Newspaper Page Text
I m THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGPEN, UTAH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1916. lt H - I WANTED i I Female Help l ' LADY as general housekeeper. Phone i 102S. G97 WANTED at once a chamber maid at the Healy Hotel. Apply in person. 685 GOOD girl wanted. JIo washing. Good ' wages. 2404 Madison. 656 ' CHAMBERMAID at Grant Hotel. Call f ' iu person 656 t WANTED Chambermaid at Reed ho z. tel. 600 ; b. Z. WASH Day Tablets make wash ing easy. Your grocer has thera. 7721 ; WANTED Experienced mangle girls. ; U. P. .'aundry. 6970 ' WANTED ' Male Help, j , COAL MINERS A N rTToADERs"' i" I Wanted nt once. NO IDLE DAYS Highest wage scale ! GO AT ONCE . Applv Lion Coal company, Rock Springs National Bank Bldg., Rock f Springs, Wyoming. 699 GOOD cook, good wages. Ph. 2199 -J 665 i WANTED man to drive automobile, and take care of furnace at residence. Apply John Scowcroft &Sons. 681 FIRST -CLASS moulders wanted at Ogden Iron Works company. 71SS UFOR RENT Furnished j ARLINGTON HOTEL 2439 Washington Centrally located, modern, hot .-.nd cold water, steam heat and telephones in rooms. Rates by day, 50c and up. By week, $3 and up, 357. 4 ROOM modern house at 351 2SUi. i'osmveij no cnildrcn. 700 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 564 25th. ; 6S8 ROOM for rent. 832 25th St. 690 THREE rooms at Smithsonian ?15 per momli. j-hone 2S67. U57 BEAUTIFUL front room suitable for two. 102 -23rd si. 659 BEDROOM in cottage. Light housc privileges, ifiu.00. 2S74 Wash ington. ' 654 3 NEATLY furnished rooms. '245 W. I'aiterson. 1371 -W. 663 HOUSEKEEPING fur. and uurur., gas, JS.UU up. 536 olsL 7907 PLAZA APARTMENTS. COMPLETELY furnished for llcnt housekeeping. Elevator, amusement hall, phone, light, heat and gos. Maid tervice if desired. Rates $20 to 537.50. 7909 A NEATL furnished apartment. Tho 1'eaii, 2 ill uud Grant. Phono 2920 5311 and :iAtt 263i Grant. 8-l'-ti ! FOR RENT I oituu. iajdrrn rlck house with gas, located 2540 Gramercy. Phone 1245-R. 709 ' 3 ROOM apartment, modern. Rear 622 , 23rd. ' 698 5 ROOM new modern, furnace, sleep ing porch. 3523 Adams. Phone 3233-W. 5 696 4 ROOMS, cellar, closet, or could fur I'nish. Ph. 1127 -M. 66 ! 1 ROOMC! vriih u-fitor 1 1 pVi and rpllnr. 253 W. Patterson. Ph. 1371 -W. 662 f THREE room house for rent. 38th and ; ' Grant. Inquire J. H. Roberts at Grant : f hotel. 644 . 1 4-ROOM modern npt. Apply 2620 Mon : roe. Phone 2694R. 639 , FOR rent A two-story and basement r brick warehouse on Wall street. Will ' 'give lease. Apflly John Scowcroft & ' Sons Co., 23rd and Wall, Ogden, Utah. ' , 445 . 1 GARAGE, private. 53.00 a month. : ; 2874 Washington. 653 WANTED Miscellaneous ij " : CLEAN RAGS wanted at the Stan ; Jard office. I WANTED I-., To Rent : ' ' -v-Lrv-,-,j,jij--rv(x)1 --(aillL :: WANTED 3 pr 4 furnished rooms for . light housekeeping or small cottage X; mulshed. Address R. J. Standard. 683 M OR 5 room modern Tiouse, would I consider buying. Phone 1991. 687 FIVE room house or apartment; strictly modern and desirably located. I UU .Mrs.-N. F. Goodwall, New Healy I hotel. 689 I DRESSMAKING V o ' evening gowns. Mrs. Charles C. (Slater, No. 2, Browning apartments. ; Phono 2941. 616 LADLtS'tallorlngESG ruaCison, 1932M 3-10-lyr FQR SALE OR TRADE 1 WILLYS -OVERLAND utility 11-2 Jon truck, 1 Hudson .truck. 1 E. M. F. i l- Will take city property or Ij' SDlallcr car. Phone 2816 -M. 708 ! jj FOR SALE Real Estate i 5 ROOM modern brick bungalow prac ' tically new. Phone 281 6-M. 706 L HOUSE and furniture for sale cheap, i 526 36 St. Phone 2977. 705 I ONE 4 RfeOM frame house, modern, i bath, closet, cabinet in wall, basement, barn, 2 coops for 51400. Part cash and 1 good tonne on bal. By owner, 3469 ; Porter ave. 4 686 FORTY acres two miles from sugar factorj- 545,00. 25 acres in cultivation. 