Newspaper Page Text
I JL THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1916. ' 7 W ANTED rMi' FeniaJc Help "'vs'ANTED a lady houaekocpcr. No iUff gashing. Phone 577. 1017 SHI CHOCOLATE rllppcr wanted at tho 3Uf,, Wistaria. 1019 MH.CAPABI-'E. Janltress. Apply 623 Ecclcs Bff WOMAN for kitchen work at the Vir- smia. 1018 II WANTED Middle aged woman for mm' general housework, must be neat, five jr. fn family, plain cooking. Write Mrs. flj'j M. Schneider, Hudson, Nov. 9S3 Mfi GIKL or woman to help with house- 1 HL irork. Phone 2037 -J. 994 m, DRESSMAKERS in cloa'k suit to take 1 charge of alteration dept. Steady, good f p-ages. Box 75 caro Standard. 990 1' filRLS to sew on overalls. Powor ma-, 1 chines. Steady work. We pay whilo I; you learn. Apply Scowcroft's Mfg. Dept. 966 Ele. Z. WASH Day TabletB niako "-aMi-Wine fcsy- Your grocer has them. 772 J , l V AN TED--Expert en cert inangiv glrlK. "J. P. laundry. 6970 i I WANTED ' ! j Male Help j WANTED a bell hoy. Reed Hotel. 1020 if BOY wanted over 16. Apply Scow- J croft 's Mfg. Dept. 1021 j a FIRST CLASS prcssfoedcr. Opden I Printing Co., 2134 Washington Ave. I 987 FIRST-CLASS moulders wanted at! j . Ogden Iron Works company. 718S . j! FOR RENT jj i Furnished J ' inwfi 'iiTi " 1- I i'i NIObL.Y furnished housekeep ng j i ) oms. Ground floor. Ph. 2301 -W C4 Lincoln. 1031 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms or ' good boarding place by two girls. Prl- : vato famllv preferred. Call 3183 -J. i Close in. 1009 II ONE large front room, ono block from J M l,iSh school. 2610 Monroe. 1002 j I I LARGE nicely furnished front room) i ' suitablcfor two. Furnace heat. Phone ? , 167?, 2311 Madison Ave. 947 r. I FURNISHED room for one or two gen t tlemen. 4 62 -27th. 94S j I SLEEPING rooms, heat and bath from jf. j 2.50 $3.00. 2474 1-2 Wash. 909 '.11 FURNISHED apartments. 437 Hor i rick. S30 h STEAM heated rooms. 202-23rd. 792 ROOMS for housekeeping. 427 24th. i : j !i , ROOM for rent. 832 25th SL 690 er; ; j .HOUSEKEEPING fur. and unrur., gas. ig IH8.00 up. 636 31st. 7907 J$ I' PLAZA APARTMENTS. $ COMPLETELY furnished for Heel h Ihousekeeplng. Elevator, amusement Fhall. phone, light, heat and gaB. Maid flservlco if desired. Rates 520 to 537.50. S I 7909 A A NEATLY furnished apartment. Th nlllPearJ, 27th and Grant. Phono 2920 nm 6311 B HOUSES and flnts. 2634 Grant. 9-1'J-U i' FOR RENT Unfurnished i If MODERN furnished apartment. 563 j25 St. 1023 fffSTORAGE room 20x132 feet. Located tFin heart of city, opening on paved al i ley low insurance risk. See J. C. Nye Agency Co., No. 602 Eccles Bldg. Phone 855. 1030 3-ROOM cottage strlctlv modern. No children. 648-2lth St. 1010 OFFICE and suite of rooms center of. town. Phone 3258-M. 985 C-ROOM modern brick. 349-26th. 961 A GOOD 5-room house, well located on the bench ?20.00. J. J. Brummitt, 2320 Washington Avenue. 965 LARGE fruit and dairy farm, W. B. Wedell, 2468 Wash. 852 3 ROOM modern, Argylo Apt., call 1008-J. 765 SMALL store room. Excellent location. Call Mr. Glasmann, Ogden Standard, Tel. 66. 741 FOR rent A two-story and basement rick warehouso on Wall street. Will give lease. Apply John Scowcroft & Sons Co., 23rd and Wall, Ogden, Utah. 445 A GOOD store room on 25th strcot. Will rent cheap to the right party. J. J. Brummitt, Phono 59. 965 j MONEY TO LOAN j anjinjwuurii! "" i inriim'rinnirn -i-im i iF ON city and farm property, J. C. Nye Agency Co., 602 Eccles Bildg. S90 MONEY to loan on improved real es ate. Kelly & Herrick. 