Newspaper Page Text
t ' " . " fKf , THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, " UTAH, MONDAY, iMARCH' 25, 19tct 7 II Spjf We are exclusive selling B agents for Mimeograph sand roll Neostyles and. Sup.Jies. !1 BRAMWMIL'S Im Far Subscription mnxS Advarttayag Vh :pNtctmas, Call ona jSS.,, B RANDOM' B REFERENCES !SB IRISH & IRISH, Chlropractoraj 209, IlWt 210, 211 Col. Hudson Bldg. Phoite 27b. HB '' 3193 IiB Forgery Frank Voat, the 19-jyear- iK old youth arrested hci;c last Friday on aflB a charge of altcmpjted, forger, is IlfHr wanted in Evanston a charge of Xo$- IK gcry alleged to haVe.Tjeen winmUted ilB there recently', according tip advllces IjjR' received by the police department! oWB Wanted Elevator boy. Rbed hotel. KB sB Cases of Draft Men Attorney E. T. IK Hulaniski, who is appeal agent for the government in cases. o draft Jcpen, has, cB appealed the case of Frederick H. Im Bond, who was granted, defend cass, ification on the ground, of dependents. IIW We have moved six doors ronth to IK 2430 Washington avenue." Ogdan Elec- ?Hf trie Co. Ik Returns Home Andrew T. Ba?gs, of i:K' Whitehall, Mont, w;ho has. tyepn visit - H? ing in Ogden with relatives, has re turned to his homo, in, the njacthern ffHh state. IB Old papers for sale. Ogden SJtand- ik ard. jHh Sad News Mrs. Nelson. Freeman of K Twenty-seventh street, received the IB sad news of her father i George Long's B death in New York City., last v.eek, t.le funeral was held Sunday! Internment jB was in the beautiful Greemvood ceme- fE tery. Mr. Long was a native of; Eng- land but had lived "mdst'al his life in jH this country. His wife survives hhn. We have moved six dpons north to 2430 Washington avenue. Cjgdeh Elec- IB trice Co. jV Wrestler "Strangler-V' Ld.wis, the K wrestler, passed through Onden yes- rB' terday morning on. his way1 to meet IVi some of the topnotchors on the coast. WOjM S b. & G. is the butter for you,. iK On Inspection E. E. Carter, who is rHf- in charge of the Washington (office of jK toe Branch of, silviculture of Ute forest IH service work, was in, Ogden for a, few, :K days last week and went to Denver to IK Denver to make inspections there. 'm Mrs. West Home Mrs. Sadie West, m who has been visiting with the family IH of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl West of, :K Salt Lake, has returned home. IK Body 'Taken to Coast .L.H. Dodds, Bl superintendent of the Ogqen, V.nipp. Railway & Depot company,. to.o.k the. body of his wife to Los Angeles Satur- day. Funeral services were to have been held there today. Plenty of all. kinds o coal. M. L. Jones Coal & Ice company. 3492, From Pocatello G. Y. Bywator, car HK distributor for the Oregop, Short,e Raiay company Uh headquarters at Pocatello, Idaho, was a business vis itor to Ogden this, morning. In Seventh VVard-rJudge George S. H' .Barker gave a yen' interesting talk last night at the Seventh ward. Trees, Plants, ylnes, Roses and Shrubs-Of,' all, kinds. Moose's nursery, jH& 126G Washington avenue. Phono 32, Jm 3841 1 iK Spoke to rs-nEldor Alma J.. Po- H terson pf the, Ogd.en stake high co.un- fBm fl cil doUver4 a most Interesting lecture '! f on "The Problems, pf the Day," a,t the IB meeting of the Fifth ward, elder's quo- rum yesterday morning. IB Da,nce . "Peanut Sqoial" Fourth. lB ward next Monday, where the select lB gather. 3998 (B To Entertain The Royal Neighbors of-America will celebrate' the Tw'enty lB third anniversary, of the order tonigh.t IB at the Odd Fellows' hall. I We clean rugs and carpets. Ogden Steam Laundry. 3634 Returns H.qme pelljert Campbell has returned, t,o, his home in Ogden val ley aft,ev a pleasant visit in Long Beach, Cal. Q.ur dry cleaning d,?Dartment will, clean, your rugs and carpets satlsfac- to'rily. Ogden Steam Laundry. 