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4 THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1916. 1 j ' Entered ns Second-Class ilattor aX tho FofltoKlcc.vOgdon. Utah. ESTABLISHED 1S70. An Independent Newspaper, published every evenlno except Sunday, without a muzzle or a club. . MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news credited to It or not othorwlso credited In this paper and alco tho local " news publlshod herein. I! ' LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE. i Not one American escaped tho thought yesterday that, if tho Ger ? mans woro to win their mighty drive, 1 the outlook would be dark. This country of ours would be com I polled 'to prepare for a long period of I uncertainty, during which the military I forces would have to be brought up -to tho standard of tho great armies of Europe, where for years every young j man had to undergo training at arms. With a German victory, America would never during this or the com ing three or four generations, bo tho lt same America of the past half century. There would be a yielding to the niili j ;j tary everywhere. Great army camps i would have to be established and the j iron-hand of military rule would be , felt, because tho old condition of trust ( and confidence in human kind would J give way to suspicion and an oxacting I stewardship. Enemy aliens everywhere in this land would be kopt within pre I scribed bonds. I nn Ii . WAR AT A NEW 1 ANGLE. At last the war is coming home to 4- all of us. In many ways wo are be ginning to experience tho change from the old order of things. For instanco, here is a statement from the Women's National League for the Conservation of Platinum, in which the women of j the country are notified to prepare for a federal order commandeering rings, tiaras, bracelets, meshbags and other articles of jewelry which have plati num in them. "As our normal consumption of plat inum per annum is 165,000 ounces of fine metal," writes Mrs. ETlwood B. Speak of Cambridge, Mass., "and we have in sight for our war program 21, ' 000 ounces of crude metal, I think it possible that later the government , will have to call for tiaras, meshbags, j bracelets, etc. If so, this league will do everything it can to help.-" Women college executives, profes sors of science and wives of scientists i form the majority of the membership of the council of the organization, which was organized to inform women of the platinum shortage and the need of this metal to carry on tho war. I BROADENING THE AMERICAN, American boys entering into the war are gaining an education and are being broadened. That is tho view taken by the editor of the Butte Miner, after reading letters from western young men who have landed in England and France, and the editor" makes these well considered observations: "Our boys express absorbing inter est In the old historical townsand re . nowned buildings that they have been privileged to visit, both in Great Brit ain and France. "Some of their- descriptions of these famous places are, most enjoyable, even to those for whom these letters were not written. t "These accounts of some of the an cient towns in England and walled citieB of France clearly Indicate "what , a'revelation this old world has been to ) most of the boys from a youthful coun r try like Montana. "Winston Churchill, the American author, in an article in the current number of Scribner's, although he has been a frequent visitor abroad, speaks ' of the thrill which the American in I , these days of war feels upon landing I upon the soil of Great Britain, particu larly when he encounters upon every Bide earnest and clean-cut young J American soldiers and sallora. f Travel long has been held to be one L of the best methods of educating the I Individual and of broadening his mind and giving him a grasp of conditions , 1 through personal contact, which it is ) Impossible for one to obtain to such ' an Intimate extent through mere read ) 1 lnr k"V "These hundreds of thousands of $ , young Americans, when they return to this country, winhave replaced their t ' restricted and provincial views of life with a far better and broader knowl edge of the world at large and its people. The educational advantages which this war will Impart to them '- will be very marked, and undoubtedly Surprising to their friends who have Hj , remained at home. Fighting side by side with the French and British, these H , , young Americans wiU have a clearer 1 understanding of tho characteristics Hj V$ and qualities of these people than the H average person could possibly obtain Hl f V by years o residence abroad in time ' of Deace' Comrades In arms, who face HLW death together every day for weeks H . n1 monlls' Eet toow each other as -----H I ; l,bey really are- and penetrate beneath H 1 the veneer which the ordinary individ- lVi In hIs everyday ttfe protects him- HttV ' self with against the "soul-searching Y scrutiny of his fellow-man. It is al- f ; -ppsn-. weeks-mid euettmoTrfh&xjfyre our-pleosure to announce the ' 1 bprmg Display and to summon all who -appreciate -the fine, distinctions in fashions to ;" I ' h siznte&'these lateaufhoriaiivenijodes. m f Parte no Itmgerimesa ; - I - m incredible difficulties to handicap that shrine of stgle. inspwatiowitkmcmg of the de-. ' I ; -0 signersn the trenches and fabric production Emitted Jt has meant a very ffievaPinterpre- . . ffl Tj; ' tanon of the policg of this store to recognize only style&of approved exceUence and so we have sought the masters of our own greatest Fashkm canter, who nrth Parisian cop- ? 