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E V.. H , firm Bl9flllHI THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH, FKIDAY. APRIL 4, 1919. II RECREATION HUTS TO REPLACE THE SALOONPLANNED CRICAOd, April 4 "Recreation hut"" to replace 'he saloon as a sath erlng place will be established sofln by the Salvation Army In the large rltles of ONI western states, according to an announcement by Thomas Es till, commander of the organization In the western district. Before July 1. when prohibition be comes effect I ve, a dozen or more of the "hut.H" patterned after those oper ated in the war zone, will be opened in Chicago and If t h prove success ful the string will be extended to St. Louis Milwaukee, St Paul, Omaha. ! Kansas City, Denver and other west ' em cities. Commander Estill said. The places will be equipped with libraries, musical in-truments. various kinds of games, gvmnaplums and shower baths. Trained attendants will be in charge. The "huts" will be open to women a well as m n Ice cream, soda water, doughnuts, and coffee will be sold at cost. Social welfare organizations throughout the country will watch I with interest the Salvation Anm t salooD, Commander K-t ill said. I oo 1 Catarrhal Deafness I and Head Noises TELLS SAFE AND SIMPLE WAY TO TREAT AND RELIEVE AT HOME. If you have ratarrh. catarrhal deaf WW j ness or head noises rau.sed by catarrh. or If phlegm drops in your throa' and Hj has caused catarrh of the stomach or j bowels you will be glad to know that Ht these distressing symptoms may b- ft H' tlrely overcome in many instances bj the following treatment which you can ! easily prepnre In your own home at lit Bj lie cost. Secure from your druggist 1 ounce of Parmlnt (Double Strength ) j Take this home and add to it 't pint H.j of hot water and a little granulated sugar. Take one tablespoonful four BmI times a dav An ImpfOTelueOI is some H tinted noted after thv first day's treat V ment. Breathing -hould bc om .-ao H while the distressing head noises. 1 headaches, dullness, cloudy thinking, i BB ttC, should gradually disappear und r WM the tonic action of tin treatment . of smell. tftStt, defectlTC hearing and mucus dropping in the back Of the j Hl throat are other symptoms which sug i gest the presence of ,-ntarrh and which Hfl may often be overcome by this rffn.i W clous treatment. It I- said thai nenrlj Hj ninety per cent of all ear t rouble j oavaad by catarrh and then Hl therefor-, be man) people whose bear Hi Ing may be restored by this simple. larmless, borne treatment. Advertise Hg ment II General Blanquet I Famous in the I i Madero Revolution NEW YORK, April 3 The Diaz ! j forces are officially known as the na-j tional re-organlzi.tion army of Mexico.! Mr. Gajroa atatei 'hat they now con trol three small pori, lono'a. Ti I pam and Nautia. tM latter being cap I tured about a month ago I General nianquvt during the Ma-1 I dero revolution took a pruinim ni pari I In nearly all the actions, ol the fed I eral army in the states of Puebia.1 I Guerrero, Morelos. Chihuahua, Duran-j go and Coa nulla, achieving tune for himself and the 2LMli battalion which ho commanded. After the ' coup " of G. neral Felix Diaz and Mondragon. (Jeneral Blau quet. b command of Cien-ral Huerta. arrested Franc, co 1 Madera j.nd his' cabinet nt the national paiaot in M. lco City, and Huerta boamt provls- lonsi president Blanquet bemme min uter of war In the Huerta cabinet. In July. lfH, he became v Ice president 1 I nf Mexico. I The success of the constitutionalist' I forces under Carransa In UM4 resulted i I In Huerta and Bln.i i. : I em,-. . I into exile After a few we..K sojourn' I In Jamaica they went to England and I then made ihejr way o Spate I In Spain Huertn and Blanqi; t we r I reported to have bad po;ltlcal clfTcr I once which ciu- I u severance of' I their relations Rlanquit. Mr i . . u I said, took no pnn Im the revolutionary I uprising planned by Huerta after the I latter's exile Blancfuoi subat uoently I returned to New YorV where he has 1 since made hi home I oo PRECEDENT FOR BORAH. Washington never rode on a rail Wi road train, yet It is not recorded that Wl Senator Flora h ever refused hi ft cents mileage t'harh ston New a and I Courier , Bk I For Colds, Grip mnd Influenza H Take I "Laxative I Bromo Quinine I Tablets" Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature od the box. 30c. e4 In1 i