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liB kead Carefully Sheet Music 10c 3jl J 9 About Mail Orders 85 Sale of Tanlac I ; C V :fa ;s a very large ad. we will admit. During this sale we will offer choice of a WwTI "H mm BtS mt j6 Mail orders or items in &c ad "wiU bc A frcsh supply of the famous remedy I XXXXXm ft I all of the good items could not be x f newcst popular songs in TT " Cs W Een "P receiPf. Eder. Postage is Tanlac, has just been received. This ? iH tiiB Lded into smaller space. In fact B, . in , r Jf . x ,rs 01 a rt Trt to a iv sent to cover mailing. In view of the low Master Medicine" is beine endorsed bv I jH items will be on sale that arc not shcet music at 10c the copy Come to GOOPgLASE TO prices quoted we cannot prepay trans- hundreds. We sell the full Si m size ' 11 Honed here. the Basement and hear them played. portation. , at 89c. lM increase a Dollar's Buying Power; I ifclhe Farmers of Weber County, we want to say this word of advise. You have received this year ux Soap - Perfumes re than ever before, good prices for your abundant crops. Let not this prosperity make y less rm&? SJl I H eful. Make every effort to still make your dollar buy all it will We are co-operating with you tc J$5SdF Sl3rsrff PH WT m . j will not shrink woolens and will not ing bettor near tho pricC U1 odors I IH MAUCG tllO COSt Ot llVUlff, rado delicate fabrics. Tho 1 1 that are popular Special, : - I F'l T 1 usual 15c boxes, oach 1 JL C per ounce cC 2 I 1 Joi Coats for All Girls $9.95 fi lmfr-W Here's a wonderful opportunity to buy a coat for IPJfl any girl from 2 to 14 years of age. This offering of Bfrok several dozen coats includes this season's styles 4$$mBi M in all wool fabrics worth to $18.00. KHB ; f(j In the lot will be found velvets of all colors, fancy Hjn y jj mixture with the most attractive .trimmings. Coats A p . as distinctive in style as women's styles. Ages 2 to YM Laf&w 14 years a great assortment at $9.95 -a. j HOLEPROOF HOSE r 1 ' 'i 'ronf hosiery, for ladles and Mm M s rencn Ibercie , (First Floor") Ce 1C JATISTE BLOOMERS Here is is, without doubt, the one greatest offering of the a.r batiste bloomers, made of Beet Harvest Sale in dress goods. This is a handsome ?i &nee;Ti.?5 QC quality of French serge in a full range of colors the 3 i , z)uC width is f ul42 inches. Serge is the most wanted of all H! j (second Floor) fabrics this fall and one of the most difficult to buy.. i QUADDY CLOTH You'll find this serge priced in most stores at 1 aSBSl ?2:00- Beet Harvest sale 2$ V7I iby's quilts, kimonos, etc; price i47JLo- AVJU 5c6 Inches wide; Q,Qr " ' (SrpioTr MEN'S UNION SUITS ELECTRIC GLOBES k f PILLOW CASES Men's u1110,11,511113' hcayy leht cot- Light giobog th0 hlghgrado tungsten 'h ( rn-i-w ww t material; cream color; closed jamn overv one e-mrnTitPPfi rn iftacjr embroidered and hem- crQtc. all sl ?3L50 qq JS? u? t?4C f wattf 1 lianinteeJ; a11 )l pillow cases, for Christ- yalue . 00 35c value ?' 29c jf( presents, etc; ex- in (Basement) tii ood quality; pair P 1 J. U (Basement") 7;r (First piooo MEN'S SWEATERS -i f GUEST TOWELS Men's sweaters, heavy rib knit, high pp a J ij eH llneu guest towels; size collar; cut in the coat effect; dark LvTlPfil V m m (Th CI (Fft H ii'f-ffl.1' iino 7q; s.5l... 98c txtra opGciai 5 ij ttJ.C (Basement) j DH PANS MEN'S RAIN COATS BlanRetS i jan, a heavy retlned ware Rain coats for men, dark brown and a , r: z h hlauof ! iriU never chip and not read- light yellow; all cemetcd seams; wopllmish double blanket at; the 21-quart CQ S15 00 cMl a (PhC Jn assorted colored plaids, size j I - 55 C "13 : $1 1 .95 72 x 82. This is the best wool j l' (Basement) (Basement) finish blanket we have our reg- f If LaE BOYS' CORD GLOVES $6.25 ;made of good quality semi- Boys' cord gloves; heavy corduroy; Main; rose spray 70 dark brown color; gauntlet CQr (Basement) ffcUon 4 VK stvU; 75c values v ) V (Basement) (Basement) tr 1 BOYS' & MEN'S MUFFLERS ' COTTON BLANKETS $!. 