Newspaper Page Text
, I THE OGDEN STANDARD: QGDEN.JJTAH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1918. n ) E j Female Help rtfAN-TED Girl or woman for genera! ill? network and cooking, family of two ? I jffffng. Phone 725. 21 & : ; Tny wanted to take care of two slcV m ; i n Wases $3.50 per day. Room and 6 ' ward- Call at 132 25th St., city. Mr, , peter KMls. 22 tTnTBD A girl to iron.' Pay good ft lYe. Wasatch H. Laundry, 1SS1 f I osbAvo. 11 15 CpERlENCED responsible woman or t ri for general housework. Small fam- ti ;, f.. Good salary. Phone 1175 or call i ;5iQ Ecclcs. 9097 I 7nBLlABLE experienced housekeep I er. 1,2 Llnc0,n- 9075 I oMPETENTT eIrl or woman for Een 1 ra'l housework. Apply 2505 Tyler. ; I e 9073 ! viDDLE aged woman to care for old i gentleman. Ph. 1401-j. 9066 jf GIRL or woman for general housc- oric. No washing, can go home nights. I pbonc 2199-J. 9043 A Glrl 'anted at GreenwellV. confec tionery. 8089 A Sirl for housework, 541 26th St. Ph. H9i. S085 i . . GIRLS and women learn a trade! And I ' vou will have a permanent job. We I 'rgy you while you Jearn. Wo work 48 ; Jours per week, 52 weeks in the year. I Remembor this is no temporary job. i ic means to you steady employment, f Apply Scowcroft's Mfg JDept. 7964 CHAMBERMAID wanted at Reed Ho tel 7940 WANTED Girls at American Linen Supply company. 7870 : 3. Z. WASH Day Tablets make wasn ' ; Ing easy. Your grocer has them. 7724 ;; ONE large front room in cottage, if Nicely furnished. Also one back bed- room. Inquire 2874 Wash. 7578 WANTED Experienced mangle girls. U, p. laundry. 6970 L---.- Ma?e HeIp I AT ONCE, bushe7manT"one whT"can use press machine. Model Laundry. 1 Men Men Men Help Your Government Help us build the plant at 1 JNITRO, W. Va., that is going ; : to send daily 425,000 pounds j i of powder to OUR BOYS. Utah responded nobly for 1 the first quota of 500 men. "j ; Now we want another 500. j SOU j I LABORERS ! $4.40 PER DAY J jj $8.00 PER DAY ON SUNDAY j: STEAM FITTERS ' ' SHEET METAL . WORKERS j; No money needed. 1 Meals Free En Route, j Transportation free. , j Open 8 A. M. Until 9 P. M. Apply to T. T. Sullivan, ! UNITED STATES EMPLOY- 1 : MENT OFFICE ! ; 2402 Wall Ave. ; - HONEST boy about 17 to help baker, - wcellent wages, a good warm job for the winter. Be wise, leam a trade so 1 ; that when the war is over you will be "j able to get work at high wages. Green -1? Well Confectionery. 27 i ; WANTED Porter at Broom hotel, j s S040 j TIHST-CLASS machinist ana mould -'i ers wanted at Ogdea Iron Works com- -paay. 71SS WANTED A ; Situations !; 1 WOMAN wishes work by day. 2138 Jefferson. Mrs. Kate Chrlstensen. 25 ! I - j , ACCOUNTANT, good bookkeeper, .! married, moving to Ogden wants po j iuion. Phone 2594 -w. 12 WANTED Work to do at home by I :l Pen or typewriter. Phone 2155 -j. f 9091 r "- f PRACTICAL nurse. Phone 1532. Res. ;pG 13th St, 9067 V PRACTICAL nursing in private mod ' house. Best of- references. 2102 ilwoo. 9031 ! : POSITIONS secured for Dott sexes at ; ' L6e Helping Hand bureau, 2447 Grnnt j , "ln0 &S9. 6240 j ! DRESSMAKING j r lES'talloringe siatlison. 