Newspaper Page Text
J TODAY'S METAL PRICES X fftll to VT W'VY dVvV'V' WEATHER FORECAST NEW YORK Iron and lead unchanged. Spelter, ft 11 BT B 3 I B I R Xj U XB 5 B sM h Weather indications for Ogden and vicinity qu'et; East St. Louis delivery cpot, 6.106.22Sc; m J III T HI I 7 H A B 1 1 I I Cloudy, with local rain in north portion tonight or ' .TV' March, 6.1226.22!;C. t l " J VW V W mght'' "' SatUrday nd in n0rth Portlon I 0 FEARLESS 7 INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER Forty-ninth Year-No. 93 Price Five Cent. OGDEN CITY, UTAHFRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 18, 1919. ' LASTEDlf ION 3:30 PTlVL I I LIBAU SEIZED BY GERMAN TROOPS, LETTISH I GOVERNMENT OVERTHROWN AND BRITISH I WARSHIPS ARE PREPARING FOR ACTION I DISPUTE SETTLED Italy Demands Decision I on Fiume and 1 Dalmatia. PLANS DELAYED - Germans Will Not Be Permitted to Discuss Terms. COPENHAGEN April 18 German and Baltic - German troops have forci-1 bly seized Libr.u and overthrown the Letfsh provisional government, ac cording to advices received by the Let tish press bureau here. (By the Associated Pres) Conflicting claims to the city r' Flume and the Dalmatian coast which have boon laid before the peace con-, ference in Pasis bv Italy and Jugo slavia probably ill be brought to n decision soon. This controvert has aroused pub lic sentiment in Italy and when the Italian parliament meets April 24 it is probable Premier Orlando will be j asked for a "report on the subject.! I Hence, he is said especially to desire a settlement before that date Conversations on the Adriatic prob lem have been going on in Paris for some time, but n is indicated thai a , settlement has not been reached The Allied terms of peace probably! will not be laid before the Germans' until Saturday of nexl week and it ma not be until the following Monday thai the enemy delegate learn the I details of the treaty. This will delay I proceedings to some extent, it is be lieved, and it is not expected that the German delegation can go to Weimar, receive instructions and return to Par is before May 8. , According to present plans. the Ger man delegates will be permitted to ask questions to elucidate obscure poini.v but nolhinq approaching a dis- j cuBSlon of the terms will be permit-' ted. Only President Wilson and the Allied premiere will be present when ihe terms are p resented to the Ger mans. It is expected the league of nation? will have the place ot honor in' the terms to be presented. 1 Japan to Frcsent Question lapan will bring before the council if four on Saturda;. ih object of Kiao Chau, the German fortress in the Far East. Premier Clomcnccau, who refused on Wednesday to join in the conditional agreement to feed Russia through neu tral nations, has at last attached his name to the undertaking. Letters ex- hanged between the council of lour and the committee in charge of send ing supplies to the Russians indicate that conditions in Russia are critical. Libau Seized by Germans Libau has been .seized by German and Baltic-German iroops. according to advices received aft. Copenhagen. The Lettish provisions! government has been ousted, according to tbe re port, and some ot the ministers im prisoned. A British mission is at Li bau and British warships are in the harbor and it may be that some action will be taken against the Germans. Telegraphic communication between Berliu and Munich has been severed nnd Hamburg.. Bavaria, also is cul off I irom the German capital Dispatches 'lo not give the reason lor the inter- I upt ion. but German government and Bavarian soviet troops have been lighting at Munich for the lasl few I days. German Succecs Described WASHINGTON, April IS State de l. Partment advices from Libau today by Way of Copenhagen described ihu Ger man Buccesa in overthrowing the p' visional government of Letvia Wed nesday, when officials of the govern mont were imprisoned. The Germans, 'he dispatch reported, seized tbe treasury note;? of the provisional gov ernment and now are In absolute con "ol of the situation. The coup was ! ld to have been carried out under mk 'Up guise ol suppression