Newspaper Page Text
J THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1915. , H I surely did relieve ! i that eczema! I Pack up some Resinol Ointment in I his "old kit bag." Nothing is too good 1 for him, and he will need it "over f there" where exposure, vermin, con- I tagions, and the exigencies of a soldier's if jc cause all sorts of skin irritation, ,; ' itching, sore feet and suffering. ' Rejicol Ointment ttopi itchinz almost InttanUV. It hal M"'e w,re' tetorc they an become bic one. It wu;ei skin comfort. ; ! for lib bf ell dtilm. tea fighting : MEN 1 STAY '11 PEACE : WASHINGTON. Dec. 5. Secretary '. Baker save his personal opinion today ; that none of the veteran divisions of the American army in France will re turn home beforw peace formally Is declared He indicated that the tr od fightmg men would compose the bulk ' 'of the force lo be kept in Europe for : 1 the present. Heretofore the understanding ha? '' been ihnt the Rainbow division and two or three other famous units would be brought home soon, leaving thviir .places to be filled by some of the new comers. nn "OUT OF BED ! THREE TIMES!" ! 1 If thf Airtini of kidney disorders ?nd ; 'bladder iiTitation is compelled tonrisc icven once in the night, thrre is a con 'ditlon which should bo promptly cor rected. If arising morn than once im- raedlatr attention i; i):c part of wis dom. are peculiarly fitted lo promptly re ' licve soreness and aching in the" kid , hey regions. Thejf allay inflammation. ; restore normal secretion and correct the alkalinity of the waste secretions, and thus stop the source of irritation. ! ; pain and annoyance. There are thou-! sands of benefited users of Balmwort Kidney Tablets and all good, conscien i -lious druggists recommend and sell Iwuivui. iTirp, ?i.vv per luoe. I CORRECT KIDMEY TROUBLE. 1 Sold b all druggists. Advcrlise Emcnt oo NO FAVORED NATION OTTAWA, Ont., "Dec. 5 Favored na tion trade agreements between France ; and Canada have been revoked, al J jthough preferential tariff rates mu ' tually allowed will be maintained, sub-, . ct to withdrawal on three months' ;notice, it was announced here today. The new arrangements necessitated by the action of the French govern went denouncing all commercial con-1 jyention containing favored nation clauses as announced by M. Clemen gtal, minister of commerce in Paris yes fterday. annuls the Franco-Canadian Jjtreaties of 1907 and 1909. : t , oo AVIATOR KILLED. . ( FORT WORTH, Tex., Dec. 5. Lieu- .tenant Lowell Peterson of Boston, ; .Mass., an instructor of aviation at Bar ' iron field, was instantly killed when ; -his airplane went into a tail spin and ,fell today. Cadet Jamie Overall, rid- f'jng with him, was severely injured. Lieutenant Peterson entered the serv ice December 1, 1917, at Chicago, and was commissioned at Scott field, Belle ville, 111,, last August. no I Read the Classified Ads. I Good Cooks : i Save half tho usual number of eggs required in their favorite recipes :j by using half eggs and half SA-VAN-EG The New Cooking Compound Try a package today for Mufflni, Pan thefts, Waffl as. Cake, Salad Dressing. Meat Loaf, Breaded Dishes, Gravies, Des- wrts or any redpo calling for whole egg. 25 Cents At Your Grocers j THE NACMA CO,. CHICAGO, MFRS. i n m, i i in -. , Crown - Painless Dentists 3 East Side Washington, be tween 24th and 25th Street. I 2468 Washington Ave. ir DESERT TRAGEDY REVEALS DEEP MOTHER LOVE SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., Dec. 5. A desert tragedy was revealed here today when a rescue party returned from a desolate section near Aniboy, Cal., with the story of the burial of Raymond Hampler, aged 17, who died while journeying afoot with his mother from Las Vegas, N. M., to southern California. Travelers found the body with the mother crooning over It. Up on her refusal to abandon the body word was brought here and a rescue party was sent out. After the burial by the party, the mother, who was exhausted, was taken to Amboy. She said that she and her son, after walking from their former home in Iowa to Las Vegas in search of land for a new home, decided to push westward, despite their ill health. The additional exertion, she said, proved fatal to her son. ! What They Need You just can't keep children from wading in water nnd trampling through slush nnd snow, but you can see that they do not suffer with coughs, colds, croup, Eorc throats or bronchitis