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Ijjjj THE OGDF.N STANDARD OGDEN. UTAH, - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1919. L I (sporting news I I GAME IS LOST P ATM PLATE Holkc Attempts to Stretch a Triple Into a Home ifirtlfi Run. BOSTON1, June 3.- Boston and Brooklyn divided a double-header to I day. Boston winning the first came 2 tn 1 iu ten innings, and losing the sec ond 4 to 3. Boston rallied in the oighth inning of the second gome, and scored three runs, but Holke was thrown out trying to stretch his triple into a homo run for the tieing run. Score ( first game): R. II E Brooklyn 000 100 000 01 7 2 Boston 000 000 001 1- 2 12 Batteries: S. Smith and M. Wheat Rudolph, Keating and Wilson, Gowd; Score (second game): R H E I Brooklyn 003 001 0004 9 0 Boston 000 000 0303 10 2 Batteries. Grimes and Miller, Neh( aad Wilson. DOYLE HITS HOME RUN. NEW YORK. June 3. Philadelphia braced today and defeated . v. "Soik 7 to 4. in the ihird game of the serii B. Woodward pitched good ball for Phil adelphia after the first inning in which Doyle hit a home run with two me.i on bases. Cadv of Philadelphia was put out of the game b Umpire liar rison for protesting a decision. P ' Score: R. H. E. Philadelphia . .. Ill 300 0017 U 1 New York 300 010 000- 4 6 2 Batteries: Woodward and ady, Adams; Tone , Schupp and McCarty. THREE STRAIGHT FOR CUBS. i CHICAGO, June 3 Chicago made it three straight from Pittsburgh toda) by shutting out the visitors, 1 to 0, 111 a pitching duel betwi en Martin and Miller. '.';.! Score: R. H. E. 1 ' Pittsburgh 000 000 000- 0 3 2j Chicago 010 000 OOx-1 3 u Batteries: Miller and Dlackwell; Martin and Killefer. i w SEALS DEFEAT ANGELS. SAN FRANCISCO. June 3. ! r iscore R H. E. E Los Angeles 10 15 0 ff San Francisco 2 10 5 Batteries: Aldridge and Boles; Baum,' Couch, Kantlehener and Bald TEN INNINGS ON COAST. LOS ANGELES, June 3 I 0 Score: R. H. E Oakland 10 13 2 ih 1 Vernon 8 16 2 (Ten innings.) Batteries A Arlett, Brenton, Kre-' NAPS AND BROWNS HITTING CONTEST Teams Break Even on a Doubleheader Played in Cleveland. CLEVELAND, June 3 Cleveland an 1 St. Louis broke even in n double header here today. St Louis winning the flrsl game, n to 6, after overconi in? a five-run lead: and Cleveland tnU ins the BOCOIld, S to r.. Both were free hitting contests wltb errors numerous. Score ( first sam ; R. H. E St. Louis 010 280 30014 12 1 Cleveland 051 000 000 6 11 I Batteries: Weilman, Wnghr, Dav enport, Gallia and Billing?, Jamieson, Phillips and Nunamaker. Scoie (second game): R H. E. St. Louis 100 310 000 9 11 4 Cleveland 030 300 02x- 8 11 1 Batteries Sothoron, Davenport, I Wright and Severeid; Enzmann. Mor ton and O'Neill. SEVEN PITCHERS USED. PHILADELPHIA, Junr gNew ! York made it three straight from Philadelphia toda, winning a drawn I out and ragged game. 10 to 9. Seven pitchers were used and all of them were wild and at times ineffective. I Score: R. H. E New York 200 020 13210 11 2 I Philadelphia . ' 2ln-- 'J U 1 I Batteries- Qulnn. Shore. Shnwkey, IRuel, Hannah, Gravel!, deary, Kinney and Perkins. DETROIT TAKES SERIES. DETROIT, June 3 Bunching hits in the third inninc and taking advan- tage of two errors. Detroit won to- I day's game from Chicago, 7 to 3, ana made it three straight. Schalk and L. vdermilk worked a double steal in I the second inning. Schalk soaring Cobb made two sensational catches, 1 robbing the visitors of three runs, j I Score: R. H. E. C hicago 020 000 0013 11 2 Detroit 104 000 02x 7 10 2 Batteries: Lowdermilk, Danforth an: Schalk; Dauss and Ainsmith. SENATORS AGAIN DEFEATED WASHINGTON, June 3. Boston' won ihe second game of the series j ( from Washington today. 