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Christmas Cheer - OGDEN THEATERS Open U Opening of Ogden Theaters brings happy Yuletide cheer to the good people of the city and the Board of Health may well" consider that a Real Christmas Gift has been extended to the citi I ) ZenS lt Wil1 fumish great Jy happiness t0 the hearts of 1 he Iovers of the Drama- Much desired Christmas pleasure will be afforded and many souls will be lifted from epidemic sadness JTV t0 1,16 gIeefuIness of a HAPPY TIME- 11 wil serve as a tonic for afflicted Ogden and have much to do in eliminating gloom and physical ailment. A little cheerfulness, such as the theaters ggkyg wil1 Produce wil1 move the PePle 0 a new and beneficienUealm of thought and action. Since the closing of the showhouses, a little more than two months ago, each place has been thor- WTtm' ' 0UghIy cleaned and renovated and disinfected from pit to galleries. All the theaters are spick-span with comfortable surroundings and equipment, perfectly ventilated, heated and lighted. BP No one need fear infection. x II nni ir f a i r r a nkt Qom j I UUUU. r AIKo AIM JVO UP SMILING" I j . i GERMANS j 1 0 ''f- BURT0N HOLMES I m I " Prices Matinees . . . . .6c and 15c I 1 - Evenings, after 6:30 6c and 20c 1 IIH I It is one of the biggest and greatest MYSTERY LOVE-DRAMAS ever filmed. H I If made a Broadway "show me" private audience stand up and cheer and tender it 1 , greatest applause of any film ever shown in New York. It is not a war film nor does it in any way picturize the gruesomeness of war. 1 There are scenes showing just exactly what you want to see as regards the work 1 ! we are doing Over There. m It shows how French families welcome the doughboys, how they treat them and I now they care for them. . . ' m : The story it presents is pne of mystery and excitement, built around the cheerful 3 side or the war zone. (j ! In it you will see close-ups and long shots of Marshal Foch, President Wilson, Sir 1 Douglas Haig, General Pershing, General Diaz and other Allied leaders. . g I The cast is headed by E. K . Lincoln and beautiful Dolores Cassinelli, supported by I a cast or especially selected players. E jj M It :will give you a onderful idea of the great work America has accomplished and I how you just what Pershing meant when he said: "Lafayette We Are Here." 1 1 "LAFAYETTE, WE COME" I (Pershing 1917) Dedicated to the soldiers of America who havo sacrificed their all on the soil of France. g Many years ago a soldier of France and Freedom came to us at the time g of our greatest need. He won for us the Liberty and happiness we now en i Joy. f When General Pershing arrived in g Paris with the first contingent of the ? American Expeditionary Forces on 5 June 16, 1917. he visited the tomb of Lafayette and addressed it in words i that have been indelibly written into 5 the pages of American history. Hfs Sj ! speech contained three words. They a told of America's payment of her i debt to Lafayette and to France An 5 humble, yet dramatic and impressive l declaration of true faith and alleg- 0 iance, back of which lies the typical American spirit and determination to! 1 fight on to victory to fight for de ; raocracy to build for posterity, j These words have re -echoed" to ev- J ery corner of the globe and went ! j thundering at the gates of Berlin. The I walls of the Potsdam palace trembled,! then fell, at their significance. This production -having its initial showing in the state in our city. "La fayette" is the first release of "the ex hibitors booking association of which manager Skinner is president of elev en western states, the Hawaiian is lands and Alaska. The play will be giveji at the Alhambra Sunday Advertisement. 1PHE1 OPENS TONIGHT; JAP PLAYER After ten weeks of darkness, the Orpheum will open Its doors tonight to the amusement-loving public of Og 'dpn Owing to the short notice of the ' I lifting of the "flu" ban, Manager Goss j I will be unable to present a vaudeville I bill this week, but instead will give to jhis patrons an excellent program of pictures. The second big special re 1 1 lease of the fariious Japanese star, Sessue Hiyakawa, In "The Temple of Dusk," will be the feature. .picture he j ginning tonight at 7 p. m. With this j excellent star and a good story, Or , phouni patrons can look forward" to an j (evening of real dramatic entertain tment. An excellent Christy comedy Jand the Pathe News of current events will complete the program. Special ! music will accompany the picture by i Professor Larson's Orpheum orchestra". Pantages vaudeville will begin its sec jond season next week, opening Thurs day afternoon. On Christmas day mu Isical comedy will prevail at lh"e Or Ipheum, the attraction being "My Sol ,dier Girl." The Orpheum box office will open Saturday morning for this at : traction and vaudeville tickets. Ad vertisement, I .nn i HOUSE PROBE ' OF SECURITY ' LEAGUE ON! i , WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 Invcstlga- tion of Hie National Security league ot New York, with respect to its alleged I reflections during the last campaign jupon the loyalty of members of con-1 gress, was begun today by a special house committee, headed by Repre- J sentative Johnson of Kentucky. j Officers of the league. appeared for examination, bringing with them many of the league's papers and records. Colonel Charles E. Lydecker, pres ident of the league, was questioned by Chairman Johnson as to whether the league had taken a partison or politi cal stand or interfered in any way with the election