1932M 3-10-iyr c Read the Classified Ads. tl : FOR SALE Real Estate I MODERN 5 room brick. Kice location i 2,? Dencn- Reasonable terms by owner. L Phone 3245. : THREE choice building lots. 50x125 ' on Farloy Ave. Phone 2882-J. 4 1 5 3-10 a. C mi.' of town. Horse and' bug gy and implements. Phono 26S4-r. ' 1002 $1700 EASY PAYMENTS will buy 6 room house, large lot, city water, sidewalk. Close to car line and good schools. R, P. Hunter, 411 21th St. Phone 1803-J. ' 9096 FOR SALE or trade by owner, good modern home. Payment down, $35.00 per month, no Interest Will take good car as part payment. Phone 102. 9081 GOOD paying rooming house. Good condition. Call 223 1-2 25th. 9053 SOME good land with water, some at $350.00 and some at $400.00 an acre, close to city limits. Five acres with water right. Small house only $1600.00. Five room modern only $1600.00. Easy terms. H. Van Braak, 302 35th. Phono 2139-w, 9069 OGDEN HOME BARGAINS 5 ROOM modern brick bungalow on bench built-in cabinets, sleeping porch, cement basement, large linen cabinet, beautiful fir finish. Price $3500.00. $850.00 cash, balance $30 per month, interest at 7 per cent. 4 ROOM modern California bungalow, largo lot, compartment basement, built in cabinets, etc. Brand new. $2650.00. $1000.00 down. 6 -ROOM modern bungalow, larco lot, three bedrooms, built-in cabinets, bookcases, sleeping porch. Price $2850. 1-2 cash. R. G. AGEE Basement Broom Hotel. Phone 69 or 683. 9021 A GOOD 5-room modern home on Jef ferson avenue. Hot and cold water, barn and shed. Only $1700.00. $300.00 clown, balance same as paying rent. J, J. Brummltt, 2320 Washington Ave. 9022 STORE and dwelling, well located on bench. Store equipped with electric scales and mill. Price includes lot and building with half interest in drive way. Your own terms. Price only $1300. Under First Nafl bank. J. A. McCulloch. 9001 A GOOD 4 -room house with' nine lots, well located on the bench, for $800. $100.00 down and $15.00 per month, low rate of interest. J. J. Brummltt, Phone 59. 9022 mvv&ius (-room oriCK nouse, mty foot lot, close in on paved street. Pav ing paid; part cash, part time. $5000. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah Nat'l Bldg. 8091 A GOOD 4 -room modern frame house, within three blocks of the Broom ho tel, $1750.00. $300.00 down, balance same as paying rent, J. J. Brummltt, 2320 Washington Ave. 9022 i A GOOD lot on 31st street 25x137 feet to alley only $25.00. $5.00 down and $5 per month. J. J. Brummltt. Phone 59. 9022 3 -ROOM modern brick house close in on bench and car line. Good barn and parage. Walk, sewer, curb and gutter all paid. Lot 43x150 to 20 ft. alley. Price $3800. $750 cash, long time bal ince. J. A. McCulloch. 9001 5 ROOM pressed brick modern, close :n. Snap, by owner. 827 Washington. 7727 3 -ROOM new modern brick bungalow. Hardwood floors, half basement, elec ric fixtures, linoleum on kitchen and )ath room tloors, garage. Lot 40x150. Jouth front, close to paved street and jar line, $800 cash, time on balance. 3nly $3900. J. A. McCulloch. 9001 EVERYTHING for rent, Ogden Rent il agency. 374 25th at. Phono 69. 3657 3LUE enameled lavalliere with small Jiamond. Finder please call 18S9. Re gard. 24 PARCEL lost between Hooper and Og den. Return 21 Argyle Apts. 9 V MAN'S heavy brown macklnaw. Re turn to Jogalong Transfer. Reward. 909S DN 25th &. Wash., large cameo brooch. Ret. to Mclntyre Drug No. 2. Reward. 9037 LOST Friday afternoon between 2 ;iud 4 p. m. on road from Farminglon Lo Ogden 2 leather suitcases containing ladies wearing apparel. Liberal re ward if returned to Clerk, Marlon Ho Lel, Ogden. 