4 to 3 Mc ln nis and Scott, by timely hitting, drove In or scored all of Boston's runs Score: R. H. E. Boston 001 200 0014 11 0 Washington ... 010 020 0003 8 1 Batteries Caldwell and Schang; Harper and Agnew. mir. Holling and Mitze; FrommcJ Houek and De ormcr. I KING IS SOME 'HEAVY HIMSELF Jack Dempsey Is surh a likable fellow that ho is the recipient of many favors The latest is "King," tho heavywpjght bulldog who Is one of Jack's most faithful training partners. King Is with the cham pion from sunup to taps He takes the road work and he waits for breakfast until Jack Is ready King likes to sit on the Door by the challenger's rbslr at moal time and receive toothsome bits of food from Jack's own hand Jack IS rather particular about the big doK and ion t willing for everyone to feed him Ho was a gift from a Toledo admirer AMERICAN LEAGUE CLUB STANDING. W. L Pet Chicago 23 12 .657 Cleveland 21 12 .635 Ne. ioik IS 11 .621 Detroit 16 16 .py St. L uis 16 16 .o0i Be -ton o 16 4 IS Washington 10 20 .o33 PMla elphia 6 23 .207 Yesterday's Results. t Detro.. Chicago 3, Detroit 7. At Cleveland First game) . Louis 14, Cleveland 6 (Second game) Cleveland 8. St Louis 5. t Philadelphia New York 10, iladelphia 9. At Washington Boston 4, Washing ton 3. COAST LEAGUE CLUB STANDING. W. L. Pet. Lo Angelea 19 667 San Francisco 32 26 .h52 Oakland 29 24 .547 Salt Lake 26 24 .520 . non 26 26 .500 Sacramento i .... 2-4 27 .471 P tlanu 18 32 .3') Seattle 17 32 .34 7 Yesterday's Results. t Seattle Salt Lake-Seattle game posponed; non-arrival of Salt Lake team. At Por land Sacramento-Portlaiid INFORM A TJON B UREA U 1 1 Notice to Advertisers On and after April 1, 1919, business directory ao 'ertising in The Standard will be $1 per line per month. Alteration and Repair Shop ladies' and gentlemen's suits, etc. Mrs Tarman, Broom Hotel, phone 6,"6 3S79 Accident Insurance Aetna Accident A Liability Co.. Auto r.nd Liability Insurance H. . Purdy, :,Z1 Hudsou Ave. Phone 483. ANYTHING new or old ANYTHING A to Z new or old bought, sold or traded. Phone 333. Books and Stationery Bramwcll Book and Stationary, 2-C2 Washington Ave. Phono ,:60. 2008 Banking 1 tab National Bank, southeast cor ner Twenty-fourth and Washington.' Phono 61. 1 .iin- postponed, non arrival of Sac-I ramento team. At oan Francisco Los Angeles 10, San Francisco 2. At Los Angeles Oakland 10, Ver non 8. NATIONAL LEAGUE CLUB STANDING. W. L. Pet. New York 23 9 .7S5 v ... nnati 20 14 .a8S Brooklyn 19 15 .565 Chicago 17 16 .o09 iiiiadelphta 14 16 .i65 Pittsburgh 16 20 .443 Boston 11 20 .345 St. Louis 10 22 .313 Yesterday's Res-jlts. At New York Philadelphia 7, New York 4 Boston- Brooklyn 4, Boston 3. Second game: Brooklyn 1. Boston 2 t tt-n innings) At Chicago