V' m
I Woman's Page)
I' Dorothy Dix Talks i
Bv DOROTHY DIX. The World's Highest Paid Woman Write? i
I The one greatest source of happi
ng in the .world is independence.
There ls'no other Uiriil that ever ani
iaes the human breast that is so
mnletely soul satisfying as the feel-
r that one is adequate to cope with
i's destiny, and that one has the
LV length to stand alone.
suJ;hQ bread of dependence is bitter,
nr. matter how freely it is given. We
D" ncvcr at home in another's house,
hp our welcome to it ever so cordial.
When all is said, the clinging vine
nothing but a poor, floppy, weak,
inlnclcs parasite for which Ave all
hare a secret contempt, because it
nnlv lives by hanging on to something
ctroDger and with more backbone
than it has itself.
Peofilo who are dependent are in
variablv miserable, discontented and
dissatisfied because their knowledge
of their dependence robs them of self
pect. Worse still, dependence de
velops in people a host of the most
contemptiblo devices. They become
fawners, flatterers and lickspittles,
servile puppets of the hand that feeds
I and clothes them.
411 of the sturdier virtues have their
root in independence. It is only those
who can look the world in the face,
secure of their ability to fight it and
take what they want from It with their
own good right hand, who do not have
to lie or steal, or get the things they
need bv devious ways,
So interwoven with our well being,
temporally and spiritually, is indepen-1
dence that the first duty of parents!
is to teach their children to stand on
their own feet, metaphorically as well
as physically. Strangely enough this
Is a duty that most fathers and moth
ers absolutely neglect, and stranger
still they neglect it through love.
" Their parental passion makes them
selfish. It is so sweet to them to feel
that their children look to them to
supply every want, and depend upon
them "for their every need, that they
cannot deny themselves the pleasure
of playing Providence to them.
They never give their children any
money for whose spending they are)
responsible. They never let their
I children pick oui ineir iucj
never permit their children to go 'into ,
any enterprise on their own account..
They never let them take any author-
itv or any risk of their own judgment, i
Father and mother pull all the strings
and the children are just marion-,
ettes that dance to their parents' j
whims. j
All of us kuow men who have been
so completely managed by their fa
thers that when they are middle aged
tli flv tiro cfill in rninrl nnfl rhflmpter. I
nothing but little boys. We all know
maiden ladles fifty years old who
have been so dominated by their mo
ther that they havo neer even bought
a pocket handkerchief without mo
ther's advice and assistance, and who
still havo to ask mother's permission
to go down town, or have a second cup
of tea.
In keeping their children dependent
on them these parents do not realize
what a cruel thing they have done,
and how they have robbed their boys
and girls of initiative, and suppressed
their originality, nnd made them the
sport of chance. For in the end the
parents must die, and then these old
t children are left helpless, with no
body to guide them.
The first thing that should be taught
every girl and boy is not to depend on
h any human being' but themselves.
They should be taught to do things for
1 themselves; to rely on their own Judg
ment; to fight their own battles, and I
if they fail to learn from that exper-1
ience how to do a thing the next time
they will not fail.
Every girl and boy should be taught
how to make a living, because when
you bring it down to Its last analysis,
independence is mostly money in our
pockets. Nobody Is free who does not
know where the next meal is coming
from, and the fear of hunger and
want is the beginning of crime.
Teach boys and girls to stand on
their own feet and make their own
living and you havo taken from their
- pathway the sinister devil that so of
ten drives them into wrongdoing. It
is the boy who is a weakling, who
cannot stand alone, who becomes a
gangster and a criminal.' It is the
poor, clinging vine girl who has nev
er been taught independence who
trails in the mud of the street
And if it is important for the young
to stand on their own feet, it Is no
leas necessary to tho happiness of tho
old. Of all heart breaking spectacles
on earth, none is so pitiful as depen
dent age, even when It is dependent
on those who are bound to it by nat
ural ties, and who are willing to hon
or them.
