4 THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH, MONDAY, JUCV, 8, 1918. ii ' I' . Entered fL9 Second-CltLM Matter at the i Postoaico, Offdcn, Utah. . Jl'1 ESTABLISHED 1870. ' ! An Independent Newspapor, publlsncd . j every evening except Sunday, without a t , muzzle or a club. i i : - -MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED ' ! PRESS , The Associated Press Is exclusively en j titled to tho use for republication of all r news credited to It or not otherwli - j credited In this paper and also tho local i nows publlshoo herein. WHAT A POOR BOY j CAN DO. j j ! General Pershing's history is an as- . ; surance that, if bulldog grit is neces- sary to tho winning oC tho war, Ger-. ' many will be defeated. J i His biographer says Pershing was i j born poor. The father of tho general was a section foreman at Laclede, Mo. r Pershing won his way to West Point t by tho hardest kind of work. After I leaving the academy, he was seven years in tho service before he received a promotion. . During the Geronimo uprising In Arizona, he was one of tho command ing officers in tho long chase after tho . . renegade Apaches and made ono ride ' of MO miles over mountain trails in T , 48 hours. I - Later he was sent to the Philippines, V, where he distinguished himself in a i fight on the Sultan of Bacolod f In 1906, Pershing was selected by r , President Roosevelt as a brigadier gen- I eral, being promoted over the heads ot I- S62 officers. j When America declared war on Ger- j many, President Wilson named Pcr-' l shing to lead our armies, in France. I Pershing was the fifth general in tho f United States army, the honor having j! been bestowed on Washington, Grant, ft Sherman and Sheridan prior to Per- ij : shing's promotion. I PLATINUM AS A WAR ' ! METAL. ' Responding to the call of the' United States government, a number of Og J den dentists have broken up parts of 1 furnaces to obtain platinum for mili tary use. J Platinum at present is many times I : more valuable than gold, as it is being extensively employed in the making of! war equipment and there is only a I very limited supply since the closing of the mines in the Ural mountains, Russia. John Barrett, of tie Pan-American Union claims platinum was first dis i covered in Colombia, in gold mining, and the metal was thrown into the i waste pile by the gold refiners. i " r LADIES. PLEASE f - RETIRE! jj Up in Montana, Miss Rankin is to aspire to be senator, opposing Sena- j tor Walsh, one of the leaders of the l, Peinccratio party, j ' Oer in Nevada. Ann Martin is also ) j a candidate for (Jaltod States senator. 1 . Both female politicians should be de- ; feated. j: ! Miss Rankin made herself ildlculous j1 ' at the opening of the war, having an j; i attack of hysterics in the house when 1 j , called on to vote on the war rcsolu- j. tion. When she recovered sufficiently to voice nor sentiments, the lady voted In opposition to war and cve-r since has been explaining. Slio also has been a sympathizer with tho I. W. W. of Butte. Tho two defects should make her return to congress Impossible. Miss Ann Martin is a perennial in the political botanical garden of .Ne vada. Ann always is ready to accept office, or otherwiso inflict herself on tho public. Sho was ono of tho silly women who insulted the President of tho United Slates by parading in front of the Whito House, during the first days of the war, carrying banners bearing slurring criticisms. Miss Rankin and Miss Martin should make themselves, in these distressing timcsr more useful and serviceable than mere offices seokers. INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE ARMY. This country is now sending soldiers to Franco at the rate of 100,000 a week. With over one million men across the ocean, this drain on the cantonments threatens to reduce tho reservoir of man-powerto a low point, unless tho president issues another call. Men should bo summoned to' array service-in numbers equal to the trans portation overseas, until this country litis ill must iiuuu iniuiuii in uiu war zone, and a million or two in reserve at home. In laying plans, we should aim to have more than a force large enough'' to defeat the Germans. ' Our opinion is' that the age limit must bo changed so as to take in a larger group of registrants or' get a bigger percentage- of Class 1 from the present lists. This country, should not slow up