Newspaper Page Text
1 . 1 HE OGDEN STANDARD: OGPEN, UTAH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1916. 1C; ' H fm VENTED 1 f U. S. Department of Labor !j f U, S. Employment I f. Service 1 J JOIN THE INDUSTRIAL I AMY ' Be a patriotic worker, aid i ' the government to build the f : $50,000,000 plant started at Jf ! Nitro (near Charleston) , "West W' J Virginia. g;' I Laborers $4.40 per day. jj&ll 10 hours' work 11 MP hours' pay. gj Double time on Sunday. m ' Free railroad fare. J Meals free en route. s i Room rent free and board flfe ' at commissaries, cafeteria $' ", style at about $1.00 per ; day. Medical attention f " and amusements free. : I Men coming to Salt Lake or j 1 Ogden from any point in Utah ; will secure receipts for. their railroad fare and same will be refunded on arrival at Nitro. Quoting message to this of- ; fice from Director of Employ- t ment at Nitro: 1 "Nitro must have thou- : : sands or men immediately who will be distributed , according to experience or ability and assigned to suitable work on either construction or actual operation in a few weeks." Next Shipment ft Thursday Noon, Nov. 14. Apply at U. S. Employment Service, 2402 Wall Ave., (No fees of any kind.) Open 8 A. M. until 5 P. M. ; . 365 PLACER miper. Inquire W. B. Wedoll, 2468 Washington Ave. d 425 1 WANTED Boy with bicycle to de liver. Brown -Carlson -Treseder. 41S 1 EOY 1G to 20 years old to learn wall paper business. Boyle Furniture Co. 420 1 DELIVERY boy wanted at 1012 22nd . SL Phone 136S. 415 i !, STATE representatives for all wos 1 tern states, men or women. Call in v person with references. Buck and Gib ) son, Reed Hotel. - 412 ; YOUNG- or middle aged man and wife for ranch work. Mnn to do general farm work, woman to do cooking for 6 to S men. Not more than two chil dren. Apply Lindsay L. &. L. Co., G15 Eccles Bldg. 409 BOY Manufacturing Dept. Scowcroft & Sons. 298 FIRST-CLASS machinist ana mould er wanted at Ogden Iron Works com- pany. 71 88 WANTED I Female Help AN experienced stenographer wishes position. Phone 1401-J. 426 WANTED Girl to do general house h work, no washing, ?2 per day. 2619 Grant Ave. 407 GOOD girl for general housework. Ap Ply 2557 Brinker Ave. Phone 1957-M. 399 WANTED Chambermaid at Reed ho- lei. 392 HOUSEKEEPER about 45 or 50 years, ; wanted. European hotel, room 10. 308 GOOD girl for general housework. Close in; good wages; no washing. 84 WANTED Girls at American Linen Supply company. 7870 E. Z. WASH Day Tablets make wash- - ag easy. Your grocer has them. 7724 1 WANTED Experienced mangle girls. u. P. laundry. 6970 HV, passenger 1917 Ford for sale. 1, Excellent condition. Phone 2852. 384 y 1918 FORD touring car. First class condition. 124 25th St. 404 : FORD touring cnr. Must be sold im mediately account of leaving town. Phone 2021-M. 370 630 CHALMERS. Ipquire Mu Harpster t at Cheeaman Auto Co. 7789 ; SAXON-SIX Towner going to war. ' , Nearly now. Box 89 Standard. 7161 i; BUSINESS i OPPORTUNITIES SMALL but good paying grocery bus J' iness for sale In Ogden. Ownor de " Bh-es to sell on account of 111 health. jood proposition If taken right away. - Address v. II. White, Care Scow . soft's, Ogden, Utah. 344 li j... Board and Room HOOM and board, home comforts. 526 f. 2th- 367 , t . . y- In - i FOR SALE ; Real Estate FOR SALE by owner, good modern home. Payment down, balance easy terms. Will take good car as part payment. Phone 102. 