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x:r:;::r;er a:r sp Vlu IJvv VL M " r-v -v vv- v -- p- 1 ; - 1 Q FEARLESS 4 INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER . IH ; F-i,ohth Yc.,rNo. 265. Prio Five cenu. ' OGDEN CITY, UTAH, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, 1918. LAST EDITION 3:30 P. M. fH I Orders Transmitted to Units and Americans II Lessen Activities Only to Be Forced to Reply to Sharp Resumption of Fire by the German Forces. WITH THE AMERICAN FORCES IN FRANCE. Monday. Nov. 11. (By the Associated Press) Orders an nouncing' that the armistice between ' the allied powers and Germany had been signed and giving directions as to the future conduct of allied soldiers along the line were sent to every corps this morning. They were transmitted to the units, in the front ranks. The orders fol low: "1. You are Informed that hostili ties will cease along the wholo front at eleven o'clock a. m., November 11, 191 S, Paris time. "2. No allied taroops will pass the lino reached by them at that hour and date uniil further orders. "3. Division commanders will im mediately sketch the location of their front line. This sketch will be re turned to headquarters by the courier bearing these orders. "M. All communication -.with the cn 'iny, both before and after the ter mination of hostilities Js absolutely forbidden. In case of violation of this( ' order severest disciplinary measures will be immediately be taken. Any officer offending will be sent to head quarters under guard. "5. Every emphasis will bo laid on the fact that the arrangement is an ff armistice and not a peace. "6. There must be no relaxation of vigilance Troops must be pro- pared at any moment for further op ; orations. ; "1. Special steps will be taken by v nil commanders to insure strictest dis ; clpline and Uijit alL troops bo held In "t ' readiness fully prepared for any even I ' tuality. "S. Division and brigade comnian- Iders will personally communicate theso orders to all organizations." Signal corps wires, telephones and runners were used in carrying t.he or ders and so well did the big machine work that even patrol commanders had received tho orders well in ad vance of the hour. Apparently tho Germans also had been equally diligent In getting tho ' r WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. The ap aeal of Dr. Solf, foreign secretary at 3erlln for Intervention by President iVllson for mitigation of the armlo 'ice termo to save Germany from star vation was delivered to Secretary -anolng today by Minister Sulzor of Iwltzerland. It was sent Immediately o the president. LONDON, Nov. 11. Dr. Solf. the Serman foroign secretary, has 'ad Iressed a message to Secretary .of Itato Lansing, requesting that Presl lent WIlBon intervene to mltlgato "the I fearful conditions" existing in Ger- II nany. t Dr. Solf says, according to a Gor r nan wireless dispatch, received hero bday, that ho feels it his duty to draw resident Wilson's attention to the net that tho enforcement of the con i HtlonH of tho nrnilntlce, especially tho . urrender of transport, means tho Iiarvlng of millions, and requests that ; ho president's Influence bo directed Dward overcoming tills danger. Tho president, ho points out, has do lar&d that ho did not wlBh to make rar on tho Gorman pooplo and did not Meh to Impede its peaceful develop "Tho German government has re elved the conditions of the armistice," ontlnues. Dr. Solf. "We had to accept he conditions but feel it our duty to raw the president's attention most j olemnly and with all earnestness to b-o fact that the enforcement of the i. pndltlons must produce among the , erman pooplo feelings contrary to M it teae upon which, alono the recon D -j traction of a community of nations M n rest, guaranteeing a JUBt and dur- 1 ble peace. ij "The German people, therefore at L lis fateful hour address themselves gain to the president with the request I lat he use hie Influence with thecal- mi orders to their front line. Notwith standing the hard fighting they did Sunday to hold back the Americans, the Germans were able to bring the firing to an abrupt end at the sche duled hour. The staff and field ofHcers of the American arrrfy were disposed early in the day to approach the hour of eleven with lessened activity. The day began with less firing and doubtless the fighting would have ended according to plan, had there not been a sharp resumption on the part of German bat teries. The Americans looked upon this as wanlpnly useless. It was then that orders were sent to the battery commanders for increased fire. Although there was no reason for it, German ruthlessness