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wjm mm WBBSBSMBESSi Itt81i arcs wicBMWfawro i vrntftnlMffigmlfligll y THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, UTAH, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1919. m-mmmmmmv I I Lorin Farr 8 I 1 Park I ma U-i Band Concert every Sunday afternoon. All kinds of free HI amusements for the children, such as Gymnastic Stunts, con fig slstmfl of Trapeze Swings, Horizontal Bar, Climbing Poles, Kindergarten Swings, Swinging Baby Hammocks, Double I Shoot thc-Shoots, Giam Strides, Ocean Wave, Overhead Climb ing Ladder, 6moll Teeters, Large Teeters and Swings for the older ones, large Wading Pool with sandy bottom for the ht- I tie tots, large Swimming Hole with Spring Boards for the ! larger ones, Free Lunch Pavilion The coolest and best place in Ogden for the women folks luj and their children to spend these hot afternoons and evenings. J Good trails ler.d to the park from all bench streets Make it M a habit to come every day. Enjoy the cool breeze and the DM i abundant shade, where health is wealth H I ma Dancing every evening except Sunday, with the Lillian Thatcher orchestra. I AMERICAN FORK I SOLDIER ENTERS I PARIS GAMES PARIS, Saturday, June 21 Ameri can and Canadian entries for the inter allied games were announced today. Under the rules each country is en titled to three contestants in each event- A number of substitutes also have been named The scoring system for the field, horseback riding and swimming events will be: First place, three points; sec ond place, two points; and third place, one point. In scoring the boxing and wrestling events first place in each weight will be awarded two points and eccond place one point. Final selections of the American en tries in swimming, boxing, lenclng wrestling, association football, basket ball and horse back riding have not yet been made. The American entries officially an nounced are : Cross country run Nick Giannaka polis, New York City, F. A. Zuna. Newark, N. J.; James Hennigan, New Bedford, Mass. 100-Mcter dash Edward Teschner, Lawrence. Mass.; Sol Butler, Hutchin son, Kansas; C. W. Paddock, Pasa dena, Cal.; Marshall Haddock, Jr. Kansas City, Mo. 110-meter high hurdles Robert 1. Simpson, Chicago; Fred W. Kelly, Los Angeles W. B Am-- I i I. park. 111. 200-meter low hurdles -William L Sylvester, Bosworlh, Mo.; Meredith House, Riverside, Gal , Robert I Simp son, Chicago. 1 400-meter run Earl Eby. Chicago, M. P. Spink, Chicago; William Gray, Harrisonville, Mo. SOO-meter run Earl Eby, Chh M, P. Spinlc, Chicago; L. F. Scudder, Philadelphia. 1500-meter run C. J. Stout, Chicago, M. L. Shields. Philadelphia; Ai lie Schardt. Milwaukee. Modified marathon. 16,000 meters Fred Faller. Boston, William Kennedy. Port Chester. N V , I J. Stout, Chi cago. High jump Eric Templeton, Dow ney. Cal ; Clinton Larson, American Fork. Utah; Carl Rice, Parsons, Kans. Running broad jump Sol Built-r, Hutchinson, Kans.; H. T. Worthing - "CAPS" with proper snap and charac ter that caps should carry. did you know that there are entire factories devoted to the making of caps? "for that reason" our caps are as dressy as most hats drop in and try one on to $3.00 NORMAN SIMS 384 Twenty-fifth Street. Ogden's Exclusive MEN'S HAT SHOP "Meet Me Bareheaded." I LIBERTY BONDS ISO, $100, $1000, bought and sold at the beat market pricea. We pay accrued Interest to data of salt on tha laat coupon. J. A. Hogle & Co. Ecclea Bldg. 169 Main St Ogden Salt Laka ton, Washington Grove, Md , L. T. ' Johnson, Carlisle, ill Standing broad jump -William Tay lor, Jamra Humphreys, Eden. Texas, ; D. J Warren, Arkansas Running hop, step and jump