778 MONEY to loan on improved city ' property. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah Natl Bldg. 694 MONEY to loan on Improved real es tate. No unnecessary delay. E. F. 1 Uratz. 417 Eccles Eldg. 453 RALPH P. ilUNTEh, Etafcl!shca , U$X. liortgago Loana, Real Estato ! Insurance, Ltah, Idaho lands, farmj led city property. Persona deal: Lay to icafi money on good first .norlgage 1 security will do well to concult me 3 .cod applications alwayB on nana, jjhsi :i4Ui at., Ogdeu. Utah. 3310 ' iIUNEY to loan on r?.il esiato necur r lly- J. J. HrummltL 6-21-tl M U Is i wIbc old saw that cuts with ijL i wisdom teeth. oo . BjJ Tho wife of a henpecked hu.sbaii'1 PjQj'n't much to crow .pvor. FOR SALE Real Estate u-uiu ol ihe best homes in Ogden. A new 5-room modern pressed brick, big sleeping porch, rurnaco heat, hard wood floors, chandeliers, complete garage, lot 50x160 ft to 16 fL alley, about ?900.00 cash will handle this home located in tho very choice resi dence district of Ogden city. Tel. tho owner, 32S5-W. 1027 I CHANCE of a life time to quick buyer. . Best located hotel in Ogden, modern. : Always full. Owner retiring. Box 43 I care Standard. 100S i ACRE of ground with two modern ! houses 2 blocks from Reed Hotel. Splendid site for court or apartment. ;See owners, 264S Adams (Rdar). 1003 6-ROOM residence, 2071 Madison, $3, 850.00. 10-room residence 676 21st street $5,500.00. Phone 1407. 999 AN elegant lot on Harrison avenue, between 25th and 26th streets, this is owned by a party who is leaving tho e.ty and desires to close out for about two-thirds of what the lot Is actually worth. J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59. 964 ?5,000.00 OGDEN prcporty also a ?37 000.00 California farm to trade all for a good farm within 100 miles of Og den. Phono 3124-W. 916 A GREAT snap in a rooming house, doing a good business. One of tho best in the city. Terms is desired. J. J. Brummitt, 2320 Washington Avenue. 964 FARM BARGAIN 40 ACRES. Only 7 miles from Ogden. Good Improvements. Plenty of water. This properly must be sold. Worth $6000. Prico only $4250. Easy terms. CANNADY REALTY COMPANY 2427 Hudson Avenue NEW 5 room strictly modern brick bungalow. Choice location on the bench. Furnace heat, hard wood floors. Only $4500. Easy terms. 5 ROOM frame on the bench. Good lo cation. Excellent lot Easily worth $2500. Will sell for $2150. Terms. CANNADY REALTY COMPANY 2427 Hudson Aonue 892 A GOOD 5-room house, well located on the bench with large lot and trees for only $1400.00 $200.00 down, bal ance $20.00 per month, low rato of in terest. J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59. 964 H. M. BARROWS CO. A FINE farm of 40 acres close to Og den and electric car line. A good 5 room house, large barn, gralnery, chicken houne. Large team, 5 cows and heifers. 76 W. L. laying pullets, all rami implements. 15 minutes walk to fine school. It ia a positive snap atj $7000. Terms for part. Might consider! modern liomo in Ugden for part. 16 ACRES fine peach orchard, 12 miles I from Ogden on paved road and right at electric ry. atatiou, $4000 cleared from orchard thla season. Only $6000. Will consider small apartment house for this. 20 ACRES close to city. Small house, about 12 acres fine assorted orchard, water right, $5,500. Terms for part. H. M. Barrows Co., 24 6S Wash. Ave. 906 24-ACRES of land about half in or chard, well located close to the city, at a great bargain of $150.00 per acre, any kind of terms. This property is located on the electric line near thoi city. J. J. Brummlt, 2320 Washing ton A'vcnue. 