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4 j THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGPEN. UTAH, MONDAY,- NOVEMBER 4, 1918. lt U'H i JUDGES 0 tlll s I After much difficulty in securing t election Judges to act tomorrow the 1 countv clerk, C. M. Ramey, announc- I ed that the list has finally been com- I pieted with the exception or one or two c h districts. These will be completed be- W J fore the opening of tho poles. The ro- ? districting of the city this year has q?H f caused a tremendous amount of work fc in organizing and appointing district registrars and voting places and judges of election. The list for the city and rS country districts follows: hi - 'First Reta Williamson, Mrs. C. 0. IS 1 Larson, W. W, Hickman. 4 Second Mrs V. Todd, Alburtus r5 I Braqonje, John Buchler. T Third Nellie West, Harriet Mal ?H ' witz. Veda Welch. Fourth Mrs. Annie Rosenbrough, nif. I Mrs. Florence Letts, Mrs. Agnes Tttc, J ' Fifth Sarah S. Gedhill, D. C. Stu- irt. Mrs. Alice Collins. A? J Sixth Sarah Crowley, Mrs. Belle U Eckart, Agnes Warner. Seventh Bernice Erlckson, Sylvia Dunham, Henry' Mack. 2 ' Eighth Irma Doxey, Mrs. H. Pig 26 sott, Mrs. George Snell. Jg.: c Ninth Thlrza Hall, Harold Flem- ' ing. Mrs. Earl Gieger. fa. Tenth Elizabeth Oakley, Iris Ken & yon, C. C. Harnish. TRt ' Eleventh J. C. Cantwell, Eleazcr Jones, Mrs Addie Fellows.' W i Twelfth Grace Schultz, Ethel Stan-W- ford, Charles R. Dana. !'. ;! Thirteenth Nellie Frost, Mrs. E. S. ' King i -, Fourteenth Mrs. R. Turnan, S. J. m ', Van Ness. i ' Fifteenth Mary Vaughn, Mrs. May i Vallin, Mrs. Gcorgiana Marriott, Ijtf ? ' Sixteenth Sadie West. Carolina A. f Wiggins, Ella Mitchell. m Seventeenth David S. Tracy, Mrs. K 1 Ann Campbell, Ellis N. Van Dyke. .H ; Eighteenth H. H. Shurtliff, David Farr. E. H. Wright. I Nineteenth Josephine Phillips, I I John M. Pederson, Harry Wright, i Twentieth Mary R. Williams, Sarah jj Larklns, Myrtle Woods. -4 ; Twenty-first Maud Cain, J. E. Tay j( ; lor, P. J- Anderson. Twenty-second J. P. Richards. : Walter W. Crane, Mrs. William Lud Hj dington. j Twenty-third Fred W. Hews, Nels 1 Anderson. Twenty-fourth Emily Maddock, W. ;- ' W. Rawson. V Twenty -fifth R. D. Brown. i Twenty-sixth Hnrold Goddard, John L Nelson. I Twenty -seventh R. A. Norris, Mrs ! , Opal McBeth. Twenty-eighth L. D. Olsen, Mrs ! ' Lucy Wilson, Louis Zitzman. Twenty-ninth David S. Fletcher, ; Albert A. Bell, Mrs. Alice Fowles Thirtieth A. T. Baggs, Hattle Burn. i nam, John Ingebrctson. Thirty-first Sam Whitaker. Sr., T. G. Phillips, Lawrence Van Dyke. Thirty-second Ida C. Witten, Sam Whitaker, Jr., John W. Rex. Thirty-third Ida Treseder, Del Gay. ' Th irty-fourth C. C. Frost, Mrs. O. . B Honan, Benjamin Jensen. Thirty-fifth Fanny Wilson, Joel J. Harris, Mrs. Callie Cave. Thirty-sixth A. T. Langlols, Evelyn West. i Thirty-seventh Nathan A. Hawks, E M. Reid. Aaron Jackson. Thirty-eighth Waiter Biddle, John Owen. Thirty-ninth J. W. Wintle, W. B. Crites. Fortieth Mrs. Grace Henderson, '. Elmar Folkman. Forty -first Henry C. Gwilliam, Nel lie Oborn, Joseph Harrison. Forty-second Fannie Gitten, Mrs. George Horn. Forty - third H. H. Hancock, V. C. Guunell. i1 Forty-fourth John G. Lind, Isabell Bramwell. D. R. Wheelwright. '. ! Fdrty-fifth Mrs. Jessie Flygare, W. G. Cragun, Miss Annis Brown. Forty-sixth Sarah Riser, Mrs. J. : A, Howell. Mrs J. T. Lynch. Forty-seventh Eva E. Brown, N. V. J Edlnglon, George Halverson. i' Forty-eighth Nettie- Herrick, y- Rachel Middleton, Mrs. C. L. Mc- ii Knight. i Forty-ninth Anna Browning, Rach el Stephens, George W. Wilson. Fiftieth Mrs. L. E. Harris, Mrs. J. S. Daniels, Mrs. C. H. Hussey. ; Fifty. first George F. Hunter, Emily ; Carr, John Neuteboom. i Fifty-second Eda Monson, Mrs. Alex Faddis, Mrs. Dora P. Tolther. Fifty-third Louis Miller, W. O. , Ridges, Dr. J. F. Snedaker. 