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1 THE QGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH. MONDAY, JULY 8t 1918. 3 iH r fEMORALE OF I YANKEEJROOPS I if ys Go Into FigIlt With Re markable Coolness and I m Fight Like Tigers. j m WITH THE BRITISH ARMY IN m FRANCE, July 7. Last night the cor- ! lm respondent slept on the ground among S IP the troops of one star company of K Americans 'who played a prominent M part in Thursday's great show. Here is m a story told by one of the officers: J "The Americans went into the line skm. after a nard IuarcIu TnG Fritzles un fll' doubtedly had no Inkling that the at- MM tack was e made A-l midnight IB Wednesday we were seni forward to Mm lie out, ready for an advance at 3:10 IB o'clock Thursday morning. mm "Many of our boys were tired when fl they reached the positions and despite Vim Uie fact that they were just embark All ing on the biggest adventure of their yjl lives a leap into the unknown they I threw themselves on the ground and I slept soundly. It was an encourag wm ,Dp siSnt 1 us for means that the Wm raen were not 3l,mpy. They never did mm show any sign of nerves, as a matter of IB "Among the officers there was no 111. "We had to admire the coolness of II the Australian officers, who told slor jjjl ies and laughed as if nothing was go- I ing to happen, though we Americans I knew that shortly before the kick-off I the gunners would put down a bar- I rage, which would be the signal for all ; j I hands on the job. a m fcw minutes before the barrage 5 vras due, allied artillery opened i B wlD a narssing fire and we Amerl ? can ccrs were out among our men .j B hot foot to keep them steady, fearing .' B tne' might mistake this for the bar IB Gunners Do Wonderful Job. B "Then came the barrage, and we I B never dreamed there could be such J 1 B gun fire. It was tremendous. The i , B gunners certainly did a wonderful job. I B "The infantry started to advance. sm My men were headed for Hamel vil- j B lage and our first trouble was encoun tered in a broad belt of barbed wire in front of the boche forward line of '. defenses. The tanks had opened the way through most of this, but in spots f some of our men were held up for a little. Corporal Curses Huns. "I saw a funny thing here. One of 1 my corporals, who had been a guard ' officer in a penitentiary and has a reputation for being a hard customer in a fight, got hung up in the wire, j As he had no cutters he sat down and started pulling the stuff out of his legs, barb by barb. "A boche got a machine gun on him, and was making things hot, but the corporal kept on pulling the wire, meantime roaring curses at the Huns. E " 'Frame a trick like this on a white I !' man, will you? Let me out of here and I'll show you.' "He got out and what he did to the jj i boche was a plenty. "About this time a German shell i , exploded near us and two of my men went hurtling through the air. 1 R thought sure they were killed but in g a minute I heard one call to his pal: " 'Hey, John, arc you dead?" (j r "From down among the churned up II ground came the response: 'No, are 0 you?' f "Wo got through the barbed wire g f very well and reached the bocho front r- line trenches. They were thinly held fi and we cleared them out with bombs g and rifles, on the jump. Wc hardly fj stopped here at all, but passed over toward the village. "You understand that when I speak R of we, I am talking about the Yankees 0 and the Australians, for we wore only helping in the show. g Trenches More Strongly Held. "The support trenches, which had I dug-outs, were more strongly held, but ; we cut our way through without much jj difficulty. A lot of Huns were being killed or captured by this time. From the direction of Hamel, the German machine guns and rifles were working jj hard and there was plenty of stuff coming our way. "When we reached Hamel we found . I a lot of dugouts filled with bodies. J g and their snipers up trees with ma- J B chine guns. Wo cleaned them all out systematically. H "One of our sergeants, with an S American private and an Australian g came upon a dugout containing four German officers and some men. The ft . officers started to come up and one ofc 3 ' them pulled a revolver. The sergeant ' shot him through the head and two of ? I the other officers who started to fight were killed. The rest surrendered. , "In another dugout, one of our cer- geants and three privates captured six teen Germans. Just to the left of Hamel an Aus tralian corporal and two privates cleared out another dugout containing numerous Germans. : "In the center of Hamel,' we cap tured a company headquarters. . I saw a mighty fine thing In Hamel. A dare devil Australian