ol the Bolshc ' "ki. jH oo 11 cm" queer Uiot no intelligence ot- hie should supply stupid civants. DANIELS SEES NENON DUTY Has First Glimpse of U. S. Marines Patrolling the Rhine River. VISITS HUN FORTRESS, Inspects First American Ar tillery Unit Ever Fully Equipped With Motors. COBLENZ, Thursday, April 17 (By the Associated Press) From a para-' j pet of the fortress Ehrenbreitstein. j more than lour hundred feet above the Junction of the Moselle and Rhine. Secretary .Tosephus Daniels of Ihe United States navy, had his first glimpse this afternoon ot American marines on duly Patrol boats were darting back and forth among the barges and tugs on the river, ihe American flag streaming from the stern mast of each little boat. At the point where the Moselle joins the Rhine stands a heroic statue of ESmperor William I, said to be the larg est of its kind in Germany;. Beyond I the statue ihere are great piles of lumber which aroused Secretary Dan iels curiosity as he looked down upon the activity of Coblenz which has been increased two -fold by the American j occupation of the tin. It was ex plained to him that tjje lumber was intended tor new buildings which will serve as recreation centers and bar racks for the American soldiers of the 'army of occupation. I Mr. Daniels was taken through the underground passages ot the Bbren breitstein fortress Which were built partly by labor paid for by tWentj million francs which the Germans, ex-; acted front France, and was shown the accommodations of American artil lerymen where but a few month ago thousands of German soldiers had been quartered. He also inspected the rao- i lorized equipment of the 17th artillery regiment which under Colonel L Y l i able, former cavalry officer and coqfhander of Ehrenbreitstein, It said to be first American artillery unit tull.j Equipped w ith motors. .Mr I anieis w ill v- ie tomorrow i morning the Second division, which in cludes a brigade of marines He will so lo Wefsbaden on Saturday and will I return to Coblenz by way of the Rhine j nn BURLESON TAKES HA1 IN STRIKE Submits Demands of Tele phone Workers to General Manager of Company. BOSTON; pril 18. -Leaders of the i striking telephone workers conferred today regarding Postmaster-General Burleson's plan tor breaking the dead- (lock that has arisen in connection with their demands for wage increases and the privilege of collective bargaining. Mr. Burleson yesterday sent word to the operators' committee that at thej I had failed to adopt his suggestion that (they place their proposed w-age scalo before the general manager of the I company, William R. Driver, Jr., h i (Mr Burleson) had decided to t ak the I Initiative in their behalt and had sub mitted their demand to Mr. Driver. Members of the operators' commit' 'lees asserted that as the strike of young women which started Tuesday (had spread until it involved about 12. 000 male employes in addition 'o tbe 8,000 operators, and conferences now ' must be with a committee of the New i England joint council ot electrical : workers. The council was to make a definite announcement ot its. position during the day. In transmitting the statement of the postmaster-general to the union lead ers, Mr. Driver asked that the st.ijk ers representatives meet him at ai earij hour for a preliminary discus sion. Officials of the company claimed some improvement in the service to day, but little effort was made in this city to care Jf or more than emer' em calls. In some of the outside ex changes it was possible to make local calls and occasionally to get a toll call . through. Piehard Crane to j Be First Minister to New Republic WASHINGTON, April 18 Selection of Richard Crane, private secretary to Secretary Lansing since 1915. to be nr. i American minister to the new rc nubllc of Csecho-Siovakia was an nounced at the state department today by Actinu Secretary Polk. Mr. Crane, whose father is Charles Pi. Crane of Chicago, is 37 years old and was born at Denver, Colo U. S. CITY MANAGER RULES RHINE H.M. WAtTE H M Waite was a city man ager In Dayton. O . before he en tered the army as a colonel of en gineers. Now