422 GOOD 5 room house, close in. A bar gain $1700. $25 per month. Money to loan" on real estate. Federal Land Co. 417 8 RM mod. brick, good location, on bench. Hot water, heat, lawn and shape. Cheap at $4500. Easy terms. 5 RM strictly up-to-date brick dwell i lng, large lot with or without furniture. . Price right and terms reasonable. 2 ACRES fine Irrigated land 12th SL 6 ACRES close in, sell all or parL 1 ACRE, good house on St. Ry $2200, terms. 8 ACRES close In, good buildings, all : kinds fruit, fine land and water right. ; Bargain at $7,500 Half cash. 6 ACRES with good houso and out buildings close In, for cash $1250. WE have other desirable property for sale or exchange- at right prices and easy terms. R. G. AGEE Basement Broom hotel. Phono 69 or 683. 363 A GOOD modern 7-room brick house, with heating plant. Well located close in on the bench on a principal street Large lot, fine lawn, on a street car line, near a school. Only $2700.00. $300.00 down, balance same as paying rent. Low rate of interest. J. J. Brummit, Phone 59. 149 WILL sell at a bargain 5 3-4 acres good land, abundance of water, good house, barn and other good improve ments. Located first outsldo of city, north, one block from city car line. Phone evenings 2614 -m, days 37S, Og den Real Estate & Bldg. Co. 127 A GOOD 4 -room house located on 26th street, in the same block as the High School. Partly modern, largo lot. $1800.00. $300.00 down, balanco on Ume. J. J. Brummitt 2320 Washing ton avenue. 149 25-VtOOM rooming house for sale in nno nf thn hncl inwn in IHnlin Hlian if taken at once. Good terms. See Mr. Condra, Marrion hotel. Phone 2100. 104 1 4 -ROOM house, within three blocks of the Broom Hotel. Will pay one pei cent on Investment. $1750.00. ?300.0C down, balance same as paying rent u month. J. J. Brummitt. Phono 59. 14S A GOOD modern 6-room brick house, well located in the railroad district, This house to build at present time would cost about $3,000.00. Large lot Located on a principal street. Will pay one percent interest a month on investment, only $2250.00. $300.00 down, balance same as paying rent. Low rate of interest. J. J. Brummitt, 2320 Washington avenue. 149 THREE choice building lots. 50x125 on Farley Ave. Phone 2.82 -j. 4 A GREAT snap in a iarm of 150 acres located near Ogden, within a quarter of a mile of railroad station. Plent of water, some of this land Is worm $500.00 per acre. This is an elogani proposition for any one to sub-divide and to clean up anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000 in the next three years. Only $S0.00 per acre, small payment, balanco on terms. J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59. 149 5 3 -10 a. 3 ml. of town. Horse and bug gy and implements. Phone 2684 -r. 1002 AN elegant lot on 31st streot 14G feet front and 105 lect deep, only $100. $10 down and $10 per month. J. J. Brummitt, 2320 Wash. ( 149 A GOOD sightly lot on 21st street, 25x 137 feet deep to alley, only $25.00. $5.00 down and $5.00 per mouth. J. J. Brummitt. Phono 59. 149 STORE and dwelling, well located on bench. Store equipped with electric scales and mill.1 Price includes lot and building with half interest in drive way, iour own terms. Price only $1300. Under Klrst Nat'l bank. J. A. McCuIloch. 9001 S-ROOM modern brick house close in on bench and car line. Good barn and garage. Walk, sewer, curb and gutter all paid. Lot 43x150 to 20 ft. alley. Price $3800. $750 cash, long time bal ance. J. A. McCuIloch. 