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Hi , gn- THE OGDEN STANDARD:'" OGDEN,' UTAH, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1916V' I ! : . Attend the Auto Show This Evening IJ Demountable j I .im LOCIl No Locks No Bolts No Tools. j '' I was approved hy hundreds of visitors-at the recent Auto Show in Salt Lake. It will be exhibited in j I demonstration at the Annual . j i I Ogden Auto j i SHOW I This is a Utah invention; it can be applied to the i I -I I wheels of any automobile. A manufacturing com- pany has been organized and a limited amount of j 1 I y stock sold. 1 0,000 shares only, at $1 .00 per share, j: j I will be offered at the Ogden Show. jj N BRUCE E. BAIRD, the company's assistant I I manager will be at the show the entire week with jj 1 Mr. E. V. Straight, Ogden representative. Ask I j;i 1 him particulars. - g ; I Baird Demountable i I Rim Lock Co., X 1 OFFICERS Don M. Shaw, Paige Motor Sales Co.; Daniel Alex- J 1 . ander, Attorney; A. F. Savage, .TVliite-Savage Motor Co.; J.. EX j 1 Windel, Paigo Motor-Sales Co.; Malcolm McAllister, W. Eccles j I Baird. ? IMPORTANT. "The turnover is vital to successful merchandising." "In that case," said the baker, "maybe I'd better put more turn overs in the oven." Louisville Courier-Journal. j Read the Classified Ads AUTOMOBILE SHOW OPENS AT 7:30 THIS EVENING IN DEt-EtCLES . BUILDING ON 241 STREET The doors 'of Ogdcn's automobilo show "frill bo 'thrown open tonight .at 7:30 o'clock and those who visit the show will see the finest collection of motor cars that lias ever been gathered in Ogden city a statement which all the participants who have seen tho show behind closed doors vouch for. With the spring-like decorations, ferns and auto trimmings, the room will pre sent a gala appearance. Each of the (booths wllf be fitted up with tables bejaring brochures and de scriptive catalogues about tho cars displayed so pat visitors may satisfy their own curiosity as to the merits of tho cars. Tb-ore will bo salesmen or representatives in attendance also who will take ordprs or explain to Interest ed persons anything which they may wish to know. The formal opening of tho show -will bo at 7:30 ip. m. Mayor T. Samuel Browning wfill deliver tho opening ad dress sometime during the evening. He will be accompanied by Commission ers Chris Flygaro and Miles L. Jones. After tonight tho show will open each day at 2 p. m. and remain open until 1.1 p. m. There will be special features for each evening. There are several cars at the show which will no doubt attract more than usual Interest. One of these is a beau tiful Jordan brougham, four passen ger. This car was shown in New York's last automobilo show and also at Salt Lake's and was hailed as the prize car of the show. Another beau (liful machine on display is a Chandler 1 Six sport model painted, in a light blue.. This machine has attracted constant attention since arriving in Ogden. Tho Jordan' brougham is being ex hibited by the Mercer & Jordan Sales Co., and the Chandler sport bj C.A. Quigley, Inc. The show room is divided int) three rows of exhibits. The accessory men and body builders have taken tlhe en ! tire east wall of the room, tho center j and west walls being used for auto I mobiles. t Starting south from tho west door the exhibits are ranged as .follows: Burrows. Auto Co., Oakland six; Chalmers six; Cadillac eight, standard of the world. Browning Bros. Auto & Supply Co., 'Oakland and Willys-Knight; Overland six, sport model, Willys-Knight six. Both with white wire wheels and spe cial trimmings. j C. A. Quigley, Inc., Standard Steel Car eight, Chandler six, sport model, Chandler touring car. special hoqd. J. G-. Read & Bros. Co., autp top shop and McLaughlin Co., Paige, with Not A Common Car " " j THE aCt te Auum Six is not one of the commonest cars on . the streets appeals to a good many people, first because they - do ; not want die same car as everybody else lias, and second, because -they feel that there may be a little something tacked on- to the price of a-car H that is extremely popular. HL