following it. ' Foley's Honey and Tar is just what they ought to have when they j come in, cold and uct, sneezing and coughing. It makes them feci Trrrm and comfortable, tastes good; coothci a raw l inflamed throat, and prevents icrjoui I j results from the wetting end chill. I Mrs. E. J. Bcdard. Cotviche, Watk., xrritei: I "Foley's Honey and Tar I the bett coufh rued- icine I everuard. I alwayi keep it iathn hnuus. A quieU cure for couha and coldi." ; A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Two Busy Stores. issii't , CLOSED BECAUSE i . OF iELUENZA; COLUMBIA. Mo.. Dec. 5. The Uni-j versity of Missouri tomorrow will close until the first part of January; on account of the influenza epldomic, I Dr. James Jones of the urrlversitv fac- ulty announced tonight. Tho action ' was taken at the direction of the local 1 health board. . I -There are about 2,500 students' at the j university and all will be sent, home except members of tho students' army I training corps who will be demobil- ized gradually. There are 200 cases I of the disease here and last week Dr. Louis Selbcrt of the university faculty died from it. oo f NOSE CLOGGED FROM f A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils To j Open Up Air Passages. Ah! What relief! Your clogged nos trils open right up, the air passages of I your head are clear and you can j breathe freely..No more hawking, snuf fling, mucous discharge, headache, I dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos trils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous mem brane, giving you instant rpliof. Ely's Cream Balm is tJust what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seek ing. It's Just splendid. nn HONOR BRAND WHITLOCK. WASHINGTON. Dec. 5. The state department was advised today that the burgomaster and city council of Brus sels have made Brand Whitlock, Unit, ed States minister to Belgium, an hon orary burgher and conferred upon him the freedom of the city as a mark of appreciation for .his -work during the period of German occupation of Bel gium. i 00 Dorothy had been naughty, and finally. because of disobedience, she stumbled ! and fell. She ran cryinp to her mother. ' who said: "You see, Dorothy, you were naughty and God punished you." Dorothy took it philosophically and stopped her tears. Soon her mother clipped on tho polished floor and fell. Dorothy, hastening lo her assistance, asked. "Why was you nauphty, muvrcr? 1'sc awful sorry you dot punished." 00 AN UNCERTAINTY. "I've voted for you every time you ran for anything." said tho visiting constit uent. " trust." replied Senator Sorghum, "you feel that your course was prompted by good Judgment." "I can't tell for sure. Sometimes 1 think it's good Judgment and eonctImB I think it's Just a forgiving nature." I nn . Road tho Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ads. FOR STOMACH TROUBLE DURING THE FLU TRY CAVE'S STOMACH POWDER BELGIAN KINO AND QUEEN "TAKE" PARIS PARIS. Dec. 5. King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium and their eldest son wore given an enthusiastic welcome when they arrived In Paris today. The royal train, decorated with Bel gian and allied escutcheons and flags, reached the Bois de Boulogne station i at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The streets were crowded along the entire ! route from the station. The weather was dull and grey, but there were no signs of rain. King Albert wore the khaki uniform of a Belgian general, Prince "Leopold, a private's uniform and Queen Eliza bth a tan -colored coat with a grey fur collar and a tan toque. The queen sat beside Madame Poincare In an open carriage and smiled happily as women and children in the throng threw flowers Into the carriage. The king of the Belgians and his queen have entered many reconquered cities in their own kingdom lately Bruges, Ghent, Brussels and Liege, which have been freed from "the Ger- man yoke but it was left for Paris un sullied by German occupation to give the monarchs and the crown prince a l greater reception as far as numbers were concerned. Arriving in Paris the royal party was officially received by President Poincare, Premier Clemenceau and members of his cnbinet other high of ficials and members of the diplomatic corps. To greet the visitors the popu lace assembled In large numbers along the Champs Elysees. In the place de LaConcorde and on the bridge over the Seine. In