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6 J in THE UGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, ufAH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1918. , ROYAL MR FORCE CAOSESJAMAQE Nearly Three Hundred Raids Over Belt of Rhine Valley Made in Three Months. i r LONDON, Oct, 12. (Correspond ence ot the Associated Press ) A belt of the Rhine valley, roughly 250 miles Jong, from Cologne In the north to the Grand Duchy of Baden in the south, a region crowded with -war industries and intersected by a railway system of vital strategic importance to the Gor man army in France, is now a definite :part of the war zone. This is one of tho juost striking and significant develop - ments of the allied campaign, and how big are its possibilities may be gauged by the vast damage, both physical and -moral, already inflicted upon tho t! .enemy, it is the acmeveniem ol uiu -Itoval Air force. i ,. Over that region In tho last three months tho airmen, operating day and i night, have made 249 raids, dropping 207 tons of bombs upon enemy railway centers, munition works, poison gas factories, electrical and engineering, "plants, blast furnaces, aerodromes, and i 'other important military objectives. I . - The effects of these raids have been ( ' 'of incalculable benefit to the allies. i .'One of the first was the compulsory ; 'withdrawal by tho Germans of a large number of thoir airplanes from the I fighting front for the defense of the Rhine. : But a greater gain has been tho pro ! found and widespread depression caus- i ed to the Gorman people, the "homo front," to use the phrase of Ludendorff. ' ''Captured letters from places as widely , t "Separated as Mannheim and Cologno 1 "testify to the terror and panic inspir ed by the raids among the civil popu lation. Well-to-do families, In increas ! ,lng numbers, are seeking the tempor- ' ary security of moVe distant inland towns. There arc indications that the flight of the wealthy is causing intense resentment among the working popu : laio who. being for the most part -en- gaged in war industries, are exposed ' t,o almost nightly danger from the Raiders. ! - But the terror of tho German popu- I'lanco is not confined to the territory actually added to tho war zone. It ex ists throughout the country, particu larly in far-distant Berlin where pre parations already have been made to defend the city against raids. oo I -Catarrhal -Deafness . and Head -Noises "TELLS SAFE AND SIMPLE WAY TO TREAT AND RELIEVE AT HOME. If you have catarrh, catarrhal deaf ness or head noises caused by catarrh, or If phlegm drops in your throat and lias caused catarrh of the stomach or bowels you will be glad to know that these distressing symptoms may be entirely overcome in many instances .fey the following treatment which you .can easily prepare in your own home nt little cost. Secure from your drug gist 1 ounce of Parmlnt (Double Strength). Take this home and add to it Vj. pint of hot water and a little . granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. 1 Take one tablespoonful four times a day. An Improvement is sometimes noted after the first day's treatment. Breathing should become easy, while the distressing head noises, headaches, dullness, cloudy thinking, etc., should gradually disappear under the tonic action of the trcatmenL Loss of smell, taste,' defective hearing and mucus .dropping in the back of the throat are 'other symptoms which suggest the presence of catarrh and which may often be overcome by this effacacious treatmenL It is said that nearly 90 per cent of all ear troubles are caused by catarrh and there must, therefore, be many people whose hearing may be restored by this simple, harmless, home treatment. Advertisement. I Porto Rico Asks - 1 jl ; Red Cross for II Immediate Help SI NEW YORK. OcL 17. With more 11KB than 100 persons dean and thousands without shelter, food or clothing as a EH result of the earthquake which shook l!H tho entire island last Friday, tho gov- ernment of Porto Rico today appealed M io congress and to the American Red H Cross for assistance in a cable mes- "sago received here and forwarded to W Washington. II Twelve Persons on 1 Transport America 1 Unaccounted For H HOBOKEN, N. X, Oct. 17 Six per il! sons, two sailors and four soldiers are flH s ye- unaccounted for as shown by pin checking up tho names of those on Hi board the United States transport IHi . America which sank at her pier hero iffl last Tuesday morning. Both of the IK sailors are from tho fire room force. IISl " Tne naval board of Inquiry appoint nm cd by Rear Admiral Albert Gleaves is til in session and a marine wrecking com llH pany is at work raising the ship. I I 'Crown III Painless Si Dentists li t E&sl Side Washington, be ll IS tween 24th and 25th. Street. j i v 2468 Washington Ave! EYES OF GERMANS BEilfENED Wilson's Answer Brings Great Disillusionment and Some Want Peace at Any Price. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17 President Wilson's answer to Germany, say of ficial dispatches from Berno founded on information received in Switzer land, caused "a great dlslllusion rnont." Aside from the Pan -German papers which vehemently protest and show indignation, those representing tho relchstag majority scorn to give way to discouragement although they still want to carry on their peace maneu vers. Most of them display some an guish and some meanness too, with a marked wish for the conversations to be continued at any price and to hold back Irreparable words for tho last moment. nn Congress Asked to Appropriate Influenza Fund WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. Appro priation of $10,000,000 in addition to the $1,000,000 already provided by congress to combat Spanish influenza Is proposed in a bill introduced today by Senator Lewis of Illinois. The mon ey would bo expended through the health departments of states and. municipalities. oo Get Rid of That Persistent Cough If vou arc subject to weak limps, hceri , Hie rouph ns a wanilnpr. ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE may aid 'ou in stopping 1 the cough. In addition. U Is a valuable tonic and health-builder in such cases. No alcohol, narcotic or habit-forming drugs. Two.ntv years' successful use. 80c and $1.50 Bottles at all druao'sts or from manufacturer postpaid. 12 C KM AN LABORATORY. Philadelphia OO Allies Confront Great Difficulties' . In Northern Russia ARCHANGEL, Sept. 12. (Corre spondence of the Associated Press.) Difficulty besets the government of tho north and its allied advisors in their attempt to bring out of the chaos of nine months or Bolshevik regfme in the Archangel province. Slowly but surely, (ho task is going forward, but no one denies it is a difficult job. One problem the allies confront is how to arouse the Russians to work for their own regeneration and to join in the task of shaking off tho grip of the Bolshevik!. Urging them to do so, the Slvernoie Utro, published here, says: "The French, British and American soldiers came here from all parts of the4world to fight for the freedom and happiness of this country. The Rus sian people look upon the allies with envy, with the eyes of a beggar watch iug a rich neighbor, and they are mak- j ing but little effort themselves to strive for a happiSr and freer life, j They expect that the others, the allies j for instance, will fight for them." j "Russia Is now divided into two camps," declared the Voxroshdenio Sievera. "One is on the side of the; monarchists, the Bolsheviki and the Germans;' the other, all the democratic elements of Russia supported by the allies. The Bolsheviki try to persuade the population that the allied interven- j lion alms to restore monarchy, but the facts show the contrary. Russia must fully realize that the aim of the allies is to lend their assistance for the re generation of Russia on a sound and democratic basis." ACIDS J! STOMACH CAUSE IHSTi Creates Gas, Sourness and Pain. How to Treat. Medical authorities slate that nearly nine-tenths of the cases of stomach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc., aro due to an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and not as somo believe to a lack of digestive juices. The delicate stomach lining is Irritated, digestion is dolayed and food sours, causing the dlsagreablo symptoms which every stomach sufferer knows so well. Artificial dlgestents are not needed In such cases and may do real 'harm. Trj' laying aside all digestive aids and Instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Bisurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass of water