1 Fifty-fourth John A. Junk, Mrs. ' - William Batchelor, D. F. Steele. ; f Burch Creek William Royal, Jo seph Garner, James Combe. Eden R. 0. Graham, Francis Clark, j , D. C Walker. ; i, Farr West Samuel Tomlinson, ; ' James A. Taylor, Dorothv Stephenson, i Harrisville Mrs. Josephine Swcn son, F. A. Miller, N. D. Harris, j: , Huntsvllle Albern A. Allen, Wil ! Ham R. McEntlre, Albert Engstrom. ! Hooper No. 1 James Manning, Sr.. Charles A. Fowers, Lillian G. Widdi aon. - Hooper No. 2 George W. Cloy, Or i ' son Cottle, John D- Hooper. ' ' - Kancsville Charles Green, Henry P. . Green, James Rawson. j i 1 Liberty John Shaw, David Cook, ; -David Chard. : Marriott James Hewitt, Mrs. Levi ! i. Elmer, Nellie Morris. I: . ' North Ogden F. W. Ellis, John I " Bailey, Charles Storey, i n ,ain City Lewis R. Jenkins, Peter ; U Poulson, Oscar Richardson. J Pleasant View James R. Johns, 1 uavid Johns, Henrv L. Jensen. I Randall William A. Montgomery I Uavld E. Randall, James Roylancc. I Riverdale B. S. Jacobs, A. A. Bing- I ham, J. T. Bybee. Ro' John H. Hobson, John M. 5 arown, Jed Hammond. L Slaten-iUe John Wheoler, J. M. f WJeeler, J. J. Hutchlns. Taylor Evelyn Hunter, James F. i Hunter, E. A. Barnes. U'utah R. 0. Bybee, Andrew An- ! arew Anderson, Ira M. Kendall. S WaiTen Philip East, Hattle Gibson, A "a Wayment. 3 ,?etf Warren Etheleon East, Han- A nah White, Alex Murbrook. 1 ti , 81 Weber David Hancock, Chas. $ M81!.on' Thomas McFarland. A Wilson John Martin, Horace Clay- i ton. E. A. Bingham. i u.ort Ogden No. 2 Joseph Chad- ick, Ella Garner, B. E. Chatlain. . oo j the raiae in your taxes, brought about through Democratic ad l pmistration, vote the Repub i "can ticket. ;J (Political Paid Advertisement.) r Wcbcr County Official Voting Places and Map of 1 I Voting Districts In Ogden City ! ' ' ' f-; -w" s ' "r. " iT 2& ' " Tx'Tt- ! ! ' L s . ; ' fjSk '!-: f V ' 2,l ! I' 13- ' 3.r. I 34- ' 33 .32 31 -- m-. M' j !j ? 's ' 15 5 M y . 'I j! X ZZMKSZHl 'I 35 36 I 37 38 39 40 .41. i k ZStH. -3 d r ,J r, q "f, Z5t! S T R Z. T V J ' " f ; i I 1 1 1 1 I i I I 1 1 N U 1 1 ll h ir ' 10 5 9 8 1 II II II . If ' " 1 4' - .567 i. . 'CITY OF'O.GLEN s JrLr ' - A WEBER COUNTY h .i I rni n tjtah i . i i 1 iy s) ? C'M-Rairey County CpkrCouA'y.jn ! Jw " ST r cut d K s w A obAsxsfy certify f hot his ma7 wcj ti&Jd ESl J aW lrf I j i.J (.1 adopted as Me offao pa-pJreecfw? ' ilr f . K : WjWjt wfhn Oedes? Gfy,tah, qff lV s. l. ' 5 XofU)e&eCounfyton tots 251 ' jj rf":'- , ' N t XVcayof.frSzuaxySWd., ; Y . ' ' ryJ p-o r'- v. 0 IN VITNL5S WHCRLOnyy El '.' ' -Sgiy -v "'-:. v '( N "4 - V J haue hcRtfo set M '..-. r vv .r,., s fV V hi . " u X' rvu ?andtnd ' IB JJfl Vfaf' p i . i - " ,J X- ' 1 ' ifil JM '..v- .'.--. d I. n - . o i- - t fr ; 1 i W ' V;' ' J ' n! ) 'v yaffle d J . 11, ill -t "'' ' 0 ' ' 'ofMax.cfA. W cummi n 198. f Ogden City Polling Places for 1918. J DIbI. 13151 Washington avenue; rented from Mrs. B. L. Peterson. Diet. 23211 Grant avenue; rented from Ida Flinders. Dlst, 3166 Thirty-third street; rented from Wealtha Pincock. DisL 4102 West Thirtieth street; rented from Diantha Wilson. DIst. 5161 Twenty-eighth street; rented from Sarah S. Glodhill. Dist, 6203 Thirtieth street; rented from Marion EckhardU Dist. 72874 Grant avenuo; rented from Anna Dunham. Dist, S Lobby city hall. Dist. 92603 Grant avenue; rented from Ellen Stevens. Dist. 10120 Twenty-sixth street; rented