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THE QGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN, .UTAH, TUESDAY. JUNE 24. T9T9. ' 9 III . g c7our Very Qood Complexion Requisites At your favorite toilet counter or at any store where the better toilet articles are on sale, you will 1 find the SEMPRAY line of toilet requisites. There are four particular leaders SEM-PRAY $2 Jo-VE-NAY (The Pink Complexion Cake). Sempray Face Powder, Sempray Vanishing Creme and g Sempray Rouge. jfK Each one helps to make the other better. The charm of a lovely complexion is enclosed within 1 every one of the Sempray packages. MARIETTA STANLEY COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. I SEMPRAY Y$ FiCE POWDER. -ROUGE VH NtSH I J G CREME'SEMPMYJO-VE-KRY 2 " STRIKERS ARE J CONSIDERING A I COMPROMISE SAN FRANCISCO, June 24 Opera tor? and electrical workers of the Pa 'A cific Telephone and Telegraph com pany in California and Nevada who JBk have been on a strike for more than a week to tntorce demands lor in-! creased wages and improved working! conditions, are considering today a i compromise submitted by the com pany. The compromise offers the student i oked tjt operators a $2 a day wage which the ) Utn c: operators demanded and all other wape Mjbaj demands were met with a lower slid I t rjetct ing scale ranging from 12 to : if B hTe Eii; week for day work A different scale in tfc - wae offered for night work The max Imum for supervising operators under o' tta the compromise would be $108 month - iboat tfci ly. Two propositions were offered to the iocH t electrical workers, one proposing a six jr. months agreement with a basic scale of liooiaffc J5 75 a day and the second an eigh- ttkfettjm teen months agreement with a basic tier vt ?cale of ?6 a day The strikers had ! to set fa demanded a basic scale of ?6.J0 a day. Lnnnet ' GOT GOOD RESULTS, ifloullb; 1 This honest, straight forward letter I ! tb fcn from a woman who has suffered NdttH fhould be heeded by all afflicted with Mil backache, rheumatic pains, sore rou lid cles, awful tired feeling and nth r 'rythelai rymptoms of kidnev and bladder trou ble: "I have got such good results wpltlte from Foley Kidney Pills that I can 1 1 paJM sleep much better and the pain in my hewn?! back and sides is a good lot better, i prion to!, am goinc to keep on taking them." ELSO.S'.' Mrs Charles Gray, 270 Sixth Btreot, j Detroit, Mich A R. Mclntyre Drug ' Dlfll Avertl8ement- " i Kansas Wheat Belt jl I To Be PatroUed By Armed Guards KANSAS CITY. June 23 Detennin -ation to patrol the wheat belt of Kan sas with armed jruards until after har vest was reached at a conference here today attended by representatives of Bpflrt ;: the insurance companies, railway po- o-' (' '-' lice, secret service agents, L L. Hus- sey, state fire warden of Kansas, and lei hi L. S. Harvey, asistant United States o trx'': attorney for the district of Kansas H ri--1'- Mr. Hussey fold the insurance men nuiaa j reports coming to his office indicated ifleHofiV there is grave danger of the Industrial jtcfc, f&t j" Workers of ihe World repealing the CfcuMN ork of 1917. when many grain stor- pgl rit age houses were burned. IttM '- oo TaerU COCCHI TRIAL BEGINS flflfj ROME. Jun. 23 The trial of Alfre- Tjr: do Cocetai, charged with ihe murder of Ruth Cniger in New York In 1917. be- kMjtfftl Kn this evening in the court of as- sires, in Bologna. KONENKAMPTO MEET BURLESON Will Place Matters in Con nection With Strike Situation Before Postmaster General. CHICAGO, June 24 B. J. Konen camp, international president of the Commercial TeleKraphers Union of America will leave foi Was-hingion tonight in connection with the strike Situation which will be placed before Postmaster General Burleson by a committee appointed last night by the American Federation of Labor The committee includes lolin Walk er of the Mine Workers and W. E Bry an of the leather workers Konencamp is soinp to Washington at the