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55555 I THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1918, 9 , I l iEPOBLICANS OF WEBER COUNTY 1 1 MEET IN CONVENTION TO PASS ;j RESOLUTIONS AND NAME TICKET If Weber County Republicans gathered ffijjis morning on tho lawn of the Taber Wpjclc grounds near the Third ward, to Sj.0Id their county convention. The Fjaecting hall had been arranged in funic convention style, tho different fcounty and city districts being soggre- gated and designated by signs so that ' au delegates' sat In the section Top presenting their district. Tho open air convention was distinctly novel and tbo fine October weather added keon 1 ness to the meeting and helped the i representatives to work out their bus l Ines.s with zip and energy. Samuel G. Dye sounded the keynote , I of Republican policy this year when i to declared in his speech that the S party was unalterably consecrated to h (ho task of winning the war and that there would be no peace except by ab . solute military victor' by the abso lute conquering of a foe who had brought untold woe upon the earth. Ho uttered words of commendation for A(h attitude of the Republican mom bers of congress, declaring they had ;'dovoted themselves to the great com- ILf mon cause of winning the war without k flavor of, partisanship or selfishness, if Mr. Dye said there now was need of f preparation for the immense tasks f which would confront the country af 5 (or the war, during the reconstruc- tlon period, and ho declared the Re- publicans ought to be in power so that i 4 they would be able to meet the prob- Icms which would arise, f Tho convention was held under the chairmanship of Samuel G. Dye. W. E. Zuppann acted as temporary sec- retary and Hon. C. J. Jensen officiated as chaplain in the absence of John D. i, Hooper. There were no other changes 5 among the officers appointed to handle f the convention, j The work this morning consisted p principally in choosing members for !; the committees and starting prelim - inary committee work. This nfter h noon nominations will be proposed for the various county and state offices STREET CAR STRIKES A TRUCK i AND CONDUCTOR EO URRV IS I ARM BROKEN AND CHEST INJURED MVk Conductor Ed Urry, 323 Healy ave- n nue, of the Utah-Idaho Central Rail- w way company, received injuries to his chest and a broken arm shortly after Ha 6 a. m. today when his car crashed .Vjf into a gravel truck trailer, at Twenty- jfia seventh and Washington avenue. The jSjfl truck and trailer belonged to the J. P. Nhi O'Neill Construction comnanv. Tho I If street car driven by Mr. Urry was go- ing south and struck the trailer as it i attempted to turn east on Twenty-sev- I enth street 1 1IK0UI CIRCLE IS I GIVEN 10 THE J ID CROSS I Lincoln circle, Ladies of the G. A. R., turned over to the local chapter qf the Red Cross today, the sum of 195.40, that being the amount realiz ed from the sale of the locally pub lished book of poems entitled "Songs of Your Boy and Mine." Six hundred copies of the book were placed on sale recently in the various moving picture theaters, the object of the sale being announced by Four Minute speakers and the books being distributed through the audiences by members of the local Red Cross in uniform. The price of 25 cents was in many cases exceeded by those pur chasing the book, some giving as high as $5,for a single copy. The supply was soon exhausted. A number of the poems published, were contributed b Ogden writers. There is a possibility of a second "edi tion being printed for distribution at some later date. oo Deaths and Funerals ' BLACKETTER William H. Black- i otter, aged 58, died at his home, rear 2548 Wall avenue, last evening of tu- t berculosis. Ho had been an express man and jobber. Mr. Blacketter is said to have a sister, Mrs. Childs, living in Oroville, Cal., and authorities of that i .town have been asked (o locate her. f The body is at the Lindquist chapel pending funeral arrangements. BURTON The funeral of James W. Burton was conducted by Bishop E. A. Olsen yesterday afternoon in tho Fourth ward chapel. Speakers were ! i ;' 400-ACRE RANCH Fenced and cross fenced, water for 150 acres; good improvements; plenty of horses, tools and equipe ment; 40 head of cattle; SPLENDID RANGE at a price that will please YOU. Will take small f arm close in as part pay. See McGUIRE, f 