right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid and there Is no sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet form never liquid or milk) is hamless to the stomach, inexpensive to' take and is tho most efficient form of magnesia for stomach purposes. It Is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. Advertisement. nn Two Americans Are Killed at Dunkirk' By Long Range Gun PARIS, Oct. 17. Two Americans were killed, one man wounded and material damage was caused In the German bombardment of Dunkirk yes terday with a long range gun. A semi-official note issued hero to day says: "Tho advance of tho allied armies in Belgium will cause this bombardment to bo one of tho last from which ' Dunkirk shall suffer,"1 WITH FINGERS! ' CORNSLIFT OUT Freezone is magic! Corns and calluses lift right off with out pain A few com buys a tiny botUo of the magic Freezone nt any drug store. Apply a few drops of Freezone upon a tender, aching corn or a callus. In stantly that troublesome corn or callus I stops hurling, then shortly you lift it out, root and all. without any pain, soreness or irritation. Theso little bottles of Freezone contain just enough to rid tho feet of every hard corn, , soft corn, corn between the toes and the calluses on bottom of feet. So easy! So simple. Why wait? No humbug! Advertisement. Pilosis Subscribed in New York Today For Liberty Loan NEW YORK. Oct. 17 Millions of additional subscriptions were an nounced during the day. The Metropolitan Life Insurance company added S25.000.000 to its pre vious purchases making its total $60, 000.000. The Union Pacific railway doubled its $5,000,000 subscription and the Standard Oil company added S2, 0Q0.000 to its purchases, bringing Its total to $10,000,000. CHICAGO, Oct. 17 Within the 24 hours ending at noon today, Chicago has added $23,000,000 to its Liberty loan subscriptions, bringing the citl to tal up to $170,000,000. with $7G,000.0flfl vet to be raised to reach the quota ot $252,000,000 nn THE man or woman nffliclcd with bncknchc, 6woIlcn muscles, stiff Joints, rheumatic pains or other symptom of kidney troub.e is entitled to sympathy and should have help. Nature gives early warning of kidney trouble by puffiness under eyes, spots before the cyca, dry mouth, biliousness, weakness nnd pale, waxy, dry Ekin. It is unwise to neglect the olightcst ymptom of Lidney trouble. Give the kidney the help they are callmi (or. J mrmtm- yT-M w . lone up weak, inactive, sluggish kidneys t nnd help rid the body of poisons. With kidneys nnd bladder properly functioning, ap j petite Is restored, refreshing sleep is possibles and health, otronth and energy com; as a natural result. I C. F. Reynolds. Elmira.N.Y., writes: "Threo i months ao I wa sick in bed with kidney trouble. My back ached so severely, I could not 4ct up. Vc read of Foley Kidney Pills, so I sent for seme and commenced taking them. In a (err oayslwakup out of bed and fpon keeping the tieolmcnt up (ot some time I was able to Co to rork, and ha,Y6 had no pore backaches." A. it. Mclntyre Drug Co. Two Busy I Stores. oo Nicholas Romanoff Condemned to Die PARIS, Oct. 17. A Russian wire less message in England, dated Tsar-skoc-Sclo, S:25 p! m., October 15, re ceived here, reports the following in formation as having been received from Ekaterinburg: "According to the official declara tions of the soviet chiefs. Nicholas Ro manoff has been tried and condemned to death. He will be shot during the night of the sixteenth." The Nicholas Romanoff referred to is supposed to bo Grand Duke Nicho las, the former commander-in-chief of the Russian arm'. i. Latest reports on Grand Duke Nich olas said hp was living in the Crimea. oo Sergeant Souders Advances Rapidly In Two Years Work CAMP KEARNY. San Diego, Cal., Oct. 17 A sergeant two years ago, a regimental commander last month. Such was tho advance of Captain C. G. Souders, personal adjutant of the 48th field artillery, stationed here. Transfer of Colonel George B. Pritch ard, commanding the regiment to the 17th fiol'd artillery, scarcity of field officers and tthe absenco of all offi cers senior to him at the artillery school of fire at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, were factors Jn causing the captain to be placed In the high position. Captain Souders formerly was in