In its preparation until victory Is ,made cartain, and one of the first big es sentials to victory is an army of at least double tho men now in arras. oo - AS TO THE U-BOAT LOSSES. What a wide gulf separates Vice Admiral von Capelle of the German navy and Admiral Sims of our own sea forces. The German admiral claims tho U-boats are making great head way, sinking an average of five large ships a dny, while Admiral Sims de; dares the U-boat peril has been re duced until ship construction is over taking tho losses and U-boats are be ing put down faster than they are built We prefer to accept the word of our American, admiral who, with the char acteristic truthfulness of-our naval of ficers, is never found resorting to false statements. If the German admiral had been tell ing the truth, the United States would have been helpless in seeking to aid the allies on the battle front. Trans ports in great fleets could not have been sent through the war zone with out at least suffering severe losses. As it is, not one American transport, convoyed by American warships, has been sunk, and only two loaded trans ports have been torpedoed. Over ono million men havo been shipped to France with a loss of only 291. This Is a record which in itself proves Admiral Von Capelle to be a prevaricator. SPEECH IS WELL RECEIVED. President Wilson's Fourth of July speech Is being most favorably ro colved by tho press of tho country. Even tho strong partisan papers of tho opposition aro laudatory. Tho San Francisco Chronicle says: "In the name of the American peo ple, tho President at Mount Vernon declared that this war shall not stop until the arbitrary power of ono people over another has been utterly de stroyed; that those who havo attempt ed to exert such shall be beaten to their knees and beg for mercy, and the freedom of all nations and all peoples to govern themselves and develop ac cording to their instincts, traditions and aspirations shall be permanently asured. "That was the substance of tho President's Mount Vernon speech, and the American nation will back him up. He felicitously states our purpose In one sentence. It is tho 'right of law based upon the consent of tho gov erned and sustained by tho organized opinion of mankind.' "Note his words sustained, not by tho organized -armies of the world, but by its 'organized opinion.' And organ ized opinion needs no armies and na vies to support its decisions if tho predatory of mankind are not allowed to have, armies to resist organized opinion. , "The President does pot say that peace, when it comes, shall bo assured and made permanent by the disband ment of the United States army and tho scrapping of the United States navy all other nations doing the same but he has repeatedly said, and he repeated at Mount Vernon, what would be folly if armies and navies are to persist. If every nation is to arm as it pleases and all nations unite to main tain other 'armies and navies strong enough to overwhelm any combination qf national armies and navies, then would militarism overshadow every thing else and mankind would delve only that it might be prepared to fight. ' "Tho President never said that. But no one denies to him .the ; possession of a logical mind, and it is absurd to suppose that he does not see as well ns others the conclusion whidh inevit ably results from tho premises which ho proposes to establish. Presumably he thinks the time not yet ripe for himself to announce his conclusion. -"Briefly, the President proposes: (1) Tho destruction of arbitrary pow er iH'erywhero; (2) Ibe settlement bv oilier means ttan ."fined force of nil International controversies; (3) no government anywhere without the con sent of the governed (I) the establisn mpnt of an organization of peace to ef fect all the foregoing. uu NATION WILL BE "DRY." . When members of Utah's next legis lative body are being elected this fall, this question should be put: "Are you for national p'rohlbjTion and will you vote to ratify the prohi bition constitutional amendment?" Assurances are given that the Unit ed States will bo "dry" within eighteen months. Already 12 states have accept ed tho amendment, and, strange to re late, five of those states have been counted on to vote for the "wet" side. Even Kentucky and Massachusetts have ratified the amendment. There are 27 bone-dry states, which with the five wet slates that have acted