was still ram pant Sunday, stirring the American artillery in the region of Dun-Sur-Meuse and Mouzay to greater activity. Six hundred aged men and women and children were in Mouzay when the Germans attacked jt with gas. There was only a small detachment of Amer ican troops there and tho town no longer was of strategical value: How ever it was made the direct target o' shells filled with phosgene. Tho ene my hurled them into the town until every street reeked with gas. Not contented with this, the Ger mans again drenched tho place with gas last night, even while they were evacuating Stenay, a few miles to the north- Prompt work by the Americans saved most of the civilians from "ser ious consequences. Poorly clad and showing plainly cvi-dences-of malnutrition tho inhabitants crowded about tho Americans, kissing their hands and hailing them as de liverers. They declared they had had no meat for six weeks. They virtual ly had been prisoners oL-war for foui years and were overwhelme-with jo) when they learned that an armistice was probable. The little children between 6 nnc 10 years spoko . German alternate!) with French. It was the first timt they had seen Americans and the) showed plainly their amazement. : DR. SOLF APPEALS "TO .PRESIDENT WILSON : TO MITIGATE DISTRESS German Foreign Secretary Reports Fearful Conditions Ex isting in Germany Withdrawing of Transports Means Starving of Millions and German People Plead for ' Mercy to the United States. , lied powers In order to mitigate these fearful conditions." WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. The ap peal of Dr. Solf, foreign secretary at Berlin, for intervention by President Wilson to mitigate the "fearful condi tions" which, the terms of the armistice would Jrnpose and which he says threatens starvation and ruin In Ger many, had not reached Washington today, in ofilclal form. The text of the message as picked up last night by wireloss, however, was before the president and it may bo given immediate consideration. Officials said DrSolf is needlessly alarmed, while every stipulation of the armistice terms must be kept in force to prevent the possibility of treachery, such rolling stock and ships as may be necessary to provide food and other essentials will be put into use in Germany and on tho seas. In view of tho situation in Germany, whore outside aid may bo necessary to prevent anarchy, it is possible that tho' president may see flt to tako up with the allied governments the ques tion of giving some kind of reassur ance fit the humane purposes of the associated powers. Among other things, it Is understood, tho plan Is to put the German mer chant marine into service, as soon as possible, after the problem creat ed by the naval revolt Is cleared up, and such vessels necessary will be employed for sending supplies through Gorman ports. Due precautions will be taken, of course, to see that theso supplies arc devoted to , the purposes for which thoy are intended. President Wilson has already instructed Food Admin istrator Hoover to proceed to Europe and represent the United States in dealing with the situation which, will Include Ihe care of German .popu- LONDON, Nov. 12, 4 p. m., by The Associated I Press. Germany has ' requested the president i of the United States, ac cording to a German wireless message from; 'Berlin, to arrange im-j i mediately for the open-j ing of peace negotia-i jtions, there being ai j pressing danger of fam-i ;isiie. i lace as well as the victims of the war In France and Belgium". L ' SJ I Seas to Be Patrolled and 1 Kept WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. Until German submarines and other ,war craft designated in the armistlcciterms have been surrendered and the- re mainder of the enemy's naval forces disarmed, Secretary Daniels said to day, the American navy will in no way relax its vigilance. Instructions to this effect arc assumed to be already in the hands of the commanders of all , ships. Tho navy department, Mr. Daniels said, had not been officially notified early today of the situation as to the German fleet, said to bo under control of revolutionary committees of the soldiers' and workmen's council, j Detailed instructions for the turning over of the surrendered ships and other steps for naval disarmament were not contained in the armistice It self, but were communicated in at tached notes which have since been communicated to Washington. XVitli tho German army presumably under orders from Berlin, tho situa tion of the German fleet would be crit ical if they, defied the Berlin authorit ies. Shore batteries' could soon compel them to put to sea and the allied