the drive through the city Kingi Albert was seated by President Poin- J care and Queen Elizabeth rode with! the wife of the president and Prince Leopold was accompanied by Premier Clemenceau. All along (he route the royal party was accorded enthusiastic reception." M. Clemenceau and Prince Leopold, chatting pleasantly, attracted nearly as much attention as the presi- j dent and the kinj. I At uie gaies oi me yuai u ursay Belgian soldiers of the Sixth division i were awaiting to be presented to their king. When the monarch arrived they unfolded banners bearing the names I of the Forest of Houthulst, Koorslede ;and othrr places they had recaptured j-from the Germans. One young Bel-j I gian soldiers keyed up with Joy, saidj ! to th A?sociated Press: "This has been a bad year for kings. ! emperors .-.nd kaisers, but our king need not worry." j After visits lo the ministry of for-1 eign affairs the king and queen paid) I a formal call upon President Poin-. ! care at the Elysee palace and later at tended h reception given by the Bel gian colony. This evening the royal party was dined by President Poincare at the, Elysce palace. nn 1 S IN TE STOMACH IS DANGEROUS j I I Recommends Daily Use of Magnesia To Overcome Trouble. Caused by Fer menting Food and Acid Indigestion. Gas and wind in the stomach accom panied by that full, bloated feeling aft er eating are almost certain evidence of the presence of excessive hydro chloric acid in the stomach, creating so-called "acid Indigestion." Acid stomachs are dangerous be cause too much acid irritates the deli cate lining of the stomach, often lead ing to gastritis accompanied by serious stomach ulcers. Food ferments and sours, creating the distressing gas which distends tho stomach and ham pers the normal functions of the vital internal organs, often affecting the heart. It is the word of folly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the stomach acids. Instead get from any c'rutgist a few ounces of Bi-uratcd Magnesia ad take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass of water right after eat ing. This will drlvo the gas, wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten the stomach, neutralize the excess acid apd prevent its formation and there Is no sourness or pain. Bisurated Mag nesia (in powder or tablet form nev er liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and the best form of magnesia for stomach purposes. It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their muals with no more fear of Indigestion. Advertise ment. oo U. S. MERCHANT MARINE. WASHINGTON. Dec. 5. A resolu tion asking the shipping board to pro pose legislation for development of a permanent American merchant, marine was adopted today by tho senate with out debate upon motion of Senator Jones of Washington. NO LONGER VEXED. "I suppose some of theso public questions vex you a great deal 7" "No." said Scpator Sorghum. I havo ceased my efforts to solve every problem that arises. The way to kcop questions from vexing you Is to be tho fellow thai asks them Instead of tho fellow that tries to answer them." 00 "Did your late employer give you a testimonial?" "Yes, but it doesn't aeom to do mc any good." "What did ho say7" "Ho said L was one of the host men his firm had ever turned out." Stray Stories. nn NOT THAT BRANCH. ' "What stentorian voice he has." "No. I think It is more like tho Jones sldo of tho family." nn Llttlo -year-old Vivian was crying, so her grandmother asked her what tho trouble was. "Oh, everything goes wrong," sobbod Vivian. "I Just wish 1 had my wholo life to llvo over again." SPANISH INFLUENZA MORE DEADLY THAN WAR Said That Epidemic Cost More Lives Than America Lost in Battle. Danger Not Over. Great Care Nevessary to Prevent Further Out break. The appalling ravages of Spanish in fluenza in this country are perhaps best realized by the statement recently made, that more deaths have resulted In little more than a month from this disease than through our whole eigh teen months' participation in the bat tles of the European war. Our greatest danger now, declare authorities, Is the great American ten dency to forget easily and to believe the peril is over. Competent authori ties claim the coming of cold weather Is very apt to bring a return of this disease and there should be no let-up throughout the winter months of the following easily observed precautions, remembering that Influenza