the regular army. When the need for officers grow with the entry of the United States Into the war, he was selected for promotion and In August, 1917, was commissioned a, second lieu tenant and attached to the 30th field artillery as Instructor In horseman ship. Last Autumn ho was promoted to captain and assigned to the 302nd HiuliiEl Green ChiSo Cheese great on a chilly d ay J ' BUY BONDS-SAYS RUMANIAN' QUEEN r XX5G Tho queen of Rumania gives much of her time to work among wounded soldiers and her tender sympathy Is appreciated by (ho men in the hospitals. She is bitter against tho militaristic oppression of the HUX and has Issued an ap I peal to tho American pooplo to buy Liberty Bonds that the war may be ended tho moro promptly cavalry as porsonnel adjutant This post he retained in the IStli field ar tillery when tho cavalry regiment was broken up and converted Into two field artillery units. nn Ambulance Men Are Now Assured Some of the Delicacies PARIS, Oct. 16 Because they have been scattered throughout the various regiments of the French army, men of the American Ambulance Service have been "out of luck" in the pastj when it came to getting any benefits from the various auxiliary organiza tions. There are several thousand of these ambulance men, "many of whom were members of college units, with the French and a scheme has been devised by the Knights of Columbus to get supplies to them. It was impossible to send a Knights of Columbus secretary to each of the units, for there are only about ten men In each of them, but Colonel Per cy Jones, their commander, has ap pointed somo of his force as "acting secretaries" and to them aro sent bun dles of cigarettes, chocolate, athletic material and stationery, from tho Knights of Columbus headquarters on the first day of every month. LONDON. Oct. 17 The, Belgians have made progress in the region north of Thourout and advanced in the direction of Thielt. oo I CREAM FOR CATARRH ' ! OPENS UP NOSTRILS Telia How To Get QuickEelief from Hoad-Colds. It's Splendid ! In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No strug gling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of tho head, soothes the inflamed or swol len mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief comes so quickly. UU American Names on Canadian List OTTAWA, Oct. 17 Names of the following Americans appeared in the Canadian casualty list Issued today Gassed H. W. Sweet, Tildcn, Neb. Wounded E. D. Parker, Red Lodge, Mont.; H. E. Gilliam, St. John, Wash.; H. Lynn, Gilroy, Cal.; G. Lize. North Yakima, Wash.; S. Benlson, Ransay, Mont.j.H. Tanner, Wolf Creek, Ore.; G- Lee, Los Angeles! G. Buggolc, San Francisco, and A. A. Garten, Anachim, Cal. uu Lewis Offers a Resolution on , the Wilson Note WASHINGTON. Oct, 17. A resolu tion expressing tho confidence of the senate In whatever course may bo taken by President Wilson in dealing with Germany and Austria In response to the demand for an armistice, was Introduced today by Senator Lewis of Illinois, the Democratic whip. The resolution was not referred to a committee, but went to the table, per mitting It to bo called up at any time. There was no discussion. J ! . Splendid Opportunity for Two j Hundred Utah Young Men L The United States Government lias requested the j j to prepare 200 young men from this state as TELE- 1 1 j FMONE ELECTRICIANS for government service. I j 1 These young men will he regularly inducted into tho 1 1 STUDENTS' ARMY TRAINING CORPS. The course I will cover approximately thirteen weeks of intensive j ) and practical studyunder skilled telephone electricians. j j Yoirag men showing special aptitude in mechanical lines j j! and having had at least two years of Higb School train- l ing are preferred. 