Often tho tragedy of dependent old
age is inevitable, but in many cases
it could be prevented if people would
j) Telle Impoverished
Men and Women
How to Become Healthy, Strong,
Energetic, Magnetic and
Three-Grain Cadomene Tablets Ad
vised for Their Wonderful
Tonic Properties
" V , J
Don't envy the man or woman with
abundant energy, vitality nnd the
ever-present smile of cprdlal magnetic
Personality. Resolve banish your
languor, your tired, worn-out feeling,
y.our aches and pains, your mental wor
ry and distress, by supplying your sys
tem with plenty of iron, phosphorous,
and vegetable tonics so that every or
gan of your body can perform its nor
mal functions from the vigorous blood
s.hpply that courses through your arter
ies. , Tone up the liver, stomach, kid
neys, and bowels, digest your food bet
ter and supply your nerves with the
vital elements in Cadomene Tablets
!jnd you won't need to envy anyone.
Just get your body and nerves work-
r ng right and nature will help you do
the rest Cadomene TabletB are sold
in sealed tubes by all good druggists,
and are guaranteed to please you or
ffoney back. Advertisement.
only use ordinary common sense and
If men nnd women would only rea
lize how necessary Is a financial crutch
when their own feet become tottery,
they would deny themselves tho fool
ish extravagances In which they in
dulge in order that they might have
an independent old age. And If they
were not insane they would never per
mit their grafting children to get their
money out of them while thee were
alive, for father nnd mother with a
pocket book and father and mother
empty handed have quite a different
status in the world, especially with
their In-laws.
Nor would men and women who are
still able to work give up their jobs to
go nnd live with their children and be
dependent, If they could foresee the
humiliation and bitterness of spirit in
which they would pass their days.
They would stand on their own feet
until they sunk into the grave.
For there is no happiness without
independence, and sweeter is the crust
we have made with our own hands
than the cake that is handed out to us
in charity.
Dr. King's New Discovery
relieves them and keeps
you going on the job.
Fifty continuous years of almost
unfailing checking and relieving
coughs, colds and kindred sufferings is
the proud achievement of Dr. .King's
New Discovery. j
Grandparents, fathers, mothers, the
kiddies all have used and are using!
it as the safest, surest, most pleasant-1
to-take remedy they know of. j
Sold by all druggists evervwhere. !
60c and $1.20.
Keep Bowels On Schedule
Late, retarded functioning throws
the whole day's duties out of gear.
Keep the sytsem cleansed, the appe
tite lively, the stomach staunch with
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Mild and
tonic in action. Sold everywhere. 25c.
These recipes from the United
States food administration are sugar
saving and very good.
3 cups milk
cup light sirup or honey
1 teaspoon vaniUa
1 junket tablet
1 tablespoon cold water
Heat milk and sirup in a double
boiler until lukewarm. Crush the jun
ket tablet and dissolve it in cold water
and add fo milk. Add vanilla and stir
thoroughly and quietly. Pour at once
Into glass serving dishes and let stand
undisturbed until firm then chill.
Serve with fresh berries or grate nut
meg over surface and serve with
Baked Indian Pudding.
1 quart milk
1 cup cornmeal
1 teaspoon salt
Vz cup light sirup
'i cup shredded cocoanut
Vt teaspoon mace or nutmeg
34 teaspoon cinnamon.
Heat tho milk to the boiling point.
Add cornmeal, stirring constantlv.
Cook 10 to 15 minutes. Add other in
gredients. Bake in an oiled pan in a
moderately warm oven for ono hour.
1 quart milk
2 eggs (may be omitted)
1 cup light sirup
1-3 cup cornstarch
I1- oz. chocolate (melted)
1 teaspoon vanilla
Teat milk in double boiler. Add
melted chocolate and sirup. Moisten
cornstarch with a little cold milk and
add to hot mixture. Stir constantly
until thick. Add slightly beaten eggs
and vanilla; stir thoroughly, remove
from heat. Turn into moulds and chill.
If eggs are omitted cook a little longer
to thicken. Omit chocolate if desired.