he's mapager of a score of German cities - in the American zone of oecuption Waite finds the German city gov ernments are efficient and that the mayors are able lo give him data the day it is asked for that he and his staff expected would require weeks to eompile "Be yond doubt. ..the German mayur knows his job." says Waite. "but the whole democratic spirit of OUT manager cities is missing BIG FOUR MEET AT WHITE HOUSE Irish Delegation From U. S. Heard in Behalf of Ire land's Demands. Former Chairman Arranges for Hearing Before Premiers of Big Powers. PARIS. April 18. With the return; of David Lloyd George, the British pre mler, from his visi' home, for his i house of commons address, the coun cil of four, comprising the British, I French and Italian premiers and Pres-1 ideut Wilson, resumed its deliberations tqday. The "big four" met in the Par is "White House " Frank P Walsh, former chairman of the national war labor board. ex-Goy- ernor Edward F Dunne of Illinois, and L Michael j. Ryan of Philadelphia, ihe delegation sent by Irish societies in America to plead the cause of Ireland before the peace conference, had a J long conference at the Paris "White House" this morning. The conference J 'was an outgroMh of the interview Mr. Walsh had yesterday with President w llson. The American delegation to (hej peace conference has, up to this time, refused to receive Sean O'Cellalgh and George (j Duffy, the delegates of the , Irish provisional government here. oo Kansas Wheat Crop Largest and Best !n State History TOPEKA. Kas.. April IS The first Kansas wheat crop report of the ye'Sr, issued today by the secretary of the! state board of agriculture, shows that the condition and .-acreage of wheat in I Kansas this year is the best and larg est in tbe history of any 6tate at this 1 time of year. The report, places the acreage at 10,758,009 acres and the condition is J estimated at 99.32. If the ordinary method of figuring, the yield is used, the forecast Is that the state will produce more than 215,-1 000000 bushels of wheat from this crop I'nder guaranteed prices the value or fhe crop would be f 475,000000, or nearly a half billion dollars. This (Would average about $45 per capita I for the entire sut Driving Storm Stops Activities of the Aviators ST. JOHN'S, N F . April 18 A driv ing snov. ftorm, winch had covered th? ground with a sivlnch mantle and was still in progress at mid-forenoon effec tually put a stop today to activities of the aviators waiting here for a lav orable opportunity to attempt a trans Atlantic flight When Harrj Hawker, Australian pilot of the Sopwith biplane team, and Captain Frederick P. Raynbam, Brit ish driver of the Martinsyde, wem. to ibeir hangars a hall gale was blow Utm fi'jui the sea, , PRES. WILSON . SENDS AN ORDER Directs Industrial Board to Re-open Discussion of Price Stabilization. CABLES HITCHCOCK Retiring Senate Chairman I Congratulated for Cheering j Message. WASHINGTON, April IS President I Wilson has directed the industrial' board of th' department of commerce and the railroad administration to re open discussion of irice stabilization and endeavor to find a common ground upon which they can agree. Chairman Peek announced today that the board would take up the question with the railroad adminis tration immediately, bui any action prababh will have to wait the return of Director-General Hines next week from an inspection trip in the west. President. Wilson cabled Senator Hitchcock, retiring chairman of tbe senate foreign relations committee, to day bis thanks Tor the senator's re cent message asuring him thai the entire country was in favor of the league o nations Senator Hitch -cock's message was said after the re ision of do- league covenant contain ing reference to ihe Monroe doctrine. ' I am warmly obliged for your mes sage," the president said "it cheers and encourages me, and I am delight ed to know what we have done has been so brightened by the prospects of the league."' The president's cablegram was ari dressed to Secretary Redfield and ia his absence the text of it was ""' made public. Mr Redfield cabled h president last Fnda. ssking Whethei the board should c'n oul ol existence because of the '.vfusal of the railroad administration to accept a new seheu Ule of steel prices arranged with the industry, or should continue o,uie.