Newspaper Page Text
THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH. THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1918. It f - h Standard RILNT-SLLL-BUY Result Getters Classified Ads : THROUGH Standard 11 Lead STANDARD WANT ADS V J V. WANTED 1 Female Help j LADY stenographer must be able to do some office work. American Lin- Co. 165 26th St. 6464 EXPERIENCED girl at Drphenm Can dy Co. C416 A t HERRY pickers wanted at Ben Lo ll mond orchard North Ogden. Cannot uce them under 13 years of age. 6426 GIRL lor general housework No washing 803 23th St. 6H5 YOUNG girl tr. assist with care ol rhildreu and light housework. 529 27b St. 6390 AN experienced girl for room work 111 a family. 533 26th st. 6311 OLSON fluff rugs made from old car pets and rugs. Phone 190S-M. 371 22d 6297 Y UTRESS wanted. Stimpson'n Cafe. 6277 j WANTED ) Male Help W ANTED A middle aged man for Janitor work. Call 442 Herrick Ave. 6166 BOY over 14, with wheel. Apply Messenger Sen-ice. 411 23d St. 6457 STOREKEEPERS Two experienced section storekeepers U. P. R. R- Chey enne to handle casiingx icnel and electrical material $98 and ? 1 12. Room 2. Union station, Ogden. 61j3 BOY to work for tuition while attend ing Smithsonian Business college. 606 4 j FOR RENT Unfurnished 3- ROOM cottage, Ogden canyon. City water and lights. Phone 1416 J or 360 646- COMMODIOUS warehouse with con venient office room; 2360 'Wall Ave. R R. tracks up to platform at rear. Apply to A. D. Chamoers, agent, First National bank. 646 5 -ROOM house for rent. Modern; on bench. Call 862. 6480 TYYU 4-room brick houses. 230 and 214 17th St. Phone 2691-J. . 6476 FOUR large rooms, pantry and bath, close in. 2o25 Jett. 16. 6473 H 1'SEKEEP1NG apt. 437 Herrick. 6472 6 ROOM modern frame, first class rc i pair, lawn and garden already planted. E. F. Bratz, ill Ecclcs Bldg. Phone I960. 6150 j-RnoM modern hous Bath and tOl iet Inquire at 2020 Jeff. 6438 5 ROOM house, 1947 Van Buren. In quire 1965 Steele. 6448 4- ROOMS, light, water, cellar, clothes closet. S 10. 2.48 Jett. 6428 4 ROOM house for rent. 856 22nd St Sk Phone 2889-R. 6431 c- 4 -ROOM apartment: Browning apaii ments. 0 room dwelling, 2 Hi WUBh avenue. 6 room dwelling, 626 27th St. call on Geo. Jb. Browning, phone 1713. 6865 FOR rent unfurnished: 5 -room mod ern, garage. 430 Herrick avenue. Fur uy. Pnone 485. 6423 3- ROOMS partly modern, S8 per mo. I Phone 622 -li. 6oo3 i (ROOM house. 46u Washington. 6339 CALL 2091-NW for a 4-room modern bouse. 6248 uNE modern tbree-room apartment ic the Argyle. Phone 1008-J. 5573 0-KUUM modern brick house, newly painted and papered all through. Has nad a general remodeling. Good loca tion. Apply at Horrocks Bros., 2437 Washington ave. 6o78 4- RUOM house. Phone 3123-R. 5957 ONE modern tnree-ruom apartment In the Argyle. Phone 1008-J. 5743 i FOR RENT Miscellaneous L t STORE room and basement. No. 2450 Wash. Ave. New front Apply D. H. Peary estate, Ogden theater. 5695 VERY desirable office, centrally lo cated. Inquire J. A. Hoglo & Co.. 2409 Hudson. Phone 322. 8-11-tf WANTED Miscellaneous LADY wants homo for baby or for adoption. Apply A. Barker, P. O. City. 6385 BUSINESS T OPPORTUNITIES PARTNER wanted to promote tho manufacture of the best fence post ever was invented. Model ran be seen at the Standard office. Protection se cured. Apply to George McElroy, Plain City. 6362 Read the Classified Ads. i . Read the Classified Ads. V - FOR RENT Furnished MODERN 3 room apt. Also 2 room apt. Phone 1008-J. 6467 ATTRACTIVE front room adjoining bath. Call between 6 and 7 evenings 2223 Adams 6475 FOUR downstairs rooms, modern; $17 month. Also three at $16 month. Call at 3024 Grant 6471 1 ".