Newspaper Page Text
I THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH, TUESDAY, APRIL 23. 191 . ! Standard R1LNT-SIXL-BUY Result Getters Classified Ads THROUGH Standard I - STANDARD WANT ADS 1 ant Ads 1 I ; f WANTED Femak Help be GIRL in phl studio. 336 2oth 5457 1J" perTi:NCF1 chocolate dipper -Vntrd Write W. F. Jenson Candy J Logan, Utah. 5488 rrEKlEN' EP pirl or woman for et 1'aeral housework Colored preferred Id -jjrs a. -T Hall. 2248 .Teiieron. Up nt., 5ajr 5443 r- . COOP saleslady to work every Satur io jay. Horrocka" Bros. 2429 Wash. Ave te 5433 j el VNTED A pood woman to clean h0so 1 1 J Hernck Phone IOCS-.! '- I 5401 31 txrERlEN- KI) -McnoKraphcr and I" clerical girl. Apply 2518 Wash. 5434 " i TRLS in all departments. Ogden 1 -ieaoi Laundry, 437 25th St. 5408 ir f.oOD girl for general housework. ptono 1 1 jr. 5411 (j BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. a "ood wages, permanent position. Na tional Outfitting Co . 2345 Washington e ;enuc. 53S4 Q ;1RL wanted Greenwcll Confestion-I- r.r 5383 I wanted A good girl for general I housework. Small family. Good wage?. l;i 959 26th. Phone 2971-J. 5365 I EXPERIENCED chamber maid. Vlr- Idnia hotel, 5334 r. f rlSI GIR- for housework. 541 26th St. Tel. Mf 1494. k i GIRL wanted for general housework; no cooking; to go out of city for supa- . iner. Good wageu. Phone 1566. 2523 Jefferson. 5251 I VANTED Firs', class stenographer. II Jchn Scowcroft & Sons. 5038 WANTED I Male Help " r - I MEN for grading work on state high t way. Waves $3.75 per day; board $1 Apply on -work five miles south of Downey, Idaho, or address O. W. Mc I Oabe. box B Downey, Idaho. 5381 I YOUNG man for stenographic work I Prefer man with at least two years ex it perience. Appl American Can Co., of I Utah, 20th and Lincoln. 5391 i WANTED Night porter Healy hotel. 5340 t W ANTED First class sienographcT. -J John Scowcroft & Sons. 6039 . TWO first-class machinists and two I first-class boilermakeife. Inquire Supt. Ugden Sugar factory, Amalgamated 'J Sugar Co. 3992 i nr. Mw wv- -'i ' - . WANTED Situation 4 A'v"rx.'ii Cr.mli wihc sufli ofl rpmen t I work, lawn work, carpenter work. J Phone 2438 -M. 5135 WANTED Nursing by practical ma I lernlty nurse. 2629 Grant. Phone 3127. 5360 m AS R. R. watchman, 10 years exper JL lent, est of ref. Box B. G., care of W standard. 5343 POSITIONS tecured for both sexes at the Helping Hand bureau, 2417 Grant Phone 2057 -R. o- l'J LOTS plowed, gardens plowed and ashes hauled. Phone 2378 K, 6104 i CAKPET and rug weaving. Pa, 8888 J. I 3553 CHIMNEY SWEEP. FURNACES and chimneyo cleaned Lee Petcr3. phone 1952. 205u I FOR SALE s Sewing Machines I i A.NY make 6ewing macmues sold or repaired. Easy terms. Freight paid. Walker Electric Co , 159 S. State, ball Lake City. 3848 fFOiTSr i GASOLINE launch. Bargain; "Boat, car Standard. 5419 I HAVE sold the Ogden Employment Office to F. E. Hume, April 1. I thank the public for their patronage. 1 can recommend Mr. F. E. Hume as a good reliable man, and hope you will con i tinue your patronage to this office. 5164 I. M. COX. I WAxYTED ' j Miscellaneous J MILLER the old clothing buer pays I highest prices for old clothing; $2 to I $15 for suits. Phone 2J92-J. 5413 MONAUCH or Majestic range, with I water connections. State price. D. I P. O. Box 345. 