15 pasture. Under canal. O. A. Ken nedy, Basement Utah Natl. Bldg. Phone 913. , 682 FOR ,SALE Relinquishment on 320 acres good land. Near railroad. R. P. Hunter, 431-24th st. 661 "A GOOD sightly lot on 21st street, 25x 137 feet doop to alley, only $25. 55 down and ?5 per month. J. J. Brum mitt. Phone 59. 583 AN ELEGANT lot on 31st St, 146 feet front and 105 feet deep, only 5100. !$10 down and 510 per month. J. J. Brummitt, 2320 Washington Ave. 583 5 3-10 A&RES, implements, house and lot. 2237 Endion. Phono 2684-R. 529 A GREAT snap in a farm of 150 acres located near Ogden, within a quarter of a mile of railroad station. Plenty of water, some of this land is worth 5500 per acre. This is an elegant prop osition for any one to sub-divide and to clean up anywhere from 525,000 to 550,000t,in the next thrco years. Only 580.00 per acre, small payment, bal anco on terms. J. J. Brummitt. Phono 59. 583 A GOOD 5 room house, with nrge lot, fruit and shade trees. Well located ou a principal street on the bench, for only 51400. 5200 down and 520 per month. A great snap. J. J. Brummitt, 2320 Washington Ave. - 583 STORE and dwelling, well locatod on bench. Store equipped with electric scales and mill. Price includes lot and building with half interest in drive way. Your own terms. Price only unaer Mrsi isai i oani;. j. A. McCulloch. 9001 S-ROOM modern brick house close in on bench and car line. Good barn and garage. Walk, sewer, curb and gutter all paid. Lot 43x150 to 20 ft. alley. Price S3S00. $750 cash, long ilmo bal ance. J. A. McCulloch. 9001 WANTED j: To Buy j v a.n j r-iij iu uqv an established groc ery store. Phone 2611-X-M. 674 WANTED Remington or Underwood typewriter. Must be in good condition. Phone 2222. 57S CORD wood any quantity. Greenwell Confectionery. 333 A 1 or 5 room modern home. Phono j days 378, evenings 1427. 126 j j WANTED 5 Situations 5 1 vA.m'.u work in private telephone exchange by experienced operator. Phone 2299. 701 WANTED clerical or office work, by young man 30 yrs. of age. Bx. 50 caro Standard 627 SEWING machines put into good con dition. All work guaranteed or no pay. Call evenings. Phone 1875.W. 62S DAY nursery Children cared for by the day, week or month. 2204 Grant Ave., or phono 889. 440 j WANTED j . Agents WE need you, men. women and chil dren to paint our victory soldiers, any body can do it, complete outfit 51. also agents and dealers wanted ev erywhere. Wo furnish everything, write us today. Liberty Toy Co., 3523 N Grand St, St. Louis, Mo. 692 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY to loan on improved city property. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah Natl Bldg. 694 MONEY to loan on improved real es tate. No unnecessary delay. E. F. Bratz. 417 Eccles Bldg. 453 RALPH P. HUNTER, Established 18S9. liortgago LoanB, Real Estate Insurance, Utah, Idaho lands, farmj and city property. PersonB desiring to loan money on good first mortgage Becurity will do well to- coneult mo Good applications always on hand. 431 24th St., Ogden, Utah. 3310 V W. :J. Pierco Agency Real EBtato, In Eurnnce, Loans, Notary. 15 Commer cial Bank Bldg. Phono 393. MONEY to loan on real estate secur ity. J. J. Brummitt 6-21 -tf REAL ESTATE Mortgage and Loan Kelly & Horrlck. 6-16 tl LFOlSAlAUTOSn 1- -ri-inrimrnriAJJui..-- -iannjijuuijf T3ARGAIN 5 Pass. Dodgo in excellent shape. 5750.00. Call James at 1026. 672 1917 GRANT Six. Good condition. 5500. 3112-W. 649 630 CHALMERS. Inquire Miv Harpater at Cho'esman Auto Co. 7789 A LITTLE MISTAKE. "I saw your hunband passing tho prow lor the other day," "My husband never goes near a sa loon, I'd have you know." v "I didn't say he did. All I saw him do was to walk by the bulldog next door." , oo Mamma "Charles, do you know what day tomorrow will be?" Charles "Yes, mamma; my birthday." Mamma "And, what would you like for tho occasion?" Charles (aUcr a pause) "I'd like to ce our schoolhoUBc burn down." 1 uu Read tho Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ads. : FOR SALE Miscellaneous 4 YEAR OLD niaro with foal, 1150 lbs. Buggy and light harness and work harness. Phono 951-W. 702 HAY, grain, potatoes and poultry food. Grouty Grain Store, 3S2 24thSt. 704 EIGHT large storage batteries for sale. L. J. Leishman Co., 326 Hudson Bldg. Phono 326. 