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The Circulation o the Qghtf f g t jS Sbltftf1fhf WEATHER FORECAST TV 3 f Standard for yesterday mP i I F m J F I I 1 I I II L7 I kU 111 1 kW I 11 Weather Indication for Oaden and vicinity: jMl I was.... 3 Jnk 1 ' fj sW' T yK 4 urdayws?"'1 probab,y Saturday; warmer Sat- J I ' - - O FEARLESS INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER : : 1 I ""oTty cighth Yenr-No. 244. Price Five cc"nT7" " OGDEN CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER Tl7191 LAST EDITION 3:30 P. M, I, Grip on Northern France Loosened . 1 I and' Troops Being Herded Back II Famous Chemin Des Dames Being I Evacuated by Ludendorff V Troops Today (g f LONDON, Oct. 1 1 . Serbian troops, after capturing S ? Leskovatz, again advanced and on October 8 had reached a I line ten miles to the north of that town, says an official state in ' ment issued by the Serbian general staff. More than-3,000 I prisoners were taken and five more guns "were captured. I; ' BASEL, Switzerland, Thursday, Oct. 1 0. Cholera is fi ' slowly spreading in Berlin, 'notwithstanding the preventive ! measures taken, a Berlin dispatch states. Seventeen cases rim were reported October 8 and, fifteen -deathsoccurred from-the jiv disease. 1 AMSTERDAM, Oct. 1 1 .Emperor William nas sum IB moned the sovereigns of all the German federal states to Ber K or a consultation before answering President Wilson's IK notc according to a Cologne dispatch. Such a conference J E is unique in the history of Germany. I I LONDON, Oct. 1 1, 1 p. m., by The Associated Press. todays advices rrom the battle rront indicate it is virtually) I' m certain the Germans will have to evacuate the St. Gobain , P forests almost immediately. ! I; WITH THE AMERICAN FORCES NORTHWEST OF I ' VERDUN, Oct. 1 1 , noon, by The Associated Press. Heavy i , artillery firing in the region west of the Meuse river began ' at dawn today." The Americans started at daylight and the I Germans responded. Fires are reported burning in many towns behind the lines and it is believed these were started by the American shells. LONDON, Act. 1 1 , via Montreal. German troops to day began the evacuation of the famous Chemin des Dames in the region north of the river Aisne and south of Laon. LONDON, Oct. 1 1 .Chancellor Maximil an's peace pro-1 posal to President Wilson was made in direct ""opposition to the views of Emperor William, according to a report brought j to London by a neutral who left Germany a few days ago. It is suggested that this may be the reason for the summoning of the German sovereigns for a conference. No official con firmation of this can be obtained here. K (By The Associated Press) B The grip of the Germans on north- R ern France has been loosened and the m process of herding them back to their borders is proceeding at an increas- Ingly rapid pace under the Allied lash. Since the beginning of the July offen- slve, which initiated the loosening Sl Process the Allies have pushed the Germans back a maximum of 45 miles from the Ancre near Albert to the tip K of the present Anglo-American wedge ft at Lc Cateau. I A scant 25 miles more will bring ft them on this line to the1 Belgian fron- H tier south of Maubeuge. But long be- 1 fore that point is reached the pres- m sure on all aides, if, continued at the B present rate, will have resulted In the H clearing of the enemy from virtually all French territory and a great part of Q Belgian soil. IS The Germans, Indeed, are already HI carrying out a general retreat. But it D Is a retreat under pressure and even K if skilfully conducted, is bound to cost M them heavily in men and material. I General Ludendorff patently has HI been desirous of withdrawing to a Itf shorter line where he could re-organ- B ize his forces but the steady unre- B lenting ipressure which Marshal . Foch HI all along the front has made it lm- Hl possible for him to detach himself for H such an operation. He cannot break contact with his adversary, as ho L would like to do, and consequently is B obliged to fall back slowly, fighting B hard and losjng heavily In his back Ijt Ward course. B Last night's developments and those i ' of today along the wide battle front only accentuate the extent of the German retreat and the acceleration of Its pace. The official reports reveal the American co-operating with them still videnlng the great veflge In the German line south of Cambrai, a pro cess In which the French to the south are notably assisting. General Petaln's