suggestion of Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation of Iabor. Konencamp has asked E. J Manlon, president of the Order of Railway Telegraphers and J. P. Noonan of the electrical workers to attend the conferences. The railroad telegraphers are refus ing to handle commercial business as a means of aiding the striking com mercial telegraphers. OO Hotel Guest Loses $250,000 Left in Vault NEW YORK. June 24 Inves' (g- j Hon of a claim that $250,000 worth of Mtluables was stolen from a safe d-1 posit vault at the Baltimore hotel here is in progress, is was announced today. The valuables are the proper ty of Mrs. Clarence Millhiser of Rich- 1 mond, Va, Counsel for the Biltmore hotel stated that Mrs. Millhiser had registered at the hotel May 20, and engaged one of the safe deposit vaults in which vplu ables are stored. Into the vault Mrv. Millhiser claimed she placed property of "considerable value." Early in June, when Mrs Millhiser opened the vault, according to her complaiut, $250,000 worth were missing, includ ing a pearl necklace worth more Mian $200,000. nn Drafting of General Railroad Law Is Begun by Senate WASHINGTON, June 24 First def inlfe steps looking to th drafting ofj railroad legislation were taken, today by the senate interstate com- merce committee in authorizing a sub-j committee headed by Chairman Cum mins, to dralt a tentative bill Sen ator Cummins said he hoped to sub-! mit the measure within a month and i that further hearings might be held. fttrn Piedmont Peanut Oil ij 111 18 fine for frying especially "deep trying. It ia an economical ehortening for cakee and pastries, and adds a fieM i delicate nut flavor to all foods in tjrf which it is used. Ask for PIEDMONT jj y UNITED STATES i MAY SIGN TREATY MADE WITH TURKS PARIS. June 23. (By the Associated Press) Whether the Fnited States will sign the Turkish treaty. If suchi be negotiated, and the Bulgarian trea ty, is still undecided, and probably will not be known until shortlv before the signature, although Americans are I participating in the preliminaries dally International law experts are agreed the United States may properly sign, because of its membership in the l gue of nations, although not al war iih those countries no Colonel House To Leave for London Thursday PARIS, June 23 (By the Associated presS) Colonel E M House .innounc ed today at the lasfof the conferences ' which he baiB held daily for the purpose lot giving Confidential information to the American correspondents attached to the peace conference, his intention to leave Thursday for London. M. PadereWSki, Polish premier, and 'the new Polish minister to the t'nited States, Prince Lubomirsky, came In during the conference to pay farewell calls to Colonel House .uid ottered a graceful compliment to Colonel House I for the interest he had taken In the Polish cause Thomas Nelson Page American am bassador to Italy, who assured the Polish representatives of America's in I teres 1 in Poland Mr Page told j I'rince Lubomirsky thai the minister was sure of a cordial welcome in Washington. 00 THE MEN IN CLASS Al j A iound, healthy man la nerer a back fiumbpr. A man r.m be at rigorous and ablp at scyentv as ot twenty. Condition, not years, puts you in the discard. A 1 ttem weakened by overwork and care less livinc brines old age prematurely The bodily functions are impaired and , unpleasant symptoms appear. The weak , spot is generally tho kidneys. Keep them clean and in proper working con- i djtion and you will generally find your self in Class A. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically and your system will always b in working order. Your spirits will be enlivened, ; year muscles supple, your mind active, l and your body capable of hard work. Don't wait until you have been reject- I ed. Commenco to be a first-class man now. Go to vour druggist at once. j Get a trial box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules They are made , f I I.. r.Mro ..rlniil 1 ,..,,la,l 11 . r - lem Oil the kind your great-grandfather used. Two capsules each day will keep you toned up and feeling fine. Money refunded if they do not help you Remember to ask for the imported GOLD MEDAL Brand. I three surs, scaled packages Advertisement, o J. J. Brummitt will buy your Liberty bonds at the best prices. 