3634, Hewitt and Blair Plead Andrew Hewitt and Otto Blair, charged with grand larceny by the Oregon Short Line Railroad company for the theft of 83 sacks of flour from one of its box cars, entered, p.teaji. pf not guilty this morning when arraigned before Judge A. E. Pratt of the district cour.t. Ten per cent discount on. monumen tal work. Mitchell's, opp. City Cemetery Suit Aga.tnsA,d Milton N. Mc Coy started suit today against the j. Utah-Idaho Central Railroad company w for $2500 damages for an injury to his let foot- The foot -yras injured, Marph 30, 1917. When you cean house send us your rugs, curtains and draperies Ogden Steam Laundry. 3634 1 DOWNING Hclon Kathryn Down ing, the 9-months-old baby 4augh,ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downing pf the Argyle apartments died this morn ing about 2 o'clock ut a loca.1 hospital. One of the intestines had became en-, folded within itself causing strangula--tion of the alimentary tract. Nothing I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY: Hi LOST. y' B- SATURDAY, between Adams nnd B- Washington on 23rd or between. 23n Bi; and. 24th on Washington, cUU.d'q "white i fur neck piece. Phone 3257 -M. Call at B 878 24th st. 4Q46 B ' WANTED FEMALE HELP. GIRL for general houseworU. Stafford r Millinery store. 4045 m " OGDEAI PJBEIS HEAR FROM THEIR SOI MICE . . Another Ogden boy has communi cated with his parents from France by cable to inform them that he has ar rived over the seas. Corporal Harold Tripp, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tripp, 320 Twenty-fifth street. soa( the following cablegram to his par ents which was received this morn ing: "I have arrived safely overseas." fflPIl BOARD 11 TO NEW Tie, city exemption board moved to day (fpm its quarters in tHe. University Club, building to the new offices at '41S Twenty-fourth street. This morning the men who are tp leave for Camp Lewis on Sunday, March 31, reported at the offices and yere given instruction. They vill m,pct again at 5 p. in., Sunday, and, prior to their departure at 9 p. ui., Sunday, will bo entertained at an informal dinner under auspices of the pressmen of the city, with cpunty and city boards and the contingent pj drafted, men, as hon ored guests. The Morgan, Rich and Davis coun ty men, vf-Ill arrive In Ogdtcn, u, t.ho afernopn and thero will also b.e two men from Twin Falls who are leaving Ogden with this contmgen,L A revised schedule wis received by the board todaj;. The official time for departure is no,w- fixed at 9 p. m. over a special Oregon Short Llnp train. The twp. extra, men are David D. Dpnaidspn and Fnk S. Faulkner. uu Ul ELKS TO MEET M0IENT1IT PBDVfl . The fifth annual convention of the Utah Elks' state, asspciaion will be h,eld .June 5 and 0. at ro.vo, a.ccprd,ing (o. announcements made today b'y local membars of the lodge. At a meet ing yesterday of the executive com mittee of the-state association a tenta tive program was. outlined for the pon yentibn, Haioid J. Packer is secre tary of the state association and at tended the convention with John QuHey. Mr. Culley was named chairman of' the committee on constitution and by-laws. The tentative, program was mapjje out as foists: Wednesday, June 5, 11 a. m., ojierring session; second ses sion Wednesday, 2 p. m,; third session Thursday, 10. a. m., at which officers for the ensuing year will bo elected. A grand parage will be given Thurs day afternoon and a banquet in the evening. Patriotism will bo the key note of the conventipn. The member.? of the executive com mittee who meil last night, are as fol lows: Oscar Au Forslund, president, Park ity; Harold J. Packer, secretary, Ogden; P. P, C.tristensen, Salt Lake; George Huss, OgUen; Eugene Henroid, Pro.vp; L. P. MctGarry. Park