H. Preni; Charles Bender, Memphis,) Tenn : J. E Matden, Net? 5 Tk Citj Pole vault-Florin W. Floyd. Vinita, Okla.. Louis Erwain, Des Moines, la.. Robert Harwood. Javelin throw H Liversedge. Oak land, Cal . F. C, Thompson. Los An geles; George C. Dronder, New York i City DISCUS ihrow R L. Byrd, Chicago; James Duncan. New York City; Charles Hlggin. hrrokee. Hkla. 16 pound shot put H. Liversedge, Oakland. Cal . Ed Caughey. Fkiah. I al , Wallace Maxfleld, BloomfiHd, N i Pentlialon Robert I Legendre, LewistOD, Maine; E. L Yidal, Madison,' S. D.; J T. Butler I 800-meter relay Edward Teschner, I Lawrence. Mass.; C. W. Paddock. Pn:- !adena. Cal ; Sol Butler, Hutchinson, Kan.; Carmen Smith, Bay City, Mich 1600-meter relay Earl Eby. Chica go; M. P. Spink, Chicago; William (Gray. Harrisonville, Mo ; L. E. Scud- idor. Philadelphia Medley relay C. W. Paddock. Pasa-'I'-na, Cal . M V Spink ( hicapo; Earl : Eby. Chicago, c J Stout, Chicago. Golf Harold Hurley. Washington, D. , C , Arthur L Hawley, New York; E. i W. Fowler. New York City; William I j Rautenbusch. Chicago; Henry K Davis, Jr.. Miami Beach. Florida; ! Howard R. WaHon. Champagne. III. Hand grenade throwing F. C. ! Thompson, Los Angeles; Samuel Thompson, Los Angeles; Doininick C. W'yaavagc. Uuzerne, Pa Tug of war William H. Grim. C'en tralia, Wash.; A Cobb. Walton, Mass.; Isaac D, Loftis. Hilham. Tenn.; H. H. ( ull, Wisconsin: A C. Nelson. Ren ! wick, Iowa; Burt McNeal. San Fran cisco; C. H. Johnson, Chicago; Lacy, jLos Angeles; E M Johnson, New fort I City j Rugby football E. R Converse; Berkeley. Gal.; John B. Barker. Mus kogee, Okla.; Robert Winsor. Gar.. Ind.; J ( Ciprimano Flushing. . v (Herbert R. Stolz. Palo Alio. Cal.; Paul' Fish-r, Fresno, Cal; T. C. Fitzsim- jmons, Washington. P. C, Herbert .1. Clock. Freepori, Long Island; John W.j I Coulter, Berkeley. Cal , Kenneth L Dole, Riverside. Cal . Edward M. jDurst. Alameda; Arthur L. Erb, San Francisco; James P Pitspatrick, Los! Armeies; Albert C. Freedon. Brooklyn.' N J . Pvalph L. Cal.-, Santa Barbara Cal.; Henry P Hauser. San Francisco, . (:eui. c. Hollint'sworth Woodland'., Cal ; Frank H. Keeler. Los Angeles; Alberi F. Knorr. San Francisco; Sethi Milllngton. Colusa. Cal ; Frederick Ii I Moore. Srvn Jose, Cal'.; Robert R Nor-I ris, Springfield, Mass.- Cecil C. I ' Hara. San Francisco, John T. O'Neill LOS Angeles, John J. Powers, Hobo-I ! n. N. J ; Andre Roosevelt. Pans I i France, Charles A. Scbrader Oakland ! J Cal ; Richard W Sherman, Palo Alto' j ICal.; L II Sloeum, Palo Klio. Cal - I G I'. Suavely, Richmond, Cal.; James H. Thoburn, Middleiown. Cal, Irvni" P. Toomey, Fresno, Cal, Marshall B Williams, Berkeley. Cal. Baseball W. B Fuller, Washington D. C; W J Fish. Boston; S Debus' Chattanooga. Tenn.; Jesse F. Gross' Chattanooga. Tenn.; Llovd Dfan Mil waukee; William E. Marriott. Chicago George Ta:,lor. New York Citv; Simon I. Brauscn, Mason City. Iowa; William J. Novak, Chicago; Edward Aaron Chicago; Faber J. O'Hara, Des Moines Iowa. oo IT 18 ALL GONE NOW. Samuel L. Kramer, Box 95, Sellers ville. Pa., writes: "I had kidney trou ble for two years and had a terrible (backache. That is all gone now after I using Foley Kidney Pills and I feel well again" When the kidnevs are .overworked, weak or diseased, ihe Taste matter remains in the svstem and causes pains in side or back." rheu matism, lumbago, stiff jointe. sore muscles, backache. Foley Kidney 1 Pills get results quickly and are tonic in their healing and soothing effect. " Good for bladder trouble, too. A. Ji. iMcIntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. nn Read the Classified Ads. Ebb f " : Does your motor pump oil and foul spark