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The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, November 13, 1918, LAST EDITION - 3:30 P.M., Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058396/1918-11-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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NEW YORK. Metal exchange quotes lead quiet. HI I I 1 R f 1 1 1 1 IK 11 111 I I 1 I I 1 1 11 Weather Indications for Ogden and vicinity: IvhWI
' Spot 85 1JV JUJV ('VVVV'V W'V'V. m H
il hearNo. 266. Price Five cent,. OGDEN CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 13, 1918. LASTEDITION3:30 P. l
I ; ' : !. HHVI
Former Teuton Rulers Lives Are Placed In Jeopardy I
llflo g , 8
1 0WN
j; TRIEST, Monday, Nov. 11, by The Associated Press
! ' A sta'ge of semi-anarchy prevails in all the regions of Austria
I traversed by the Austro-Hungarian soldiers returning from
t the Italian front. The soldiers have abandoned their ranks and
1 , have joined the mobs in sacking ancf setting fire to property.
i . All kinds of excesses are being committed.
; j
if, By The Associated Press. J
I I Conflicting reports came from .Europe as to the fate of;
' the former Germari crown prince! 'DespatcKes from London
jr declare he was shot and killed Monday by frontier guards
j while trying to escape into Holland. However, a despatch
Hi from The Hague under today's date says that the former
- crown prince has arrived at Maastricht, southern Holland. The
V former German emperor is at the castle of Amerongen, Hol
. land, while his wife, the wife of the former crown prince and
I f other princesses are in Potsdam under the care of the soldiers'
;! ; and workers' council there.
' WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 3. It was officially stated to-
day that the American government has no confirmations that
the former German crown prince has been killed.
COPENHAGEN, Tuesday, Nov. 12. The new palace
; at Potsdam where the former German empress, the former!
crown princess and other princesses and their children are
living, has been taken under the protection of the Potsdam
soldiers' and workmen's council. The former empressHias
expressed to the council, according to a Berlin despatch, her
thanks for the protection.
: BERNE, Nov. 13. Prince Leopold of Lippe-Detmold,
renounced his throne on Tuesday, according to the semi
official Wolff Bureau of Berlin. .
BASEL, Nov. 1 3 Former! Emperor Charles, Empress
i' Zita and their family left Vienna at nine o'clock Tuesday
night for Eckartsau, according to a despatch from the Aus
trian capital.
; 1 THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Nov. 13. The former
, , German crown prince arrived yesterday at Maastricht, accord-
, mg to a despatch received here.
COPENHAGEN, Nov. 13. Fresh fighting d okc out
In Berlin on Monday, according to messages received here
)from the German capital. Loyal officers opened fire from
he royal stables and attacked the revolutionaries with ma
chine guns on the Unter den Linden. Several persons were
Telegrams found in the palace of the former German
frown prince, according to a Berlin telegram to the National
liden show that it had been planned to send loyal troops
I from the front to Berlin in an attempt to crush the revolution.
; f BASEL,' Monday, Nov. 1 1 . The crews of the German
: battleships Posen, Ostfriehland, Nassau and Oldenburg have
I : joined the revolutionary movement, according to a despatch
rom Brunbuttel, Prussian Holstein.
The four battleships named are among the largest in the
; German navy. The Posen and Nassau are sister-ships of 18,
:i 00 tons each, while the Ostfriehland and Oldenburg measure
12,400 tons each.
; I
I ' HAVRE, Monday, Nov. 11. The entrance of Belgian
; Voops into Ghent is announced in the official statement from
I 1 he Belgian war office tonight which reports also that the pro-
1 jress of the armies continued until the armistice came into
fiT" ffrect.
If V
Army and Navy Are Aiding
. United War Work Campaign j
- I
UNEXPECTED impetus "has
been given lo the United
- ' Avar Work" CampalgxiMiy the I
formation of a NatlonarArmy and
Navy Campaign Advisory Commit
tee, headed by Secretary Baker and
Secretary Daniels. Serving "with
them to promote the plan to carry
the drive for $170,500,000 into the
military camps and the naval sta
tions and on board ships of the
navy in American -waters, are
M3jor General George Barnett. Ad
miral William S Benson, Benedict
.Crowell, Fredorlck P. Keppel, Gen
eral Peyton C. March, Paymaster
General Samuel McGowan, Admiral
Leigh C. Palmer. Franklin D.
P.oosevelt and John D. Ityan.
"It would be a serious mistake,"
COPENHAGEN, Nov. 121, Tuesday, by The Associated '
Press. Although the Bolshevik group of the German inde-1
pendent socialist party is recognized as a separate organization,
they are still a decided minority and the power rests in the
hands of the majority socialists and non-Bolshevik indepen
dents, says a Berlin despatch to the Berlingske Tidendc. The!
despatch adds that the soldiers representatives at the meeting
Sunday of the soldiers' and workmen's council energetically
opposed the plans of the Bolshevik element.