9001 5 -ROOM now modern brick bungalow. Hardwood floors, half basomont, elec tric fixtures, linoleum on kltcbon and bath room Moors, garago. Lot 40x150. South front, closo to paved street and car line, $800 cash, tlmo on balanco. Only $3900. J. A. McCuIloch. 9001 EVERYTHING for rent, Ogden Rent al agency. 374 25tb at. Phono 69. 8657 WANTED j Miscellaneous 2nd HAND grocery countors and scales. Send particulars to Box 746, Ogden, Utah. 354 CLEAN RAGS wanted at the Stan dard office. C WANTED 1 Situations s CLEAN cut young man, married, with children, able correspondent, A-l cler-1 ical man, open for position. Box 25,1 Standard. 393, A WOMAN wishes to work by day or week. Mrs. R. E. Hadley. 2123 Quincy. I . 394! HELPING-HAND information and free employment bureau. 2147 GranL Phono 889. . 261 DRESSMAKING HEMSTITCHING & picotc-dglng.' Airs 1 N. C. Stephens, Paine &. Hurst. 125' LADH-S'tailorig,236 Mauson, 1932M 3-10-lyr DRESSMAKING Rear 2330 Adams. FOUND I PIG Owner can have same by do- scribing and paying for J.I113 ad. Tel. 620. 209 1 4 ' 1 FOR RENT Furnished ARLINGTON HOTEL 2439 Washington Centrally located, modern, hot and cold" water, steam heat and telephones In rooms. Rates by day, 50c and 8p. By week, $3 and up; ' 357 ST. PAUL HOTEL, St. Paul Hotel, No. 429 rwenty-fifth street, now open. Building has been remod eled and is one of the most modern hotels in tho city. Rooms reasonable by tho day, week or month. J. P. O'Neill, Managor. FOUR or five room furnished house or apartmenL Caro, Bert, Brigham ho tel. 424 LARGE front room In cottage nicely furnished. Also back bed room. Ar rangements for light housekeeping. 2874 Washington. 379 FOR RENT furnished. 10 room house. 2526 Adams. ' 353 TWO furnished rooms; modern. Phone 2906-Tv". 2106 Wash. . 268 SLEEPING rooms $2.50 to $3" per wk. Steam heat and bath. 2474 Washing ton. 263 4-ROOM aDt.. 2571 Lincoln. 229 ROOMS furnished or unfurnished at reasonable prices. 3G2 24th St. 122 ! HOUSEKEEPING fur. and unrur., gas, I $8.00 up. 536 31st. 7907 L PLAZA APARTMENTS. COMPLETELY furnishod for llgnt housekeeping. Elevator, amusement hall, phone, light, heat and gas. Maid ' service if desired. Rates $20 to $37.50. j 7909 ROOMS for housekeeping, 427 24th St 7739 ' A NEATLY furnishod apartment. The Pearl, 27tb and Grant. Phono 2D20 6311 HOUSES and flats. 2634 Grant. i FOR RENT j jj Unfurnished ONE ncv 14x20 fire proof garage for rent cheap. 25th Street and Lincoln. Phono 1450. 368 3 ROOMS, toilet, light, water, cellar, closet. No children. 2748 Jefferson ave nue. 345 7-ROOM modrn house at 180 31st St. Phono 960. 297 8 RM mod. brick house on bench, 4 1-2 blocks from First Nat. bank. Enquire 314 Hudson Bldg. Phono 330. 202 PRIVATE garage, 7 per month. In quiro 2546 Adams or phono 1943. 7916 LOST . u jli ii 1 1 ru 11 Lt - - '"------- 2 PIGS. 1 black 1 brown, 4 months old. Reward. Call 2083R. 349 LOST Friday afternoon between 2 and 4 p. m. on road from Farmington to Ocdon 2 leather suitcases contalninc ladies wearing apparel. Liberal re ward If returned to Clerk, Marlon Ho tol, Ogden. 7965 WANTED To Rent WANTED to rent, five room house or apt. at onco for couple with baby. Phono 3244 -W. 403 4 ROOM houso or apartment by cou ple with no children. Box Z. 396 YOUNG couple, no children, want 3 or 4 room apt. unfurnished preferred. Phono 1327. 373 4 OR 5 ROOM furnished modern. Box 401, Standard. 