5335 i HIGHEST price paid for second hand j clothing. Suits from $2 to $15. Phone 1860. J. B. Schultz. 5241 STOCK to pasture, 700 acres. Foster's 1 east 7th. 5187 Agents WANTED Good live stock salesman; erne who understands the buslne to handle branch office in Ogden. Adust tome recommended. Apply by mail or J In person to Cowley Brokerage Co., 510 I Walker Bank Bldg , Salt Lake. 5342 ' .Read the Classified Ads. j FOR RENT I Furnished 3 NICE housekeeping rooms, 2137 Grant. Phone 2652-M. 5451 COZY three room modern apartment, fully furnished. Cheap. Mrs. T. J. Hol land. 32 Argyle apts 5452 NICELY furnished rooms and house keeping apartments. AH rooms reno vated. Sleep in clean rooms. ( lean beds. 333 24th St. 5437 SLEEPING rooms. One with gas plate 2526 Adams 5440 i HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $2 per week and up. 362 J Hli St 5441 NICE front room- nicely tarnished, piano, for one or two gentlemen. Ph i 1676-M. 2581 Adams. 5445 1 NICELY furnished front room with garage. Close in. 459 22nd St. Thone i 926-W. 5482 FOR RENT Furnish, d and unfur nished housekeeping rooms, gas and lights 2474 Washington. 5398 FURNISHED apartment for house keeping, rent reasonable. 2106 Wash ington. Phone 2906-W. 5396 I j I TWO furnished rooms for hskpg. 1T3 -IS! SI. D11J 3 -ROOMS, bath room, pantry, kitchen cabinet, and large lot; 2726 Madison. Call 1220-R. 5394 MODERN 4 room furnished home at 2663 Quincy. Thone 3264. 5379 2 OR 3 furnished rooms for light hkpg. Phone 2067 - M 53SS 2 mod. bungalows. Piano, grate and gas. Also garage. Also furnished cot tage in canyon 422 20th. 5410 ATTRACTIVE modern furnished house for rent, for summer months. Phone 2477. 5392 ;2 OR 3 rooms with gas and light; W. : B. Wedell. 2468 Wash avenue. 5390 3 MODERN furnished rooms, screen ed porch, clothes closet 2920 Hudson. 5382 i THREE rooms furnished or unfurnish ed; close to town. $14 month. 570 25tn I St. 5359 15-RROM, modern furnished house. 450 29th St. Phone 3239 -W. 5369 i . (NICELY furnished sleeping room with private bath; 2629 Grant. Phone 3127. 5351 Nli KLY furnish i fl ".-room suite for light housekeeping near car line. No children. Tel. 3119 -W. 2462 Monroe. 5357 i ." ROOM modern house with piano; 3 -room partly modern house. Apply 212S Lincoln Ave. 5.115 TWO rooms lor light housekeeping, j 2550 Orchard. a344 ' H IX Apts . 2 rooms. 447 21st f '.. 5339 J A NEATLY furnished apartment. The Pearl. 27th and Grant. Phone 2920 , FURN. housekeeping apts. 2203 Wash. 5059, HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 8880 Lincoln.! 3917 : PEARL, Twenty-seventh and Grant. Phone 2920. 27tio 1 SEE the new Plaza Apts. Prices from $23.50 to $37.50 pet month, including light, heat and gas. Phone 2208. 1654 j auUSES and flat. S&34 Grant- MK-tf FOR RENT i Unfurnished j 4 -ROOM mod. apt. 2616 Monroe. Phone! 2694-R. 5461 1 I 4 -ROOM modern with large lot, 848 I 22nd St. Phone 3160-M. 5407 3-ROOM mod. house; $10; call 1536-J. 5488 j TWO houses on Sherburne avenue for sale or rent. 253 W. 21st St. 5418 MODERN 4-rm, cottage cheap; close j in; apply 800 21st St. 54J6 j 5 ROOM modern house with garage.! 2538 Quincy avenue. Apply 328 ug-! den. 53J8 5-ROOM cottage rear 2027 Jefferson. 5361 3- ROOM house on bench, $8 per mo. I Inquire 403 First National bank bldg. 5302 4- RM. modern apt. Gas range, lino- i leum, good condition, i'h. 1U3. 