2417 Hudson avenue. Phone 59. 00 Women's Union Label League Is To Be Formed With the object of creating u great er civic spirit and also a better un derstanding of union organisation among ihe women of Ogden, Miss Alice S Mover of St Joseph. Mo . will speak lonight at tho meeting of the Union Label League which will b held at 8 o'clock in the I. O. O. F. hall. The umon men of Ocden have form ed the Union Label League among their members, but tho women have never been organized. An organiza tion of the Women a I nion Isabel leajrue will be formed tonight, and the men's various industrial unions of the City are urins all their women folks and women frb nds to attend the meet -inn and learn how they may be of spe cial service in promoting the interests of the toilers and masses generally, and how they may assist In the great movement to wipe out sweat shop con ditions everywhere. When the league is formed, It is stated by its sponsors, that it will au tomatically become irerj active against BWeal imps and Other industrial con cerns that do not play fair with their employes. This, it is said, will bo accomplished by demanding that every artii le bear ihe union label, which will insure that It is made uuder whole some conditions. Miss Moyer is here to perfect this organization amoriu the women. She attended the meeting of the Ogden Trades and Labor assembly last night and explained the league program. She said : "The women are rising to the neces sity of lending moral and actual sup port to their men folks in bettering conditions generally and supporting union movements by patronizing only those concerns that are favorable to organized labor " It was pointed out by Miss Mover that many union men turn their pay (li' f.ks over to the wife who spends It on non-union made goods, thereby nullifying his affiliation with the labor organization. This league will also be used for political purposes in some ca6es, she said especially in lending support to the right candidates and in assisting in Withholding it from the wrong one. All the women who are interested in Ihe league are urged by the union leaders to accompany their husbands and other men folks to the meeting tonight. oo I buy Liberty bonds at highest prices. If you have I bonds for sale see me, J. J. Brummitt, 2417 Hudson ave nue. Phone 59. oo Some men are as hard to get along with as balky horses. SELECTING JURY FOR TRIAL OF DISLOYALISTS JACKSON Minn, June 24 -Efforts, to select a Jury were made today in: the trial of A. C Townley, president Ol the N'on-Partisan league and Jo seph Gilbert, organizor, charged with1 violating the state disloyalty law. The defense failed yesterday in preliminary skirmishing to delay the trial umil Townley could complete the campaign 1 tour in North Dakota, preliminary to: the referendum election there Thurs- j day. Judge E C Dean ordered Townley's attorneys to have him in court Wed nesday noon, saying an election cam paign was no excuse. The defense also failed to secure a separate trial for Townley, Judge Dean ruling that in a conspiracy trial, the two men in j dieted must be tried at the same time Los Angeles Strike Leaders Not Expected To Accept Terms ! LOS ANGELES, June 24. LOS .Angeles telephone strike leaders and telephone company officials expressed 'the belief todav that the comprorr Ise wage schedule submitted to the st'ik , ers by officials of the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company, ot 'which the Southern California Tele I phone company Is a subsidiary, would be rejected. "The wage schedule offered by the company as a compromise, and I feel