964 BEAUTIFUL new homo, splendid lo cation on bench. 6 rooms and largo sleeping porch, all on one floor. Hard wood floors in main rooms and front hall. Mantel, buffet, linen cabinet, etc. Coal room, laundry rooms wi'h trays in and vegetable and fruit room in basement. Also good heating plant. Phono 378 in day time, 2614-M or 1427 at nights. 727 ONE of the best restaurants in the city, for sale at a great sacrifice, about one-third of what It cost. The owner is leaving the city and must sell. If you are looking for a bargain in this line, It vlll pay you to Investi gate this proposition. J. J. Brummitt, Phone 59. 964, FOR SALE--AUTOS J l'UR bALE Light roadster tine con dition $265.00, can bo seen at Knowl den Garage. Seo owner A. C. Allison, Model Laundry. 1001 BUICK 1918 Roadster, good condi tion. Apply Geo. L. Crulkshank, care Goddard Packing Co. 996 FOR SALE Nearly new 191S 5 -pass.! Ford touring car. " Also a genuine Needham $600 piano. Seo Barrows, 2468 Wash. Ave. 984 CADILLAC touring car, Cadillac road ster, Standard Eight Hupmobilo, 191S models, all in first class shan,e. Prac tically new. Phone 577. 989 630 CHALMERS. Inquire Mu Harpster at ChocBinan Auto Co. 77S9 ONE 5 passenger automobile. Inquiro Cheesman's Auto Shop, foreman. 712 DRESSMAKING 1 HEMbTiTCHiMr and picot edging by Mrs. N. C. Stephens at Paine & Hurst. 1029 HEMSTITCHING and Picot edgo work. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 2338 Wash. Ave. 749 LAi)LES'tailorIng,2E36 Madison, 1932M 3'10-lyr PLAIN sewing, 650-24th st. Second floor. 998 I WANTED I Situations 5 WOMAN with boy of 7, wishes house work. 140 W. 29th St. 969 DAY nursery Children cared for by tho day, week or month. 2204 Grant Ave., or phone 8S9 440 G3JLNVM f BY young woman, first clas3 room and board near Central Junior High school. Box 152 care Standard. 1028 ' FOR SALE i j Miscellaneous PIANO nearly new. Owner moved cast does not want ship. Sacrifice for cash. See at 3137 Porter Ave. 1032 JERSEY calves, ages 10 weeks to 1 1 year. Ph. 1573. 988 I UNCALLED-FOR SUITS. 'A FEW of those cxcollent Dundee I Tailored suits for sale. Large and j small 3izes. Dundee Woolen Mills, on Hudson, by the Alnambra. 992 ' ANY kind of cows, 302 35th St. 925 FIRE proof safe and roll top desk. C. ( M. North, 2479 Lincoln Ave. S61 PORTABLE corrugated iron garage. Apply Healy Hotel. S49 i , SEVEN hundred head good breeding owc3 for sale. For Information as to owner and terms, etc., apply 10 Day Clerk, New Healy Hotel. City. 84S ,ivU cl'.eap, 2 thousand shares of Ogden Oil and Gas. Owner in the army. Must sell, call 2534 -M. S5S SALE OR LEASE Up-to-date cafe, Blackfoot, Idaho. Address B. II., caro Ogden Standard. 772 POTATOES $1.50 per hundred. P. M. Pierce, 141 2nd St. Phone 3192 -W. 770 NEW Remington standard No. lu, 14 inch carriago. Call 3100. 768 j PI ANOS-VICTROLA6-PI ANOLAS BEST values In the city. Inquire Into our selling plan. Phone 173. We tune and repair pianos. 2524 Wash. Ave. 76 1 YES, I want a canary for Christmas from 2220 Lincoln. 724 HAY, grain, potatoes and poultry food. Grout's Grafn Store, 3S2 24th St. 704 EIGHT large storage batteries for sale. 