5JLU 4-ROOM hoube and garden land. -16u Washington. 5271 5- ROOM modern house. Call 1220-K. 4019 j ATEN'ATTORNE PATENTS, patent drawing, commer- 1 1 clal drafting. Industrial Engineering J company, 435 Atlas Blk., Salt Lake. ' Phone Was. 6260. 5009 1 1 . ( r WAOTED I To Buy i MMtfuinr"in'i'- - - . WANTED to buy ofllce desk. What have you to offer 2325 Wash. Ave. 5459 ! WANTED Motorcycle. Harley-Dav- I idsou or Indian. Address P. O. box j 422. 5463 I FOR RENT Board and Room HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also xooms I with or without board. 6150 FOR SALE Real Estate J OGDEN HOME BUILDERS' CO. Real Estate Insurance Strictly modern 8 room house on 24th street Bargain $450n 5 room Brick modern, full basement 72 acre land lots of fruit and gar den. Only $3000. North part of town. New 5 -room modern. Lot 100xl5"', South Washington. 6 -room modern; largo lot, just off Washington avenue, south part of town. Bargain $2650; terms 5 -room modern R R district; $2100; terms. Farm, 15 acrs. on state road In west part of Huntsville 5 horses, 4 cows, 5 calves, machinery, etc. This place has creek running through it. and lots of shade. Price $8500. OGDEN HOME BUILDERS' CO, 213 Eccles Bldg. Phone 917. 5448 44 FT. building lot on Wash. Ave be tween 32 and 33 st. Mt States Motor Car Co. 2366 Hudson Ave. Phone 624. 5462 SIX lots near 30th and Harrison. 25 146 feet to 16 foot alle ; $50 each; $5 cash and $5 per month. Plowed, ready lor gardening O. A. Kennedy, base ment Utah Natl. Phone 913. 5431 THREE acr-s, 6 room modern brick l house Terms. Phone 900-J Owner 5399 , 9-ROOM mod residence or exchange (for Los Angeles property, also lot 45x I 167 feet. Phone 1645-NR. 5414. ' PARTLY mod. 4-room house with; larce lot, barn. Phone 13-R-4 53S0 I I 1 5-ROOM house and lot; fruit trees,' I water right; chicken coop; No. 1411 I Wash, avenue. $200 down; balance $10 per month. Phone owner 3139-J after; I 6 o'clock. 5389 . MODERN up-to-date home at 1521 Og- ! 1 den avenue. By owner. 5385 j ! NEW 5 -room brick bungalow, gas and fireplace. Phone 1 934 -J. 535S , A MODERN fivn-room home within 1 four blocks of the Union depot. A nice ' lot, has trees, lawn, everything in good ! shape. Worth $3000; will take $1800; ' $80 ca6h, balanco on three years' time, j This is a great bargain. The property is now rented at $20 per moni. J. J. , 1 Brummitt, under Utah National bank. 5293 FOR SALE. 21 ACRES best land In county for to matoes, peas, beets or fruit; 5 acres j in .j. ;iring apples, 2 acres pasture, 14 j acres lor general use; good 4-room' brick house, large barn, cemented cel lar, well and ample water right. Ideally, located for marketing crops, lose to' excellent school and on one of lao main highways Will sell on Lood , terms; only $1000. J. A. McCulloch, , Under First Natl. Bank 5294 ' I A GOOD four room houte, close in on 26lh street, has largo lot, trees, lawn,; a good propertj , reasonably worth j about 2600, lor only $1800, $00 down, I balance on as long terms as required. j. j . urummitt. rnone oy. AN legant corner on 21st street, 100 teet front. 