certain it will not be accepted by thor.e representing the strikers," said Fred erick E Spencer, chairman of the lo ta! strike committee "I am not in a position to say what the strikers will do," said A. B Cass, president of tho local company, "but I I hardly believe tbey will accept the 'terms laid down In San Francisco. I sincerely hope thev will, however" There was a wide difference in tha statements of local conditions todav Those using the telephones fCund Ihe ser ice slow but not any wo-sc ithan in ih first days of the srike. oo Total Losses of A. E. F. in War Overseas WASHINGTON, June 24. Total casualties of the American expedition ary forces reported to date was an ;nounced todav by the war department as 289.016. including ' tied of wounds 18,570 Died of disease 23,396. Died from accidents and other causes 4&42. Total deaths 7 5.662. Wounded in action 210. 9S4. Missing In action (not Including prisoners released or returned) 2370 Tho name of John H Ambler, Ni 'pies, Santa Barbara county Cal., was 'one of two contained in today's cas lualty list. oo A Society i MARRIED IN FARM INGTON. i BflSS Juanlta Yearsley and Chester 'll Doon were united in marriage last Saturday at Farmington. Justice of' j the Peace A. M. Lamb officiated at I ! the ceremony. The bride is the daugh Iter of Mr, and Mrs William Yearsley and the groom is the son of Mrs. May E. Doon The youngVouple will make their home in this city HALE-YARRINGTON Surprising their mony friends. Miss M rle Hale and Herbert B Yariington returned to Ogden yesterday with the i announcement that they had been mar Iried at Brans too last Saturday aftei noon. The ceremony was performed i by Rev Father John S. Moreton at the parish house The young couple ;wlll make their home io this elt) Yarrlnglon resigned as first sergeant of ihe 145th field artillery vhil..- that lunit was In training at Camp Kearny so i bat he might see service overseas. He was released from service only a lew weeks ago HOME FROM CONVENTION. Mrs. Erma J. Hlnlev of 517 Twenty-! second street, returned Saturday morn-j ing from a trip to Atlantic City, New Jersey, where she went as a delegate from I'tuh to the convention of the nn- tional bo'ird of the Florence Crlttenieni Reduce Weight If ou wlih to reduce steadily. vt nt Candy, lco cream, etc, ret a small bos of oil of koreln at the druggist' Follow the directions. Absolutely safe, runran-tet-d method of becoming thin. No ft etarvlng, jou become slender racefui;, vivacious, mentally and phynloally alert ; glad you r alive! Reduction sriaraDteed 10 to SS pounds or no cost to you! REMOVE ! TAN AND SUNBURN with McBRIDE'S Tan and Sunburn Cream 25c the tube McBride Drug Co. Anew evidence of ill the economy of Firestone Tires is H shown in the mile- H age adjustments ;W now offered: M Fabric Tires, 6,000 Miles M Cord Tires, 8,000 Miles l No car owner will II want to disregard ;ll these figures, partic- I H ularly in the light I of recent revisions l of Firestone prices I downwards. 1 1 TIRES I Most Miles per Dollar I I 1 Western Automobile Accessories Co., Inc. Jl 2300-2 Washington Ave. Phone 340 FIRESTONE TIRE DISTRIBUTORS 1 ) 'mission On her return trip Mrs. Wn ! lie) visitwl in Washington, Philadel jphla. New Yor City and Montreal, J Canada. MEET ON WEDNESDAY Prpmoters of the Leagrue of Sacred Heart will meet on Wednesday, June I 26, at the home of Mrs Dan Hoyle, on , Lincoln avenue. GUESTS OF MRS. WALKER Mr. and Mrs William Salmon of j I Leihbridfje. Canada, are the guests of i Mr and Mrs. A W. Walker, 563 T?N n U fnUi street Mr Salmon is the sis ter of Mr Walker. LEAVES FOR CHEYENNE. Lieutenant Charles H. Andrus, in charge of the tank and cannon exhibit of the government which was shown in Ocden and Salt Lake, leaves this, afirnoon for Cheyenne. RETURNS FROM SALT LAKE. Mrs Helen Brown has returned to Ogden after a week's visit in Salt Lak- lor the Rotarv convention. TO VISIT IN KOCATELLO. Miss Martina Shiels and Mrs. Mar guerite Clark of Los Angeles, Cal., are visiting in Pocatello with their bis-1 ter. Mrs Monica Shiels Butler. All the yirls are former Ogdenites. I LEAVE FOR NORTHWEST. Mrs. Robert William Emmett and daughter, Mildred leave for their home I In Portland, Ore., today. They will bf I accompanied by Mrs. Bnunett'B pieces,! 