naval power concentrated for the task un doubtedly would make short work of them. Officers here can yet seo no real threat of a renewal of hostilities because they believe the crews of tho German ships realize the utter hope lessness of their situation if they at tempt defiance. oo ITALIAN COUNT GIVES RECEPTION I President and Wife Attend Joint Celebration of End of War and King's Birthday. WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 President Wilson attended a reception given to night by Count Mac-hie Di Collcre, the Italian ambassador, at his home the occasion being a joint coleration of tho birthday anniversary of King Vic tor Emmanuel of Italy, the victory of the Italian armies over Austria and the end of the 'war. The president was accompanied by Mrs. Wilsdn and tho other guests In ' eluded members of tho cabinet and tho diplomatic representatives of the allied governments. It was the first diplomatic function Mr. Wilson ha'd at tended since tho United States, en : tered tho war. Ho was congratulated by representatives of all the allied na tions on the victorious conclusion of hostilities. i Emperorf Charles Has Abdicated Is Late Reporifrom Vienna. I V $ LONDON, Nov. 12. S:46 a. in.) Emperor Charges of Austria has ab dicatcdj. according to a Copenhagen dispatch, to.lie Exchange, Telegraph company quoting private advices from Vienna., $1 The abdication of Emperor Charles: has been H'uniorcd several times in the past twolwcoks, but none of these reports havhficn confirmed. On Oc- tober 29, it was reported that he had fled from Vienna, but this report was denied by a Berlin newspaper, which said he Avas at the Austrian capital on October 3Qand that he had been cordially recorded by the people while going about (ho city. The most re cent report iiif connection with Em peror Charles was received on Novem ber 2, when Itiwas said that he" had announced his .Intention to abdicate. Emperor Charles I of Austria, King of Hungary, was an unpromising ma jor in an Austrian infantry regiment when the shot of the assassin who killed the Archduko Francis Ferdinand on June 28, 191-1, made him the heir apparent to thie throne in the "Hawk's i Castle" on the banks of the River Aar. Two hundred or more monarchs of this historic1 house of Hapsburg ruled for centuries the land of Magyar, Slav and Teeuton centuries of bloodshed, tyranny and ' aggression aiul sloop their last slee'p in tho wonderful crypt X JJie Cajttjilfthin church in Vienna, ncffiiperof - Francis JosepH. the tiged I predecessor of.the youthful Charles, seeing "tho handwriting on the wall," ' had hoped to unite tho discordant ele ments among his 0,000,000 subjects whose racial antagonism were compli cated by the absorption by Austria of the Serbian provinces of Bosua and Herzegovina In 1908. It was the Archduke Francis Fer dinand's determination to bring about a tri-une empire made up of Magyar, Slav and German states, it is general ly believed, that led to his assassina tion in Sarajevo. Francis Ferdinaud feared tho dual monarchy might be ended upon tho death of Francis Jo seph by the Intervention of Russia or Germany and sought thu3 to forestall it. Charles I was born August 17, 1SS7, the son 6f the late Archduke Otto of Saxony. He married the Princess Zita of the Bourbon house of Parma (Ital ian) In 1911. When the Nunc Dimit-. tis was sung for his dead granduncle, the Emperor Francis Joseph, the only achievements of Charles brought to public notice wore that he was a keen sportsman, an excellent shot and mo torist. Frequently he was seen in the parks of Vienna wheeling one of his young dukes in a baby perambulator. When he accedod to thb throne on December 30, 191C, Austria-Hungary, torn by years of war, saw tho first faint gleam of possible peace. aThe course of tho new ruler was regulated largely from fieerlin and for the first six months of his reign Austria-Hungary was regarded as a mere German state. Hindenburg's success-j es in Gallcla in 1916. In which Charle'sj shared as a commander in the field, gavo the young monarch a prestige which enabled him to hold the Aus Irians to the Central Powors until the collapso of Bulgaria and Turkey and the final crash. Numerous peace overtures and manoeuvers characterized tho dlplo- I macy of the dual monarchy after .Francis Joseph's death, precipitated 1 doubtless by bread riots and other (outbreaks throughout Austria. Unable to maintain his pledge to the Gerjnan I Emperor "to continue the war to the end" Charles made use of the famous "Dear Slxtus" letter, an autographed missive written In April, 1918, to Prince Slxtus do Bourbon for trans mission to tho French government in