--jcenl until the president returned and la new plan of action should be worked I out. The president's action is accepted generally as mean.iug that the polic .of stabilizing prices bj agreement will j be recognized I oo TROOPS ARRIVE FROM 1RSEIEI.ES i Entire Personnel of 83rd That Fought With Italians j Against Austria Landed. NEW YORK, April IS.- With (b arrival on the sfeamsjyp Dtfete Alig-, hiere from Marseilles todaj of 28 otTi-i cers and 687 men of the ni'.jnd ngl- uiont of infantry, b3rd division, com posed of national army troops from I Ohio and western Pennsylvania, the entire personnel of that infantry or ganization, which fought with the Dal i ians against Austria, has been landed land sent to training camps prcparn tory for demobilization. The stcam-l hip brought a total of 2,09,8 troopc The units on board included a casual company from T a The steamer Otsego arrived here to dnj irom Bordeaux with 1,036 troops, the majority comprising the 19th. 20th, i 30th. 35th. 3Clh and 40th balloon com panies. Two ofticcrs and 72 men were : convalesi. iim irom illness or wounds. The hospital ship Mercy from St Nazaire, brought ten officers and 37"i men who have been sick or wounded, j The majority of these came home bed ridden. CAMP MILLS. X. V.. April IS. Sev eral detachments of the 15yth infantry, ot the loth division, composed of na jtional guard troops Irom the far west ern states, left here today for i'ort Bliss and ''amps Bowie, Dodge. Pike, Shelby. Jackson and Gordon, where they will be demobilized. Sinail de tachments of the 79th and Smb infan try brigade and Fortieth division Head quarters were sent to Camp Keainy, California, together with a small de tachment from the Hath hospital train. Small detachments of the 115th sani tary train and base hospital 13 were Sent 'o Camps Dodge and Jackson re j spec! is ely. on Former Spartacan I Chief of Police in Berlin Arrested LONDON. April 18. Heir Lichhorn. former Spartacan cbiet of police in Berlin, has been arrested by German government troops at Brunswick, m Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen says. When the troops took Brunswick, Eichhorn tried to .escape by airplane, but the machine 'was forced to land and the fugitive iwae captured by the eoldierB. GENERAL WOOD AND LEONARD v V ' ) 1 wood cfe This pirture of General Wood was snapped just after he was decorated with a Distinguished i Service medal. Though the gen eral was not permitted to go over seas, his wartime service at homo has been recognized. BQLSHEVIK1 ARE DRIVEN OUT BY ALLIED SHELLS Mit'll ;i:'. Thursday. April 17 J (By the Associated Press) The Bol jshevik) have evacuated ihe town of Bolshie Ozerki. according to peasants I who fled to the Allied lines yesterday 'The enemy evidently was driven out by the constant shelling to which ihe JKussio-Allied artillery has been sub Meeting the town during the last two weeks. The Bolshevlkl are reported to ii . . . ; : ., , c. . I. .-. KHYe '.'smunsiKu yuoiuuua in iuc woods nearby. This bombardniepj together with a shortage of supplies, due io the thaw-' ing roads is seriously impairing the' morale of the Bolsheviki. who are re-,, ported to be without reserve provis ion. The peasants reported that the1 troops desired to leave the front but: that the communist officers were holding them in place .with machine guns posted along the road in their rear. Tlo enemy -, un- hel!ed ihe Bus-! so Allied positions last evening for, twenty minutes without causing any casualties. The other sectors are gen erally quiet. no Frank Jay Gould Obtains Divorce From Wife in Paris PARIS. April 18 A decision dis solving the marriage of Frank Jay Gould and Mrs. Ldlth Kelly Gould was handed dow n Thursday in the civil I court at Versailles. Mrs. Gould failed to appear in court, although she en- tered a claim for about one-half of Mr. Gould's fortune. The Paris edition of the New York i Herald --ays it learns Irom