Newspaper Page Text
-1 THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1918. 15 j I ! WANTED I Male Help Ml HIED j 51 j I Common Laborers ! Utah has been called on tc Irecruit 500 common laborers foT the Federal Nitrate planl ' at Muscle Shoals, Ala. jTree transportation; double i time Sundays and legal holi days; free meals en route; 'jjfrec beds at plant; linen j changed twice weekly; quar ters cleaned and disinfected daily; free shower bath; amusements free. BAND AT SOON MEAL. ! : ' Medical Attention Free. ! ! HEN EST ESSENTIAL i I WAR WORK I : NOT WANTED I Men coming to Salt Lake or Og- 3en from any point in Utah will secure receipts for their railroad fare and same will be refunded on arrival at Muscle Shoals. SHIPMENT WILL BE MADE WED NESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1 O'CLOCK. . . Gr. A. GRIFFIN, Chief Recruiting Agent of Air Nitrate Corporation. !U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 2402 Wall Ave. (No Fees of Any Kind) Open 8 a. m. until 5 p. ra, BOY with horse to carry Standard ; route. Apply Circulation Dept. 180 i 5TRST-CLASS machinist ana mould - era wanted at Ogden Iron Works com i pany. 71SS WANTED j ; To Buy j A -1 or 5 room modern home. Phone days 37S, evenings 1427. 126 i OLD keys, 10c dz. Ph. 333. 9026 WANTED TO BUY AT ONCE r A FOUR or five room modern home. '. We can also handle it the price is right a few small acreage tracts close ; In. It. G. Agee, Bsmt. Broom Hotel. Phone or 6S3. S002 1GOOD cat -3uick or Saxon-six pre lerea. Statu price. Box A. D. care gUndard. 7162 WANTED 1 ;: To Rent mmm m m ' ir-u-i ji tJ-(JI-c-xyti jj An actress doesn't always rare well jOa her farewell tour. I DRESSMAKING "HEMSTITCHING & picotedging. Mrs. N. G. Stephens, Paine & Hurst. 125 fLADlES'taiIorIng,2E3G MaCison, 1932M 3-10-lyr RALPH P. HUNTER, Established , 1889, liortgage Loans, Real Estate .Insurance, Ltah, Idaho lands, farmj ted city property. Persons desiring to t loan money on good first mortgage eecurity will do well to consult me. Good applications always on hand. 411 ;.24th SU. Ogden, Utah. 3330 r.W. ;-. pierce Agency Real EBtato, In surance, Loans, Notary. 16 Commer icipl Bank Bldg. Phone 300. ; ; MONEY to loan on real estate secur ity. J. J. Brummitt. 6-21-tf ! 'REAL ESTATE Mortgago and Loan I Kelly Herrick. 6-15-tf ; " MCIl I Wanted! Apply to John Shields, employ. 1 !ment agent, Amalgamated Sugar I Co., at 2354 Hudson avenue, or H 2402 Wall avenue. U. S. employ- 1 ment service. Sugar factory now H j in operation. I ; Can furnish employment of I varied nature at the different I factories. 1 FOR SALE ji Real Estate E. W. CANNADY Real Estate Insurance i-ROOM cottage , in good, close in, lo cation; situated on big lot with water right. The lot alone is worth price askod. $1650 on easy terms. 5-ROOM brick bungalow with furnace, fire place, and hardwood floors, sit uated on large lot with chicken run and garage. A genuine bargain at $3000. NEW strictly modern bungalow of 5 rooms and den, has hardwood floors, furnace, fire place and numerous built -5 in features. Located on nice lot In best . rosidenco section. Price $1500. Terms. E. W. CANNADY 2427 Hudson. 260 5- ACRES excellent soil (level) a splendid small family orchard; an ex ceptional small fruit farm; also A 1 beet and tomato land; good 4 -room house, basement, grancry. cement chicken house, stable. Close to Slate highway at Clinton, an exceptional ffood buy at $2250. 