'L. J. Leishman Co., 326 Hudson Bldg. Phone 326. 707 LABOR and soap saved by using E. Z. Wish Day Tablets. At ah grocers. 7725 GROCERIES, etaplea, best brandy lowest prices on u.o Bene).. Martin Cash grocery. 740 24th St. Phone F37. GSilJ GROCERIES In retail quantities at wholesale Drices. Ogden'a Groceteria. 1S1 24th St. 58 1J 9 column Burrouch's Adding machine. Good working order $100 cash. Apph Standard office. 5371 i WANTED ij 1 Miscellaneous ALL kinds of job printing. Dee Ncute boom Printing Co. Phone 1166. 931 FOR moving and all kinds of hauling, phono 2434 -J. B. L. Higloy. 758 CLEAN RAGS wanted at the Stan dard office. WANTED To Buy VAisTtJD Cattle, one head or one carload. Call us and our buyer will i come out and price your stock. Wcs-! tern Live Stock Com. Co., J. A. Loc' Mgr. Phone day 730, night 2918. S81! I TWO wide-tired wagons and harness I Phono 577. S29 A 4 or 5 room modern home. Thone days 378. ovenings 1427. 126 WANTED J Agents MEN! WOMEN! Earn $50 to $100 weekly selling now (Keepsake) Photo Service Flag with soldier's portrait in star. Write for territory. Photo Ser vice Flag Co., Scott Place, Pittsburg, Pa.. 982 HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR, By Francis A. March, brother of General Poyton C. March. Complete 800 pages illustrated official photographs. Your chance to make $500 per month. Freight paid, credit given. Outfit free. Victory Publishing Company, 431 S. Dearborn, Chicago. 734 WRIST watch either at Orphcum or i on 25th sL Bet. Wash, and Wall or along Wall to 2746 Wall ave. Reward Ret. 2746 Wall. 997 1 PAIR Glasses, brown rims, gold chain. Return to Compton Auto Co., 2217 Wash. Phone 260. Reward. 976 LONG drop Topaz ear ring. Reward. Return to Stimpson's Cafe. 972 LOST Ono Llewellyn setter six months old. Color, white with brown spot on left hind leg and flecked cars. Return to S18-24th and recclvo re ward. 970 i WALLET bet. Lyceum and Union De i pot containing S. P. passes, receipts, I $30 in curroncy. RcL L. H. Martin, 2028 Adams. Liberal reward. 96S BUNCH of keys ono being a square automobile key. probably lost on Wash. Ave. Call 3190 -M. 957 LOST Gold earring Sunday afternoon on 22nd between Grant and Wash, Ave., or Wash. Ave. car. 246 22nd St Reward. 937 LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. ONE gray horse eighteen years old five dollar roward for his return tc my stable Wilson Lane near Rlc Grande R. R. crossing. J. A. Hill. 99i WANTED To Rent oMALL modern house or apartment funiishod. Phone 2037-J. 934 WANTED A J or 4 1'oom modern house furnished. Thono 2317. 767 Never punish children by striking I hem on the head. There arc other J placcB. FOR RENT ' Miscellaneous ONE piano for rent cheap; alGo cash register. Phone 2193-NW. 884 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Albert Scowcroft, De ceased. Creditors will present their claims with vouchers to the undersigned at tho office bf John Scowcroft & Sons Company, at the corner of 23rd street and Wall avenue In Ogden City, Utah, on or before May 1st, 1919. LAURA H. SCOWCROFT. JOSEPH SCOWCROFT, I WILLARD SCOWCROFT, Executors. C. C. RICHARDS. Attorney for Executors. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of tho stockholders of the Ogden Bench Canal & Water com pany will be held at the city hall, on Monday, January 13, 1919, at 8 p. m., for the purpose of hearing the finan cial report of the secretary and treas urer for the year 191S and for the transaction of such other business as may properly como before the meeting. A. D. CHAMBERS Sec'v. Dated Ogden, Utah, Dec. 28, 1918. 