which the monarch said Franco's claim to A'isace-Lorraino was "Justi fied." Although tho letter was denounced as a "forger)-" In Vienna, the Foroign Office claiming it had been written by a French essleslastlc who had beon acting a3 confessor to the Empress Zita, subsequent events proved Its au thenticity. It was the first revelation of the break between the Gorman Em peror and his vassal king. Previous ly Emporor CharloB had Indicated his doairo for peace, however, in speeches boforo ho ReichBtrat. In December, 1917, mo declared his wlllIngnouH to conclude peaco with the Allioa if they would guarantee the Integrity of Austria-Hungary, CondlUonrt In tho dual monarchy were rapidly growing worse. There j were many cabinet changes and as sassinations. The Magyars, Czecho Slavs and other nationalties were clamoring for constitutional reforms and autonomous government. Thereafter Charles' lot was far from being a happy one. He was reported to have refused to send Austrian troops to tho western battlofront de,: spite the German Emperor's import tunity. in every way he endeavored to stem the tide of revolution which i seemed to be rising. He promised all kinds of reforms and as a sop to his discontented subjects pardoned 2d prisoners awaiting trial at Sarajevo for high treason. In October, 1918. he announced plans for the federalization of Austria-Hungary and in an address to the Hun garian Diet frankly admitted his j throne was In "peril." A day (or two later Count Karolyi, leader of the Hungarian republicans, announced the success of a bloodless revolution in Budapest and declared Hungary a free and independent state. Still later the German and other provinces declared their purpose to become autonomous entitles, and the house of thcHaps burgs, once the leader of the Holy Roman Empire, seemed to be about to collapse like a house of cards. oo PARIS, Nov. 11. President Poin caro received Marshal Foch today and congratulated him warmly on the' signing of the armistice. - i Wireless Intercepts German Protests Against Annistice. LONDON, Nov. ti. (By the Associat ed Press) The admiralty has inter cepted a German wireless addressed from "The Command and Soldiers' Council on the Cruiser Strassburg" to "all ships, torpedo boats, destroyers and submarines in the North Sea." The message refers to the terms of the armistice and declares: "This would entail tho destruction of us all. German comrades, defend our country against this unheard-of presumption. "Strong English forces are reported off the Skaw. All submarines in the Baltic, except those on outpost duty, assemble Immediately in Sassnitz har bor." Sassnitz is a watering place on the east coast of the island of Ruegen, kPrussia. MYSTERY OVER FORMERKA!SER Hohenzollerns Not Wanted in Holland Officials Go to Meet Exiles. AMSTERDAM, 'Nov. 11. Monday A great mystery still is being' mado ol Ihe destination in Holland of .William Hohcnzollern, the former German em peror. Three different country seats of the Bentinck family now are men tioned as his temporary abode. Dispatches dated Monday In Am sterdam reported that William Hohen zollern is to bo Interned and also quoted the Handclsblad as saying he was not wanted In Holland. Another dispatch said that officials of the Dutch government and the German minister at The Hague had gone tc Eys.den to meet the German exiles. nn All Business Stops. DES MOINES, la., Nov. 11 Busi ness, street car traffic, and everything elBe of Industrial character stopped here early today and at midnight en tlro families were still downtown Join ing with 75,000 people who paraded the st.rcots in celebration of the sign ing of tho armistice. With tho coming of dusk the celebration took on the naturo of a carnival enlivened with 10,000 soldiers from Camp Dodge and returned overseas soldiers at the gen oral army hospital at Fort Des Moines, Twonty hours of jubilee and rlotu ouh scenes has not dampened the ardor of the fronzlod celebrants. Few accl dontrt have beon reported and the po lice aro powcrloos to stop any form of entertainment the crowds dceire to ptnrn MAMMOTH VICTORY ' CELEBRATIONS IN ALL I CITIES OF U. S. I Demonstrations Such as Were Never Seen Before in America Welcome Signing of the Armistice People in Frenzy ll of Excitement Everywhere. ll WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. War-time , Washington celebrated noisily the' ad- vent of peace. The demonstration was getting well under way when President Wilson drovo to the capitol to read to Con gress tho terms Imposed upon defeat ed Germany anu it continued uninter ruptedly until far into the night. The city's thousands swirled and eddied through