City, and Edward Pike, Eureka. .00 Fresh German livisipns Press Forward Withwut Waiting for Artillery' Support. LONDON, March 5 . The Germans, says the correspondent, are relying upon sheer weight of numbers in thejr heavy attacks, on the Pritish ljnes, re lieving their tiijcd troops' by fresh dlvisipns which presp. (prwar'd wtyh pul wai,ting fo artQlerji support- The-enem ali day .vestefday and through the mppnlight last night kept up, his. hammering pf (,h,j Brjtlsji ppsi tlp.ns, the inessagp stasis, the Brish troops resisting with, valileht stubborn nes&I T,he Germana arQ emp,Bqypg many small bodies pf Uhlans, njafnly as spotting patrols, i,t is ad,le4. 00 NEW DffilRY The new. Ogden City directory, com piled by R. L, Polk &. Co., is Ibeing dis tributed in tho city by P. B. FInley, traveling sales agent. It places Og den's population at 36,348. could, be done to sayp tho, life pf the chiid. The body vas taken' to the Llndciuist undertaking chapell tp he prepared, for burial. This evening the parents") will take the- body to Boulder, Colo. " Divorce Suit Filed SuiUlIgr divorce was fie4 today by Verne Henjka against Louis E. Henika. The plaintiff Qhrges that tho defendant lhas failecj tp provide for her for more than a year able to do so. Thcre are no children. The couple was married Jan uary !7 1915 in the sLate of'Mng tOA. 00 GOOD SUBJECT. "What are that couple oven at yon den table "scrapping aboutV "I thjnk, sjr, they're fighting over tho war bread." 00 Read th Classified Ads. , I Read tbff Classified Ada. ' i CONTRACT LET FOB EXTENSIVE ' ADDITION TO THE SHEDS OF OGDEN UNION STOCKYARDS I On account of the increase In the bnsiness of; the Ogden Union, Stock Yards, It was found necessary to build many more pens. WorK on, t'ho building of the pens began a. week ao. Forty pens, each iO feet square and covered so as to make them into ventilated sheds are being built by Contractor C. J. Hum phries, who has a force of carpenters rushing the sheds, and pens to comple tion. Those shedj? are for the accom modation, of th,e horses that are con stantly coming in to Ogden. The Ogden Horse Sales company, of which Otto Meek is manager, has in creased its business within the past year until It is known among stock men all over the west, and It has no PRAMS King George and President Wilson Congratulate Field Marshal Haig and Pre dict Victory. LONDON, March 25. King George today sent tle following message to, Fipld Marshal Haig: "1 can assure you that the fortitude, courage and self-sacrifice with which the' troops under your command con tinues heroically to resist greatly su perior n,uija,bers are realized by me and, my p.eop.lp. Tho empire stands calm and confident in its soldiers. May Gpd b.less them and give them strength in this time of trial." WASHINGTON, March 25 Presi dent Wilson, today cabled Field Mar shal Haig congratulating him on the British s.ta.n,d against the German of fensive and predicting a final allied victory. The pres,ideit's message reads: "May I not express to you my warm admiration for the splendid steadfast ness and valor with which your troops have withstood the German onset and the perfect confidence all Americans feel that you will win a secure and final victor)'." betoSate IVIajpr General to Explain Gen eral Military Situation in France. WASHINGTON, March 25. Major General Leonard, Wpp.d,, wh,p. recently returned from the battle (rp.n(, was called before tho senate military com mittee late yesterday to inform, the coiumittee regarding the general mili tary situation and esjpepially as to the American expeditionary forces. 