favorably, make a total of 32. Only four more states aro necessary to make the nation "dry." There arc three states counted as wet in wh'.ch a majority of the population has voted dry In the form of local option. That gives 35 states. Then as possibilities are Wyoming, Nevada, Connecticut, Illinois, California, New York, Ohio, B of Food Admini station 11 1 1 THE AIMS H j j i 33y wining- scrvioe of a reo peoplo to Hjl do tbooe things: Hjjji I' ' To feed, the ATttea that they may wj ! continue to fight. Hlii' To food tho hungry In Belgium and HA h otbr lands that they may con- HhJ tinne to live. Hlil foed our own eoldlors overscan HH J that they may want nothing. ' , t?o fcep prices steady and tho flow Hlj ' distribution erven that the poor ji i at homo may be nourished nor H' the pinch of hunger. H i THE METHOD ; Ah a mflrtary necessity, Amerf- S1 ! gam oat potatoes Instead of wheat, L mi caretidjy Into the sugar bowl, Hlji f I anare their clothes last longer, save H their income ahove bare need for li Bro-roarnaent fnnda, set their clocks Hlj j "a hoar earlier, cultivate the homo 1 jj 1 , tardea, preserve traits against the J ! rwrnfrr. oaJratoto their household fll jprovfajjon, regulate their expendi- Hljj t turva of aoney and food and en- Hi' L AJlod strategy nhapes tho food Hljjilj: BosorvsUos. campaign. HllT , MHHnry urgency gives force to Mi li every food regulation. Hffi&f i M Modg head to army require- I !j r tewsuta. Moving the army, oquip- III L IP fag tS army, supplying the army, ! raw n taring the army the army's jph iwieoB always come first. m Food, iron, -btooJ, leather' our ml g' lahor, oar strength, our hopes, our I'hK prayers tho army has first claim nil 031 mMr Veaie! room limits tho number oC- Ml man. v.' a can oood; cargo spaco lira'- Ml .tne ooa antl equipment wscan I t invo them, tho .munitions yra can Jtij! put In their anda. Iftjl War (lictatca an oxporfs and lm- M p?rL War soverne. 6ur shlpmbnts ml f." 'w1lt ad mea't, our consump- m r "on of avgarv-tmr allowance of cof- lit) I Ics- war needs rule our eating and 331 colng -without. War needs ftx -what Ml iaI-1 v. -what ro shall Bpend HFl. "Kro Bh&n War needs dl- HP ' oar ll7lner to tho last detail. nW Carrying capacity Bets the margins ill for using or giving up. ; j i EUROPES NEEDS In fainting Belgium, 1,500,000 stand daily in line for a morsel of broad and a sup of soup. In Franccj tho bread ration, which is half their living, la cut down one -third. England has cut dovrn' sugar one half; France and Italy allow one pound a month for each per son. All European countries are eating war bread mixed with all the substitutes It will stand. Meat in all countries Is strlctljv ' rationed usually about qua pound a wook for each penwTjT M altitude soma estimate 4 000,000 In Europe Wbdloa for want of food sdnctf' war be Ban. An Allied Europr dopenda on food from America. I s America. is,gfrtng up -wheat that met every tho shlivtan carry la needed to hold Intact the armies ofW vSland and Italy9 and tovo Belgium from starving. America is sending beef and nor: naotatnp the armies and tho aDrca. America la denying herself enff doing without troplS fr5S ; aJ 0 Am or! can a aro shaping thnfr L . without waste, to provision the community at the least coet in3 ?fc noon learn ing and doing these things throuch three terrible years. Americano learning and doing. aWo 18 THE RESULTS Exports of pork ' products for March, 1918, wereover 50 per cent, larger than for arqr prtrrtous monUi In tho past seven years and almost three times as great as tho highest amount exported in any month In the four years before 1915. Exports of beef products for March, 1918, wero over 20 per cent, larger than for any previous month In the past seven years and more than twice as great oa tho highest amount exported in any month in the four years beforo 1915. Exports of rye and rye flour from the beginning of the fiscal year, July 1, 1917, through March. 1918, aro 33 per cent, larger than last year; of barley 65 per cent, larger; of oats and oatmeal 34 por cent. Isrgcr. Tho wholcsalo price of flour at 1 Minneapolis on May 15. 