95 5'iJx . 1 A cotton double blanket, in gray and ftfiZi) Boys' and men 3 muaon'' Ueavy tan colors; size 64x74. A splendid jWpnv knit woolen material; clasp 3-4 bed blanket. This Is our regular W yWL In front; 50c values $2.25 value. Special, tf j JKg1 (Basement) the pair tpl,7i3 LISK ROASTER (Basement futs '. wre are too many furs to t w a full list of the sale ces. If, however, you are ijnng for furs, v;e advise it you come to the second U or and have a look at the ? fiarkable offerings that are : idy for 'you furs in all i Is of pricessingle or in 1 B And only perfect furs -I 'sold at this store each S M has our guarantee, j at Beet Harvest prices. i"arris69c . 5 or soldier sox and jj ters. Whether the war I ycr or not a lot of soldier J vvill spend the winter in j oce. These yarns are all 1 '1 standard khaki or I full weight skiens. Sjj usually at $1 the skien. f; Harvest price, per n. 69c. Roaster, No. 3 Llsk, blue enameled steel roaster complete with a tray in set to match. Regular tQ AP $5. Sale price (Basement) MILK PAILS Milk pall, retlned heavy steel base pall, with strong handle and secure ly riveted ears; the 12-qt. (t 11 -jj Q size; regular $1.46 ip 1 LZ (Basement) COAL SCUTTLE Coal scuttle, galvanized iron scuttle with crimped sides and bottom; fit ted with flat stoel handle; p7Q(r size 18 i V (Basement) WASH BOARDS Wash board the Silver King has a well made ash wood frame, rein forced white metal scrubbing sur face; ono to a per- A.Rr son . - "Ot (Basement) CUPS AND SAUCERS Cups and saucers those aro a high grade first quality seml-porcelaln; plain white cups and t 1 saucers; set of six P 1 (Basement) DINNER SETS Dishes $15.00 42-plece dinner set of fine quality semi-porcelain .deco rated in tho new wide ji r band patorn pJLUJJ (Basement) WASH BOILERS "Wash boiler a heavy tin-copper bottom boiler with stationary wood handles; the largo No. 9 (to 7C size O (Basement") WATER SETS Water set a half-gallon, clear, lustrous crystal jug, cut with six point star and six bell d -o an shaped tumblers to match P JL iO (Basement") KNIVES AND FORKS Sot of knives and forks,. 12 dwts. nickel silver plated, with wnter-proof oak filled hollow handles; very suit able for hard, everyday rf -a fQ usage; set J) 1 .iO (Basemont-) 1 COTTON BLANKETS $2.98 A cotton double blanket, in colors gray and tan; size 68x80 This is a splendid sheet blanket; the regular $3.50 valuo. Special, rt qq the pair Ji70 (Basement") COTTON BLANKETS $2.25 A cotton double blanket, in colors gray and tan; size 60x76 another splendid sheet blanket. This is our regular $2.75 value. tT ijp Special, the pair P0 (Basement") WOOL BLANKETS $9.00 A wool double blanket, in assorted color plaids; size 66x80. These aro a splendid heavy blanket for tho cold weather. Our regular fcr ff $9.60 value, pair tpi.UU (Basement") WOOL BLANKETS $10.50 A heavy wool double blanket, in a splendid assortment of plaid colors; size 66xS0, Our reg- (i a En ular $11 value, for .... P 1 U OU (Basement") COTTON COMFORTS $5.25 Cotton comforts for tho bed, in as sorted color and paterns; size 