BEGIN HOT DMNIOHG HI? YOEJ I Says gists of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisona. J I If you are accustomed to wake up with a coated tongue, foul breath or a dull, dizry headache; or. If your meals sour and turn into gas and acids, you have a real surprise await ling you. Tomorrow morning. immediately upon arising, drink a glass of hot jw-iter wtlh a teaspo"nful of limestone phosphate in it. ThJ.t is Intended to first neutralize and then wash ou' of jronr stomach, luer. kidneys and thir y fcrt of intestln-s ; ll the indiesr IMa waste, poisons. ;o.r bile and tox ics. Cms cleansing, awlet ling aud puri fying the entire allraentar)' canal. Those subject to sics heada.he., bac':.ohe, bilious attacks. OOMtlpetlon ut try form of itomach trouble, ere urgi d to get a quarrer pound of lime stone phospha.i ft im ho dr j.: store land begin enjoyin; tbi morning lr laldc-hath. It is laid that men and Iwoaen who try this h icrme entbaias :ic and keep It up ddil.'. Just as hot water and soap cleanse, purify and freshen the skin, so jot . t r and a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate act on the stomach. liver, kidneys and bowels. Limestone, phos phate is an inexpensive white powder and almost tasteless. Advertisement. oo AMERICAN MINERS WILL STAND BY BRITISH WORKERS INDIANAPOLIS. Ind . April 3 Am ) I ertcafl miners will stand "shoulder to; shoulder" with the miners of Crreat i Britain on the question of vagal and working conditions, according toj I Frank Farrington. president of th ' Illinois district of the United Mim Workers of America Mr Farrington made the .statement in explaining the objects of the three' principal recommefldaUoni recently i-mbodieil In lh report of 'hr u. ru ral policy committee ol the Uned Mine, Workers., which call for increased wages, .shorter hours and nationaliza tion of mines. The recommendations, which wi-re made by Frank J. Hayes. International president, serve as no tloa to the I nited States government as well as the British goernment that' h attitude of Great Britain miners Is reflected in America. Mr Farrington aid. He added that only through nation alism of mines could a six-hour day. a fv daj week and Increased wages be: brought about. oo OIL PRODUCTION IN OKLAHOMA IN 191 8 VALUABLE OKLAHOMA CITY, April 3 Oil pro ducUon In Oklahoma in 19 1 S averaged :! BSQ barrels a day with a dally com mercial value of f 500.000 based on I prerent prices, according to the report Of the state oil and gas conservation commission The report gives the first oil production total announced by any tatt for 191h The Tulsa district still I leads in oil production, with a daily ! average for the year of 66.000 barrels, j the report states. The report says the state also pro ! duced for commercial purposes 56.- ' 377.64fi.n61 cubic feet of natural gas in 1918 and "muddled in" or conserved fOt future use, 32,780,536,000 cubic) feet. In natural gas production, the Blackwell Carber district led with a to tal of more than 27.OOO.O0O.O00 feet In 1918. There are now 23.561 wells in Okla homa producing oil or gas. the commis sion reported. oo Relief Ship Has Arrived at One ' of Russian Ports I ' K ' N O M 1 A . Russia. Tuesday. April'1 1 (By The Associated Preas) One ' of the most herculean tasks In thejt supply of the north Russian exp.di ' 1 m r :on . i!h mu h m eded wa: material was accomplished today with the arrival at Eeonomla.Vhich is the winter port of Archangel, of the larg ; est vessel which ever passed success ful! through the thick ice floes of the 1 White sea BMartad b three ice breakers, a' five-thousand ton British freight ves I sel has arrived, only slightly damaged i 1 after a difficult three neeks voyage', from Murmansk. Several times th maw I wa hemmed In where the let drifts piled high At one spot It was tuck In the ice floew for nearly a week' but h ic- breakers finally succeeded in smashing a path ahead for It In addition to war material the ship carried a considerable gargo of Amer ican Red Cross supplies. AIOING OWN YOUR OWN HOME" CAMPAIGN IN U S WASHINGTON, Apnl 3- Plans for. uHhna prepared by the l S houa -! In corporation for building homes in contested industrial center during the war. are to be made available for gen j ral public ue The department ofi labor announced today that type of homes would be given to "Osrn Your j Own Home" committees, promoting building activities