s THE OGPEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH, MONDAY, JULY 8, 1918. 5 jH I Woman's Page ft Mil THE MOST OF B THE SUGflB SUPPLY H The distribution and consumption of IK' sugar during the summer is to be .11'.' carefully policed by the United States UK Food Administration. There must be SB' no waste. No matter what the Cuban Mm . or more remote sugar crop is, the sup- II ply of ships is insufficient to get it I here in these war days, ill- The use of sugar for the canning anJ preserving of fruits is food sav- HI ing. It not only saves the perishable BB fruits and vegetables at the time of mm greatest abundance, but the canned IB.. product will take the place of II other foods next winter. Therefore BB housewives are urged to preserve and BB' can as much as usual, but they will IB; be required to sign certificates at their Bl' local dealer's declaring that the extra II' sugar is for canning purposes exclus ive In order further to protect the sup IB pl.v for household canning and preserv mm ing, the manufacturers of all less-es-II: sential food stuffs are to be put on a l strict sugar raiion. These are to be II ' allowed only 50 percent of their nor I mal requirements. Included in this In " c'ass are makers of confectioner' and IB soft drinks. B Manufacturers of jam, jelly and pre- III sen'es, On the other hand, will be peril- mittcd, along with preservers and In packers of vegetables, catsup and chili Iw sauce and fruits to buy sugar enough lt to meet their full requirements. I Absolutely no sugar will be allowed I. to manufacturers of non-edible pro- I' With the government behind them I to protect their suppy of sugar for B legitimate uses, the country's house- I wives are asked to show their loyalty B to that government in its effort to se- B cure the sugar needed by the Allies B while protecting our own people. They I are asked to use sugar wisely and not : too freely. They are asked to meas- I ure the sugar carefully, to use enough I to insure the keeping of their fruits B and vegetables, but not to waste a I' 'rrain of it. I II WEATHER I MENUS Hr Hot weather menus require some m little thought but they are not diffi cult to prepare. Here are some sug-jB- gestions from the United States Food 'K Administration: I Breakfast 'H; Cherries ,H; Steamed Rice K, with honey and top milk K Toasted Wheatlces Muffins French Omelet 'K Cold Milk or Coffee B Lunch K Stuffed Potato Salad Brown Bread Sandwiches K.' Carmel Custard Dinner Ht' Pig's Feet and Sauerkraut B. Creamed Potatoes New Asparagus Radishes v B Fruit Ice Cream K-' Sweetened with Honey V. Cornmeal Cheese Wafers r Coffee A WORTH-WHILE E . CAMPING STUNT For your own, good I hope that" not one of you fellows will let the camping season pass without enjoying a "bean hole," says the Cave Scout in the July ' number of Boys' Life, the Boy Scouts' i. magazine. Hole-baked beans make a dandy breakfast dish because they cook while you sleep. There are many recipes for preparing the beans, but the following is simple: Soak the beans in cold water for eight or ten hours, then boil them until the skins i crack. Pour off most of the water aud put in a few pieces of salt pork bacon will do as well stir In three or four tablespoons of molasses or syrup, then add salt and pepper. A big earthen jar with a tight-fitting , cover is best for baking them, although in a pinch a pail will do. Dig a hole in the ground a foot and i a half or two feet deep and keep a ' fire going in this hole until the ground is thoroughly heated. Also heat . a number of flat rocks in an open fire. ' "When iho bean-pot is ready rake out tho fire, put the pot in the hole, sur round it with the hot stones, cover with hot earth, roll up in your blank et aud go to sleep with tho promise of a least in the morning. on I The feature picture starts at 10 o'clock at the Alhambra for the last showing of "Old Wives for New' Continuing three days. 1 nn PERSHING REPORT I ON II A ARMY B Successful Raid in Vosges, B Prisoners Captured and Other Losses Inflicted. WASHINGTON. July 8. General Pershing's communique for Sunday, reporting the successful raid in the Vosges in which losses in killed, wounded and prisoners were inflicted upon the enemy, says the day passed quietly at other points held by Ameri cans. Section A In the Vosges we made a successful raid, killing and wounding a number of the enemy and taking sev eral prisoners. Tho day passed quietly at other points occupied by our troops. Section B In the Chateau Thierry region, between July 4 and 5, the rillo and machine gun duel on the right of our line continued. Most of the Ger f ? man fire came, as before, from Hill 204 and tho Bois Bouresches. Machine guis were also In operation against Bouresches. The enemy's artillery firo was distinctly lighter. A much smaller number of his shells fell on