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I g THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN UTAH, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1918. I ' Have a Cool Drink at Fountain If "7 -SV. -d-a II Try This 25c Summer Luncheon i ! Every drink you get at the fountain ia a perfect drink. The waters are ice cold always. Jl ufLCJp JT"L VP Beginning tomorrow we put on a special summer luncheon. All foi 26c Your choice 0 ) The flavors aro rich, full. The ice creams are our own make and are smooth and rich. . GOOuPUApfc TO TRADE several dainty sandwiches. Choice of drinks; iced tea, root beer, tea, coffee or milk, J o ! Fresh fruits are used in most all drinks. L VqLAQE FuU mit sunciae or pie a la mode. I " Jj A Special Program for Friday & Saturday I June Sale of Wash Goods Begins MIDSUMMER I 1 White Voiles Sport Suitings White Madras Windsor Crepes P "32 PJ TT DOT ffiff" I I 40 inch' white VOlle In mill ends, 1 Mi ?1 suiting in sport patterns, full 35c white madras for middy 40c Windsor crop?, extra wide, I f" jA I Jl 1 I t . I -1 -i vjy-k j to 8 ynrris in piece, regular 35c 36 inches wid.' for skirts, suits, blouses, pajamas, shirts, waists, white only in mill ends, 2 to 6 yards "JL NmWtiULm mm I I fl VV L X. L-J J r I qualitj Extra special in dresses, kimonos, etc. Extra oq etc., full 36 Inches wide. in in piece or ::f7lHfflM" - it:z:: I I vard ... iyC special, h Jt yard 1"C anl ZDC jJ JM " KHjlZ : 1 li I Dresses of $ J 95 I ! Silk Ginghams On 2nd Floor tomorrow we offer a sale of silk gingham dresses that should have at- j tention. These have come to us from New York within the past week. Some of the handsomest dresses we have seen all of the J new silk gingham plaids. The large pockets and everything. These are values to $20. i On sale Friday and Saturday, $14.95 other handsome gingham dresses at $5.95 and up- Hj j war( II Girls' Middies of f I j Khaki Silk Blouses Girls' outing middies, made l'' of Khaki material, with red f ' l. collars and cuffs; usual 75c . J1 76t values 50c I&Jfth I (2nd Floor) ; JW II J Babies' Summer fj mm Bonnets 15c t VI;v - V) (Infants' summer bonnets, ftr made of fine quality em- i-f'P broidered lace and sheer Sfej lawn; some of these are slightly soiled; values to Values to $4. The newer I $1.00 special 15c houses of silk crepe de (2nd Floor) chine tub silks and the new printed silks. These j Girls' Gingham re a" ncLw-sLome Lof nrpccpc them haVe been here but uresses, dc a day or two All sizes Usual assortment of chil- and a wonderful assort- i j i j ment of colors and pat- dren s gingham dresses n j I i r i t terns specially priced made ot good quality gu.g- tf O O C ham and percale; sizes 2 to p mf J j 1 4 years; values to $2.00 v 1 I special 75c f v j (2nd Floor) ' j Summer Corsets ak in Odd Sizes 0 Warner's corsets, made of eplendid coutil, low, me'lium d . and high bust long hip four r fTk supporters; sizes 19 to 21, hj 25 to 30; usual $1.50. .75c rl J I i Athletic U'Suits II for Women TT ! adies' athletic union suit, 1 made of summer Madras, all r H sizes; usual $1.50 val- ijr ni i S ues $1.25 Wash okirts (2nd Floor) Wash ckirts for lhe sumraer girl r for outdoor sportT for days in I H0USe Aprons With the canyon. These are oiSrhlte I Ricr Pnpkpf gabardine and of white pique U1S 1 Made in the new styles like the i j- . i j Hketch. Thpse are offered In all t Ladies house aprons, made nl . . .. " Kizes, Including the very large I of pink and blue gingham