963 NOTICE STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ogden Savings Bank, will bo held at their Banking Rooms In Ogden, on Tuesday, Janu ary 14th. 1919, at 11:30 a. m. o'clock, for the purpose of electing directors to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may properly como before the meet Id CHAS. H. BARTON, Cashier. Dated Ogden. Utah, December 17th, 191S. NOTICE. Tho regular annual meeting of tho shareholders of the First National Eank. of Ogden, Utah, will be held at their banking room, at 2384 Washing ton Avenue, Ogden, Utah, Tuesday, January 14 1919, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purposo of electing directors to servo for the ensuing o..r and tho transaction of such other business as may properly come before said meet ing. Dated: Ogden, Utah, December 14, 191S. JAMES F. BURTON, Cashier. S09 NOTICE Of Special Meeting of Stockholders of Utah-Idaho Central Railroad Com pany. Pursuant to resolution duly offered and adopted by tho Board of Directors of the Utah Idaho Central Railroad Company, at a moeting of said Board of Directors held at the office of said corporation on the 27th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1918, and entered in the minuto book of said corporation as a part of tho proceedings of said meet ing, Notice is Hereby Given that a special meeting of the stock holders of said corporation is hereby called and will be held at the office of said corporation, Room No. 430, David Eccles Building, at tho corner of 24th street and Washington ave nue, in the City of Ogden. County of Weber, State of Utah, on Tuesday, the 28th day of January A. D. 1919 at tho hour of two o'clock p. m., for tho pur pose of ratifying an agreement pro I posed by the Board of Directors of said I Utah Idaho Central Railroad Com ! pany, to bo entered into by tho Utah I Idaho Central Railroad Company and tho Cache Valley Railroad Company, ! and providing for the consolidation of ! the Utah Idaho Central Railroad Com pany and tho Cacho Valley Railroad Company, upon the teiyns and condi tions expressed in said proposed agreement heretofore adopted by the Board of Directors ot the Utah Idaho. ! Central Railroad Company, and for tho transacting of any other business in . THE QUIBURSX OF EVERETT TRUE UET'S SS, MO IA) rAY N4Me, S(R, s I I WR.ITINGL rM)TeRlC. ON A NAME CAKG THAT I AW COUf?r WILL. TAK5 PITY ON OU AND ALLOLU YOU TO CH4Nt5 (T 1 i i'll not havs anything: to-do cuith you until. YOU HAV A NAM& THAT 1 CAN HANTM-tS lulTHOUT g.&TTINQ CRAMP g relation to said proposed consolidation and any business of tho said Utah Ida , ho Central Railroad Company which ' may properly come before the stock holders thereof. Dated this 28th day of December. A. D. 1918. ROYAL ECCLES, Secretary Utah-Idaho Central Rail- road Company. I First publication: December 2S, 1918. Last publication: January 2S, 1919. GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES PROBATE AND Consult County Clerk or the Respec tive Signers for Further information. In the District Court of Weber coun ty. State of Utah. In the matter of the estato of Walter Tracy Irwin, Deceased. Creditors will present elaims with j vouchers to the undersigned at