2434 Hudson Ave. : and a set of resolutions will be drawn up. Tho committees were named as fol lows, on each committee being one man from each of the five wards of the city and each of tho four county town groups: First ward W. J. Critchlow Sr., credentials; J. U. Eldridge Jr., order of business; Jos. Wright, platform and resolutions. Second ward M. B. Richardson, credentials; David Mattson, order of business; Elsie Barrett, platform and resolutions. Third ward J. M. Forristall, cre dentials; J. R. Joppson, order of bus iness; Geo. S. Barker, platform and resolutions. Fourth wnrd R. H. Bauraunk, cre dentials; John A. Sneddon, order of business;' Arthur Wooiloy, platform and resolutions. Fifth ward V. C. Gunnell, creden tials; Carl Allison, order of business; W. H. Reeder, Jr., platform and reso lutions. Huntsvllle group W. H. Chard, cre dentials; D. L. Colvin, order of bus iness: Jos. Smith, platform and reso lutions. North Ogden group M. D. Harris, credentials; A. L. Toone, order of bus iness; Reuben T. Rhees, platform and resolutions. Plain City group Wm. C. Hunter, credentials; Oscar Richardson, order of business; C. E. Palmer, platform and resolutions. Hooper group John T. Bybee, cre dentials; J. H. Fowles, order of bus iness, John C. Childs platform and. resolutions. Huntsvllle group Huntsville, Liber ty, Eden. North Ogden group North Ogden, Randall, Farr West, Pleasant View, Harrisville, Slaterville, Marriott. Plain City group Plnin City, War ren, West Warren, Wilson, West We ber, Taylor. Hooper group Hooper No. 1, Hoop er No. 2, Kanesvllle, Rov, RIverdale, Burch Creek, Uintah. Mr. Urry was hurried to the hos pital and examined by Dr. R. S. Joyce. The injuries to his chest may prove serious but it is thought he will re cover. The accident was caused through the Inability of the truck driver and the street car conductor to see clearly v-iuov ui a miuit. morning naze which enveloped the street at that hour. oo J Read tho Classified Ads. Bishop T.'P. Terry, Patriarch George W. Larkin, L. C. Williamsen and Bis hop Olsen. Mrs. Mary Jones and Miss Vera Jones sang two duets, "Mv Fath er Knows" and "Shall We Meet Be yond the River?" Mrs. Mary Farley sang "Not Half Has Ever Been Told" and "Abide With Me." Interment was in the city cemetery, the grave being dedicated by Hubert'Burton. THENN Private funeral services will be held today at 4 p. m. for George M. Thenn in the Kirkendall chapel. In terment will be in Mountain View cemetery. WILSON William Henry Wilson, an employe of the Union Pacific at Echo, Utah, died yesterday morning at 2 o'clock after a seven days' illness of pneumonia. He had been a resident of Echo during the past twelve years The body is at the Lindquist chapel being prepared Tor burial. Brief funeral services will be held at Echo at 2 p. m. at the grave. Floral of ferings may be left at the Lindquist chapel until 9 a. m Sunday and will bo taken to tho Wilson homo at Echo. Tho body will not be viewed before the services. WEBBER Funeral services for El len Lenora Irwin Webber, wife of Earl Webber, will be held at tho Lar- t? m S,Und.ay at 2 p' m" BlsllP T. B Wheelwright officiating. The body has been placed in a metallic casket so there will be no danger of Infection. J. T. HOWARD DIES OW GARFIELD TRAIi News was received this morning of the death in Salt Lako City of J. T. Howard, familiarly known to his many friends as "Tom." He was employed at the Garfield smelters and was re turning to Salt Lake, and npparentlv dropped to sleep, but on reaching Sal't Lake trainmen were unable to arouse him and Dr. Groesbeck was called. On examination he found that Mr. Howard ! was dead, probably caused by gastri tis. Mr. Howard was a native of Illinois nnd was sixty-five years old. He came to Ogden in the early seventies and worked for the Southern Pacific as a locomotive engineer, and later for the old Utah Northern and on the Den ver and Rio Grande. He lived inX)gden until about fifteen years ago when he moved to Salt Lake where he has since resided. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Warnock and Miss Fanny Howard of Clinton, Iowa, a nieco Mrs. H. M. Shaffer formerly of Ogden but now of Long Beach, California and four nephews, H. L. McNevin of Preston Idaho, C. E., Robert T., and Thomas' Monagan of this city. Funeral arrangements have not been made, waiting information from his J sisters in Iowa. CAPTAIN L, I GAMBLE' Sis Lester R. Gamble is the son of Dan iel and Emma Gamble of Peterson, Utah and Is also the grandson of Colo nel Dan Gambl. The young man is now in tho service of the U. S. army in France and is a captain in the 625th Engineers. The young man graduat ed from the Ogden High School in 1908 and entered Perdue from where ho graduated in 1914 with a degree of military science and electrical engin eering. Ho was employed by the Utah Power & Light company prior to his enlistment in tho service and in May, 1917 made application for a commis sion In the officers reserve engineers corps. He was commissioned a first lieutenant in September of 1917 and was sent to Camp Lee, Virginia in February 1918, afterward being trans ferred to Camp Pike, Arkansas with the 525th Engineers Corps as a regi mental adjutant and personal officer. Captain Gamble was ordered over seas in June of this year and on July 10 he was commissioned a lieutenant. Captain Gamble is quite well-known in Ogden as well as in Peterson where his father is agent for the Union Pa cific railroad. LADIES' ITS AT l ARE BEING SOLD AT RED CROSS SHOP Interest at the Red Cross shop today centered about the sale of ladies hats all priced at The hats had been ro-trimmed and decorated in latest styles and many were bought eagerly. They will be on sale all day. The women in charge of tho shop have Issued a call for old phonograph records and any one who has records which can be spared Is invited to give Ilium trt iha nrran irn linn There is also a need for a few car pets to more adequately furnish the shop. Musical entertainment was provided at the shop today by Miss Gladys Rich, Miss Avon Rich and Miss Faye King. The ladles in the restaurant depart ment of tho shop are eager that their amazing luncheon and tea values shall become widely known and well pat ronized. Every day a hot luncheon is served from twelve to two, a different menu each day, meat, two vegetables, salad, tea or coffee, and all of that for 40 cents only. For 20 and 25 cents a lighter luncheon is served at the same hour and consists of dishes such as Boston baked beans, or baked ham and rolls and tea or coffee. Every Tuesday there will be a Spanish specialty such as home-made hot tamales. Thursdays and Fridays will bo the days for hot homo-made biscuits. The' tea room is becoming immense ly popular by reason of tho compara tively inexpensive, dainty and satisfy ing service. Everything for tea is at the charge of 10 cents; sandwiches of all kinds; corn cake; salads; hot bis cuits and jam; tea and coffee. From three to six every day is the tea time at the Red Cross shop and it is hoped that It will become an Ogden institu tion during this time of Avar activities. The ladies arc always in need of helpers. Dishwashers and kitchen helpers are in great demand. Gifts of all manner of fruit are very much needed, and anyone who can give a good fruit chopper will be a benefactor indeed to the cause. If you can help or if you can gh'cf, call 504 or 414. oo B, A. CAMPBELL NOW IMPROVING B. A. Campbell, superintendent of tho Salt Lake- division of the Southern Pacific, who left Ogden on the 22nd of last month for the Southern Pacific General hospital, San Francisco, to undergo a course of treatment writes to Assistant Superintendent H. W. Wistner, reporting that he is feeling much better and will be" back at his desk in a few days. uu world's mm v , OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle, receipts 84; choice heavy steers $10.5011.00; good steers $9.50 10.00; fair steers $S.009.00; choice feeder steers 8.0010.00; choico cows and heifers $7.508.00; fair to good cows and heifers $6.607.25; cutters ?4.005.50; canners $3.005.00; choico feeder cows $6.007.00; fat bulls $6.50 7.00; bologna bulls $5.006.00; veal calves $9.0011.00. Hogs, receipts 78; choice fat hogs, 175 to 250 pounds 17.50. Sheep, receipts 1793; choice lambs $13.0014.00; wethers $9.00 1 0.00; fat ewes $8.009.00; feeder lnmba $10.00 11.00. ' CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, OcL 12. (U. S. Bureau of Markets) Hogs, rftcoipts 8,000; mar- HOUSEWIVES BrapiPl I B E W ARE! Si I ; I 1 A Wisconsin Newspaper Recent- npHE Chicago Health Department, I ly Printed This Warning. - X last April also indicted house-clean- jj? 1 I I I Hsnnocfi QnVoJ Rir Health departments