6- 10 acres; 320 acres good beet land with water-right. Good house- and im provements, also stock and imple ments if desired, not far from Ogden, will sell all or part. Price very low compared with the value. 10 acres ex cellent tomato land at Sunset, close to State- highway. Small house, price $3500. Also many other farms large and small. Herbert E. Smith Co.. Com. Natl. Bank. Phone 21S5-J or 763-W. 270 BY owner 5-room modern home. Hot water boat with up-to-dato furniture, j Terms 1S67-J. 237 i A GOOD modern 7-room brick house, with heating plant. Well located close in on the bench on a principal street. Large lot, fine lawn, on a street car line, near a school. Only $2700.00. $300.00 down, balance same as paying rent. Low rato of interest. J. J. Brummit, Phone 59. 149 WILL sell at a bargain 5 3-4 acres good land, abundance of water, good house, barn and other good improve ments. Located first outside of city, north, one block from city car line, i Phone evenings 2614-m, days 378, Og den Real Estate & Bldg. Co. 127 A GOOD i-room house located on 26th street, in the same block as the High School. Partly modern, large lot. S1S00.00. $300.00 down, balance on lime. J. J. Brummitt 2320 Washing ton avenue. 1-19 1 25-ROOM rooming house for sale in one of the best towns in Idaho. Cheap if taken at once. Good terms. See Mr. Condra, Marrion hotel. Phone 2100. 104 4 1-ROOM houso, within three blocks of the Broom Hotel. Will pay one per cont on investment. $1750.00. $300.00 down, balance same as paying rent a month. J. J. Brummitt. Phone 59. 149 A GOOD modern 5-room brick house, well located in the railroad district. This house to build at presonL time would coat about $3,000.00. Largo lot Located on a principal street. Will pay one percent interest a month onj investment, only $2250.00. $300.00 down, balance same as paying rent.' Low rato of interest. J. J. Brummitt, 2320 Washington avenue. 149 THREE choice building lots. 50x125 on Farley Ave. Phone 28S2-J. 4 A GREAT snap in a farm of 150 acres located near Ogden, within a quarter of a mile of rail.-oad station. Plenty of water, some oC this land is worth $500.00 per acre. This is nn elegant proposition for any one to sub-divide and to clean up anywhore from $25,000 to $50,000 in the next three years. Only $S0.00 per acre, small paymont, balance I on terms. J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59. 149 5 3-10 a. 3 mi. of town. Horse and bug gy and implements. Phono 26S4-r. 1002 FOR SALE or trade by owner, good modern home. Payment down, $35.00 per month, no interest. Will take good car as part payment. Phone 102. 9081 AN elegant lot on 31st street 146 feet front and 105 feet deep, only $100. $10 down and $10 per month. J. J. Brummitt, 2320 Wash. 149 SOME good land with water, some at $350,00 and some at $400.00 an acre, close to city limits. Five ncres with water right. Small house only $1600.00. Five room modern only $1600.00. Easy terms. II. Van Braak, 302 35th. Phone 2139-w. 9069 OGDEN HOME BARGAINS 5 ROOM modern brick bungalow on bench built-in cabinets, sleeping porch, cement basement, large linen cabinet, beautiful fir finish. Price $3500.00. $850.00 cash, balance $30 per month, interest at 7 per cent. 4 ROOM modern California bungalow, large lot, compartment basement, built In cabinets, etc. Brand new. $2650.00. $1000.00 down. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, large lot, three bedrooms, built-in cabinets, bookcases, sleeping porch. Price $2S50. 1-2 cash. R. G. AGEE Basement' Broom Hotel. Phone 69 or 683. 