Pittsburgh 0, Chicago 1. I At St Louis Cincinnati-St. Louis game called off on account of rain. GAMES POSTPONED. PORTLAND, June 3 Sacramento J Portland game postponed. TEAM TRAVELING No Salt Lake-Seattle gamp at -Sear- tie today; Salt Lake team traveling MICHIGAN BEATS OHIO. ANN ARBOR. Mich . June 3. Michi Igan easily defeated Ohio state in a western conference baseball game to day. 5 to 0. oo ENTIRELY CONDITIONAL He So you wouldn't marry the best man livinc I She Well, not unless I was sure it would make a better a man of him. Buttermilk Try our Maid o' Clover buttermilk 10c a gallon. Mutual Creamery Co, Twenty-third and Wall. 2671 Counselor-at-Law T. R. O Connolly, Ogden, Utah, Legal ft i vice by mail. Write me tho facts. Pho;.t 303. Carpet Cleaning EC Yan Kan-pen for upholstering, carpets cloauea. altered and laid. Re making of mattresses. Phono SfS. Expert carpet cleaning, matress renovating upholstering, and springs restretched. Call E. J. Hampton Co., Phone 2588-W. Chiropractor Owf-u W. llalerson, D C. Res. Phone 1086-W. 701-;02 Eccles Bldg. Chili and Tamales est in town, served the year around. 3. & 1A. CMi Parlor. , 2498 City Scavenger McCarthy &. Co., 2734 Grant venue Phone 201S-W. Dentists The New Method Dentists are spe cialists In all branches of Dentistry. 2469 . ashlngton. 2208 Dressmaking- My day or piece Mrs Duffy, rear 663 Twenty fifth. Phone 196 2207 Drain Tile for Sale Intermountaln Concrete Co. Twen tieth and Lincoln aenue, Ogden, Utah. Phones 2068 and 4S7. 2310 Electrical Work I Wiring repairing, fixtures Alham bra Electric Shop. Phone 284. 2773 Engraving Osdcn Engraving Service Co., rnak ' era of fine cuts in one or more colors, ! 416 Twenty-fourth street. Phone 463. Florists Tuneral deaigrs. 2219 Washington avenue. John Norton. Phone 125. Fire Insurance Charles Eisenberg, Phone 1359 .1 Calendonlan and Mid igan Commercial l Standard Insurance 1 07 j Hay arid Grain Hay. grain and poultry feed. Bell Bros, 371 Twenty . bird Phone 284V 210U Iron Works Ashton Iron Works. Now read) for j DOINGS OF THE DUFFS V I OI-fVlA. VJoutD Nbi LIWETO 5 DovjyJ I I OU .UEAvcaJ OtlvIA . I LWT Mj J "I j OH .TTM. SOMaTwiMw AHRA WA UAPPHAIPD HJ" 1 Se5 fT PRoAPL 5i5Pr"0 OFP AJ0 Uc-U WWLE 6E 0H - pGE Rt TrMC AD "I ,T WAS Loo 5 RNftftMO MUST UA H V(X OIDV MoYlcE T MjO MUST 1 I i?Afldfti r 1 1 I supped on town vei i siwwuc? II UAVe ukt iy ether utre iAsr. i ; THE KATZIES He Can't Possibly Get Time Off for Good Behavior SRY, DIDYR HERR YHRT f HE VsiRS SENT j (GOSH! wwfl7 ivp5 THE J ( DYNRniTE J HAPPENED TO UNCLE P rr , , r-r- J CHRRGE RGRl N S T HIM? V II JjENRy YOUNGER BROTHER I 13 - I ' ' ' ' I ,'jflliii SAY POP!- Old Timer's Proud of His New Clothes By CM. PAYNE I J (TAM-T SO A 1 Wou MUST , floWtiisilT ItT M I I IT CA r7-f j nA7E CAMT 6et) ' '. - J -" 1 1 businors. t 2325 HudsonTT P patrcnage is solicited YUr ' 3375 gssS Hides, Wools, Furs - O. M. Runynn, 2269 Wall , CpDI pay8 top prices. Phono TSl W CDue' Junk and Hides I Westorn Hide t Junk r0 Washington Ave. Phone S6l 223 Ogden Junk House, 2059 v-u Ave. Phone 210. aington " ?'A- Key Fitting j Key fitting and lock repairing u a 22 son Repair Shop, 469 Hudson'' Sft 'S Lawn Mower Sharpening 1 Lawn mowers and bicycle hauled. ..udson Repair Shop JfrJ Hudson. v' -4b3 sd, 1 3135 & Lawn mowers sha,pond anrt paired. Ogden Welding & ReDair rr 2274 Washington e. PhonV??! t " 3o42 gt, ; Life Insurance jj Mutual Life of X. y j P m Iff Motorcycles tin Indian agency moiur.