138 teet deep to alley. This is one ot the most elegant lots on 21st street ior only $100. J J. Brummitt, under L tab .National bank. 5293 A .MCE sightly lot on Madison avenue, 50x180 teet to alley, reasonaoiy worth 200; will take $lu0. J. J. Br imltt Phone 5U. 5293 BY owner 5-room modern house on bench, 1-3 les than can be bunt now. Terms easy. Phono 3J01-W, alter 5 p. m. 5230 AN elegant lot on 25th street, 50x139 teet deep to alley, with all special tax paid, oniy 1800. J. J. Brummitt, under l lah National bank. 52t3 oOME choice lots on bencu. By owner. ,'liuuo 3J98-W. 508 1 FARM In eastern Montana sale or trade for Ofcdea property. 1017 21au 3999 FIVE room house with light and water on a lot 43.8 feet by 105 feet, weal lront, paved street, close in on Wash ingion avenue. Lot alone worth $16UU, juu best investment In Ogden. All lor $1000. J. A. Mcculloch, unuer First National Bank. 2374 FUR. sale or trade for small acreage, 322 D. F. 16u plowed, 85 in grain, fono ed, bulldiugs, horses and implements incloses cauons hue lor catue. Write to box 15 care Standard. 3645 EVERYTHING lor rent. Ogden Rent al agency. 374M. 25th st. Phone 69. 3657 FOR SALE j Vacuum Cleaners I THOR electric, 5-year guarantee, only $30 freight. Paid. Walker Electric Co., 159 S. State, Salt Lake City. 3850 ! FOR SALE j Washing Machines GUARANTEED electric washing ma chines $46. Easy torms. Freight paid. Walker Electric Co., 159 S. Stato, Salt Lake City. 3S49 j FOrTsALE I farms ---nr,nnrri IDAHO RANCHES FARMS and ranches, some with cat tle. Terms. Federal Land Co. 493 WANTED To Rent 5 OR 0 room mod. house. Yard and garagr. Phone Manager 930 after noons. 5443 FOR ALE j I Miscellaneous f 1 WHY not make 30c eggs worth 50c or 60c? Flemings Egg Preserver. ' Best in the World" will do It. Recommended by fifty -three Agricultural colleges. Costs about lc per doz. Guaranteed to keep fresh eggs fresh for one year. Eggs are best and cheapest for pres erving now Ask jour dealers. J. H Shafer, local distributor. 545. A good riding pony, good driver $25; Apply 1084 21st St Phone 1270-J. 54T-6 4 COTS good as new. Just the thin? for the canyon or camping. Also good furniture, library table, Davenport, wardrobe, rugs, settee, chairs, mirrors, etc. Will go quick. Cull 226 Col. Hud son Bldg. or Phone 811. 5458 6 ROOMS ot furniture. Piano included. Phones 1365. 2771 Wash. 5453 BICYCLE for sale cheap in good shape. 705 22nd st. 5444 HOME comfort ran?' w ith water back I Very cheap. 2305 Lincoln. Phone 1906 I M. 5436 GOOD one seated rubber tired buggy. - Telephone 1118-R. 5427 ! PRINTOGRAPH for printing imitation i tvnp written letters. 1350 when new: in good shape now; will sell $65. Wright's. Ask for Mr. Fowler 5422 SUGAR beet, seed 50c; P 333. 5406 FINE Jersey heifers, best milking strain in west. Phone 1573. 5415 YOLTNG cow for sale. Five brood sows Nichols Gilbert, Wilson lane. 5416 A genuine mahogany dressing table, plate glass top; no scars or scratches Very reasonable; 803 25th. 5393 FORD automobile In good conditiou. Phone 3087 Healy bar. 5378 CORRUGATED iron garage. 18x18; cheap if taken at once 520 22nd. 5387 HIGH-GRADE bugg and harness cheap. Inquire mornings. 2223 Adams. 5374 RUNABOUT bugg ; rubber tired; good as new. Bargain. A. E. Read at Read Harness store. .":;, 9 column Burrough's Adding machine Good working order $100 cash. Apply Standard office. 5371 OVERLAND truck in first class shape, a bargain; Ogden Wholesale Drug Co. 5246 EXCELLENT mare, gray 7-years old. 1100 lbs., splendid work or road ani mal; buggy and harness. American Grocery Co. 5285 AUTO delivery body for sale or trade. P. 333. 