everywhero are vOV.tWffiM I I 1 JM Call Dy warning women against brooms and dust- V,'YI I j Ijl VjBSSBSmi "1 I j Fllicf ?QVC Dannyl It was recently learned that eleven babies fsSC W iHi'mnH I UUbi UCLyb IXxZUml die for each allied soldier killed. Think 3t A ) , l nTTltOKKmVT 1 1 I 5 of that! It is eleven time3 as dangerous V i iWv fflHHBWl' 3 I to b ea little child in a home as it is to be x ' HHHBBX I I I playedby' dust TfUfT PASV $1 BHB jj is discussed in a state board of health I; JL JLJLBI JLltTLuJ'' & 'wlfllitf lirW wks. 1 I I !: dustingre condemned as proPyocafivc PDIPTIPIVIT1 TTWt sMIV' jWi jfe ,1 jl I of dangerous illness. Dry street-clean- !; MT W KjL ,1. f JL 1 V XL 'I I 5 ing is placed In the same category. , ' . J I 1 I R J !; I he only ivay to sweep thoroughly and dust without raising dusc the only I S Dust contains decaying animal and ;! wa' to rid your carpetings of germ-laflen dirt that settles deep into their weave il H W j vegetables wastes, which in turn con- and which even brooms-can't dislodge the only wav to keep your rugs a safe 'I I I? tain living organisms such as bac- j place for babies to play upon the wav that helps to save a home that's dis- I ease-free and safe for everyone-thc only way to accomplish it with far less 1 i 1 j diseases as tuberculosis, diphtheria, 1 work: and without it the least tiring yourself is to have a Hoover. j scnrlet fever and measles. I mjnwt , , ll , a. I 1 I "Dust is everywhere," the statement f BBBPBpPy"HB ' 1 H g says, "but the worst kind is that? 3 LflFPa5BfAm WiB SHI JH IfK H H H which is confined within the four walls ? aft Jill 1 mk H & vl kBWfl JB I Hj j of a room. This dust is always germ- mm jriSM 5 ft m. W jiK-JaJMLTJ B I ! H m laden, because it is jmfectcd with j S (A iy m w'BBUHHHHHHMN II yQSL I ! H H waste matter thrown off by human $ fjy BBgMMHBaE ySLj7 I I H j An eminent physician and surgeon i As a concluding argument read this statement of the Anti-Tuberculosis League 1 j of Minnesota, of wide fame, said:? with -regard to the Hoover : 1 M j "More women patients three to one am amazed at the work The Hoover Is capable of doing. We had on 1 I are sent to hospitals than men. This our fIoor a carpet which we thought was fairly clean but The Hoover ' ' 1 H H comes, in a large degree, from the J obtained from this same carpet five pounds of the blackest dirt imagin- 1 a i fact that women live indoors and ' abe and did this without raising a particle of dust this is a point of II I j breathe a dust-laden, second-hand at- j ' greatest Importance. As is well known, inhalation of the dust of our I mosphero which depletes their vitaK j streets is a most common scource of infection of a number of diseases, I i ity.". i principally Tuberculosis. The same dust Is blown and carried into the H I ' house, and dally sweeping with a broom adds to the danger of infec- H I All industrial occupations making it S tion, because the dust is not removed, but imerely stirred up. The , U H m necessary for the operators to breathe S Hoover Suction Sweeper does away with this danger, by removing "I I 1 in dust have now come to be regarded ; dust and dirt completely, and Is destined to become a factor In the I H I as hazardous. fight against Tuberculosis." I , H 1 . i,t," Get the Hoover because it alone is an electric rug-beater, a dustless remover I ' H I bro!?m " saysePthe board5 advice'! of hidden and a gh-speed, dustless electric sweeper from which no dirt 1 ; I I' "Sweeping wltli a broom and dusting s of any kind escapes besides a forecful mi cleaner. Remember: Only The - 1 H 1 ;' furniture with a feather duster mere- Hoover beats, sweeps and. suction clc ' et us demonstrate its patented I iH I lystirs Up tho dust without remov- i construction and prove why it towers . 