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r " t J ! The Fresh Air Store Cash Checks Here WmXL .SJ?Tfc -J- 9 Have Lunch Here Flower Bulbs Here 1 I People call this the "fresh air store" be- Provisions vnll be made for the cashing lifl.l mf ML' jS This wonderful sale will keep many cus- Flower bulbs from Holland are her J 2 cause wc pump clean air in and foul air of Beet Checks. This will be done V JH JgAHa tomers shopping here all day. You may com direct ug frQm over I hm. 1 u 4. e principally for customers who arc shop- A r.nnnVDi Ar: TATDAna, have a dainty luncheon at the Fountain . & . . ina I out The air here is as pure as out of ping. You will not have to wait in line UUDXLACE TQ TRADE soupS desert sandwichcs, drink 25c are the choicest varieties all select! I doors. Notice how sweet it is at all times. at the bank. to 30c. To be placed in the ground now 50c da I I : J I, L J The Beet Harvest Sales of 1918; With the opening of the store Friday morning, November 15th, we inaugurate one of the most as- BuateoPh! ?ofsPcreme ks T?o?oLf8?aapS 1 tounding sales ever held in Weber County. A sale that will help you to forget that there ever was s I such a thing as "war prices." Please note that the selling begins at 9 o'clock Friday morning and will 10: SSi- StSo VrS&7n ! During tho Beet Harvost Sales (limit water. The Beet Harvest pfiJ 2 continue one weeR. 1 do..), 12 bars oc ne dozcn 53 I . for OOC for.. - 4! Ijl FIFTY COATS AT 22.50 I jBf65 f 3 e rs women who come here for a coat , t SeBFT during this sale will have the privilege of select- 1 m' one from fifty of the handsomest coats of the if 2 AxJu tHEll season coats worth to $47.50 and pay the II ! 1 Kmmk, sale price of $22.50. Si I Jrallills n assortment are plush coats, velours, jerseys H ' uJ 3 fMgm$r loose and belted styles fur and self trimmed. IB' W I FIFTY SUITS AT $22.50 1 J wBliil values to be offered in women's suits is to have a IS I JS1 IBiSI 00 at e corner windows. Suits all of the sea- I IB Iffiilll son's best styles all sizes numerous materials, IB IBhI value t0 $45' 0rh sale $22-50-J ! H FIFTY DR1LSSE,S AT $22.50 ULJrfu Beautifully tailored serge and jersey satin, crepe iifF-HrVr e metor anc taifeta dresses new panel effects; I HbvL fringe trimming; up-to-the-minute styles; sizes I 16 to 44; all colors. Values to $47.50. Special, I $22.50. I I HANDKERCHIEFS (ffl o Ladles and children's handkerchiefs ill I splendid Quality of bwIss, white and Dj i colored embroidery. Regular lOo I Special fir n I, one dozen- JkJ- j I First floor I I FANCY RIBBONS Jj j Fancy and plain ribbon, satin taf- I feta and moire, 5 and 6 Inches I wide, for hair bows and making Xmaa dainties. Values ip H to'40c; per yard OC H I First Floor 0VERLACES IllJ Colored overlaces, silk and cotton. M 2 Pretty pattenrs for making bags, liu A camisoles, etc. 18 inches -wide. !il Values to $1.50. CO ;Ifj o Per yard Oi C Hj A First Floor I ! EMBROIDERY EDGES jH Embroidery edges, 2 to 6 Inches, of IH f swlsa and cambric, solid and open jWJ o "work. For underwear or baby Inll i clotlia' "Values to 26c -s ry Ml Per; yard 1 C jfflj First Floor 1 I ORIENTAL BANDS ilHi 2 Ori6111 Bands of silk. Beautiful Ijjyj I paterns In dark and light shades 1 111! to 3 Inches "wide. Used for dress lip 2 tolnss, etc. Values to ey j llf I 50c Per yard 5C jl I I First Floor I - NARROW LACES III I Naro-57 Lace special torcheon sha- IBII 2 ovr 'et normandy vales, 1 to 4 jpjj 1 6 inches wide. For underwear, col- j lars, etc Values to 16c. ry m o Per yard C jl 1 (First Floors i FANCY BAG RIBBONS a Fancy bag ribbons, 6 to 8 inches jfi "wide. Very effectivo designs in o pretty combinations of colors. For JB bags and camisoles. Reg- CO I ular price 75c; Per yard.... d5C I IK a First Floor. ' jl J II j Graniteware : I ! 