5141 H' RS1 S .ind delivery wagons Tor sale, ogden Steam Laundry. 5139 A concrete mixer for sale cheap. Phone 1560-W. 5020 I nUUUlNU house in nest part ol city; furniture and furnishings all extra ! good. Call and see. 202 23rd St. 3927 A rectifier, good as new. Inquire H. C. Ligeiow. 3600 (fcLNE large safe cheap. W. D. Brown. 1 bus Eccies biug. 3594 IMPORTED canaries. 2i20 Lincoln Ave. S14 1 SLX largo sacks or kindling wood, $L J. U. Wheelwrl&bu Phone 828. 7411 SECOND-HAND goods bought and sold at reasunable prices. 1800 Wash. Phono 686-J. 3082 L hvK KliMl k I Miscellaneous I VERY desirable office, centrally lo cated Inquire J. A. Hogle t Co., 2409 Hudson. Phone 322 8-11-tf C" - . I. T r . tiliiAia 1 1 1 cxiiNU and yiceu. lue and 15c a yard. Fancy buttons. Madamo Capiau's Gown Shop, 3rd lioor Wrigkis. 1504 LAJJlL'taUoruig.253e Uadison. 1932M -lO-iyr. Lost ' DOG Slate color; white ring around neck. Weight about 30 pounds Re turn to Wells Fargo & Co. Exprei 'Electric Terminal depot. Reward. 5441 PINK cameo brooch in city cemetery Sunday the 21st. Call A. A. Robinson. 1 Phone 1208. Reward. 510U PRBSTOLITE tank. 44 lbs. gas. Re turn to 244 27th. Reward. 5454 THE party iB known who took Iver Johnson bicycle from Lyceum. Return I to 888ft Twenty-fifth. 5110 I LARGE brownish-red cameo pin. Llb I era! reward. Return to Madame Capln, at Wright's, third floor. 5417 CAMEO pin on bench. Phone 2110-W. j Reward. 5200 ! SATURDAY, between Adams and , Washington on 23rd or between Uoru iand 24th on Washington, child's while I fur neck piece. Phone 3'57-M. Call at 878 24th St. 4040 r FOR SiXEUTOS 1 A Buick truck; model 17, $300. Phone 29-R-2. 5409 1914 Roadster; electric lights, starter, $200. See Nichols, cashier Depot hotol, 6330 KIESEL truck in good condition. Og den Junk House. 2059 Wash. 5286 FOR sale 7 pas Buick. A bargain. Call 1021. 318 OUTBURST OF EVERET TRUE i i LOOKING AX MLe FU.RT bJHO HS JUST "TftTifM COtte N , AMD ALTMOUCH ARe PLEYPwW Or CMPTY SCATS, He PRFeS TO S5TTue HlPi HIMS6LF JMTO ON OCCOPiCD fcT A C.ADY 5 I THANK xt Ur( ' ' N CTLTA SIR S 1 tuANT TO MAK t'vi this PRAcnce s evt- MUCH. r rjpj BKRRA3SIMQTO SOCH FCrLCOW I s it is to The CADiesI 1 FOR SALE Poultry and Egg BARRED Rocks and White Wyandotte eggs. Phone 2631-J. 850 23rd st. 5273 FOR No. 1 baby chicks, none better or cheaper, phone As till, 1157-R. 5143 BABY chicks at Ogden Feed Co. 5144 RHODE Island Rods Eggs $1 per set I ting. G. C. Kimes, 351 Ninth sL 4012 LOGS for hatching $3 a setting. Thor oughbreds. Columbian Wyandottes. In ) quire phone 3233 -R. 3904 GUARANTEED White Leghorn oggs, fl, $1.50 setting. 2461 Harrioon. Phone 1458. 3S38 RALPH P. HUNTER, Established 1889. Mortgage Loans, Real Estate, Insurance, Utah, .daho lands, farms and city property. Persons Ceirmg to loan mo on good first mortgage security will do well to consult mo. Good applications al Taya on hand i .1 24th SL, Ogdcu, Utah. 3330 W. N. Pierce Agency Real Estate, In surance, Loans, Notary. 15 Cummer ) cial Bank Bldg. Phone 300. MufrEY to loan on rei csuuo secur ity. J. J. Brummitt. 6-21 u REAL. ES TATE, aiortgaao and Loans. Kelly & Herrlclr. 6-1&-U LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Office of the State Road Commis sion of Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah, April 12th, 1918. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until ten (10) o clock A. M. May 6th. 1918, for grading, and constructing pavement on the Ogden -Box Elder State Road, from the north limits of Ogden City to North Ogden, together with work incidental there to according to plans, specifications and profiles on file In the office of the State Road Engineer Instructions to bidders, together with plans, profiles, speculations and forms for contract and bond, can be obtained upon application at the of fice of the State Road Commission up I on the depositing of five ($5 00) dol lars, The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, and to waive any de fects. By order of the State Road Com mission of Utah, this 12th da of April, 1918. IRA R. BROWNING. State Road Engineer, And Secrotary. State Road Commis sion of Utah. "CROOL" THOUGHT. Don t think that new process of talk ing the Uusto out of cod llvcr ol will prove very popular. Mato persons will thinK they're not getting n that's coming to thorn If tho luslo la eliminated. Phlla 1 dclphla Inqnlrror. HIS IDEA OF ENLIGHTENMENT "Wrmt Is a pessimist, pa" H" in a mun. mv son. who woum rink.' tho world brighter y putting out nil the "e,"And what It un optimist?" "Oh. he Is a man who always sees Omethlng worth while in another mans misfortunes." . LIU Read the Classified Ads. oo Read tho Classified Ads. brotherhood of American Yeomen. Oc den Homestead No. 1505, meets every I Wednesday evening in I O. O. F. hall. Fraternity building. 2320 Washington avenue, W. L. Mooro, Foreman, J. A. Junk, Correspondent. 3202 Washington avenue. Visitors always welcome ijuecn City Rebckah Loose. No. 4. I. O. O F. . meets second and fourth Saturday evenings at oud Fellows' Hail. Visiting members Invited. Lucile Stephens, .s j , Lulu eJloudmoXi, Kecording Secretary, zbW Van Uurcu avenue. Ogden Lodge No. 1314, Loyal Order of Moose meets svery Friday night at 8 o'clock, Muuau hall, 41 b WasnlQ on uvenue. W. J. Wright. Dictator, J. 11. KiiaUkS. secretary. Col. Hud-un bid.'. American Masonic Federation (Univer sal cotticii Kite Oguen Lougc No. si, meets every .louuay a p. m., at 3tiJ 24th bt. Joseph Oliver, H. v H.; 4A A. Aiui lor. becretary, i!ob2 Wash. Ave. Manors always welcome. The W oman s Liencilt .Vssoclation ot the alarfinenSi bUvex Review, No. l., uioets Uie loi oiiU oiu Fnuay uvumiDd at 6 o cioctv aoiu uie uu axiu Ida i-nuay ai leinooua at oU o ClOClC lu the ooU Uian Lull, UJHI uaIL Ave. Vloiuug uiv.uiLitio Ui.iied. Oeicruuu Weavel, 1 l . Jennie Prout, R, x., uj uu iurvu Ave. Xlasomc cjuccn Latlicr Chapter, No. 4, O. JU ., . o .11..0-' liciu al ..ia. un - 10 nail ou . aaningMu ntve., ueiween itoLh ana Stitil tt , Uio lint uua lUnu IfTl uay o oi eacll mOUllL Csojouiuiag uieliioel'S coiuialiy iuvilcU to utLeuu. Luna i. fcUUlUlli W. al., Liuua L. IXWlU, ecro- laxy. The KoysJ Ulghlsnders, uguea Catiu 60. meeiS in mu liukics iiaii ou eiallL a.cuue ever) oovoua una louiin iueiK. iy evenings a-t o u uuu, v imuu nibiuaiiu ers coiuiaiiy Invited. v. w vaits, ni. no., f. i-, Plana Seciciuiy-tieaou. -r, wsa juuicoiu avenuik Kojal Neighbors of jVmcrica meets eVeiy SSCOnfl ana loui Lh ..lonuay nighU ol eacli moiiin at S o clocK at the new uua FellOWS hall, 1-iuteruiiy uuiluiug. inning neighbors Inyitea. Mary Uuiiy, Oracle, u WiUlaniej Nottio Tumor, ivccoiuel, t43 all Luren. oodmen of the World. Wbcr Camp, No ii. ineelii III Uio V . U. W. Hall, 11a ! lernlt) OloeK, Washington avenue, ever) Thursday evening at a o clock. I lsitJQg W oounien coraially lnviteO to atteno. v. ualt, C. C, Wm. duller, Clelk F. U liOX Abb. Fraternal Order ol Eagles, Ugden Acne No. la. meets every Wednesday evening at & Q cloca at Lagies' lioiue, .