the streets welcoming the end of the war with confetti, tin horns and tumult, while automobiles and trucks loaded with people with horns going at full blast paraded in an endless circle over Pennsylvania ave nue from the capitol to the treasury building; The appearance of units in the army, navy and marine corps in tho parade in the afternoon inaugurating the un ited war work campaign for a fund of 170.500,000 for welfare work among soldiers and sailors was made the oc casion for 'renewed efforts by the crowds iu cheering and noise-making. The president reviewed the pageant from the executive office gate 'to the l white house grounds and each of the i ( marchers soldiers, sailors and civil- , ians with the throng of spectators, , saluted or cheered the executive. , In the midst of Washington's peace , celebration tonight, President Wilson, with Mrs. Wilson seated beside him, , drove down Pennsylvania avenue . through throngs of shouting merry- makers. Ho was recognized by few. , Tho greatest day in the history of ( nations has dawned. The German militaristic classes arrogant beyond expression aro in defeat. Kaiser and crown prince arc in flight refugees in an alien country. Germanic kings and potentates no longer hold their sway. The allied arms are triumphant. Imperialistic Germany has met the fate that ultimately must come to any country thnt seeks to rule tho world. Deserted by all her allies, Germany, on her knees, is accepting terms of capitulation which amount virtually to abject surrender. Except for actual hostile military invasion, the once great European power,, whose mon archs' ambition was to dominate over all.. is .in.completo. defeat, . . Beaten on tho field of battle, the edict of tho allied chief command is that the German armies shall retire into their own home laud from all in vaded territory. Impotent as the Ger man armies shall be, as impotent also shall be the German fleets. Colonies are lost, and the hand that sought to reach out and attain additional terri tory is withered by the ruling of the supreme war council at Versailles. Reparation and restitution in fact full compensation of all kinds, is to be made by Germany for all the dis aster that has followed her armies and those of her allies throughout the world war. $ Handwriting on the Wall Tho handwrititns was on the wall for Germany. Pier troops had fought valiantly throushout the lnoro than four years of warfare. But what has been considered in Germany as in vincible army was beaten in feats of arms'by tho allied powers. Even bo fore Germanjr's allies deserted her the strength of the entente allies had be come apparent. Unprepared, they had resisted for more than three years the assaults of an enemy who had been prepariug for combat since the Franco-Prussian Avar. With a determination that could never recognize defeat, Belgium, France,' Italy, and Serbia were over run. Hard days woro experienced by the allies, but the smilo of hopefull ness of satisfaction in ultimate suc cessnever faded. When finally the United States was drawn into the war by Germany's continued violations of international law and of the precepts of humanity, Ihe gleam of the dawn of victory for world democracy rose in the sky. On the field of battle In France and ' Belgium the Germans were fast be ing defeated when they flew the white flag of submission and asked for terms of peace. Everywhere, from the Bel gian coast to tho Moselle river, the allies were pressing them. It was only a matter of time when their ar 1 mies were to bo decisively beaten on the battlefield. Their groat fortified 1 lines of resistance had crumpled suc 1 cessivel'y under the Impetus of the at ' tacks of their foes. Thoy were being harried everywhere from pillar to post. Even the groat Rhine fortifica tions. It was foreseen, would prove no barrier to the onward rush of the vlc ' torlous armies. Hence Germany, de serted by her allies, recognized that dofeat stared her In the faco and cap itulated. For Germany as a nation shorn of her imperialistic and militaristic pow ersthe defeat may not prove in the long run of disadvantage. Already the revolutions throughout tho country are tending toward democratization which may prove thesalvation of a country onco controlled by war lords. Fighting on the battlefronts ended at six o'clock Monday morning, eastern time In the United States. The ar mies of the allied forces at that time even to the second were hard har rying tho enomy. The Britinh troops were fighting their foes across the' Belgian frontier, in Belgium. The French had all buC itl cleared the Germans from northern France. The Americans were driving northward up