11 others like a skyscraper looms I B B j ing it." . over ts surroundings. I H u vS In 4 sizes one for every purse Attractive Easy Terms 11 ket fully steady on good hogs; pack- j ing grades dull, about steady with yes terday's close; good pigs 50c lower; butchers S18.1518.G0; light $17.60 18.50; packing $16.7518.00; rough $16.2517.25; pigs, good to choice $15.5016.50. Cattle, receipts 3,000; compared with a week ago, beef and butcher cattle 75c to $1 lower; calves $1.50 to $1.75 lower; stockers and feeders 50c and $1.00- lower. Sheep, receipts 3,000; compared with a week ago, fat classes of lambs and ewes mostly steady; fat yearlings and wethers 25c lower; best feeding lambs 50c lower; others and feeding and breeding sheep unevenly 50c to $1.50 lower. OMAHA LIVESTOCK OMAHA, Nebr., Oct. 12 Hogs, re ceipts 2,700; market steady. Heavy $17.4017.75; mixed $17.5017.60; light $17.5517.90; pigs $15.0017.25; bulk of sales $17.50 17.65. Cattle Receipts 400; market stea dy. Native steers $12.0018.00; cows and heifers $7.0011.50; western steers $9.0015.50; Texas steers $6.50 11.50; cows nnd heifers $6.75(g7.25; canners $6.006.75; stockers and feeders $G.5014.50; calves $8.50 13.50. Sheep, receipts 8,000; market stea dy. Wethers $9.00011.00; owes $7.25 8.75; lambs $13.0015.00; yearlings $10.0011.50; feeder lambs $11.00 17.35; culls $5.757.50. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK KANSAS CITY, Mo., OcL 12 Hogs, receipts 1,000; heavy $17.5018.10; butchers $17.001S.00; lights $1G.75 17.80; pigs $13.50(0)16.00. Cattle, receipts 1,500; market weak. Steers $17.5019.00; westerns $13.00 (3)14.00; cows $6.0012.00; heifers $7.00(3)13.00; stockers $7.0013.50; calves' $7.0012.50. Sheep Receipts 500; market stea dy. Lambs $13.5015.50; yearlings $10.00(5)11-50; wethers $9.00o10.50; owes $S.009.50. oo Berlin Makes a Semi-Official Denial Of Austrian Peace AMSTERDAM, Thursday, Oct. 10 A semi-official denial is given from Berlin to the widely published rumor here that Austria-Hungary has accept ed President Wilson's termB for an armistice. A report from Austria-Hungary as well as Turkey bnd Informed Ger many that those countries would ac cept President Wilson's peace terms was contained in a dispatch received In London by tho Central News Agen cy last night from Amsterdam, some twenty-four hours after the seml-of-cial denial from Berlin reached the Dutch city. uu- Forest Service Red Cross Auxiliary. The forest service auxlilary of. the Red Cross is urged to meet at the Red Cross rooms Wednesday evening for gauzo work. UU I Read the Classified Ads." Preparing to Give Battle on Valenciennes Line. WITH THE ANGLO-AMERICAN FORCES ON THE VALENCIENNES FRONT, Oct. 12. There was every evidence today that the Germans were preparing to mako a strong stand on the Valenciennes lino which now has been reached, at least cast of the riv er Selle, by the Anglo-American forces. Tho evacuation of tho city of Valen ciennes itself was started three weeks ago. Prisoners captured today said they had orders to hold on to tho last and to kill as many Britons and as many Americans as possible. It is expected the German resist ance will continue and will grow more determined until the first phase of the withdrawal in the Douai sector is completed. There are Indications that the enemy also is contemplating with drawals on a large scale elsewhere. BRITISH NEAR DOUAI. BRITISH HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE, Oct. 12. British advanco posts now have been pushed to within little more than a'mile of tho outskirts of Douai. The advance from here has to be very cautious, however, as many ground mines have been encountered and there is good reason to believe tho town itself is honeycombed with death traps. Considerable gains of ground were" made by the British last night north oast of Cambrai. Near SL Vaast be tween Cambral and Solesmes the adi vanclng troops encountered consider able opposition. The enemy has dug in and wired his positions and his ar tillery was disposed to dispute the British progress. At one or two points the British in fantry has fallen back a trifle to give Its batteries a clear field to deal 'with the stiffened enemy resistance. GERMANS RETIRE WEST OF DOUAI BERLIN, Oct. 12, via London. Ger man forces west of Douai yesterday retired from their positions to lines in the roar, sayB the statement issued to day by the German general staff. The enemy followed slowly and in the eve ning occupied the line of Vendin-le-Vieil, Henin-Leitard and to the east of the Beaumont Brebieres railway. South of Laon the German troops have evacuated the Chemin des Dames, the general staff announces. An attempt made by British divi sions northeast of Cambral to break through the German positions to Va lenciennes, the statement adds, was frustrated. ITALIANS FIGHTING HARD. ROME, Oct. 12 Italian infantry par ties at the confluence of the river Asa with tho Ghelpcc yesterday broke into the Austro-HungarJan