Comparison of the Auburn Six with other cars of equal price reveals a. marked superb K" ority in Auburn size, power and beauty. In fact-to equal the Auburn Six in size ancfl 1 Power and in all the other points that make motor car quality, ypu will have to pay. $200 to $300 more than the Auburn price. . The Auburn Six is- one of the best-looking,, most styfeh cats in America. It ap- f peals to people- whose taste has been educated to -appreciate harmonious,' simple lines ancj. H fine finish, 1 i Auburn-Six models include: Frvepassenger Touring-Car-and Four-Passenger Road'. H I ster at $1345; a smart, high powered Sport-Model at 1395,. a Seven-Passenger Touring ! You cannot afford to overlook (Ms car 'whether you are seeding j H simply the most jar your money or ator thais dlstmcthQ m its class. ' H ' Mountain States Motor Car Cfifc.. Hlf 2366 Hudson Ave. H SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT THE AUTO SHOW H, AUBtfXN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, AUBURN, INDIANA Read made top and .McLaughlin body finish. Center Row. Mountain States Motor Car Co., three-door sport model, Auburn six, deep .maroon; Inter-state. Noblitt Motor Car Co., Hupniobilc six, with special Victoria top and spe cial upholstering; Kissel Car six, spe- cial. Mercer & Jordan Sales Co., Jordan brougham, four passenger, finished in Brewster green; Jordan six, sport ma rine; Mercer sport model, four passen ger. Special Exhibits. The special automobilo exhibits and accessory displays are listed as fol lows: Ogden Tire Filler Co., Baird Demountable Rim Lock Co., Willard service storage batteries, tho Univer sal Airless Tire Co., Sidney Stevens Co., body . builders; Ogden Electric Supply Co., Utah Tiro Repair Co., Elec tric Starter & Storage Battery station, Gates Half Sole Tiro Co. UTAH BOYS READY TO DO THEIR PIIRT FOR (MM SALT LAKE, March 25. Members of the l-15th (Utah) regiment are in tip-top condition from overy conceiv able military standpoint, and aro fig uratively chafing at their bits, await ing tho order that will tell them to break camp and begin the long march to Berlin. This was the information brought back to Salt Lake by Colonel Richard W. Young, wh6 returned yes terday from Camp Kearny on his way to Fort Sill, Okla., where he has been ordered to rqport as a member of the efficiency board to examine the quali fications of United States army offi cers. Colonel Young said it was his be lief that no other regiment in the country could surpass the l-15th in the efficiency to which it has been trained during its stay at Camp Kearny the last six months. That it is holding jus own with any of them, is as far along .and as well advanced as any, he said he felt no shadow of a doubt, and ex pressed the conviction that his state ments would be fully substantiated when the men were given an oppor tunity to show on the actual field of battle what they could do. "I hope this opportunity will come soon," he declared. "Tho fact tnat the war department is calling men from other canton ments throughout the country for serv-lre- in France does not discourage us in the least," he added. "We know we are up to full requirements, and al though we cannot fathom the purposes of the war heads, we are content to rest in the belief that they understand what is best and are doing it. We have no idea when the call for us will come, but we shall bo there when it does come, be assured of that." Need 135 Recruits. , Owing to the fact that many men have been discharged from Cam? Kearny on account of physical defects, and to the large number of transfers which have- been made from time to time, Colonel Young said, tho regiment is at present suffering from a shortage of men. He said about 135 additional men were needed to bring tho regi ment up to full war strength. Although the voluntary induction of draft reg istrants has been ordored stopped by the adjutant general, Colonel Young said those who are outside the draft ago limits could enlist and that they would be welcomed at the camp. Asked whether he thought tho l-15th regiment would be