9024 A GOOD sightly lot on 21st street, 25x 137 feet doop to alley, only $25.00. $5.00 down and $5.00 per month. J. J. Brummitt. Phone 59. 149 STORE and dwelling, well located on bench. Store equipped with electric scales and mill. Price includes lot and building with half interest in drivo way. Your own terms. Price only $1300. Under First Nat'l bank. J. A. McCulloch. 9001 MODERN 7-room brick house, fifty foot lot, close In on paved street. Pav ing paid; part cash, part time. $5000. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah Nat'l Bldg. 8091 8-ROOM modern brick houso close in on bench and car lino. Good barn and garage. Walk, sewer, curb and gutter all paid. Lot 43x150 to 20 ft. alley. Price $3800. $750 cash, long timo bal ance. J. A. McCulloch. 9001 5-ROOM new modern brick bungalow. Hardwood floois, half basement, elec tric fixtures, linoleum on kitchen and bath room lloors, garage. Lot 40x150. South front, close to paved street and car line, $800 cash, time on balance. Only $3000. J. A. McCulloch. 9001 EVERYTHING for rent, Ogflcn Rent al agency. 374 25th at. Phono G9. 2657 Read tho Classified Ads. I j ij FOR RENT j - j Furnished I ST. PAUL HOTEL ! St. Paul Hotel. No. 429 Twenty-fifth street, now open. Building has been remod eled and is one of the most modern hotels in tho city. Rooms reasonable by the day, week or month. J. P.. O'Neill, Manager. MODERN 4 -room cottage. 614 Canyon road. Inquire at 319 18th SL . 7S7 TWO furnished rooms; modern. Phono 2906-W. 2105 Wash. 26S SLEEPING rooms $2.60 to $3 per wk. Steam heat and bath. 2474 V Washing ton. 263 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 324 21st St. Phone 2959-R. 264 COZY 3-room apt. Modern. 2229 Lin coln. 265 NEATLY furnished 3-room apartment, hot and cold water and gas. 330 24th SL - 246 NICELY furnished sleeping room on bench. 3 minute walk from business center. Call 9S1-J. 248 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, 2220 Lincoln. 251 6-ROOM house. Strictly modern, heat, electric washer, electric sweeper, piano. Four blocks from Washington on car lino. For particulars phono 1205. 226 i-ROOM apt.. 2571 Lincoln. 229 ROOMS furnished or unfurnished at reasonable prices. 362 24th St. 122 HSKPG rooms. 2731 Madison. Phono 2029. r 9070 FURNISHED apt, 437 Horrlck. 9078 HOUSEKEEPING fur. and unrur., gats, $8.00 up. 536 31st. 7907 PLAZA APARTMENTS. COMPLETELY furnished for llgnt housekeeping. Elevator, amusement hall, phone, light, heat and gas. Maid service if desired. Rates $20 to $37.50. 7909 ROOMS for housekeeping, 427 24th SL 7739 FURNISHED 5 -room house. Call to morrow only, 2932 Childs' vve. 7722 A NEATLY furnished apartment. The Pearl, 27th and Grant Phone 2920 5311 HOUSES rd flaU- 2SS4 Grant FOR 'RENT j 5 Unfurnished 5-ROOM house rear 2627 Jeff. 736 4 -ROOM brick north part of town $15. Ogden Home Bldg. Co., 215 Hudson Bldg. Phone 307 or 3157. 240 S RM mod. brick house on bench, 4 1-2 blocks from First Nat. bank. Enquire 314 Hudson Bldg. Phone 330. 202 3 ROOMS, sleeping- porch, lights, wa ter, toilet, $11. 2748 Jefferson. 7927 PRIVATE garage. $7 per month. In quire 2546 Adams or phone 1943. 7916 WANTED Female Help ; ; WOMAN tor housecieanmg. Call Hel ena hotel. 7lV GIRL for general housework. Good home, close in; good wages; no wash ing. 2431 Adams. 273 LAUNDRESS and cleaner 2 days a weok, steady work. 761 24th St. Phono 1731. 206 CHOCOLATE dipper. $15 per week. Greenwell Confectionery. 199 GOOD girl for general housework. Close in; good wages; no washing. 84 WANTED Girls at American Linen Supply company. 