plugs? ; . Does it leak compression, lose power and thin oU in crank case' I We can remedy it without reboring cylinders. Satisfaction guaranteed. BARLOW BROTHERS SKSStf"- i m Jj f H LOS ANGELES TO I HAVE TWO MORE BIG FACTORIES LOS ANGELES. Cal, June 23. Plans were anno. meed here tonight j for the construction of a larc lire I factory and cotton mill. !ho former to' hf operated by the Coodyoar Tire nd 1 Rubber eompnnv of California to be in- j corporaterl immcdlntely for twenty n il l lion dollars and th"' latter by the P?;- clfic Cotton Mills company, which is to hr Incorporated for ?i.; million dol lars. Details of th two enterprises were, revealed by Henry W O'Melveny, a, Los Angeles attorney who is represent ing the Goodyear Tire companv of j Akron, Ohio. ' ite of tjfto neres has already hen Becured including tho property now tc CUpled by the Ascot spodwnv accord ing to O'Melveny, and construction on the two plants will be Bt&rted at ouce. The company plans to manufacture all the tires sold in western states a well as those r-xported to the at Ihe Los Ancels factory, and t ho Pacific Cotton Mills company will niill i all the fabric for the local afl well as the Akron fi-ctory, it was said Health o- THE MAN WHO SUSPECTS that he h kidney trouble and neg lect to talte mcnurci promptly for hit relief tlkinf danerouih' unwiie rink. !( the kidoeyi re not properK prrformm their function of puH(ing the blood etream wane product nd poltonou acid remain in the lyilcm and cauo oerrouioe, rheumatic paloa. backache, laofuid net. ore mutele. a wolleo joint, atifTne pufl--Incti under eye and other weakeninf lympiomi, pieyjgdney pills reatore and reiulate the healthy and normal action of kidney and bladder, bnofinf clean blood. ound nerre. clear head, good difettion, active braia, and all 'round norou health. M. W Taylor. CaUert. Ala , writea: "My ailment i kidney trouble. I tried thrre different retnedie. but none tare roe lucb relief a Foley Kidney PilU." A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co Two Busy Stores. oo A. C. Townley Must Appear in Court Wednesday JACKSON. Minn . June 23 Judge E.I C. Dean late today ordered attorneys for A. ('. Townley. president of the National N'on - Pa rt isan league, to have Townley appear in court by Wednes day noon for his trial on a chars.-" of, conspiracy to violate the stale disloy-1 alty' law. "It is Mr Townly"s busine-s to be here," said Judge Dean, "and no bus iness is an excuse No election cam paign is an excuse. His bond of $1000 will not be forfeited if he appears in court Wednesday noon, if it is physi cally possible for him to do so." Townley is now campaigning in North Dakota in support of various measures passed by th lasi legisla ture on which a referendum election I will be hi-ld Thursday. Joseph Gilbert, Non-Partisan league organizer, jointly indicted with Town ley was in court when the case began at this afternoon's sesion. Argument' started at once on motions by the de fense for separate trials for Gilbert and Townley which Judge Dean de- j uied Late tonight no word had been re- I ceiv. d from Townley by his attorneys! whether he had been advised of the' judge's decision 'Selection of a jury was delayed un-j til Tuesday noon upon demand of at torneys for the defence that triers be appointed to pass upon the men to sit 1 in the jury box Court cfficials said j ii wag unusual except in murder cases ' Three men will he named r.s triers. oo PARK CITY MINES RESUME OPERATIONS, PARK CITY. June 2?, All mines of the district resumed operations today, 250 miners returning to work. Men are being given employment as rapidly as they apply, and it is expect ed before a