the right of our advanced positions than during the preceding days, although this part of. our lines remained the principal ob jective. It was ajso notable that most of the shells were'of small and medium caliber. Gas Shells Diminish. It was also notable that most of the shells were of small and medium cal iber and that the proportion of gas shells had diminished. On the other hand, the German airplanes appeared In greater numbers and larger forma tions, a number of groups of from five to eight planes bcng observed. In tho enemy's rear areas the ab normal troop movements which fol lowed our attack on him several days ago has decreased. Enemy Busy Fortifying. The enemy Is busily engaged In creating machine gun emplacements and constructing other works. There was evidence pointing to the destruc tion of still another ammunition dump. Several paper balloons containing cop ies of the "Gazettes des Ardennes" ft-11 in our lines. American patrols consisting of an ofllcer and twenty-five men operating south of Torcy killed one of the enemy I and captured two others, all three being found in shell holes. Our battal ion scouts penetrated the German lines, located machine gun emplace ments and returned safely. A group of the enemy on duty at the machine gun positions fled at his approach. . oo "OLD IKES FOB H" Iff THE ALHAMBRA Famous as one of the most talented directors Identified with motion pic ture production, Cecil B. De Mille has many notable cinema creations to his credit. He directed "Joan the Woman" and other photoplays starring Geral dine Farrar, and his recent Artcraft picture, "The Whispering Chorus," achieved a notable triumph. In "Old Wives for New," Mr. De Mille has handled with marvelous deftness, the domestic conditions that confront civ ilized peoples of the modern days, and his vivid directorial touch is no less apparent in this picture than is th? master hand of Balzac in the immortal creations that have made him the foremost writer of his day in France. The author of "Old Wives for New" is the late David Graham Phillips, one of the most widely read of contempor ary writers in the United States. This celebrated novel won instant popular ity because of its fidelity to life and its pitiless exposition of the frailties of mankind and the follies of modern society. FIVE ENUMERATORS TO START CANVASS 01 JULY 15 Census enumerators will start work on the city school census July 16, ac cording to a statement this morning from Supt. H. C. Johnson. There will be enumerators in the five wards of the city and they will have from July 15 until August 1 to make their canvasses. After that date they will have a few days to complete their reports. . V nn ROBERT PEART 01 SHIP "BOUND FOR THE IR ZONE Mrs. Harry S. Peart, 234S Madison avenue, has received a letter from her son Robert A. Peart, company G, Third Depot brigade, from aboard ship in the Atlantic, while on his way to France. The young soldier Is a brother of Prof. Charles Peart of Ogden and is well known in Ogden. His letter follows: "My Dear Mother: Just a line to let you know where I am. This is our fifth day on the ocean and I expect thore will be a few more before we arrive at our destination. Well, this far we have had fino sailing, the veather has been splondld and I have not fed tho fish. We are'on a safe ship, one of Gormany's best before the war. We are well protected so we feel confident we are going to get there. So far wo have not boon molested by submarines. "How are you all at home? I hope you are sending me lots of letters. You see it will be some time before they reach me, so they will be mighty wel come. Paul is here with us. Says he feels alright ho far. I don't know where we are going but I shall take advan tage of any opportunity to visit our people and will have more to tell you later. Well mother, thero are many things I would like to tell you, but Mr. Censor will 'not permit So, till I re turn, God bless you and preserve you. (Signed) "ROBERT." oo Kleanliness Kosts Considerable But the klean klique kan't kwit kom ing to Klay's Kosy Kottages kause kost kan't be konsidered where klean liness and komfort kompelc with tho kast off krumbs and kontaminaling korruption of kommon krowds. Your bath is absolutely pure unused mln eral water. WE see to THAT.' C. M. CLAY. Advertisement, oo Read tho Classified Ads; ' 1 . New Music of M IDSUMMER CARUSO AND DE G0 GORZA SING A DUET OF EXQUISITE BEAUTY Other noted artists also give inter pretations that shall live down through the years. jgvtS EFORE music EwM IETJtII m lycs there is WSeJR UWIlf M spread a feast of fi od things by the master interpretation the foremost tenor and the famous baritone give it on a new Victrola. Record. A night of velvet softness, the sky aflame with the light of the moon. The incandes cent glow of a million stars illumines the