-ROOM modern apartment With Bleeping porches 2539 Adams 6479 I 4 bskpg rooms on ground floor, sleeping porch and gas. Phone 1264, j 255 27th St. 6458 FURNISHED sleeping room with ( bath; suitable for one or two. 527 23id i St. Phone 3250. 6436 j FURNISHED hskpg rooms $2 per : week and up. 362 24th St. 611s I FOUR clean cool rooms, cellar, lawn1 j shade. 1127-M. Phone 6410 1 4-ROOM furnished house, canyon I road. Inquire 349 18th. 6420 I FURNISHED housekeeping room i Reasonable at 330 23rd 6386 FURNISHED room for rent. 521 24t'i street Call evenings. 6120 2 NICELY furnished hskpg. room.-, light, water. 132 Poplar. 6391 MODERN housekeeping rooms; shade, gas. 275S Lincoln. 6395 TWO nicely furnished rooms with sleeping porch Phone 1678. 6381 FRONT bedroom, large closet, oppo site tabernacle square, north. Phone 2959-R. 6371 3 HOUSEKEEPING room;. 2338 Wall. ! 6347 2 OR 3 rooms with gas and light, W. B Wedell. 2468 Wash, avenue. 6338 MODERN furnished apartment 231 1 27lh sL 6270 I HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. ! 2210 Washington. Phono 190. 6151 j CLEAN 2-room apt. disap. bed, private bath. 2428 Monroe ave. 617 1 3-ROOM house strictly modern, well ' lurnished. Apply 3278 Ogden avenue 6135 FOR RENT. FURNISHED Five -room modern house, with sleeping porch. ; Call at 2240 Jefferson, Thursday, be tween 10 and 6 p. m. 6099 FURNISHED rooms for light house Keeping. Call Smithsonian Business college. 6065 A partly furnished apartment. Rear 566 - I b si. 699u CUKEV apartments. Modern, low I rates. -566 Wash.. Ave. Phone J925- 692, ROUMS for housekeeping, 427 24th si. ' 9GJ BUMMER rales now on at the Plaza apartment hotel All apartments re- I duced $o per month, making apart ments irom $17.60 to $8260 per mouth, , lueiudlng gt.s, lighl, heat, jajiHor ser vice, electric elevator, pool and bit- liardb, telephone in all ayaninenis, on top tloor, complete laundry where yOC I can uo your own laundry. In counec lion with apartment hotel is a ball room for me amusement of tenants and where we give a party and nail onco u month when you can bring your lriends. Complete hotel service is giv en when desired. Phone 2208. 6861 ELEGANTLY furnished sleeping room. 600 24lh St. 620 FOX Apts. 2 rooms. 447 21sL 6694 SLEEPING rooms. One wllb gas plate. 2626 Adams. 6440 A NEATLY furnished apartmenu The Pearl, 27th and Grant. Phono 29-u 5311 PEARL, Twenty-seventh and Grant Phone 2920. 2'& HCUJbES and flat. 2634 Grant. S-U-Lf LOST fclAAUMAU-, QetweeD iith and 19th, on Wash. Ave. Reward. 218 West 17th SI 6469 LOST Between Ogden and Kemmer er on Lincoln highway, two suit cas es, June 10. containing school girls' wardrobe. Liberal reward. B. M. Fox, La Barge, Wyo. 6399 2 -YEAR -OLD mare. Two white hind feet. Bald face, branded on the left flank $10 reward. J. B Carver, Plain City 6402 COAT to man';-: dark gray suit on Riv erdale. Call 1547. 6382 LADIES Elk pin; one small diamond, three pearls; reward. Phono 3237 -R. 63S9 BAY mare, smooth Between 700 and 800 lbs. No brand, fhod. Phono 28-R-2. Reward. 6360 C WANTED To Buy MILLER, the old clothing buyer, pays highest prices for old clothes. $3 to $15 for suits. Phone 2292-J. 6087 MAN WANTS BUT LITTLE, Wanted iiy minister, ago 36: wife, two children; Ford car; 15 years' ex perience, a church or two within reach of Auburn. Fnion, or Prlnlon Seminary, for three days a week special studv. Salary at least $900. , The Continent. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FRESH dair.