forces have ad vanced to a point almost as far north as Guise, where they join up at the British and Americans vho are rapidly nearly the important railway junction of Wasslgny, south and east of Le Ca teau. This sensational drive In the centre is matched In efficiency, however, by the terrific ipressure of the French ar mies south of Laon and along the line north of the Aisne and in the Cham, pagne. This movement, In conjunc tion with the drive to the north, is, according to today's advices, making it inevitable that the Germans retire from Laon and the great St Gobain massif. The withdrawal, indeed, ap pears to be under way here as else where. The Americans are with the French in applying the pressure In the Champagne and the American first army, In Its drive In the Argonne ar ea, has joined hands with General Pe. tain's troops at Prand Pre. Further east the strong line on which the Ger mans stood to resist the American drive we3t of the Meuse Is trembling under the blows of General Pershing's troops, and further advances by the American forces are looked for here. On the far northern end of the battle DUBLIN, Oct. 11 It is believed that six hundred lives were lost in the ! sinking of the mail steamer Leinster i by a torpedo in the Irish sea yester j day. it was stated today at the office i of her owners. Only about 350 per-i sons, it was added, were saved. After the Leinster had been struck I by the first torpedo, the submarine I fired a second torpedo. This missile struck the vessel amidships, entered the engine room and caused an ex plosion of the ship's boilers. There was some confusion as the passengers tried to enter the boats and many persons were thrown into j the sea. j As soon as information regarding j the Leinster's plight reached Kings- j I town tugs and destroyers hastened to I the place. Survivors said that the submarine fired the two torpedoes without warn ing from a range of about 150 yards, i Details of those saved have not yet ! been obtained- Captain Lynch, the 1 (Leinster's commander, was among the I I lost. Fourth Engineer Jones said if the second torpedo had not struck the Leinster all on board except those who had been directly killed by the first torpedo probably would have been saved as there was plenty of time to launch the boats. The explosion of the second, torpedo, he said, blew the ship up like match I wood. Jones saved himself by jumping. He was in, the water one hour and was clinging to a raft when rescued by a destroyer. The rescuing ships picked up scores of persons from the water where they wero still clinging to upturned boats, rafts and broken timbers. The sur vivors were brought to Kingstown. All were in a desperate state as a result of their hour's exposure in the rough sea. A number of dead bodies also were landed. The Leinster was the fifth channel boat sunk by submarines. NO AMERICANS ON BOARD. LONDON, Oct. 11. So far as report ed there were no Americans on board the mail steamer Leinster when she was torpedoed. Among the missing is Lady Alexandra Phyllis Hamilton, daughter of the Duchess of Abercorn. DUBLIN, Oct. 11. Leinster.) Cap lain H. It. Cone, in charge of the naval airship service, was among the pas sengers of the steamship Leinster which was sunk by a German subma rine. Captain Cone is suffering of a broken leg. line, the Anglo-Belgian forces are ap parently held in leash to.thrust again for a closing of the pocket in which Doual now is enclosed, together with he great manufacturing city of Lille, as soon as the northeasterly thrust of the British First, Third and Fourth armies has (progressed to the desired point. The Germans In the Lens area, however, are not waiting for this trap to be sprung and are continuing their withdrawal from that part of the Pre ka, which is the one most immediate ly threatened. That reports indicate an expectancy there that a move by the Germans to evacuate is imminent. French Cross The Aisne PARIS, Thursday, OcL 10 French troops today crossed the Aisne east of Oeuilly, southeast of Laon, and drove the enemy northward. The French have gained ground north of Berry-au-Bac and have taken prison ers, according to the official statement issued at the war office tonight. In the Champagne sector the Ger mans have begun a retreat toward the Aisno river. French forces have crossed the Aisno at Termes, which they hold and have occupied the sta tion at Grandpre where numerous pris oner were taken. - WITH THE ANGLO-AMERICAN FORCES SOUTHEAST OF CAM BRAI, Oct. 11. (By