from Grace Francis. Dist. 112731 Wall avenue; rented from Mary B. Jones. Dist. 12 West Ogden; rented from Baptist miBsIoa. Dist. 13 2171 Reeves avenue; rent ed from Sarah S. Young. Dist. 14178 Twenty-fifth street; rented from Nellie Majors. Dist. 15355 Twenty-third street; rented from Yuiitea Porter. Dist. 162248 Lincoln avenue; rent ed from David W. Evans. Dist. 17241 Twenty-first street; rented from Elizabeth Tracy. DisL 18285 Twentieth street; rent ed from Annie Shurtliff. Dist, 19341 Eighteenth street; rented from Joseph Harbertson. DiBt. 20310 Seventeenth street; Erilca Soderbcrg. Dist. 21904 Grant avenue; rented from Ann E. Sherman. . Dist. 22283 Harrisville road; rent ed from Christina Hnrrop. Dist, 23 444. Washington avenuo; rented from Will Harrop. Dist. 24456 Thirteenth street; rent ed from Minnie Westmeir. Dist. 251015 Farley avenue; rent ed from Elfrida Farley. Dist. 26700 Canyon road; rented from Agnes Goddard. Dist. 271650 Washington avenue; rented from Richard A. Norris. Dist. 2S 630 Twenty-first street; rented from L. D. Olsen. (Store). Dist. 2S S42 Twenty-first street; rented from Kate Van Dyke. Di,st. 302249 Endion avenue; rent ed from Mrs. Grace Jones. DisL 31884 Twenty-third street; rented from Fidelia Trorlicht. Dist. 322233 Madison; rented from W. J. Myers. Dist, 33 215S Adams avenue; rent ed from Francis Huss. Dist. 342106 Washington avenue; rented from Nora Wintle. Dist, 35 Court house building. Dist. 36541 Twenty-fourth street; rented from Mrs. R. L. Tomlinson. Dist 37 2355 Madison avenue; rent ed from Aaron Jackson. Dist, 3S 748 Twenty-fourth street; rented from Charlotte Tillotson. ' DisL 39 S38 Twenty-fourth street; rented from Mary J. Flygare. Di3t. 40930 Twenty-fourth street; rented from Mrs. John Wheelwright, Dist. 411132 Twenty-fourth street; rented from J. Harrison. (Store). Dist. 422530 Van Burcn avenue; routed from Sarah Gittins. "Dist. 43 Twelfth ward amusement hall. Dist. -112625 Quincy avenue; rent-, ed from Merribel Stevenson. Dist. 452546 Madison avenuo; rent ed from Emma Shreeve. Dist. 46659 Twenty-sixth street; rented from Eva Jones. Dist. 47 536 Twenty-seventh street; rented from Annie C. Allen. Dist. 4S 2566 Washington avenue; rented from Cheesman garage. Dist. 49 2945 Adams avenue; -rented from May Kershaw. Dist, 50566 Twenty-ninth street; rented from Hazel Pace. Dist. 51 2740 Jefferson avenuo; rented from Elizabeth Lockhead. Dist. 52 274S Williams avenue; rented from Mrs. Julia Petty. Dist 533024 Adams avenue; rented from Hattie Jackson. Dist. 54460 Thirty-fourth street; rented from Zephyr A. Doyle. Weber County Polling Places. Burch Creek Residence of Grace E. Thackwell. Eden Eden amusement hall. Farr West School house. Harrisville. Harrisville amusement hall. Huntsvillo Mclntyre barber shop building. Hooper, No. 1 Residence of Ed Stoker. Hooper, No. 2 Hooper amusement hall.-1"" ' " KanesvilJe Kanesvillo meetingj house. Liberty Liberty amusement hall. i Marriott Basement Marriott meet ing house, ; North Ogden, No. 1 Residence of fl'fl John Hall, Sr. II (M North Ogden, No. 2 Residence ot Nfl'll Isaac L. Shupc. Plain City Plain City amusement 1PI Pleasant View Pleasant View 111 amusement hall. ji' Randall Residence of H. J. Randall. Ill pi I Rlverdalo Riverdale amusement ff'l Roy Weber county infirmary. I'll Slaterville Residence of 11. A. mfl Slater. fftfl Taylor Residence of Mary A. Sor- lilr'fl enson. Uintah Uintah amusement hall. tH Warren Warren school house. - Pf fl West Warren ResIdon.ce of T. L. M White. If fl West Weber West Weber amuse- H ment hall. S fl Wilson Driver & Drake grocery, l H 5tor(v 'I H