LONL0ON, Nov. 13. Cettinje, the capital of Montene
gro, has been liberated, saj's a Serbian official statement is
sued Tuesday.
On Sunday Serbian troops entered the town of Versccz,
in Hungary, 25 miles north of the Danube, dispersing and
capturing elements of German rear guards. A number of
guns and war material were captured. The Serbians also en
tered Novissad.
LONDON, Nov. 13, via Montreal. The imperial warj
cabinet, Reuter's Limited learns, soon will resume its sittings
in order to deliberate on the terms of peace. There also will i
be important conferences and discussions in London between!
the imperial and dominion statesmen.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13 Restric
tions will' be continued by the govern
ment's capital issues committee on the
floating of securities for building, road
construction and development enter
prises not absolutely essential it was
stated ofllcially today despite the war
industries board's partial removal of
limitations on non-war construction
and manufacturing.
In view of the necessity of obtain
ing another big war loan in the spring,
the treasury holds that the securities
market must still bo left open largely
for government securities. Conse
quently, oven though business inter
ests find it possiblo to obtain building
and road materials and necessary ma
chinery for construction they will have
to demonstrate that their projects are
needed or advisable in the light of the
national situation before the capital
says Secretary Baker, "not to af
ford the offl,cors and enlis4edmen
tiih fcppertiiii'iy to Join with their
fellow citizens in this great patriotic'-;
tendeavor on behalf of their
comrades in arms."
Secretary Daniels declares that !
the plan is in keeping with the real
American spirit of the hour, and
"Anyone who has seen -what I
have of the invaluable service ren
dered bv the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W.
C. A., Catholic War Council, tho
Jewish Welfare Board, tho Ameri
can Library Association, the Salva
tion Arm, and the Camp Commu
nity Service must be proud of these
manifestations of unselfish interest
of the American people In our boyn
of our large and ever-growlnc
issues committee will approve stock or
bond issues.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1H Specula-
tive short selling hi cotton on the New
York and New Orleans exchanges has "
been prohibited by tho cotton distri
bution committee of the war indus
tries board. Charles J. Brand, chair-
man of tho committee, announced tho '
action today, saying it had been taken
because of undu'e short selling yester
day which caused the market to fall
two cents,
NEW YORK, Nov. 13 Information '.
having been received in tho cotton
markot at. the opening today that
short selling had been prohibitou" by
order of the government, trading dur
ing the first hour was very oxciteclL
Trices opened 302 to 1P0 points lower.'
" j
Premier Clemesiceau
Makes Stirring Appeal
For Humanity.
Says Empire Waited j
Until She Was Ex- j
PARIS, Monday, Nov. 11 Premier
Clemenceau in concluding his pseech
In the chamber of deputies today on
the armistice terms, said:
"Germany has waited until the last
minute and when she was exhausted,
she has been obliged to accept capi
I tulation. We do not make war against
humanity, but for humanity."
i PARIS, Tuesday, Nov. 12. The lack
j of German news reaching here by the
jway of Switzerland indicates some in- I
terruption in the usual channel of in
formation. Zurich has confirmed rc
i ports that the frontier is closed to
travellers arriving from Germany. It
' is reported that Friedrich Ebort, the
German chancellor, has given a place
in his cabinet to Georg Ledebour,
Social democratic leader, but this re. '
port is given under reserve. I
Information received here is that the
revolution Is proceeding calmly and
AMSTERDAM, Tuesday, Nov. 12.
(By the Associated Press.) William
Hohenzollern, the former German em
peror, arrived Monday afternoon at
the castle of Amerongen, Count von ;
! Bentlck's country seat at Maarn, in'
' the province of Utrecht. I
AMSTERDAM, Tuesday, Nov. 12. I
The German troops who mutinied at I
I the Deverloo camp in Belgium and
raised the red flag, says the Handel-J
stilatc, attacked another force support- j
ing the former emperor. This force
was defeated and fled to the Dutch;
frontier where it was disarmed.
BASEL, Switzerland, Nov. 12 The
death of Victor Adler, tho foreign sec
retary of German-Austria and tho
Austrian socialist leader, yesterday In
Vienna, was due to apoplexy.
f WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Mes-
f sages from high sources in Eu- --
rope are reaching President Wll- -f
son, urging that he personally at-
- tend the great peace conference
f that will settle finally tho issues
f growing out of tho war. The pres-
f ident, it was said today, has given
no indication of how he regards
f tho suggestion.
Members of the president's of- -f
f ficial families are understood to
f be strongly advising against tho
f stop, on the ground that it would
involve useless risk and it would -f
- accomplish nothing that could not
- be accomplished through dole-
, . , '., . .