1 1 0 . - eration have achieved a fashion leadership ' m - ' p 1 Wif'' ll I ready evident that the American sol diers returning from this war win come back with a wonderfully broad ened vision and understanding that never would have been theirs had they Uved and died In their own restricted community, or even within the con fines of the United States, and in this respect this experience will have been well worth while. It Is interesting to note that nearly every one of these young men, in writing to their rela tives and friends, somewhere in their letters remark that they would not have missed this experience for any thing, and although they 'expected to find much of interest, the realization has been greater -than tbetr-ntinosk ex pectations ' t -on HQW TO OBTAIN FARM LABOR. On Saturday the farmers of "Web or county fixed the prices to be paid for farm labor. The big problem i3. pot the compensation to be offered, "but the obtaining of the labor. Down in Chickasha0Ma41jhaoiarjsina5 method of getting men on to the farm. This story is related by a government offiical and is reliable: Tho farm demonstration' agent in Grady county, of which Chickasha is the seat, arranged with the chief of poUce and the judge of the city court to give him an "optiony as it were, upon all the vagrants and idlers ar raigned. The county agent promised to use his best efforts to secure a job for every man who expressed a will ingness to go to work on a farm. Tran sient vagrants and local idlers, alike, were unhesitani in deciding. Given a choice of jail or the county road or of hard farm work at fair wages, they became enthusiastic "back-to-the-farm" advocates. The county agent has an arrange ment whereby the city and county au thorities feed these men until they are placed on -farms. And that, usually, is very quickly. The agent is In touch with farm-labor needs all over the county and has been able to place aU promising material without delay. In one day during tho last harvest season upon several occasions he has fur nished sixty to sixty-five farm work ers in one day. These men are free agents entirely. They work voluntarily for the wages agreed upon. They can leave if they desire. But there is one thing they can not do remain in Chickasha, Okla and not work. ' oo REVIEW OF THE OFFENSIVE. What are tho great outstanding facts in tho German drive? On the German sido: First, the tremendous gnn-poweriand! manpower assembled by General von Hlndenhurg on the western front. Second, tiro- Tmbrok . jnonlle3X tho German -soldiers. Third, the dafch of the German troops and their-reckless disregard of death. Fourth, - the-distance coveredvrin-tho drive up to Sunday night, which is greater than any drive made- on- the western front by the aUies. j On the side of tho aUles: I First,, the heroic rear-giiard fight of arhojoe-j less struggle, the British can yield up their Uves with a courage unsurpassed by any other nation. Second, the holding intact of the British lines. Third, the terrific punishment In flicted on the-Germans. But the uncertainties are many. Have the allied reserves, known as the "army of maneuver," been' thrown into tho river of blood? What are the available reserves of the allies as compared with the Ger many forces engaged. To what -extent hare the .gun power and munition supplies of the British been impaired by losses? When an army retreats within three days a dis tanced ten-miles nearly-all the heavy guns on the setcor occupied must be lost, as a big gun, unless mounted on railroad trucks, cannot be -moved in a day. What are the losses of the British? How many large guns can the Brit ish bring up to the old line of the Somme, where the decisive battle of tho war will be fought? , If-the ... .Germans-are permanently- stopped on the Arras front, after suf fering the colossal casualties reported, Germany will be a defeated nation, and graduany the Prussians win he forced to yield to the battering of the allies, for soon the full weight of tho American forces wiU be felt in the war zone and then the aUies wiU have a preponderance of man-power and equipment Asked to give a candid opinion as to the offensive, we would be forced to admit uneasiness and to confess to much doubt, and yet within 24 hours, the whole aspect of the war may brighten, and a seeming defeat be sud denly turned to victory. If the Germans have been severely punished, they, win be unable to reor ganize for another smashing drive. ROY STEWART in "Faith Endm-in'," a big new Triangle picture in five parts, and Pearl White and Antonio Moreno in 'The House of Hate" will be shown at the Cozy tomorrow j andJWedneaday, ' : CLARA K. li'S 1 OMROOM 1 In "The Marionettes," a Select Star H Series picture with Clara Kimball Young, she has used an exact replica of her own vedroom. This is an exquisite French room H aone in pale gray and mellow old rose, LiiUnture of ory-toned wood and S?io ?"bIwn wicker, and Its hang- mgs bordered in rare old cream lace. was personally designed by Miss i,angV.and ever detail carried out under her supervision. Rf8 beautiful set is only one in- H stance of the elaborate gorgeous pro- D 7rYhlch Sele Pictures has TTf S fT U,bo Pe attraction here at the H Utah theater today and tomorrow. Friday and Saturday, Lin- H coin pictures, "Down the River," and Stuart Blackton's production, "Wild Youth." . H 00 . Bead .ther Classified -Ads. ,9