the Associated PRESS.) The great battle now being fought in this region Is on a front of nearly thirty miles today,, it having been extended to the north. The Brit ish are gaining everywhere. There is I virtually no enemy opposition. The only resistance worth mention ing is coming from the enemy machine gunners. The bulk of the enemy artil lery seems to have lied .so. far east .of the battle grbum!f us to be oUt oT range. Ground Alive With Machine Guns. The high ground on the eight-milo front between St. Hilaire and Le Cateau to the southeast, was found to be alive with machine guns when the British approached and their patrols were held up for some time. North of the Le Cateau-SLHilaire line the Germans are in headlong flight, according to the last report from airplane observers. The Doual salient has been made still deeper and the news that the Germans are beginning, to evacuate that city may be expected at any time. Cambrai is being rapidly left behind in the battle area. As the armies push forward there are nowhere any signs that the Germans intend making a de termined stand, but the British are going a little slower now as it is im possible for the vast organizations in the rear of the three armies to keep pace, although what has been donej so far will sound almost incredible when it may be told. Up to a late hour last night the Brit ish Third army had, within eighteen hours, made an average advance of more than four miles and the Fourth army from one to three miles while the First army northeast of -Cambrai had made general progress of three miles. All the armies were continuing to move eastward. East of Bohain the British are ap proaching Mennevret and the Andigny forest, while east of Vaux-Andlgny they are drawing closer to Wasslgny. From Lc Cateau which was taken after a struggle, the troops are strik ing in the direction of Bazuel, two and one-half miles southeast of Le Cateau. AMERICANS TAKE MORE TOWNS. LONDON, Oct. 11. American troops operating with the British on the front southeast of Cambrai completed last night the capture of Vaux-Andigny and i L 1 - 1 T7I!U If -1 1 T T f Oi. ouupiei, r ibiu murium cia.i itn- nounced in his official statement to day. The river Selle has been crossed by the British north of Le Cateau. Fight ing Is going on in the eastern section of that town. In the region immediately east of Cambrai the British have reached the outskirts of the villages of St. Vaast and St. Aubert. The British are continuing to push forward on the front between Cam brai and liens. They made progress during the night in the direction of Iz-leEquerchiu, five miles of Doual. They are also progressing east of Sal laumines and along the northerly bank of the Haute Deule canal east of Lens. FRENCH TROOPS ADVANCING. PARIS, Oct. 11. French troops last night advanced in the region north of the Aisne and captured the towns ofj Chivy and Moulin and then pushed on beyond, the French war office an nounced today. Further east the French are pursu ing the Germans who arc in retreat TIDE OF INVASION IS EBBING FROM DOUAI TO VERDUN Enemy Abandons Le Cateau and St. Gobain Stronghold, Champagne and Cambrai-St. Quentin Sectors Offer Less and Less Resistance French and Americans 'Converging on Grandpre. (By The Associated Press) From Douai to Verdun the tide of German invasion is ebbing. A gener al retreat of the Teutonic forces over this line appears to have begun some time yesterday. East of Cambrai the enemy has abandoned Le Cateau, which has been occupied by the British and Ameri cans. Further south the French have pushed further eastward in their ad vance from St. Quentin. Just north of La Fere where, the enemy has held his positions d:ncc early in September, the French have taken the village of Servais which marks the point where the wedga is entering the St. Gobain stronghold, in which the Germans have almost im pregnable positions. Pushing eastward along the Chemin des Dames the French have forced the enemy across the Oise-Aisne canal and just to the southeast they crossed the Aisne a little to the eastward of Oeuilly. In the Champagne sector the forces of General Gouraud have swept ahad and occupied Termes and Grandpre which stand on the north bank of the Aire river as it winds through the Argonne forest. East of the Argonne forest, Ameri can divisions have smashed their way ahead, taking Sommerance. Chevieres and Marcq. This brings them nearly up to Grandpre. Further east they have rectified their line on each side of the Meuse. The