-tJl oraiu Ave. lolling broiner Lagis aiu invited to uttcuu me moetinga emu iooma open ' 1 ai it a- m. Auaui r aiber, v'. President; ! I Laii Ouiger, Secretary; Or. Heiniioiu I Kanaler, Aerls Fhysici&n. L tali e'aiup No. 'JO'JU, Modern Woodmen oi America, nieces every VNedneodayi night in the llurtl hall. 243'J lluuson Ave. out oi towu members coiuiaiiy Invited lo meet w Hh u.-. S . 11 Jotm froii, Consul; J. It, ilinchellli, Clerk. Ogden Lodge No 5, Independent order Ol Odd Felloes, meets Hi 1. O. O F hall ' every Tuesday evening, visiting 0r-lh-ei o cordially invited to be preseul. 11. F I Frank I'oiiard. n o , Lienr Klssell. I tecieiary. j The Order of Railway Employes, ogden I Division No. 41, meets every lirat and I third Fridays of each month at tho Fugles' hall, at 8.15 p. m. Visiting broth ers cordially Invited. Adrian bchipper, ! Secretary. Ogden Lodge No. 2, Xnlghts of Pythias meets every Alonday evening ut 6 o'clock 1 in Castle Hall ol the Fythian building. .'351 oiant avenue, v'lslting Knights -come. Fred .Moispner, C. C; W. O. L'n dcrwood. K. of R S. ; James McCamunl, J33t Washington Ave., Al. ot F. . i-hbors of Woodcraft, Ogden Circle No. 6S1, meets every Wednesday ev. . ing ol each month, ut s o'clock iii tho new Woodmen hall Visiting noighhors Invited barah Ranson, O N , 1 lj West Patterson Ava Phone 1235-H. .Marie ' rites. Clerk, -731 Alonroo Avu. Phono 1 JJ01-J. FORMATION BUREAU Work jruaranteed. Also law.; dlo pcucors (or sale. Moulding A Oamor, l'honu 1611. 3!W3 Lowe & Fruns, expert wall paper aleenera Ail work guaranteed. Prices rcaaonuti.'c. Phone 1775. 37S4 Auctioneer H you want to sell your furniture and receive the ivost money, phono Was. ::-:L- 01 write to Carl Ostxiloh, a-.- INFORMAT I tioneer. Salt Lake City. I sold the Vir ginia, also tho Arlington Hotel. ZC years In Utah. Attoraey-at-Law . 1. Hulanlskl. Lawywr. 313-314, Ftrt National Lank Bldg. Phone 202. 3632 Lawyer O'Connolly. over Commercial National Bank. Phono 11. Accident Insurance Aetna Accident it Liability Co , Aut- and Liability Insurance. H. A. Purdy. 2377 Hudson Ave. Phono 483, Anything Bought, sold or exchanged. Alvord. Phonc 333. 3273 Automobile Supplies Every tiling for Automobiles. Every thing for Electricity. Auto and Electric Supplv. 2561 Washington Ave. Phono 32 and 325. Garage. Repairs. Stufitebaker Agency. MacTMtobtnson Co., 2440 Grant Avenue, Phone bill. Banking Ogden State Bank. Commercial & Sav- ing3 Ocpts. Kced Hotel Bldg. Phone 52, Utah National Bank, southeast corner 24th St. and ash. Ave. Phone 6L Carpet Cleaning K Van Kamp-.n for upholstering: car pets cleaned, altered and laid. Kc-maklng 1 ol muttressea. phone 883. Exp--, carpet cleaning, mattreas reno vating, upholstering, and springs re stretched. Call E. J. Hampton Co., Pnono 2586-W. Claim Adiustinz Utah National Adjusting Co. give spe;ial attention to personal injury cases. All classes of claims handled. Suite 504-505 Eccles Bldg. Phone HI. Ogden, Utah. 5201 Chiropractors A. P. Blair chiropractor, auit 406-7 8. CoL Hudson Bldg. Phone 74S. Irish & Irish, chiropratrc, suite 209-21u-ll Col. Hudson Bldg. 2nd floor. Phone 276. only lady Chiropractor in 0iaen. 2734 L J. McKell. cnlropractor, rourth floor Col. Hudson Bldg. Phono 630, 2601 C. B. Johnson, Chiropractor, 412-13-14 Col. Hudson Bldg. Phone 707. L. F. Plntler. successor to F. J. Freenor Chiropractic olnce. 