Newspaper Page Text
mm I THE OCDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1918. I ! WTC 9 ' Lunch in the Tea Room 1 I Flower Bulbs Coming 1 "THE FRESH AIR STORE" j J J "B mm BlU TEL Lunching here is growing quite popular. Within the next few days we arc promised Customers are beginning to call this "the fresh-air store." Others have said that they 9 V J11C dainty luncheon dishes the clcanli- a great shipment of bulbs direct from Hoi- come herewith no more fear than of going out of doors. Come in sometime and let MM f . A GOODVPLACfe TO TRADB ness of th service the inexpensive prices land. The ground is still in prime condition h ou how wc kccp tile air frcsh with forced ventilation and constant disin- j ; mm J y wvwxK, nwu make it so. to receive them. , irr J ! I H I 1 ; I icctmg. I I We're. Going to Smash the Cost of Living We have concluded that this store can serve its customers in no better way than to help them cut flp1 -J 1 11 Wf j j H j the present high cost of living. Beginning Tuesday morning, therefore we institute a series of rapid Wz? "V Ps ! I x fire sales which will result in worthwhile savings to those who shop here. Where we can possibly uF mm , 5 I I i do so, we are going to keep prices down to prewar figures. We now own thousands of dollars' Wjj m"L x I ' I worth of merchandise at the old prices and are determined to sell it accordingly. Watch our win J jjri CTC? m I I I J dows and our advertising during November it will pay. lil 1 1 utr 1 I I November Sale of Tomorrow Morning Cr ll JL Morning shopping is quite the fad these days attrac- L Y f' 3 ' ' r- : "" ah flfc3i?Z"S ' l" ' tions like these make it so. Here's a list to be on sale F1 rjaB" v E 9 ! I " tomorrow morning, 8:30 till 12. o'clock. o phone Gfe T?Ta7M OT TTR I ' I I V U You've been waiting for a sale of suits have orders. pWlvW iS JJKUOJL J j ;i I I (mV y0U n0t And here t is the final reduction CUPS AND SAUCERS SLENDORA CREPE I These three models chosen from the first Winter J j ;! H 1 V A Of the entire StOCk Of newest fall SUitS. The A very attractive new shape in Slendora crepe, 40 Inches wide; a Collection of The Blousemakers, are indicative I I mm i V t. -T-. white china cups and saucers. All nice sofo finish crepe, (I c L P l ch CnnA T ct A Q.' V V III ' M. j Vv M A 1 V Selling Will begin Tuesday niOming. Today first Quality ware no seconds something now. Mallanaon quality 1 or the correct Otyie, vjooa laste ana simplicity w c m I V I I -p p ,1 among them. These aro limited full range of colors, . (t - o r l which characterizes the "Town Blouse" m 1 : B S Mfe. if you are in-town, you may see many of them one ,,et ,c or each, ,2.5 for , yd i .6b ,w ,,.,,,,,, DWTO, lhe Hit, ,: I I lWfeLJ in the windows. We must make a small 10 11 cuelomoni) prfnph 5FBrP iii "'Tl"T"lr' jj FX 1 1 P 11 U 1 f-nbNUH btHUt quality o( erepe de chine riramd Cilb a in rib- made ihirt o( a prior 1 1 H 2 I WWHMB Z- Charge tor all alterations. PARLOR MATCHES French serge 4S inches wide, a -ihacoiiirofco0r.Dc boa uoder ihccoiur.Narr .udi,rocTedechint c ;: iH M (J Pv N4w?w5"KW rnllLUn IHH I UIILO ..,,, r ,t, , . jhideof he arae siittril blue, plom color, or Orcr- T"uuj-oi cTepc ae come, . LB 1 P C . . Matches, double dip parlor " 'df h"C " "v3, j awl l,e h.nd bod ""' trimmed ..y br eordinc I I CVirfo 99 matches, with full treated stem; ne10. b.oBh.i. I--.h.r