significant feature of this fight ing Is that in the Champagne, Ar gonne and Cambrai-St. Quentin sec tors there has been but little resis tance to the advance of the Allied armies. East of Cambrai the Ger mans seem to be in full flight. This too, Is the case further south where the French are marching virtually un impeded in the direction of Guise. The advance of tho French uearXa Fero and along the Aisne to the south of 7-iaon seem to bo quite significant This part of the battlo line has tho strongest natural positions to be found anywhere along the front. The St. Gobain forest is almost invulnerable while the hills north of the Aisne fur ther south, lend themselves admirably to-defensive operations. East of Oeuil ly where the new crossing of the Aisne has been made further ground has been gained north of Berry-au Bac. In tho Champagne and Argonne sec tors the Kriemhildo line, built by the Germans to he the ultimate defense of the region, appears to be broken and the Americans and French arc storming through it on each side of the Argonne forest. Americans Strike German Lines WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY NORTHWEST OF VERDUN, Thurs day, Oct. 10. (By tho Associated Press) 9 p. m. American forces struck the German lines just east of tho Argonne forest today. They captured tho vil- lages of Sommerance, Chevieres audj Marcq. I The ridge of Dame Marie was storm ed after hard fighting. More than one thousand prisoners were taken. These include one colonel and two battalion staffs. Fighting opened this morning with the Infantry sweeping through the northern portion of the forest for a maximum distance of nearly five miles. Little opposition was encountered from the enemy who had probably re tired during the night tp escape from the untenable pockeL formed by the American flanking movement on Mon day. Americans Near Grandpre At two o'clock this afternoon the Americans were in Marcq and Chev ieres, having taken the La Folie farm and the Richard farm and advancing on the Negeraonl woods, the only piece of fore&t land between them and Grandpre. Half an hour later they had captured Sommerance and had advanced north of that village. By this attack the Americans have taken a firmer grip on the territory juat north of the brok en Kriemhilde. Although there were detachments of machine gunners and infantry to bo mot, tho Americans found that the German artillery fire was very light. They had little difficulty in advancing and, found extensive use of their own artillery unnecessary. Fires were causod by. enemy shells at Fleville and: Chevieres i 1 Urges People to Support! Fourth Liberty Loan. I 1,900,000 OVERSEAS) Another 2,000,000 to Go Victory Must Be Made Certain. WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. American troops sent overseas have passed the 1,900,000 mark, General March an nounced today, .coupling his statement with an urgent appeal to the country to support the fourth Liberty loan. The present is no time to hang back, General March said, for the maximum resources of the nation and men and money must be "hurled at the Hun." to make victory certain and while the movement of soldiers across the water is continuing the war department is nrnnnrlnir another 2.000.000 men to follow the first 2,000,000. The department has asked congress for ?S,000,000.000 to carry ouj. its pro gram, he added, and the financial sup port of that program must not be withheld by the nation. Summing the battle situation on the western front. General March said with the capture of Le Cateau by the British the allied forces were within fourteen miles of the railway junction of Aulnoye. which is a vital strategical point for the enemy. The Liege-Mau-beuge railway and the lateral road through Sedan at which the American army is striking on the Meuse face each other at Aulnoy and theso two lines are the main arteries for Ger man supplies and troop movements in France. The Germans are evacuating the Chemin des Dames under the pressure or the converging attacks west and southof it. ' The -line behind Laon, between the rivers Serre . and Sissonne have been . turned, making the German situation in the Laon area most dif ficult. In the Champagne the French and Americans joining hands north of ( tho Argonne in the Grandpre gap havejoc cupied the Grandpre station wliile 'pa trols are said to have entered that town itself. j On tho river Mouse northwest pt Verdun tho Americans have cleared out a little pocket in the direction of Slvrv which has