Plain Cake.
cup sugar
cup light sirup
cup fat
2 eggs
-A cup milk
5 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups wheat flour
A cup cornflour or cup barley
Beat sirup, sugar and fat together
until very light. Add :iinbeaten eggs
and beat into sirup and fat mixtures.
Add milk and dry ingredients (which
havo been sifted together). Bake in
moaerate oven. This makes two large
leaves or four layers. Spices, fruits or
chocolates may be used to give added
Boiled Icing.
2 egg whites
& cup light sirup
. M teaspoon extract
Few grains salt.
Heat sirup nnd allow to bofi until It
spins a long, heavy thread (120 deg. C.
or 248 deg. F.) Do not allow sirup to
brown. Pour over the stiff egg whites
beating constantly. Beat until creamv
or of right consistency, and when cold
spread overtake. As this filling does
not harden.llt may be served as
marshmallow paste Is served.
After the first panic. Hazel Knutt was
reosaurcd by tho discovery that she has
rlb3 of her own and therefore she would
not slump wholly oven if no more corset
steels woro to bo ha
I Miss O'Sullivan and Loehmer
are under arrest in Hoboken on
j charges of having served intoxl
' cants to men in unifqrm'. Loeh
I mer made a practice of entertain
I ing-naval officers at wine parties
in his luxurious apartments. It
j was at one of these parties that a
I potty naval officer, while intoxi
j cated, told the guests In the pres
i ence of Loehmer that the trans-
port George Washington was to
sail the next day. .On the way
I over one of the convoys of the
transport was torpedoed. Lieu
tenant Stevens, on duty at the
Stevens Institute of Technology,
who was present at the party be
came suspicious and informed the
j First Passenger
Train fo Arrive
In Ssward, Alaska
j ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Oct. 15. (By
Mail-) Everybody in Seward, and a
hundred miles south of here at the
head of Resurrection bay, is getting
ready to cc-lebrate the arrival of rhe
first passenger train from Anchcraj;?
on Uncle Sam's government railroad,
the first rtretch of I he route to Fair
banks to reach completion.
: Seward-is the "ocean end" of the
new line.' Work s going ahead on the
(road Sibovc Anchorage, which is near
the upper aim of Cook inlet, anJ below
Fairbanks, the proposed terminus just
over the .laski rr.nge and north oC
the Tanana, a branch of the Yukon
river. The two gangs of railroad build
ers are now 190 miles apart.
Much of the winter traffic frrjm in
tr'.or Alaska will probably comV out
over Hie line of tho new road this win
ter despite tho fact the steel is not
connected, it is believed here. Tho
commission has gangs of men at wor!.
marking a winter trailv between the
two end:; o fthe roads. Trains will
probably be operated from Fairbanks
and Anchorage to the ends of the
steel rails all winter. Travelers will
"mush" the intervening distance on
Emperor Holding
Court Within the
Republic of China
PEKING, Oct. 1 . (By Mail.) China
furnishes the. anomaly of an emper
or holding court within a republic and
functioning with the aid of tho repub
lican machinery. Tho little Emperor
Hsuan Tung who was placed on tho
dragon throne of his ancestors last
year lives in the forbidden city amid
old time ceremonial and receives
royal honors from those around him
and even from republican representa
tives on the stated occasions when
they visit him or other members of
the Imperial family.
Check and Abort i
a Bad Cold j
In Five Hours With IYIENTHO- I
You Buy It Concentrated and Mix !
With Pint of Syrup. I
v A
Doubtless every reader recalls hav- J
Ing neglected a slight cold until in 24 I
hours it settled into "Bad Cold" and
then about 72 hours of distress, dis
comfort, if not weeks of bronchitis or
pneumonia or catarrh. Now confess,
if you have had such an experience,
and take time by ihe. forelock by prc
paringto check and abort colds,
coughs, catarrh, difficult breathing,
watering eyes and painful headaches L
It cau be done, by taking Men tho
Laxene either in Its raw state ten
drops to the dose or by making a
granulated sugar syrup and mixing in
a pint bottlo or jar. A pint will last
a whole family for a long time and
keeps every member free from the
distressing after-effects of a bad cold.