g and f e, Jt I f , I AX boxes tO a person A ...;.. Ortr.M. Bhie with bique pWtinVi of CeiK color Cloud BUi. fcUque, n.rr m 2 CTTl 1 BAVfM r , c ... V 11 1 (Basement) AnTTnM RATTQ eolbr ",'TO 12'T . ' 5 1 6 6 QlMjg! horty-rour suits in serge, poplin and broad- hmtimp ci ammfi q LUIION BAI lb 111 ; n f rrrr "TJySSv 1 .1 r j 11 1 1 UUIINU hLANNtLb Pure white cotton batts, the - n, . . , .. , , . . , . , Hi H c M Bffi ClOth; COlorS navy, Burgundy, blaCK and Outing flanners, in plain shados. regular 12-ounco size, theao are ur co"on includes these models iDustratcd m the ffl ?!i I I 1- taupe; sizes 16 to.44; values to $42.50. Special, r JR0, 71 0 I November ic of Good Houkeepmg I A I B Tuesday, $22.50. All alterations extra. yirsrrioor) A "C for (asemetr I Some Wonderful Qf 1 l 'Vi-r SUitS at S29.B0 Th ropPrbmforts ft BlOUSCS at ? J J . mWM . e .o h d tQ Sish.towels, ndo of wool In a splendid cov- 1 m I i KSb Qtc- Th'8 is some that we own rlng with an S-Inch border as. g. JM$ R I P . B Twenty-four little women's and Misses' suits, -the 0,d price. j2ijc vJuecd, co,ors- 0ur ros" i , iyP H I mem in velour, serge, Poiret twill, and broadcloth; 3ar (First" pVoorj mornIng ons'omen't) t : I H I J mm colors Havana, rose taupe, concord,' navy and INFANTS' VESTS TOILET SOAPS ?M if H black; beautifully tailored; sizes to 53; values TshirL" Wl " o; : r $55.00. Special, $29.50. fr I Mm I Q 4t 3 f f day morning qq Llmltl doz. bars) , V; Wj- Vk I I H I Li -U ' lr ; - " !UltS at p39 50 rSecondFloor) ' d0'- '(FirstF'ioorT ' ' Ji A ' ! rAll- HOUSE DRESSES LUX FLAKE SOAP TW sH i mil Twpnfv-fniir 5mprr Qiiifc in TrirntinA wlnur Ladies' house dresses, made of Lux, the pure soap in flakes ttAyT VltlS Xt sH 9 rJ- 1 WeniY-IOUr Sman SUltb m iriCOTine VeiOUr, strictly washable glugham and the soap that is used for fiue SV U wE f T( L 3.1 j c W with eal and heaver Collars all rnlnrc; py- porcalcs; all good models, all laundering will not fade fino W$ " V IHf V 4 V'TK " J UCcUCl UUUdlb, LUlOrS, eX- l3izQB values to ?5.50. Mo.i- fabrics will not shrink woolens. isk. I ' rSSLf k'' " U k T H 1 JA ' quisitely lined; values to $69.50. Special, day morning. 8Pe- $2.50 5foraces' et' 150 boxes 50c 01 SL" 1 j ' 1 $39.50. (Second Floor) (First Floor) ffS&'.S A A?2lt5Bf V ! 1 I RIBBON GARTERS . WOMEN'S SHOES LKvK i di .. T?onov rihhnn rrnriprq- made of womon's shoes, all gray kid lace u -n 4RKvvamuHyfHrHs-Jv ) v s : I WASH BOILERS COTTON BLANKETS WOMEN'S SHOES B00dY HKjSBdS . ' 1 i c Wash boilers, made with heavy A double cotton blanket in white Women's shoes, black, kid vamps', ical and daluty Xmas gifts; val- soles- 8,ze3 - t0 9- &(2 OE A S$l$i$8KE V (PmB f 7 ' i tin side and cover, copper bot- tan and grey colors, size 60x76, grey cloth tops, lace styles. 9-in. ues $1,50. Special, per qq $0.50 values VvOJ gpKM sPB l X 8 torn, stationary wood $n qq these are splendid sheet blankets lops, hand turn soles or pair tOC WOMEN'S SHOES Vfl'-' rTJWB-V 1 j e handles No. 9 size..., ip.O our regular $2.75 Louis heels. $10 valuespD .OO (First Floor) (First Floor) W'T' y Wit&uL I JiJ'AL S (Basement) values, special, pr. ... .W (First Floor) M A NnKTRPHIFF Women's black kid shoos in but- ml fl&M KSff 7 I I I VACUUM BOTTLES tZTitk GIRLS' SHOES JSK iwl Snli W If ! ' H i -vr VA km ' . 