'Mary Ensign and Eleanor Emmelt, of 'Ogden. The girls will spend the re mained of the summer in Portland. BUSINESS TRIP Charles E. Kaiser will leave for San Francisco thla afternoon to attend ;o matters pertaining to the estate of his mother, Mrs. B. Kaiser, who passed away in Oakland a number of weeks aso TO RETURN HOME. Mis E. T Spencer and daughter Fay, who have been visiting relatives and friends in Salt Lake for the past week will return home tomorrow LEAVES FOR OHIO. Mrs Rachel Ctllp, who has been vis j n ins: in Ogden with her daughter, Mrs. G. W Tripp, for the past two years. Ileft on Saturday evening for Toledo. lOhio. where she will visit indefinitely with her daughter, Mm Rachel Rob bins. OGDEN VISITOR Mrs. H C. Brown arrived in Ocden from Los Angeles, last week and was the guest of Mrs G. W. Tripp nnd her mother, Mrs Rachel Culp Mrs. Brown's ome tl In Toledo, Ohio, and i she acompanied Mrs Culp to that city Ion Saturday. I ARRIVES IN NEW YORK. Walter S. Berryessa, who enlisted in ! the Canadian army February ,;, IMS, lhas returnrd to f'ardston, AlbertA, Can- I lada, and iR now with his family who bav made their home there since Mr.' Berryessa's absence of over four year- j it Is needless to say that he is very happy. Mr. Berryessa is the son of i Mrs g A. Blair of 119 Fourth street, Ogden Another son, Walter S. Blair. ' who left Ogd.m. May 28, 1918, for Colo-j rado where he enlisted in the army . has arrived safely in N w York from u v eraeai FROM OVERSEAS Dr. and Mr C. W Baker have re ceiveu word that their son, VVagonei Gk Lowell Baker, has arrived iu New York with the lBStll (Utah) from Mai seilles, France, after seeing service! overseas for almost a year. The youne man has been at Mars la Tour for some time. POSTPONE MEETING The P.ih' Noble Grand club meeting to have been held at the home of Mrs. L W. Meld. 718 Twentv third street this week has been postponed until Thursday. July C. Nobodv gets mad these days If pe ople forget to shut the door. NORTHERN IBAHO i FIRES PARTLY UNDER CONTROL 1 i SPOKANE Wash. Jun 23 Two presl tires in northern Idaho were re ported partly under control today, ac- ft I cording to Supervisor Meyer Wolff of the Coeur d' Vlene district of the forest service today. He said both blazes, IB one near the Blaekwell lumber com- Ij II a enmp B Fernwood and the oth- ,i or near the Rutledge Timber com- j pany's camp at Kstl Spur were in 4 1 slashings N I Extra nun are hems employed to fic,h' possible fires, the present season H -o far being 'he driest for a long time I in northern Idaho, he stated. jj!y!Bfe:. Spring Fever j I fflB TPncM.iii and absolutely no "'mB WhVn you ar- constipated waste matter rr iK mams in tin intestines, decays, forms . poisons wbichlire atworln d into your blood .-uad carried br it to every c?ninTour".bod. When your "cells are thus poisonedof rourke ynu'bave nopep. . Pi Units', mm era waters', castor oil,ete. ,merelyorrr the bow rlct7and;im!u rnMpationVnd self-poison in p a habit. Nfestu-eVldiffercnt from drujs as" it does not force or i rnUtcLh e. - bo we Is . Nprevcnts;5tagTi"nt1on by softening the food waste and rmfflttapfir.theMntc' muscles to act naturally, thus re rnUeXcanfieof4constipation and self-poisoninc. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take.. NujithelpsNaTnre4 establish easr. thorough bowel evaco Hon'resTilAf.infervals the healthiest habit in the world. Getbottle of Nujol from your druggist today nnd watch yodr pep' come Kick. itl.'Mrt-'Nojot.-ii Hid In iled bottle hfxriaj the Nuiamrmd HUrk. fYamitlg. 'Atf drunU, laitooNiiJoL Tou maHr from ubatitaUa. Nui ol Jm j For Constipation WliM g ii ,,H . n