707 18 APTS. cheap. Inquire at 2252Vi Wash. Ave. 673 GOOD horse, wagon and harness. G. Albers, corner Qulncy and 32nd St. 652 BABY carriage, good condition, auto top, will sell reasonable. Apt. 26, Ar gyle. 645 OLIVER typewritor in good condition. 813 25th St. Price very reasonabe. Phone 100. 637 NO. 1 FRESH milk cow and calf. 1915 Grant. 625 MAN'S fur coat and threo fur robon for sale. Phone 1936. 532 FURNITURE, coyote ' traps. Phone 2634 -R, 528 RESTAURANT for sale Good busl ncss. Chas. Sing, Montello, Nev. 477 WINTER vegetables for rale. Call phono 1574. 438 IMPORTED canaries. 2220 Lincoln. 9050 Ptonos, PLAYER-PIANOS sold for lowest prices- at 2524 WaLilncton Avonuo. Phon 1TJ. Js013 LABOR and soap saved by using E. Z. Wash Day Tablets. At aii grocers. 7725 GROCERIES, staples, best brands, lowest prices on tile BenclL. Martin Cash grocery. 740 24th St. Phone 537. 6812 GROCERIES In rotall quantities at wholesale prices. Ogden'i Groceteria, 181 24th St, 5842 9 column BurrouRh'o Adding machlna. Good working order 5100 cash. Appl) Standard olflcc. 6371 , 'POKE OF THE FIOM BUREAUS The purpose for which Farm Bur eaus are organized is rather generally misunderstood, says tho committee on agricultural production of the state l council of defense which met at the Utah Afrlcultural college recently. Somehow tho idea has crept into the minds of men not emploed on the farm that the motivating idea In farm bureau organization is price fixing. A glance at the scope of organization shows this to be absurd. Women's Homo Economic associations and boys' and girls' clubs aro included. The Home Economics organizations have for their object improvement in tho home, whereas the boys' and girls' clubs represent an attempt to interest the next generation of rural citizens In the greatest of all problems food production. In spite of this, however, the men's organizations aro the backbone of the farm bureau. Occasional efforts at price regulation are resorted to, hut those are at moat incidental. Co-operative effort Is tho thing striven for. Grasshopper control and tho suppres sion of rodent pests are Imposslblo to individual farmers. When, however, thoro is concerted effort In a town ship or in an entire valley much can be done. Under the auspices of the farm bureau, hogs were this year mar keted from parts of Washington, Sev ier, Wayne, Iron and Beaver counties that are 30 to 80 mile3 from the rail road. By so helping the farmer to reach market, tho farm bureau enables him to do collectively what he can not do individually. Nothing showB the far-reaching aims ui iitv uifauiiiiuuuii uuiLcl iuau LUC preamble to tho constitution of the Stato Farm Bureau. This is as fol lows: "The object of this organization shall be to promote tho development of the most profitable and permanent system of agriculture, the most wholesome and satisfactory living conditions, tho highest Ideals in home and community life, and a genuine interest In farm business and rural life on the part of men, women, boys and girls in tho community. "The object of this organization shall bo effected through tho adoption and promotion of a definite program of work. This program shall bo based on tho result of careful study of the rural problems of the state." UTH BOYS LOST IJMT II Private Henry Smith, of. Park City, son of Mrs. Rosa Smith, is officially reported aB killed in action overseas. Sergeant Anderson J. Frodson, giv ing Mrs. Juan Gonzales of 3154 Pacific avenue, Ogden, as the notifiable per son, has died of wounds received in action in France. Private Daniel J. Limb, son of John Limb of Adamsvillo, is reported dead of dlsoase overseas. Russoll W. Davles. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Davles, 1751 Fifth East street, Salt Lako, died from an operation for appendicitis at Camp Jones,- Douglas, Ariz. Ho Joined tho First cavalry April 19, 1917. Ho was a student at the West high school. Joscphh Clyde Morrill, 19 years old, son of Professor Joseph F. .Merrill, of tho student army training corpB at tho University of Utah, died December 3 of influenza-pneumonia at the F'ort Douglas hospital. I Private Herbprt H. Burns, grandson! of Mrs. R. Fannie Burns of Vernal, United States marine, was killed at Chateau Thierry. He arrived in France on February 25, 1918. on his twenty third birthday. He was in action dur- WHITTLESEY IS REWARDED FOR HIS JUUVEKY CAMP DIX, N. J., Dec. 5. Charles W. Whittlesey, commander of the fa mous "lost battalion," received his honorable discharge from the army here today, on a special order signed by President WilBon a short time be fore leaving, for tho peace, conference. Major .General Hugh L. Scott handed the discharge papers to Colonel Whittlesey, who will go to New England. ing March, April, May and June. He was killed June 4. Joseph R. Woolley, 21 years old, member of tho student army training corps a,t the University of Utah, and a former student in tho regular course, died Decombor 2 of influenza-pneumonia. Ho was the son of S. E. Wool ley of Honolulu and Mrs. Alice Rob erry Woolley of Grantsville, Utah. Private Leonard H. Peterson of Salt Lake is officially reported as killed in action. Prjvate Cloon J. Rober of ' Santa Clara, Utah, died of disease overseas. He was tho son of Otilla Rober. Private Sidney A. Sorenson, member of F company, 159th infantry, was killed in action October 10. He was tho son of Mrs. John P. Sorenson of 683 Sixth avenue, Salt Lake. He was 29 years old and entered the service Juno 25, 1917. Ho went to Camp Low is and Camp Kearny and arrived over seas last August. Lionel Charles Dover, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dover of Cedar City, Ut., was killed in action September 19. He went -to Camp Lewis on October 3, 1917, from Iron county. He left for Franco in July. . He leaves a widow. Logan H. Bryant, son of Joseph Bry ant of Cedar City, died at Camp Wheeler, Ore.. November 23 of influ- February 13. Ho was 27 years old and a nativp of Cedar City. A broth er, Dan Bryant. Is overseas with tho Amorican expeditionary forces. Private Evangeles Fintrllskis, son of John Fintrllskis, 518 West Second South street, Salt Lake, has been killed In action, according to the official cas ualty list. Private Edward H. Barrus, son of Owen H. Barms of Grantsville, Utah, is reported to have been killed in ac tion. Angus R. McKellar, IS years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus A. McKellar, I 307 EaBt Fifth South street, Salt Lako, died at tho Fort Douglas hospital De cember 4, 1918 as a result of Influenza pneumonia. He was a sergeant of D company, studont army training corps. He attended the East high school pre vious to his induction. Roy D. Austin, son of Edwin N. Aus tin, 584 Wilmington nvenue, Salt Lake, previously reported killed in action, is in a base hospital, recovering. Ho was wounded October 12. He is a member of G company, 362nd infantry, Ninoty-first division. Private George H. Western, son of Samuel Wood Western and Mrs. Clara Phillips Western of Deseret, Utah, was killod in action October 31. He went to Camp Lewis on April 28 of this year and went overseas after training at a Virginia camp. Walter A. Monson, 26 years old, son of Edward Monson, 203S Farr avenue, Ogden, was killed in action with Amer ican troops in France. He left Ogden on May 3 of this year for Camp Lewis. He was a member of the 364th regi ment of the Ninety-first division. Clarence L. Johnson, 18 years old, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Gub Johnson of Murray. Ho entered the aviation ser vice March 4 of this year. Ho was born nt Morcur, Utah, graduated from Granlto high sohool and was attend ing the University of Utah when he enlisted. THE OUTBURST OF EVERETT TRUE YOUR BACK IS IN A h TH- QOAR.T ot 1 KNOW AS IVSU- AS pO I AHX) You Tooj RULINGS ARS ; l!RLlH THtslM PLGQSE TO STSP AROUNT3 UjlTH To NeATUARTCLRS THI3 13 a Rse COUMTRV Ai Btrr You ASTf 1 PRESIDENT TAKES PART IN "LIFE" - DRILL! SHIP ON BOARD U. S. S. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. (By Wireless Press to The Associated Press) 10 p. m. President Wilson today faced the test that the Amorican troops have been undergoing on their way to France. The American executive was forced to don a life preserver and pre pare to abandon a ship which theoret ically had been attacked by a sub marine. This afternoon the alarm bell and tho "buzzer" in the president's apart ment gave the signal to prepare to take to tho boats. Previously having been instructed by Captain McCauley, President Wil son left his office and called Mrs. Wil son and led her to a life-boa. Tho presidont assisted Mrs. Wilson in ad Justlng her life preserver and they stood in line waiting. Meantime, all tho ship's company was doing the same as tho president. Tho drill was perfectly conducted on tho people on board tho George Washington could have abandoned the ship in ten minutes. j There was a steadily roughening sea today and the convoying destroyers looked like big submarines awash. The heavy swells at some times made things uncomfortable for those not used to tho sea, but President Wilson seemingly was enjoying tho trip. Seven of the twolvo destroyers es- GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES PROBATE AND i Consut County Clerk or tho Respec tive Slgnera for Further Information. NOTICE The estate of Oluf A. Parsons, do ceased. The petition of Bessie B. Parsons, praying for Letters of Administration in the above entitled matter, has been set for hearing before Hon. A. E. Pratt, judge, on Monday, the 9th day of De cember, 191S, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the County Court house, in the court room of said court, in Ogden City, Weber County, Utalv Witness tho clork of said court, with the seal thereof affixed this 27th day of November, 1918. C. M. RAMEY, Clerk, By FLORENCE SHAFER, Deputy Clerk. W. H. REEDER JR.. Attorney for Petitioner. corting the George Washington turned back todrty. oo THDMftS BUDGE OH SCHOOL BOARD Thomas Budge of Pleasant View re ceived a majority of 53 votes over his competitor, David E. Randall, of North Ogden, in tho school board election for tho first district. Mr. Budge will succeed Horace Shurtliff of Harrlsville, who is tho re tiring member. Doings jrf AeMcDuf f j (SooDORKIMg! W NAME l$ Z I OP&iED VotfR MAIL FOR LEGAL NOTICES H NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 'I Dopartincnt of tho Interior. U. S. Laiid 9fr,cJ? aA.aU He City, Utah, Decern- , bcr 2. 191S. I Notlco j hereby Riven that Halph-W Farr. or Ogden. Utah, Dcccaocd. forUhw , heirs of Lorenzo Fnrr. who, on Novcm- ' gpf ? ,101J' ndc "Homestead Entry or iH SE u Section 13, Township 6 NoHh. , Rjuvjc G West, Salt Lake Meridian. 'has 1,' filed notice oC Intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to tho Innd , above described, before William JL Rcedor. U. S. Commissioner, at Ogocn, I Utah, on the 13th day of January. 1018. I Claimant names at witnesses: Vernon iH atson, Calvin Weaver, I..K. Farr, Jos cph Farr. all of Ogden. Utah. COULD I-T. DLAKI3 tlY. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 Department of the Interior. V. S. Urnd Office, nt Salt Lako City, Utah, Decern- bcr 2. 131S. n N'otlco Is hereby given that AdrlarfcL. I Farr, of Ogden. Utah, who, on Fcbrunry 16, 1915. made Homestead Entry. Serial ' 013890. for NR l-i, Sec. 13; and on Oc- iH tobcr 16. 1917, made Additional Home- I stead Entry, Scriol 015301 for NE r.1-4 NW l-l Section 13 and K 1-2 SVl-4 SE 1-4, Section 12. Township 6 Xorth. Range 6 West. Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notlco of intention to make three- 1 . year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before WilllamSL . Rcedcr. U. S. Commissioner, nt Ogdun. Utah, on the 18th day of January, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: LF. Farr. II. II. Henderson, George Gwllliams Calvin "Weaver, Vernon Watson, allrlof GOULD H. DLAKELY. Register, OtrJcn. Unth. rH JKNIFORMA Anything New or Old T l H Be your own salesman. Tell no lies. Select your wants. Pay. 2116 Grant. 11 Phone 333. 8093 'J Attorney-at-Law 2 j' H E. T. Hulaniskl. Lawyer, 313-31!-! ,' First National Bank. Phone 202. r ' Lawyer O'ConnaUy, over Comnieri ! cial National Bank. Phone 11. 1 Accident Insurance & H Aetna Accident & Liability Co., - Auto and Liability Insurance. H.&. i' Purdy, 2377 Hudson Ave. Phone 483. ' Automobile Supplies I ;H Garage, Repairs, Studcbaker Agency, jj H Mack-Robinson Co., 2440 Grant Aye. i H Phone 891. j ' Fjvprvihlnr- fnr Anlnmnhllcc Vwow. irl thing for Electricity. Auto und Elec- i H trie Supply. 2564 Washington Ave. u ! Phones 326 and 325. ' H Banking j Ogden Stato Bank, Commercial &' I Savings Deposits. Reed Hotel Bldg. 1 Phone 62. Utah National Bank, southeast cor- H ner Twenty-fourth and "Washington. Phono 61. J Carpet Cleaning ! 1 1 K. Van Kampen for upholsterlngr 1 H carpets cleaned, altered and laid. Re- j lW making of mattresses. Phono 8S3. j Export carpet cleaning, mattress I I renovating, upholstering, and springs I restretched. Call E. J. Hampton Co, : Phone 2586-W. , Chiropractors j I H. "W. Roberts, Chiropractor, 412-13 1 14, Col. Hudson building. Phone 707.- j.i l I. J. McKell, Chiropractor, fourth ' jl floor Col. Hudson Bldg. Phono 630. j jl City Scavengers McCarthy & Co., 2734 Grant avenue. C II Phone 2018-W. 4, ! Electrical Wiring ! II Wiring and repairing in all Its i : I branches. Auto & Electric Supply, i 11 2564 Washington. Phone 325-326. j II Engraving I Ogdon Engraving Service Co., mak- II ers of fine cuts in ono or more colors. ' 240S Washington. Phone 463. j jl Piano Tuning ; (I Leavo orders at CONSOLIDATED ' MUSIC CO. for Thomas S. Ashworth. II Tuning and repair Jobs. Work guaran- . teed. .109 Furrier and Taxidermist : J Furs cleaned, stored and remodeled j j in tho latest styles. Now orders taken. J Summer prices. All work guaranteed. 1 1 T. Gajewsky at Burt's store. Phona H 118' 'll Hotel ij Tho only fireproof hotel "in Ogden. 11 Ratos 75c. and up. Tho Mew Brigham, ' J Wall avenuo and Twenty-fourth street. I Phono 2430. jj Junk and Hides , jj Wostern HIdo & Junk Co., 2223 ,' jj Washington Ave. Phone 861. ' ;j Ogden Junk House, 2059 Washington , I Ave. Phono 210. - - , , J Money to Loan jj Salaried peoplo can got It witboirt ; 1 security, others on furniture, pianoiL etc. 21S Hudson Bldg. Phono 871-J. ij New and Second Hand Goods A. Siner, new and second hand furi nithro, clothing, etc., bought and sold; i ' Suit cases cheap. 241-243 Twenty-fifth, ! Phone 1321. Physician and Surgeon Dr. A. Fernlund, office hours 11 td 4 p. m. New Peery Bldg., Hudson Ave; ; Res. Phono 646. Offico phone 1900-W; ; , Rug Weaver " M. W. Goeschl, rugs of now goods; rag rugs and carpets. 3227 Washington Telephono 1443-W, Ogden, Utah. 900S , j Sewing Machines i White Sewing Machine Co. 2271 ;j Washington Ave. Phono 28S4. I i i Sanitary Work 2 !" Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinds o li rubbish hauled, ash pits cleaned ; Prices reasonable. Phono 620, ,! ? ll Second Hand Stoves 3 j I Wo tako your old rango as first pay- jjj ment on any new range or will buyd . vour old rango outright. Home Fur;- 51 iiituro Co. 7523- The Kalsor Rosnor, don't those domnj- , jjj able Frocnh have a "phraso that fits; ' U them and tholr diabolical associates? jl Rosncr Your jnnjosty must be think?"' ' j Inff of tho Entente Terrible. New Yo'iK Evening Post. ,