white walls of some building of ancient Spanish design. From out the shadowy foliage of the orange trees and palms comes the. voice of a solitary singer, serenading the lady of his heart. A marvelous melody it is, of melancholy beauty, langourous s&7&. in rhythm an d t,-vUSiSS.'r quickened with WKBIh sion. Soon, how- .fijf. Eb ever", another voice $m!w& ? -, enters and the fjjSF 'fc'gHBi character of the MJvt music changes fKvjSj fefM from slow, dreamy EMLf5' waltz time to the charactcris- itLFI tic rhythm of the 'V'iSCSmf' Habanera. gglii Exqmsitcly t he JSfe'fflg! and De Gogorza 3 jjLf mS. blend, keeping to- - " ""'" J7ST Eetbcr in the in- f Caruso jft tricatc movement "' ' '"igaggfftff of the melody wSSStt' with superb musical skill, yet with a spontaneity that shows complete sym pathy and musical understanding be tween the two artists. Summer dance music with an Irre sistable owing. Light, aio'i R3y arc the vacation time dance numbers newly recorded to furnish the requisite for dancinc wher ever you go. 'The Rainbow Girl" and "Oh Lady I Lady!" are two medley fox trots played by the Victor Military Band on one Victor Record. "The Rainbow Girl" has been having a big success at the New Amsterdam Theatre in New York, end some of its most attractive numbers make up this medley fox trot, which include: "I'll Think of You"; "My Rainbow Girl" ; "Alimony Blues" ; and "Mister Drummer." The music gives occasion for bold work from the cymbals and an occasional flash from the shrill piccolo. The gems from the musical comedy "Oh Lady I Ladyl" arc culled for the fox trot of that name. They arc "You Found Me and I Found You" ; "When all the Little Ships Come Sailing Home" ; and "Not Yet." Many dainty instrumental touches add to the fairy like grace of the music On another Victor Record Pictro, that wonderful accordionist whose in strument is so peculiarly adapted to the making of dance records, presents a. fox trot and a one-step. These two medley dance numbers include some of the most popular songs of the day. In the "War Ballad Medic' there arc "Just a Baby's Prayer at Twilight"; and "Joan of Arc." The reverse of the record contains "I May Be Gone for a Long, Long Time" and "Sweet Emalina, My Gal." One could not ask for better dance music than is offered by this col lection of popular songs. A tender tribute is paid to the women who arc today crooning their little ones to sleep while their thoughts are with the. men who have left them that they may defend them. It is expressed in a touching little song by Geradinc Farrar on a new Victrola Record, "The War Baby s Lullaby." In it the mother com forts herself with yffijassffSfra her baby andshe ' care for her hus- !hK53BF -L B bandwho has re- xjj&f song of such sim- H' plicity dealing in lfe' )mufn matters so sacred ' ''JBBgm must in itself be A-"BB9ffli simple, and the &ly')i&-s')$m& soothing rhythm WtVfWM and gently flowing MHSxM melody do much 6 Witz:M to suggest wwggfaaaaffiiWHfc Farrar sjngs this ' mtyg&$3& lullaby with char acteristic expressiveness. Philadelphia Orchestra plays on operatic masterpiece. Athough the, concert season is closed the superb music of the symphony or chestra may now be heard throughout the year. This noted orchestra ' has ;ust made a new Victrola Record which is a revelation of the beautiful quality of string tone this famous organization is capable of producing under the able leadership of Leopold Stokowski. The theme here chosen is a tender melody from Christoph Gluck's opera, "Orpheus and Eurydice." It contains a flute solo of exquisite pathos most expressively played. A new march by Sousa is one of the treats store lor admirers of the march king's stirring compositions. Lieutenant John Philip Sousa, U. S. N. R. F. has made a Victor Record of The Volunteers" which he dedicates to the shipbuilders of America a splendid tribute to the men doing war-work at homc.t The spirit of this march ver ltabv interprets the whole-souled energy of the men to whom it is dedicated. You know Caruso as a great tenor, but on the reverse of this record you have a chance to hear him in the role of a march writer. In "Liberty Forever " which he wrote in collaboration with Vinccnzo Bcllcza is a march with a vigor and swing to it worthy of Sousa himself. Both m.irc&es are played b the Victor Military Band. Songs that breathe seatimenU . of "oTor there." . Two of the most popular of warb'mo melodies are voiced this month on one Victor Record. One of them sung by Charles Hart and the Shannon Four, is "What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?" To a stirring march melody it reminds us that Uncle Sam expects that every man at home will do his best "Keep Your Head Down, Ffitzie Boy" is a humorous banter so char acteristic of the fighting man. It ad monishes a German soldier in the trenches that he must