tho I offices of Henderson & Johnson, Room 1 215, First National Bank Building. I Ogden, Utah, on or before the 18th day of February 1919. I JOHN CLARK, Admnllstrator. HENDERSON JOHNSON. I Attorneys for Administrator. I Date of first publication Dec. 17, 1918. : Date of last publication Jan. 14, 1919. ! FOOTBALL 'CAPTAIN ELECTED LINCOLN. Nebr., Dec. 31 Paul A. Dooson of Lincoln, was last night elected captain of tho 1919 football team of tho University of Nebraska. Dobson played with the gridiron squad of Great Lakes naval training station during the first part of the 191S foot ball season. uu I Read tho Classified Ads. DasaleSs Asks for j Increase of Navy of 25,000 Men i - . I WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 Secretary ! , Daniels asked the house naval com- ; mittee today to provide for a tempor ary increase in the naval personnel of j 25.000 men for the year begining next July, leaving the question of a perm anent peace-time personnel to be de termined later. He also sought au thority to transfer 1,000 officers among the reserve lorce to the permanent naval establishment. Mr. Daniels also asked the commit tee to write into the new appropria tion bill a provision making perma nent the war-time pay increases for enlisted men. This would give in-1 , creases of $6 to $15 a month over the ' pro-var scale, making the pay range from $36 to $51 a month. I oo 1 ARIZONA CONVICTS ARE RECAPTURED TUCSON. Ariz., Dec. 31 J. C. Wun der and Emmet McDaniels, the con victs who escaped a second time from guards while being takon to the peni tentiary at Florence yesterday were recaptured last night by a sheriff's posse at Casa Grande and taken to Florenco today. With them were cap tured J. D. McDaniels, a brother of Emmet, and tho two girls with whoni the convicts fled a week ago. Doings of the McDuffs j q jf ltjt rj?yw- -g-- f- -f r 1 1 , m gr ivfwafc. 0t nry 1 1 Ft iTiii1- fft (P f C 'TIT rg" Ci T 9 TTI CiP T tTT rji jfi TT igv j I - j I ' - I sseat soUs. I caMt Co I 1t4! II VouMG LadV will You please Home wrru This same 'M ?SX ? Necktie - helekI will kid "TJD - .. Aw othep ome Woo HAve f CAM WEAR- HER. UO. sftirtG, JI&H EE" A" M.V" WlFE Mr wwLEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land H Office, at Salt Lake City. Utah, Decern- H Notice la hereby given that Ralph W. H Fair, of Orrdcn. Utah. Deceased, for tho H poire of Loronzo Fnrr. who, on Novom- H r.?r ? I!?", mado Homestead Entry for H bh, 1-4. Section 13, Townnhlp S North, H Ranee 6 West. Salt Lake Meridian, hna H riled notice of Intention to make threo- B year proof, to cstabllish claim to tho land tfBm abovo doiscrlbed. before William H. H Kcedor. U. S. Commissioner, at Ogden, H Utah, on tho 18th day of January. 131S. H Claimant names at witnessed: Vornoa H Watfion. Calvin Weaver. I. V, Fair. Jos- IH cph Karr, all o; Ogden, Utah. H GOULD H. BLAKCLX, Register. B NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land H pi (leu at Salt Lako City, Utah. Decern- H her IH Notlco Is hereby nlvcn that Adrian L. H Farr. of Ogden, Utah, who. on February B 1G, 1913, made Homestead Entry, Serial 01JSD0, for NK 1-1. bee. 13; and on Oc- v tober 16, 1917, mado Additional Home- stead Entry. Scrlol 015304 for KE 1-i NW 1-4 Section 13; and E 1-2 SW 1-4 SE 1-4, Section 11!, Township 6 North, Ran (jo 6 West. Salt Lako Meridian, lias H filed notice of intention to mako threo- H year proof, to establish claim to the H land abovo described, beforo William H. H Rccdcr, U. S. Commissioner at Ogden, H Utah, on tho ISth day of January. 