held them up a long lime. General March announced the Am erican divisions which cleaned, up tho! SL Mhlel salient in the fight which prepared tho way for the present op erations north of Verdun, Pointing from left to right on the map he said the divisions were in line as follows: Fourth (regular); 2Gth (New Eng land national guard); First (regular); 42nd (Rainbow); 89th ((Kansas, Mis souri, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colo rado, New Mexico and Arizona nation al army); Second (regular). This is the first information made public as to the constitution of the army with which General Pcrsliing achieved a brilliant and swift victory in his first wholly American effort. Locnting various divisions in re sponse to questions, General March said the 91st Alnska, Washington, Ore gon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Mon , tana, Wyoming and Utah national I army) was still in the American train -ing "areas; tho 9th (Texas and Okla homa national army) is on tho St. Mihiel front; the S2nd (Georgia, Ala j bama and Tennessee) is cast of the I Argonne and tho -12nd (Rainbow) is in the Woevre. The first courier from General i Pershing carrying the hospital records of the expeditionary forces for slight ly wounded men has arrived. General March said the list includes approxi mately 16,000 'names. This number, he People Warned to Pre- I pare for Wapoif I Big Scale. I 1919 FORECAST H Germans Can Stand on I Own Strongly Forti- I fied Frontier. I LONDON, Thursday, OcL 10 Colo-' nel Winston Spencer Churchill, min- jH ister of munitions, speaking at Leeds today, remarked that preparations "must be made for continuing the war on a still larger scale and with still larger resources through 1919. "We are dealing with a crafty ene- my who is still in possession of enor mous resources," he said. "Even if he evacuates France and Belgium. that will not insure the acceptance oC our indispensable terms, for he then can siana on uis own sirungiy luru fied frontier. We must therefore not slacken our output of munitions as it would be necessary for France and England to supply a portion of the armament and IH equipment for the American forces. "The Americans have made a most IH generous effort. 4They are sending IH men to Europe far in advance of tho IH development of the great munition IH programs. We have undertaken to supply many hundreds of guns of dlf- jH fcrcnt calibers, including some of the most important types, to the Amcri- IH can array. Therefore our exertions must be continuous, if we are to make good our promises to those who are hurrying across the Atlantic to our fl aid. Without this equipment, wo can- IH not have the' assistance of those val- iant American troops who will be' fl wanted to strike the final blow." France Approves Wilson Note PARIS, Thursday. OcJ. 10. (Havas). President Wilson's reply to the Ger man peaco note was, approved todayj by a vote of the committee on foreign affairs of tho chamber of deputies. The resolution also expressed reliance in the government not to accept in be half of France any armistice which would not provide for atonement and for the guarantees "to which the vie torious armies of the Entente arc en-titled." ENLISTED MEN MISSING. 'WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. Seven en listed men of the crew of the U. S. S. Westgate which sank in collision on October 7, were officially reported missing today by the navy department. Among them were: Earl Anderson, Eureka, Cal., and IH Clarence Conway, Demarara, B. C. said, was th accumulation for all the period up to the time it was decided to bring the lists by couriers. Many acciderital injuries not con- IH nected with operations at the front IH are included in the first lot of names. The lists are now being checked and soon will be ready for publication. IH Describing the operations at the front during the past few days, Gen eral March said the Anglo-American drive between St. Quentin and Cam bral had shaken the enemy's rcsls lance and resulted in at least tompor ary disorganization in the German ranks. A total of 14 miles in tbrec days ha. been gained by the Allied forces, marking tho most rapid advance made since tho counter-offensive began. East of the Meuse the American jH and French forces have pushed for ward a mile and a half on a four niilo IH front and are now within ten miles of the Valencionnes-Metz railway sys tem, the cutting of which would break one of the' Germans' main communica tion lines back to Germany.-