00 SENATE PASSES e WASHINGTON, March 25. The war department bill empowering tho, president to requisition timber and lumber to conduct logging operations for the army, tho navy and the emer gency fleet corporation, was passed by the senate today and now goes to the housp. The conference report on thp $150, PPP.OPO prgent deficiency appropriation bill including riders authorizing sale of al enpniy properly in this country ahd fpr purphase by' the go'ye'rnment of German wharves and docks at Hobok cq, Ni J., was adopted tpday by the senate sixty to, one and sent to the house. nn JESS HILARS) SIGNS ARTICLES QHICAGP, llarph 25. Final arti cles closing a heavyweight chainpjon ship match between Jess Wjllard and Frpd jTuVtqn of Rochester, Minn.f the phaljenger,' TTPrP signed today. Willard, jt was revealed in thp npw of nrficies, is to dcriye 75 per cpnt pf the net profits mride by' Colonel j. C. Miller, promoter, whie Fullop is to receive a Ijat sum pf 20,0,00. The agreement also Sttlputatfis" that Miller shall have the right 'ko sell pr trans fer th'p bo.ul" tP such person, pr per sons ag he may see fit." "If t am successful in selling te match for 100,Q00 or more In fact any anipunt 1 will haye to pay Fulton ?20,000 and givp Wilard '7o per ccni of thp balancp,1' Miller explained. "I may not bo able to sell the' match. It I don't, I shall promote it myself. There's one hn certain Willard and Fulton will fight some place for the pharapionshlp the next Fourth of July." The articles stipulate ihaj. Willard and Fill ton shall o'poh' training quar ters in the vicinity' of the city where ihc cRntest is staged for at leat three weeks prior to the bout. The number pf rpundB to ho fought will depen'd'en tirely on the laws "of the tate." 00 GERMANS "CAPTURE TWO MORE TOWNS LONDON, March 27. Thp capture lay the Grprmans of the towns, pf Nesle ang Guificard, apnpqnced h.y'Berjin tq daj, it' ponfirmed In this pypnifig's .BriuhiQffijJiarsiatcnien ' ' little share In making Qgdpp known as a stock center. The Horse Sa,le pompany has been purchasing UPrPf ntl m.ules for the government and high blood stock for individuals. Sales are held very often and those wishing to can do so in 6gden in the ppen market. A sale is running for the first throe days of this week. Mr. Meek states that he has on hand for his auction 600 head of horses, and ruu,les; 200 "bulls and pne carload of fine blood stallions, pn,e car of 'Jacks,' a.n,d a load, of blooded cows. All this stppk, except tho 6.00 horses and mujps is o fino'blood. Thc'b.ulls and cows are of the Short-horn, and Hereford breed. Many buyers, are coin ing here, from various places, a num, hpr of (bom, from San Francisco. CHEYENNE GREAT WHSKEYBUYERi Imports More Liquor- Than Any Other City of Size m. IJ. S. CHEYENNE, Wyo., March 24. Gheyenna statiticians claim tha,t to. day this little clty'pf 12,000 persons imports' more! whisky th,an any. city pf equal size in the United S"tates. Cheyenne imports an average of one carload pf, liquor a, daj'. Recently promulgated shipping orders provide a car loaded wi(h liquor shall contain from 90 to 110 barrels. On the basis of but 75 barrels of wiskpy each car would coh(alh 3700 gallpns as a stan dard whiskey Vrrel contains forty eight galipns. or 29,00 pjLnls. Now 'the Cheyenne staticians figure there are eight average sized drinks In a pint, making the car contain 236.S0O drinks. A total of 236,800 drinks would gly.e every man, w6mau and child fh Chey enne twenty drinks apiecp daily, enough, say Uiese same statitiians to keep everj' man, woman and child per petually intoxicated if thoy were "the only ones to drink tho liquor which arrives here. But now it is said that but 10 per cent of Oheyenne's population or even less drink liquor. This would make 200 drinks daily for the 10. per pent. And each pcrspn included in this 10 per cent would havb to take a ' drink every seven minutes of the