of any officials. , "The aim of the league since Its or-1 .ganizatlon and Its only aim," Colonel Lydecker said, "has been to win the war. There has never been any di gression from this aim. The league I I has made every effort to keep entire jly out of politics. Its hands are clean," I When asked if any members of the I league had entered the political field, j Colonel Lydecker said that as the 'membership extended over the entire country it would be impossible to say, ! but that as far as he knew every mem- Iber had followed the desires of the league in that respect. I FOR SPEAKERSHIP WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 Represen-1 jtative Millett of Massachusetts, Re-1 ' publican leader of the house during the ! i illness of Representative Mann, of 1 1 1 1 -; nols, today announced his candidacy , for the speakership in the next con-1 gress, in opposition to Representative' Mann. Former Speaker Cannon of 'Illinois, today declared his support for Mr. Mann. j oo I This nation's railroads do not wish to j rccclvo a stocking full of uncertainty for I their Christmas ylfu Mr. McAdoo guess- I ctl wrong. X ( Wlieit Utah Theatre Opens Next Saturday It Will Be the Talk of the Town I IhUtfh-Th;ar is P'y ventilated by Duri the tmc wc have been closcd a constant circulation of fresh air. That is Na- . ture's own way of sanitation and prevention. have renovated in spite of the regular dally pre- ameThlng.13"' DCtrS -cautions. Every stick of furniture, the walls, , the ceiling and the screen have been washed and cleaned. The carpets have been taken up You never breathe the same air twice at the and cleaned bV experts. Even new carpet pa- Utah Theater. You never breathe your neigh- per has been substituted for the old Even the bor's air. He has his own Individual supply . provided. You never breathe "used air." Don't clocks have been taken down and aPart' 0,,ed' forget that,! You get It fresh from out doors. polished and cleaned. Fresh air Is an important element In human life, health and Utah Theater. That is worth re membering. Here air Is changed (not every x three'or four minutes), but AT ONCE, contin ually It Is always on the Jump. When we open the doors next Saturday, you : Great "pull" fans draw fresh air into the Can COmc home to the Pleasures 9iven UP tem" ' ' Theater. Great "push" fans sweep the "used porarily. We will welcome you, as always, with air" through the roof. Watch what happens ,., ,,, L . , , toaHun-of-a-germ: A lady sneezes. You don't open arms. We will want you to feel at home, think she had the "flu." (If so, she would have We are bereaved for the loss of some dear tbheaT n qUa!!?il fnen HaybC the:C WaS ? blends who were victims of the plague. Some that sneeze. Let's follow that son-of-n-gun of I a germ a 6econd. That Is as long as he will measure of consolation will come when we will J fHS!LWitThU,8'nT,L1S-S,;Ce2in9 Ja5y W3S J'8 'uSt aoaln be permitted to mingle with hundreds o friend. The "push" fans got hia number the , , ,. , , , , A , I instant he was cast unon his own resourr. friendly faces and be comforted by hundreds of 1 His will be a hard Journey. Up, up, up goes friendly voices. It will be Indeed comforting n brother germ, like lightining, toward the roof, to hear gentle women and strong men again through the vents in the roof and is hurled into ,i1L it A u-i. j frr,if, M,i : i u u roaring with laughter at a bit of comedy in eternity (his finish) upon the roof or street ,., A , , , .7 below, where he bakes in the sun and dies the the fllm' And lfc W,M be 0,orioU3 to aoam hear death becoming to a Hun. those children in the front rovs scream at the antics of the comedians. That is the system at the Utah Theater that j keeps you well. Every morning from sun up - until open up time every door and window and ' urnlf ,S thfrhWn ,Pen t0 ,et Nature.'a s"fn- Next Saturday, it is going to be splendid to light in great beaming rays that pour in like . ....... ... . , . big flashlights from Uncle Sam's ships. The r . sec thc Grcat White Way" on Washington porter 16 busy here and there not with brooms, street ablaze with hundreds of electric lights but with vacuum cleaners. No dust Is raised and to take part In the lure of the crowds and ' but every speck of dust Is beating it for the ash the hum of merry voiccs and when we agaln can not circulating about and landing on the , , . .. scats or walls. That finished thc carpets are Can 8CC 0Ur favor,te movle ctar9 through the given a bath in a spray of powerful disinfectant greatest medium of fun and amusement on that makes them sweet. . earth THE SCREEN. And remember The Utah Theatre has the largest and most comfortably spaced chairs in the Jj state. ; COMING BEST PROGRAM WE'VE EVER SHOWN HAROLD. L0CKW00D in "PALS FIRST" and A ROARING COMEDY, "HOW CHARLIE CAPTURED THE KAISER" AND LATEST WAR REVIEW A REC0RDBREAKING SHOW SATURDAY And Don't Forget, Our Music Is Second to None And You Will Hear All the Latest Song j Hits From Winter Garden in New York. I :; i 2 We're Through I t Wmf With Yml y GRAND OPENING TONIGHT S ilj I W Orpheum W Theatre fi THE FAMOUS JAPANESE STAH I j j SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "THE TEMPLE of DUSK" f 1 Mis LATFST PICTURE AND A STAR YOU Will LIKE b Come and laugh away your 'flu' cares at a good Christy comedy. See the world's happenings in the Pathe News. n f FIRST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT AT 7 P. M. ; " j 1 k Orpheum Orchestra and Special Music, directed by Prof. E. Larson. ' W I ADMISSION 35 CENTS AND WAR TAX' j 1