act according to directions "if you want to see your father in the Fatherland." Lieut. Gitz Rice who has been in the fighting from the start wrote both words and music. The song is cleverly rhymed. ia full of good phrases, and the music has an easy swinging gait that makes one think of soldiers on a long hike. Elsie Baker sings a war song for a new Victor Record this month. "God Bring You Safely to Our Arms Again" expresses the longing that must grip many a woman who has made the great sacrifice. On the reverse of the record is a companion song by Olive Kline. "Bring Back My Soldier Boy to Me. It has a melody of great tenderness, and is a veritable prayer, especially in the cry "I'm lonesome." which is given emphasis in tha refrain. Henry Burr has a beautiful tenor voice which he uses almost exclusively for recording. His latest Victor Record adds one more to the long list that has enjoyed such popularity. It is a touch ing little song called 'There's a Little Blue Star in the Window" and tells Just what a service flag can mean to the folks at home. In contrast with the pathetic tone of this song is another on the reverse of the record, "Some Day They're Coin ing Home Again," which is truly in spiring in the way it points out that ''somewhere" the boys are fighting for you. and that "when the Hun is on the run and victory is won" they'll greet you once more. SSBSSBi This number is ef- jffllfllffggjSMilfflk fectivcly sung by UsRvlUrisagEicsWlBita Harry Mac- HkljHKBsssSEw donoueh and the f "IsSSHBtltv Orpheus Quartet Ym yJwSSIHH A picture in Pff'lfff' t song io stretched SlraK'MHSSBsS before your FtRSBB mental vision by John McCormack JMtaiSiCyffX this month as he ujffiiHCV sings' on a new ffipfyV'JBFfl Victrola Record, mSKaSKmiKi "Little Mother of OUKaHMHRmH Mine." It seems -!Tlflffi"rrr as if he must be I HCormack c thinking of the ' 1 1 L"5WA533E old home in Ath lone where his childhood days were spent, and especi ally of the mother who rocked him to sleep, and perhaps in her crooning lullaby awoke the first echoes in his heart of the music that has been his life-gift. Certain it is, he never sang with greater earnestness or greater tenderness than in this song. Harry Lauder has a new song inspired by the boys in exusp. This country can never forget the part the genial Scot has played the last few months in visiting the cn campmcQts to cheer up the soldiers with his- inimitable sentiment and wit. In this merry lilt of his own makintr "From North, South, East, and West1 he gives us a cheery marching song which expresses the marvelous unity with which Americans are now throw ing themselves heart and soul into the war. Geoffrey O'Hara, -; that wonderful leader of songs in camp, himself a wearer of the khaki uniform, and a soldier who has singular ability' to in spire his comrades with good cheer, cings a couple of numbers of his own on a Victor Record this month. "A Soldier's Day" is the title of a piece consisting of bugle calls, which are afterward sung by O'Hara to traditional words used by our soldiers, and typical of the special kind of "joshing" in use at the camps. "Parodies of the Camp" on the re verse of the record shows the versa tility of this genial musician in paro dizing such familiar tunes as "Over There." "Don't Bite the Hand That's Feedinir lou," "John Brown's Body," and 'Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching." Among the popular vocal songs of the month the Peerless Quartet is heard in two numbers on one Victor Record. just jikc Washington Crossed the Delaware, General Pershing Will Cross if- ?hi.nc 33 thc t,t,c of Qne o them which has some brilliant rhyming and good words set to lively music. "I May Stay Away a Little Longer" is thc other one, being a soldier's letter to hla sweetheart at home. Campbell and Burr sing "Your Lips Are No Man's Land But Mine," and on the reverse of the record, thc Orpheus Quartet presents "Our Coun try's In It Now." Lastly comes the beloved Alma Gluck who has such a strong hold upon thc hearts of music-lovers everywhere. This month she interprets that beauti "i molody from Handel's oratorio Theodora" ."Angels Ever Bright and I-air. Vocally it is an exacting song, with long high notes that need1 to be taken with the utmost smoothness if the ethereal serenity and unwavering faith of the music arc to be rightly touch with Pth'e latest and best in the realm of music from month to month, and the con stant inspiration of always having at your command the world's master pieces interpreted by the greatest artists of the day are opportunities offered by the Victrola. Even though you may not possess a Victrola you need not be deprived of this privilege, for any Victor ! deajer near you will gladly pfay any of the new songs and instrumental selections or any, old favoritca you may wish to hear, LARGE