7965 Remember that slacker dollars sacrifice patriotic blood. : WANTED j To Rent j YOUNG married couple wants oneor two room light housekeeping apart ; ment. Box 125, Standard. 29 COUPLE without children would like ! to rent 4 or 5-room furnished home. Phone 1045-J. 23 480 ACRES 160 deeded, fenced, 320 relinquishment; 2-room house, out l building, open stream, water-right, ' open range, springs, 400 acres tillable. $3000. Will take Ogden property. P. O. box 35, Yost, Utah. Edd Sanderson, L Yost, Utah. 36 S ROOM bouse with rull bastmcnt, good barn, sheds, chicken coops, shade trees and lawn. Fine location. Tolle phono 2818-J. 908S LFOR SALE AUTOS j CHALMERS car practically new. Phone 19S3-J. 9072 -630 CHALMERS. Inquire Mr. Harpstor at Cheesman Auto Co. 7789 SAXON-Srx Owner going to war. Nearly now. Box 89 Standard. 7161 T.ead the Classified Ads. FOR RENT ij Furnished ;j ST. PAUL HOTEL St. Paul Hotel, No. 429 Twenty-fifth street, now open. -Building has been remod eled and is one of the most modern hotels in tho city. Rooms reasonable by the day, week or month. J. P. O'Neill, Manager. 4 4 - ROOM house close in. Apply Phono 1015-J. 38 5- ROOM with bath. No children; no dogs. Call 739 24th St. or Phone 942. Must give reference. 30 TWO rooms with bath, 2349 Quincy. 31 WANTED Two ladles or a couple to share modern home with mother and daughter. Reasonable rent. B, care Standard. 17 NICELY" furnished cottage. Cole's Court. Rear 240 26th 13 3 ROOM partly furnished. Inquire 2128 Lincoln. 10 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 3338 Wall. 14 FURNISHED rooms. 2146 Lincoln. 9093 ONE furnished modern apartment, 336 21st. 9095 HSKPG rooms. 2731 Madison. Phono 2029. 9070 FURNISHED apt. 437 Herrlck. 9073 ONE largo room nicely furnished for housekeeping. Phono 2906-w. 2106 Washington. 9056 HOUSEKEEPING- fur. and unrur., gas, $S.OO up. 536 31st. 7907 SLEEPING rooms, single or ensuite. Running water. 2526 Adams Ave. S004 PLAZA APARTMENTS. COMPLETELY" furnished for light housekeeping. Elevator, amusement hall, phone, light, heat and gas. Maid service if desired. Rates $20 to $37.60. 7909 ROOMS for housekeeping, 427 24th St. 7739 FURNISHED 5-room house. Call to morrow only, 2932 Childs jive. 7722 A NEATLY furnished apartment. Tho Pearl, 27th and Grant. Phone 2920 6311 HOUSES nnd flatr. 2534 Gronu JH2-tl WANTED 1 To Buy j FEW cheap horses. Must be cheap. Mont Haworth, 2810 River. 9074 OLD keys, 10c dz. Ph. 333. 9026 WANTED TO BUY AT ONCE A FOUR or five room modern home. Wo can also handle if the price is right a few small acreage tracts close in. R. G. Agee, Bsmt. Broom Hotel. Phono 69 or 683. S002 GOOD car Buick or Saxon-slx pro ferea. Stato price. Box A. D. care Standard. 7162 WANTED Miscellaneous A high grade genuine leather Daven port, leather rockers and chairs, fumed oak dining room sot, library table, bed room furniture, piano, etc. Must be sold at once. Party leaving town. Browning Apts., No. 9, Washington avenue. . 28 LITTLE girl between 1 & 2 years to adopt, Mrs. G. W. Hardy, Roy, Utah. 9077 CLEAN RAGS wanted at the Stan dard office. TWO boarders in private home. Ex cellent meals. Call 1556. 9009 RALPH P. HUNTER, Established 18S9. Hortgage Loans, Real Estate Insurance, Utah, Idaho lands, farmj and city property. Persons desiring to loan money on good first znortgago security will do well to consult mo. Good applications always on hand. 411 iMtti St., Ogden, Utah. 3310 W. 