7n r SU T CASES Girls shoes in a good quality calf orcd In white and colors and some S01CS- eatnr Lu3 -I 11 n WWh i mt ! nXhurkP A 24 Inch suit case in brown or upper, heavy soles, lace style S white initials. Splendid fiC- Jj fQ $4.35 'WVlI f ff ffiM , i Mm I conSlners the nin? black color, with lock, made on a in. tops, the shoes for white wear values, per dozen ODC 6-00 '8,Uffet"Fiobr) ' iffl W4 containers, the pint b -j sleei frame, bur ?2.25 (T -b qq sizes 21-2 to 7 u o ffc (First Floor) un r ,o oimro ffife' fli, ,1 S 1 size omy $ i .uu Yalue, spocinl $1.5 Boo values $3.95 ROYnnn PANTS WOMEN'S SHOES m- M Mm f I'S 5 (Basement) (Basement) (First Floor) bUTb UUU r MIM I o Women's shoes, brown or grey ' fHBPg ' 1 1 lllll ll" il F " i H1 1 wr-i--rr,i r- r,,,r-r , IMCAMTO ounro Boys' odd pants, heavy grado cord- kid, with cloth top to match, high SR1kH. i it H I VEGETABLE DISHES GIRLS' SHOES INFANTS' SHOES uroy; lark brown color; kicker- or low heels, lace stylos, 9-in tops, I X ' 1 l 5 Covered vegetablo dish, made Women's shoes in kid or gun met- Infants shoe3, hand turn soles, bockcr style; $3.00 (t - Qr- soles, sizes 2 1-2 to S. nr "IIS M ' : ji 1 semi-porcelain, a clear white ob- al, high or low heels, lace styles, patent vamp with black, white, values 4 X J J 56. 00 values tfQO0 im t ' m J long dish deboratcd with qq sizes 2 1-2 to 7 a A or- grey or champ kid tops, button (Basemont) (Basement') ' ' I m I ' J rose stripe 60 ?6.oo values 4.D 33 $1.65 MEN'S OVERALLS CHILDREN'S SHOES ,. V f i H I (Basemen (Basemen .iluos, aI",3 to V A Men.s' $2.00 overalls, large, full Children's shoes, -patent vamps U j , m 5 nrminr 1-1 aoo RPlY7 HI PUT HOF cut; heavy weight denems; fast with black, white, grey or cham. " n ' I n , ' j I SERVICE FLAGS B Ua'fet; UIJ "t.. WOMEN'S SHOES blue color; union made. Limit 2 pagne kid tops, button styles. I f) ' ?;i I '-"-'" glS "'gW W0.LB.TTS GmFcOATS ClOWdS Of Melt l TOILET PAPER About 50 nalrs ot men's shoe, WEW CORDUROY -$4.00 wool batts made of finest One assortment of children's coats A T T 1 4 Toilet paper, first quality manlla the ends of : dlsconlimJd llnw' Corduroy 27 inches wide, medium Australian lambs wool, put up in made of all wool matorlals, light TF4 ill 171 HI C5 i-1 'i I crepe paper Put up In largo Doz sizes 6 to 10 dISCOnU U cord in a full range or colon,, cartons, enough for a large quilt and dark colors, sizes 1 to S JlILI C JLP II V 1M Gi X JLCI C 1 H ! rolls 760 sheets. 7 rolls toQ ' Values to 7 00 $4,25 suitable for coats, suits, skirts. or, comfort S?C; ycfrS' QC JO u -6"T 49C 'JrriTc - 95c -Tff "--fita?!4-90 This is doubtless the busiest men's store in ft MEN'S ODD PANTS - CUS, d, TlVetS llwKK town. Men like the way we are holding Men's odd pants, heavy grade cor- "fhtfully perfumed in following Velvet 21 inches wide, pannetine Huffy quality, opens out 72x90 suSe, SplMdIcl muslin trimmed CIOWI1 the pi'lCeS Ol gOOd ClOtheS. We haVC ! ) Ss5e 15c SiSiM: Sla! $1.15 aJrvNVvlrSl.TS not found it necessary to cask more than last I f S $5.00 values 5.0 (First Floor) ors, $1.25 values QC (First Floor) " (Second Floor) year for these gOOd SUitS and OVerCOatS. I 5 I I MPNwirPT 'SK i!2?U!!P05S " .mIKK,, GOSSARD CORSETS Come in and look them over. m l MEN'S WORK SHIRTS only" Sth l"rV Ks and &- HEAVY PLUSHES and men's shirts, girls OP. Gossard corsets In medium and . I I Men's work shirtsi fast blue colors teners, all sizes OC Plus 36 Inches wide heavy