Mr Gould's lawyer that the divorce decree will be come absolute in a few months unless i Mrs. Gould appeals. Fncnk J. Gould is the youngest son of the late Jay Gould, a member of various New York clubs and a director; in several railroads. Mr;.. Gould, for merly an actress, well known on the New York stage, is his second wife i Mr. Gould's first wife, w ho was Miss ' Helen Margarel Kelly, obtained a di- vorce in 1909. Mr. Gould and Miss j Edith Kelly were married in 1910. no J Cairo Public Service j Paralyzed by the Spreading Strikes CAIRO. Egypt, Thursday. April 18) The dity was outwardly calm early j today although a majority of the pub lic services were paralyzed by 1 1. : strikes which are extending rather than abating. The cabinet today issued a fresh warning admonishing the strikers to resume work Wednesday. The brev ity of the warning and Its firm toue seem to imply that the patience of the authorities has reached its limit and that other means will be resorted to it the nationalists pursue their pies ent opurse. Meanwhile sympathizers with the movement hold nightly meetings In the mosques. The nationalists are sa'd to be stronel.N in favor of an unyielding attitude, 1 FARMS UNABLE ; 10 SECURE II Employment Service Meets With Little Success in Country Efforts. CITY LABOR SITUATION General Improvement in Un employment Conditions Seven Cities Show Labor Shortage. WASHINGTON, April IS Despite , t the surplus of labor in many sections I of the countr. efiorts ol the United P States employment service to secure labor for work on the tarms has met, with little success, says a statement: made public today b the department . of labor. Concerning the labor situ;' tion. the statement says reports for the week ending April 12, trom 59 ci ties indicate an improvement in un emploMuent conditions Reports from these rities show 38 having a surplus of labor in representat i e Industries aggregating 97.900 as eompp-red to a surplus over the previous week of 123, 605 Seven cities shof a shortage aggre , rating 9750, or 8't" less than the pre Ldua week, while IB show an equality ol labor supply and demand. Of the ". cities report ins surpluses, it is no ticeable, says the statement, that 1 1 howed decreases and none show a material increase. The report shows that the labor sup ply and demand in Colorado is equal .Nebraska reports conditions good with labor supplj and demand equal, except for a shortage of farm hr.nd. "Improveiuen: in lapof supniy and demand durin? the week have I " ; better on the Pacific coast than In any other section ol 'he country." eon- j '.eludes the statement. net ' Veteran General j of Four Wars Is Shot and Killed I i Vladivostok, March 13. Gen'er-K Etl Mifitchenko has been shot, accord-' inc to a statement made to a member of the British mission here by a Rus sian aviator who deserted from the Rrd army in January and flew Into the lines of Admiral Kolrhak's army J General Paul Invanovitcb Mistchen-I ko was a veteran of four wars. Hei fought through the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-8. in the Boxer fight in china in 1900-1. in the Russo-Japanee warj and the world war of 1914 He distinguished himself in the Russo-Japanese conflict by a series of brilliant operations as commander of a cavalry corps. Afterward he wasj governor-general of Turkestan and subsequently commander of the I'oni Cossacks. For his services in the world war he was decorated with the Order of Alexander Nevsky. rr RESTORING WIRE SERVICE MADRID, Thursday. April 17 The government has begun the woik of re establishing normal telegraph com munication throughout Spain which was interrupted by recent t.rikes. The news received here Indicates that quiet prevails generally. German Army Trucks Shipped to America For Mechanics' Study COBLENZ. March 25 Twenty Ger man army trucks of various types were shipped recently from Coblena to the war department at Washington for observation by mechanics ot the I motor transportation service ol ihe army. The trucks w ere selected from ' a lot of 1250 turned over to the, merlcan army of occupation by ih' (Germans in accordanco with the ar-1 mistice. None of the trucks sent to the Uni ted States have rubber tires, the Ger mans being compelled to use various' substitutes because of the shortage of rubber goods. The tires on mo.