79c II I I Enamel ware white, blue and 111 I white ail blue; drlple l n 1 coated heavy steel base en II IH 9 amel ware. Do not confuse lijp I this with the lightweight, poor- III ' ly put to5ether gry ware so 111 4 often found on sale but, in IJjH I contrast, this ware is all heavy H I A roll-edged. The handles of the i n I sauce pans, dish pans, baking m jl) J dishes, etc., are all of tubular Mjm i steel, giving you not only a cool B I I but a strong, well attached 1 5 handle. On sale you will find mm J Nos. 70 and 80 tea kettels, No. Hjgj c 10 and 12 water pails, No. 14 II I and 17 dish pans, ovale rinsing mm o pans tea and coffee pots, con 18 I vex kettels, etc. all at 79c m I I ) WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Neckwear for ladles and Misses, In pretty styles of collars and sots; organdies, georgette, net etc Lace trimmed; values to 75c; yin each .. Xc7 C First Floor. NOVELTY HANDKERCHIEFS Novelty handkerchiefs, very attrac tive patterns. Good qaullty swlss and tissue. Special, six ?0 for OOC (First Floor) THE NEW VEILS . Smart veils In newest styles, harem, drape, etc For large, medium or small hats. Values to (t -j Q Q $2.50; each $ 1 .OI7 First Floor. FANCY SILKS Fancy silk, 35 inches wide, plaids, checks and stripes. In meBsaline foul ards, taffeta and Louisene; a beau tiful lino of colors and combinations; up to 2.50 values for rf a j- yard . 3) 1 xD First Floor. NEW CORDUROYS Corduroy, 27 inches wide. Just the right cord for coats, suits, skirts etc., In all the most wanted col- q. ors; $1.25 value for, yard.... tOC First Floor. VELVETEENS Velveteen, 30 inches wide; a good heavy quality in all of the best coloro suitable for dresses, coats, scarfs, etc.; $1.25 values for QC yard 1OC First Floor. BLACK SATINS Satin, 35 Inches wide; a buautlful soft finish satin, one of tho most popular fabrics of the season black only $2.00 value for, j 45 First-Floor. TAFFETA SILK. Taffeta silk, 35 Inches wide, chiffon weight with a bright, soft finish; an extra good quality Black only; $2.00 value for a rt n q yard ) 1 ,OJ First Floor. DRESS GOODS Dress Goods, 40 inches wide, ail wool serge with soft colored stripes; col ors are navy, plum, taupe, red and green. A big $1.75 vahi9 t -t quality (bolt 10 yds.), for tP 1 oOu First Floor. TABLE DAMASK Mercerized damask, 58 inches wide, with a pretty satin finish, and a beautiful' line of patterns; j-q 76c value for, yard OOC First Floor. LONG CLOTH Long cloth, 3G inches wide, imperial quality, made -of a fine sea island cotton soft finish; $3 (hn -1 f quality for tJ)S 1 U A bolt of 10 yards. First Floor. SILK POPLIN Silk Poplin, 36 inches wide; a good quality medium weight; bright lus ter; most all colore; $1.25 Qf values for, yard OOC First Floor, STORM. SERGE Storm serge, 36 Inches wide, In all themost wanted colors for dresses, skirts, suits, etc; $1.26 QC value for, yard OOC (First Fioor) NEW PERCALES New percales. In light, dark and med ium colors; large assortment; for aprons, dresses, etc. Yard 1 C (First F?oor) CANTON FLANNEL ' " Hj 30c canton flannel, bleached or un- Hyja .BECKs 4i bleached; good, heavy weight for 93893 baby's wear, ""r"' etc, H f School suiting, full 36 inches wide, J' f V V V H In rod, green and bluo o r j ' - r jj rvf W mixtures, yard (First Floor) XL1 ia?" ft 5 Two Hundred Hats Go On Sale! spedai T.Ia.r5c'. ... 