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I v g THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. ITAH. I K1DAV. APK11. 4. 1919. 1 THE OUTBURST OF EVERET TRUE J THAT -WkreS A frjO.SONDj'Ii VCrS 1 1 Mint Jell yA- Try Mint Jiffy-jell V(yW with roast trVi lamb or cold -JKS meats- 11 is JWr vastly better "vHy than mint jv sauce. Try esserts with their real fruit flavors in essence form, in vials. Each is so rich in condensed fruit juice that it makes a real fruit dainty. Yet they cost no more than old-style gelatine desserts. JO Ftavort, at Your Crocer'a 2 Package for 25 Cent H Andes to Be H Explored for H Mineral Deposits BALTIMORE. Apn! H rang' nients for the i-i.. Hunting R ion memorial expedition to South HI Aru!i' I i." In in i dinpl" 'it'll H I'rof Edward W. Berry nod l'rof. Jo- H H'ph '1' w . i ) I H ulty of the Johns Hopkins B will sail (mm New York for Ouya qui!. Ecuador. April 17. Tlw B which will last probably until Octo bejf, will take the two explorers into H triB, Andes, from 1 . i the In HHH the southern H Tl i- for the explora- HHl tlon of the mineral deposit of tin H Sooth American continent and foi H correlation . B fossils that hae been found in man HHV fceologli Ttirou ' I in ' i minister a I 1 Give Tires a Chance I Don't wait till those I I old casings give up Bring them in to us I and let us give them II a new lease on life. Don't wan till that tread II I cot Irta in enough mud, II water arxi aaivd to rot and II grind the II 1 Cjc joui tucaachance. If Whde you're here prob If J bly you ill be u.trreatrrl I to hear vrhat we can tell you abont the an-pe-rior l I troub'e prixd qiialitic al If Good ear 1 nea and the I long hie ol Goodyear II I . Probably also you II B Bk will aee the advantage II flBr of (retting n Goodyear 1 irr-Sin kit thebeat Bf lithe peace-of-mind in- veatment you ever II Washington. Ignacio Calderon, the Bo livian government ti sending ibanoz Yalesco, I graduate student In ecology al the Johns Hopkins, on the expedi tion wilh the two professors. MINERS WAGES ARE CUT LEADVILLE, Colo . April 3 An I nouncement of a reduction in metal I miners' wages of one dollar a day ef fective May 1. was made tonight by the Iron Silver Mining company, op erating several properties In this dis 1 trict and by the Yak Mines of the American Smelting and Refining com pany. About 1000 men will be af 1. ctftd. Demoralization of the metal market, especially for lead and zinc, was given as the reason for the re ductlon. COTTON IMPORTATIONS PARIS. April 3. (Havas) decree has been issued authorizing the im ' portation of cotton from the United States. 800,000 MFN IN BOLSHEVIK ARMY; 250,OOOFIOHTERS BEKNK. March 10. (By Mail) -The arm it -s under the command of the Bol shevik government In Russia comprise approximately men but only about 250.0"" ol them are actual com batants, according to information re ceived here from sources usually con sidered reliable. These forces are divided into fifteen armies of 17,000 combatants each. Twelve of them are described as com pletely organized. Each army consists of two or ihrce divisions and each di vision of two, three or four regini n' The number of officers and men in each regiment varies from a few hun dred to two thousand. L The First army is under command of General Michael Touhatchevsk I, who. until the Bolshevik revolution took place, was a simple lieutenant in an Infantry regiment This military edu cation la far from complete, but his general staff is composed entirely of officers who formerly belonged to the Russian general staff, so that they compensate for the deficiencies of their commander-in-chief. The Second army is headed by a well-organized general staff which In- eludes three colonels who formerly belonged to the Russian general staff. The commander-in-chief of the Third army is an Individual who, up ! to the time of the Bolshevik revolu I tion. was a sergeant In one of the regl ' ments of Siberian Infantry. He also lis supported by a general staff com posed of former Russian staff officers. The fact that so many officers of Lho former Russian army have con sented to serve with the Bolshevlki is I one of the worst features of the sit -lUation In Russia. Without them the (Bolshevlki would have been unable to organize such military forces as are .now at their disposal, and their dicta torship, based solely on violence, would have ended long ago The artillery equipment of the Bol shevik armies is declared to be very I incomplete. A division has. on an av erage, from five to eight guns. Muni tion! are said to be scarce and their supply Is deficient. Munitions for the 'infantry also are running short. The chief of the central general staff 'of the Bolshevik forces Is a Lett nam I ed Watsetia. oo I buy Liberty bonds at highest prices. If you have bonds for sale see me. J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson ave nue. Phone 59. ROBBERS DYNAMITE SAFE. HUNTINGTON. VY. Ya., April 3 Robbers dynamited the safe of the ' First National Bank of Abated, seven ty miles east