'A. Pierce Agency Real Estate, In surance,, Loans, Notary. 15 Commer cial Bank Bldg. Phone 300. MONEY to loan on real estate secur ity. J. J. Brummitt 6-21 -tf I REAL ESTATE Mortgage and Loan j Kelly & Horrick. 6-16-U 1 Wanted! I Apply to John Shields, employ- H ment agent, Amalgamated Sugar 9 Co., at 2354 Hudson avenue (old I Tribe garage). Sugar factory 1 now in operation, other factor- les In Utah and Idaho will begin I operations about October 15. If ICan furnish employment of I varied nature at the different I factories. H I; FOR RENT Unfurnished 5-ROOM modern brick house at 133 Poplar avenue. Phono 2371-W. 37 5- ROOM modern brick, adults onlv. Apply 850 23rd. Phono 2S43-J. 39 4-ROOM house. 2138 Jefferson. N. C. Chrlstensen. 26 HOUSE for rent and chiffonier for sale. 2049 Adams. iooi 4 ROOMED house. Call 20-J-4. 9079 6- ROOM modern frame, 5 blocks south first class repair. E. F. Bratz. 417 Eccles Bldg. Phone 1960. 9055 9 ROOMS partly furnished! Phone 3258-m. 9057 HOUSEKEEPING rooms up stairs building In heart of city. Low rents. Warm building. J. M. Foristall, Ec clcs Bldg. 9049 ROOMS with or without furniture; gas heaters. 2468 Wash. 8032 3 ROOMS, sleeping porch, lights, wa ter, toilet, $11. 2748 Jefferson. J 7927 PRIVATE garage, $7 per month. In quire 2546 Adams or phono 1943. 7916 FOR SALE s Miscellaneous ij AN 11 -ft. mahogany finish, plate glass shoecase practically new. Tel. 844 -W. 37 CHILD'S bed, with mattress. Good as new. Phone 981-J. 35 A few White leghorn cockerels, "Hill view Stock" descendents from leaders in national laying contests at Moun tain Grove, Mo. Tel. 1478 or call at 143 25th St. W. O. Jones, 143 25th. 34 FURNITURE and household " goods. 2233 Jefferson Ave. - 8 WHITE flint corn, 424 30th. 6 A DROPPIEAD sewing machine cheap. Am leaving town. 3154 Grnt avenue. 90S3 IMPORTED canaries. 2220 Lincoln. 9050 APARTMENT house for sale. Good business. Reasonable terms. 330 23rd St. 9020 ADJUSTABLE Acme dress form near ly new at 2739 Grant. 8026 APPLES, $1 and $1.25. Windfalls 50c. 576 Canyon Rd. Ph. 1646-j. 8012 Pianos, PLAYER-PIANOS sold for lowest prices- at 2524 Washington Avenue. Phono 173. FOR vegetables call 1574. 7941 LABOR and soap saved hy using E. Z. Wash Day Tablets. At all grocors. 7725 BASS horn cheap. C. D. Conn, 1984 Washington averue. 76S4 GROCERIES, staples, best brandB, lowest prices on tho Benc Martin Casn grocery, 740 24th St. Phone 537. 6812 GROCERIES in retail quantities at wholesalo nrlces. Ogden'a Groceteria, 181 24th St. 5842 9 column Burrouch's Adding machine. Good working order $100 cash. Apply Standard ofllce. 5371 FOR RENT Acreage J 20 ACRES wheat land part of it al ready plowed, will rent for part of the crop or cash, J. J. Brummltt, 2320 Washington ave. 9021 THE OUTBURST OF EVERETT TRUE x knsw wHeR5 i. lost it rr X suppose, i ss L-i ce- 0 HUNTING. SVASRYtuNePcS fcnR (T ;gr-i Sex No Longer Makes Difference. In City Salaries LOSANGELES. Cal. Oct. 18 Sex Is no longer a matter for differentiation in salaries, so far as tho Los Angeles police department is concerned. The city council has adopted a suggestion to that effect and requested the city attorney to frame an ordin ance providing that hereafter