1917, the date of the Food Administrator's ap pointment, was $16.75; on May 4, 1018, it was ?9.80, a decrease oi ?6.95 or 41 per cent On May 15, 1917, tho dlfforonco between what the farmer got for hfa wheat and the wholesale price of flour was equivalent to $E.G8 per barrel while on May 4, 1918, ' th la difference amounted to only 64 cants. The Index number of producers prices for March, 1918, shows an Increase of 27 per cent, over August, 1917, while the Index num ber of consumers' prices decreased H per cont- From July 1, 1917, to March 81,. 11S, wo havo exported to our Allies' 0,000,000, bushels of wheat and .flour, or 124 per cent, of tho amount availablo for export on July 1, while a year ajo during the came period we exported to the Allies, only 51 per cont of the amount availablo for export on July 1. Tho wholoaalo price of reflnod sugar at the end of April. 1917. was 7.3 cents per pound "while a year ago it was 8J2 cents per pound, al uocreaso of 12 per cent. In tho same period the margin between the price of .raw and refined sugar than been reduced from 2.12 cents 1 to 1.3 cents per pound. 4 Pennsylvania, Ehodo Island, Wiscon sin. Out opinion is that both Nevada and Wyoming of the western states win vote for ratification. It is almost a certainty that next Jonuary and February, when nearly nil the legislative bodies meet, the amend ment will be ratified, and then one ye:-T later, according to the prois'ons cf the enactment, tho United Stales will banish all alcoholic drink. Prohibition nation-wide Is coming more rapidly than the great majority had expucted up to a few months ago. MRS. AL HARDY B lltfl 01 LIFE BY . PISTOL SHOT Because of grief over being separat ed from her husband who was drafted into tho national army about two weeks ago, Mrs, Al Hardy, 29 years of age, shot and killed herself last night shortly after 8 o'clock at the home of Albert Garner, 3740 Washington ave I nuo. Mrs. Hardy, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Albort Garner, had been living at Ely. Nov., and camo here two weeks ago when her husband was sent to Camp Lewis In a dralt contingent. Herl body was found in the kitchen of the homo, a bullet wound in the lemple and a 32 calibre automatic revolver, to' explain the situation, lying near it. When the body was found tho police were summoned and Sergeant J. F. Kelliher and Detectives J. L. Hobson and R. H. Chambers responded, finding the woman apparently dead. City Phy. sician W. R. Drown also arrived on the sceno soon after the police and pro nounced the woman dead. While the police held to the theory that the woman killed herself, a defi nite opinion as to whether the shoot ing was accidental or Intentional would not be given. , The body was removed to the Lind quist undertaking parlors. 00 TABEflflHCLE CROWDED TO HEAR DRAMATIC ' BEADING The Tabernacle was filled to flowing and many people were turned away last night when the program under the auspices of the Mutual Im provement aSSOClatinriQ nf tllA tlircn - Weber county stakes was rendered, and in which a dramatic reading of "The Life of Christ" was given by Bertha Eccles-Wright who recentlv returned from the east. The reading o"f the beautiful piece was exceptionally good and the vocal and Instrumental music that filled out the program was also pleasingly, rendered. The music for the dramatic reading was taken from "The Messiah" by Handel and was directed by Prof. Squire Coop, who also gave the piano accompaniment during the evening. The vocalists were Margerv Dodge -Warner, soprano, Mrs. Evelvn Bulah, contralto, William Cook, tenor, and P. Melvin Peterson, baritone. Arthur Fre ber, violinist, also assisted. A stage setting for the occasion was arranged featuring scenes typical of tho far east and Mrs. Wright appeared in costume to read tho story of the Master which was written in connect ed from the four gospols. Nearly an hour before the program opened every available seat in the Tabernacle was taken. uu NEW OFFENSIVE BELIEVED NEAR Three Logical Points for Heavy Enemy Attack Are Pointed Out. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, July 7. Resumption of tho German offensive against some part of the allied line Is believed to be near. It may be said that there arc three logical points for the enemy's attack the Chateau Thierry rogloh, the line north of Chalons and In the neighbor hood of Abbeville, In the Flanders sec tor. An nsaault north of Chalons or against Abbeville would bo less costly for him, but in the former he would get less important territory than be fore Abbeville, where his loss would bo heavier. From the best information obtain able. It appears that the Germans dur ing the coming offensive will have be tween thirty and forty divisions ca pable of partiicpating in tho attack. While awaiting tho coming storm, the Americans aro discussing tho ex ploit of a handful of comrades from a certain unit who participated with the the French in operations at Hill 204 yesterday. They wore invited to watch the attack and, if they cared to, to join in it and many more volunteered than could be accommodated. American aviators in tho Chateau Thierry sector engaged in several fights today and two enemy planes wero shot down. It is impossible to discuss American casualties except as they are indicated In official state ments. Therefore, the details of tho fighting cannot be written now. nn. M'ADOO TOURING PACIFIC COAST WASHINGTON, July 7. Secretary McAdoo who went to California sever al weeks ago, after an attack of throat trouble, advised railroad administra tion officials here today that he has entirely regained his health and been making a tour of Inspection of rail road lines and terminals on tho Pa cific coast, with a view to recom- . ; ; ; Ml the xaiioiis 4 Poor Work j eliminated omimn&ry Service Our Soft Water Process r- Absorbs all hardness from water 0 , makes strong soaps unnecessary . f;ml -gives lorager life to every garment :.;J ; v- e ' The " Ogden 1 1 always was a CAHE- makes clothes OLEASTER and - "FUL Laimdry exceptionally care- WHITER, ful. ..... .L. - . . ,. . The installation of this process And now with the installation of was expensive for us but there our new Boromite Water Softener, wm be no advance-in prices for one ?e are able to render still better work, service. Boromite is a mineral through which the hard water is Our motto. is 'RELIABLE as al- filtered. It instantly absorbs all ways and just as ECONOMI- the hardness from the water and CAL.' The Ogden Steam Laundry "THE SOFT WATER LAUNDRY" 437 Twenty-fifth Street Phone 174 . . - mending betterments in the future. This was said to reiterate to stop wide spread reports that Mr. McAdoo was in poor health. He called a meeting of regional di rectors and federal managers in the central, western and northern division to be held at San Francisco, July 15, to discuss betterment of the railroad service generally in those sections. Im provement in tho routing of traffic and in terminal facilities will be given particular attention. Besides Hale Holden and R. H. Aish ton, regional directors in the central, western and northwestern divisions, Mr. McAdoo has summoned to the con ference Carl R. Grey, director of oper ations and Edward Chambers, director of traffic for tho railroad administra tion with headquarters in Washington. Mr. McAdoo will preside and recom mend improvements which have sug gested themselves during his recent inspection trip. PERFECT ARTIFICIAL EYES. Artificial eyes arc much more com mouly worn than most people imag ine. The average user does not make advertisement of the fact, which may be known only to a few intimato .friends, for such oyes nowadays, a product of the glassblower's highest skill, are of a workmanship so artls t icas n be perfectly deceptive. When, as -s usually the case, tho eye is set upon the "root" of the natural organ it moves exactly like a real one. EVER FRESH AND GREEN. A pawnbroker in a small country town was awakened in the middle or the night by a furious knocking at the shop door. He opened his win dow and looked ouL "Wh-wh-what's the matter?" he asked. "Come down," demmded tho stran ger. "Who are " I "Come down!" Interrupted the other The pawnbroker hastened down ' stairs and peeped around the door. "Now, sir" he demanded. "I wan'sh to know the time!'" said' the hibulous one. "You blinking idiot. Do you mean to say you woke me up for that? How dare you1" The midnight visitor looked Injur- . ed. "Well, you"ve got my watch," ho ex plained. ' oo ARTIFICIAL GEMS. Nearly all artificial gems that is to say, stones that are really made by artificial means are compounds of ' alm cryitalized under special condi tions. The metallic salts that are j added during ft'sion determine wheth- ; or the stones produced shall be sap phires, rubies, orien'al topazes, am- , ethysts or emeralds. j Doings of AerMcDuf f s j 1 Tom, 'M GoiUG VOWti TO MV I OLIVIA, SAV VoU DRIVE I ALL I WOULD OTAMD AMD I PASS RIGHT BV PRETTV GooD, Bur MT I Vo WOULD BE Your, office so ill take HpupposiuG I was a Jto pull This ;