- cows for sale. 6455 MEDIUM sized Mosler safe. Good con - I dltlon. Hollev Milling Co, 1430 Wash, i 6165 i , I PL RE bred Scotch collie dog, 1 yes , old. Phone 14164 or 360. 6461 ONE milch cow; bargain if sold at on. e 737 12th St. 1886 J 6470 NEW stock saddle and bridle, $50. R. T. Davis, 2313 Lincoln avenue, citv 647S FURNITURE, bedding, electric wash er, library table, chairs, congoleum rug. Jewel range, hot blast heater, gas range, axminstor rugs, dresser, 150 ft. rhirk'n wire, load klndlinc etc. Apply 1933 Washington avenue 6451 PERFECTLY new kitchen range cheap Phone 3250. 527 23rd St. 6437 SHETLAND pony, saddle and bridle, $50. J. B. Foulgcr, 2564 Blinker Ave. 6408 SURREY, $12.50 bargain. 1084 21st St Phone 1270-J. 6441 FURNITURE for 4 rooms practically new. Alsa wicker baby buggy. 2071 Madison Phone 2273. 64S0 FOR sale At once about 100 rabbits B229 igden av enue. 6425 A first class refrigerator cheap Box 10 Standard. 6407 ON sale a few of those excellent Dun dee tailored suits uncalled for. Various sizes. Dundee Woolen Mills. Hudson avenue. 6353 USED MACHINERY FOR SALE. 4 sets pea harvesting attachments for harvesting lodged peas, grain or hay, attac h to any mower, at $15 each. 4 hand pea and bean harvesters at $2.50 each. 1 set 1000 lb. Molino scales, portable, at $15 each. 1 4 h p. R fc V. gasoline engine, over hauled, with magneto and kerosene at tachment, at $148.75. 1 No. 40 Myers Seed Cleaner and Min eral Concentrator and Separator $300. COULTER ADAMS SEED CO. 24th and Wall. Phone 98. 6353 PIANO for sale cheap. 347 27th St 6356 My furniture and automobile for Bale Cheap for cash. Call 136s u3 1 9 A good 5 -room modern home. Will take used car or 1 acre of ground and part payment. Stowo Second-Hand Bton . ibuu Washington. 61iJ FOR quick sale Cafe at invoice. Long lease, S6 dally receipts. Reason nave mad j ours. Box 1. C, care stand ard. 6178 HIGH- GiLADE Chickerlug piano; al most Dew. Cood conditiou. - ill atn- luglou. Api. No. 9. PhOne 19U2. 59t8 BEES are swarming he prepared. Get your hives una oiner bee supplies irom roulger fc. ons, 738 24m st. PUone 3177 -W. OusJ CRUCER1ES in retail quantities ai vUolestio prices. Uiluu u Oroceteilu, 181 24lh bu 584.2 FLEMING Egg Preserver. "Jlesi in me World." For sale by leading groceis, druggists and teed stores. J. d. Bhaler, local distributor. 5632 PIANOS to rent. Tel. 1209. E633 j column Burrough s Aduing machine. Gjod working oruer luu caah. Appo standard oluce. 6371 llURbES and delivery wagons Tor sale, ugden bleam Laundry. 513V KUUM.1NG house in best pari of. city, ' lurniture and iurni&liuia all extra 1 good. Call and see. SOS 23rd bL 923 A lecuner, guud as new. Inquire li. c. uigelow. 366b IMPORTED cananea. 220 LUicoU Ave. all M. largo sacks ot kindlLQfc wood, $L J. il. v. Lc-iv. rigaiL. PUoue &28. 1U j FOR SALEf AUTOS j 1 1 I FORD touring car, A-l condition, Celll1 for cash. Call at 2953 Grant. 6439 J 17 model 5-pas. Ford. First-class con dition Phone 1886 -J. 6419 j BUICK-6 roadster, first-class condl I tion. Gone 15,000 miles. Dr Kanzler. I 6406 NATIONAL roadster Cloveneaf type Almost new Owner gone to war. Ask for Gus Wright. Phone 240. 5940 1914 Roadster; electric lights, starter, $200. See Nichols, cashier Depot hotel. 6330 MONEY TO LOAN jj ,", 1 j per ceiu quick and lung time loans. The Kanesvllle-Taylor Nati Farm Loan Assn. P. O. box 106, R F. D. 1, Ogden. Phone 7-R-5. 