In forty cities. I In the department s effort to expand I thf home ownership campaign, letter' wre seat toda to municipal officials labor leaders and club organ list ton im MM sMeav unm the beginnag ofi local camps i ma. PROMPT RELIEF 1 FOR MONTENEGRO BEIN0 URGED N'KW YORK'. April 3 Prompt reliofj for the people of Montenegro who arcl ! officially reported to be dying from I starvation is urged in a letter written by Alexander Devine, an English ' friend of Montenegro, to ReTfjerl C, Hoover, the food administrator in! Paris, a copy of which has been re-' cetved here, in his letter Mr. Devine charged that there had been "very gross unfairnesr to Montenegro in the endless delays and obstacle-; which had been placed In my way" In efforts to obtain relief for the Montenegrins. Mr '!ein' wrote that he first ap pealed to the British authorities in be half of the Montenegrins In 1 9 1 6 but that up to the signing of the armis tice, "not as much as a grain of rhc ever wa permitted to enter Montene gro." After the armistice he renew ed his effort and tlnally was referred to Mr. Hoover in Paris but for two months was unable to obtain a pass- port to go to Paris and tee him and I Colonel Anderson of the American Red Cross. Finally, Mr levino wrote he had arrived In Paris to find Mr. Hoover absent Meanwhile, he de-l I clared. American relief ships had ar I rived at Cattaro but "the relief fell info the hands of the Serbians and aid ed them in the political purposes' 'against king and country." These de-j 1 lays and obstacles. Mr. Devine told Mr. Hoover, demonstrated unfairness to Montenegro and, he added I have no senae of having obtained justice during these long weary months of waltlnc " Since Mr. Devlne's letter was writ ten. a commission has been sent to Montenegro by the American peace delegation in France nnd has reported that the situation In Montenegro is desperate and th" people actually dy ing from starvation. The American Red CrOBfl has been trying to supply them with food. HERE'S RELIEF FOR YOUR COLD! Dr. King's New Discovery helps to bring the desired quick relief It holds a record of fifty continuous years of relieving promptly and pleasantly tho usual winter colds. If holds a following of armies of regular users in whose family medicine cabinets Dr. King's New Discovery is the watchword for cold and cough cor rection. Sold by druggists everywhere. 60c, 1 n io. The Boon of Regular Bowels the health-promoting propettles of active bowels, these, are yours when you occasionally take Dr. King"s New Life pills keep tho stomach sweet, ! the breath untainted, the system I rleansed. Gentle but positive in action Sold everywhere. 2le Advcr- lisemcnt. rkf South America Buys Furniture I More than a million dollars worth I of furniture is Imported annually by 1 the West Coast countries of South Am ericaChile, Peru. Ecuador, and Bo- Ihia and there is to be an increase I as soon as normal conditions are re stored. A report Issued today by the I bureau of foreign and domestic com ' inerce, department of commerce states , that a great many of the inhabitants ! have aorumulated money during the war and that they will buy high-grade, very ornate furniture as soon as they ' can get it I (Jnfortunataly only medium-priced land cheap furniture has ber-n imported j from the I'nlted States In the past, i all of the high grade product coming from EQ rOpe, ThlB has created the im pression that American furniture Is inferior and It Is urged that itepi be taken to Improve this Impression as quickly as possible. Th- hirh grad' market la well worth trying for a the wealthy people pay very high prices for what they want, it Is not unusual for newly married couples to put off buying furniture until they get to Eu rope on their honeymoon, when they go In for the beet to be had. Chile is the best market fcr furni J ture on the west coast, and the styles demanded range from th llmplegl patterns to highly ornate Louis XVI designs, which are most admired. Tin : best grades of Louis XVI furniture I sell for 11.500 to $2,000 per suite. Mar bb- tops are Insisted upon for many pieces. MASKS IN SOUTH WALES. SIDNEY. N. S. W., April 8. (Via Montreal) Owing to a serious recur rence of influenza, the new Smh Wales government has again ordered ; he wearing of masks in public places oo We would probably find our crosses lust as hard to bear were we permit - led to select