1 1 ig 1 l I AS THE NUMBER OF ENTRANTS SS1IMITED, THOSE I j I I WHO DESIRE TO AVAIL THEMSELVES OF THIS OP- ! FORTUITY SHOULD REPORT AT THE UNIVERSITY j j jj IMMEDIATELY. The present quarantiee will not in- j ) I terf ere with the induction of men into this service. : ' j Salt Lake City Holland Ration Agreement to Be Settled in London WASHINGTON Oct. 17 Negotia tions for a rationing agreement with Hoiland are to be resumed in London immediately. America's representative in the conference is expected to be L. P. Sheldon. London representative of tho war trade board. It Is expected here that a new agree ment will be reached, similar some what to the commercial agreements with other neutral countries whereby they get needed supplies. Holland now has decided, it became known today, to release from her ports approximately 50,000 tons of Idle ship ping to carry the balance of grain due her in accordance with the terms of President Wilson's 'offer of last March which provided 100,000 tons of bread cereals, half to come from the United States and half from South America. oo NEW BITS OF ARMY ' SLANG ARE HEARD CAMP KEARNY. San Diego, Cal., Oct. 17 Two new bits of army slang have come into use here. The latest one is "richochet officer." A "richo chet officer" has nothing to do with tho artill6ry range, it was explained, neither docs he attempt to restrain glancing rifle bullets on the small arms target ranges. Ho merely "ri chochcts" from one job to another within the camp, "pinch hitting" wherever the need for officers may ex ceed t.he supplj', or serving In such temporary organizations as the casual company or recruit receiving battal ion. Tho other term Is "Pistol Pete" and it is applied to any "hardboiled guy" who is unapproachable, belligerent, a martinet or unduly strict with his men; . oo COUGHING SPELLS BREAK YOUR REST: Put a stop to them with old reliable Dr. King's New Discovery. That raw, hoarse throat, must be soothed. That phlegm-loaded chest must bo loosened. That cough must bo checked so you can sleep. Dr. King's New Discovery has been reliovlng colds, and coughs- for half a century without the least disagreeable after-effects. Your druggist has it because it is well-known and in big demand. GOc and $L2(L Try this for Constipation Keep the bowels on schedulo time with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the system freed from poisonous -wastes, the complexion clear, he stomach' sweet, tho tonguo uncoated, tho breath untainted. Mild yet positivo In action. Advertisement- UNUSUAL SERVICES FOR-Y. M. C. A, MEN i CAMP KEARNY, Snn Diego, Cal.. Oct. 17 Two unusual services were performed for men here by the Y. M. C. A. recently. The staff of the build ing at the recruit camp provided a counter wrapping paper, twine and tags for recruits to use in preparing their civilian clothes for shipment home. Secretaries at another "Y" building, on "artillery row" aided the desires of cavalrymen recently re-assigned to the artillery arm of the service to "be regulation" by dying their yellow cav alry hatcords the regulation artillery scarlet. net LAID AT REST WITH MILITARY HONORS TWIN FALLS. Idaho, Oct. 1C The body of Private Charles E. Dudley, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dudley of Hollis ter, who died on October 9at Camp Lewis from pneumonia, was interred Tuesday afternoon in the Twin Falls! cemetery with military honors, a firing squad composed of veterans of the Spanish -American war firing the vol leys over the grave and a bugler sounding taps. The services were conducted at the cemetery by the Rev. L. B. Franck, rector of tho Ascension Episcopal church, who has recently returned from Camp Gordon, Ga where he , spent six months as an army Y. M. ' C. A, secretary. Members of Dan Mc-; Cook post, G. A. R., attended as an organization. OFFICERS ARE SAVING CAMP KEARNY, San Diego, Calif., Oct. 17 Considerable savings In of ficers' expenses are expected to result from an arrangement just put into ef fect here, whereby officers uniforms will be made for officers at a prico arranged by contract between the tai lors and the quarter-master depart ment after acceptance of bids. Ma- . terials for tho uniforms are obtained by the officers from the quartermaster and payments under tho new plan aro made through him. j: oo I GERMAN MERCHANTS ARRESTED HAVANA, Oct. 17. Cuban secret! service officials have arrested eight ot V Havana's most prominent German t merchants who were promptly in- V terned with other alien enemies. 1 ICuticora Soapl j and Ointment for 1, Skin Troubles .- AUrfnarfstj; Soap tS, Olntrocnt 3 fi W, TikaraS. ! Samplo fatli tr of "Cnttoar. Dp. 1 Bf4to I j 34x4 Non-Skid McGraw,' Straight j j Side New Stock Tires Each Ii 3500 Miles Guarantee 1 Limit Four Tires to a Customer, ; 1 GEO. A. LOWE CP The Big Hardware Store I P. S. -No tires mounted on rim for I j ; this price, I I