is far eas ier to prevent than cure. Influenza is a crowd disease. Avoid croAvds as much as possible. Influenza j germs spread when ignorant or care iless persons sneeze or cough without using a handkerchief. Cover up each cough or sneeze. Do not spit on the floor, sidewalk, in street cars or pub lic places. Avoid the use of common drinkiug cups and roller towels in pub lic places. Breathe some reliable ger micidal and antiseptic air to destroy the germs that do find lodgement In your nose and throat. ! Remember, no safer precaution j against influenza could be employed in I this manner than to get from the near-1 est drug store a complete Hyomei Out-1 i fit consisting of a bottle of he Pure I loll of Hyomei and a little vest-pocket! hard rubber inhaling device, into which i a few drops of the oil are poured. You i Ishould carry this Inhaler about with lyou during the day and each half hour l or so put it in your mouth nnd draw .deep breaths of its pure, healing germ 'killing air into tho passages of your nose, throat and lungs. j tually begin work in your blood, you may make yourself practically immune to infection. All these suggestions about Spanish Influenza are equally true In the pre vention of colds, catarrh of nose and throat, bronchitis and even pneumonia. Don't become careless. Do your part. Keep the germs away. You may save yourself a serious illness and the loss of several weeks work Culley Drug Co. Advertisement. QUEEN llH MEffllllif EMPIRE'S WOMEN LONDON. Doc. 5. -Quoon Mary has issued tho following message to tho womon of the empire: "A few months ago at the height of :our anxiety ana strain I sent a mes sage in the name of the women of our lands to our men fighting for ns across (the seas. Now in the hour of victory j I should like to givo a message to the i womon of the empire. During the ivar i they have been given the high privi leges of service, they have risen to tho j great opportunity and have proved their courage, steadfastness and abil ity. I have been allowed to watch and appreciate their work in many parts of tho country, and my heart is full of admiration and gratitude for what I have seen. "I earnestly trust that though the I thrill and glamor of Avar is over, the spirit of self-sacrifice and helpfulness which It has kindled will not waver. A new era is dawning on tho world, brnging .with it many difficulties, fresh responsbilltics and serious prob lems. "Parliament has secured for the wholo country greater opportunities of more thorough and varied education, but it will depend on tho parents whether these opportunities are used to the full. We all rejoice that plans are afoot for bringing to an end tho existence of such bad and crowded I housing as makes home life almost im possible, t "Today, more than over, tho empire needs her dnughters. For In tho larg er world of public and industrial work women are daily taking a more im portant place. As we have been unit ed in all our work, whether oi hands or heads, in a real sisterhood of suf fering and assistance during tho war, lot us go on working together with tho same unity of purpose for tho re-scttle-ment and reconstruction of our country." oo BRISBANE EXPLAINS. WASHINGTON. Dec. 5. Arthur Brisbane appeared before tho senate committee investigating brewery and German propaganda to explain his pur chase of the Washington Times with money furnished by brewers. He said tho brewers' loan was a straight busi ness transaction, after first stating that he had not furthered any German propaganda. oo "Jinks has so much poor health " "That la because ho eats bo much rich food." AMERICA IS GREAT NATION SAYS VANDERLIP NEW YORK. Dec, 5. Although America has been called a nation of1 boasters, "we do not fully realize" how great we have become" and how im portant a part the United States is to play In international trade after the war, declared Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, In an address here today. Speaking at the twelfth annual meeting of the American Association of Woollen and Manufacture, Mr. Van derlip asserted we had won the ad miration of the world, and that this would create "a new business atmos- j phero for us." Tho habit of thrift ac- ! quired during the war by Americans who own approximately $20,000,000,0001 worth of government bonds, would add to this country's international' strength and future development, he said. While admitting that "the labor sit uation Is fraught with all sorts of un fortunate possibilities," he declared that finding work Tor the army of men thrown out of employment here by cancellation of war contracts would be solved satisfactorily. Mr. Vanderlip pointed out that im migration had been checked by the Avar and that in the reconstruction period "millions of persons will flock lo the other side," besides the -100,000 foreigners avIio returned to their na tive lands to fight. This, he asserted. shoAA-ed that "our Avorkers are not go ing to experience any difficulty in the matter of employment because of an over-supply." He said he Avas surprised Avhen he road the report s'.iOAving there Avere in the army nineteen million yards of melton, forty-nine milliou pieces of underwear, tAventy-five million pairs of socks and nine million ynrds of : shirting. "We are Avondering," he added. "Avhat is going to be done AAith all this material and I think the government is also Avondering what is to become of it. It has occurred to me that a solution to the vexatious problem I would be to offer the goods to Russia in return for her credit." Mr. Vanderlip characterized as "ab surd" the Avages paid in shipyards and munition Avorks and said they Avould go down as time went on. Bisiie Unions Declare Moody's Case Is Not Labor Dispute BUTTE, MbnL, Dec. 5. The Butte street car employes' union refused to day to adopt a resolution demanding j a now trial for Thomas J. Mooney. (Serving a life term at San Quentin, Cal., for murder groAving out of the San Francisco prcparednoss day bomb ' explosion cases. Members of the or ganization said the union did not rec I ognlzo the Mooney case as a labor ; controversy. j , 1 Tells a Secret I Manufacturer of Famous Medicine I Tells Ingredients, So Public Can Appreciate Pure, Reliable Medi cine. Many people fear to take medicine to check and abort colds, cure coughs, catarrh, etc. This fear Is groundless Avith all the products of The Blackburn Products Co., Dayton, Ohio. Not one contains opiates, narcotics or harmful drugs. Mentho-Laxeno, for coughs, colds, catarrh and all distress folloAV ing a cold, is a compound of Wild Cherry, Tolu, Cascara, Grlndella, Men thoe Ammonium Chloride, and alcohol sufficient to preserve and keep in so lution. Every ingredient is in conqentrated form and the medicine is so strong that only ten-drop doses aro to be tak en in the "raw" state. But the ideal way is to make into syrup by emptying a 2V ounce bottle of Mentho-Laxene into a pint bottle and then fill the bot tle Avith granulated sugar syrup, made by dissolving a pint of sugar In a half pint of boiling A-ater. It is said by thousands that this makes a most ef fective home treatment for all cold troubles. Tho manufacturer guaran tees it to please or money back. Sold by ull good druggists. Advertisement. oo WILSON PROVES A POPULAR WRITER Tho advertising and publicity cam paign for the Fourth Liberty loan aams! the greatest ever put on In a single month in the Avest, according to a com pilation just made from reports of state chairmen of the seven states of the Twelfth Federal reserve district. The record distribution of tho loan is considered largely one of the results of this comprehensive campaign, as avoII as the total subscription which Is practically double that of any former loan. In addition to oversubscribing the district quota by 15 percent, citizens of tho Twelfth District contributed more than a half million dollars to put through the advertising campaign planned by George A. Van Smith, man nger of publicity for the second, third Save the Babies INFANT MORTALITY ia something frightful. Vo can hardly realize thnt of all the children born in civilized countries, twenty-two per cent., or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach ono year; thirty-seven . per cent., or more than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen ! Wo do not hesitate to say that a timely uso of Castoria would savo many of these precious lives. Neither do Ave hesitate to say that many of theso infantile deaths aro occasioned by the uso of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or leas opium or morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation and load to congestions, sickness, death. There can bo no danger in the ubo of Cas toria if jt bears the signature of Chna. H. Fletcher j ns it contains no opiates or narcotics of any kind, r