369 Dropping in for an early morning call on tho younj,' lady across the way, wo asked her If we had surpraed her at her orlsona and ehc said Oh, no. It was Just something for the Red Ciosa and sho wasn't maklnff a thing for herself now. OO Read the Classified Ada. I Men I Wanted! Apply to John Shields, employ- ment agent, Amalgamated Sugar B Co., at 2354 Hudson avenue, or H 2402 Wall avenue. U. S. employ- I ment eervlce. Sugar factory now H . In operation. N Can furnish employment of M varied nature at the different I factories. H ! 1 l fStTsale i Miscellaneous RANGE, excellent condition. Cheap. 549 21st. 407 FRESH Bwcet cider at 40c gallon at the factory if you bring your own con tainer. Wright Whitticr, 33rd & Paci fic 42S FRESH milk cow. 1915 Grant. 429 DINING room table and some kitchen chairs. 329 26th St. 419 AIR DALE pups. 2560 Orchard avenue. 427 GARAGES, portable, any size built to order, $100 and up. See Mr. Swaner' Eccles Bldg. Phone 425 or 1200-M. 416 50 GOOD coats, ladles and misses, a little out of stylo for $3 each. Hor rocks Bros. ' 411 50 GOOD coats, a little out of style, ladles and misses, for $3.00 each. Har rocks Bros. 410 THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington ducks. Mrs. Griffith, RIverdalo. 378 YOUNG thoroughbred Jersey cow. 743 29th St. Phono 2818-J. 375 MILK cows and stock hogs. Phono 37-J-3. 372 HORSE, harness and wagon for sale. O. S. L. Commissary. 3G4 FIVE passenger Maxwell, first class running condition. Cheap. Inquire Modern Market. . 356 UNCALLED FOR SUITS A FEW of thoso . excellent Dundee suits that have been uncalled for, we are offering at greatly reduced prices. Dundee Woolen Mills, 2431 Hudson avonuo in the Alhambra Bldg. 34S BUICK roadster 1918 Model Good condition. Now tires. Run 7000 miles. A bargain. Apply Goddard Packing Co. 376 FURNITURE for 3 rooms, dining room set, rugs, Hoosier kltehftn cahinot nnrl tnhin v.,i and dresser, chiffonier and othor articles practically new. Apply 30 Argylo Apts. Cail at once. Owner must leave town. HIGH-GRADE Catswold bucks. Young pigB. Phone 9-W. Joseph Barker Co. 24 IMPORTED canaries. 2220 Lincoln. 9050 Pianos, PLAYER-PIANOS old for lowest prices- at 2524 Washington Avenue. Phono 173. LABOR and soap saved by using E. Z. Wash Day Tablets. At all grocers. 7725 DASS horn cheap. C. D. Conn, 19S4 Washington averue. 76S4 GROCERIES, staples, "besi brands, lowest prices on the Bench. Martin Cash grocery, 740 24th SL Phone 537. 6812 GROCERIES in retail quantities at wholesalo orices. Ogden'B Groceteria, 181 24th St 6842 9 column Burrough's Adding machine, Good working order $100 cash. Appb Standard office. 5371 WANTED j Agents ! AGENTS History of the world's war by Francis A. March, with introduc tion by his brother General Peyton C. March, highest officer In United States army. Complete and authentic. Offi cial photograph. Extraordinary oppor tunity for big profit Outfit free. Uni versal House, Philadelphia. Head tho Classified Ads. m.VJ.TVVrn- ... " THE OUTBURST OF EVERETT TRUE I THINK Tl- feVeRf- g WGU. 1 TONtT TH.NK TK.SiSs'i "BODY'S XrtJTY To I MUZ-Ztes" IDo G.00D. fs FROM Me- (VCSAR. ON5 k' ft') . AtcD ihPRove THe Looks p kJ? RALPH P. HUNTER, E-tatlished 1SS9. liortgage Loans, Real Estate Insurance, Utah, Idaho lands, farm, and city property. Persons desiring to loan money on good first mortgage Eecurlty will do well to consult me. Good applications always on hand. 411 'LK'Jx Su, Ogden, Utah. 3310 W. i. Plerco Agency Real Estate, In Buranco, Loau3, Notary. 