6391 RALPH P. HUNTER, Established 1889. .Mortgage Loans, Real Estate Insurance, Utah, Idaho landB, farniB and cily property. Persons desiring to loan money on good first mortgage security will do well to consult me. Good applications shows on hand. 411 24th SL, Ogden, Utah. 3310 W. N. Pierce Agency Real Estate, In surance, Loans, Notary'- 15 Commer cial Bank Bldg Phone 300. C MONEY to loan on real estate secur ity. J. J, Brummitt. 6 21-tf REAL ESTATE Mortgage and Iian i Kelly L Herrick. 6-15-tf LFOR SALE Real Estate j I FOR SALE Rooming house Fifteen rooms, well furnished; all but three outside rooms; reasonable rent; close to depot. Price low and terms very easy to right party. O a Kennedy, basement Utah National Phone 91 8. 6474 BIGGEST SNAP IN OGDEN. 4- ROOM new home close In. Large paniry, closet, cement cellar, cement walks, large war garden. Price onlv $1200 $500 down 2-ACRES best fruit and graden land in Ogden; all planted to berries, peaches, etc Water right for all. $1100 per acre with crop. down 5- ROOM new brick bungalow: oak floors, fire place, cabinets, furnace heat, large hasenipnt, best and most exclusive residence district in Ogden Price $4400 $1400 down R- T. AGEE 374 1.; Twenty-fifth. Phone 69 683 2110-W. 6421 6 ROOM modern frame house between Washington and Adams $2650. Easy terms. Federal Land Co. 6422 5-ROOM modern brick house, garage, granery. large coop, 3 acres of fruit and garden land On car line. By own er. Phone 28S9-R. 6432 BY owner. 4 room housr screened porch, summer kitchen, chicken house and runs; lawn, shade trees and gar den; lot 50x144; located on bench, blocks from Washington avenue, 1 block from ear line. Cheap for caeb Phone 1372 W 6424 NEW T, room st rirt ly modern brick bungalow has elegant sleeping porch, fire place, furnace hardwood floors and numerous built-in features, sit uated on an exceptionally sightlv ,",o tL lot in Ogden's most exclusive res idence section This is the best buy of today In a real nice home. Price, $4,250. Terms. E. W. Cannady, 2427 Hudson Ave. 637 5-ROOM modern bouse on bench and) car line. All special taxes paid Chick - en house, run and nice garden. Cellar in basement; cement walks to bacn, door, alley in rear of lot Phone 1012 W. 6383 CARL C. RASMUSSON, Real Estate and Insurance 5-room modern brick, nicely located on the Bench; $3000. 5-room modt-rn frame, located on the Bench, $2500. 1-room modern brick, located on paved streets; $2250. 4 room frame cottage. located on paved streets, $1500. 4-room frame cottage and barn, good location; $lu5o. And manv others. CARL C. RASMUSSON, Real Estate and Insurance 0259 1 A great bargain In a modern five room' homo, with a good lot and right-of- ' way, wuhin three blocks of the First National bank building. This hou.-' must be sold. Some time since $2700. was offered lor it, will now sell It lor $2200; is worth about $300o, can be sold on terms if desired. It you need la home close in, In a live room mod ' ern house, this is a great bargain for you. J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59 6397 j AN elegant lot on 25th street, facing south. This is within a block and al halt of a lot which sold for $110i All special taxes paid, for only $300. Itj you want a lot of this kind lor half or what it is worth, call in and see me. J J. Brummitt, 2320 Washington a- -nue. 6397 ISVRYTH1NQ for rent, uguen Rent al agency. 874 H 85th sl pnone 88. 3607 6-ROOM modern houc, steam heal, hardwood lloors, sleeping porch, in-(juir- 5t9 2rd street. 6118 biX acres, close In; make a good poul try farm, $1750; on easy payments. W. B. Wedell, 2468 Wash. 6044 A good modem home of nine rooms, well located on 24th street with large lot. This will be sold at a great bar gain or will take a smaller home as part payment or will take property in Los Angeles J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59. 