week has elapsed that the properties will be operated extensively. Nearly 100 of the men who left camp when the strike was declared returned today to take their old jobs DANIELS IS ASSAILED WASHINGTON. June 23 Slate-j ments of Secretary of the Navy Dan iels recently before the house naval affairs committee as regards the char acter and conduct of the navy league of the United States constitute gross insult to 300,000 American women who have labored for the comfort and wel fare of the men of the navy during the war, and slander an organization which comprises among its member ship many of the most noted and re spected men of the nation," Henry Breckenridge, the league's president, said today in an open letter to the committee. rr CANADIAN AN UNDESIRABLE PORTLAND, Ore, June 23 Over the protest of G. F Vandeveer, Seattle attorney, Judge Henry G. Bean in the federal court today held orer for one week habeas corpus proceedings insti tuted In behalf of Neil Gulney, whom the department of labor seeks to have deported to Canada as an undesirable alien. Guiney is alleged by the gov ernment to have been sent by the I. W. W. from Chicago to mingle with loggers anj advocate sabotage. no AMERICANS WIN RACES. PERSHING STADIUM. Paris. June 23 Three of the five heats in the 100-meter dash at the opening of the inter allied games here today were von by American runners. The first was won by Edward Teschner; the sec ond by Lindsay of New England; the third by Sol Butler of Hutchinson, Kans the fourth by Private J. How ard of Canada, and the fifth by Ckari6 W. Faddock. oo Read the Classified Ads. oo Read the Classified Ads. "BAYER CROSS" ON I j GENUINE ASPIRIN ; "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' to be genuine must be marked With the si.'e ty "Bayer Cross-." Alwns buy an un broken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, Toothache. Earache, Neu ralgia. Colds and oain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few ceuts at drug stores larger also Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaci cestOT of Salieylieacid. Shelter Provided j I For 1,500 of Storm Victims' ; FERGUS FALLS, Minn.. June 23 Civilian committee appointed at ma B meetinjr" fodav under the leadership jof Oovernor .1 A BurnQUiBt late ; night, had provided shelter for I he I ilaOO people made homeless by Sun-1 daj - tornado A proclamation was Issued by the governor calling on all citizens of Minnesota to raise funds I for relief work The death list tonight stood at forty-1 four and ten or fifteen were mis-.n,-j Adjutant General W. F. Rbinow lit-d j 167 injured in various hospitals. Train service was restored this aft ernoon. Strict orders were issued toniyht to the soldiers on patrol In the ruined. Idistrict to guard propertv in partial! wrecked homes and buildings. Two more persons were laken out i of tbe ruins of the Grand hotel ate today, one bein-r Mill alie SoM!er. tonight had not yet reached the h.-e-jment of the hotel, into whli h the lobbj collapsed during the tornado. Some of the rr.i'.sinu may be bu?irci j there, it is belie ed. Earlv estimates that the prope.-ry damage will reach a million ami a hi !l dollars ;ire being revised upward is" the extent of the damage is perceived ! nr. LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County dork or the Respec tlve Signers for Further l nf ormatlon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the Second judicial district, in and for the County ; !of Weber, State of Utah. In the matier of the estate of C. I Masaki, also known a K. Masaki, de ceased. Creditors of the estate of C. Masaki. also known as K. Masaki, deceasec, will present their claims, together with vouchers, to the under. igned admlDls trator. al the law offices of Chez & Liarker, at rooms No 40u-4Ul-4u2-403, 1 First National bank building, Ugden, ' Utah, on," or before, the 20th day oil ! August. 