39c Two hundred of this year's smartest hats go on sale with the opening of the B pirstploor) Harvest Sales at prices that represent savings of one-half. j L. D. S. GARMENTS ifh tf iU IT f i L. D. S. garments, medium weight; liL r ft Ifck ' ay Mm Wi unbloached; light fleece lined; good jl a I I weight for mon or worn- 1 Oft LlJ' Jv A dw I J a J on. Reg. $2.25. Spoclal P I .Di7 Pjf WW T 1f W W &r V f (First Floor) One hundred of them hats for all oc- There are a hundred hats from which yj WOMEN'S VESTS & PANTS casions small and large styles. All new- may have choice for $7.50. pese are d Ladies vests and pants, bieachod; , . . , , . , m, new fall and winter models that have bei light fieoco, medium weight; vests ly tnmmed and on newest shapes. These geiiinp from $10.00 to $18.00 and W 5randT onif lb are values to $7.50. Come and see them- are some beauties in the lot. All ne sPeclai oC buy if you wish $3.95. trimmed. Choice, $7.50. 1 (First Floor) J J 1, WOMEN'S UNION SUITS SOLDIER KITS OUTING GOWNS WOMEN'S DRESS SKl'l Ladles' natural wool union suits, high c ,n.,fnxi ut. n Ladles outing flannel gowns, stripes Women's plaid dress sklrtf necks, long sleeves; sizes 1 q for and plain white; extra heavy out- dark colors. We have thei . , special H' fi t " " ; v Leather," 7eguTaT?2.25"," -i Acs (Second Floor) Basement. 1 tSpT0P TlrPP spcc,aI ' ( BLEACHED MUSLIM WJ-B J-Av3aWu (First Floor) r.,JLM Ck 't I Good bleached muslin, 36 IcJ 2 gr SILK GLOVES CXTO OPGCial STST- 3k'"s LiJ lr J Ladies long silk gloves, In black and Dmo' CllitO (First FlVorr 1 whito good, heavy quality. Can be DUVb uUllO f i , , , r .u , out down; regular $1.25. l BABY FLANNEL JUSt thirty-SIX Of them aild if Special, 2 for PJ..W Boys, su.t tweed materials 5 0c cream baby flannel, for? yOU know the present price Of (Second Floor) all woolen, dark colors for fall Sches0 "wide- 9Jv serge, you will better appreciate nRPQQFQ AMn rompprq and wi.nter wear made on yard ' J . . 4'i , thifprice These are in black and DRESSES AND ROMPERS iatest hnes. 50suits$g95 (First Floor) fa nay serge-trimmed with silk SJSSf;; aSafiJSSSSS S2S $1 en0 MEN'S CORD PANT! '( tailors' braids. Every One apOSl- 2 to 6 years; values to $2.50. 17 c- L ; ) Men's cord pants, heavy ft tively smart style of this year and special OC WARNER'S CORSETS vAS f ff rrr-d worth m the regular way at least (second noon vvahim tn o ouncc: 1 to 42; g 0Q . - twice this price. There are aU WOMEN'S CORSETS m -lues VBaTeenti I llSSmW Sizes from 16 tO 44. Pk and white; values to $ - rr liJasementj m V A small assortment of corsets, lace 2.00. Special P 1 JJ RAP RIIPQ Yrf Have a look at them on the 2nd Tat "dhSi.W!SS!?: Sec0Dd F,oor) ruSS. "STstJbS i ai ffi TlLeTLe& Choice SSi10 $2.95 HOUSE DRESSES rsin Xrf, S9 -rv ui wiiBB UOZcn IOr Iplo.yo. "TsoconT Floor) Odds and ends of house dresses and rooms this winter. di ) bungalow aprons, made of strictly Special, each JAii WHITE OUTING ( v washable ginghams and percales; (Basement) Mi White outing flannel 36 Inches wide, QthIIt 'Rl 1 Yd C 4l A QC Special J.!.'5.0: $1.95 FIBER RUGS 1 In good weights for night dresses, un- LJ I 1 IV IllflllSC.S iH (Second Floor) Fibre rugs in assorted colJ derwear, etc. Regular 35c f- kJLJLJ.. JLPJLJ W.&0 4 ' Wr.nI , size 27x54. These .are'goodSl value; yard ... iOC MEN'S OVERALLS for tho front of the flrep (First Floor) . f Men's overalls, fast blue color, heavy or stoves. Special jBf nDCQO onnno Willie yOU Will find gOOd Values (h denims; large cuts; all union made; each - - Utltib UUUUi llprp in qillr Vilnncjpc of tO op; on U" limit, 2 to the customer; n - nr- . (Basement) M 50c dress goods, Including plaids, iePe 111 Slll DIOUSeS at V- aild $200' values ,65 r.n 8 now vogue fabrics, or mohair, mer- at Other prices, Still W6 Want yOU j (Basement) TALCUM POWDER if liirllJl 42c to see the wonderful assortment WT BOYS' WORK SHIRTS roJeii (Domestics) to be On Sale at $4.95. 