women officers will receive the same pay as do men for similar work. At present Los Angeles policewomen are receiving from $85 to $95 a month; male officers receive as much as $115. The council also has approved a plan by which all officers will receive $120 a month after your years of oer vice. nn "Flzzwatcrs Is a hot sport. Isn't ho?" "You betchaf" replied a citlzci. of a bone-dry community. "He is tho best JudgM of sarsliparllla I ever saw " Kan sas City Star. Drastic Action Against Influenza Merc in Iowa DES MOINES, la., Oct. IS. "Public gatherings of all kinds," are prohibited under the Spanish influenza quaran tine order issued late yesterday by the Iowa state board of health, and this includes football games and other out door gatherings, It was explained to day. The order, which went into effect today and continues until it "shall be deemed advisable," to release it, closed all theaters, moving picture houses, churches, lodges and other public meeting places throughout the state. nn . . . . "Been hunting today, stranger?" "Yes." , "Shot anything?" "I don't know yet I'm waiting for the rest of the party to get into camp so that wo can call the roll." Country Gentleman. BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF UTAH In the Matter of the Application of the Bamberger Electric Railroad Com pany, for Permission to Increase its Freight and Passenger Rates: Case No. 97. NOTICE OP HEARING. Notice is hereby given that the application of the Bamberger Electric Railroad Company, for the permission of the Public Utilities Commission of Utah to increase its freight and passenger rates, will bo heard before tho commission, Salt Lake City, Utah, on Tuesday, the 29th day of October, 1918. at ten o'clock a. m. By order of the Commission. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this eleventh day of October, A. D., 1918. T. B. BANNING, Secretary. j plS&SIZj&5fiB Doings of the McDuf f s j Come right Home Arer. ) seMtlemekI yje're m 1"Ihi5 is oihg To Be A I )EBAWUET,Tom THIS WAR. To VJIM - Lo K 7, - ,uii hmi iircn ai i SELF-DENIAL -VIILL 8E ' BE A UTTleLATE OOQ. VouTHFUL VlGoC! I z T As There vjiil I 1 )J BE cSome patriotic if fCS ( tAklhtg AFTER j , Y JleT me impress o?ot4 "There must be No lpllllli i'm off of- T Sou that thjs is Mo J 6LACKEGS-VJE Musrve BSli amquet Yill KU SlOVE AFFAlPi - 1 EVEGS OUMCE OF MU5CLE vfj AFTEPLTHE IT MEAMS TAKlMG CUR. AD $TR ' - -jjjlf -zzW-- Newspapermen Are ; H Called to Serve ; H In the Infantry H CAMP KEARNY, San Diego, Cal., Oct, 18 la there some strange cort nection between service on tho trench and camp, a soldiers' newspaper here, and being ordered to officers' train Ing school? That is a question men working on that paper are trying to answer. '1 Within the past few months Robert Halliday, 158th (Arizona) infantry; Herbert Messer, 115th ammunition 'H train; Corporal F. R. Darrow, 143 (California) field artillery; E. C. Card- iH ner, 157th (Colorado) infantry; O. IH Woodbury, 145th (Utah) field artillerv and Sergeant D. R. Owcna, 115th field signal battalion, all have been called 'H from posts on the paper's staff to uri- IH der go training looking to their ap pointment as officers. tH Still more recently, Telford Work, Y. M. C. A. secretary who acted as lH editor in chief, has been called into IH military service, only to be detailed 'H in a few days to take up his former 'H work though wearing an infantrv man's uniform, Instead of a VY" sec- ,IH rctary's. 