1919 K. KAJI. Administrator of the estate of C. I Masaki. also known as K. Masaki, deceased. Chez & Barker, attorneys for admin , istrator. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the district court of Weber county, State of Utah. Evona Investment companv. a cor poration, plaintiff, vs. Andrew Mon-! lague and Maria Monlague, defend-1 ants. ss. , To be sold at sheriff's sale on th-j 10th day of July. 1919. at 12 o'clock noon of said day. at the south front j door of the Weber County Court : House, m Ogden City, Weber County, Utah, the following described pKp-' erty, to-wit ; Situated in Ogden City, Weber Coun ty, Flail, and pariicularlv described as follows Lots twenty-seven (27) to fifty-two (52), both inclusive, in block two (2); 0tS sixteen (16) to thirty two (32), I j both inclusive, ir. block one (1); lots I twenty-eight (28). twenty-nine (29) and thirty (30), in block six (6), all .n iBrummitt's Addition to Ogden City. H. C. PETERSON, Sheriff of Weber County, Utah By Curtis Allison, deputy sheri:' iNOTICE OF SPECiAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE LION COAL COMPANY. Pursuant to resolution duly offered! jand adopted by the board of directors 'of the Lion Coal company, at a meet-! ling of said board of directors, held at the office of said corporation on the j 7th day of June, 1919, and entered in I the minute book of said corporation as a part of the pioceeding at said, meeting. . NOTICE is hereby given that a spe cial meeting of ine stockholders is hereby called and w 11 be held at the! office of said corporation at No. 723,1 David Eccles building, at the corner of Twenty -fourth street and Washing- I ton avenue, in the City of Ogden,1 County of Weber, Slate of Utah, onj Tuesday the 15th day of July, 1919, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ratifying an agreement proposed by the bDard of directors of' said company, and to be entered into1 by the Lion Coal company and the ' Wattia Coal company, and providing) for the consolidation of ibe Lion Coal j company and the Wattis Coal com pany, upon the terms and conditions expressed in said proposed agreement heretofore adopted by the respective boards of directors of the said Lion I a I Hermitage ' Park DANCE i every night except Sunday jazz band INFORMATION BUREAU U Notice to Advertisers On and after April 1, 1019, businei directory ad UI&1 'ertislng In The Standard will be $1 per line per month. Ktt, 1 ' ' vsinc' Accident Insurance Aetna Accident & Liability Co., Auto ;md Liability Insurance. H. A. Purdy, 3377 Hudsou Ave. Phono 483. ANYTHING new or old ANYTHING A to Z new or old bought, sold or traded. Phone 333. Books and Stationery Bramwcll Book and Stationary, 2362 Washington Ave. Phone 360. 2068 Banking Utah National Bank, southeast cor ner Twenty-fourth and Washington, I'houo 61. Buttermilk Try our MaM o' Clover buttermilk 10c a gallon. Mutual Creamery Co., Twenty third and Wail. 2671 Counselor-at-Law T. EL O'Connolly, Ogden, Utah. Legal aivicc by mail. Write me the !acts. Phoj.e 31)3. Carpet Cleaning K. Van Kac pen for upholstering, carpets cloauea. altered and laid. Re making of mattresses. Phono S88. Expert carpet cleaning, matress renovating upholstering, and springs rcstreiched. Call E. J. Hampton Co., Phone 5S6-W. Chiropractor Owen W. Halvorson. D. C, Res Phono 1086-W. 701-702 Eccles Bldg. City Scavenger McCarthy & .o., 2731 Grant avenue. Phone :01i-V. Dentists The New Method Dentists are spe cialists in all branches of Uentis.ry. J46y . ashingtoa. 