11 Boys' work shirts, heavy chambray sls- Regular 15c Spe- -j Cl TiiniirvM Tninr-i r - WtjmWx material; fast blue. Dandy for any cll. 2 for Af TURKISH TOWELS ftLSlS working boy; $1.25 QC- First Floor. JI Unbleached Turkish towels, size 22xr J-hese are tlie DlOUSeS that are jMiir ) values ZOC iinnir:c UAMnPRfH'l! 44; good for bath or hand towels; iiqiinll-ir rvriVpd nf 5fi T31rtii MyiV (Basement) MUUILO IIMlVUMininjBi good? medium size. no usually pncett at Jfa.&0. BlOUSeS f mWJ Kiddles' handkerchiefs 3 paof special, each ZZc of georgette crepes, of French 2wBJ?w MEWS W0RK SHIRTS oatIy ,?1b"!tet,8 1, Ji ct voiles, some bead trinamed-some Jf rMtiS iT OUTING FLANNEL embroidered. Each one of a dis- A.L ' viu ?1-5 : $ 115 gi'm,)'" Bs;nToordoaarvVnteD;sdi inct .style- priced ( ' ' NARROW RIBBONSf "ll6. 25c 1 ?4'95' I MEN'S WORK SHIRTS TTSiJS1 (First Floor) : ' Men's work shirto. tan color: good, fancy; In white, yellow, plnS, x PILI nw TliRlNr WOMEN'S UNION SUITS GIRLS' COATS S&SSSh ZtTn11 mTAu y"y pr,ced' I 1 rlLLU W lUblIMb Ladles' bleached union suits, Dutch , 4 , , values 89c P 3 V"'" T 50c pillow tubing; good .heavy linen neck, elbow sleeves .medium weight; Children a winter coats, in all wool fBasemenVV CiJirst itioor) t ,; finiBh material, in sizes 42 and 46- sizes 34 to 44. OC materials; all sizes, from 2 to 14 . 3 icdoctv ni nTU tt inch. Era soot value, Sr-cCul .... .......... 85C r-: value, to W-JJgg MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Jersey SRHfU (v,. . r. . Values to tf -j ty aj- Men's flannel shirts, medium weight pure silk; a very popular W viTsi i-ioorj WDMFM'Q WDDI HflsP 25.00 P.7J flannel; extra largo cuts; brown or this season; white only; 5 ( Mnn DATTQ r ,;VV , VVUUL. nUOC (Second Floor) gray colors; $1.G5 q r- value for, d0 ( WUUL DAI lo Ladies' black worsted hose; rein- values Cpl.O yard .. tjtS p $2.75 wool batts, mado of Utah wool, 5rcedn hS1 Qnd toe; sIzes 8 1-2 t0 RIR1 PflP AMn (Basement) VFIrsTFloor) IfS put up in cartons, enough for a com- 10 1'2- Extra spe- OKr Uini0 H HNU ) W former in each carton; all (Jo OQ cIal - 'VTmT'T Children's cap and scarf sots, mado of Z ' Jg in one piece (First Floor) all wool angora and plain yarna; gg8 HH JL nn?zraLo ' women's silk hose .idSc p retticoatsh COTTON BATTS Ladies' fibre silk hose, lisle tops; (Second Floor) mm 1 A VJLVUM.fcU' ,H Large cotton batts, size 72x90; largo colors black, white, gray, brown, tan, ia fl TT i L ji-J enough for a quiit in one perfect 3?aim Beach; aii sizes. AQn GIRLS' DRESSES K MS yf Here are the two very best lteDIf SSrL'i!.""' 98C 05 """""(FlSf'SUr) An assrtI,ect of chndron' UresSo,. yhM S"!. St0r9 W"M (Flr8t Floor) BOYS' & GIRLS' HOSE & TyZSZ'Tti ZfcMWl I Pettlooats' M "Z 7 The noted "Wunderhoao'. for boya "a.rf,; TaU,e3 10 1 OC MIWhI P7 Silk PettlCOatS W Extra Specia EI;ST 2Tc wM F ... , UP 1" reEFirst?ioor1 WOMEN'S BATH ROBES W k ' worthy of attention-taff eta, sa I Women s Neckwear women's hand bags '' mM vy f r sl in and Jersey tops ohangeaw r D' LadrhMa!dlfg3.TcontyAlalaoh SsthtSd'S'7 iam'A: 1 tBM and plain colors; $5.00 value ft Ladies' neckwear, coUars, vests one fitted with coin pur, and mlr- X. foS 6 Spedai $3-95 MM Special, $2.95. fi and coUar and cuff sets of sat- 'StoSSL. 89 C (d Floor) VJ W Pft,Vnat S neteTnsfTo? STATIONERY KNIT PETTICOATS JJir tton f ethcoats , v dresses, suits otc, qq Stationery, in the now pastel shades, Ladles knit petticoats, in light and aMU Cotton petticoats, all I16W StOCl s. Values to $1.C 5, each.. iOC Pink, buff, gray, blue and white; reg- dark colors; part wool; just the djkftLA Plain anrl fatlfv 'nat.tPTn?, blflC 'W. ' (First floori ulatlon and long envelopes, oq thing for winter; 85c rf PWO t ?oiif i ' toiilf irst noor; HegulSr 45. Special values bOc ST p5 and colors $2'00 Values. SpJWs L J (First FJoor) (Second Floor) cia $1.00. jCg ;l ; j