72x84. These are good, clean, fluffy cotton comforts. Our regular 1C OC $6.76 valuo .each tj00 (Basement") COTTON COMFORTS $6.75 An extra fluffy cotton comfort, in assorted colors. The regular 72x84 size. These are well made of good material. Our reg. $7.25 J 7 CI value for, each pO O (Basement") . SUIT CASES $1.95 Our regular 24-Inch brown color suitcase, with a lock on it. Made on a steel frame. Our $2.25 Jb QC valuo, each P JL JO (Basemont") GIRLS' WINTER COATS Children's winter coats, in sizes 3 to 6 years. These are made up in dif ferent materials and colors. They are our regular $4.50 o qc values, for each (Basement") WOMEN'S SERGE DRESSES Serge dresses, in size 3 6 to 44. These are made In the latest styles, neatly trimmed. Our regular d?Q 7 EI $10.60 value P7 O (Basement") Some News or Menllj 1 This is going to be SOME opportunity for . 0 j men. We would like to have listed all of the '- good items, but must be content to tell about t c these better come in and see the others. Jg I A jnundred. J8Blik j I . Suits $20 IWM I This wonderful $20 lot of suits has been en-BH BiWm 1 H larged and strengthened for the sale ordi-HH BhI - I WWW narialy they have been by far the best values BH ralirclSnB I "1 offered in the state this f all. And now with . HfeBiBBLI I i the addition of some of the best $25 siuts wU. mBwtt ll I I with even a f ew of this year's $30 suits it Vv Q9 E 1 H should have the quick attention of every man A m m&m I j who wants a suit. Young men and old men vflHf VHH ! H sizes for all men all new fabrics this V8 1 I year's styles. A hundred to pick from, $20. V 1 lH t I MEN'S PAJAMAS MEN'S SILK SHIRTS I Men's pajamas, made of heavy Men's silk shir ts,v made of satin H lK ' 1 outing flannel; pink and blue stripe tub silk. The usual $5.00 J? HPS 1HM 1 I stripes; $2.00 value. - values. On salo fcQ fvp- mBfM WWi a ' 1 On sale at p 1 OD at iPJcZD j lal I ; 1 MEN'S DRESS HATS MEN'S BATH ROBES Bp H j I Men's dress hats. These are the M , b th b d J Kfl H new fall shapes and colors; made bath bQ fl all-over pat- MsM EM A of p'oo vaW3UonCOm $5 75 Mml H MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS MEN'S VEL0UR HATS , I Men's dress shirts, made of mad- Men's valour hats, very dressy 1 I ras cloth; neat and fancy stripes, shapes; black, brown and green J. 2 I Our special $1.00 value. lJQn colors; $10.00 value. ftj qj- 1 WWW On 6ale at 7 C On sale P J0 1 f . Se Prices Take A Drop ' Customers who buy shoes here during this sale are asure" going to save some money. Here's a few and this is only half the story. Mens Shoes $4.65 Odd Lots $3.95 A hundred pairs of men's shoes in values to $7 This will be a lot of odds and ends of all sorts and in all sizes from 6 to 10. There are black women's, misses, bays' you may see them in and tan shoes English or wide toes. Shoes the window. Some of the women's shoes are worth to $7.00 on the old market. Choice (in worth $10. Every pair is worth much more than basement, $4.65. this lot price (basement and 1st floor), S3.95 . I WOMEN'S SHOES CHILDREN'S SHOES INFANTS' SHOES SoeJskheels:e! ve6ry 'dJ&y XS? S?2df?a'8 metal, lace Infants. BhoQBf ln patent loather or sizes, 2 1-2 to I; $12.50 To OP tX??!1?: beaVy Z kId: hand-turn soles; button style; values 1 $9.35 sizea 81to il $2.65 5 t0 8; ?2'00 R 1 (First Floor) jzz to11 0 O 5 Va,UM 7" WIMEN'S COMFORTS 2 (Basement Women's comfort slippers; a good (First Floor) ruu nDirM,0 ounce quality vlcl kid, Juliet style; sizes Dnvo cunco UnlLUnblM b bHUtb 3 7; ?3-00 49 BUYS bHUhb Children's shoes, in vicl kid or gun value P&JJ Boys shoes In tan and black calf metal calf; black or gray cloth tops; (First Floor) upper, with Neolln soles; English la'ce styles; gIzcs 8 to An BIGu GIRLS' SHOES lasts- lace 8tyle- A vory dressv 11 pZ.