them ourselves DOCTOR SAYS VMM. IS THE BEST TONIC Honest Opinion Doctor Gave His Fatient Bedford. Ohio. "I was in a pitiful condition, weak, nervous ind run down so I could not do my housework. I had doctored for years and tried j everything under the sun. A friend told me about Vinol. I asked my doctor about it. and he replied, 'It certainly is the best medicine that can I be had today. I couldn't give you any better.' I took it, and today I am ?s well and strong as any woman could wish to be. and it was Vinol that saved me." Mrs. Frank A. Hor kev. Ash St., Bedford, Ohio We guarantee this famous cod liver and iron tonic for ell such conditions. Culley Drug Co. and dVuggists everywhereAdvertisement. BAKER COMMENTS ON CHAMBERLAIN WASHINGTON, April 3-Comment-j Ing on what h- termed ' the very In temperate speech'' of Senator Cham berlain, retiring chairman or the sen ate military' committor delivered last I night at Natchei, Miaa., 10 connection N witn tin- Anseii -Crov.der court mar tial controversy. Secretary Baker said today that in three years as secretary of war he could not recall a single Instance In which he had cceived a helpful suggestion from Senator Chamberlain or one which seemed In tended to be helpful "I am perfectly willing.'' the secre I tnry added, "to let the people of the county decide between what the war department has done in three years and what Senator Chamberlain has said In three years." Baker Calls for Specific Details LINCOLN, , b . April 3. Gov. Sam uel R. McKelvIe who recenMy ent a1 letter to Secretary of War Baker charging that mentally deranged sol diers discharged from military service were apturnod to Nebraska hospital? that contain ordinary insane, today i was requested by the secretary to fur nish specific details, following receipt of which Mr Baker said an lnvesti-1 gallon would be made Tho secretary's request was made In a telegram In which he said- 'Il is the policy of the war depart ment to retain soldiers who hne be come Insane as a result of military service in military hospitals as long as Institutional treatment is necessary or until they can he discharged into the custody of the bureau of war risk Insurance." Following receipt of tho' telegram Gov. McKelvIe said he would furnish the ipedflt Information re quested. In his recent letter to the secretary the governor said it was his Impression that mentally deranged sol diers would be cared for at hospitals especially doalgned by military author ities. He had added that he was ad vised of "deplorable circumstances i that have developed through the re ' lease of Insan-- soldiers who are now in hospitals for the insane in this state." fin All Fat People ! Should Know This The world owes a dbt of gratitude to the author of the now famous Mar mola Prescription, and Is still nor" indebted for the reduction of this ; harmless, effective obesity .emedy to tablet form. Marmola Prescription Tablets can now be obtained at all drug stores, or by writing direct to I Marmola Co. R64 Woodward Ave., De-j troif. Mich., and their reasonable prioe j 75 cents for a large case) leaves no jexcuse for dieting cr violent exercise jfor the reduction of the overfaf body I to normal proportions Advertise- j j ment. Notorious Gunman Returns From France With Enviable Record CAMP CPTON. N. V.. April 2. "Monk" Eastman, gunman, notorlouo leader of gangsters who once terrified New York's East Side, now is Private William Delaney. veteran, back from France with an enviable war record He was honorably discharged from the lUbth infantry toduy and within a few days there will be forwarded to Cover nor Smith a petition signed by his commanding officers, asking that be be restored to citizenship. "Monk s" life history is the story of a "comeback." In the old days he was an opium addict, burglar, creature of the slums with ever "a gun on his hip " in 1917 he finished a term for burglsry and In October of that year f7 ' ' fr f ' "LI Clean Up Week April 7th to 12th East of Washington Ave. o South City Limits. April 14th to 19th Weat of Washington Ave. to South City Limits. April 21 st to 26th East and West of Wash. Ave. to North City Limits. All rubbish must be placed on the outside of the property. Wagons will not go into the yards to collect rubbish. Wagons will go over the districts to collect but once. Have your rubbish ready on the days appointed for collection. Don't put rubbish in the gutters. By order of OGDEN CITY BOARD OF HEALTH, GEORGE SHORTEN, Sanitary Inspector. enlisted, no questions asked. Into war. which has made heroes out of cowards, strung men out of weak, went "Monk." When tho 27th division took its place in Flanders "Monk." was .there When the gallant New York era swept forward aguin.