denuded of officers when the time comes for forming skeleton regiments, as was done at Fort Douglas not long ago in the case of the Twentieth to form the Forty second and Forty-third, Colonel Young said that such would inevitably be the case, as no reservoir except the reg ular army exists from which officers who aro efficient can be drawn. Tho training schools, he said, are not able to provide trained officers, and the regular army is thus the only source of supply. Tho reputation of the men of the 115th for shooting accuracy is as high as any regiment in. tho camp, said Colonel Young, as may be readily seen from the fact that they were selected to fire the exhibition artillery barrage fire a short time ago. The arrival of the new Enfield rifles at the camp', he said, has re sulted in accelerated vigor in target practice and training. Tho boys show great prido in keeping their rifles in first-class condition, and feel more than ever a keen desire to get a chance at the Boche. 00 1 EH HI . FUNERAL SUNDAY Tho funeral of'Ben Morlensen, well known commercial traveler of Ogden and former baseball player, was held yesterday afternoon in the'Ninth ward chapel, with Bishop W. O. Ridges offi ciating. The chapel was thronged by the many friends of the deceased who had como to pay respect to him and many were unable m gainfan entrance to the chapel. The bier and the chapol stand were banked with flowors sent by many friends and acquaintances. Delegation of Woodmen of the World, B. P. O. Elks, and United Com mercial -Travelers - attended . the. -aexv- . : : : : CHANDLER SIX ?4fk$$&X ' $1595 t Chandler Leads ! r : All Sixes I : r 1 npHE Chandler leads all Sixesrindeed ' j . all medium-priced higfa-gracle cars- because it offers so much more for so much less. . I , . - Vt" The powerful and flexible Chandler motor, brought U) a point ap- i;; t (;. . promixating perfection by five years of refinement Wthout radical t ' :, u "Z changes. ; Bosch high tension magneto ignition, the world's finest system. ( i' . . , (Used by Pierce-Arrow, Locomobile, Winton, White,. Stlitz, Marmon, ' ' ': Mercer.) : Solid cast aluminum motor base, extending from frme to frame. . t i (Similar design and construction used by Packard, Locomobile, ) ; (bronze), Winton, Stutz, Mercer.) . Silent chain drive, instead of noisy gears, for motor shafts. (Used by Packard, Winton, Mercer, Cadillac.) ' , Annular light-running ball bearings in transmission. (Used y. Pack- i ard, Pierce-Arrow, Locomobile, Winton, White, Stutz, Mercer, Cadil- ' .1 ' ' lac, Marmon.) Annular light-i-unning ball bearings in rear wheels. (Used by '? i Packard, Locomobile, White, Stutz, Mercer, Marmon.) ' ; . ! And scores of other features of design and equipment' of equal . " v " , " excellence. ' SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES r . Seven-Passenger Touring Car, $ 1 595 Four-Passenger Roa'dster," $ 1 595 Four-Passenger Sport Model, $1675 ' ;Severi-Passcnger Sedan, $2295 Four-Passenger Coupe, $2 195 if 4 ,; . Limousine, $2895 " ; ' ' COME CHOOSE YOUR CHANDLER NOW :- C. L QUIGLEY, Inc., Distributors Of Standard and Garford Trucks and Chandler Sixx;s . : Wasatch 3996 33 Exchange Place I CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio j v j j ices and preceded to the cemetery. Special music was furnished as fol lows: Quartets, "Come Ye Disconso late" and "In the Times of Roses," Jed Ballantyne, Walter Stephens, Agnes Warner and Mildred Ware; solos, "A Perfect Day," Myrtle Ballinger Hig ley; "Beautiful Isle," Gerard Klomp, and "O Rest in the Lord," Mildred Ware. The speakers, all of whom re viewed thejr personal acquaintances with Mr. Mortensen and highly eulo gized his life, were W. G. Fisher, rep resenting the Commercial Travelers; Patriarch George W. Larkin, President Alva L. Scoville, Bishop W. O. Ridges and Elder E. A. Larkin. Interment was the city cemetery where the ritual service of the W. O. W. lodge was ob served. The grave was dedicated by Patriarch G. W. Larkin. fin MIT. C. I, SIM ON BRIEF VISIT TO HIS OLD HOME i Cap. C. T. Smith, of the medical corps at