yr1 Genuine Onatorla alAA-nys Dears tho signnturo of ZiZAC WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A I SHIPMENT FORD SPRINGS I Frozen winter roads jolt and rattle your car to pieces. Come in and let I us equip your car with a new set of I springs The price is very reasonable H Cheesman Electric & Auto Supply Co. I 2564 Washington Phones 325-326 I and fourth loans. With this money more than 5,000 advertising pages Avere paid for in the neAvspapers of the dis trict. These pages Avcrc, sent out In mat or plate form by tho San Fran cisco office. The preference of newspapers and committees of the district for adver tising copy prepared by the general I publicity committee in San Francisco, over copy prepared by national head quarters, is shoAvn by the use of three and one-half times as many pages of district copy as national copy. Both displays were submitted on the same basis. According lo the reports, President Wilson Is shown to be the best "ad" Avriter on the most popu)ar subject Full pages carrying his Liberty Loan statement Avere used more times than any other advertisement. The Presi dent Abraham Lincoln page was sec ond. This copy carried a likeness of! the immortal Lincoln Avith the phrase "That these dead shall not have died in A'ain" and the draAving showed Americans at a Hun barb wire en tanglement. Copy making use of the Stars and Stripes AA'as third in popu- ,iijjL. wmie uie prize winner ol me I district advertising copy contest Avas I fourth. Atrocity copy was sixth. oo Will Take Off. All Excess Fat i Do you knoAv that there is a simple, j harmless effective remedy for overfat-j ; ness that may be used safely and se- J i cretly by any man or Avoman who is losing the slimness of youth? I There is; and it is none other than ithe tablet form of the now famous Mar-j mola Prescription, known as Marmola i I Prescription Tablets. You can Avell ex-! I pect a reduction of from two to four ; j pounds a week without dieting, or ex-1 ercising. Marmola Prescription Tab lots are sold by all druggists at 75c for a large case, or If you prefer you can order direct from tho Marmola Co., 864 Woodward Ave., Detroit, I Mich. Advertisement. j oo CONVICT'S STORY FREES GIRL OF NURDES CHARGE NEW YORK, Dec. 5. Without tat ing the stand in her own defense, Eliz abeth Baksa, the 19 year old Freo mansburg, Pa., girl on trial for the murder of her boarding house keeper here, Avas acquitted this afternoon at tho direction of Judge Hosalsky. When James Regan, Sing Sing con vict called in rebuttal by the prosecu tion, persisted in his story as a wit ness for the defense that he had killed Mrs. Helen Hamel last Febru ary, afterward threatening Miss Bak sa's life Ahen she discovered the crime, tho court ruled that the evi dence need not be presented to tne Jury- "Thank God. they kneAv I was inno cent," the youthful prisoner cried when Informed that she AAas free. After her sobs had subsided the girl declared she would return tomorrow to her Pennsyh'anla home, adding that "a countrv glrl has no business In Noav York." Judge Rosalsky created a most un usual situation after Miss Baksa had left the court room by asking the jury for its opinion as to AA'hat should be (done with Regan, who had "confessed" jto the murder of Mrs. Hamel. After a half an hour of conference the jurors I returned a "verdict" as follows: i "We do not believe the statements of j Regan op the stand. We do not be- lieve ho was ever in the house, nor j had he any connection Avith the mur- i der. We believe he committed per jury." The jurors individually ascribed Reg an's actions to a desire for "cheap no toriety." Judge Rosalsky announced he Avould , confer Avith the district attorney con cerning Avhat action should be takeu. UU Snake Charmer and "Fat Lady" To Go in Circus; Art in Lead CHICAGO, 111.. Dec. 5. Artwill replace the snake charmer and "fat lady" as an attraction at coun ty fairs next summer, It was an nounced by speakers today at the American Association of Fairs and Expositions' convention. An effort Avould be made, it was declared to appeal to the art seuso American soldiers have acquirod In Europe. R. A. Brown of Birmingham, Ala., was elected president; C. V. Walborn, Columbus, O., vice pi'esl dent; K. R. Dnnielson, Lincoln, Nob., secretary, and Frank D. Ful ler, Mom phis, Tenu., treasurer. UU 1 1 Read tho Clnsriflcd Ads. oo Read tho Classified Ads. r- NON-PARTISAN 1 LEAGUE