-a the Himh n burg line and cracked it- "Monk" was In the first wave. When comrades fell and Itralchai bearers were Deeded, "Monk" volun teered. When carried to n British hos pltal wounded in the head while lead' ing a bombing squad into tho face of machine guns. "Monk" eacaped to mount once more the firing .step. These and many more are the facta recounted in the petition signed bj Colonel Frank W Ward, of the 106th, by Major J. Scott Buxton and by Cap' tain James M. Conroy and Lieutenant Joseph A. Kerrigan. "Monk's" immedi date superiors, who fought by his sido, on foreign soil. Stop Coughing! The simplcit ond bct wny to gfop couching is to take Foley's HonltHar In It, you get the curative influence of the pine tor and other healing ingre dient, together with the mollifvmg laxative ciJcct of the honey, ft put a toothing coating on the inflamed tickling throct, allavs bronch:al irri!ation rnira phlegm catily, itopi hord wearing cougha nnd nervout hading. W. S. Bailey. Liorcttcr. Ky . writn "My "'"cicJ . irvrrc cold, which dcreloped lolo . bronchial trm:Me. and ihe coufhed tttpo.t 1 contlnoilly. Ooc-h.ll bolilc ol Folcv't Hon,y asSTsr alSStSaS up her eouah and the retted much better at nlht. Sbe a:: ;-.ed kl uic unt.l ctected a Cure." A. R. Mclntyrc Drug Co. Two Busy Stores. Advertisement. nr WOMAN LEVELS GUN AT SPOUSE; DISARMED SALT LAKE, April 3 Pointing a M caliber reolver at her husband, i Nick Ftuga. Vhlla he was discussing preparations for an Italian funeral procession with an assemblage of fel low countrymen at his store. 277 West Second SouMi street, yesterday. Mrs. Valerea Ruga. 23 years of age, was only prevented from carrying out her alleged purpose of shooting to kill by the quick action of her husband and two of his friends, who succeeded tn disarming the woman before the weapon was discharged, according to Julian Kiley, wagon sergeant, who placed Mrs. Ruga under arrest. The attack is said by the police to be the outgrowth of dlvoree pro ceedings started by Mrs. Ruga recent- i ly. Ruga alleges he followed the woman to Ogden. Tuesday niht. and claims that, after discovering her ir, a room with another man. he had the I couple arrested by the Ogden offers. ho subsequently released them on $50 ball each. Mrs. Ruga, he said, obtained a revolver and threatened revenge. After the weapon was taken from ' her at the store, the police assert the woman attempted to -l.i-h h. i hus band with a banana kn.:e. In over powering her sev.-ral persons In the store are said by the officers to have received numerous bites gnd cuts complaint was issued by the county attorney's office later In the day charging Mrs Ruga with assault and. battery She will be arraigned Fri day. . oo . The man who works himself to I death trying to accumulate a fortune' only acquires a funeral pile. FIRS! COMPLETE ACCOUNT OF THE MISS STRUGGLE LONDON. March 12 t Correspond ence of the Associated Press.) Fresh troni Odessa, an Englishman whom the j correspondent met at the British for eign officr, has given to the Assoclat ad Preoi the first complete acount that has reached London of one of the most remarkable developments of the i struggle In Russia against bolshevipm It is the story of the volunteer army. organized by Oeneral Alexieff and now commanded by General Denoklne, which In a year has grown from a handful of homeless men, devoid of equipment nnd supplies. Into a mili tary force which has reconquered a I large portion of southern and south .eastern Russia, suppressed the disrup tive elements in the region occupied and set up n working civil government. "No one over here." said the travel ' er. "seems to realize that in the south J of Russia there is a small force of men which under the banner of the volun-1 leer army and in the cause of United sYee Russia, has made against over whelming numbers of the Red Terror'1 a most gallant stand." The volunteer army, he continued, has been recruited from several 1 ' iio irtini every part or Russia. I Fighting against great odds, it has paid !a big price. Twice it haa met defeat in campaigns