-M.-lt and hi PB cycles repairing. Indian Motorcycle! U Pierce bicycles and accessories and M Miller auto tires 2576 Washington ill avt'nuP ?055 r; Motorcycle and Bicycie Repairing A" Salaried peoplo can get it without security, others on furniture, pianos ZZ etc. C02 Hudson Bldg. Phone 87l-j p Money to loan on improved real es tate. Kelly & HerricH 2;;i New and Second Hand Goods A. Sinr, new and second hand fur-j ' niture, clothing, etc., bought and sold i suir faes - heap 241-243 Twentv-fiftk rh me 1321 1 1 t Painting 1 1 ' !" 1 ' -Kim -: and lining ed Wll- ' ' kinson. Address Rear 73S Twenty. ) sixth street Phone 1520-J. 2457 Paper Hanging and Cleaning Paper hanmn' eleaning and clutlnj.J i All work guaranteed. 906 Twenty eighth sterre Phone 2072 N 248IJ 1 Piano Tuning Abo phonograph rep.: inner, work mteed Oscar Atkinson. Phonr 'ill c Popcorn ' ' - i i" m; r .:-, ore a day keept :he "doctor'' away. Sold erywhere. 22J Physician and Surgeon Dr. A. Fernlund, office hours 11 tft 4 p. m .ew Peery Bldg, Hudson Av. efl IJhone 610 Office phone 1900 W. Printing All kinds of job printing. Dee-.N'eute-.boom Printing Co. Phone 1166. 2191 Plowing For Kanlnii plowing, excavating and gravel hauling. aii 1S95 eal Estate and Loans 1 la rd Ka, real estate and loanii 2174 Washington. Phone 409. 1871 Repairing Repairing of all kind. Y fix finM , ihiug that is fiable. Hudson Kepj.t Shop. 246D Hudson. 3135 t Sanitary Work Sanitary Garbage Co , all kinds d lubbith hauled. Phone 620 Rl T Sewing Machines We rent, repair, tarry needles ad parts for all makes of machines, tth'lf Sewing Machine Co.. 2273 Washing avenue. Phone 2884. Q Second Hand Stoves 2422 We take your old range as first pap ment on any n.w rang';- or will buy your old range outrighu Home Farj f niture Co. 75-2 r Tents and Awnings P( Ogden Tent and Awning Co, manu facturers of high grade store, office and resident awnings. Waterproof con era, bags, etc. An thing in cans 2268 NN'ashington avenue. Phone 264. dWl 15,lUcc Toilet Preparations '4? 1 Franco-American Hygiene RfQ fl hi Can..n rn.,.j Fh-n 2J1;-J Typewriter Repainng llco Expert tpewrlter repairing. BJJ, sonable prices. C. A. Becraft, o 11 . Twenty -fourth street. "it,, ""Clf Windows Cleaned of 7 Expert window and wall paper clean- , ing an where. American inf 7 KO' Cleaning. Phone 563. 2370 Washington jj- Wall Paper-' n, sh Wall paper, paints, paper han6e painting, lint inc. wood finishing, vp Muller Decorating Co, 2644 Washing ton avenue. Phone 149-W. G. R. Evans, expert wall paper cl ing. Jogalong Tranvter Phone -- The world is full of ' has -beens. On whom the people fr0W-fl f Nobody cares how high vou After you ve tumbled down. m So gel out and hustle for yoursei' Or on pay day voullbo j. ' 1 K The mill will only grind W While you supply the g -J'Luto f,-i ! 1, m t -a h- n h" loiinil ,he d pf)l lectlves were on his tra k J ,p0tted V rover." I I ym M;t th- b"-v. man w;n bridesmaid. y If Hi