'H oo WASHINGTON, Oct. IS Tho sen- H ate foreign relations committee after brief consideration today ordered tho 1 Italian draft treaty favorably reported to the senate. Tho treaty is similar to thoso negotiated by the United States with Great Britain, France and Greece. JNFORMATTO I Anything New or Old. l Be your own salesman. Tell no lies. jH Select your wants. Pay. 2416 Grant. 'H Phono 333. 8003 H Att6rney-at-Law II E. T. Hulaniski, Lawyer, 313-311, iH First National Bank. Phone 202. H iawyer O'Connally, over Commer- IH lcai iauonai nans, mono n. Accident Insurance 1 Aetna Accident & Liability Co., Ato and Liability Insurance. H. A, I Purdy, 2377 Hudson Ave. Phono 483, ' Automobile Supplies - Garage, Repa:ra, Studebaker Agency, Mack-Kooinson Co., 2440 Grant Ave, Piiono 891. , Everything for Automobiles. Every-, ; thing ior Electricity. Auto and Elbe-, trie Suppjy. 2otJ4 . Washington Ave, Phone 3K and 325. Banking v . Jgden State Bank, Commercial 8a Savings Uept3. Reed Hotel Bldg, Phone G2. Utah National Bank, southeast cora er :iih SL and Wasn. Ave. Phono 61. Carpet Cleaning K. Van Kamyen for upholstering;, carpets cleaned, altered and laid. Re making of mattresses. Phone S83. Expert carpet cleaning, mattreaa renovating, upnolstering, and tprlngj , rejtretched. Call E. J. Hainptci; Cot I Phone V.586-W. j Chiropractors M i. j. McKell, chlrooractor, fourth I flour Col. Hudson Bldg. Phono G30, Ifl 3001 ! City Scavengers McCarty &. Co., 2734 Grant avenue, Fhone 201S-W Electrical Wiring i Wiring and repairing In all its I branches Auto, it Electric Supply, 25o4 Wasn. Ave. Phono 325-326. 4084 Engraving Ogden Engraving Service Co., mak-. ero of Una cuts In one or inoro colors 240S Washington Ave. Phone 463. " Piano Tuning Thomns S. ivshworth, expert piano tuningf voicing, repairing, action regu lating. Work guaranteed. Leave orj- I ders at 2524 Washington avenue. Phuue no. , bUtd Furrier and Taxidermist Furs cleaned, stored and remodeled In be Jastest styles. New orders takoa i . Summer prices. All work guaranteed, T. Gajewsky at Burt's store. Phonq 118. j Hotel- Tho Only Fireproof Hotel in Ogden i Rates 75c and up. The New Brlghan Wall Avo. and 24th Gt. Phono 2430, Junk and Hides Western HIdo & Junk Co., 2223 Washington avo. Phono 861. V Ogden Junk House, 2059 Wash. Ave, Phone 210. ) iVloney to Loan Salaried peoplo cat, get it without security, others on furniture, pianos, ; etc. 218 Hudson Bldg. Phone 871-J, New and Second Hand Goods A. Sinor, new and second- hand fur-, niture, clothing, etc., bought and sold," Su.t cases cheap. 241-243 25th St, Phone 1321. Physician and Surgeon Dr. A. Fernlund, Offico hours 11 ta 4 p. m. New Peeiy Bldg., Hudson Avo. Rei. Phono 646; Office phone 1900-W, Rup Weaver . M. W. Goeschl, rugs of new goods, rag : rugs and carpets. 3227 Washington Telephone 1443-W, Ogden, Utah. 9005 Sewing Machines White Sewing Machino Co., 2277; ! Washington Ave. Phono 2SS-1. ; , - Saniiary Work Saintary Garbage Co., all kinds ot. . rubbish hauled, ash pits cleaned,. '( Prices reasonable. Phone 620. j j Second Hand Stoves r. t Wo take your old rango as first pay ment on any now range or will buyj your old range outright.-- Homo Fur-, niture Co. . 75231