Camp Lewis, spent a few hours in Ogden Sunday with parents, brothers and sisters. The captain had been given a fur lough of a few days to run down to his home in Pocatello and see Mrs. Smith, who had been under a surgeon's care in the hospital for the past week. Finding her doing so well, he took a day off and came down to his old home and took dinner with the folks. on CUE TO WATER LAND ffifiR PERRY BRIGHAM CITY, March 25. The benefits of the Devil's Gate irrigation project will soon bo realized by the land owners south of this city, accord ing to the announcement of Engineer H. K. Chatfield of the Brigham Con servation company, that his concern will begin work at once, on the con struction of a four-mile canal from Box Elder canyon, where the water will be taken out, to a point this side of Perry. The Brigham Conservation company is a corporation composed of Salt Lake capitalists. The company has been working for the past three or four years building dams in Devil's Gate for the conservation of the spring flood waters, of which there is an abundance for several" hundredd acre3 of land if conserved instead of flowing to waste as it has done in. the past The company has completed the first of two dams to a height where it wilt be. possible tochegiaselllngper- - manent water rights. The dams will, be built higher just as fast as the company can do the. work, but this summer, it Is presumed, the company will devote its energies to the con struction of the canafl which will car ry the water to the arid land lying between Brigham awfl Perry. The res ervoirs are located about ten miles from this city, but 'the water will be turned into the regiilar streams, meas ured, and an equal flow taken out at the outlet at the mouth of the canyon and converted to the land by the new canal. When the fcanal system is in operation the conlpany will resume work on the dams. About fifty men and teams will be bmployed this spring in building the crjnal. The ditch will bo lined with cedent. TEACHERS, SEEK LARGER SALARIES BRIGHAM iClTY, March 25. The teachers of lox Elder county have made an appetal to the board of educa tion for an increase in salaries. The teachers are represented in their ef forts 'to get an increase by tho follow ing committee: J. W. Ward, principal qt the Lincpln school; Orson A. Chris lensen, J. W. Peters, Mrs. F. A. Hinck ley, Miss Veda. Hunsaker, of the high school faculty; Supervisor of Agricul-1 ture Walter J. Glenn and A. C. Olsen, principal of the Central schooL Follow ing is the substance of their appeal In brief: "First: That you find it possible to carry into effect the recommendations of State SupL E. G. Gowans in the matter of increasing teachers' salaries. "Secoqd: That teachers shall bo employed for the school year as a des ignated period of time, during which time tho teacher shall be at the full service of the board.of education, and for which he shall receive full school yearly salary without being subjected to deductions for any unforeseen clo- sure of schools over which the teacher 1 has no control. i "Third: That in case of sickness of 1 the teacher he shall be paid in full f for the first week and one-half salary for the period of sickness exceeding one week with provision for the rea- : sonable safeguard of the board of edu- i cation." In replying to the request of the teachers, tho board of education as sured the teachers that their request would be given careful consideration I and that everything within possibilitv J will be done for them. 4 oo . I ALL IT WAS GOOD FOR. Judge Why did you hurl this bot- : tie at the umpire? I Fan It m-as empty, Boston j Globe. ij We Repair Anything I Electrical I H I Electric Motors I Heating Devices D Fixtures Ml Auto &' Electric 1 Supply J - 2564 Washington Ave I Phones 325-326. I I CADILLAC j I I (Standard of the World.) 1 H i OAKLAND . I I 1 ..-("Sensible Six.") I I I CHALMERS I 1 1 , ("Quality Cars.") 1 I In buying one of these high grade cars you will be guar- 1 ' I 1 anteed high class service. 1 H I BURROWS AUTO CO. I I I 2532 Washington Ave. phone 694-W. 1 H