bloomers etc, special his h bust mod. fls-eod avy cou- TBT-i-fi-C? it 4! O A ? l'--'1-15 awQLovEs $1.75 .R4jasffa: SbI d t0 w $20 te . caB you 1 1 1 MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS sloVSbutto "all S?es! dou- .St F1r) Christmas gifts, etc. sire yQ Oriental silk bands, beautiful for OWe of a himdl'CCl good Ones at that price. If you I J J Boys and Ten's cat. heavy ble finger tips, can be cut down, C0A I VELVET 86, SPffeVs? pUrt trimming dresses, otc In many Want to pay $25. $30 01' $35, WC guarantee to We VOU ! ' 2 weight for winter, pull dowi Reg. $1.25. di ftft Velvet 50 Inches wide, a beautl- rin r Jatp pretty combinations, 2 to o inches iu t g oodnifq vnn lniiLf V I ' I fi bands. rrrv sP. 2Pr. for $ 1 UU fui quality for coats, suits, skirts TABLE MATS wide. Values $i.oo j-fx J Llsb as &ooa siuts rs ou Douglit last year at these I ; 0 51.00 values OUC (First Floor) etc. black only, $8.50 Ur 53.00 Asbestos table mats for Per yard . prices. blllitS 101' men OI all S1ZGS. 6 I j i (Basement) ARMY sOFA Pll 1 flWQ quality for CpO.iD your dining room table, size 45 (first Floor) I mm I BOYS' WORK HIRT AJd iKSia unnc'mlr- weave i" efmpite S cn APRON AND CAP SETS O VPTTP r:Jl f C nf tin ' i! iH I Bo wir rtfVi. Hl i , 01 tan art crash, trimmed with WIDE PLUSHES line a slL $2 .60 Apron and cap sets of fine white J V CI L UdLlS dl lDZU I''' iH I nSPtorthiinnnZ81' fvIce star and red, white and Plush 50 Inches wide, In plain and ' (First Floor) Swiss- Daintily trimmed with 1 .j iH ? Sio2 S.oc ftnfy. 'at blue blue cords, Reg. (1Q crushed effects, colors are brown nilT MP c AMMCI lace and ribbon. Uses for Xmas rp. w flvni, , . , 1 iH S S K'vI ii Qr 52.00, sP 3l;iy taupe, grey and beavj $io?76 OUTING FLANNEL gltg. lhe best overcoat m the store you can buy for $35. I . 1 ?1-25 valu -: Wt (First Floor) values i7 en Hoc bleached outing flannel full. Special only each OUC And you may have choice of a lot of vpillv onnrl onit I iLH J (Basemont,) 0111 unor for .OU 36 inches wide, good medium fPIrst PloorS ion , ux d Iut 01 1 cail3' gOOQ COatS X J j MEN'S UNION SUITS rp 25c HAIR BOW RIBBONS oJlUXa like vl ! g ored crotch t1 1C S ' RQr good large size and good heavy led8reJs0Us "JJe of H-ht and "Light and drak shades, Good " -t s fe$1'15 spcc,7;cii--89c ,SLr $2.49 SVSH $L45 S 25c double blankets cotton comforts ! 1 PnTTOM Dl AMICTO MISSES' SHOES (First Floor) (Second Fioor) (First Floor) The heavy cotton duoblo blanket rpil . tnt H mmW, I a rtn,,?,!' Bt,ANK.E7S hisses shoes in lace style, all kid TURKISH TOWELS BOUDOIR CAPS NARROW LACES of 'Bacon-make in plaid colors as- ' u IT w , i I 1 A double cotton blanqct in grey or cloth tops, welt soles, the shoes 60c hiPiVbPd Tr l-ui, ii. t n , .DUUUUin lHro idHnnuvv LrtUCO sorted sizo 60x80, these are snlen- for double bed in assorted colors, o J V ! ou rrIoj'2.2?ly tvs rodre38 or scho01- siu ;2 S:?ett issAi& f. sur-pSsi Sp2ttlop juass: 0dt sir hero ss'v" thesc, aren made from rd clein I mmm t values for SI. 98 Snvm..- QCJ of heavy two ply -Art ribbo'n trimming Qr tlvo patterns, vals, torch, r- ?f aa j $70 merandise, our reg- (- f W mmm g values a V A ?4,0 ValU??.,V;rpi,S,;: yarD' BpeCl,a1' eadl C Special each OOC eons, cts. Per yd. ... OC '8- Valuea pr P OU ular $5 value, special O j n-ipyniDpoiDoocnonjoono, (First Floor) (First Floor) (First Floor) (Basement) (Basement I JI