersen, Deceased. Creditors of the ostato of Carl An dersen will present tholr claims to gother with vouchors, to tno under signed administratrix at tho law offiqes of Choz & Stlno, at room3 402-103-401 First National bank building, at Ogden, Utah, on or bofore tho 10th day of May, 1918. GUNDA J. ANDERSEN, -Administratrix Chez & Stlne, Attorneys for Estate. HIS STATUS. "I havo just come from a man who Is doomed to hard labor In working out a sontence." "Is he a criminal?" "No; he's an author." INFORMATION BUREAU Attorney-at-Law til E. T. Hulanlnkl. Lawyer, 313-314. First ll National Bank Bldg. Phono 202. 3632 1 H Lawyer O'Connolly. over Commercial ' H National Bank. Phono 1L IH Accident Insurance I Aetna Accident : Liability. Co.. Aula H and Liability Insurance. H. A. Purdy, , IH 2377 Hudson Ave. Phone H Anything I fl Bought, Eold or exchanged. Alvord. IH Phone I IH Automobile Supplies ) H Everything for Automobiles. Every- thing for Electricity. Auto uid Electric tlH Supply, 25G4 Washington Ave, Phone SS. il Garago. Repairs, Studcbokcr Agency, liH Mack-Robinson Co., 2440 Grant Avenuo, , Phone IH Banking B Ogden Stato Bask. Commercial &. Sav- H Ings Dopta, Rood Eotol Bldg. Phono 62. H Utah National Bank, southeast corner 11 24th St. and Wash. Arc. Phone 6L H Carpet Cleaning i H K. Van Kampcn for upholstering: car- llH pets cleaned, altered and laid. Re-maklng , lH of mattresses. Phono SS3, ill Chiropractors 1 Irish & Irish, chlropratic suite 200- JH 210-211 Col. Hudson Bldg.. 2nd floor. iH Phone 275. Only lady Chiropractor In ' MH Ogden. IH L J. McKelL. chiropractor, fourth floor IH Col. Hudson Bldg. Phono G30. 2601 IH Johnson, McKell Thompson. Suite 409- i lll 10-11-12-13-14 and 26, 4th floor Hudson Hl Bldg. X-Ray Laboratory. Phono 707. I1 fll L. P. Plntler, successor to F. J. Precnor ' H Chiropractic Office. 112-13-13-26, Colonel H Hudson Bldg. Phone 311. j jH City Scavengers jB ilcCorty & Co.. 2734 Grant Avenue, H Phone 2018-W. ' H Engraving JH Ogden Engraving Service Co., makers 1 HH of fine cuts In ono or more colors, 2408 lH Washington Ave. Phone 463. tl Furrier and Taxidermist Furc cleaned, remodeled In latest styles. il orders taken for now furs at rcasonablo lH pricos. Work guaranteed. T. Gajcwsky I IH at Burt's Store. Phono US. 1 IH Hair Dressing iH Altamont Halrdrcsslng Parlor, sham- poolntr, manicuring. Reed Hotel Bldg.. 421 2Gth SL Phono 107-J. o32 jH Hides iiH Hides, potts, wool, furs. 0 M. Bun- ' H yon, 2269 Wall Ave. ' H Hotel The Only Fireproof Hotel In Ogdcj- Rates 76c and up. Tho Now Brlghaxn, IH Wall Ave., and 24th SL Phone 2430. jH Junk and Hides Western Hldo c Junk Co., 2223 Wash mgton Avo. Phono S6L Ogden Junk House, 20(79 Wash Arc Phono 210. H Junk Highest prices paid for Junk and jH bags of all kinds. Call 257. 362T IH Messengers H Phono 776, Bonded serrica. Motorcycle ,H sorvlco at your own price. Wo deliver H any tlmo, anywhera, quickly and safely. H Office 411 23rd. 3S& H Money to Loan Salaried peoplo can get It without se H curity, others on furniture, pianos, etc H 21S Hudson Bldg. Phone S71-J. H New and Second Hand Goods ;H A. Slnor, new and second-hand fuml- tnro, clothing, etc, bouoht and sold. Suit 'M cases cheap. 241-243 25th SL Phbno 132 L, Photographers Tho Amundsen Studios. Wo pleaso tho hard to pleaso. 2469 Washington Ave- B nuc. Phono 2275-R. SH iH Physician and Surgeon Dr. A. Fcrnlund. Offlco hours II to 4 H p. m. New Pccry Bldg: Hudson Ave. H Res. Phono 646; Office Phone 1900-W. H Signs RcdflcId-IOng. Inc., signs of all ldnds 'H tin, glass, brass, muslin, card slims Electric signs, bulletins, walls, board signs. Phono 2S9. 244S Wash. Ave. 3634 jH Sanitary Work 'H Sanitary Garbago Co., all kinds of rub- jH blsh hauled, ash pits cleaned. Pricos H reasonable Phono 620. H Sewing Machines White Sowing Michlno Co., 2255 Wash- H Ington Ave Phono 2SS4. H Tents and Awnings Ogden Tent and Awning Co.. manufac- H turcrs of high-gmdo store offlco and H resident awnings. Wutorproof covors, 'H bags. etc. Anything In canvass. 22 Cfi JM Washington Avo. Phono 264. Jl Wallpaper Cleaning Work guaranteed. Also lawn dis- . H pencers for sale. Moulding & Garner. H Phono 1626. 3903 Lowo & Evans, expert wall paper jH cleaners. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Phono 1775. 378-1 1 1 jM 1 ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD ? I I 1 Yes, we do plan work, whether or not we do building. Have you ever noticed any- j I tiling in a Bothwell & Swaner Home that you really did not like? If so, tell us and H II we will design your different, we are here to serve you and we consider your sug- m H 51 gestion very valuable in making up the plans. g H M Why not see us concerning the new home or building that you are figuring on? PS H i BOTHWELL & SWANER 1 I Phone 469. HBBPPBKHHBBPMil" I