officer climbed to the top of a building and raised a big French flag from the flagstaff under ia heavy shell fire. The German gun ners tried to shoot him down and suc ceeded In tearing away a corner of the building while the Australian was . Btill working. He got the flag up fin ally. The last I saw of it, it was still flying with the German guns on it Germans Surrender Before Bayonet "There was a lively battle south- east of Hamel where the Germans had some strong machine gun posts and the 1 Germans surrendered when we charged with the bayonet. We work ; ed around the Vairo and Hamel woods which had been pretty ' well cleared of the Boche by gunfire. Just in front of Vaire wood one of our boys whom ; we called "Scotty" had a great exper r lence, He came to a dugout filled ; jith Boches, who had bqen left be hind the American advance. Ho nat irally thought some of our men were there and went down. It was so dark a called to his supposed pals. The taswer was a crack on the head. "He knew they were not Yanks and opened fire with, his rifle in the black less. Finally a boche began to yell Kamerad." When the fight was over was found that he had killed five aermans and ho took nine prisoners. Wo got through to our final objec- tsves all right and carried out the co-'-'olldatlon without much interference Tom the Boche who did not recuperate luikly." r" Are the Packers Profiteers?! I : Plain Facts About the Meat Business ? I 1 U-v. The Fe'deral Tra'de Commission in its recent report' on war; . ditional profit makes only a fair return on this, and' as ; ; "a . profits, stated that the five large meat packers have been ' has been stated, the larger portion of the profits earned- .? fi profiteering and that they have a monopoly of the market. , has been used to finance huge stacks of goods and to pro- iThese conclusions, if fair and just, are matters of serious :. vide additions and improvements made necessary by the ' jfl concern not only to those engaged in the meat packing 1 enormous-demands of our army and navy and the Allies. , Vmm ' business but to every other' citizen of our country. . " iH The figures given on profits are misleading and the - If you are a business man you will appreciate the signifi- 1 Vkt , . statement that the packers have a monopoly is unsup- canCe of these facts. Ifyou are unacquainted with busi- j lM ' ported by the facts. -ness, talk this matter over with some business ac- I lLW fcs- j. tL , . j i , . quaintance the packing industry with those of any other The packers mentioned m the report stand ready to prove 4 . I Immm - , , . p. i , i ; '-"'.; ?. large industry at the present time. . j lmu s N their profits reasonable and necessary. ' y-.' . , - ll .i-' -.. , VM , . r 1 j. a j No evidence is offered by the Federal Trade Commission l mWrn J., The meat business is one of the largest American inaus- . , , , i u Immm . A . MP . 1J? ... ., in support or the statement that the large packers have a Immm 6 tries. Any citizen who would familiarize himself with its 1 -ru o u i I Immm , .1 j j? 1 A j. 1 monopoly. 1 he Commission s own report shows the large ; Wmrn details must be prepared for large totals. number and importance of other packers. 'MB ; V. The report states that the aggregate profits of four large The packer$ mentioned in the statement stand ready to I II . packers were $140,000,000 for the three war years. proye to any fair minded person that they are in keen . . : H w . t - competition with each other, and that they have no power This sum is compared with $9,000,000 as the average an- to manipulate prices. - H ' nual profit for the three years before the war, making it . . . . appear that the war profit was $121,000,000 greater than If this were not true they would not dare to make this H ... the pre-war profit. positive statement. This compares a three-year profit with a one-year profit Furthermore, government figures show that the five large ? a manifestly unfair method of comparison. It is not only packers mentioned in the report account for only about . . ! misleading, but the Federal Trade Commission apparent- one-third of the meat business of the country. : , ly has made a mistake in the figures themselves. H I . '. 1 1 hey wish it were possible to interest you in the details of , IWM ' ' their business. Of how, for instance, they can sell dressed H T, . p.. r cMnnnnnnn Dee or ess than the cost of the live animal, owing to , H ; The aggregate three-year profit of $1 40 ,000, O w . utilization of by-products, and of the wonderful stoi? of . fl L J i, earned on sales sof over four and a ha f billion dollars It . the methods of distribution throughout this broad land, as ' fl means about three cents on each dollar of sales-or a . wen as in other countries. . . . fl mere fraction oi a cent per pound oi product. - H ' Packers' nrofits are a nealiaible factor in nrices of live The five Packers mentioned feel justified in co-operating I n" ifnov onmiofc N nh with each other to the extent of together presenting his . . .'