aizes for women up to aize 36 j percale, elastic waist, big 'a,9t meaBurp Frlday and Sat 1 i ' j'i'eA urday we offpr a special assort- I pockets; usual $1.50 ment of these skirts at $2.50, special $1 00 3 50 4 50 and 5-50- n J (2nd Floor) v spcond flnor- ; Silk Dep't. Z Specials Some of the main attractions i JgySSS in the Silk Section are men- L2(- fgNs tioned here. s. Red Fern Foulards Rrd Fern Foulards, 36 inches wide, oJ ' 1 ' -7 colors are navy, copen, gray, o'rose, 1 "X green, tan and pra, nr i $1.25 value for, a yard . . OJC K2. (First Floor) Wash Satins White Hats Wash satin, ?.G inch, wldp, apry rr.. fine soft finish qualitv in flesh, pmk Beautiful summer millinery ryliM,,00.vll"e. . $1.48 60me of the h4ndomet (First Floor) white hats you have seen this Gabardines year. Come to second floor $1.25 eabadrines in stripes, pialdH. and see the very special as- etc, for ladies skirts, some of the sortment that we have pre- Tn?K0n's ,iate8t noveltics' ful1 36 pared for Friday and Satur- inches wide. n . A yard . VOC shoppers. 1? 1 A Cllr Some of these hats have been f OUlara fellKS in the store but a few hours. Foulard silks 36 and 40 inches wide Som exceptionally good in a ln;(iitiliil r:m:; oi n.lors Onf , , , . J of this season's m.,sl favorite silks. looking models at ( heney'a foulards included, $2.25 . r,1J,75;a,u,s ,nr. $J 95 ti W (First Floor) llj Pongee Silks JM Pongee silk, genuine Jap pongees itr in natural color only, ZZ inches wide, $1.25 value, qj- fnr, a yard . , )0C Others at $7.50 to $10 (First Floor) Cool Underwear for Women and Children We over-bought on summer underwear last year and it has proved to be a good thing for our customers we're selling the garments at last year's prices. Read this list. Women's Vests Women's Ladies' vests, good fine bleached , x cotton; low neck, no sleeve; full LOmDinatlOnS length Special -i r Ladies' combination suits, silk top priced IDC With fine jersey ribbed t i Qg Children's Vests bottom; white, special . pl."o children's vests of a l.sie thread Lisle Garments sleeves or with wing sleeve; high T r, 0 ,, ,. . . .. , or low neck. Special 0C L D. S. line nbbed lisle garment; priced 35C g weight $1 g5 Women's Lisle Pants run j t Ladies' lisle pants, Munsing make; LnllClren S X antS band or draw string top; light or Children's pants, fine ribbed cot loose knee. Regular sizes or ton; tipht knee. nr 75c; out sizes QJQ Special 25c and JjC 01ttSS .Cotton Mercerized Garments U &U11S L. D. S. garments, fine silk mercer Ladies' fine ribbed cotton union l?d sea island cotton, light sum suits, sleeveless, tight and loose tner weight. Special to or knee; size 30c only; nr priced PJ.J 40c value ZDC Women's Lisle U-Suits Bors an(! GirIs' Ladies' fine lisle union suits U'SllitS Munslnp; tiRht and loose knee- , round and V neck. Regular rfV TttS Un',n .SU,tS for boys or sizes s.V . out size, $1 Klr Flt Pectly and the fit won't wash out; short sleeves, low neck Women's Vests ?S 2le5Ja Ape 1 t0 6- 75c: 6 to Ladies' vests, round or V neck; ' g 12 ,0 $1 ?S wide or narrow ribbon strap, in y H lLO exceptional value . 35c Waists U'Suits PhilHsj' TT'liiifc Waist union suits, low neck, no r i. r vTu V OUUi5 sleeve, knee length, serves as waist Lhllds fine ribbed cotton union and union suit, fitted with straps suits, sleeveless or wing sleeve, and buttons for outer clothing; light or loose knee, 2 .-r boys or girls. 