twenty four hours. Colorado officials charge that Chey enne is the chief hasp for bootleggers who operalo into Oxy Colorado". They point to these figures as conclusive evidence. It is figured that the 14,800 quarts imported daily represent a retail value of 14,400. on Shell Splinter Strikes Him in the Chest During the Ger man Bombardment. PARIS, March 25 An American corporal of marines was struck In the chest by a shell splinter of one of the first shells which fell during Satur day's bombardment of Paris by the Germans. He was wounded seriously but his life probably was saved by the deflection of the splinter by a cigarette case. So far as has been reported he is the only American victim of the bpmbardment. Thp Matin says one of the shells fired in the direction of Paris yester day struck a church in tho suburbs. Several persons who were attending a Palm Sunday service were killed. U. S. FORCES SHELL GERMAN TRENCHES WITH THE AMERICAN ATtMY IN FRANCE, Sunday, March 24. (By th,c Associated, Press.) American artil lery on the Toul sector contirmpcj to day to shpil effectively enemy first One and cpmmunipation trenches, the towri of St. Baussaut, tho b.IUets and dumps north of Boquetpau. Many of thp Am erican shells have fallen in tti'o Ger man trepches and thp first two, lines in at least pnp pjacp hayo bepn vir tually abandoned,'. " " Onp American patrol frpply inspect ed this point In, the enpmy liup vith morning and rpmainpd there sovernl hours. There have bepn no contaefs between the infantry during the last twenty-four hpurs. PP. ROTHSCHILD GREAT HOST AND 'FRIEND LONDON, Feb. 4. Alfred Charles de Rothschild, pf thp banking fapilly of that name, who died a 'few days ago, was. a great hpst and did pot confine his hospitality to ljis'oyfn home or to onp class. He daily spnt from his kit Phen tho best of his cook's' efforts fqr his many friends, especially those who were sick, and sent many supplies to tho poor. The thr.cp Rpthschild brothers had pprtajn rptjemblances to ' Dickon's Chceryblp brokers. They' mef. every day, except foe a mpntli in the year, and spent inost of the day t'o'gethpr, having iqqst things in corunion. They ajl dipd withjft three' years. Alfrpd dp Rothschjjil was a clqso frjpnd of Lprd Kitchener arjd was also on jntimate terms "with Kiifg Ecjv;'r,d wj9 sought his agyicp'bn'piany "occa sion. " " " tv FUTTIREPI SIP CAUSES DAMAGE . The city fire department made a record, run this morning when an alarm parpe in at 1:3,0 o'clock from 2374 Hudson avenue., a tirp repair shop operated by W. M. MUller. -The depart ment succeeded in reaching the scene oC thp fire almost tas soon as the parties at the shpp finished tele phpning and the flVes were extin 'gulshed in' quick limei. The fire started in the rear of the place in the vulcanlzl ng rpom. t is believed that a can oCj high test gaso line which "was used l?or' vulcanizing purposes, became ignited frppi the gas lumes. ppming in pan(act with the flamo of thp vulcanjzey. No ono was In the room when the tflames started. Tho attendants were in the sales room in front Several "hupdrpd dollars. yort of iires and tubes werp horned b.ut insurance covered' all the damage. ADVICE 1 GIRLS The rnoral is simpjy, jip .man cares a pin, For a vife that )oo,ks Jjke what the cat has dragged in. So, girlls, jf your ijqme life is slon and depressing. Just take our adyjee keep you j husband a-uessing. See.