1319. H Claimant names as witnesses: I. F. H Karr. H. H. Ilcndorson, Qcorso GwllllamB H Calvin Weaver. Vernon Watson, all ot H GOULD H. BLAKELY, Register, Opden. Uath. INFORMATION BUREAU ANYTHING new or old Bot, s Id or traded. P. 333. Attornry-at-Law Lawyor O'Connally. over Commer' clal Na"onal Bank. Phono 11. Accident Insurance IH Aetna Accident & Liability Co., Auto and Liability Insurance. H. A. Purdy, 377 Hudson Ave. Phone 433. W. C. STEWART, Special Reprcsen- J tntive New York Lite Insurance Co., IH 45 Lewis Building, Ogden, Utah. Phone IH S59 Aotomobile Supplies Garage, Repairs, Studcbaker Agency.. Mack-Robinson Co., 2440 Grant Ave. mmW Phono 891. mmmR Everything for Automobiles. Every. thing for Electricity. Auto and Eiec-H trie Supply. 2564 Washington Ave.4H Pbonei 126 and 325. 1 Banking vl Ogden State Bank, Commercial & 1 Savings Deposits. Reed Hotel Bldg. Phone r1. . Utah National Bank, southeast cor ner Twenty-fourth and Washington. PhonoGl. Clean Storage TRUMKS, valises, pianos and house hold goods stored at reasonable rates. 2S2 26th St. ' 757 Carpet Cleaning K. Van Kampen for s upholstering: carpets cleaned, altered! and laid. Re mmM making of mattresses. Phone 883. Expert carpet cleaning, mattress renovating, upholstering, and springs restretched. Call E. J. Hampton Co. mmU Phono 25SC-W. JM Chiropractors H. W. Roberts, Chiropractor, 412-13-14, Col. Hudson building. Phone 707. 346 I. J. McKell, Chiropractor, fourth floor Col. Hudson Bldg. Phone 6P.0. City Scavengers McCarthy & Co., 2734 Grant avenue. Phono 201 S-W. Electrical Wiring Wiring and repairing In all Its branches. Auto & Electric Supply, 2564 Washington. Phone 325-326. 40S4 Engraving Ogden Engraving Service Co., mak ers of fine cuts in one or more colors. I240S Washington. Phono 463. I Furrier and Taxidermist Furs cleaned, stored and romodeled in tho latest styles. New orders taken. Summer prices. Ail work guaranteed. T. Gajewsky at Burt'B store. Phone Hotel I Tho only fireproof hoto! in Ogden. Rates 75c and up. The New Brigham, Wall avenue and Twenty-fourth street. Phono 2430. Junk and Hides Western Hido & Junk Co., 2223 Washington Ave. Phone 861. Ogden Junk House, 2059 Washington Ave. Phone 210. Money to Loan Salaried peoplo can get it without security, others on furniture, pianos, etc 21S Hudson Bldg. Phono 871-J. JM New and Second Hand Goods A'. Sincr, new and second hand fur nilhro, clothing, etc., bought and aold. Suit cases cheap. 241-243 Twenty-fifth. Phono 1321. Physician and Surgeon Dr. A. Fernlund, office hours 11 to IH 4 p. m, New Peery Bldg., Hudson Ave. IH Res. Phone 646. Office phono 1900-W. Rug Weaver ' M. W. Goeschl, rugs of new goods, rag rugs and carpets. 3227 Washington. Telephone 1443-W, Ogden, Utah. 9005 Sewing Machines A SEWING machine mechanic will make yours run right or no pay, W. R. Stevens, S44-7th st. Phone 1875-W. White Sowing Machine Co. 2277 Washington Ave. Phono 2834. jH Sanitary Work Sanitary Garbago Co., all kinds ot rubbish hauled, ash pits cleaned. Prices reasonable. Phono 620. Second Hand Stoves Wo tako your old range as first pay ment on any new rango or will buy your old rnngo outright. Homo Fur nlturo Co. 7523 11I3.VD TILE CLASSIFIED ADS. READ THE CLASSIFJED ADS. j , mmmmmmmmmLm