7870 E. Z. WASH Day Tablets make wash ing easy. Your grocer has them. 7724 ONE large front room in cottage. Nicely furnished. Also one back bed room. Inquire 2874 Wash. 7578 WANTED Experienced mangle girls. U. P. laundry. 6970 FOR SALE AUTOS 1916 FORD for sale First-class con dition. 414's 20lh St. 25S NEW automobile trailer, 3234 Pacific. 252 630 CHALMERS. Inquire Mi-. Harpster at Checsman Auto Co. 7789 SAXON-SIX wnor going to war. Noarly new. Box 89 Standard. 7161 ! WANTED Situations J H E L P I N G - H AN D information "land free- employment bureau. 2447 Granl. Phone 889. 261 FAMILY washing done at 250 4th St.. 244 THOROUGHLY competent stenogra pher desires position. Apply Box 30, Care Standard. m 221 FAMILY washing wanted. 3516 Ogden Avo. 213 PARTYr with typewriter wishes work at home. Phone 90,4 -J. 200 PRACTICAL nursing in private mod ern house. Best of references. 2102 Monroe. 9031 Read tho Classified Ada, oo Read the Classified Ada. oo Read the Classified Ads. FOR SALe' 1 Miscellaneous GRAY baby carriage. Good' condition. Phono room 303 Reed hotel. 7S2 A piano, cheap for cash. 3162 Hudson Ave. . 253 HAND turned washing machine in good condition $5. Call 1717. 249 MUST sell at once good paying room ing house. Good location. Call 233V. 25th St. 242 HIGH-GRADE Catswold bucks. Young pigs. Phono 9-W. Joseph Barker Co. 224 CABBAGE for chickens. 100 lbs for 75c. 624 W. 21st St. Phone 584 -j. 201 ALL kinds cabbage for kraut; table carrots and beets. Phone 584 -J. 203 6 WEEKS old pig. G. Abe, Pleasant View. ' 191 IMPORTED canaries. 2220 Lincoln. 9050 APARTMENT houso for sale. Good business. Reasonable terms. 330 23rd St. 9020 ADJUSTABLE Acme dress form near ly new at 2739 Grant. 8026 Pianos, PLAYER-PIANOS eold for lowest prices- at 2524 Washington Avenue. Phono 17J. LABOR and soap saved by using E. Z. Wash Day Tablets. At all grocers. 7725 BASS horn cheap. C. D. Conn, 1984 Washington averuc. 76S4 GROCERIES, staples, bosi brands, lowest prices on tho Bene).. Martin Cash grocery, 740 24th St. Phone 537. 6S12 GROCERIES in retail quantities at wholesalo Dricca. Ogden's Groceteria, 181 24th SL 5842 9 column Burrough's Adding machine. Good working order $100 cash. Apply Standard ofllce. 5371 LOST DIAMOND stick pin. Liberal reward. M. J. Cleary, 2446 Grant. 272 AUTO number plate btween Binford KImbaHs and 12th St No. 4345. Phone 1661-W. Reward. 269 GRAY coat on 25th St. between Madi son & Harrison. Reward. Phone 1289 -R. 245 ON 2.5th & Wash., large cameo brooch. Ret. to Mclntyro Drug No. 2. Reward. 9037 LOST Friday afternoon between 2 and 4 p. m. on road from Farmlngton to Ogden 2 leather suitcases containing ladles wearing apparel. Liberal re ward if returned to Clerk, Marlon Ho tel, Ogden. 7965 ToUND I RED Jersey cow, 543 20th St. Owner may have same by paying for ad. 784 PIG Owner can have same by de scribing and paying for this ad. Tel. 620. 209 A LADY'S wrist watch, on Adams be tween 24th and 25th. Call at No. 14 Browning ApL, 27th and Washington avenue. , 121 L WANTED Miscellaneous CLEAN RAGS wanted at the Stan dard office. THE OUTBURST OF EVERETT TRUE YOU f)R SCVSRAL BLOCKS, AND INSTATD OF kieePiNcs- Your. sy&s on this T&ack you hat THSM ON THS SIL( 3T0CK!MG:S ALONG. THS STRcsst I'LL Be A loiTNCiSS ALL RIGHT LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE. The undersigned will sell at public sale. Ono Kurtzman piano number 41556, stylo E, walnut, under chattel mortgage dated July 5th, 1917. Filed in county recorders' office, Weber county, Utah. Mortgagor Philip A. Garner. Mortgagee John