FAVORS I WORLD FREEDOM I ST. PAUL, Minn., Dec. 5 A peace ' Avhlch would create a "United States ( of the Avorld, by consent and not by ' conquest" Is favored by the National ; Nonpartisan league, according to lt& I "fighting program" adopted at the league's annual convention here today. "The program," as given by tho league tonight folloAvs: I 11 "First A peace program, ending wai 'H by creating Avorld democracy, not sub- ' stituting one despotism for another. A ! United States of the world, by con 'sent and not by conquest r ouuuu a reconstruction program l IH providing for the employment of all. 1 reduction of the cost of living, ending monopolistic extortion, and redeeming J the. state and national government from autocratic control of monopolls, and in this A-ay making the world safe H I for democracy. '') "Third The termination of the H present national control of railwavs and all other public utilities and in- '(H dustries taken over as AYr measures, iil not by return of these properties to private monopolies, but by national 1 OAvnersbip. "Fourth Employment of the unem- HH ployed, in co-operating with organized labor, through government-Avorks In ' such enterprises as road building, for cstry, timber and fuel production, flood ,; protection, and land reclamation. H . "Fifth Complete enfranchisement 1 I H of vomen Avith equal opportunities H AA-ith men and equal pay for equal ser- j j JH "Sixth The national government IIH should make loans to the state gov- ' ernments, on state bonds, secured by ' 'M first mortgages on real estate in or- I der that farmers can get loans from 1 'M the state at cost r i "Seventh Immediate reduction of freight and passenger rates, especially ';H on food and fuel. ' i;H "Eighth Immediate abandonment of ' all interference Avith political rights jH of employes in the public serIce, and ; ! abandonment of the exercise, of any ! LH 'further postofflce censorship. ; jjH "Ninth Liquidation of the national ', ;H debt through reforms in the income ll and inheritance taxes. !H "Tenth Restoration of the rights of labor, surrendered for patriotic rea- 1 H sons, and the repealing of laws regu- I, lating the civil rights of people as j H war measures. j 'H "Eleventh All use of the mails, tel- I H egraph, telephone and express com- j panles and banks shall be denied for , -H making sales of goods, properties, in- ' H A-estments or securities, except for di- j H rect deliA'ery by the owner or his au- H thorized agent, and then of the speci- (.'AH flc goods, properties, investments or T ! H securities involved, in order to elim- ili'H inate gambling and speculation in ne- IH'H cessitics of life." I rl WANTS TO KEEP ALOOF WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 Reaffirma- ) tlon by the senate in the policies o .H George Washington and Thomas Jef- H ferson, against the United States be- :H coming involved in European politics. ;H is proposed in a resolution introduced 'H today by Senator Borah of Idaho, and .H referred to the senate foreign relations 1 H committee. H j WHEN YOU WAKE I j 1 UP DRINK GLASS I'll OF HOT-WATER 1 Wash the poisons and toxins from I system before putting .more H I food into stomach. H Wash yourself on the insido before H breakfast like you do on the outBide. ' H This is vastly more important because the skin pores do not absorb impuri H ties Into the blood, causing illness, while tne bowel pores do. ' tH For every ounce of food and drink taken into the stomach, nearly an : ounce of Avasto material must be 'j H carried out of the body If this waste j H ,' material Is not eliminated day by day , it quickly ferments and generates ; poisons, gases and toxins which ar6 j absorbed- or sucked into the blooO H stream, through tho Imph ducts which ( should suck only nourishment to susS W H tain the body. "!. H A splendid health measure iB to H drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of real hot Avator with a tea- H spoonful of limestone phosphate In if. Avhich Is a harmless way to Avash , these poisons, gases and toxins from the stomach, llA-or, kidneys and r bowels: thus cleansing, sAveotcning li nnd freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting raoro food IntQ $J tho stomach. hl A quarter pound of llmcstono phos v' , ifl phate costo but 'ery little at the drujj I store but Is sufficient to make anyonw an enthusiast on inside-bathing. -Ad- i H vertlsemont 1 H 1 4