15 Commer--clol Bank Bldg. Phone 300. MONEY to loan on real estato secur ity. J. J. Brummitt 6-21 -tf REAL ESTATE Mortgage and Loan Kelly & Herrick. &-15tf WANTED To Buy TENT 12x14 or 14x16, good condition, reasonable price. John Butler, 173 23rd. 397 CORD wood any quantliy. Greenwell Confectionery- 333 A 4 or 5 room modern home; Phone days 37S, evenings 1427. 12G WANTED TO BUY AT ONCE A FOUR or ifive room modern home. Wo can also handlo if the prlco is right n few small acreage tracts close in. It G. Agoe, Bsmt Broom Hotel. Phone 69 or 683. 8002 GOOD car Buick or Saxon-six pre ferea. Stato price. Box A. D. caro SUndard. 7163 Tho pirl who looks forward to a matri monial alliance should not be forward looklnp. fooi iKraJ Administrator Leaves Satur day Upon Important Mission. WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. Food Ad ministrator Hoover will sail for Eu ropo on the White Star liner Olympia probably on Saturday, it was learned at the food administration today. He goes at President Wilson's request to direct the work of feeding tho starv ing populations of war-torn Europe. On the Olympic also, it is under stood, will be Dr. Masaryk, president of the Czecho-Slovak republic, who is returning to his liberated country. Accompanying Mr. Hoover will be Dr. Alonzo E. Taylor, representing the war trade board, as well as the food administrator; John W. Hallowell, di rector of tho state administration divi sion; Robert A. Taft of tho law di vision of tho food administration, son of former President Taft, and L. W. Strauss, socretary to Mr. Hoover. WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Food Ad ministrator Hoover, about to sail for Europe to direct tho fight against aft er thp war starvation had a final con ference with senate leaders today and told them legislation to extend the life of his organization until the decla ration of peaco will be unnecessary. Many months must pass before final peace is concluded and in the mean time tho food administration will be closing up its task. With the expiration of the food con trol law, he said, obligations of the I Doings of the McBuffs j t thj,"fTr rgrr nr cgr fr r ugi iig p tsrr mt itgr tn ns n hif 9 uqTtiw 'W r trt it if rr rr it- it tt mrr-rr" rr rar 7rr nt 0 . r-i ' 111 V WV r T I'VE. 60T A LoY To SAW- 1 TniMr SHE'S GoT HER. HELLO, HELEN , $ TeLEdRAM CAMEToOAS , Qf4 DS VjlTH HAROW AM MoTlcE- YJHAT HAVE. Ff?ott VoUR A DMT 5AO- ve 3cK EMOOGH To Do ABOUND Hers Sol) GOT r 5HE 15 cMWff Tb PAW VS OOV UAVIUG COMPAQ BESIDES To SAW?f A VlslT-tfgfc i r- J jgm. HAVE Mgr 1 i,r ' ' lf?ffl Y HUSH, (JElM,WElt HAVE V f To make The best of ir 6HE''d 0001-65 OF ott.isTws The Aowr "T j ; That is so terri&ln vue-uhw shell sec it i - i the first Tmg te m government, including particularly the guaranteo for minimum prices for 1 1939 wheat, still will be binding and will bo fulfilled. Mr. Hoover plans to return to Amer lea by Christmas. Ho said he would study especially problems of German provisioning, the important question for decision being whether this shall be done on a cash or credit basis. Although Mr. Hoover did not aBk ' for extension of the food control law several senators said It is a question for congress in view of possible rapid increase in prices at the explration-of the, law. 00 ! There are Jn Italy 2.0S1 establishments conccted with tho allk Industry, or theso 203 arc devoted to cultivation of silk worm eggs, 1.703 to spinning and 1C0 to lH weaving. ll Foreign trade of tho Philippine Islands in the fiscal year ended .luno 30, 1018, exceeded $200,000,000. Imports were $S3, "00.000 and exports $116,600,000. jH Argentina has nothing corresponding !! to bonding companies in tho United jH States, and there 13 said to be need of IH OO- Anything New or Old. H Be Jour own salesman. Tqll no lies I Select your wants. Pay. 2416 Grant' I 1 Phono 333. g003 ' Attorney-at-Law , E. T. Hulaniskl, Lawyer, 313-314, H First National Bank. Phone 202. lawyer O'Counally, over Coinnw-, n ical National Bank. Phone 11. j Accident Insurance H Aetna Accident & Liability Co- 1 A.' to and Liability Insurance. H. ! Purdy, 2377 Hudson Avo. Phoue 4SJ. I Automobile Supplies ! H Garage, Repa'rs, Studel'aker Agency, 1 fl Mack-RoDinsun Co., 40 Grant Ave, H Pujno S'Jl. ' H iCverything for Automobiles. Every- , thing tor Electricity. Auto and Ei.c trie Suppiy. 2d04 Waaningtoa Ave, H Phono and 3''6 1 Banking I Jgden State Bank, Commercial & Savings uepto. Reed Hotel Bldg. H Phone U2. I H Utah. National Bank, southet corn er :4tn be. una Wasn. Avo. Phone 61, iH Carpet Cleaning S K. Van Kaiuv-n for upholstering; ' carpets cieaneu, uttered and laid. Kov mauing ot mattresses. Pnoae .83. uiport carpet cleaning, mattress H renovating, uyiiolster:ug, and epringj il re"crctcneu. uil i. J. Hampicu Co, pbone .".0S6-W." JH 'I Chiropractors , H H. W. RoDerts, Chiropractor, 412-13- iH 14, Col. Hunuson buuauig. Phone 707. (H I. J. McKell, chiropractor, fourta IH Hour C01. nuuaon jji, pnono 33us H city Scavengers II iikcoi-ty . u., 2734 Grant avenue, Puone 2ui-w j II Electrical Wiring !H umug due levering In all Its :H bruu.-.s xv.ui.0. c xuiticu'ic supply, 2oui H-ii. Ave. i'iiuuu j-o-3.0'. .u. rjigraving H uguen .iigraving Service o mak- H erj 01 iiiij cutb in oue or more coiorj, fWM iU6' Wastiui.iun avb. Puuuq 4o.v riano Tuning II Leavo orueio at CONSOLIDATED jH MUSIC CU. tor Thomas b. Ash worth. 1 H iuuaig and repair juos. Work guuran- H 'H furrier and Tajaaermist 'I Furs cleaned, stored una remodeled jH in mo luuieui stylus. jgw oruers talieu H tiumuiui' uncea. All A'orK nuuruntced. i T. viajeSKy at Jburia store. Pnon 118. iiotel 1 Tho Only Fireproof Hotel In Ogden ' J Rated 76o and up. The wew Brignam, . Wail avo. unu a4tn Uu Pnoua 2430, ! Junk and Hides Western xiido Sz Junk Co., 2223 WuJiii-oh Ae. Phone a'UL Ogden Junk House, 2059 wash. Ave, Puoue 1U. Life Insurance toucuiti of New York. Phono ; 2464. J. P. Corry, JDist. Supt. 172 uioney to Loan Salaried people cat, get It without eecumy, oiucis on lurmture, pianos, 1 etc. 21o iuuon JJiug. Phone S71-J, Hew and Second Hand Goods A. Siner, now and second- had fur niture, clothing, etc., bougbt and sold, Su.t cases cneap. 211-243 25th St, fhono 1321. Olson Fluff Rugs Made from old carpets, rugs and clothes. Phono 1908-M. 371 Twenty second. 166 Physician and Surgeon 1 Dr. A. FornluDd, Office hours 11 to " 4 p. m. New Peeiy Bldg., Hudson AY.e. Ro?. Phono 646; Offico phono 1900- W, Ru? Weaver M. W. GoesehJ, rugs of new goods, rag 1 rugs and carpets. 3227 Washington. ! Telephouo 1443-W, Ogden, Utah. 9005 5 Sewing Machines Whlto Sewing Machine Co.. 2277 Washington Ave. Phone 2SSI. Sanitary Work Salntary Garbage Co., all kinds 0! rubbish hauled, ash pits cleaned, Prices reasonable. Phono 620. Second Hand Stoves We take your old rango as first pay ment on any now range or will buy your old rango outright. Homo Fur nlturo Co. 7523 1 Viavi Naturo's ammunition with which to fight disease. Mrs. S. H. Ballantyne. Doalor, 3371 Washington Ave. Phorr-2155-J. 259