. stock ana meats. INo other large business is conducted l , to Imm , ; upon such small margins of profit. ' publlc statement ' x- -X- ' ' . They have been able to do a big job for your government . H in its time of need; they have met all war time demands H Furthermore and this is very important only a small , promptly and completely and they are willing to trust their . H portion of this profit has been paid in dividends. The case to the fairmindedness of the American people with' H ' balance has been put back into the businesses. It had to the facts before them. . H be, as you realize when you consider the problems the i . v H packers have had to solve and solve quickly during ' ' ' , - I these war years. ;fr Armour and Company t a . ..uu-u- ; - - Cudahy Packing Co. ' ' To conduct this business in war times, with higher costs rJiJSu Morris & Company and the necessity or paying two or three times the former ; v" r tr j , x. ' prices for live stock, has required the use of two or three .V. . I oWlrt & Company v - J Jimes the ordinary amount of working capital. The ad- -w . Wilson & Company ; I I 't" I 1 I I I ll REG1STRANTS PLftCED IN CUSS H Bf LOCI BOARD The complacent mood of some 75 Ogden registrants "who have been In deferred clases In the draft for somq reason or other, has been shattered by their re-classlfication into. Classes 1 axtd 2 by the legal advisory board. The list of new Class 1 men was an nounced Saturday by Chairman A. H. Hcywood of the city board, after the legal advisory board, consisting of Judge A. W. Agee, Arthur Woollcy and Joseph Evans had been working for a week on the rectification. These registrants will be officially notified of the board's action and will then bo given an opportunity of de fending themselves. The list of regis trants and their changed status is giv en below: Box 95 W James W. Baggs . A4 Al Name From To Class Class James JIarold Calllnger. . .B3 Al Walter Herman Berg B3 Al Win, Vallentyne Black . . . . A4 Al Gustav Blixt B3 Al James Mathew Boerens . . .B3 Al William BrTan Boyle B3 Al Enoch. A. Brpadbent B3 Al Ccor. E. Brooks B3 Al Adelbert C. Brown A4 Al Marriner Browning A2 Al Arthur M. Burch B3 Al Earl Burton .B3 Al Edward E. Carr A4 A2 Wm. R. Buschjost :.B3 Al Harry Fay Cobb B3 Al Fred Cashmore B3 Bl Adnar M. Dalebout A4 Bl Chas. B. Eisenberg A4 Bl James C. Faulkner B3 Al Wesley P. Folkman B3 Al Wong Foo A-i B Peter Forte C3 Al (No support Aff.) George- Charles Fowers. . . .A4 Bl (No support Aff.) E. Grey Freemonde A4 Al (Divorced, second mar riage too late.) Emmett IL Fredericks . . . . Al Al Frederick Froerer A4 Al (Married, Dec., 1917.) Ang Moon Goon A4 Al (Dep. in China.) Peter Grondel B4 Al Marcel A, Guiynard B4 Al (Not suf; show as to dep. of mother.) Ross C. Hawkins A4 Bl James Earl Harcombe . . . ,B3 1 Al (Not suf. show.) Lee Heong A4 Bl (Dep. in China.) Everett W. Hufstetler Al (Dep. show, not suf.) ' Donald C. Hunter Bl Al John Jansen A3 Al (Dep. show, lnsuf.) Roland H. Kellogg A4 Al (Dep. show, insuf.) Louis J. Kennedy B3 Al Floyd A. Knight B3 Al (No. supporting aff.) Albert Leavitt B3 Al (Dep. show. Insuff.) Machel A. Malouf B3 Al (Dep. In Assyria.) Conly F. Martin B3 Al (Dep. 6how. lnsuf.) Wm. Nickolwalte B3 Al (Dep. show. Insuf.) Arthur Mlttleman B3 -Al (No support aff. insuL - Niels Peter Nielsen- A4 Al (Insuf. showing.) Earl Newman A4 Al Married, Juno, 1917.) John Adarar ; .B3 Al (Depend, insuf.) John F. Opheikens B3 Al (Depend, insuf.) George M. Penrod A4 Bl (Depend. Insuf.) Earl Peterson B3 . Al (Depend, insuf.) Samuel C. Porter B3 Al (Depend, lnsuf.) Arthur P. Porter B3 Al (Depend, insuf.) Robert Eccles Rankin.... B3 Al (Depend. Insuf. and no support certificate aff.) David L. Rayenscroft A4 Al Thomas R. Richardson. .. .B3 Al John H. E. RItson A4 Al (No support aff.). Charles F. Robeson A4 Al (No support- aff., also divorced.) Felix Romeo A4 Al (Insuf. showing.) Walter A. Ross A4 A2 Watt Edward Lloyd Al Bl Thomas S. Shaughnessy. .A4 Al (Insuf. showing.) Aaron L. Farr A4 Al nn . TIME TO PREPARE. Captain What became of that paci fist who was kicking around here?" Sergeant (colored) He was con victed of high treason and dey put him in de guard house foh two weeks. Captain Well, he was lucky. That's mighty Bmall punishment for high treason. Sergeant Taas! He wah lucky, Aftah de two weeks was up dey took him out and shot him. rn Hindonburg needs