- Clara KinibaJ) y.9jang and b er rown company jn 'The Marionettes," ew'.LJtah, ,tor day a xid tomorrow. W& SCHOOL FU1 TO: ICIHOeiO . mm. A meeting at the hJ'sh schopl .this moruing, attended by Warren L. Wat Us, Dr. E. I. Rloh anil .Superin tend ,ent H. .G. Johnson, ratified the ac tion previously taken by thp .student bp.djy, hy which the .f,upds derived from the r.epent .Classical la' and' the forth pom ing pr.oduptipn pf "jOver jipre" are tp. l)e .turned .over entirely ,to tie Red Crqss. Proposals to en4oy aja ambu lant '.e, inyest thp inpneV n war sav-irg-. stamps or.thr patriotic services weu.o r.pfijcied in fay.or-of ,the' Red Cra ss as .offering ,fhe opportunity' vf or tho most good. T he .Classicalia and th.c Junior dra ma! Jc production are annual eyents alni. Qd at securing mpn.ey tp gi,v;e the ,ual junior, the feature dance of- th,p,opl year. The higji sphool stu dents were unanimous in agreeing thai this yearns festivities should be sul jugated to thp natl.on's pe.Q,ds. l .Varrcn L. Wattis, jn behalf' of the Re d .Gross, vthanked the students 5pf the hij ,-b Jor .their patriotic offering. 00 ROY STEWART in "Faith j Ei.idurinY a jaig new Triangle p cture in five parts, and pearl "Vhite and Antonio Moreno in fhe House of Hate iji e siown at the Cozy tomorrow and Wednesday. - 00 E inemy Airplanes Bombard Town Inside U. S. Lines ' With Gas Shells and High Explosives. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN R RANCE, Sunday, March 24. (By the A ssociated Press.) Fqr the third con si cutive day Gorman artillery today bj imbanled heavily with gas shells a c Ttain town within the American 111 ics. Today's bombardment was made iri two periods, each a half hour in e lglh. M.orp gas shells an.d a few hi ;h explosive shells fell on the Amer ica ji positions. The weather was .especially suitable toe lay for aorial work and the Germans toe -k advantage pf i,L On pnp portion of the sector fourteen enenjy airplane's cro ssed between noon and 6 o?clock in the evening while' four friendly ones wei 0 over the American lino in tho sain e period. One group of seven end uy machines, apparently on a bom b)ng expedition, was .discovered at mict night and driven off by the rapid fire of American antl -aircraft guns. Ai 1 American patrol has brought in quail tities of valuable papers from tho bodi s of five Germans killed in a shell holo by American artillery fire a te J days ago. Among the papers takpqt from an elderiy Soldier was a letter fr.qm hjs .daughter saying: " e are being fold now that peace will a, urely come in July or August. Everj body was highly elated when tho ne'ws ( )f the Russian peace was receiv ed." Thp entire Anierican contingent from penerals to privates eagerly awaits lews from the British front. All arc con fldent that the Germans even tually 'ill be defeated severely, even if they tshould strike hard at tjie put set. Tbj 3 German offensive is the sole topic or conversation pn the Ameri can sept r. Bj-itish official communica tions arc caught by wjrcless operators and new papers are circulating widely and rapid ly along the front. An enej ny airplano early th)s mprn. ing cut off its engines at' a great height ov r the American lines north west of 1 oul and planed dpwjj. Wljifn close to t ic ground "itdropped'a quan- j i LET US 1 1 1 H Vulcanize Your I Tires and Save I You Money I ( H i D.OTi't throw away a tube or casing H until you'ye consulted us. We may be ' I able to show you a big additional mile- j H age at little cost. Our men are experts. H Our equipment is complete. H Bring in your tires and casings, We I will tell you wliat can be along and to : H cost, then you can decide. . . ; We have just installed a machine for H half-soling rubber boots. You won't H haye to throw aay the olp! .ones apy H more. We can repair them. . ; Inter Mountain I Vulclanizing Works I 2220 tWaAYet Phone 760 H ,tity of bombs. Some were of a npw variety which pxpfpdp in mid-aip wjth a blu)sh-red flash' and giye off a .cloud of niustard gas. "fiefng heavier than the air thp mustard gas quickly de scended tqward some of our jsattery positipns and