-i of the trucks are of steel on a wooden; foundation, the wheel and spokes Rlso being. ol wood. NEW CREDITS ALLOWED. WASHINGTON. April 18.- The treasury today announced the estab lishment ol new credits for tbe all! as follows: Great Britain, $100,000. 000. Rumania. $5,om.00i'. ,md Serh'i, (269,000 This raised the total loans of all the allies to $9.U;s..s29.. .f which 14,236.000,000 has gone to Oreat Britain- 130,000,000 to Rumania a.nd 927,268,000 to Serbia. uu COL. KANE ORDERED HOME. WASHINGTON, April 18. Colon 1 1 T P Kane, who has been in comraaivl Of the marine auard of the Amerii in legation ar Peking, has been detached from that post and ordered back to 'be United States. I TOAlV 1 German General Staff Officers to Relieve Bavarian People. H PEASANTS APPEAL Communist Bands Make M Life Intolerable by H Terrible Deeds. I BERLIN. Wednesday, April 16 - (By the Associated Press.) -The German national government i-; considering seriously the sending of government a troops, or a least German general stafl officers, to aid in the relief of IH Munich from the r.ommunist forces, al- IfliLH though neither the Bavarian nor the Ifl tlerman governments wish to cause a such an invasion of state rights if ll IjLI can be avoided. il The bulk of tbe Bavarian peasants, pH it is reported, are still loyal to the go- ifil ernment of Premier Hoffmann Tbe jt peasants' association has issued a dec- Irl laratlon asserting that the devastation ! ot" the countiv. ihe plundering of 'fljH houses and barns and the murdering iH Df peasants by the communist bands InLI have become intolerable jl Munich, it is said, is affected only slightly as yet b the action of the peasants in cutting off food supplies. ll It is declared that there is enough food In tbe city to feed the mhabltan -for one week, but the communists ba e IH seized all the supplies and can live 'TH comfortabl for a long time if they d not feed the non-communists. Gandorfler. a leader of a small see tion of the peasants which went over lH to the commuulsts. has been arrested by the Hoffurann government. Anarchist in Centra! BERLIN. Wednesday, April 16. (By the Associated Press) The Bavarian (f anarchist Zondheinier has succeeded u in obtaining control of the new com- Jcjl inunisf go ernment in Munich, ac cording to advices received here from the Bavarian capital 11 lolshevik Attempt Fails ' VIENNA. Thursday. April 17. (By the Associated Press) -Bolshevik sym pathlzers this morning attempted to storm the Austrian parliament build ing, but were soon dispersed with a jH few wounded. The city generally Is quiet- fM The attempt caused no special ex- j ritement In the city. It was tbe firs' Bolsheik outbreak Jure since la:-t November. !! Statistics Show I Big increase in U American Trade H WASHINGTON. April 18 Con- fH tlnued increase in the foreign trad" fH of the United States was shown In )'H statistics mhde public today by the bureau of foreign and domestic com merce Exports in March were valued (6051000,000, as compared with 00( In February this year itid (523,000,000 in March of last year. For the nine months of the fiscal year end ing with March, the exports were worth $4,991,000,000, approximated f,i;iO iien nun more than tbe correspond in': period ol last N ear. imports for March totalled $268 000.000 as against $235,000.00 in Feb ruary and $712,000,000 a year ago. In rive months the imports hae been worth $2,201,000,000 compared iriwi 2,083,000 000 last prear. McM ASTER A CANDIDATE. Y WKTON. S. D.. April 18. Lieu tenant-Governor W. R. McMaster to day announced his candidacy for gc PH eriior of South Dakota, subject to tb decision of the Republican convention in Pierre next December. 00 llH CAMP MERR1TT, N. J.. April 1S Six officers and 217 men of tbe 'J63rd regiment of infantry, part of the 91st national army division organised from selective service men of the far we ftdfl tern states, entrained today for CatfD Dodge, Iowa.