a vitcory awfully bad right now, and Holland lies piti Uly convenient, iMi MAIL MI FROM OCDEN IS IN FRANCE Although many letters from men in the cantonments and fighting ranks have been published, this is perhaps the first letter from a member of the expeditionary force, of the mail serv ico branch, to bo given to the pub lic. This interesting letter on the U. S. mail service in France as received by W. H. Taylor, chiof clerk of the railway mail service, with headquar ters in Ogden, from Joseph H. McCul lam, formerly a clerk on the Ogden branch of the railway Dail service, but now In Franco in the same service. The writer gives some interesting information concerning the life of the mail service men in France. The let ter follows: "Tours, France. Dear Friend Bill: I have been intending co write you for a long time, but have beon so busy have been unable to get started. This being Sunday wo have a half day off, so will employ part of It in writing letters. "Wo had 3ome photos of our oflico takon and I sent you a set a few days ago. The young fellow in civilian clothes is the superintendent of this office; theold man is our Belgian jani tor; the yount; woman is a French countess and spends most of hor u'me and money In charitable work. You will probably recognize Brown, Chrj3 man and myself. "The .superintendent is going to be married tomorrow to a French girl. He , has jusf received o commission as cap tain in the army. The army has just taken over the delivery of mail here. The civil people are going to handle tho money orders, stamps and outgo ing mail. "We have been offered a choice of staying with the civil, entering the army service or going home. 1 would like to bo home, but think I will stay for tho finish. ' "As to the war, you probably know moro about it over there than we do and besides, we are not allowed to write very much about it. It is par bon. How do you like that French or, as they say over here, 'How do you like them apples?' "This is a beautiful city and is one of the oldest in France. It was tho capital of France at one time. There is a church here that was first built In tho fourth century. It has been de stroyed several times and the one now being used was built In the tenth cen tury and is still in very good condi tion. It Is ono of the best examples of Gothic architecture in tho coun try. There is a bridge here across the Loire river which Is 400 years old. The city is situated at the junction al the Loire and Cher rivers. "One thing we miss Is good drinking water, but one is not compelled to drink water. We had some ice cream for dinner last night at the Y. M. C. A. They serve very good meals there and prices are very reasonable. This is the first time I have even, heard of ice cream since I have been in this country, except when some fellow got to raving about what he would like to eat. About that time some one us ually crowns him with a brick and puts him out of his misery. "Havo not run across any of the boys from homo except Brown, but there are probably several of them MM around here. H "The buildings here are nothing like H the size of those in the states. There is very seldom ono over four stories. They have beautiful gardens around MM most of tho houses, but they are all H enclosed by high walls so that thy WM can not be seen from tho streets. Tne H walls are very much In the way. In mm walking along the streets we get all the skin knocked off our elbows on Wm them in saluting officers. H "What happened to my pay check for the month of February? I have nol H received it yet. Chrisman received his mm in New York. It is a good thing that H I brought plenty of money with me. H "We had ice cream for dinner last H real chocolate ice cream. We are liv- mm ing very" good and can get everything H necessary and a few luxuries at the Mm commissary, and much cheaper than H they can be bought In the states. H "Give my best regards to the gang and write soon and give mo some H news. Sincerely, Joe, U. S. Army Pos- tal Clerk, A. E. F., U. S. A. P. O. 717." : oo H PERFECTLY REASONABLE. "What do you want such a large lobby for a picture theatre?" Mm "Got to have a place to park baby 'H carriages." Louisville Courier-Jour- ' MM nal. nn H WE'VE SO MUCH TO LEARN. : Some day we in. the. United States ! will learn to regard as a moro for- ! mldablo enemy of our institutions tho EH man who threatens the destruction of -M society than the criminal whose act -IM Is confined to the Injury of a single WM Individual. San Francisco Chronicle. WM uu H I Bacon You know we used to call WM him governor before ho got married. JH Egbert Well, don't you now? JMM "Oh, no; he married a governess, yWm you know." Yonkers Statesman, J -M