a road. After thp machine disappeared the Gernian gas bombardment' hegan. An other enemy airplane hovered over thp town while the bombardment with gas sheljs was in progress. to - WITH THE AMERIGAN ARMY IN FRANCE, March 25. (By the Asso ciated Press.) .On the Tqu front there was consjdorable artjllery activ ity during the pight. American guns heavjjy shejlp.d th6 .German', front Jine ppstUPns. Eneniy batteries' replied, using many gas he)ls. ater photo: graphs were takep from ajrplaijes of .the damage inflicted by thP Americans! SECRETARY BAKER MEETS JE K!i Spends Hour at Buckingham Palace Pjscussing Aienca's Efforts in War. LONDON, March 25. Secretary Baker was presented to King (reorge at JDuckingham palace tpclay by 401 b'as's'adbr1 Page. ' The secretary re mained for an hour with the king, dis cussing America's efforts in EurPpe. Mr. and Mrs. Page remained fpr luncheon with the king and queen, but Mr. Bakej had tp hurry away tp cajl oh Premier Llpyd-Ceorge at 12:30 .O'clock. Tater he gave a Juncheon to tho members of his staff and to Vice Admiral Sims and Major-General Bid die. The secretary spent the remain der .pf thp day at the war ofllce in conference wth the Earl of Derby, secretary of state for war and other British military officials. nr PRINCE HENRY IS KILLEDJN ACTION LONDON, March 25. Prince Henry of Rousse, head of thp younger branch of the Reused "family, has'b'cpn kHjed In the figh'Iing on the' Jsreslern front, according to a Central News agency !dlspalchsj3u6ting advices received Irani Berlin SERVICE CROSSES I FOR AMERICANS I Officers and Privates Deco- rated for Distinguished Bravery in Action. WITH TlfE AMERICAN ARMY IN IH FRANCE, Sunday, March 2l Lieu- tenant H. B.' Davies of the United States army medical rcservo, serving' with the British army, has been awarded the distinguished service jH cross, one of tho four new American J decorations for bravery. Lieutenant Davies on January S entered a dugout jH undpr continuous shell fire and re- 1 maiued attending the occupants after t had leen blown in. He performed an amputation operation and saved the B life of a British soldier. He received the first mqdal ponferred oh any Amer- 1 lean serving with the British forces. 1 Patrol s Rewarded. jf Thp lieutenant,' who as previously recorded, took a prisoner in a listen- B ing post in the Toul sector 'is from IIH Charleston, S. C. He and all the men n the palrpj h.epP given ten days leave in recognition of their services. V Corpora) Burke Decorated. HBSJ The distinguished service" cross has HVH bepn awarded tp Corporal Charles H, Burke, 'infantry. His citation reads: "Severely wounded while patrolling bp refused' to Icuye his platoon com- mander, who also vas soverely wound- nBVBV ed. HP stayed at his side during an intense bpmbardment and assisted in KVH firivinf nff an pn'omv natrol." IH VVar Cross Spiked to Coffin. BVJ The French cbhima"nder of a divi- HBVI slon with which American troops are IH being trained, today awarded tho cross of war to an American jnfantrj'mcin. IBSJ w"ho'two nights ago gave his life rather tpan abandpn his ppst of duty. The war cross was spiked to the coffin he- BSJ foro burial. Two infantrymen entered an aban- ,flBVJ doned trench to establish a sniper's BVBv post when "they observed several Ger- ipans ip the wjrp before the American J trenches. Gather Germans arrived. They H ihegan an .exchange of rifip fre which BBflJ rculf e'd iii a barrage' frpm both sides. At the end of iu hour the enpmy gave up his attempt'to enter the American lines and withdrew. BVftV Then it was discovered that one of IBVKV Hie 'two Americans had been killed. ftVKV Tierc was plenty of cover within a few BVBVJ yards but he" remained at his post ftJBSJ throughout the artillery battle. jH