$0 Growing girls' shoes, in brown or shoe; fllzea 1 to 6; ?5,00 fl lzes 11 i"2 to CC gray kid, with cloth tops to match; valuos ipJ.-tU 2 - P.OO low or medium heels; a r (Basemen (Basements $0.00 values Pflr.OO mnMCMio ounw (First Floor) WOMEN'S SHOES MCIVPQ Ul PIITQ CHILDREN'S DRESS SHOES Women'a shoes ln gray, brown and ,VltN 5 Ml UU 1 Children's dress shoes, patont leath- fleld mouso kid; cloth top 9 incha Men's Hi Cut shoes in tan calf up er camp, with gray or tan cloth tops; high; good wolght soles; high or low Pra; extra heavy double soles; 14 laco or button; sizes 8 1-2 Jq qh heolD; lace style; sizes dA lncSx tops; $10.00 frr-i OP to 2; $4.00 value .OO 2 1-2 to 7; $6.00 values PTr53 valuos P 0J (First Floor) (Basement (Basement ' V PRESERVING KETTLE Preserving kettle, pure ware guar anteed aluminum kettle, with heavy wire bail ,obonized wood grip, complete with cover; 10- (t -fl OC quart size P 1 OJ (Basement) FIRE SHOVEL Fire shovel, a japaned iron shovel, with long, cool handle; O ono to person JLG (Basement) WASH BOARD Wash board the brass king board is the standard of perfection its a time and soap ? C saver OOl (Basement) SILK MOIRE RIBBON Silk Moire Ribbon, 5 and 6 inches wide, black, navy, green, brovm and purple; for hair hows, etc. ValueV to 30c; per - C yard - LJ First Floor. WOMEN'S WARM GOWNS Ladies outing flannel night gowns, made of heavy outing; white and colors; $1.75 tU OC values P 1 (Second Floor) JARDINEERS Jardinor this is tho popular earth enware; six decorations to make choice from; the large d- -J Q 10-in. size p 1 ly (Basement) EMBROIDERY EDGES Embroidery edges in swiss, cambric and batiste, for baby clothes, under wear, etc., 2 to 6 inches wide i o Special, per yard JLd&C First Floor. LARGE SIZE UMBRELLAS Large size umbrellas for ladies. Regular $1.85. Special First Floor. 0'CEDAR POLISH O'Ccdar polish, excellent for dusting, cleaning and polishing floors, wood work, furniture, oto the pjq large quart can C ( Basomont) COTTON BLANKETS j M A good, heavy cotton blmket, tiro 1 f 72sS0; weights 4 1-2 pounds; in col- 6 h ors grey, white and tan. This is ( made of the best quality cotton. Regular $5.00 & a rf-fk o value $4eOU H BABY BLANKETS I iH Baby blankets of the Beacon make; c in size 30x40; made in pi 3k and bluo 1 color with assorted designs. These make a splendid wrap for tho c ! baby. Special price, j each UC I )H (Basement) 9 .H AXMINSTER RUGS ! 'I Axminster Rungs, ln assorted pat- tern; size 27x54. This is a splendid I I 'H rug for tho hall or in other parts of 6 I ; tho house; a $3.00 tf A value, for Pi ,OU j- jH SUIT CASES I H Fibre suit cases, ln the tan color. 1 1 These aro the regular 24-inch sizes; 1 , a $2.75 value for, t -n g c i each tpl.D I j (Bauement) WINE OF PERUVIAN BARK I Wine of Peruan Bark, an invlgorat- o I IH lng tonic ln run-down conditions of 1 1 lH health, for renewing tho appetite 'H and toning up the system. (1? t 2 1 'H Regular $1.50. Spocial I 1 j First Floor. J DRESSER SCARFS I H Embroidered dresser scarfs of differ- v h lH ent designs. Rogular 5G& iO- I !' Special 46C 1 First Floor. Extra Special I Bed Spreads j I $5.00 bed spreads in extra 6 ; large size crochet, also white satin, plain hem, and scalloped I cut corners, extra- (tj ordinary values v (H (First floor) ,