Mentho-Laxene is guaranteed to
please or money back by The Black
burn Products Co., Dayton, Ohio, and
any well stocked druggist can supply
you. Don't take a substitute, There
is really nothing to compare with
Mentho-Laxere. Advertisement,
1 x What is Wrong With the 3 j
c Democratic Arithmetic? ' fi
P A Democratic legislatureon request of the governor appropri- 'PH I ;
ISp ated $25,000.00 on the promise that for this sum $2,500,000 would MR ft
be returned to the state treasury. I j
III Utah taxpayers have paid the $25,000. But, 'thus far, instead of a iiP. I
t problem in multiplication, the Democrats have performed only . jjg
pll a. problem in subtraction. . ifj
9 The People's Money Less $25,000 m j
Leaves????- 13 I
jt. "3 ' Of course, it was when they were still new in the time so critical as to warrant the calling of the fSH Kll
Wj&M school of State Administration that the Democrats greatest minds to the administration of the nation's Sfl if!!
WtiE set this problem for themselves. In their inexperi- affairs, regardless of party affiliations. lg 1 lllf
k!l ence they were probably hasty in estimating their The last which cQUntry hag been WM U
frm mathematical abilities. engaged have given the Democratic party an ex- fjK ' H
That, perhaps, explains why they cast an insidious - cellent opportunity to show its fiber. In the first fcfiJB
jgj-r,- slur upon the honorable men who had preceded the of the two it was out of power in the present it is OpW III
' Democratic party in office why a servile legisla- in power. u'
WM tare appropriated $25,000 to be, spent entirely at a Duri Spanish-American war the Democrats 1 511
Democratic governor s pleasure and also why, after as a t f ht thc Republican administration SE llf
HI two years of fruitless search by paid agents, the bitterly. And it was solely because of their de- !Nj
Democrats have failed utterly and completely to re- structiVc hostility that Theodore Roosevelt felt l
MkM ' turn one dollar to the treasury which they so in- compelled to appeal to the country in its critical MM M
exphcably drained. hour not to elect a hogtile congress," because it ; !
pt It is indeed unfortunate that the Democrats were would "be understood as a rebuke to the President t Wg
P not successful, for had they secured even a .part of and a refusal to sustain thc war and to sustain the B
the sum they so boastfully promised, they would efforts of peace commissioners to secure the fruits
have saved their administration the necessity of c war- flli iff i
r&! plunging the state so heavily in debt by borrowing Is that the case today? ' Wln& ff!
ffsfgl more than $900,000 during the first two years. u -o ur r ui. u j fl&
iffi' rnu- j t , . . Has the Republican minority fought the adminis- W& m
Ulp ' " SS nCCd cxplamm&- tration in an embarrassing manner?
ltliif For Examole III
Pl ' " Instead of opposing the administration virilently, Wl5$ n
' Why did thc Democrats-through their gpv.ernor- ' the Republican minority has stood valiantly behind gpf
m& require undated resignations from every state ap- the.lr commander-in-chief, m spite of a narrow. H&j ,M
WW?: pointee, except a few who had too much self-respect Pollc thatf reJuses "cognition to their party in the Sg s
to give them. conduct of the war. mm hj
The men of the Republican tjeket which you the jH
Rfe Did thc Democrats choose men .who could not be people of Utah will vote for November S are islS f 1$
f trusted, in spite of their oaths of office and their men of the same breadth of vision, the same lofty 1165 1 1
bonds? Is the great state of Utah being adminis- patriotism as those who now make up the Repub- 3LfiJ 111
tcred by a set of men so incapable, or so likely to lican minority in congress. (ileali fill
, ? prove dishonest, that the degrading power of un- iS i fill
dated resignations must be held over them? Republican Patriotism
Ipl Or was it because thc Democrats wished to have ImOUnfFPfl lli If!