Evans. Amount claim ed $158.42 on tho 4tb day of November 1918 at 2874 Hudson avenue, Ogden, Utah, on November 19th, 1918 at noon. THOS. CUNNINGHAM, Constable. INTEREST OF THE VOTES QUICKENED ! President's Appeal Stirs Peo j pie to Action in Contests for ; Congressional Seats. NEW YORK, Nov. 4 The closing of the campaign in the middle Atlantic and New England states today was ' marked by a general quickening of in terest, in contrast to the apathy that characterized the early days of Uio contest. As a result of the president's appeal for support, a greater interest in the contests for congressional seats was apparenL In many states, how ever, gubernatorial and purely local issues overshadowed all others. In New York the contests for 13 seats in congress attracted but little Interest as compared with the bitter campaign between Governor Charles 'S. Whitman, Republican, and Alfred E. Smith, Democrat, for the governor ship. Liquor Question in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania's voters seemed t.o be chiefly interested in the liquor ques tion, the Republican nominee for gov ernor, William C. Sproule, running on a "dry" platform against Eugene C. Bonniwell, Democrat, who has been charged with being supported by the liquor dealers. Senatorial elections held tho" center of the stage in many of the New Eng land states. Former Governor David I. Walsh, Democrat, is opposing Sen ator Weeks, Republican, in Massachu setts, Representatives George F. O' Shaughnessy, Domocrat, is fighting for L. Lebaron Colt's seat in Rhode Is land; New Hampshire Is concerned in two contests, between John B. Jameson, Democrat, and George H. Moses, Republican, and Eugeno E. Reed, Democrat and Governor H. W. Keyes. Republican. The Now Jersey campaign for sena tor has been enlivened by attacks of suffragists on David Baird, Republican, a candidate for re-election. West Virginia's principal fight of the con test is between Clarence Watson, Democrat, and David Elklns, Republi can, while in Delaware Louis Hall is seeking Senator Salisbury's seat. If you are not satisfied with the raise in your taxes, brought about through Democratic ad ministration, vote the Repub lican ticket. (Political Paid Advertisement.) The young lady across tho way says sho understands the peach atones we're all saving arc used to make pas masks and she wonders how they keep them from ratting and atlactlng the enemy's at tention when the boys start out to crcp over the top Doings of the McDuf f s . j (D jjEtnirt ir-i jgi ar g cgi cap- gr nar eg' ig pagigi 3t!t igrml11 'f1 tt 85 . H,toc. comb MMiIBH ' 'gas ''''' j JjggjlL - NOTICES $ ! NOTICE OF ESTRAYS. State of Utah, coifhty of Weber, Og-i den City, SS. I havo in my possession the 'follow- ' ing described estray animals, which if not claimed and taken away, will be sold to the highest cash bidder, at 1848 Washington avenue in Ogden City, Utah, on Tuesday tho 12th day of No- u Il vomber, 1918, at the hour of 1:30 p. m. , Ono dark Buckskin horse, left hind , j foot white, shoe on right front foot, small white spot in face, white spot on (' neck, black strip down back, blotted I' tM brand on right shoulder, about nine : years old, weight about 1000' pounds?' jH Ono light sorrel horse, hind legs"' . white, white strip in face, white shoes., I ; on, about ten years old, weight about,. I ' 800 pounds. Said estrays wore taken up by mo ii said city on tho 29th day of October' 1 1918. jH FRANK A. NAISBITT, . Poundkeeper of Ogden City, Utah," I 257,' , H . if Anything New or Old. Be your own salesman. Toll no Hos."" IH Select your wants. Pay. 2416 Grant! ' , Phono 333. 