2205 Drain Tile for Salt lntermountaln concrete Co. Twen tieth and Lincoln avenue, Ogden, Utah. Phones 2068 and 487. 2310 Electrical Work Wiring repairing, fixtures. Albam bra Electric Shop. Phone 284. 2773 The young lady across the way saya she sees that the London Daily Mail has offered a $50,000 purse to the first availor who flies across th3 Atlantic and ii must be very handsome, but she should think he d rather have i he money. The Yokohama Specie bank, Japan, i.s planning to open branches in Rio Janlero and some of the other cities of Brazil. Read the Classified Ads. Coal company and the said Wattis Coal company, and for me transaction of any other business in relation to said propused consolidation, and any bus iness of said Lion Coal company, which aui properly come oetore the stock holders thereof. Dated this 10th clay of June, A. D 1919. By order of the board of directors, ROYAL ECCLES, Secretary . First publication, June 11, 1919 Last publication, july 12, 1919. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby ghen that Ogden ( ity proposes to make the following public improvement, to-wit. Build pipe sewers in Sewer District No. 142, to g( tliL-r with work incidental thereto, according to plans, specifications and profiles on file in the office of the city engineer. And sealed bids are invited Engraving Ogden Engraving oervico Co., mak ers of fine cuts in hno or more colors, 416 Twenty-fourfh streot. Phono 463. Florists Sweet peas, cut flowers and funeral designs. 20ih. & Jeff. Ph 2628-W. 4579 Funeral designs. 2249 Washington I avenue. John Norton. Phone 125. Fire Insurance I Charles Eisenbere, Phone lS.'fKJ ;Calendonian and Micl igan Comrnerri-u ; Standard Insurance. 1675 Hay and Grain Hay, grain and -"oultry feed. Bell Bros., 371 Twenty-Jiird. Phone 2845. 2100 Hides, Wools, Furs O. M. Runyan, 2269 Wall avenue, paya top prices. Phone 781-W. 1528 Junk and Hides Western Hide & .Junk Co., 222: j Washington Ave Phone 861. Ogden Junk House, 2059 Washington j Ave. Phono 210. Key Fitting Key fitting and lock repairing Hud I 6on Repair Shop, 2469 Hudson. 3197 Lawn Mower Sharpening HAVE yours ground, overhauled, by onn who krtows, on premises. Phone 2021 W. 1551 Iawn mowers and bicycles over hauled. - udson Repair Shop, 2469 Hudson. 3195 Ogden Welding & Repair Co, 227 1 Washington ar-nue. Phone 99o J. 3542 Laboratory Our foot supports correct flat feet, crrns. calluses, bunions. Room 320, Col. Hudson bldg. Fry Laboratory. Life Insurance I Mutual Life of N. Y. J. P Corry, Dist. MagT. Eccles Bldg, Phone 53 2454. 3204 Money to Loan Money to loan on improved real es tate. Kelly &. Herrici. 2145 New and Second Hand Goods A. Sincr, new and second hand fur niture, clothing, etc.. bought and sold Suit cases cheap. 241 .'43 Twenty-fifth Phone 1321. Painting Paper cleaning and tlning. Ned Wil kinson. Address Pear 7 JS Twenty sixth street Phone 1520-J 2457 Read the Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ads. for said work and ill be received at the oftice of the cir recorder .l. the city hall at Ogden, Utah, until ten o'clock A M. on tbe bn day of July, 1919 Instructions io b.dders, plans and specifications ior said improe rnent can be s-vii and examined at the office of the city engineer in the city hall of said city. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and io ,aive any defects. By' order of the Jioard of Commis sioners of Ogden Ciy, Utah, this, the 11th day of June, 1919. W. J. CRITCHLOW, City Recorder. First pub'icaiion, Jan-.' II, 1919 Last publication, July 3, 1919. Published in Ogden Standard. Sewer D, strict No. 142. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby ifiven that t'gden City proposes to make the following' public improveraeut, to-wii Build I Physician and Surgeon ;rp,rren Dr. A. Fcrnlund. office hours H to i&m 1 4 p m. New Peery Bldg, Hudson Ave 1 -dtt. : Res. Phone 646. Office phone 1900-W.' 15-" W' Sal Printing AcbES All kinds of job printing. Dee-Neute- ! 2 ! boom Printing Co. Phone 1166. 2198 4 Plowing For garden plowing, excavating and I Pill 1 'gravel hauling. 11 1895. 25553 iJg, 8 ea! Estate and Loans Willard Kay, real estate and loan. lifiOOP 2474 Washington. Phone 409. 1874 'jfithln Repairing d We repair all makes of automobiles IJi-i 0 fMJI.LW ALTO REPAIR . 2 462 01 ffJSctl Grant Ave. Phone 178; night phon- F.ith 8ol. H. V Sncll, Win R. Miller, Geo , C. Theobald. 4618 Repairing of all kind. Wo fix anv- iTnWti hing that is fixable. Hudson Repair ; , shop, 2409 Hudson. J196 JJi--- Sanitary Work3 fc Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinds cf jtonce i rubbish hauled. Phone 620. p Is t I jftffl fc Sewing Machinei rtln? We rent, repair, carry needles ind 1 fttr 1 parts for all makes of machine. White Irii , --.sing Machine Co., 2273 Washington lr?MT 'uenue. Phone 2884. 'traD ' J. Bru Tents and Awnings "qgd Ogden Tent and Awning Co, manu- J 42)1 lecturers of high grade store, office j I uud resident awnings. Waterprooi co - 11 i -. bags. etc. Any thing in canvaa. de 2268 Washington avenue. Phone 264. pe j 1524 ac VI Vacuum Cleaners u Tel. 25S2 J lor vacuum cleaners; $1 for 24 hours. Sterilized dust bags. 419j ki Windows Cleaned fl Expert window and wall paper clean- 21 mg anywhere. American Window G cleaning. Phone 563. 237U Washington C Wall Paper I G. R. Evans, expert wall paper ci'cau ing. Josalong Transfer. Phone 283. rnn 2217 r in The young lady across the way says she's thoroughly tired out and ii going m- to tako her vacation this year in 3 some nice restive place , oo m a GUNS BOOM IN PARIS pi PARIS, June 23. (By tbe Associated WJ Press) When it became known of f l - ;; J cially here this afternoon that the Ger- ' mans had agreed to sign the peace treaty unconditionally, guns began to m-oni from the forts around Pnri.-. j Tnere was great rejoicing by the ex- flafj j cited crowds in the Champs Elysees. j j 50 ( pipe sewers in Sew?r District No. 141, together with work incidental thereto, ,tM according to plans, i.peclfications and ; profiles on file in ihe office of the city engineer. And sealed bids are invited ;T0C for said work and will be received at 5 ac the office of the ify recorder in the :lp citj hall at Ogdea, L'ah, until ten I ::ze, o'clock a. m on 'he ith day of July, 1919. Instructions io bidders, plans oo and specifications tcr said improve- raent can be seen nd examined al the unm office of the city engineer in the city iLlife hall of said city. , cki The right is reserved to reject any unnli and all bids and to vaive any directs. i-Mu By order of the Hoard of Commis- it sioners of Ogden City, rtah, this, the iil i 11th day of June, 1919. W. J. CRITCHLOW, City Recorder. Firt publication Jure 11, 1919. 110 Last publication July'3. 1919. Published in i.den StrindarcL 4i'N" Sewer District No. 141. n paWaMBBMMBHBMalllMMMBEa AaaaaMWBBBMBIBBMaataaaOQtJM H ii GIR 1 j We need 50 more girls to learn the trade in our II S B H factory. Very7 soon our new and most modern ffl H Be one of the first ones to enroll. Ift 1 1 Apply JOHN SCOWCROFT & SONS CO. II J I 1 Manufacturing Department B S-BHH - Bfl.llllHBiawBHnflHttH lot" The Hermitage Park is open for all kinds of outings. See us at the Park J before you plan your outing. Place to have a good time. Youvicry,! &