11J-13-U-26, Colonol UUOSun Jtfidg Fnonu 31L h City Scavengers BacCarty . Co.. 2734 Grant Avenue, Puuno 018-W, Electrical Wiring Wiring una n i .Ting In all Its branch- 1 es. Auio dc Lleciric Supply, 2664 Wash. Ave. Phones J-io-JJu. 40S1 j Engraving Obuen i-iabravlng Service Co., makers of line cuts lu one or more colors, 24U v a-lnngiou Ave. Phono 463. Furrier and Taxidermist Purs cleaned, r.n.oo.jicu la latest styles, den Lu. u 101 new turs at reasonable prices. trVOra uaiuniecu. T. cjojowsay ai lui I oloie. x'Uono US, Garage , .Luio-Electrlc Oarage. Wo do all auitts oi ocuciator anu electrical work, dauafauuon guaianteed, -u nuawa. iiiuiiu aji-V, aubi iiair Dressing AiiauuMit xj.u dressing Pai.jr. abam vooaib. nuuiicui mg. i-ccd Hotel Blag.. i,i jOi ou i'uouu lu.-J. w.t rioter iuo only Fireprool Hotel In Ogd . fcUiles iov and up. Tho .New lirignam, vi ail Ave., una MIA Bt Phone -40U, j jiiiiK ana iliaes , to.i, u.uw junk Co., 2223 Vaah- I Uibiuu AVa A none dOl. Obden uiik Hoao, 2053 Wash. Avi, Pdoue alifc itiessengers Phone ..o. i.ondod service. Motorcycle service at our own price. Wo deliver any time, anwneic, yuiealy and iwueiy. uinco in -iu. ilsaJ nioney to Loan baianeu peopio can get It Without 80 cuiny, ouicis on lurniiure. pianos, etc i nuuouii J-iug. Piiouo j.I-j. New and Second hand Goods A- Siner. new and second-hand furnl ture, ciotnmg, etc.. bougnt and i.oid. Suit i jua cueap. 41-43 oth St. Phone 13JL. J. J. Bunker i iauo a ainiig, Ivcpairing & Rcflnls) .j, AH Kinds oi smaU uiitruuients repair a. v.oia feuaianiccd. J. J. iuukcr, Shop .u VaalnUblon Ave. Tel. OUJ. --02J Olson Fluff Rugs eion i.u.i uuaa made from old carpets and rugs, i lioue j'Jes-.Vl. J71-22 SL o442 Photographers ihe Aiiiuuuaeu studios. We please the hard to please. it-J Washington Ave-. nue. 1'lioue -ij-K. Physician and Surgeon iJr. A. i cimunu o.nco hours U to 4 p. ui. New Peery Biug. Hudson Ave, Kea i'houe 61k, onico 1'none iyiM-VY, Sanitary Work Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinds oi- - j blsh haulod. ash pits cleaned. Prices jeanabie, l'hone 6iU. . Sewing Machines Whuc Bewinsjachlne Co . 225S Wash. Ingion Ave, KSS 2SS4. Tents and Awnings Ogden Tent and Awning Co.. manufac turers of hlgh-grado store, olflce and resident awnings. Waterproot cover s. liags, etc. AnythlnK in anvaaa UM w asnlngton Ave. Phone -64. Wall Paper Cleaning klxpen rwallpaper craning. $1.2d per room. Pete Starr. Phone 2057 -R. 5341 WALL paper cleaning. W. W. Mould ing wall paper cleaning Good work reasonable prices. 167 26th st. Phone 53 Bf PIE FOR THE DENTIST: A mecze toduv cost Mike O'.Mcara 115. While walking alonR the street he gave way to an inclination to sneese, and a seT of false teeth that co.t him 11 sl moleons fell out of bis mouth, breaking on tho sldownlk FYOtn this on h.-- mil a muzzle. Anderson, lnd., Bulls- Un.