10 2 years 4C All sizes 70C For Soldier Notes ' N Here's a new stationery ?rM which is especially made for 0--f--VVVV soldier notes. It is a very 1 fine quality of paper lib- vS?J "N eral size--in khaki color. I ZSSkA Customers are buying this for their own notes and V lfr I sending boxes of it to sol- Mr y diers. 24 sheets and 24 en- v ,opes 50c Samples Orchard-White Face A . . ,. , , A big line or sample para- Lotion sls the fact that these have been used as samples Orchard is one of the new- has not hurt them in the est and most popular face lo- least. All of the new tions. It is to be mixed with styles and shapes. Sizes the juice of fresh lemons. or women and children. The bottle is only partially The Prices at which they -ii j , j are priced will doubtless rilled to provide space tor , r , , . , , . , , - take the entire lot out the lemon juice. It whitens within a short timeS5c and softens the skin as if ancJ Up by magic special . . . .35c j These are mighty busy days in the Shoe Section upstairs. The June sale of summer shoes is in progress. Included are many of the now pop- j ular white shoes. Read this list Wright & Peters' White Calf Pumps Children's Patent Patent Pumns S3 85 Women'8 handsome summer pumps Leather Shoes j x uiupo, fptj.oo while cnlf skin These are made Wright & Peters shoes are doubt- ,!T? ,1, fc i ,m -, ,ni- Patent leather 6h the kid- less the best made shoes In Ameri- i,h the flexible hand turned sole M ca. These are of patent leather, and have the covered heels. All , . A1D1- hand turned soles, leather Lou.s size, from 2 to 8. All frr hand turned soles, amps are 0( heels, just as pictured. Real $6 -widths AA to D PV best patent leather. Tops of white, j I values. On sale tf0 OC cray or cnamPa-nr kid. Button I at . . . 3) J.5b White Canvas Boots SgjTitK!4 10 8 ?1 75 $9 2S ' White CanvaS PumpS White canvas boots for women; - On Sale $2.95 iSSSS. 1m$:Za White Odds and Ends ! White shoes are the vogue this year have the canvas covered heels. These are odds and ends from dig- and hero is a real bargain. These a remarkable Q or continued lines, some of canvas and are of the pump stvle, made of best value at tO.LO som, of nubuck with white Neolin White canvas, hand turned soles soles. Nearly all sizes in one of the j irxr hK R' $295 Girls' White Canvas gjaT.? . . $1.95 ! i7-i "V Vfc ni Attractive white canvas shoes for j White Kdgn feKin the growing girls, made of a good fflilrk' Rrpfnnf "Reign Skin" is a white canvas of white canvas with white soles and , , "aicUUl the best qualiu. and so treated that hels. Just as shown in the sketch. Sandals On Sale it is washable. These are the new Sizes 2i 10 7. dQ QC "7 pump Styles, with hand turned All sizes nL.VD Cut the high cost of high shoes by soles and covered Uull tf k , . ,T, . us.nK the low shoes which are ever rs , 7U.A $4 Childs white shoes Qua7u?8e"h?praLVna ! Women S White lUmpS White canvas shoes for the little here are all of the very best quality, j An unusual value in women's white children wearing sizes 8', to 1. offered in tan or elk skin. Id canvas pumps; tbe will be all Thf arli,n button 'J. very 5 to s $U3 ,?eB for those who come early. gj J n .n f.nU Tr.ese are of the newest pump siz. s ..11, rr d at tne same t -i or - Style, covered Cuban tf 1 Qr Prico ?2 50 values . . . Pl.OJ bizes U to 2 $1.69 U e Girls' ' Mary Janes White Lace Boots Childs' White Shoes I Girls' patent leather Mary Jane IIore is a handsome white lace Attractive white canvas shoes for j slippers, with white ivory holes or "Reign Skin" boot In the popular the girls of all sizes; these are In with white trimmed hand turned 10 inch lop. Heels are of the new pretty lace styles as shown. Get soles. A very dressy summ r pump. Louis style covered. This boot may them while sizes are complete. Sizes 4 to 8 $1.85. Jo or be washed in water. T Sizes 8 If. to 11, $2. to or Sizes 8Vfc to 11 . . 