639 J tlVL ruout house will l!gm aud walei on a lui 43.8 led by 105 leei. west trout, paved street, close in on Wash ington avenue. Lot alone worth $1600. The best investment in Utfdun. All lor $1600. J. A. McCuilocb, under First National Bank. 8874 HOUSES ON EASY TERMS. 6 -Room near Newman store, West ugden. $1100. 5- Room on Pingreo Ave. $1700. 5 Room modern brick on Patterson. $2400. 6- Room large lot on Jackson. $1700. 5 Room modern brick near Five Points. Lot 119x132 feet. $3600 and others. S. E. Hinckley. 411 24th SL 2163-J A good modern five room home well located in ihe railroad district, nice lawn, roses, trees, an olegant placi worth $3000, will take $1800, $600 down, balance on any kind of terms. J. J Brummitt. 232 N. Washington ave nue. 6397 7- ROOM fuiiy modern brick bouse, well located, close in on Bench and car lino. All specials paid. This Is one ol the most complete homes in the city. Will sell on small cash payment anil give unlimited time on balance at 6 per cent. Price only $5200. j, A. McCULLOCH, Under First National Bank. 6068 2 LOTS, 7th and Ogaen. Small house. All kinds fruit. Call 716. 5501 OUTBURST OF EVERET TRUE Here's Your hat taks a ivau a ki Comc back till you fscl riq-ht! )f You tvoucrv SPeND a Sobcr Sunday you'd fcul fit fot. VJjSqW If - jy Sun-days, yoc'lc FOR RENT Board and Room HOME cooked meals. 548 25th SL 6250 FURNISHED rooms with board tOl four gentlemen. 548 25th st. 5941 DRESSMAKING LA-DIES talloriug.lif 36 Madison. 193. M 3-10-lyr FOR SALE Farms FARM for sale 32 acres East Hunts vllle. 15 acres hay, 5 acres grain. I acres fruit, balance pasture 2 room house, good barn, plenty of water Bar pain $3500. Ogden Home Builder Co.. 213 Eccles Bldg. Phone 917. 6431 FARM in eastern Montana sale or trade for Ogden property. 1017 21sL 3999 IDAHO RANCHES FARMS and ranches, some with cat tle. Terms. Federal Land Co. 493 WANTED Situations L Kww'wwiWwlw.iwwwxin ii mmi EXPERIENCED bookkeeper dealrea work mornings, arternoona or even ings. Box C care Standard. 6417 YOUNG exp'erienced man wishes po sition driving truck. Ph. 1401 -J. 6401 AN experienced bookkeeper wants po 1 slUon. Phone 1063. 6392 YOUNG man stenographer wishes po sition. Will do other work with steno graphy. Phono 931-M. 6361 GIRL wishes position running eleva tor. Phone 875. 6364 WASHING dune at home Phone 211s W. 6201 CARPET and rug weaving. Phone 2382-J. 6827 POSITION.-; secured for boiL sexes ai the Helping Hand bureau, 2447 Ph: ne 889. 6240 CHIMNEY SWEEP. FURNACES and chimneya cleaned. Lee Peters, phone 1952. 2050 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to direction of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners, of Weber county. Utah and as authorized by Sections 527. 528, 529 and 530, of the ompili I Laws of Utah 1907, bids will b. n ceived at my ofTko until July 1st 191S. for such books, blanks and stationery as may be required by the several county offices of said county during the year beginning Jul 1st, 1918. The prob able quantity of each item may be ascertained by referring to the esti mates of the same prepared by the several officers and on file in my of th e and to which reference is hereby made. All bids shall state separately I the price of oach item of books, blanks ' and stationery to b- furnished, and the right is reserved on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners to ac cept or reject any and all bids, or to accept or reject u part of any bid Tho party to whom the contract la award ed to give a bond for tho faithful per formance of the contract Bids will also be received until July 1st, 1918. for the publication of coun ty reports, notice and advertisement during the year, beginning July 1st, 1918, including the delinquent tax list for the year 1918. the right being re served by the board of county commis sioners to reject any and all bids and to readvertise. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. CHARLES M. RAMEY. County Auditor. Ogden, Utah, June 18th. 1918 First publication. June ISth, 1918. Last publication, June 25th. 1918. 6416 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Ogden Petroleum company, principal place of business. 364 Twenty-fourth street, Ogden, I tab. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the directors held on the 22d day of May, 191S, an assessment of five mills per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable to A. L. Glasmann, secretary -treasurer, on the 24th day of June, 1918. at the office of the secretary -treasurer, 364 Twenty -fourth street, Ogden, Utah. Any stock on which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 24th day of June, 1918, will be delinquent and ad vertised for sale at public auction and unless payment Is made before will be sold at noon on said 14th day of July. 1918, t the office of said secretary treasurer to pay the delinquent assess ment, together with the cost of adver tising and expense of sale. A. L. GLASMANN. Secretary -TreasureV. 366 24th street. Oeden. Ut. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Office of the State Road commis sion of Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah, April 12th. 1918. S aled proposals will be received at this otfice until ten (10) o clock A. M. May 6th, 1918, for grading, and constructing pavement on the Ogden Box Elder State Road, from tho north limits of Ogden City to North Ogden, together with work incidental there to according to plans, specifications and profiles on file in tho office of the State Road Engineer. Instructions to bidaers, together with plans, profiles, specifications and forms for contract and bond, can bo obtained upon application at the of flce of 'the State Road Commission up on the depositing of five ($5.00) dol lars. Tho right is reserved to reject any and all bids, and to waive any de fects. By order of the State Road Com mission of Utah, this 12th day of April, 1918. IRA R BROWNING, State Road Engineer, And Secretary, State Road Commis sion of Utah. THE CYCLONE OUT OF SORTS. We begin tho publication ov the Rocky Mountain Cyclone with some phew dlphlculties in the way. The type phounder phrom whom wo bought our outphit phor this phinting ophlce phalled to supply us with any eph's or cays, and it will be phour or phive weex bophoro we can get any. We have ordered the missing letters, and will have to get along without tin m till they come. We don't lique the loox ov this variety ov spelling any better than our readers, but mis talx will happen in the best ov re gulated phamilies, and, Iph the ph'l and c s and x's and q's hold out, we shall ceep (sound tho c hard) tho Cycloao whirling aphter a phashlon till the sorts arrive. It is no Joque to us; It's a serious aphair. Denver Rocky Mountain Cyclone. oo- THE WAY OF A MAN. O Sammy lad, somewhere in Franco, can anybody tell Why, aa you stroll with sweet Babette, you muse on Yankee Nell ' And, if I know the heart of man, it's pretty safe to bet That after you ko( back to Noll you'll dream of French Babette! Life. INFORMATION BUREAU Attorney at-Law E. T. Hulaniskl, Lawyer, 313-314, First National Bank. Phone 202. Lawyer O'Connolly, over Commer- ical National Bank. Phone 1L I ' , Accident Insurance Aetna Accident & Liability Co, Auto and Liability Insurance. H. A. Purdy. 