8003' Attorney-at-Lav , E. T. Hulanlski, Lawyer, 313-314,' I First National .Bank. Phone 202. i .oawyer O'Connally, over Commar-' ' I leal National Bank. Phono 11. j J. Accident Insurance ( j iH Aetna Accident & Liability Co., A.V.o and Liability Insurance. H.'A.- IH Purdy, 23717 Hudson Avo. Phono 4S3.' ' Automobile Supplies !;) Garage, Repa'rs, Studebaker Agency,1 ' JH Mack-Robinson Co., 2440 Grant AveJ di Puono S91. I Everything for Automobiles. Evory- ! thing for Electricity. Auto and Elec- It trie Supply. 2564 Washington AVa, k H Phono 32fi and 325. j jl Banking , H Ogden State Bank, Commercial & 1 Savings Depts. Reed Hotel Bids. II '1 Phone 62. j jl Utah National Bank, southeast corn .j er -i4tli SL and Wash. Ave. Phone 6L ' iH Carpet Cleaning ! H K. Van Kampen for upholstering; I carpets cleaned, altered and laid. Re-. 1 JH making of mattrossos. Phono 883. ,j t Expert carpet cleaning, mattress , jj 'H renovating, upholstering, and bpring3 il H reatretched. Call E. J, Hampton Co. Phono 586-W. " , , t H Chiropractors ,i H I. J. McKell, chiropractor, fourth 1 1 floor Col. Hudson Bldg. Phono H30. J t H City Scavengers ' H McCarty & Co., 2734 Grant avenue. ' 'J Phone 2018 -W Electrical Wiring ij H Wiring ant! repairing In all its H branches Auto, ic Electrio Supply, n H 2504 Wash. Ave. Phono 325-326. iOH-i - H 'B Engraving M Ogden Eugraving Service Co., mak- ' er of fini cuts in one or more colors, ' j 24C8 Washington Ave. Phone 463. Piano Tuning j I Leave orders at CONSOLIDATED (i MUIC CO. for Thomas S. Ashworth Tuning and repair jobs. Work guaran Furrier and Taxidermist jfl Furs cleaned, stored and remodeled I IH In the lastest styles. New orders taken IH Summer prices. AH work guaranteed j T. Gajowsky at Burt's store. PhonoC ,j 'J Tho Only Fireproof Hotel in Ogden I Rates 75c and up. Tho New Brigham, f 9H Wall Ave. and 24th St. Phono 2430. 3 ! H Junk and Hides i,, II Western Hide & Junk Co., 2223, ji H Washington Ave. Phone 861. 'r Ogden Junk House, 2059 Wash. Ave. ! H Phone 210. Igfl Life Insurance B Mutual Lil'o of New York. Phona j H 2454. J. P. Corry, Dist. Supt. 172 I I Money to Loan I ' Salaried people cat, get It without , JH security, others on furniture, pianos, ) H etc. 21t Hudson Bldg. Phono S71-J, j 'B New and Second Hand Goods I H A. Siner, new and second- hand fur-. , J 9H nlture, clothing, etc., bought and sold, ' j IH Suit cases cheap. 241-243 25th St, Phono 1321. fl OLSON FLUFF RUG5 il Made from old carpets, rugs and ' IwM clothes. Ph. 190J-M. 371 Twenty-sec-- IH ond. 166 I n Physician and Surgeon ! I Dr. A. FernlUDd, Office hours 11 to J! H i p. m. New Peeiy Bldg., Hudson Ave, i' H Rei. Phono 6G; Office phone 1900-W, ' Rup Weaver H M. W. Gocschl, rugs of now goods, rag ;h H rugs and carpots. 3227 Washington. k Telephone 1443-W, Ogden, Utah. 9005 Sewng Machines l Whito Sewing Machine Co., 2277.' (h H Washington Avo. Phono 2SS4. i H Sanitary Work H Saintary Garbage Co., nil kinds ol j! IH rubbish hauled, ash iits cleaned j 'H Prices reasonable. Phono 620. J Second Hand Stoves J H Wo tako your old rango as first pay-. ji 1 ment on any new rango or will buy PflB your old rango outright- Homo Fur- E pjH nituro Co. 7523 ifCH Viavi 'j H Naturo's ammunition with which to j fight disease. Mrs. S. H'BnUantyne, i Dealer, 3371 Washington Ave.' Phono ' H 2155-J. 2ff If H Read thj Classified Ads. H , oo Read tho Classified Ads. oo I Read tho Classified Ads. I