3Z.Zj All sizes tJ)D Sizes 114 to Z bl.L0 : 1 ,000 Pairs Sample Slippers Here's a wonderful sale of slippers to begin Friday. One thousand pairs of drummers' samples. All of this year's best styles. There are : fijs not two pairs alike in the entire lot and many of them arc fliWteMg values many are $7 and some $6 values. We bought mM them from the traveler who had finished his trip. Most of these are size 4 B. But there will be other sizes in the sell n8m??B 5mS inS taken from our regular stocks. sf f rsti AVffl v ne entire lot on sale in the Base- ifc wJri Or WM -ment ir 9 J X Pantry Specials j yj Get the saving habit and buy at these Week-End Sales A xw all the coffee, tea and cocoa you want for a week. Pay j . I C regu'ar price or one anc ' c or an additional package, j V jj Opeko Coffee, 2 Pounds 46c j 'PfiPV sfiS ne f tne most delicious coffees put up. A choice blend rjMyS m one-pound air-tight packages. The best 45c coffee i A WC haV6 tried 45c Cach Friday and Saturday, 2 for. .46c j A 11-He-Needs ' Symond's Inn Cocoa, 2 Tins 31c A new underwear for Symond's Inn Cocoaa full, rich, delicious cocoa in which smaU boys and girls. there is no foreign matter. Pure and full strength. The Pants and waist com- usual price is 30c the tin. Friday and Saturday 2 tins bined. Fitted with all the for 31c straps for gartered and T iuj rm fastening the outer gar- . L, Lett s Ta, 2 Packages 56c ments. This takes the fj" S 18 douDtless one of the most delicious teas of- Dlace of shirt, pants, waist, ferea to the public. From the choicest leaves machine I drawers and are verv packed, In air-tight containers, 55c each. Friday and Sat- t comfortable. Usual 60c Urday 2 for 56c values. Boys' and girls' j 8ty,3 ROO, fat Point Jron Qffer I Tan lac 89c fe4 Puint Tt L Tanlac. "the Master Medicine," fJnc jfJlMj NW 'OU ma buy thC ! positively guaranteed to bp the gen- 11 Iron figSm mous Hot Point Electric j uine article, money back if 0ft IflM T , L U you want it. The full $i size 0"C PZr fjf "on in a special deal wnicn f Cream of Almonds ,2 p V"y ,attrac,ive' rh,c I .j , . , Uli-t -IJflHlvSD omt Iron is guaranteed Her.' s a lotion that will whiten tho j p i , mi I skin, soften it. and take away the Mfe 11 and is one or the most tl sunburn. Made of the cream jr . low at a special price. of almond?, oOc size 4JC ricient on the marUt R: r . i r rr UU I j l market, beginning Friday we offer this I Orchard White irn an tabIe shown beIow at a special price. The new skin whltener and soften- 'Tl gfc r w 0 Juice of lemons and use as a mas- sage. Bleaches and softens 0C t, wpMmmv the skin. Specially priced . . OOC The pnco of th hot point iron la . c, $5- The Price of this tabic id 13 M I ChOlCe Stationery A total of . Beginning Friday and tfTS Modern art stationery, one of the tot a short time onlv we offer tho ll T finest we carry. This shipment was irnn nnf, 4V ' 1 slightly soiled, only one or two en- d lhe table both for Kr velopes in the package. 24 sheets 6-25- There is but a limited num- Jfr1- S. I and 24 envelopes. Q ber of them and the offr Is Rood -s regular. . JC ft .he prewnl s,o,k lists I j