ol here, and escaped with '150,000 In cash and war savings 'stamps early Wednesday, according to a message received today by Hunting ton police asking that a lookout be kept for the bandit a who are believed to have come to this city. The rob bers, the message said, secured the loot after blowing the locks off the doom of the vault, but failed to pene-1 trate the Inner chamber of the safe in 1 I which was $250,000 In currency. oo BAVARIAN ALLIANCE PLANNED. COPENHAGEN. April 3 The Bava- j nan government has begun negotia tions for the conclusion of an alliance with Russia, according to advices from I Munich. The Bavarian Yolks X.citung ex- J plain that the government's action is 1 due to the fact that the food supplies from the entente is insufficient and i Inadequately assured, whereas grain is obtainable from Russia. ARGENTINE PORTS QUIET NEW YORK. April 3 As a result of government action in the strike at f?ueno8 Aires and other Argentine ports, conditions have returned to nor- Imal, SCCOrding to a statement Issued j hero tonight by Frederico Queintana. ! charge d'affaires in the Argentine em- , bassy in Washington. mi THE VIEW 0 F THE TH I RTY -NINE It is hereby unanimously agreed that everybody wants a league of na , tlons, and It is further agreed that no body shall agree on any particular league of nations. Washington Post. THAT CHANGE IN WOWS LIFE Mrs. Godden Tells How It May be Pacsed in Safety and Comfort. Fremont, O. "'1 waspassinp through the critical period of life, beinp forty six years of age and 'VXy ' ,; ; .V, ; ;'Xv;V 1 id" "U the SYjnp- Xvly" ffivXv toms incidenttothat -k9K&Vi change -heat liash- sfctyV' es, nervousness, and v.v v. as in a general run fgWww? down condition, so vivXv '''' it v.-a-i hard for mo '' WWW 10 do my work, v.v.y.v . $f '.. Lytjia Putnam s S Yege table Com pound was recom mended to me as the be9t remedy for my 'troubles, which it purely proved tojbe. 1 feel better and Stronger in every way since taking it, and the annoying symptoms have disap peared. " - Mrs. M Godden, 925 Na poleon St, Fremont, Ohio. Such annoying symptons aa heat flashes, nervousnsss, backache, head ache, irritability and "the blues," may I e speedily overcome arid the system restored to normal conditions by this famous root and herb remedy Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complications present them selves write the Pinkham Medicine Co. , Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to overcomo them The result of forty years experience is at your service and your letter be Id" in strict confidence. PETEY DINK By C. A. V01GH1 , w ; ; .1 p , : -AH HA I ALWAYS USED A , T I KILL KJ A HAU. vADEO U LOOD-NEP S DANV,MW A5 lb BACK, Wow I ACTUALLY S AV.FUU P j i I USED To V. Y Ntp I CUT EM UP IVaTo ) V ADMiT IT- ) I H77Le Places S, f ASOOT TM TirJST "Tace: Tme: mcarts TSuTcher. tka The 1 I Amo The livers J I . vhole Comm ssatcy It . f AND TT CBH V OEPARTMEUT J -t- j VJHlt- HE 1 -rr-,. T f ' jS xsuooldij't Telc yA v- j r f HjB VOMEM TWOSE . , -(THikcs - tmem n . n " ' 1 League of All English-speaking Nations Proposed TORONTO. April 3 A league of all ! English -speaking nations, united "In i origin and In destiny," could accom plish the 'salvation of the whole world," Dr. Charles F. Thwing. presl I dent of West em Reserve 1'niversl.ty land Adalbert College, hio. declared 'in an address here today at the Em pire club. He added that "the out look for the present league of nations today seems less bright than BTOT be fore." Of the "yellow peril" Dr. Thwing said "The people who fear a war between white and yellow do so with a poor, uninformed idea of the yellow mind. It is an unworthy interpretation of the Japanese people's aim. and the Chi nese always have been and always Will be a peace-loving nation." oo NOT TOO OLD TO FIGHT Ni:Y YHK. April 3 The dlstin I gulshed service cross was awarded here today to Col. Asher Miner. 58' frears Old, who after at first being jm declared "too old to fight." by regular j army officers in 1917. went to Frantofl al the head of the 109th field artillery II of the L'sih (Pennsylvania national J guard) division nml distinguished him self in nction. j FIVE MEN KILLED TACOMA. Wash.. April 3 Five meal were killed late today near Melbourne, j Wash., and three others probably fa- 4 talyj injured when a logging train on I which they were riding became un- 'l j manageable on a downgrade and j '. plunged from the rails Into a ralnr. li The dead and injured were employes J ! of the Clemmons logging company. " DOINGS OF THE McDUFFS MU AT7IF A Nncfl (ir Wcrtwarv A FULL PAGE 0F KATZIES AND FIVE OTHER PAGES OF PvrtlULJ n HUbC IUI U15i,UC V COMICS EVERY SATURDAY IN THE STANDARD W. HRD R LESSON IN RND TOMORROW THE I SHUCH3 I KNOW RLL (j HERRD THE CRPTRIN SCHOOL TODRY RBOUT) TERCHER IS GONG TO OUTHOW IRON WRS Uy TRI HORNING THRT C TELL U5 HOJRON i SAY POP! -That's the Sad End of All Candy By CM. PAYNE j i r - - - "m . 7 i , . . i Vrt i ) -r i 1 ' 1 r " t I "Pj uT v-4y j r t- ; 1 r ' i iir i I'll A - n liiT I ? 40U Bll I