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. President
Wilson has sent a reassuring message
to the people of Germany in reply to
the appeal from Chancellor Ebert. He
promises to aid Germany in the mat
ter of food supplies and in relieving
distressing want.
The reply was sent today by Secre
tary Lansing through Minister Sulzer
of Switzerland, who delivered yester
day Ebert's request .Jcivlntervention
by the president 'to mitigate the "fear
ful conditions" threatened through en
forcement of the armistice terms.
U says steps are to be taken at once
to organize relief work In the same
systematic manner in which it was
carried out in Belgium, but that the
president desires to be assured that
imblic order will be maintained in
Germany and that an equitable distri
bution of food can be clearly guaran
teed. . '
Secretary Lansing's note to the
Swiss minister, dated November 12,
follows : i
"I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your note of today,
transmitting to the president the text
of a cable inquiring whether this gov
ernment is ready to send foodstuffs
into Germany without delay if public
order is maintained in Germany and
an equitable distribution of food is
"1 should be grateful if you would
transmit tho following reply to the
German government:
"At a joint session of the two houses
of congress on November 11th, the
president of the Vnitcd States an
nounced that the representatives of
the associated governments in the su
prome war council at Versailles have
by unanimous resolution assured the
peoples of the central empires that
everything that is possible in tho cir
cumstances will be done to supply
. LONDON. Nov. 13. The allied high
command has sent to the German high
command by French wireless a mes
sago that there can be no m6diflcatlon
of the conditions of tho armistice, in
cluding the annox. at this time. It is
added that a supplementary period of
2-1 hours for the evacuation of Bel
gium, Luxemburg and Alsace-Lorraine
has been added to the fourteen days
stipulated in the original text, so as to
permit tho text to reach German head
quarters at the desired time.
Tho message reads:
"At present no modification can be
made to the conditions indicated by
the texts, including the annexes, at the
same time of tho signing of the armis
tice. "A supplementary period of twenty
four hours for the evacuation of Bel
gium, Luxemburg and Alsace-Lorraine
has been added to the period of delay
of fourteen days stipulated by tho or
iginal text so as to permit the definito
text arriving at the desired lime at
German headquarters." .
them with food andjlleve the dls- 11
tressing want that is in so many places 1
threatening their very lives, and that S H
steps are to be taken immediately to
organize these efforts at relief In the
same systematic manner that they "
were organized in the case of Bel- 1 'M
glum. ,fl
"Furthermore, the president ex-' lM
pressed the opinion thatby the use of
the idle, tonnage of the central em-pires-it
ought- presently lo be- possible
to llfft the fear of utter misery from
their populations and set their minds ! ,fl
and energies free for the great and i tM
hazardous tasks of political construe- iM
tion which now face them on every
hand. iM
"Accordingly, the president now di- 'M
rccts me to stale that he is ready to
consider favorably the supplying of 'M
foodstuffs lo Germany and to take up
the matter Immediately with the al- 'M
lied governments, provided he can bo 'M
assured that public is being and will !l
continue to be maintained in Germany jH
and that an equitable distribution of 'M
food can bo clearly guaranteed.
"Accept, sir, the renewed assurances
of mv highest consideration.
(Signed) "ROBERT LANSING." i
This message was sent in response ! ;H
to the following message from Minis- I 'I
tcr Sulzer: lH
"By direction of my government, I I
have the honor to transmit the fol- j
lowing cable: ,H
" 'The German government urgently 'H
requests the president of the United ;H
States to Inform the German chancel- jH
lor, Ebert, by "wireless, whether he i'H
may be assured that the government I I
or "the United States is ready to send jH
foodstuffs -without delay if public or- jH
dor is maintained in Germany and an
equitable distribution of food is guar- iH
an feed.' H
"Accept, sir, the renewed assurances 'H
, of my highest consideration." H
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Ruma-. H
nia's reported new declaration of war ;
against Germany, is interpreted here ' jH
ns preliminary tb measures to disarm
and drive out the German army under jH
von Mackenscn, which has been op- H
pressing the Rumanians since tho 1 IH
treaty of Bucharest sealed the help- H
lessness of the population. H
Word reached here today through jH
official channels that the reorganized H
government in Rumania is headed by H
General Coauda. j IH
JASSY, Sunday, Nov. 10. Tho Ru- H
manian ministry, headed by Alexander ; )
Marghiloman, leader of the conserva- 1 (
lives, has been replaced by one com- ;
posed of generals. Tho new cabinet is
presided over by Genoral Coanda, who
also takes tho post of minister of for- j H
clgn affairs. The portfolios of war and IH
interior have been, assumed by Gen- !
oral Grigorcsco and Genoral Vaumi- M
a no, respectively. ;H

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