2377 Hudson Ave. Phone 483. Automobile Supplies Garage, Repairs, Studebaker Agency, i Mack -Robinson Co., 2140 Grant Ay. Phone 891. Every-hing for Automobiles. Every thing for Electricity. Auto and Elec ! trie Supply. 2564 Washington Ave. I Phone 326 and 325. . ' Anything Bought, sold or exchanged. Alvord. Phone 333. 3272 Banking Ogden State Bank, Commercial A Savings Depts. Reed Hotel Bldg. Pho-e 62. Utah National Bank, southeast corn er 24th St. and Wash. Ave Phone 61. I Carpet Cleaning E. Van Kampen for unholstoring; carpets cleaned, altered and laid. Re making of mattresses. Phone 883.. Expert carpet cleaning, mattrers renovating, upholstering, and springs restretched. Call E.. J. Hampton Co., Phone 2586-W. Chiropractors I J McKell. chiropractor, fourth floor Col Hudson Bldg. Phone 630. 3601 C. B. Johnson, Chiropractor, 412-13-14 Col Hudson Bldg. Phone 707. City Scavengers McCarty & Co., 2734 Grant Avenue. . Phone 201S-W. Electrical Wiring Wiring and repairing In all its branches Auto. & Electric Supply, bt Wash. Ave. Phone 35-326. 40t4 Engraving Ugden Engraving Service Co., mak ers of fine cuts in one or more colors, Jius Washington Ave. Phone 463, Furrier and Taiudermist Furs cleaned, stored and remodeled in tho latest styles. New orders taken. Summer prices. All work guaranteed. T. Gajewsky at Burt's Store. Phona Hotel The Only Fireproof Hotel In Ogden. Rates 75c and up. The New Brlgham, all Ave. and -4ih St. Phone 2430. Junk and Hides Western Hide & Junk Co., 2223 Washington Ave. Phone 861. Ogden Junk House, 2059 W:ash. At, Phone 210. Money to Loan Salaried people car. get it without security, others on lurniture, pianos, etc. 218 Hudson Bldg. Phone 871-J. New and Second Hand Goods A. Siner, new and second-hand fur niture, clothing, etc., bought and sold. Suit cases cheap. 241-243 25th St. Phone 1321. J. J. Bunker Piano Tuning, Repairing & Refln ish. All kinds of small instruments re paired. Work guaranteed. J.J, Bunk er, Shop 2215 Washington Ave. Tel. Photographers I The Aiuuudsen Studios. We please the hard to please. 2469 Washington Ave. Phono 2275-R. Physician and Surgeon Dr. A. Fornlund. OlfiCb hours 11 to 4 p. m. New Peery Bldg , Hudson Ave. Res. Phone 646; Office Phone 1900 -W. Sewing Machines White Sewing Machine Co., 2255 Washington Ave. Phone 2884. Sanitary Work Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinds of rubbish hauled, ash pits cleaned. Prices reasonable. Phono 620. Tents and Awnings Ugden Tent and Awning Co., manu facturers of high-grade store, office and resident awnings. Waterproof covers, bags. etc. Anything in can vas. 2269 Washington Ave, Phone 264. Wall Paper Cleaning Wall paper cleaning. W. W. Mould ing, wall paper cleaning. Good work, reasonable prices. 467 26th St., Phone 1626. 6463 Phone 563. We clean all kinds of windows, stores, offices and factories. Windows In residences from 10c to 26c. Also wall paper cleaned from $1 50 to $2.50 a room. Expert work guaranteed on both, Give us a lair trial to those who know how." American Window & Houso Cleaning Co. 411 23d sL Phono 563. Wm. Borak, Prop. 6278 Wall paper cleaners. Expert work guaranteed. Reasonable prices. Call 776 and ask for Pete Starr. 5981 Read the Classified Ads. Read tho Classified Ads. fiead the Classified Ads.