on the river Kuban, and 'its losses included Its lenders, Alex jieff. Korniloff, and 30,oro volunteers ;and Cossacks. "The army." he aid. "had whole battalions formed of officers. The first .Korniloff regiment, now reduced to iless than 500 fighters, has bad passing through its rank more than 500 men. The -Regiment of Jieath' has lost 6o0 over a similar period. "To me, an observer, it has bfaJH a miracle how the volunteer army ever I got any recruits. There was no ro ercion. The recruits came voluntarily. , knowing that their lot was most likely to be a wooded cross or the life of a cripple. "Today the volunteer army has cleared the 'Great Belt' of Russia by ilts own efforts and the help of its neighbors, the Don Cossacks, and holds h- territory stretching from the Blsck J sea to the Caspian" oo Quinine That Doea Not Affect Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, laxative BROMO QUININ1 (Tablets) can be taken by anyono without causing nervousness or ring Ing in the head. There Is only one "Bromo Quinine." e. W. GROVES signature on the box. 30c. OA New England Steam Trawlers Have a Successful Year BOSTON. April 2 Raids of Ger man submarles. Influeoia snd s twevle week strike of fishermen on steam trawlers did not prevent 1918 from the most successful season experienced in years by Boston fishing companies, ac cording to the annual report of ihe Boston fish bureau msde public today ! Arrivals in till numbered Mtt,' bringing UT ITO.-U ,,m.l- ,.f ground I fish and 12.850.987 pounds ( othtsfl fish, principally mackerel ami sword 1 fish Th- report snys this catch eafl tabllshes Boston as the world's leading-J fishing port. Fishermen earned high wages, thai rt port says, the schooner Frances S. 1 Grueby with a gross stock or $130.- I 00 leading th. fleet. Each member of the crew earned about $3500. OO i FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of i These Ugly Spots There's no longer the slightest ne.I 1 of l. ehng ashamed ..i vour lr- kles, 1 M nthlnc -double strength- is guar-1 nnteed to remove these homejv spots. 1 Simply get nn ounce ,:f nthlnc 1 ;md apply a little of n. night and double -irenrth from :.nv druggist 'I and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see thalrj even the worst freckles have begun to I disappear, while the lighter ones have J a anlshed enlir. h li i seldom that 1 more than an ounce Is needed to convl pletely clear the skin and gain a benu9 tlful. clear complexion Be aure to ask for the doublo Jj strength Othlne n this is sold und. r j guarantee of money bark if it fails tojjfl remove freckles Advertisement. I HOME FROM JUBILEE SUFFRAGE GATHERING PROVO. April Professor Alice I Reynolds has lust returned from st 1 I LUlM. MO. Wh. re : lie .VtemJ.-d til A jj j Jubilee Suffrage convention and ad- j' dressed tho gathering MisM j..ynods i pons ih.,t the . ion was in J every way a Jubilee and that the worn- I en delegates were active and enthus- ; iaatlc over the progress being made. Jj While the convention w.n in session j1 presidential suffrage campaigns were Si in progress In Maine, Minnesota snd 1 Missouri and the delegates did sll J j they could to further the cause or jj Miff rage n those states I Qi Endicott- Johnson Has j i Capital of $36,000,000 And Employs 12.000 NEW YORK. April 3. Coincident! with news of refinan. ing by Wall .(n et bankers of the shoe manufsctur-Jfll Ing firm of Endicott. Johnson and com ll pany. came the announcement todayifljl j that hereafter workers in the cotnfl pany's various factories would dlvidefl with the stockholders all profit abo 1 is certain percentage reserved for theflfl stocks. 9 Th.- i.i.iii.ip nKn' l to net ald j seven per n-nt of earnings for 'he pre- 1 to. k. t i, p, , ..n. f,-,r the com- 3 men and the remahid r is to be appor- ,J tloned equally between i-mploer afldjj common share owners. I The business of the rompany bagH been tsken over h a new . uacern '9 the h - rpor II tlon. with a $ cspltsliiatiOavHI It Is said that the firm, started lofl Roton forty-five years ago with a caahH capital of I2SO0. will be the largeatfl hoe making concern In 1 and, jH tho next to the largest tanning eopvj pany It will own plant in Pndlcottfl nnd Johnson City. N Y . ' rnplo) mg ; sh twohra thousand hands, with so svfl proxlmstn dally output of 75. 0 palraH Of hoes Read tb ClaaslfW Ada. M. Read the Classified Ada W ajHaBlSBBlBllBlBESBflH