ffi&M absolute control in every department, iri spite of the iptailgcm itiH Sf
PIS atVhat tHiS AmCriCan 3nd n0t a German And yet the Democrats have had the effrontery to J
L JM 5 ' tell you that ou are un-American and unpatriotic plw mf
Sj By so doing, Democrats, you have degraded your Jt you vote for them and refuse to support the v$ ' 11
Spp own appointees and minimized whatever initiative Democratic candidates two of whom have made iMa lllf
W they may have possescd. such distinguished records -as tourists in the war Wm
zone and absentees from their duties at Wash- li mlU
i&Mi We have suggested that, perhaps, your actions were ington. ijwLfca' Hffli
due t0 inexperience. But there is perhaps a sounder' rSfS' hIP
mJ&fo explanation DEMOCRATIC politics. As you go to the polls, keep that slur on the whole SSI B!
'fjjSM Republican party in mind.. And remember also 4m, Wm
, , W n ttO 1 TJ at Governor Bamberger's spectacular assertion iyS! Uffi
I g&Jj UemOjCratlC KUie Or KUin that he would so greatly enrich the state was p3 UK
! Na: backed up by.- a.- Democratic- legislature which, Jl
IrKM YUr P-arty haS- convicted itself time and time again though pledged to economy and to absolute free- tt&S EM
! t,3$& of selfish partisanship. The United States today dom from personal or party... dictatorship,., bowed W$$& iKl
$ stands out as the only allied power which has a servicely to the governor and put $25,000 into his ES mm
I single party instead of a coalition government, at a hands without a word of question. BH HSn
Republicans of Utah, you have put up with an inefficient Demo- lO jil
kop cratic administration for two years and it has proved two. P jjil
lp! years too long. Prepare the way for a complete return to the ld Ii
'splendid achievements of your party in the past by sending two W$ jM
jj citizens to congress, by placing three of Utah's most eminent &pj
jj jurists on the supreme bench and by electing a legislature that will )m$
! carry on the progressive policies for which you have always SgPj ;
jll stood. " 5 'ISli ijjiji
ipl Rouse Republicans! it is your year to come into your own by an 31 I Bp
overwhelming victory November' 5th. jpSj
jfO W. H. WATTIS WILLIAM SPRY . . 0 " p -A !
'. i ' or Congreman, For Congressman, ' Mtflsf iw '
f. v' First Congressional District. Second Congressional District, iff '
For Judges Supreme Court of Utah. , K'jBH 1
I Republican State Committee 9 1
Political Advertisement) 53
. .
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 19. A method
Of testing the ability of any person
to sing, -without seeing "him or even
hearing him, has been devised by
Theophilus Fitz of this city, recently
director of music in the State Teach
ers' college of Colorado. This meth
od, which Professor Fitz says is his
"contribution to science," is baaed
upon a series of measurements of tho
head cavities that he declares he has
worked down to exact mathematics.
Ho doos not find it necessary to see,
touch or hear the subject, as his work,
which ho terms "voice diagnosis." has
become as definite to him as mathe
matics. All he asks is that certain
meansuroments of the head be taken
After learning these measurements
and the sex of the subject, he makes
his own calculation vas to the size. and
shape of tho head- cavities and an
nounces whether thc subject, if a girl,
is a soprano or contralto, and if a
youth, whether he should sing thc role
of a basso or of a tenor robusto.
"Marie often sings soprano just be
cause Susie does, although she ought
to be singing contralto," says Profes
sor Fitz. "And Bill insists upon slng-
1 ing base, because he thinks it is manl, Hiil
when ho really ought to be a tenor." bHIll
Persons with round heads make tho jflMI
best singers, he says, because their WUl
head cavities are tho most symmetry Sffl
cal; those with long heads come next Bill
and those with oval cranium rank last. Hfil
"It is nouesense," lie says, "for peo- Hnll
pie to- pass four or five years study- Bill
lug music to ascertain whether they ill
can slug and if so, what part, when Bllll
by this method, they can obtain such Bill
a decision immediately." ' fl HI
''' ji iivl