trenohes on Cima Tepezzi, says the official state ment issued today by the war office. The Italians inflicted heavy losses on the enemy and took several prisoners. On the slopes of the Allshismo enemy patrols wero repulsed. WITH THE ANGLO-AMERICAN FORCES ON THE VALENCIENNES FRONT, Oct. 12. Two additional bat teries have been captured by the Americans operating on this front south of St. Souplet. The German gun ners werebayonetted. The British barrage late yesterday completely smashed the hostile artll Iry which fired heavily on tho Ameri cans at St. Souplet. GERMANS GROWING ANXIOUS. WITH THE BRITISH ARMY ON THE FLANDERS FRONT, Oct. 12. The Germans apparently are growing extremely anxious regarding the in tentions of the British in Flanders. This is indicated by the numbers of low flying airplanes which they have out in reconnoitering work and by constant raids all along the line. Great Victory Claimed. BERLIN, OcL 12. Concerning op erations in the Champagne the Berlin war statement says: "In the Champagne the enemy fol lowed us. Tho victorious issue of the great battle of the Champagne which the army of General von EInem with relatively weak forces obtained over the Immensely superior strength of the French and American armies in tho fortnight's struggle and tho exhaustion of the enemy, owing to his exception ally heavy losses, rendered possible the smooth execution of difficult movements." uu Young Woman . . Operator Fights Off Three Men UNIONTOWN, Pa., OcL 112. Bar ricading herself In the tower at the Pennsylvania railroad crossing at Gist, near here, this aflornoon, Miss Em Vensel, signal operator, pluckily held hov post and fought a revolver duel with three men who attempted to wreck an ammunition train by placing ties acros stho tracks. With bullets crashing through Iho sides of the tow er houso she returned shot for. shot until the arrival of the freight train flghtencd away the intruders. !G0 TD BED IE! YOli I IE ATTACKED BY I . ILH I Perhaps a great many people will jH realize the seriousness of the doctor's orders to go to bed when they begin to iH suffer from the "flu" if they reflect upon this well accredited fact of medl- jH cal science. The "flu" germ is a little brother of tho "pneumonia" germ and his function in activity Is to pave the way for his big brother's entrance. Many people being, attacked with "flu" remark, "It's only cold," and neglect to take the matter seriously. If they would but recognize that to go to bed at once is the highest wisdom there wonld be very few, or no serious cases to report. The following instructions from a U. jH S. government pamphlet on the trouble give clearly enough the indications of .H the beginning of this disease: "In most cases a person taken sick lfl with influenza feels sick rather sud- jH denly. He feels weak, has pains in the ' eyes, ears, head or back, and may be jfl sore all over. Many patients feel dizzy, some vomit. Most of the patients com plaih of feeling chilly, and with this lmmm comes a fever in which the tempera- ! ture rises to 100 to 104. In most case? the pulse remains relatively slow. MIn appearance one Is struck by the IH fact that the patient looks sick. His iH eyes and the inner side of his eyelids H may be slightly "blood -shot," or "con gested," as the doctors say. There may .IH be running from the nose, or there may be some cough. These signs of a cold may not be marked; nevertheless the patient looks and feels very sick, "In addition to the appearance and the symptoms as already described, examination of the patient's blood may aid the physician in recognizing "Spanish influenza," for it has been found that in tills disease the num ber of white corpuscles shows little or no increase above the normal. It is possible that the laboratory investiga tions now being made through the Na tlonal Research council and tho United , States hygienic laboratory will furnish a more certain way in which Individ ual cases of this disease can be recog- oo mmmm Japanese Emperor H Congratulates the H King of Belgium H TOKIO, Saturday, Oct. 5 Emperor Yoshihito has cabled King Albert of jH Belgium expressing his conratuln- IH lations over brilliant success of the IH Belgian army and highly praising the chivalry of the Belgian soldiers. UU IH Read the Classified Ads. Il oo H Read the Classified Ads. H oo H Bead tho Classified Ads. H