ELEPHANTS EAGER TO SHOW OFF BEFORE AUDIENCES You can't have a circus without elephants, and you enn't have a big circus without big elephants and many of 'em. And clophants are not of much value in tho modern, big circus unless they are performing elephants. So that it why Sells-Floto circus, which will come to Ogden .Utah, July 7th. bringj to you what circus people agree are the biggest performing herds of tho largest elephants in all i the wide, wide world. In tho picture you see them swinging their pretty trainer, Miss Thompson, on their trunks. They do many things you never saw clophants do before, be cause a lot of their tricks arc newly learned. But, as tho elephants have been acting at breakneck speed for t long while, learning new stuff is easy for them. And they love to act. They rush Into thc rings so fast that their trainers have a douco of a time keep- i ing up with them. They are the or- I IT IS UP TO YOU I whether or not you will enjoy your vacation. In the camp or on the porch, the one thing you must have for your IH DANCING and ENTERTAINMENT is H ,Vlctrola IV-A with 12 selections, $27601 Easy to carry around and has a beautiful tone. . 7 ! ' " $1 Per-Week Will Do It I W MA VE THtMLY RECORDS I iginal speed merchants, these ele phants. Even if they have to push wagons around the lot all morning, they are ready and eager to show off before folks right afterward. Adv-vertisement. oo NOODLE PARLORS . IE KEPI OPEN Local restaurant men are complain ing that though they are forced to close their places at 10 o'clock, Chi nese and Japanese noodle parlors are allowed to remain open. The local police have been notified of this disregard of the closing rule, but claim they are powerless to act. oo . BRAZIL'S RESOURCES Of the old-time vegetable dyes Bra zil possesses an almost endless variety. Misinformation Regarding U-Boat Losses Given Out in Reichstag Sims' Report Reliable. WASHINGTON, July S Optimistic statements regarding submarine ac complishments made by Admiral von Capelle, German minister of marine, before the reichstag Saturday, were described today by naval officials here as typical of the misinformation which is being given the German people. Secretary Daniels remarked that he preferred to take Admiral Sims' view of tho situation. "Admiral Sims always Is sure of his facts before speaking." Mr. Daniels said. "You have noticed that he makes very few statements." It Is frankly admitted in navy circles that it is Impossible to secure accurate figures on the destruction of subma rines. Reports of encounters are care- -H fully sifted, the benefit of the doubt H always being given to the enemy, and in many cases where evidence seems to show that the U-boat was destroyed It is marked down as "possibly slight- H ly damaged" But even after these de- , ductions allied officials have reason to believe that the rate of sinkings has definitely overtaken the maximum pos sible German construction. Von Capelle's statement that an av erage of "five big steamers" per day Is being destroyed was branded as a H gross exaggeration. Taking 3000 tons as the average per ship, a low figure, this would mean that the German sub- IH marines are accounting for 450,000 H tons per month. IH nn UP TO DATE. H "Your husband has water on the 'H brain." "Oh, dear! I hope it's been filtered.' H Bt ELECTRIC IRONS I 1 sJjBSBk Now, during hot weather especially does the housewife 1 H I jBS-BMi appreciate the convenience of an electric iron, -We offer 1 H I wsBrefcjp 73$SEf fr a hinited time a special money saving opportunity in a II I HPPHWr FULLY GUARANTEED iron, NICROME Ah Sf I 1 HBBB WIRE 311(1 LICENSED UNDER THE Jjj.Oy I 1 j Tennis Racquets Bro-svnie, $1.25 value. g I I I 3fK "Whether for amateur or full- SPECIAL 75 1 1 I I Wfi fledged professional we have just Freshman, $1.75 value. I H 1 j feHi inc right racquet, and at a price' SPECIAL . . 93$ I H I rWl away below the ordinary. Just Championship League, $2 value. D I I I i!M look at our prices here. SPECIAL 551.29 j 1 I j jelly cups Biraeerware Specials I SEmm TRAYS I I I Heavy paraffin paper, ex- We give hero one of our specials for Genuine Japanese serving 1 ;H 1 tremely durable and cheaper this week beautiful ROSE BOUQUET trays, oblong shape. Highly I I by far than glass. A variety Pattern, semi-vitrous-dainUly decorat- poi5hed beautifully hand- 1 m Dy lar mdii ai"". ed with sprays of roses and gold band. . . . I of sizes as follows: This an open stock pattern and can oecoraica. m -h H be bought in small or large sets. H iM I sft,& t2Pie?e Set' $82 ..,....79c I I 1 y, pint, dozen ...... 40c 1 Special . . . 4,nn , 11 I 12 ounce, .dozen 45c We also have several patterns in Havl- 1 52.00 values Qy H m I 1 pint, dozen 50c land China. Come in see them. Special at J( C H IH I , h f . j FRUIT JAR I fl 1 Coffee at 35c and j3J Vjs." 3?"" I I