the Meusc and Moselle r rivers, threatening the enemy with I'l capitulation by envelopment. H Tho hostilities ended on the elcv- cnth hour of the eleventh day of thg eleventh month of 1918, The Amerl can infantrymen, in true sportsman- like fashion kept the time. Their eyes' were on their wrist watches a they advanced up the Meusc and Mo- M sellc sectors in the fear that they u would fire a shot after the stipulated KH time for the cessation of hostilities arrived. Not one whit less exact in fH their sportsmanship were the Amer lean artillerymen behind the line, who awaited to the second the time for the calling off of tho fighting and then loosed from their big guns a thou sand of them a rain of shells as a lH parting salute to the defeated fo'fe. ftH PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 11. Demon Orations such as have never before lH )een seen in Philadelphia, welcomed .ho signing of the armistice. From arly morning until late tonight the :ity was in almost a frenzy of excite aent and patriotism. Parade after pa--ado came through the central streets (vhich were jammed with shouting :rowds that threw confetti, blew horns nuti whistles and uued many other means to make a noise. Factory whis- 11 Lies blew continuously from before dawn until tonight. IhI A general holiday was declared. All factories, mills and stores closed for the day and thousands of tho workers 11 rushed to the center of the city to cele brate. Traffic was badly tied up but the crowds were unusually good-na- 11 tured and sang and cheered as they marched the streets. Mayor Smith headed a procession of 1H celebrators who marched from city hall to historic Independence hall. An- lM other big parade to the shrine of Lib erty was under tho leadership of Gov-ernor-elect William C. Sproul. DAY REPLETE WITH PARADES. H KANSAS CITY, Nov. 11. A mam- mothvictory celebration at convention hall-herb tonight'marked the climax of a day replete with parades, jollification rallies and streets crowded with peo- pie who were tirmed with every sort of i noise-making: device. Practically all H business was suspended. All saloons .were ordered closed at H 6:30 o'clock tonight to remain iSo un- H til 7 o'clock tomorrow morning:. The H polico also issued an order tonight that H all shooting must cease. H There was practically no disorder' H here today, but the authorities felt that H precautions were necessary after H darkness set in. s H Seven Persons Killed H CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 11 Seven per- sons were killed" and a score or more 'H injured during the day's demonstra- . H tions. All of the fatalKIes and injur- H less firing of weapons or automobile H speeders. H NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Nov. 11 I Riotous scenes attended tho celebra- vH tion here tonight of peace. Thousands H of soldiers and sailors- took possession ;H of the city, wrecking street cars.Taid- H ing restaurants, breaking plate, glass H windows and building bonfires in the H streets from smashed delivery wagons H and other wreckage. No casualties H were reported. H The city's street car service was de- ;H moralized by the celebration, the sol- H diers and sailors taking charge 6f the H cars after driving away the crews. Alleged unreasonable prices for food H ! were said to have been responsible for .the raids on restaurants. Foodstuffs were carried off and considerable property- damage done. H The soldiers engaginng in the dem- onstrations were from the several em- barkation camps in this city and vi- 1 cinlty. I After the mobs had forced suspen- ision of street car sorvlce, the closing j of every business place on the prin- V 'cipal streets and had done thousands of dollars damage, two companies of guard troops were ordered out and at ,B midnight they were patrolling tho streets. The troops have the situation un- der control. 'I A number of people woro slightly H hurt. Major Percy Hamilton, who at- tempted to remonstrate with the riot- ; ers, was struck by a brick thrown by M a Bailor. A number of "arrests were ! : made. M RENO. Nov. 11 Reno was still cele- M bratlng at a lato hour. All day long bells have rung, whistles blown, bands played and people cheered. Cowboys M have come 100 miles off the range b horse and automobile to lend their voices. :.H Indians off the reservation aro celt ' bratlng too. Shooting is under b;u. but occasionally some ono "lams Iooki m with his trusty six-shooter and the pa lico look away. The town has bea , a bedlam since midnight and the crowds, instead of tiring, are growin.c noisier with each addition of cele- brants from tho surrounding ranches W and towns 'I